Item 9.1 - Attachment 1

Proposed Amendments to City Centre LEP and DCP 2007




Proposed Amendments to Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007




Proposed Amendment

1.  Clause 22A (3) Minimum building street frontage

To correct a typographical error. The reference in subclause (3) to subclause (1) should be amended to subclause (2).  Subclause (1) only refers to clause objectives whereas subclause (2) includes the requirement that building development must have at least one street frontage of 20 m or more.

In subclause (3), delete reference to subclause (1) and replace with subclause (2).

2.  Clause 22C Car parking

The table in Clause 22C requires a set number of car spaces. It is not specified as either a maximum or minimum.


This is contrary to Council's policy (as also reflected in the former Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 28 controls for the City Centre) to set a maximum number of car spaces for development in the city centre, which is necessary to encourage greater use of public transport and to reduce car trips to the City Centre.  



Amend Clause 22 C (1) as follows:

Consent must not be granted for any new building, or an alteration to an existing building that increases the gross floor area of the building, that is to be used for a purpose set out in Column 1 to the Table to this clause unless the consent authority is satisfied that no more than the maximum number of parking spaces is provided in accordance with the requirements set out opposite that purpose in Column 2 to the Table.


In Clause 22 C (3) replace, required to be provided with permitted.


Amend heading in Column 2 of the Table to Maximum number of parking spaces permitted

Delete words, to be provided, wherever they appear in Column 2 of the Table.


3.  Clause 29A(2)(c) Outdoor advertising and signage

This clause prohibits advertising in the B3 Commercial Core and B4 Mixed Use Zones, unless the development is exempt development.


This clause is unreasonably restrictive for a major CBD location and not in line with the provisions of the standard template and of the former SREP No 28, which both permit advertising with consent, and subject to detailed guidelines in the Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007. 

Delete Clause 29A (2)(c).

4.  Schedule 2 Exempt development- Building alterations (1)

This provision provides that building alterations must not alter the size of any opening (such as a doorway, window or skylight) in a wall or roof of a building.  There is concern that this would allow the installation of security shutters as exempt development.


Council specifically resolved on 7 October 2008 that the City Centre LEP specify that security shutters are not exempt development

Amend Building alterations (1) as follows: Must not alter the size of any opening (such as a doorway, window or skylight) in a wall or roof of a building and or include security shutters and roller doors. 

5.  Schedule 2 Exempt development -- Markets

Markets are currently permitted with development consent in the B3 Commercial Core,  B4 Mixed Use, B5 Business Development, & RE1 Public Recreation zones


Council at its meeting on 7 July 2007 recommended the adoption of a new clause for exempt development: which was not subsequently included in the plan:




Markets on footpaths, roads and public plazas which comply with the Markets Policy of Council, November 2006.


Inclusion of this clause would exempt markets complying with Council’s policy from the need for development consent. Markets not meeting the policy would be subject to a development application and merit assessment.


In Schedule 2 Exempt Development, add a new clause in the appropriate order:




Markets on footpaths, roads and public plazas which comply with the Markets Policy of Council, November 2006.



6.  Floor space ratio map and height of buildings map


36 Charles Street, (The Port Bar)


(See Attachment 2,  sheets 1& 2)


The property is included in the B4 Mixed Use Zone.  The Floor space ratio map shows a maximum floor space ratio of  0:1 for this property and there is no height limit shown on the height map. These are map errors.


Provide the site with a maximum height limit of 36 m and a floor space ratio of 4: 1; the same as for the adjoining land in the B4 Mixed use Zone.


7.  Floor space ratio map


Riverbank site within block bounded by Church, Philip and Smith Streets and Parramatta River.


