The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday, 22 June 2009 at  6:45pm.










Dr. Robert Lang

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

PO Box 32 Parramatta


Phone 02 9806 5050 Fax 02 9806 5917 DX 8279 Parramatta

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“Think Before You Print”




The Lord Mayor Clr Antoine (Tony) Issa, OAM – Woodville Ward

Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council





Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham



Geoff King –  Acting Group Manager Corporate



Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies


Sue Weatherley–Group Manager Outcomes & Development










Clr Paul Barber – Caroline Chisholm Ward



Clr Lorraine Wearne,

Deputy Lord Mayor  Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Mark Lack – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward


Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward



Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Andrew Wilson – Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Prabir Maitra – Arthur Phillip Ward



Clr Andrew Bide – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward

Clr Michael McDermott - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Clr Paul Garrard -  Woodville Ward

Clr Chiang Lim – Arthur Phillip Ward

Text Box:   Press











ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Regulatory Council - 9 June 2009

2        APOLOGIES


4        Minutes of Lord Mayor

5        Public Forum  

6        PETITIONS

7        Rescission Motions

7.1     Nominations for Joint Regional Planning Panel  


9        City Development

9.1     "Housekeeping" Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) 2007

9.2     Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study

9.3     Promotional Opportunity with the 2009 Supercross 

10      Roads Paths Access and Flood Mitigation

10.1   Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting minutes held on  
4 June 2009

10.2   Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting minutes held on 4 June 2009

11      Culture and Leisure

11.1   2009/2010 Requests for Fee Subsidy for the use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms

11.2   Review of The Loop Free City Bus Service

12      Community Care

12.1   Arts Advisory Committee Meeting 12 May 2009

12.2   ATSI Advisory Committee 28th April 2009

12.3   Council's Advisory Committees

13      City Leadership and Management

13.1   2009/10 - 2013/14 Management Plan and making of 2009/10 Rates and Annual Charges and 2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges

13.2   2009 Water Management Conference - 9 to 11 September 2009

13.3   Investments Report for April 2009

13.4   Parks & Leisure Australia - 2009 National Conference
13 - 16 September 2009
Holiday Inn Esplanade, Darwin

13.5   Review of Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities

13.6   Remuneration Tribunal Determination in Relation to Fees for Councillor Remuneration

13.7   2008/09 Loan Borrowings  

14      Notices of Motion

14.1   Illegal Rubbish Dumping   


16      Closed Session

16.1   2009 Community Grants Program

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.2   36 Gibbon Road Winston Hills

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.







Rescission Motions


22 June 2009


7.1    Nominations for Joint Regional Planning Panel


ITEM NUMBER         7.1

SUBJECT                   Nominations for Joint Regional Planning Panel

REFERENCE            F2005/01801 - D01228103

REPORT OF              Councillor P Esber       


To be Moved by Councillor P Esber and Seconded by Councillors G Elmore and M A Lack:-




 “That the resolution of the Regulatory Council Meeting held on 9 June 2009, regarding Nominations for the Joint Regional Planning Panel , Namely:-


“(a) That the Council formally submit The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa and Councillor C X Lim as the nominees to represent Parramatta City Council on the Sydney West Region Joint Regional Planning Panel for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2010.

(b)   That Councillor A Bide be recognised as the alternate nominee to represent Parramatta City Council on the Sydney West Region Joint Regional Planning Panel for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2010.

(c)    Further, that the Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Planning and her Director-General expressing Council's concern over its minority representation and technical selection process, and request an equal number of members on this Panel and refer to them Parramatta’s Central Parramatta Planning Committee (CPPC) as an existing and positive example of how Parramatta City Council assess major development.”


be and is hereby rescinded” 




Council Report from 9 June 2009

15 Pages





City Development


22 June 2009


9.1    "Housekeeping" Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) 2007





9.2    Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study





9.3    Promotional Opportunity with the 2009 Supercross


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                   "Housekeeping" Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) 2007

REFERENCE            F2006/00601 - D01201226

REPORT OF              Project Officer       




This report seeks a resolution from Council, as required by Section 54 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to prepare a draft LEP to make several amendments to the Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) 2007 and also to prepare amendments to Parramatta City Centre Development Control Plan (DCP) 2007. These amendments are of a minor ‘housekeeping’ nature.


This report also considers a formal application seeking to amend the CCLEP to increase the floor space ratio and height limits for 39 – 43 Hassall St, Parramatta, lodged by the land owner.





(a)     That Council resolve under Section 54 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to prepare a draft LEP to amend the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 as outlined in Attachment 1.


(b)     That the Director General of the Department of Planning be advised of Council’s decision and the draft plan be forwarded to the Department.


(c)     That, subject to the Department of Planning authorisation and issuing of appropriate delegations, Council undertake the necessary consultation with public authorities under Section 62 of the EP&A Act and following that, place the draft LEP amendment on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.


(d)     That Council resolve to prepare amendments to the Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 as outlined in Attachment 1 and the draft DCP amendments be concurrently exhibited with the draft LEP.


(e)     That Council reaffirm its previous decision and decline to increase the height and floorspace ratio controls for land at 39 – 43 Hassall St, Parramatta, and the applicant be advised accordingly.





1.      Council, on 7 October 2008, resolved to prepare LEP amendments under Section 73A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act to correct minor errors and anomalies as contained within the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007.  Council also resolved that any of the amendments not able to be progressed under Section 73A be included in the first general city centre LEP amendment, to be undertaken at the earliest possible opportunity, given resources required to progress the citywide draft LEP.


2.      The Department of Planning (DoP) has advised that the majority of the proposed amendments submitted following Council’s October resolution meet the requirements of Section 73A, although the amendments relating to 36 Charles Street (The Port Bar) and the Riverbank site (refer to items 6 and 7 of Attachment 1) cannot be dealt with under Section 73A.  In the Department’s view, these represent more significant changes, despite the fact that they arise from mapping errors in the plan.  These amendments are therefore proposed to be included in a general ‘housekeeping’ amendment to the CCLEP addressed in this report.


3.      Additionally, the DoP did not agree that an amendment could be made to clause 22B Design excellence under s73A.  This clause has the unintended effect of requiring a design competition for any variation of height and floor space ratio limits and then to a maximum of 10%. A Councillor workshop was held on 1 June 2009 to discuss controls in the CCLEP for variations to height and floor space ratio. This is a more complex matter, requiring further investigation and will be dealt with separately to the more straightforward ‘housekeeping amendments’ addressed in this report.




4.         Generally the amendments proposed to the CCLEP and DCP are not of major significance; resolving issues of interpretation and omission and or being in accord with previous positions and resolutions of Council.


5.         A list of proposed amendments is outlined in Attachment 1. The attachment outlines each issue/problem and the suggested amendment to resolve the problem.


6.         The proposed amendments to the LEP include:


·    To include markets as exempt development and to alter parking standards to maximums.  These proposed amendments are in accordance with a Council resolution passed after exhibition of the city centre LEP, but which were not included in the gazetted LEP.

·    To exclude security shutters from exempt development in accordance with a Council resolution of 7 October 2008.

·    Remove the prohibition of advertisements on land zoned B3 Commercial Core and B4 Mixed Use.

·    To remove a number of reservations for road widening and regional open space where the land has already been acquired and amend/add a reservation for road widening to achieve a future laneway.

·    To include an appropriate FSR for land at 36 Charles St and within the Riverbank block.


7.         The proposed amendments to the DCP include:


·    To correct a numerical error relating to building setback to street frontage.

·    To reference Council’s adopted Childcare Centres DCP in the City Centre DCP.

