The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday, 27 August 2012 at  6.45pm.










Dr. Robert Lang

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

PO Box 32 Parramatta


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“Think Before You Print”




The Lord Mayor Clr Lorraine Wearne -

Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council





Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham



Greg Smith –  Group Manager Corporate



Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies


Sue Weatherley–Group Manager Outcomes & Development










Clr Paul Barber – Caroline Chisholm Ward



Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward


Clr Mark Lack – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr Paul Garrard -  Woodville Ward


Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward



Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Andrew Wilson, Deputy Lord Mayor  – Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Prabir Maitra – Arthur Phillip Ward



Clr Andrew Bide – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward

Clr Michael McDermott - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Clr Antoine (Tony) Issa, OAM MP – Woodville Ward

Clr Chiang Lim– Arthur Phillip Ward

Text Box:   Press












Council                                                                                                             27 August 2012




ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Council (Development)  - 13 August 2012

2        APOLOGIES


4        Petitions

5        Minutes of Lord Mayor

6        Public Forum  

7        PETITIONS

8        Rescission Motions

8.1              25 Wentworth Street, Parramatta...................................................................... 9  

9        Economy and Development

9.1              315 Church Street Parramatta
( LOT 1 DP 739012)(Arthur Phillip Ward)..........................................................

9.2              23 Merrylands Road, MERRYLANDS  NSW  2160
(LOT 3 DP 979275) (Woodville Ward)..............................................................

9.3              24 Euston Street, Rydalmere
(Lot 37 DP 252154) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)...............................................

9.4              22 Patten Avenue Merrylands
(Lot 313 DP 11070) (Woodville Ward).............................................................

9.5              123 -157 Bungaree Road, Pendle Hill
Lots 15 & 16 Sec 7 DP 979494 (Arthur Phillip Ward)........................................

9.6              A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper............................................... 25

9.7              Parramatta Square - draft site specific DCP.................................................... 31

10      Environment and Infrastructure

10.1             Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 August 2012... 37

10.2             Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 August 2012  39

10.3             Parramatta Cycleway Advisory Committee...................................................... 41

11      Community and Neighbourhood

11.1             Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 24 July 2012 45

12      Governance and Corporate

12.1             Investments Report for June 2012 ................................................................. 49

12.2             2012 NSW LGA Conference 'Tribal By Nature' - Dubbo - 28-30 October 2012.... 53

12.3             End of Term Report on Parramatta Twenty25.................................................. 55

12.4             Delivery Program and Operational Plan – Quarterly Review June 2012.............. 59    

13      Closed Session

13.1             Tender for Provision of Major Events (Australia Day Concert Tender) 20/2012

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

13.2             CEO KPIs

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.




Council                                                                                                             27 August 2012



Rescission Motions


27 August 2012


8.1              25 Wentworth Street, Parramatta.................................................................... 9

Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER         8.1

SUBJECT                  25 Wentworth Street, Parramatta

REFERENCE            DA/1203/1998/A - D02473206

REPORT OF              N/A       


To be Moved by Councillor A Bide and Seconded by Councillor P Garrard and THe Lord Mayor, Councillor L Wearne




That the resolution of the Council (Development) Meeting held on 13 August  2012 in relation to item 14.4 of Closed Session regarding 25 Wentworth Street, Parramatta as follows:-


That the application be refused for the following reasons:-

1.  The proposal is not in the public’s interest.

2.  The proximity of the brothel to a licensed premises breaches the DCP.


be and is hereby rescinded.”





Previous Council Report

45 Pages




Council                                                                                                             27 August 2012



Economy and Development


27 August 2012


9.1              315 Church Street Parramatta
( LOT 1 DP 739012)(Arthur Phillip Ward).................................................... 13


9.2              23 Merrylands Road, MERRYLANDS  NSW  2160
(LOT 3 DP 979275) (Woodville Ward).......................................................... 15


9.3              24 Euston Street, Rydalmere
(Lot 37 DP 252154) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)....................................... 17


9.4              22 Patten Avenue Merrylands
(Lot 313 DP 11070) (Woodville Ward).......................................................... 21


9.5              123 -157 Bungaree Road, Pendle Hill
Lots 15 & 16 Sec 7 DP 979494 (Arthur Phillip Ward)................................ 23


9.6              A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper........................................ 25


9.7              Parramatta Square - draft site specific DCP............................................... 31

Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                  315 Church Street Parramatta
( LOT 1 DP 739012)(Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(1a) modification to an approved restaurant. The modifications include:-
1. Provision of an outdoor dining area containing 24 chairs within Oyster Lane.
2. Placement of an awning above the outdoor dining area in Oyster Lane.
3.  Reduction in external window sizes on the Oyster Lane elevation.

REFERENCE            DA/534/2011/A - 20 June 2012

APPLICANT/S           F Nohra

OWNERS                    Appwam Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       



1 August 2012




The Section 96(1a) application has been referred to Council as the proposal involves works to a heritage item.




The Section 96(1a) application seeks approval for modification to an approved restaurant. The modifications include:-

1. Provision of an outdoor dining area containing 24 chairs within Oyster Lane.

2. Placement of an awning above the outdoor dining area in Oyster Lane.

3. Reduction in external window sizes along Oyster Lane elevation.


The restaurant already has approval for 39 seats to be located inside the building. Approval also exists for outdoor dining containing 36 seats located in front of the building in Church Street.


The site is listed as a heritage item of local significance under schedule 5 of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The application has been considered by Councils’ Heritage Advisor who has advised that the works are acceptable for the adaptive re-use of a heritage building.


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s DCP and no submissions were received.


The proposal is consistent with the objectives of the Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan 2007, City Centre Development Control Plan 2007 and Council’s Outdoor Dining Policy. The likely impacts of the alterations and additions to the existing restaurant have been assessed and are considered to be compatible with the character of existing commercial developments in the surrounding area.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.




That Council grant development consent to Development Application No DA/534/2011/A for modification to an approved restaurant on land at 315         Church Street, Parramatta subject to conditions contained within Attachment 1.