(See Attachment 2, sheet 3)

The floor space ratio map shows a floor space ratio of 0:1 over land adjoining David Frater Reserve and the Parramatta River foreshore and also the corner site at Phillip and Smith Streets.  In the Land use zoning and Height of buildings maps the land is zoned B4 Mixed Use with a height limit of 80 m. Other land within this block with the same zoning and height limit has a FSR of 6:1 on the map

A floor space ratio of 6: 1 to be shown for subject land. 

8.  Land Reservation Acquisition Map


(See Attachment 2, sheets 4 to12)


Investigations have been undertaken into whether proposals for local road widening shown on the land Reservation acquisition map are still required. Council is the responsible authority for the acquisition of the reserved land for local road widening. Most of the local road widening reservations are required, but a small number as indicated below should be removed or altered.


·        Road widening for 15 and 17 Macquarie Street has already taken place and the land is owned by Council. 


·        The necessary road widening for 1 Macquarie Street, at the corner with Pitt Street, has taken place – and a horizontal stratum at street level has been dedicated in Council.  The road widening reservation can now be removed and the land zoned B4 Mixed Use.


·        Road widening has taken place on the front portion of 60 Campbell Street and this land is in Council ownership.  This widening can be removed. 


·        The road widening reservation at 215 Church Street provides for a connection from Marsden Street (behind the Woolpack Hotel) through to Church Street.  After reviewing the connection it is considered that its alignment should be altered to provide a connection from Marsden Street to 21A-23 George Street.  A connection down the length of 21A-23 George Street has the advantage as the land is unoccupied by buildings, would connect with other access ways to the north of George Street and would pass alongside the heritage wall of a former courthouse for Parramatta


·        The Regional Open Space Reservation is no longer required for 182B, 184B, 186B & 188B George Street Parramatta. These allotments, fronting the Parramatta River have been acquired and the Land Reservation Acquisition Map should delete reference to the reservation over these properties. They are already zoned RE1 Public Recreation on the Land Zoning map, so no change is required to this map.



·        Remove road widening reservation from front portions of 15 and 17 Macquarie St. and include in B4 Mixed Use Zone. (refer to Attachment 2 sheets 4 and 5).


·        Remove road widening reservation from 1 Macquarie Street and zone B4 Mixed Use. (refer to Attachment 2 sheets 4 and 5)


·        Remove road widening reservation from front portion of 60 Campbell St., show as unzoned and remove height and floor space ratio from land. (refer to Attachment 2 sheets 6 to 9).


·        Alter the road widening reservation for 215 Church Street to provide a connection from Marsden Street to 21A-23 George Street. (refer to Attachment 2, sheets 10 & 11).


·        Remove the Regional Open Space reservation applying to 182B, 184B, 186B & 188B George Street Parramatta. (refer to Attachment 2 sheet 12)



Proposed Amendments to Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007




Proposed Amendment

1.  Figure 2.5: Street Frontage Height

The minimum setback figure of 10 m is incorrect and should be changed to18 m

Amend setback dimension to 18 m

2.  Clause 5.8 Flood Plain Risk Management,

Second last paragraph of design standards refers to the ‘planning matrix below’ but this table has not been included in the DCP.  While the categories are listed (page 55) the actual matrix with specific controls is not.


Include matrix in clause 5.8.  Matrix is included as Attachment 4.

3.  Clause 7.3 Special Area Controls

Section 7.3 identifies special areas within the city centre.  Character statements are included for all areas but objectives and controls are not included for the Justice Precinct and the Commercial Core.

Include statements of objectives and controls for the Justice Precinct and Commercial Core.  Proposed statement of objectives and controls is included as Attachment 5.


4.  Clause 7.4 Controls for special uses – Child Care centres

Council’s adopted Child Care Centres DCP applies throughout the Parramatta LGA and should be referenced in the City Centre DCP.



Insert in Clause 7.4 Controls for Special Uses and after section on Sex Services Premises the following:


Child care centres


In preparing or assessing proposals to establish new child care centres and to alter or extend existing child care centres, account shall be taken of Council’s Child Care Centres Development Control Plan.