·    To include the floodplain matrix table, which is referenced in the DCP but previously omitted in error. (Attachment 4)

·    To include objectives and controls for the Justice Precinct and Commercial Core Special Areas. (Attachment 5)


8.         A proposal to increase the floor space ratio and height limits for 39 – 43 Hassall St, lodged on behalf of the land owner as a formal request to amend the City Centre LEP, has also been considered, but for reasons that are outlined in Attachment 3, the proposed increases are not supported. This is consistent with Council’s previous decision when considering submissions at the time of exhibition of the draft CCLEP. The submission proposes to increase height from a maximum of 54 metres to 72 metres and to double the maximum FSR from 4:1 to 8:1.




9.         The procedures for amendment of the city centre LEP and DCP are set out in the Environment or Planning and Assessment Act and Regulations. Both involve statutory exhibition of the proposed changes.  The key difference between amending the LEP compared to amending the DCP is that the Minister's approval is required to amend the LEP and any amendments to the LEP will only take effect when they are published in the government gazette.  Amendments to the DCP by comparison, only require the approval of Council, and will take effect once a notice is published in the local newspapers.


10.    The next step in the review process will be to inform the DoP of Council’s decision to prepare proposed changes to the city centre LEP.  The proposed changes will be subject to review by the DoP’s LEP Review Panel.  Consultation will then be undertaken with public bodies and agencies under Section 62 of the Act.  At the conclusion of this process the proposed changes to the LEP and DCP will be placed on public exhibition, after which a further report will be put to Council.




Paul Kennedy                                                    Sue Stewart

Project Officer Land Use Planning            Senior Project Officer Land Use Planning





Proposed Amendments to City Centre LEP and DCP 2007

5 Pages



Proposed Map Amendments

12 Pages



Evaluation of request for amendment regarding 39 to 43 Hassall Street

4 Pages



Floodplain Matrix

2 Pages



Objectives and Controls for City Centre Character Areas

2 Pages









ITEM NUMBER         9.2

SUBJECT                   Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study

REFERENCE            F2007/02318 - D01224667

REPORT OF              Place Manager - City Strategy       




The purpose of this report is to provide feedback on the findings of the public exhibition of the Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study and Draft Action Plan and to propose adoption of the Draft Action Plan.





(a)       That Council receive the Draft Granville Town Centre Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study and adopt the Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Action Plan.


(b)       Further, that a letter be sent to the NSW Minister for Transport requesting an urgent meeting to hasten discussions regarding the short and long term plans for Granville Railway Station, the adjoining Transport Interchange and investigate the provision of Commuter Car Parking in Granville.




1.         On 23 March 2009 Council resolved to place the Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study (see Attachment 1) and Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Action Plan (see Attachment 2) on public exhibition and to refer them to the Traffic Committee for comment.


2.         The Traffic Committee reviewed and considered the documents and made no objections or comments.  The report outlining the Traffic Committees recommendation was adopted by Council on the 27 April 2009.


3.         Four (4) submissions were received from the public exhibition held from 27 March 2009 to 24 April 2009.  These included comments from the Granville Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  A summary of comments is available as Attachment 4.


4.         The feedback from submissions indicated that both shopper and commuter car parking are key issues.  With this in mind Item 9 in Draft Action Plan has been modified to include a further review of the current parking hierarchy. 






5.         On 23 February 2009 Council resolved to write to the Ministry of Transport with a view to ensuring that there are no freight trains running in peak hours and also seeking the freight timetable for the Carlingford line.  Information provided by Railcorp Network Access on the freight timetable for the Carlingford line indicates that currently there is 1 freight train movement that crosses Parramatta Road during the morning peak and 1 during the evening peak. The result of this was reported to Council at its meeting 23 March 2009.


6.         Council is yet to receive a response from the Minister of Transport regarding freight train movements across Parramatta Road during peak hour or regarding any other issues regarding the Granville Town Centre.  It is recommended that Council write to the Minister for Transport requesting an urgent meeting to hasten discussions regarding the short and long term plans for Granville Railway Station, the adjoining Transport Interchange and to investigate the provision of Commuter Car Parking in Granville.




7.         The executive summary of the draft Study and the draft Action Plan was placed on public exhibition for 4 weeks from 27 March 2009 to 24 April 2009. 


8.         The draft Study and draft Action Plan was exhibited on Council’s website and at Council facilities including Darcy Street offices, Granville and Parramatta Libraries, Granville Town Hall and Granville RSL. The exhibition was advertised in the local press.


9.         Letters were sent to all attendees of previous Council consultation workshops.  The two previous community consultations were attended by over 80 people following a mail out to more than 5000 residents and business owners.  Feedback from these consultations was used to formulate both the draft Study and the final draft Action Plan.


10.       The draft Study and draft Action Plan was considered by the Traffic Committee at its meeting 6 April 2009. 








Neile Robinson                                                                     David Gray

Place Manager                                                                   Senior Project Officer

                                                                                                 Transport Planning





Draft Executive Summary Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study

14 Pages



Final Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Action Plan

4 Pages



Aerial Map Final Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking & Transport Plan

1 Page



Summary of Submissions and Response

3 Pages







ITEM NUMBER         9.3

SUBJECT                   Promotional Opportunity with the 2009 Supercross

REFERENCE            F2009/01568 - D01225899

REPORT OF              Manager Economic Development       




To seek approval from Council to support a promotional opportunity with the Supercross Australasian Championship event that is to be held in Parramatta in November 2009. 





(a)       That Council consider the business case for, and endorse the Economic Development Team to direct $10,000 from the Economic Development special rate towards a promotional opportunity associated with the Supercross event to be held at Parramatta Stadium on Saturday night, 14 November 2009.


(b)       Further, that Council nominate two Councillors to attend the event together with the Lord Mayor and a relevant member of the Economic Development Team to host key partners or business leaders at this event.





1.      Planning approval for this event was granted to Parramatta Stadium in 2008 by the NSW Planning Minister and is valid until 7 October 2011.

2.      Supercross is returning to Parramatta in November, but this time as the only NSW event. A Wollongong event will not be held this year.

3.      Over 15,000 people attended last year. This year 18,500 are expected.


4.      Over half a million television viewers watch the event via Foxsports, Fuel TV and Network Ten in Australia. It is also shown on TVNZ in New Zealand and Australia Network in Asia. 

5.      Of the expected 18,500 ticketholders, approximately 40% will come from outside Western Sydney, generally from the Central Coast and Hunter areas as well as (this year) from the Wollongong area. Many are expected to bring partners.


6.    Parramatta Council has the opportunity to promote the attributes of the city to ticketholders and partners as well as a large national audience via the Supercross media package. It will enable Council to position Parramatta in the eyes of the viewing public as a vibrant, eventful city with plenty to see and do.

7.      Parramatta Council has the opportunity to promote the attributes of the city to ticketholders and partners as well as the viewing public via an arrangement with Supercross that will deliver Parramatta larger-than-normal audience exposure.




8.      A number of Councillors have raised concerns about the local restaurant, café and accommodation sectors which have been experiencing a downturn in business due to the current economic climate. This event will have a positive direct and ongoing economic impact on these sectors.


9.      In terms of direct impact, information from two of Parramatta’s major hoteliers has indicated that last year’s event contributed to between 30% and 40% of their occupancy and turnover during the evening of the event – approximately $20,000 in direct expenditure.  Extrapolating this to the 11 Parramatta establishments providing accommodation of 15 plus rooms would represent a potential significant boost to this sector alone. It is also reasonable to expect the same impact on restaurants and cafes. 

10.    Further direct and ongoing positive economic impact will be achieved by raising Parramatta’s profile via the media opportunities attached to the event. Parramatta Council will be launching its new destination website at this time - and the Supercross sponsorship offers some unique opportunities to build awareness of the site via television media, venue signage, official website, and other promotional channels listed at Attachment 1.

11.    Of particular significance is the opportunity to run a 30-60 second in-program ‘postcard’ about Parramatta – its strengths as a business and leisure destination, its dining, shopping and heritage attractions – inside the television program. The commentators also will talk favourably about Parramatta as part of the television coverage. These messages will target those watching at home, who may consider visiting Parramatta in future. The promotional efforts undertaken in the lead-up and at the Stadium will target the partners of the male ticketholders, encouraging them to sample the city life of Parramatta.  