The modifications include:-

1. Provision of an outdoor dining area containing 24 chairs within Oyster Lane.

2. Placement of an awning above the outdoor dining area in Oyster Lane.

3. Reduction in external window sizes along Oyster Lane elevation.



Sasi Kumar

Senior Development Assessment Officer



Section 79 C report

12 Pages



Locality plan

1 Page



Architectural plan

1 Page





Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 9.2


ITEM NUMBER         9.2

SUBJECT                  23 Merrylands Road, MERRYLANDS  NSW  2160
(LOT 3 DP 979275) (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Alterations and additions to a single dwelling house and construction of a secondary dwelling.

REFERENCE            DA/284/2012 - Submitted 11 May 2012

APPLICANT/S           Mr P Bashi

OWNERS                    Mr & Mrs Bashi

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT  3 August 2012





The application has been referred to Council as it seeks a variation of greater than 10% to the minimum lot size within Clause 22(4)(a) of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and the application is accompanied by an objection under SEPP 1.





The application seeks approval for alterations and additions to a single dwelling house and construction of a secondary dwelling on a lot having an area of 350.68m², which is 99.34m² below the minimum allotment size of 450m².


In accordance with a Planning Circular released by the Department of Planning in November 2008 on ‘Reporting Variations to Development Standards' variations to development standards greater than 10% should be determined by Council.


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and no submissions were received.


The applicant has demonstrated within the SEPP 1 objection that compliance with the numerical requirement under Clause 22(4)(a) of the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP is both unnecessary and unreasonable in the circumstances of this case. Although the subject lot is below the minimum allotment size, the proposed secondary dwelling will not result in the loss of amenity to adjoining properties or the residents of the subject site and responds effectively with site conditions. The proposal provides satisfactory private open space, deep soil zones and setbacks. Furthermore the proposal complies with the objectives of the R3 Medium Density Residential zone.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.










(a)       That Council support the variation to Clause 22(4)(a) of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 under the provisions of SEPP 1.


(b)       That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/284/2012 for alterations and additions to a single dwelling house and construction of a secondary dwelling at 23 Merrylands Road, MERRYLANDS for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.  




Nicholas Clarke

Development Assessment Officer



Section 79c Assessment Report

31 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




5 Pages



Confidential Plans

1 Page






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 9.3


ITEM NUMBER         9.3

SUBJECT                  24 Euston Street, Rydalmere
(Lot 37 DP 252154) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION          A Section 96 (1A) to an approved place of public worship.  The modification seeks the following amendments:
1. Removal of the garage from the lower ground floor  ; 2. Modifications to fenestration; 3. Internal partitioning changes; 4. Additional on grade carparking space; and 5. Incorporation of a private bus drop off and pick up area along Euston Street.

REFERENCE            DA/74/2012/A - 28 June 2012

APPLICANT/S           JNP Architecture

OWNERS                    The Presbyterian Church (NSW) Property Trust

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT            3 August 2012




The Section 96 application is referred to Council for determination as the proposal is for a place of public worship.




Approval is sought for modifications to a place of public worship for up to 320 people with an associated care and pre-school. The proposed modifications are as follows:


Lower Ground Floor


·            Deletion of the parking space (1 space) and replacement of the garage doors with glazed doors and associated driveway.

·            Replace the garage door with a glazed door.

·            Conversion of the garage to a habitable area increases the FSR from 0.52:1 to 0.78:1. The works to the lower ground floor area will comprise of:


-        Relocation of kitchen to the western portion of the development

-        Relocation of the garbage area to the north-western portion of the development.

-        Provision of 3 storage areas to be located to the western and northern portions of the building and to below the staircase.

-        Provision of female and male toilets with shower facilities.

-        Provision of an office towards the centre of the building.

-        Provision of a utility area.

-        Increase the size of Room 3 to extend to the middle wall to the centre of the building.

-        Provision of 2 additional rooms. Room 4 is to be located adjoining Room 3 to the eastern portion of the building and Room 5 is situated to the north-eastern side of the building. Room 5 is to be used as a classroom and Room 4 is to be used for associated storage to Room 3.

Ground Floor


·            Replacement of solid partition between the multi purpose room and the hall with a curtain partition.

·            Provision of an additional Pre-school room (Pre-school 2) adjoining the Assistant Minister’s Room.

·            Reduction of the size of the Music Room to allow for the conversion of the book shop to a Prayer Room.

·            Reconfiguration of the male and female toilets.

·            Relocation of the stairs from adjoining the Music Room to adjoining the toilets.

·            Reduction in the area size of the Admin Room.

·            Relocate the door of the Mother’s Room from the northern wall to the north-west wall addressing the hallway. 


Southern Elevation


·            Reduce the size of the 2 windows to the Ministers Room and 1 window located within the Meeting Room.

·            Deletion of the ensuite / accessible toilet window.

·            Enlarge the window opening for the hallway.

·            Increase 1 window of the Music Room and is to be of an aluminum material.

·            Deletion of 1 Music Room window, 3 Hall windows and 2 storage windows.


Eastern Elevation


·            Deletion of 5 Hall windows, 2 Hall doors and an awning. 


Western Elevation


·            Addition of 1 Café window

·            Addition of 1 Multi-purpose window

·            Addition of 2 windows for the Assistant Minster’s room.

·            Addition of 2 windows for the Seminar room and 1 window for the Staff room.

·            Increased the door opening to the Hall.

·            Deletion of 1 door for Room 1.  




·            Relocation of the car space from the lower ground floor to the at-grade parking area adjoining the playground. 

·            Reduce the Playground area from 45.75m2 to 30m2.  

·            Extended the landscaping along the western elevation.

·            Provision of a drop-off and pick-up area for private buses on Euston Street.


Despite the relocation of the car space to the at-grade parking area to the rear of the building and the deletion of the associated driveway, the place of worship will maintain the number of on-site parking spaces (20 spaces) approved under the parent application.


The proposed modification to provide a drop-off and pick up area to the front of the premises is related to Condition No. 19 which state:


The consent holder is to submit amended plans prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate to Council identifying and establishing a drop-off and pick-up area to be used by private buses. The amended plans are to be reviewed by Council’s Service Manager - Transport and Traffic for comment.  The applicant is to submit an application to Council’s Service Manager - Transport and Traffic for installation of a "No Parking - Buses and Coach Excepted" for approval by Council through Parramatta Traffic Committee processes at least 5 months prior to the occupancy of the building.  The cost of supply and installation of the appropriate signs are to be paid for by the applicant.