12.    A technical economic impact assessment of this event undertaken by the Manager, Economic Development is also presented in Attachment 2 together with a post 2008 analysis undertaken by Supercross in Attachment 3.

13.    In addition, the Lord Mayor will have the opportunity to work with the Economic Development Team to invite and speak to special guests and corporate sponsors in the VIP room.



14.    The audience is predominantly male, aged over eighteen years of age. Anti-social behaviour was not a feature of last year’s event, and no major incidents were reported, however, the possibility of alcohol-related incidents cannot be ruled out. Given Parramatta’s good track record in managing football and major event crowds we do not see this as an impediment. It should also be noted that Launceston, Geelong, Canberra, Hamilton NZ and Brisbane City Councils have chosen to support Supercross events this year. 


15.    There was some opposition raised last year, particularly concerning noise. In response to this, it should be noted that as this is a night event it will not conflict with the day activities of the park and will only present a small inconvenience, if any, to local residents within earshot. The Economic Development Team is not aware of any complaints arising post-event last year. 






Mike Thomas

Manager Economic Development





Summary of Benefits

1 Page



Economic Modelling of Supercross 2009

9 Pages



Supercross Post 2008 Analysis

12 Pages







Roads Paths Access and Flood Mitigation


22 June 2009


10.1  Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting minutes held on  
4 June 2009





10.2  Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting minutes held on 4 June 2009


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                   Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting minutes held on  
4 June 2009

REFERENCE            F2008/05098 - D01227509

REPORT OF              Manager Traffic and Transport       




That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group (TEAG) meeting held on 4 June 2009. 





That the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 4 June 2009 be adopted.




Marcelo Occhiuzzi

Manager – Land Use and Transport Planning





Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting minute - 4 June 2009

7 Pages







ITEM NUMBER         10.2

SUBJECT                   Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting minutes held on 4 June 2009

REFERENCE            F2008/05091 - D01227991

REPORT OF              Manager Traffic and Transport       




That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 4 June 2009. 






That the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 4 June 2009 be adopted.







Marcelo Occhiuzzi

Manager – Land Use and Transport Planning




Parramatta Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes held on 4 June 2009

4 Pages



Parking Restrictions in Harris Park

1 Page







Culture and Leisure


22 June 2009


11.1  2009/2010 Requests for Fee Subsidy for the use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms





11.2  Review of The Loop Free City Bus Service


ITEM NUMBER         11.1

SUBJECT                   2009/2010 Requests for Fee Subsidy for the use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms

REFERENCE            F2004/07903 - D01226554

REPORT OF              Recreation Development Officer       




This report details the process and recommendations for 2009/2010 Fee Subsidies for the use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms by annual hirers.





(a)       That the report on requests for fee subsidies for the use of public halls, community centres and meeting rooms by annual hirers for 2009/2010 be received and noted.


(b)       That Council approve the annual fee subsidies to be granted as recommended in the 2009/2010 Fee Subsidy Assessment Sheet.


(c)        That the applicants who have been unsuccessful in receiving a full exemption, be contacted to negotiate a payment program.


(d)       Further, that the invoices be issued to those groups who are required to pay fees for their use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms.





1.      At its meeting of 23 September 2002, Council endorsed the assessment criteria and procedure for managing requests for fee exemptions and reductions.


2.      At its meeting of 29 March 2005, Council approved delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive Officer to award subsidies outside of the annual process where groups fully meet the endorsed criteria.




3.      Council agreed in 2002, on a policy for fee subsidies for Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms.  This report implements this policy for 2009/2010.


4.      All annual hirers were invited to apply for a fee subsidy in their booking confirmations.


5.      There were forty three (43) requests for application forms. A copy of the application form is Attachment 1. A copy of the accompanying letter is Attachment 2.


6.      Thirty eight (38) applications for fee subsidies were received this year.



7.      There were 3 new applicants from previous years applying for a fee subsidy.


8.      Council Officers have assessed the applications against the endorsed criteria Attachment 3. A table that summarises the applications, the groups' demonstrated contribution to the community and inability to pay is at Attachment 4.  The subsidies recommended for consideration by Council appear in the second last column of the table.





9.      The assessment process undertaken for this year’s fee subsidy, consisted of an assessment panel of Council officers from the Community Capacity Building Team and the Recreation Programs and Facilities Team.

10.    Thirty six (36) applications currently meet the assessment criteria.  Two (2) applications do not meet the assessment criteria, however Council may choose to subsidise these applications at their discretion.

11.    The first of these, the Rydalmere-Ermington Senior Citizens does not meet the essential criteria as they have the ability to meet the cost of their hire.  Although the activities of the group operate in a deficit, the group have a modest bank balance and it has been confirmed in discussions with the applicant, that these funds have not been allocated to a particular purpose.  The hirer does not, therefore, currently meet Council’s assessment criteria for subsided hire.  

12.    The second application that does not meet the criteria is the Young Christian Workers group.  According to the financial details provided by the applicant, the group receives sufficient income annually to cover their operating expenses (including hall hire) and still achieve a profit.




13.    Of the applications that currently meet the assessment criteria, it is determined that the total subsidy required to be granted is $108,267.38.

14.    Last year, the total subsidy granted was $98,329.81.  The 2009/2010 budget allocates an amount of $65,649 based on the budget allocated in 2008/2009.

15.    Management of the difference between the allocated budget and the total recommended subsidy will be reported to Council through the September 2009 quarterly review process.




16.    The process for subsidies for 2009/2010 includes for the first time, applications from the regular hirers of the facilities at Granville Youth and Community Recreation Centre (GYCRC).  Previously, applications for subsidies were assessed by the GYCRC Advisory Committee.  The consolidation of the subsidy process ensures that requests from all hirers of Council facilities are managed with equity and fairness.

17.    There were 4 subsidy applications received from GYCRC hirers (3 of which are recommended) totalling $9659.42.

18.    The fee subsidy criteria Attachment 3 was developed and endorsed by Council in 2002. 

19.    It is timely that a review of the assessment criteria is undertaken in the next 12 months.  The review will consider Strategic Asset Management Principles and the alignment with Councils strategic priorities.   A discussion paper will be prepared for Councillor input prior to the matter being reported formally to Council for decision.


Nick Wright

Service Manager

Recreation Facilities and Programs






Attachment 1 - Fee Subsidy - Application Form

3 Pages



Attachment 2 - Fee Subsidy - Request Letter

2 Pages



Attachment 3 - Fee Subsidy - Assessment Criteria

1 Page



Attachment 4 - Fee Subsidy Assessment Sheet

1 Page







ITEM NUMBER         11.2

SUBJECT                   Review of The Loop Free City Bus Service

REFERENCE            F2004/08730 - D01221283

REPORT OF              Manager City Assets and Environment       




The purpose of this report is to advise Council of the outcome of the review of The Loop free city bus service and to seek Council endorsement for an alteration to the route within the Parramatta CBD and for the use of Council’s third bus during periods of peak demand. The report responds to suggestions and requests made at a workshop of Councillors on 12 May 2009.


Finally, the report recommends that a further report be provided to Council which addresses options for expanded or additional routes outside of the Parramatta CBD. That report will follow clarification of Council’s legal obligations under the Passenger Transport Act 1990 and completion of a feasibility study.






(a)       That the route of the Loop Free City Bus be amended to turn left from Marsden Street into Macquarie Street and then right into O’Connell Street, with new stops to be located in Macquarie Street and O’Connell Street.


(b)       That a third bus operates at peak times to achieve the committed 10 minute frequency and reduce overcrowding.


(c)        That operating hours be extended to 9.30pm on Thursday nights for a trial period of 3 months.


(d)       That Council continue to explore alternative funding sources for the service, including contributions from the State Government and from corporate sponsors.


(e)       Further, that an additional report be prepared and presented to a future Council meeting which considers the feasibility of additional routes outside of the Parramatta CBD. 






1.      A discussion paper entitled ‘The Loop Review’ was presented to Councillors and discussed at a workshop on 12 May 2009 (Attachment 1). Key issues raised in the paper were:

a.   Patronage of the service has risen steadily since commencement in August 2008 and now averages around 2700 passengers per day;

b.   Increased passenger numbers have caused overcrowding and put pressure on circuit times. The advertised commitment to a bus every 10 minutes is not being met at peak times;

c.   A customer survey undertaken in February 2009 showed that, of 922 respondents, 98% were satisfied with the service;

d.   The survey also highlighted the extensive use of the Loop by residents of the Parramatta and North Parramatta suburbs and the use of the Loop to connect with train and other bus services;

e.   Council has received a number of requests to alter the route to better service facilities on the western edge of the CBD, particularly Parramatta Swimming Centre, Parramatta RSL and Parramatta Park.

2.      At the workshop there was also discussion of the following issues raised by Councillors present:

a.   The possibility of a trial extension of service hours on Thursday nights to coincide with late night shopping;

b.   The possibility of expanding the service beyond the CBD, with consideration given to services to Westmead and Harris Park;

c.   Opportunities for provision of a special events service linking Parramatta CBD and Rosehill Racecourse, particularly on race days;

d.   Use of the Loop to link important heritage sites on the fringe of the Parramatta CBD;

e.   Exploration of additional funding sources to offset the cost of the existing operation plus any proposed enhancement.


3.      The request to better service facilities on the western edge of the CBD, such as the Parramatta Swimming Centre, Parramatta RSL and Parramatta Park, could be accommodated by changing the route to include a left turn from Marsden Street into Macquarie Street and then right into O’Connell Street with new stops to be located in Macquarie Street and O’Connell Street near to the swimming centre (Attachment 1 pg 45).  This would have the additional benefit of locating a stop on Macquarie Street adjacent to a number of high demand Federal Government offices.

4.      This alteration does not change the distance of the circuit or estimated travel time, however there may be slightly greater loading/unloading time due to the expected higher usage. There would be no additional operating cost associated with this alteration. This change was favoured by all Councillors present at the workshop.

5.      The request to conduct a trial of longer hours on Thursday nights to cater for late night shopping can be easily accommodated within the existing contract arrangements. It is proposed to extend the hours so that the last service leaves Darcy Street at 9:30pm resulting in an extension of three hours. The trial will be conducted over a 3 month period.

6.      Under the existing service Contract, the operator is required to operate two buses, with the third kept as a spare in case of breakdowns. During October 2008 it became apparent that increased passenger numbers meant that a 10 minute frequency and acceptable levels of passenger comfort could not be provided during peak demand periods using only two buses.

7.      The issues of overcrowding and the failure to achieve the 10 minute frequency during peak periods are potentially serious and have been the subject of customer complaint.  Overcrowding at peak times has in some cases prevented passengers from being picked up. The commitment to the 10 minute frequency has been advertised on the Loop promotional material including brochures and plinths and there appears to be a strong community expectation that this commitment will be maintained.

8.      In response to these difficulties, the third bus was used during peak periods throughout November on a trial basis. This resulted in a similar number of passengers being carried each day however the buses were less crowded and the 10 minute frequency was achieved.

9.      The third bus could be used permanently on a split shift, for example commencing at 10:00am until 1:00pm and a second shift between 2:00pm and 6:00pm. Based on passenger usage data this would cover the highest demand periods. This would allow the utilisation of the third bus at times of the greatest passenger demand. It may be necessary over time to adjust these times to best reflect the demand on the service.

10.    The suggestion to provide a special event service between Rosehill Racecourse and the Parramatta CBD is also permissible under the provisions of the existing contract, but would be at additional cost. Council officers are presently meeting with representatives from the STC regarding a number of opportunities to develop a multi-year, multi-faceted relationship, the aim of which will be to maximise benefits to the City from engagements with patrons of the racecourse, promoting Parramatta directly to patrons and to a broader audience. Opportunities such as using the Loop to encourage race-goers or exhibition visitors to also visit the Parramatta CBD will be further explored as these discussions progress.

11.    The idea of utilising the Loop for heritage site tours was discussed at the workshop, but it was felt that the existing buses were too large for this service, given current levels of demand. The workshop was advised that Council officers are currently negotiating with ‘Ped-a-Pods’(Aust.) to conduct a trial whereby  pedal powered cabs, such as those used in the Sydney CBD could be used to transport passengers from transport hubs such as the train station and ferry wharf to key heritage sites.  This model has recently been adopted with great success at Port Melbourne in Victoria.

12.    The use of the Loop as part of a Park and Ride solution has also been suggested. The draft Integrated Transport Plan recommends further investigation into Park and Ride to reduce the demand for all day commuter car parking within the city centre.  There was an earlier proposal for a Park & Ride scheme located at the former James Hardie site but this was dropped due to the cost of the purchase of the land and the associated operating costs of the Park and Ride.

13.    The request to extend the service into areas outside of the Parramatta CBD, such as Westmead and Harris Park is more complex than the other requests. Councillors at the workshop were advised that provision of such services is dependant upon approval from the Ministry of Transport as these areas are outside of the Parramatta Freezone for transport contracts. (Attachment 1 pg 46), and that this approval was unlikely to be given. This was based on informal advice provided by the Ministry of Transport in the lead-up to the workshop.  Council officers have very recently been informed that this previous advice may have been incorrect as the provisions of the Passenger Transport Act may not apply to a free service. Such a service may also contravene Section 46 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as it offers a free service in competition with an existing paid service. Council officers will seek to clarify this position in the coming weeks and will, if necessary, seek independent legal advice on the matter.

14.    If it is determined that there is no statutory obstacle to expansion of the service, it will then be necessary to undertake a feasibility study which examines preferred routes, usage projections, the desirability of competing with existing paid services and the cost to Council of doing so.  It is likely that external assistance will be required to undertake the study, and that it will take up to 4 months to complete.  The results of the study will be reported to Council in late 2009.



15.    The proposal to amend the route of the free city bus will require further planning to coordinate the removal and installation of infrastructure as well as updating of all maps and audio and visual material for the buses. This planning could commence after Council resolution, with an anticipated operational change within 2 months.

16.    The proposal to use the third bus does not require any further consultation. It would require sufficient notification time to enable to contractor to schedule staff to operate the service. This notification period required by the contractors would be a minimum of two weeks.

17.    The trial of extended Thursday night operating hours could commence soon after resolution by Council. The contractors require a minimum of two weeks notice, so the trial could be undertaken from mid July to mid October.



18.    The operating budget for the service in 2008/09 is $550,000, of which $150,000 is provided by corporate sponsors, with the remainder funded from parking meter revenue.

19.    The draft budget for 2009/10 has been increased to $650,000, to make provision for anticipated improvements to the service.

20.    The current sponsorship commitments are only for the current financial year, but negotiations are underway with both Westfield and Parramatta Leagues Club to extend their commitment over a longer term.

21.    Discussions were recently held with management of the Parramatta RSL, who have committed to an initial sponsorship contribution for the 2009/10 financial year with a view to revising this level of commitment over coming years based on different sponsorship packages. This commitment is contingent upon the route change outlined at Paragraph 2 above.

22.    The Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer have written to both the Premier of NSW and the Minister for Transport in recent months seeking a contribution from the State Government toward the operation of the service, but no commitment has yet been received.