The applicant claims that the above condition is not clear on whether these buses will operate from a common park and ride location or whether this service is part of a ‘route service’. To provide clarity, a drop-off and pick up area is proposed on the Euston Street frontage to be used by private buses. This will require the installation of ‘No Parking - Buses and Coach Excepted’ signs within the designated area. It is noted that the four buses will be in operation to service the patrons of the place of worship. It is noted that the drop-off and pick up area will only operate on Sundays and that the length of the bus zone is 36 metres.


The modifications to convert the lower ground floor area will increase the total habitable floor within the lower ground floor area by 270.09m2 and will result in an increase in FSR from 0.52:1 to 0.78:1 (1743.62m2). The modifications maintain compliance with the maximum permitted FSR for the site which is 1.1:1.  It is noted that despite the increase in habitable floor area, the modifications will not result in any changes to the building footprint. Accordingly, there will be no increase in the bulk and scale of the development.


Irrespective of the increase in habitable floor area, the provision of additional parking spaces is not required. Council’s PDCP 2011 requires that parking spaces for a place of worship be calculated on the basis of usable floor area that will increase the capacity of the development. The additional floor area which comprises of classrooms, an office and a utility area will not increase the capacity of the development as these rooms will be used by the same patrons using the main hall which is capped at a maximum of 320 persons. As such, any adverse acoustic or traffic impacts as a result of the increase in floor areas are unlikely. 


The application was reviewed by Council’s Traffic Engineer. No objections were raised by Council’s Traffic Engineer subject to modifications to Conditions 6 and 10.


The application was notified in accordance with Appendix 5 of PDCP 2011. In response, no submissions were received.


The modifications are consistent with the objectives contained in the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011. Accordingly the Section 96 application is recommended for approval, subject to conditions.




That Council as the consent authority modify development consent No. DA/74/2012 for the place of public worship approved subject to the modified conditions of consent as outlined in Attachment 1.



Denise Fernandez

Senior Development Assessment Officer




Section 79C Assessment Report

23 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans and Elevation

7 Pages



Original S79C Report

48 Pages



Original Approved Plans

14 Pages



Original Development Consent

17 Pages





Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 9.4


ITEM NUMBER         9.4

SUBJECT                  22 Patten Avenue Merrylands
(Lot 313 DP 11070) (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Alterations and additions to a dwelling house, including an awning to the front of the dwelling and the construction of a detached double garage to the rear. Removal of two (2) trees.

REFERENCE            DA/295/2012 - 21 May 2012

APPLICANT/S           Mr B and Mrs A Echkintana

OWNERS                    Mr B and Mrs A Echkintana

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT – 14 August 2012





The applicant/owner is a relative of a Council employee.




The application seeks approval for the construction of an awning over an existing elevated concrete patio at the front of the dwelling, and construction of a detached double garage at the rear of the allotment which will result in the removal of two (2) trees, and the extension of the existing driveway to service the new garage.


The application has been assessed by a Planning Consultant as the application has been lodged by a relative of a Council employee.


During the notification period of the application one (1) submission was received. The issues raised are as follows:


·    Inaccurate site plan

·    Keeping of poultry

·    Damage to boundary fencing resulting from previous work on site


The ‘hen house’ referenced as part of the submission was not evident on site when the site inspection was undertaken. As a result an advising has been included at the rear of the recommended conditions to advise the owners of their obligations for the keeping of poultry.


The concern with respect to fencing largely becomes a civil matter under the Dividing Fences Act, however a condition has been imposed to protect the integrity of the fencing during construction (see condition 2 of the recommended conditions)


The allotment is flood affected, however the double garage has been designed so that the finished floor level of the outbuilding will be 500mm above the freeboard. The awning at the front of the dwelling will be over a patio that is below the flood level. However the incorporation of the awning is not considered to result in any additional impacts upon the subject or adjoining allotments, therefore Council’s Catchment Engineers support the proposal.


The detached garage (outbuilding) seeks to vary Council’s rear setback control, the height control and results in a shortfall of deep soil zone.


However it is considered these non compliances with Council’s Development Control Plan 2011 criterion; do not result in a development that adversely impacts upon the allotments adjoining. This style of development is consistent with objectives of the assessment criteria and development in the surrounding locality, and is therefore not considered to be inconsistent with the local character.







(a) That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/295/2012 for alterations and additions to a dwelling house, including a new front awning, construction of a detached garage to the rear, driveway works and removal of 2 trees subject to the recommendations and conditions contained within the attached Section 79C Assessment Report (attachment 1).


(b) That the objector be advised of Council’s decision.




Nicole Askew

Team Leader Development and Certification





Section 79C Report

38 Pages



Location Map

1 Page



Plans of Development

4 Pages



Confidential Plans

2 Pages






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 9.5


ITEM NUMBER         9.5

SUBJECT                  123 -157 Bungaree Road, Pendle Hill
Lots 15 & 16 Sec 7 DP 979494 (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition of heritage items, tree removal, expansion of seniors housing with associated facilities, construction of new administration facilities and at grade car parking

REFERENCE            DA/137/2012 - 7 March 2012

APPLICANT/S           UPA of NSW Limited - Sydney West District

OWNERS                    United Protestant Association Trust

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services        


DATE OF REPORT – 7 August 2012




The proposal is referred to Council for consideration as the application relates to demolition of heritage items.




The development application relates to demolition of heritage items, tree removal, expansion of seniors housing with associated facilities, construction of new administration facilities and at grade external car park.


Council has previously resolved to remove the heritage items from the heritage register of the Parramatta City Council Local Environmental Plan.


The application was advertised and notified in accordance with Parramatta Council’s Notification Development Control Plan 2004. No submissions were received.


The subject site and immediately adjoining sites are zoned R2 Low Density Residential. The Pendle Hill industrial area is located on the opposite side of Bungaree Road to the west. Surrounding development consists of low rise residential dwellings to the north, south and east and various industrial developments to the west.