23.    The financial implications of the proposals outlined in this report are:

a.   The proposed alteration to the route has no additional operating cost, but there will be a one-off cost of $10,000 to relocate seats and plinths as well as the cost of changes to maps, voice over and promotional material. The financial contribution from Parramatta RSL will more than offset this cost;

b.   The cost of operating a third bus during peak periods for an additional seven hours per week day will be approximately $70,000 per annum. Funds are available for this in the 2009/10 budget;

c.   The cost of undertaking the trial of extended Thursday night hours will be approximately $3,600 for 12 weeks;

d.   If confirmation is received that there are no statutory obstacles to expanding the Loop service, it is anticipated that up to $50,000 will be required to undertake a feasibility study which examines preferred routes etc as outlined in paragraph 14.



Tom O’Hanlon

Manager City Assets and Environment







The Loop Review Paper May 2009

46 Pages







Community Care


22 June 2009


12.1  Arts Advisory Committee Meeting 12 May 2009





12.2  ATSI Advisory Committee 28th April 2009





12.3  Council's Advisory Committees


ITEM NUMBER         12.1

SUBJECT                   Arts Advisory Committee Meeting 12 May 2009

REFERENCE            F2005/01943 - D01225359

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer       




The Arts Advisory Committee met on 12th May 2009. This report provides a précis of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.





(a) That the minutes of the Arts Advisory Committee 12th May 2009 be received and noted.


(b) That information pertaining to public arts tenders be advertised at an increased level throughout the local art community.


(c)  That Council Officers investigate methods by which younger artists in the local area can be trained in all aspects of submitting tenders for public art projects.


(d) That the Committee be provided with a response to the questions tabled at the meeting.


(e) Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.





1.   Council’s Arts Advisory Committee meets bimonthly and comprises 15 members.


2.   Council’s Arts Advisory Committee met on 12th May 2009. This report provides a summary of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.      




3.   The main issues discussed at the meeting are outlined below:


4.   Re-establishing the Arts Advisory Committee:


(a) Members were briefed on the background to Council’s decision regarding the future of its Advisory Committees. This process had begun in September 2008 and was resolved by Council in March 2009 when it determined to re-establish its Advisory Committees, including the Arts Advisory Committee.


(b) The Community Capacity Building Team is currently preparing for the re-establishment of the Committees including preparing Terms of Reference and Expressions of Interest for membership which will be advertised after Council has approved these documents. It is anticipated advertisements will be placed in local media and promoted through Council’s networks in July 2009. 


(c)  The Arts Advisory Committee will be convened by both the Community Capacity Building Team and Arts and Culture Officers.


(d) Members could act as ambassadors for the arts in Parramatta and would like to be acknowledged for this role. 


5.   The following questions were tabled by members concerning Council’s arts programs and the Council Officer agreed that she will provide further information to members.


(a) What are the future plans for Riverbeats and what is the scope for active community involvement?


(b) What scope is there for local artists to tender for commissioned work or to submit proposals or be trained in the process of preparing a tender?


6.   Members discussed the importance of local artists and young artists being encouraged and supported to apply for public art tenders and recommended to Council advertising tenders at a local level and Council Officers identifying additional strategies to train young artists to prepare tenders.





7.   There are no requests for additional expenditure arising from this meeting.



Maggie Kyle

Community Capacity Building Officer





Minutes Arts Advisory Committee May 12th 2009

4 Pages






ITEM NUMBER         12.2

SUBJECT                   ATSI Advisory Committee 28th April 2009

REFERENCE            F2005/01941 - D01226608

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer       




The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 28th April 2009. This report provides a précis of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.




(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee meeting of 28th April 2009 be received and noted.


(b)       Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.





1.      Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee meets monthly and comprises 15 members.


2.      Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 28th April 2009. This report provides a summary of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.



3.      The main issues discussed at the meeting are outlined below.

4.      The Committee welcome Clr. Lim to their meeting and expressed their appreciation that he had attended.

5.      Natural Resources – Aboriginal Heritage Officer position:

                 (a) The Committee sought information regarding the recruitment of the Natural Resources – Aboriginal Heritage Officer position and were advised that the position had been held vacant. The Committee requested the Council Officer clarify whether the position had been an Elsie Dixon Employment Program position.

                 (b) The Committee discussed whether Council had a target relating to the recruitment of Indigenous staff.

6.      NAIDOC Planning

          The Committee discussed a number of aspects relating to Burramatta Family Fun Day including sponsorship and the budget; entertainment; workshops; amusements; catering; security and transport.

7.      Urban Aboriginal Exchange Program

(a) The Council Officer provided information to members regarding Council’s Urban Aboriginal Exchange Program which will involve an indigenous artist exchange program between Parramatta and Canada. 

(b) Members accepted the invitation from the Co-ordinator Parramatta Artist Studios to provide consultation to Council on the program.

8.      Education for Sustainability

                 (a) Members were provided with information regarding Council’s plan ‘Education for Sustainability’ which will identify strategies that will educate the community regarding the importance of sustainability.

                 (b) Members were invited to have input into the plan. Members suggested that the relevant Council Officer have a display at Burramatta NAIDOC and consult with a broad range of community members. Following this, members would allocate time in their July meeting to provide input into the plan.

9.      Dharug Language Lessons in Parramatta Library

          The Committee discussed a request received by Parramatta Library to use the Dharug Room at reduced costs for the conduct of Dharug language lessons. The Committee endorsed Council’s decision to accommodate this request.

10.    Aboriginal Mentor Program

          The Committee expressed the need for a program that would provide mentorship to Aboriginal people with the aim of them then becoming Councillors.

11.    The Council Officer provided information to members regarding the process to be used to re-establish Council’s Advisory Committees for the current Council’s term including a review of the Terms of Reference and the Expression of Interest process.



12.    There are no requests for additional expenditure arising from this meeting.



Maggie Kyle

Community Capacity Building Officer





Minutes: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 28 April 2009

6 Pages






ITEM NUMBER         12.3

SUBJECT                   Council's Advisory Committees

REFERENCE            F2007/00688 - D01227125

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer; Community Capacity Building Officer       




Council determined at its meeting of 23rd March 2009 to progress the re-establishment of its Advisory Committees and establish three additional ones. This report provides information on the progression of these decisions.





(a)   That Council approve the attached Terms of Reference for the Access, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Arts, Cycleways and Heritage Advisory Committees.


(b)   That Council approve the attached example Expression of Interest Advisory Committee membership forms as a template for the EOI process.


(c)   That Council accept the attached Terms of Reference for the Community Advisory Committee.


(d)   That Council receive and note information on the other Advisory Committees and community engagement strategies.


(e)   Further that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.





1.    At its meeting of 23rd March 2009, Council made a number of decisions regarding its Advisory Committees and this report provides information on the progression of these decisions.


2.    Council determined to retain its Access, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Arts, Cycleways and Heritage Advisory Committees.


(a)       Attached are the Terms of Reference for each of these Committees and an example of an Expression of Interest Form for membership of  the Committees (i.e. the Access Committee Expression of Interest Form).


(b)       Once approved, the Community Capacity Building Team will progress the re-forming of these Committees: public advertising will be used to call for applications for membership using Council’s Expression of Interest template and a three person internal selection committee will prepare recommendations for membership which will be forwarded to Council for its consideration. 


3.    Council determined to retain its Youth Advisory Committee, broadening its membership base and seeking the input of potential members into its Terms of Reference.


(a)       A meeting of potential members of the Youth Advisory Committee will be held in the upcoming school holidays. This is to enable Year 11 and 12 students to attend. At this meeting further input will be sought from young people regarding their preferred meeting format and terms of reference.


(b)       Former members of the Youth Advisory Committee will be invited to attend as well as young people who have actively participated in two programs run by the Community Capacity Building Team over the last 12 months: the 20 members of the Youth4Youth Council which worked together to develop and implement the Youth4Youth Fiesta in December 2008 and the 45 young people who attended the Youth Week Forum, Riverside Theatres April 2009. In addition, as determined by Council, School Captains of the LGA’s High Schools will also be invited to attend.


4.    Council determined to create the Community Advisory Committee as described in reports submitted for its March meeting.


(a)     Attached are the Terms of Reference for this Committee.


(b)     Once approved, the Community Capacity Building Team will progress the establishment of this Committee: public advertising will be used to call for applications for membership using Council’s Expression of Interest template and a three person internal selection committee will prepare recommendations for membership which will be forwarded to Council for ratification. 


5.    Council determined to be consulted further about the future of the Multicultural Advisory Committee.


(a)   The membership of the previous Multicultural Advisory Committee will be invited to nominate for the Community Advisory Committee and/or to attend forums organised by this Committee. It is anticipated that ‘multicultural issues’ will be included as a standing agenda item at Community Advisory Committee meetings.


(b)  Consideration has been given to the future of the Multicultural Advisory Committee, including discussions with Councillor Lim about the possible involvement of Consulates in Council initiatives. Further discussions with Councillors to clarify the role that Consulates may take, other strategies, the appropriate Council officer representation, and the frequency of meetings are to be undertaken.



6.    Council determined to investigate further the possible creation of strategies to increase community engagement on issues such as the Environment, Family and Technology. 


(a)  In addition to relevant issues raised through the continuing Advisory Committees, the new Community Advisory Committee will provide an opportunity for greater community consultation on these issues.  It has been suggested, for example, that the regular LGA wide forums will engage local residents, businesses and service providers and focus on topical issues such as the impact of the global fiscal crisis on local communities, affordable housing or community safety.  


(b)   Under the new Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, Council is also required to establish community engagement strategies to support the Community Strategic Plan and development of the four year Delivery Plan.   This program will include opportunities to enhance community engagement on issues such as the Environment, Family and Technology as well as other key strategic issues for the City.






Maggie Kyle, Donna Mosford

Community Capacity Building Officers







Core Terms of Reference Advisory Committees

5 Pages



Terms of Reference Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee

2 Pages



Terms of Reference Access Advisory Committee

2 Pages



Terms of Reference Arts Advisory Committee

2 Pages



Terms of Reference Cycleways

2 Pages



Terms of Reference Community Advisory Committee

2 Pages



Terms of Reference Heritage Advisory Committee

2 Pages



Example of Expression of Interest Form- Access

7 Pages






City Leadership and Management


22 June 2009


13.1  2009/10 - 2013/14 Management Plan and making of 2009/10 Rates and Annual Charges and 2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges





13.2  2009 Water Management Conference - 9 to 11 September 2009





13.3  Investments Report for April 2009





13.4  Parks & Leisure Australia - 2009 National Conference
13 - 16 September 2009
Holiday Inn Esplanade, Darwin





13.5  Review of Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities





13.6  Remuneration Tribunal Determination in Relation to Fees for Councillor Remuneration





13.7  2008/09 Loan Borrowings


ITEM NUMBER         13.1

SUBJECT                   2009/10 - 2013/14 Management Plan and making of 2009/10 Rates and Annual Charges and 2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges

REFERENCE            F2008/03695 - D01211795

REPORT OF              Group Manager - Corporate        



To adopt the 2009/10 – 2013/14 Management Plan, 2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges and to make the 2009/10 Rates and Annual Charges  following consideration of submissions received as a result of the public exhibition of Council’s 2009/10 – 2013/14 Draft Management Plan.






(a)       That Council adopt the 2009/10 – 2013/14 Management Plan (Attachment 1) which includes the 2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges (Attachment 2).


(b)       That Council approve the income, expenditure and reserves transfers shown in the Management Plan for the year commencing 1 July 2009 and vote the necessary funds.


(c)        That Council borrow the sum of $1,324,000 in the 2009/10 financial year towards partly funding capital projects detailed in the Management Plan 2009/10 – 2013/14 and $2,614,000 to re-finance a loan taken out in 2008 for two years on a 15 year repayment basis.


(d)       That Council make the Rates and Charges for the 2009/10 rating year using Land Values with a valuation base date of 1 July 2007 as detailed in Attachment 3.


(e)       That Council set the interest rate in 2009/10 for overdue rates and charges at 9% per annum simple interest in accordance with Section 566 of the Local Government Act, 1993.


(f)         Further, that Council provide a $100 Voluntary Rate Rebate for Eligible Pensioners in accordance with s 582 of the Local Government Act, 1993, and Council’s Voluntary Pensioner Rate Rebate Policy, in addition to the Mandatory Eligible Pensioner Rebate under s 575 of the Local Government Act, 1993.







At the Council meeting of 11 May 2009, it was resolved to adopt the Draft Management Plan 2009/10 to 2013/14 for the purposes of public exhibition.  The Draft Management Plan included the proposed Rates, Annual Charges and Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2009/10.

Attachment 1 is the Draft Management Plan as exhibited subject to minor amendments as detailed below and includes the matters resolved by Council for inclusion when the Draft Plan was adopted for public exhibition at Council’s meeting on 11 May 2009 for example the document has been updated to reflect changes to reserve balances following the March Quarterly Review.


The public exhibition period was for 28 days and finished on 11 June 2009.






The Rates and Annual Charges which are proposed for the 2009/10 rating year are detailed in Attachment 3. It should be noted that there are some minor differences in some of the ad valorem (rates in the dollar) amounts between Attachment 3 and those exhibited in the Draft Management Plan. This occurs because the land value and categorisation of some properties change throughout the year and this can have a minor impact on the calculation of the ad valorem rates. This was noted in the Draft Management Plan for public exhibition.


Interest on Overdue Rates


The Minister for Local Government has announced that the maximum interest rate allowable on overdue rates and charges for the 2009/10 rating year is 9%.  Council charges the maximum allowable interest rate on overdue rates and charges as an incentive for ratepayers to meet their commitments as they fall due.


Pensioner Rebates


Eligible pensioners receive a statutory reduction of 50% of their ordinary rates and Domestic Waste Management Charge to a maximum of $250 in accordance with State Government legislation. This is at a net cost to Council of $870,104 after the receipt of the State Government subsidy.


In addition Council provides a voluntary rebate of $100 to eligible ratepayers who have owned and resided on a property in the Parramatta local government area for at least 5 successive rating years. This additional rebate is at a cost to Council of $655,774.




The Draft Management Plan was placed on public exhibition from 14 May to 11 June 2009 and submissions were invited from the community. At the time of preparation of this report, there were two submissions received from the community during the exhibition phase, as attached below;


“I want to see the LOOP to be extended the North Parramatta area & the Parramatta Lake as it’s so hard for me to go there. I think Parramatta Lake has a good potential for tourism in Parramatta but it’s so hard to get there.”


“Can Council remove the graveyard in North Parramatta? There are about 3 graveyards in North Parramatta and its look bit scary if you pass it at night. If possible, please remove 1 or 2 of them.”


In deciding on the final Plan to be adopted, Council must, in accordance with section 406(2) of the Local Government Act, take into consideration any submissions that have been made concerning the Draft Management Plan.





            The Draft Management Plan was developed through collaboration between Councillors, management and staff in a series of planning workshops. Community consultation was achieved from the on going input of the Residents’ Panel and the holding of an “Expo” on 21 May 2009 which was open to all members of the public.


            The Draft Management Plan was placed on public exhibition from 14 May to 11 June 2009 and written submissions were invited from interested parties. Notice of the exhibition period was given in local newspapers. During the exhibition period the Draft Management Plan was on display at the Council Offices, Council Libraries, Parramatta Heritage & Visitor Information Centres and Riverside Theatres Parramatta. It was also placed on Council’s website. Submissions could be made by mail, fax or email.


Section 406 (1) of the Local Government Act requires Council to adopt the 2009/10– 2013/14 Management Plan by 30 June 2009.