Council’s Heritage Advisor has reviewed the development and has not raised objection to the removal of heritage items on site due to Council previously resolving to remove the heritage items from the heritage register of the Parramatta City Council Local Environmental Plan.  


The development is subject to the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a disability) 2004. This policy (and associated numeric standards) prevails over Council policy, it be noted that there are no specific provisions within Council policy in relation to Seniors Living. The development is consistent with State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a disability) 2004 and is generally consistent with Council’s controls.


Conditions are included in the recommendation to protect neighbouring privacy and ensure that the operation of the premises is undertaken in accordance with relevant standards.


After consideration of the development against the relevant statutory and policy provisions, the proposal is considered to be suitable for the site. Therefore, it is recommended that the application be approved. 





That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/137/2012 for the demolition of heritage items, tree removal, expansion of seniors housing with associated facilities, construction of new administration facilities and at grade external car parking at 123-157 Bungaree Road, Pendle Hill for a period of five (5) years for physical commencement to occur from the date on the Notice of Determination.




Duncan Livingstone

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79C Assessment Report

80 Pages



Locality Plan

1 Page




6 Pages



Confidential plan

1 Page






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 9.6


ITEM NUMBER         9.6

SUBJECT                  A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper

REFERENCE            F2007/02152 - D02471176

REPORT OF              Senior Project Officer         




To inform Council of key aspects of the reforms proposed to the NSW Planning System and to seek Council’s endorsement of a submission to the State Government on A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper.





(a)     That Council endorse the submission at Attachment 2 as its submission to the State Government on A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper.

(b)     That the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure be requested to provide a generous timeframe for consultation on the more detailed provisions for the new planning system when the White Paper and Exposure Bill are released.

(c)     Further, that the Minister be requested to release the White Paper for consultation to allow for feedback on the more detailed provisions before the Exposure Bill is finalised and tabled.





1.      In July 2011 an independent panel was established to undertake a review of the NSW planning system. The panel undertook a state wide consultation process and delivered an Issues Paper in December 2011.


2.      Some of the key issues identified from this process were the complexity of the existing system, delays and cost, lack of community involvement, planning and financing of infrastructure, the political nature of decision making at the local level, lack of transparency of state significant project decision making and the complying development process.


3.      Submissions on the Issues Paper were accepted until mid March 2012. Council endorsed its submission to the Issues Paper at its meeting on 13 February 2012.


4.      A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper was released by the State Government in July 2012 and is available for comment until Friday 14 September 2012. For Councils, the submission date has been extended to Friday 5 October 2012.  The Green Paper outlines the broad changes and reforms the Government intends to undertake for the NSW planning system.


5.      The NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DP&I) commissioned a report on A Review of International Best Practice in Planning Law and additionally has prepared Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the Community, Councils, Industry and Business. These documents are all available on the DP&I’s web site. A copy of the FAQ for Councils is Attachment 1 to this report.




6.      The new legislation will be an enabling Act that will not include detailed prescriptive controls but will provide guidance and good practice advisory notes. The objectives of the Act will emphasise the role of planning in facilitating and managing growth and economic development.


7.      The focus is on four areas of reform as summarised in the figure below from the Green Paper:



8.      Community Participation: The new planning system proposes to engage communities ‘upfront’ at the preparation of strategic plans. Strategic planning decisions are to be ‘evidence based’ – i.e. based on the research and data that informs strategic plans so that decision making will be more transparent to the community. There is reliance on communities participating in decision making at the strategic planning stage.


Strategic Planning


9.      The new planning system is strongly focused on a hierarchy of strategic plans including the following:


NSW Government:

- NSW Planning Policies (Cabinet Approved): to replace all existing State Environmental Planning Policies and section 117 Directions.

- Regional Growth Plans: planning framework to guide regional growth for the next 20 years, including the Metropolitan Plan for Sydney which will be integrated with the NSW Long-Term Transport Masterplan and State Infrastructure Strategy.

Regional Planning Boards:

- Sub-Regional Delivery Plans: based on new geographic sub-regional boundaries formed by groupings of local Council areas (yet to be advised), to be overseen by Regional Planning Boards with the participation of local government, state agencies and stakeholders.  These will be underpinned by Sectoral Strategies (e.g. for housing, employment, catchment, environment, natural resources) and linked to Growth Infrastructure Plans.

Local Councils:

- Local Land Use Plans: with a new format in four parts including strategic context; spatial land use (with new zones and greater flexibility with a broader range of uses within a prescribed zone); local infrastructure and services delivery; development guidelines and standards (which are to be performance based).


Development Assessment and Compliance


10.    Decision making: Councillors’ role in making decisions on local development applications remains unchanged. However the Green Paper strongly encourages Councillors to consider the option of delegating their decision making powers on the local development applications that are currently determined by Councillors, to Council staff or Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels established by Council. This approach is already being used by many Councils in NSW, including around a quarter of all Councils in the Sydney metropolitan area.


11.    Strategic Compliance: The premise of the new planning system is that development that is consistent with strategic plans should be able to proceed in a straightforward manner and without delays.

It is proposed that prior to the completion of sub-regional delivery plans, proponents will be able to seek a Strategic Compatibility Certificate from the Director General (DG) for development that is incompatible with the Local Land Use Plan, but consistent with the regional or metropolitan plan. There is a right of review by the Joint Regional Planning panel (JRPP) where Council or a proponent is dissatisfied with the DG’s decision.


12.    Increasing the use of code-complying development:


There are two types of code assessment proposed in the new planning system.


(a)     The first is code assessment where the consent authority makes the decision (generally the Council). This will apply where the elements of a development, such as height and building envelopes, meet the criteria already established at the strategic planning level (in the sub-regional delivery plan). These elements will be able to access a fast-tracked code assessment overseen by the local consent authority, while elements that do not meet the agreed criteria would be subject to a full merit assessment. This may apply to development including residential flat buildings, an office building or shopping centre.


(b)     The second is complying development, where it is also proposed to expand the types of small-scale, low risk development that can access 10-day approvals by accredited certifiers (council and private).  The State Government will be looking to extend the existing codes such as including new industrial buildings on industrial land and townhouses and villas on land already identified for these uses.