Geoff King

A/Group Manager – Corporate Services







2009/10 – 2013/14 Management Plan  - attached under separate cover




2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges - attached under separate cover




2009/10 - Making of Rates

7 Pages






ITEM NUMBER         13.2

SUBJECT                   2009 Water Management Conference - 9 to 11 September 2009

REFERENCE            F2004/07125 - D01221395

REPORT OF              Service Manager - Council Support       




This report is placed before Council to seek the appointment of 1 Councillor to attend the Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW 2009 Water Management Conference to be held from Wednesday 9 September to Friday 11 September 2009 in Deniliquin.





(a)     That Council nominate 1 Councillor to attend the Local Government and Shires       Associations of NSW 2009 Water Management Conference to be held from Wednesday 9 September to Friday 11 September 2009 in Deniliquin.


(b)     That Council nominate an alternate delegate to attend the conference in the event that the delegate is unable to attend.


(c)     Further, that delegate registration, accommodation, travel and out of pocket expenses in a total estimated amount of $1,500.00 per delegate be paid from account number 10.1260.712.644405 – ‘Members Seminars and Conferences’ in accordance with Council’s Policy on Civic Office Expenses and Facilities for a Category ‘C’ conference.





1.      The Local Government and Shires Association of NSW has invited Council to attend the 2009 Water Management Conference to be held in Deniliquin from 9 to 11 September 2009.

2.      The Conference is an annual event and provides an accessible forum for debate and discussion on water supply and broader water management issues.

3.      A copy of the draft program and registration is appended to this report as Attachment 1.




4.      This particular conference would be classified as Category C as outlined in Annexure 1 of the conference category of the Civic Office Expenses and Facilities Policy. Category C permits the attendance of 1 Councillor with all reasonable expenses to be paid.




5.      A copy of the details pertaining to this conference has been forwarded to Council’s Waterway Systems Manager for his information.




6.      Delegate registration, accommodation, travel and out of pocket expenses are estimated at $1500.



Graeme Riddell

Service Manager – Council Support





Draft Program and Registration

6 Pages







ITEM NUMBER         13.3

SUBJECT                   Investments Report for April 2009

REFERENCE            F2009/00971 - D01221748

REPORT OF              Manager - Finance       




To inform Council of the investment portfolio performance for the month of April 2009.





That Council receives and notes the investments report for April 2009.





1.         In accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, a report setting out details of all money invested must be presented to Council on a monthly basis.


2.         The report must include a certificate as to whether or not the investments have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and the investment policy of Council.




3.         Council’s investment portfolio stood at $81.3 Million as at 30th April 2009. (Previous month $83.7 Million) The weighted average portfolio held for April 2009 was $82.5 Million (Previous month $80.2 million) (Refer attachment 1).


4.         Council invests directly with Local Government Financial Services (LGFS), various term deposit providers and with funds managers utilising the services of CPG Research & Advisory. There are also investments with the Commonwealth Bank for loan offset funds.


5.         The average interest rate on Council’s investments for the month compared to the Bank Bill Index is as follows:


                                                                   Monthly      Annualised


                             Total Portfolio               0.61%        8.50%

                             Funds Managers         0.77%        11.05%

                             Bank Bill Index             0.26%        3.27%


NB: Annualised rates are calculated on a compounding basis assuming that the interest returns are added to the initial investment amount and reinvested.


6.         After allowing for Council’s loan offsets and at call funds, Council recorded an annualised return of 8.50% for the month of April for its total investment portfolio. The return recorded by Council was above the Bank Bill Index of 3.27%. Fund managers recorded an annualised rate of 11.05%.


7.         The amount of funds invested at the end of April decreased from the previous month by $2.4 Million. This decrease was due to normal accounts payable and payroll runs versus minimal rates inflows.

8.         Councils favourable return versus the Bank Bill Index for April 2009 can mostly be attributed to the outstanding performance of certain managed funds. The CFS Global Fund showed positive performance during market volatility and recorded an annualised return of 58.99% for the month of April. CFS occupies approximately 9% of councils overall portfolio. T-Corp also recovered and achieved a 1 month annualised return of 33.80%

9.         Council currently has approximately 82% of the overall portfolio invested in Term deposits, Cash at call and other fixed return products. Councils Term deposits are generally held for 90 days and are locked in at interest rates ranging from 4.00% to 4.40%.


10.    Civic Place and other general interest income were revised upwards by $295K as at the March 2009 review. Based on recent returns it is possible that Council may further exceed interest income expectations if Managed Funds continue to improve in the next 2 months.


11.       The following details are provided on the attachments for information:


                   Graph – Comparison of average funds invested with loans balance

                   Graph – Average interest rate comparison to Bank Bill Index

                   Graphs – Investments and loans interest compared to budget

                   Summary of investment portfolio


12.       The Certificate of Investments for April 2009 is provided below:


Certificate of Investments


I hereby certify that the investments for the month of April 2009 have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and Council’s Investment Policy.


13.       There is no standard report attachment - detailed submission - attached to this report.




Jenny Fett

Finance Manager




Investments & Loans - Performance

1 Page



Summary of Investments Portfolio

2 Pages







ITEM NUMBER         13.4

SUBJECT                   Parks & Leisure Australia - 2009 National Conference
13 - 16 September 2009
Holiday Inn Esplanade, Darwin

REFERENCE            F2009/01464 - D01222498

REPORT OF              Service Manager - Council Support       




This report is placed before Council to seek the appointment of one (1) Councillor i.e. Lord Mayor or nominee, to attend the Parks & Leisure Australia 2009 National Conference being held from 13 – 16 September 2009 at the Holiday Inn Esplanade, Darwin.





(a)       That in line with Council Policy for a Category C Conference, one (1) Councillor, i.e. Lord Mayor or nominee, should be nominated to attend the Parks & Leisure Australia 2009 National Conference being held from 13 – 16 September 2009 at the Holiday Inn Esplanade, Darwin.


(b)       Further that delegate registration, accommodation, travel and out-of-pocket expenses be paid from account number 10.1260.712.644405.00000.00000 ‘Councillor Conferences’ which will be paid out of the 2009/2010 budget which has a total budget of $60,000 per annum.





1.      The conference will take place at the Holiday Inn on the Esplanade in the CBD.  It promises to offer everyone from the policy maker through to the senior manager, practitioner and student, a host of challenges and innovative ideas to discuss and workshop during the conference and to utilise back in the workplace.

2.      Keynote speakers are: 

a.   Peter Kenyon – social entrepreneur and community enthusiast and chairperson of the International Council on National Youth Policy

b.   Dr Gregory Moore – was Principal of Burnley College of the Institute of Land Food Resources at Melbourne University and was head of the School Resource Management at the University.

c.   Dr Maria Marriner – currently the Acting General Manager of Student Services with the Northern Territory Department of Education and Training.  Maria has a passion for indigenous culture, health and well-being.

d.   Dr Leong Chee Chiew – Chief Operating Officer and Commissioner, Parks & Recreation, National Parks Board Singapore

e.   Dr Paul Burgess – PhD Scholar, Menzies School of Health Research, Charles Darwin University.  Paul is a GP and public health scholar with interests in eco-health and Aboriginal health.





3.      This report is going to Council at this time to ensure the nominated delegate will be able to obtain accommodation at the venue, have full choice of optional extras & tours and to avoid late fee charges i.e. ‘Be sure to register early to avoid disappointment.  The conference is becoming more and more attractive and this year will be no exception.’




4.      Payment for all expenses associated with this conference will come from the 2009/2010 budget - $60,000 per annum - and will not affect the current budget (2008/2009 figures). 





Graeme Riddell

Service Manager – Council Support





PLA 2009 Annual Conference program

8 Pages







ITEM NUMBER         13.5

SUBJECT                   Review of Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities

REFERENCE            F2005/02435 - D01222656

REPORT OF              Manager Service Audit and Review       




To present to Council for consideration and adoption the revised Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities.





(a)       That Council adopt the revised Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities shown at Attachment 1.