For both of these types of code based assessment, there will not be community consultation where the development fully complies with the code.


Infrastructure Planning and Coordination


13.    Growth Infrastructure Plans are proposed to be prepared in conjunction with sub-regional delivery plans so that land use decisions and infrastructure planning and delivery are aligned. A Regional Open Space levy is being considered and Local Infrastructure Plans will identify local infrastructure.


14.    Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs) may either be phased out or simplified, with clear minimum VPA benchmarks to be established, negotiation timeframes and more ‘works in kind’ developer contributions.


16.    Options for review of development contributions are still being considered and further details will be released with the White Paper.


Delivery of the New Planning System


17.    A State Government CEO Group, consisting of DP&I, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Transport for NSW, Treasury, Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services and Infrastructure NSW is proposed to oversee growth plans, planning policies and standards. It will sign off on the relevant agency requirements applicable at the relevant strategic level.


18.    It is also proposed to establish a Regional Planning Board including an independent local chair, key stakeholders (e.g. Catchment Management Authorities), representatives of local Government and ex officio members of relevant NSW Government agencies. This Board will provide advice to the Director General of DP&I and the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure on the adoption of growth plans at regional and sub-regional levels.




19.    A detailed submission on the Green Paper is provided in Attachment 2 of this report and is recommended for endorsement by Council.


20.    The overarching comments included in the recommended submission are as follows:


·    The objectives for the new planning system are sound.  However, concern is raised that the new system and hierarchy of strategic plans is too complex and will also take a long time to prepare.  Significant resources (people and financial) will be required to deliver these new plans. 


·    Provisions are included to allow prohibited development to be considered before the new range of strategic plans are prepared and this has the potential to undermine the purpose of the strategic plans even before they are prepared. Added to the intent of the new system to facilitate economic growth and to be more responsive to the market, the strategic plans could fail to materialise in time to perform their central role in the new system. The market may also conflict with longer term strategic plans for an area, yet sub-regional plans will be required to respond to market demand.


·    Local Councils will have less say in strategic planning for their local areas with more weighting given to regional and metropolitan strategic plans. The new system also relies on engaging the community to have their say on plans at a sub-regional strategic level, which will be difficult to achieve.


·    Streamlining of the development assessment process is supported. However, a greater use of code based assessment relies on the new strategic plans being in place, so again the system could fail if these plans are not able to be delivered in a short time frame. Code assessable development should not be introduced until such time as the strategic plans and new Local Land Use Plans are finalised. The legislation should stage the introduction of new provisions to ensure that this occurs.


·    Local Councils should be represented on the State Government CEO’s Group and Regional Planning Boards to ensure adequate consideration is given to the representation of local issues in approved strategic and infrastructure plans.


·    The detail will be delivered in the White Paper and Exposure Bill at which stage there needs to be sufficient time allowed for consultation due to the magnitude and scope of the new Act.


·   Due to the lack of detail in the Green Paper and the complexity of the proposed new planning system, it is strongly recommended that representations be made to the State Government seeking the release of the White Paper for consultation ahead of the Exposure Bill to allow for feedback on the more detailed provisions in the White Paper before the Exposure Bill is finalised and tabled.





21.    Following consideration of community and industry feedback on the Green Paper, the Government will prepare and release a White Paper, which will provide more detail on how the new planning system will operate.


22.    The White Paper and draft legislation (Exposure Bill) are expected to be released in late 2012 for public consideration.


23.    It is anticipated legislation will be introduced into Parliament in early 2013.




Sue Stewart

Senior Project Officer

Land Use Planning





Frequently Asked Questions for Councils

5 Pages



PCC submission on the Green Paper

11 Pages






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                      Item 9.7


ITEM NUMBER         9.7

SUBJECT                  Parramatta Square - draft site specific DCP

REFERENCE            F2012/01980 - D02472013

REPORT OF              Manager Land Use Planning       




To seek Council’s endorsement to publicly exhibit a draft site specific Development Control Plan (DCP) for Parramatta Square.





(a)     That Council adopt the draft site specific DCP at Attachment 1, being an amendment to the Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 for the purposes of public exhibition.


(b)     That a report be put to Council following the public exhibition.


(c)     Further, that Council prepare a planning proposal to reflect the content of this report.





1.      The Civic Place Master Plan 2003 is the current guiding document for the development and design of Parramatta Square. Parramatta Square is the area bounded by Macquarie Street, Smith Street, Darcy Street and Church Street Mall in the Parramatta city centre.




2.      The foundation of the Civic Place Master Plan was for the development of the area including the public domain to be conducted as a single entity by the one developer. This development approach has changed. Further, the current master plan refers to and predicates on instruments that have been superseded and targets that are out of date. The master plan needs to be updated to reflect the development of Parramatta Square in stages and by multiple developers, and to reflect current targets and strategies regarding the development of the City. This will ensure appropriate direction is provided to development proposals. 




3.      The current master plan focuses on Parramatta Square and includes a broader surrounding area.  The site specific DCP will only apply to Parramatta Square. The site specific DCP will be included in the Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007. The site specific DCP will sit in the context of the general controls of Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 in that the general controls will apply to the area and where there is any inconsistency the site specific DCP will prevail (because it will be more specific).


4.      The draft DCP is included as Attachment 1 to this report. It comprises clear and direct objectives and principles/controls to guide future development and use of the site which is reinforced by a desired future character statement that:


a.      Highlights the importance of the development of Parramatta Square as being vital to achieving the targets for future employment growth in Parramatta.

b.      Showcases environmental sustainability excellence.

c.       Builds on the renewed transport interchange as Parramatta Square will provide an easily accessible civic focus for the city.

d.      Defines the built form of Parramatta Square. This includes a row of the tallest buildings in Parramatta immediately north of the railway station, and a large central public open space. The space will be enclosed by a series of buildings fronting Macquarie and Smith Streets. All of the buildings will be of the highest quality, commensurate with their important civic location.

e.      Provides a public gathering place. The public open space at the centre of Parramatta Square will form the pre-eminent ceremonial centre of Parramatta, the site for both significant formal civic events and recurrent cultural and community celebrations and festivals. It will be the start of the link to the river. Given this character, vehicle movements will be restricted and pedestrian and cycle movement will dominate.