(c)       Further, that a copy of the adopted Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities by provided to the Department of Local Government in accordance with Section 253(4) of the Local Government Act,1993.





1.      Council resolved at the meeting of 23 March 2009 to adopt changes to the Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities, and to advertise the proposed changes accordingly.  Changes to the previous policy are shown italicised red in Attachment 1.

2.      Council’s intention to adopt the revised Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities was advertised in the Parramatta Advertiser, the Parramatta Sun, and on Council’s website on 8 April 2009 in accordance with the provisions of Section 253 of the Local Government Act, 1993, and Council’s resolution of 25 September (Minute 10575).

3.      Before adopting or amending the policy, Council is required to consider any submissions made within the advertised time allowed for submissions and make any appropriate changes to the draft policy (see Section 253(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993).




4.      Upon adoption by Council, a copy of the policy should be provided to the Department of Local Government in accordance with Section 253(4) of the Local Government Act, 1993.

5.      Following adoption by Council, formatted copies of the policy will be provided to all Councillors together with condensed “ready-reckoner” material derived from the policy.




6.      Following an earlier workshop with Councillors, proposed changes to the Civic Office Expenses and Facilities Policy were circulated to Councillors for consideration and comment in February 2009. Proposed changes were submitted to Council for consideration on 23 March 2009.

7.      In the public notice advertised on 8 April 2009 public submissions were invited for any comment on the proposed policy prior to 8 May 2009.  No public submissions were received.



Michael Quirk

Manager, Service Audit & Review





Policy on Civic Office Expenses and Facilities

28 Pages







ITEM NUMBER         13.6

SUBJECT                   Remuneration Tribunal Determination in Relation to Fees for Councillor Remuneration

REFERENCE            F2004/06514 - D01224601

REPORT OF              Service Manager - Council Support       




This report provides advice on the determination made by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal under Section 241 of the Local Government Act on the amount of annual fees to be paid to Mayors and Councillors effective from 1 July 2009.





That Council confirm that the Lord Mayoral and Councillors’ remuneration for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 be set at the maximum level being $67,750 and $23,250 respectively.





1.         Each year pursuant to Section 241 of the Local Government Act 1993, the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal determines, in each of the categories of Councils and County Councils, the maximum and minimum amounts of fees to be paid during the following year to Councillors and Mayors.


2.         As forecast in 2008, the Tribunal has recently undertaken a review of the categories of Councillor and Mayoral offices in accordance with Section 239 of the Act.


3.         The Tribunal’s review, which included consideration of issues raised by the Local Government and Shires Associations, Department of Local Government and individual Councils, found that there was no strong case to significantly alter the current categories of Council and Mayoral offices or to move individual Councils between categories.


4.         While the groupings remained unchanged, the Tribunal has applied descriptive titles for each of the categories. The descriptive titles for the categories are as follows, with Parramatta falling under category ‘Major City’ (previously S2) with Newcastle and Wollongong Councils:-



Previous Category

New Category




Regional Rural




Metropolitan Centres


Metropolitan Major


Major City


Principal City


County Councils


County Council - Water



5.         A copy of the full report and determination by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal dated 29 April can be provided to interested Councillors upon request.







6.         Council at its meeting held on 23 June 2008 in considering the 2008 decision by the Remuneration Tribunal, resolved:-


That Council confirm that the Lord Mayoral and Councillors’ remuneration for the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 be set at the maximum level being $66,100 and $22,680 respectively.



7.         The Determination by the Tribunal pursuant to Section 241 for fees for Councillors and Mayors to be effective from 1 July 2009  for a Major City is as follows:-



Councillor/Member Annual Fee

Mayor/Chairperson Annual Fee


Minimum             Maximum

Minimum                  Maximum

Major City

14,080                 23,250

29,940                      67,750



8.         Payment of the Mayoral fee is in addition to the fee paid to the Mayor as a Councillor.


9.         Adoption of the maximum remuneration available will result in an annual Mayoral increase of $1,650 and Councillor increase of $570.


10.       Appended as Attachment 1 to this report is a copy of the determination by the Tribunal for each of the stipulated categories.




11.       This matter is placed before Council to confirm the revised annual fees to be paid to the Lord Mayor and Councillors for 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010.






Graeme Riddell

Service Manager – Council Support





Determination of Fees for Councillors and Mayors

1 Page







ITEM NUMBER         13.7

SUBJECT                   2008/09 Loan Borrowings

REFERENCE            F2008/03240 - D01224934

REPORT OF              Manager - Finance       




To obtain Council approval to borrow internally from Council’s Property Reserve in lieu of taking up a planned borrowings with a financial institution for the 2008/09 financial year.





(a) That the 2008/09 financial year’s loan borrowings of $2.022 million per the Management Plan, be made by borrowing internally from the property reserve instead of borrowing from an external financial institution.


(b) Further that the borrowed amount of $2.022 million be repaid to the property reserve in equal annual instalments of $202,200 over a period of 10 years.





1.   Council’s 2008/2009 Management Plan includes loan borrowings of $2.022 million to fund Capital projects.

2.   Due to Council’s desire to reduce debt over a period of time, options need to be considered that would lead to a reduction in Council’s external debt and annual debt servicing costs.  

3.   At this point in time, despite reduced interest rates, borrowing rates are still high relative to what can be earned through investment income.  It is therefore appropriate to reduce external borrowing.

4.   Council’s debt has 3 major components, with the following current estimates of balances as at 30th June 2009:

· Historical Debt  $25,796,000

· Civic Place Debt $55,000,000

· Big 7 Debt $10,478,000

Total Debt $91,274,000

5.    Civic Place debt is interest only without any principal repayments. In the past the principal   repayment amounts related to the historical debt were re-borrowed to fund projects expenditure. Principal repayments on the Big 7 loans are not re-borrowed.

6.    Council’s Property Reserve is estimated to have a closing balance of $4.877 million as at June 30 2009.




7.    There are 3 options available to source the loan borrowing amount of $2.022 million:

·    External Borrowings from a financial institution

·    Internal borrowings from externally restricted reserves e.g. S94. This requires Department of Local Government approval and interest must be applied at a deemed rate.

·    Internal borrowings from internally restricted reserves where there is no statutory requirement for interest to be applied.

8.    Borrowing internally does not preclude Council deciding to borrow externally at a later date when rates are more favourable or if the Property reserve balance is required earlier.

9.    Using the estimated 10-year fixed rate of 6.5%, the annual debt servicing cost (interest and principal) if we borrow from a financial institution would be $278,142.  

10.  Borrowing internally from the property reserve would require an annual repayment of $202,200.  

11.  There would however be a reduction in interest income from Council’s investment portfolio, as there would be lesser funds in the property reserve than would be the case if we had borrowed externally.

12.  Borrowing internally is estimated to result in Council’s external debt level being reduced to $89,252,000 as at 30th June 2009 and $86,541,000 as at 30th June 2010.




Jenny Fett

Finance Manager




There are no attachments for this report.





Notices of Motion


22 June 2009


14.1  Illegal Rubbish Dumping


ITEM NUMBER         14.1

SUBJECT                   Illegal Rubbish Dumping

REFERENCE            F2004/07525 - D01228085

REPORT OF              Councillor J D Finn       


To be Moved by Councillor J D Finn


(a)     That  Council write to the State Members for Parramatta, Granville,         Toongabbie, Epping and Baulkham Hills seeking support for amendments to        legislation to allow Council to issue fines to the Body Corporate of apartment       blocks where rubbish is dumped on footpaths.


(b)     Further that a motion be submitted to the LGA seeking support for this           proposal.




While quarterly rubbish pickups have reduced the amount of rubbish dumped locally, there is still frequent dumping of old furniture and personal effects outside apartment blocks when residents move. This proposal would place a finical responsibility on owners and strata managers to ensure rubbish is disposed of properly and not at council’s expense.




There are no attachments for this report.