5.      The draft DCP contains overall site objectives that will determine the future form of development of the subject site. The principles establish the key parameters that will ensure that future development on the site contributes to achieving the above overall desired future character.


6.      The draft DCP contains specific objectives and principles/controls for the following to ensure a high standard and unified development of the subject site:


a.      Public Domain

          Ensures the delivery of robust and flexible public spaces that will cater for a variety of uses and that contain high level of pedestrian amenity and safety.

b.      Building Form

          Establishes objectives and controls to ensure high quality architectural and urban design for public spaces and buildings.

c.       Sustainability

          Creates an opportunity to both consider the precinct as a whole and prepare precinct-wide sustainability initiatives. These could include the provision of building and precinct infrastructure which supports energy efficiency, water management, waste minimisation and helps to adapt to climate change.

d.      Access, Parking and Servicing

          Ensures a street network and building access that is appropriate to deliver a functioning site. The controls ensure the frontage of buildings is balanced with creating a public domain that priorities pedestrian movement. It supports a reduction of car trips and encourages the use of sustainable transport.

e.      Heritage

          Conserves and interprets the heritage significance of the site including indigenous and cultural heritage in the design of buildings, public spaces and public art.

f.       Utilities

          Ensures appropriate design and treatment of utilities and services and their location in buildings and the public domain.  




7.      The subject site is zoned B4 Mixed Use in Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 and has a maximum FSR of 8:1 with a maximum building height of 54m (central and northern part of site) and 200m (southern part of site).


8.      The site is also subject to Clause 22H Civic Place in Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 which ensures that development on the land provides for at least 6,000sqm of public open space and contains an appropriate mix of uses by having no more than 40 percent of gross floor area of the development used for the purposes of residential accommodation and at least 40 percent of that gross floor area used for the purposes of office space.


9.      This clause implies, like the Civic Place Master Plan, that the development of Parramatta Square will be conducted as a single entity by the one developer. The area known as Parramatta Square includes privately owned land. There are equity issues as well as complexities in having the development potential (type) of an individual property influenced by the development (and timing) of another property. This arrangement is not one that applies elsewhere in the CBD or LGA.


10.    It is recommended that council investigate zoning the subject land B3 Commercial Core at the eastern end and retain the B4 Mixed Use zone for land to the west (immediately fronting Church Street Mall and west of the church) to ensure the attainment of a fully commercial precinct.  The maximum floor space ratio and height controls on land fronting Macquarie Street west of Leigh Place should be investigated to ensure an appropriate relationship with the public domain and for Leigh Place to align with the link to the river.




11.    It is recommended that the Council endorse the draft DCP at Attachment 1.


12.    Subject to Council’s endorsement, the draft DCP, being an amendment to the Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007, will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days. As part of the exhibition, letters will be sent to landowners within and adjoining the subject site.


13.    Under requirements of State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development, the Design Excellence Advisory Review panel will be consulted on the proposed amendments concurrently with the exhibition.


14.    Submissions made during the exhibition will be reported to Council together with a recommendation on the finalisation of the draft DCP. Once the DCP is finalised the Civic Place Master Plan 2003 will be revoked and the new DCP will replace the master plan as the applicable development guideline.


15.    Simultaneously with the processing of the DCP, Council staff will investigate the preparation of a planning proposal to simplify the current LEP provisions that relate to the site. The outcome of this will be reported to Council.




Jennifer Concato

Land Use Planning Manager





Draft site specific DCP - Parramatta Square

11 Pages






Council                                                                                                             27 August 2012



Environment and Infrastructure


27 August 2012


10.1           Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 August 2012     37


10.2           Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 August 2012    39


10.3           Parramatta Cycleway Advisory Committee................................................. 41

Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 10.1


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                  Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 August 2012

REFERENCE            F2012/00041 - D02470167

REPORT OF              Traffic & Transport Support Officer.Traffic and Transport       




That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 August 2012.





That the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 August

2012 be adopted.




Richard Searle

Service Manger Traffic and Transport




Parramatta Traffic Committee Minutes of meeting held on 9 August 2012

4 Pages



Parramatta Traffic Committee Item reports for meeting held on 9 August 2012

13 Pages






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 10.2


ITEM NUMBER         10.2

SUBJECT                  Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 August 2012

REFERENCE            F2012/00040 - D02470199

REPORT OF              Traffic & Transport Support Officer.Traffic and Transport       




That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 August 2012.





That the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9

August 2012 be adopted.




Richard Searle

Service Manger Traffic and Transport





Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Minutes of meeting held on 9 August 2012

6 Pages



Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Item reports for meeting held on 9 August 2012

41 Pages






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 10.3


ITEM NUMBER         10.3

SUBJECT                  Parramatta Cycleway Advisory Committee

REFERENCE            F2004/07952 - D02471998

REPORT OF              Project Officer       




To inform Council of the Minutes of the Parramatta Cycleway Advisory Committee meetings held on the 7 February, 27 March, 5 June and 7 August 2012.





That Council receives and notes the minutes of the Parramatta Cycleway Advisory Committee meetings held on the 7 February, 27 March, 5 June and 7 August 2012.





1.      Parramatta City Council’s Cycleway Committee meets every second month.  The Committee currently comprises twelve members representing various cycling interests.


2.      The Committee met on the 7 February, 27 March, 5 June and 7 August 2012. See Attachment 1 for a copy of the minutes.




Parramatta Cycleway Committee


3.      The Parramatta Cycleways Committee has met four times in 2012 on the 7 February, 27 March, 5 June and 7 August 2012. At these meetings the committee members were updated on the status of the cycle projects being delivered under the 2011/12 capital works program. Highlights have included Councils successful application to the Federal Government Liveable Cities Program resulting in Council receiving $3.75 million towards completing three missing links in the Parramatta Valley Cycleway. These links are the Lennox Bridge Portals, the Escapement Boardwalk and the Baladarri Wetlands missing links. Other key projects reported to the committee during this time include the purchase of 1 Park Rd, Rydalmere and the continued progress of Pike to South St Part B.


4.      At the August meeting the committee discussed the procedure for the Council Advisory Committee. The Committee was informed that all Council Advisory Committees will be disbanded by the 31 August and members called for after the Council election.


Myfanwy Lawrence

Project Officer Transport




Minutes of the Parramatta Cycleway Committee 7 February 2012

4 Pages



Minutes of the Parramatta Cycleway Committee 27 March 2012

2 Pages



Minutes of the Parramatta Cycleway Committee 5 June 2012

1 Page



Minutes of the Parramatta Cycleways Committee 7 August 2012

12 Pages





Council                                                                                                             27 August 2012



Community and Neighbourhood


27 August 2012


11.1           Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 24 July 2012 45

Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 11.1


ITEM NUMBER         11.1

SUBJECT                  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 24 July 2012

REFERENCE            F2005/01941 - D02450445

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer       




The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 24 July 2012. This report provides a précis of the decisions made at this meeting.





(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of 24 July 2012 be received and noted.


(b)       Further that correspondence be forwarded to the Parramatta Park Trust expressing the Committee’s concern and disappointment that the newly erected signage at Parramatta Park makes no reference to the Darug people being the original occupants of the land.





1.         Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee meets monthly and comprises 21 members.


2.         Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 24 July 2012. This report provides a summary of the decisions made at this meeting.




3.         The Committee reviewed Burramatta NAIDOC 2012 which was held on 8 July 2012 and identified what was successful and what they would prefer to be improved and/or changed. The Committee agreed that the following had made the day a success: numbers of people who attended the event; the high standard of musicians and performers; excellent children’s activities, workshops and stalls and the fact that it had been well organised. The Committee also identified elements that they would like to see changed and made the following recommendations:


·        that free food be provided

·        that additional money be allocated to the event

·        that Council continue to appoint an Aboriginal Coordinator to manage the event.     


             Officer’s Comment:

             The Committee’s comments and recommendations regarding Burramatta             NAIDOC will be forwarded to Council’s Major Events Team to inform planning         for Burramatta NAIDOC 2013.


4.         The Committee discussed recognising the work and commitment of Mr Bruce Gale who resigned as Chairperson of the Committee in June 2012. The Committee recognised the strong advocacy role and commitment displayed by Mr. Gale in his role as Committee Chairperson, a position he has held for 16 years since the Committee was first established. The Committee requested Council give further consideration to acknowledging Mr Gale’s work.


            Officer’s Comment:

            Community, Library and Social Services will organise an event to acknowledge Mr. Gale’s contribution to the Committee and liaise with the Lord Mayor Office’s regarding this event.


5.         The Committee discussed the new signage at the entrance to Parramatta Park which makes no reference of the original owners of the land, the Darug people. The Committee recommended that Council forward correspondence to the Parramatta Park Trust expressing its disappointment.




6.         There are no financial implications to Council.


Maggie Kyle

Community Capacity Building Officer




Minutes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 24 July 2012

6 Pages





Council                                                                                                             27 August 2012



Governance and Corporate


27 August 2012


12.1           Investments Report for June 2012 .............................................................. 49


12.2           2012 NSW LGA Conference 'Tribal By Nature' - Dubbo - 28-30 October 2012      53


12.3           End of Term Report on Parramatta Twenty25............................................ 55


12.4           Delivery Program and Operational Plan – Quarterly Review June 2012 59

Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 12.1


ITEM NUMBER         12.1

SUBJECT                  Investments Report for June 2012

REFERENCE            F2009/00971 - D02440131

REPORT OF              Manager Finance       



To inform Council of the investment portfolio performance for the month of June 2012.



That Council receives and notes the investments report for June 2012.




1.         In accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, a report setting out details of all money invested must be presented to Council on a monthly basis.


2.         The report must include a certificate as to whether or not the investments have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and the investment policy of Council.




3.         The closing balance of Council’s investment portfolio as at the 30th June 2012 was $95.8M. The weighted average Funds held throughout the period was approximately $99.8M.  


4.         Council holds a diversified range of investment products which include:

·    Managed Funds

·    Term Deposits (Including Investment – Loan offsets)

·    Floating Rate Notes

·    Cash at call


Council engages CPG Research and Advisory for assistance in all investment matter’s relating to advice, risk and portfolio weighting.


5.         The weighted average interest rate on Council’s investments for the month of June 2012 versus the UBSA Bank Bill Index is as follows:


                                                                             Monthly      Annualised


                             Total Portfolio                          0.524%      6.29%

                             Funds Managers                   0.617%      7.40%

                             UBSA Bank Bill Index                     0.292%        3.51%


Although not finalised at this point in time, Councils overall return for the financial will be approximately 6%. This return has outperformed the UBSA Bank bill index by 1.30%. This is an outstanding achievement given volatility in foreign markets and the negative effect on managed funds.



NB: Annualised rates for Managed Funds are calculated on a compounding basis assuming that the interest returns are added to the initial investment amount and reinvested.


7.         Councils investment portfolio performed strongly throughout June, outperforming the UBSA Bank bill index by 2.78% (Annualised). The CFS Global credit fund showed major recovery recording a monthly annualised return of 10.99%.  Council also purchased a 5 year Senior Fixed Bond with a fixed return of 7.25%. 


8.         As has been seen throughout this year’s market volatility, Councils Term deposit and floating rate note portfolio has assisted in stabilising our overall return regardless of market movements. Term deposits occupy approximately 64% of the total portfolio with fixed returns ranging from 5% to 7.40%.


9.         The following details are provided on the attachments for information:


                   Graph – Comparison of average funds invested with loans balance

                   Graph – Average interest rate comparison to Bank Bill Index

                   Graphs – Investments and loans interest compared to budget

                   Summary of investment portfolio


10.       The Certificate of Investments for June 2012 is provided below:


Certificate of Investments


I hereby certify that the investments for the month of June 12 have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and Council’s Investment Policy.


11.       There is no standard report attachment - detailed submission - attached to this report.








Alistair Cochrane

Manager Finance






Summary of Investments Portfolio

2 Pages



Investments & Loans - Performance

1 Page






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 12.2


ITEM NUMBER         12.2

SUBJECT                  2012 NSW LGA Conference 'Tribal By Nature' - Dubbo - 28-30 October 2012

REFERENCE            F2012/00076 - D02464058

REPORT OF              Executive Support Manager       




The purpose of this report is to seek the appointment of six (6) Councillors (plus one staff member) to attend the 2012 NSW LGA Conference ‘Tribal By Nature’ being held at the Dubbo Regional Theatre & Convention Centre from 28-30 October 2012.





            That bookings for six (6) conference registrations be made under ‘TBA Delegate 1’ ‘TBA Delegate 2’ etc until such time after the election that Councillor names are confirmed to attend the 2012 NSW LGA Conference ‘Tribal By Nature’ being held at the Dubbo Regional Theatre & Convention Centre from 28-30 October 2012.





1.      The theme for the conference will be ‘Tribal By Nature’

2.      ‘Since the last annual conference in Shoalhaven, the O’Farrell Government has embarked on a number of significant reviews that will impact on NSW Local Government – the LGA and the Shires Association of NSW are helping to drive and influence positive change for our sector.’

3.      ‘This timely conference brings us together to debate and formalise our policies for the coming year and identify, discuss and make recommendation for future challenges and opportunities for NSW Local Government.’

4.      ‘Delegates will also be given an up-to-date on how we are progressing towards becoming one voice and One Association representing the Local Government sector in NSW … could potentially be the last LGA Annual Conference.’




5.      Due to the timing of the conference and the need to tentatively reserve places ASAP, the report is seeking endorsement from the current Council to go ahead and book six (6) registrations under ‘TBA Delegate 1’ etc until such time as confirmations can be made when election results are finalised.

6.      Reservation of 6 rooms (plus one staff room) was made in February 2012 for accommodation at the All Seasons Motor Lodge, Dubbo.  Deposits have been paid with full payment occurring after the 8 September elections.

7.      Queries to tentatively reserve flights have been made with Qantas Link and REX, however, we have been advised that no seats can be set aside without individual passenger names and details.  This will have to be confirmed after the elections or other transport i.e. driving, organised.




8.      Delegate registration, accommodation, travel and out of pocket expenses will be approximately $3000 per delegate.





Scott Forsdike

Manager Executive Support






2012 LGA Conference - Registration guide & program

12 Pages






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 12.3


ITEM NUMBER         12.3

SUBJECT                  End of Term Report on Parramatta Twenty25

REFERENCE            F2008/05050 - D02474616

REPORT OF              Service Manager Governance       




To consider the attached report into progress against Council’s Community Strategic Plan, Parramatta Twenty25.  This is required to be placed before the last meeting of the Council term.





That the attached report be noted.





1.   Under section 428(2) of the Local Government Act, all Councils, as part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, are required to produce an end-of-term report on Council’s progress in implementing the Community Strategic Plan during its term. In the case of Parramatta City Council, Parramatta Twenty25 was initially adopted in 2006 and was re-adopted in 2009 as our Community Strategic Plan.


2.   The report is required to be placed before the last meeting of the outgoing Council and should be appended to or incorporated in the 2011/12 Annual Report.

3.   This is the first time we have been required to prepare this report. The Guidance provided by the Division of Local Government as to the appropriate form of the report includes the following:


Councils are encouraged to utilise the performance measures and assessment methods identified in their Community Strategic Plan to determine the content of the report. The focus of this report should be on initiatives Council has direct influence over.


There is no prescribed format for the preparation of end-of-term reports. However, the report should outline how the Council is progressing towards achieving the social, environmental, economic and civic leadership objectives of the Community Strategic Plan. Where the objectives are not being met, the report should address the impediments and how these might be overcome in the future.


The end-of-term report is the outgoing council’s report to its community. It is also one of three components informing the incoming council’s review of the Community Strategic Plan…which should occur within nine months of its election.






4.   In preparing this report, we have focused particularly on the external impact of council activities on the community objectives we set out in Parramatta Twenty25. The report seeks to measure our progress from the community indicator perspective as far as possible, rather than purely a council activity perspective, as we think it reflects the intention of reporting against the Community Strategic Plan and distinguishes it from the more activity-based reporting of the Annual Report.


5.   Given that we are in the early stages of implementing our Community Strategic Plan and given its long-term time horizon, we would not expect to have had our desired impact on every destination set out in Parramatta Twenty25. As we draft our new Community Strategic Plan, Parramatta Twenty36, we are in the process of reviewing our progress and refining our priorities for the next 25 years. Accordingly, we are seeking to ensure that, as well as looking at our performance over the previous 4 years, we have included some analysis that will assist in setting our priorities for the future.


6.   In compiling the report, we have identified that community impacts are often difficult to measure over a short time. In some cases, that has meant that we have been unable to interpret our progress over the term.



7.   In summary, the report notes that we can demonstrate a positive change over the 4 year term in 21 out of 38 of our strategic objectives, while there has been no significant change in 13 of our strategic objectives. Progress has been difficult to interpret against a further 3 of our strategic objectives. We have measured a negative change in 1 strategic objective in relation to road congestion and safety, as external measures indicate that road travel times on major roads (not managed by Council) to and from the Local Government Area have increased over the period. We have noted that a number of other factors have contributed to this outcome and noted the steps that Council has taken and continues to take to address this outcome.





8.   The document has been circulated within Council to ensure that we have appropriately reflected our progress.

9.   Where possible, we have made use of measures taken from our Community Voice surveys to reflect progress over the period.

10. The report must be placed before this meeting and will be appended to the 2011/12 Annual Report of PCC.




11. There are no financial implications for Council arising from this report.


Jennifer O’Donnell

Service Manager

Governance, Quality and Performance






End of Term Report Parramatta Twenty25

46 Pages






Council 27 August 2012                                                                                                    Item 12.4


ITEM NUMBER         12.4

SUBJECT                  Delivery Program and Operational Plan – Quarterly Review June 2012

REFERENCE            F2011/03760 - D02477228

REPORT OF              Manager Finance       




To provide the June 2012 Quarterly Review of the 2010/14 Delivery Program and 2011/12 Operational Plan.


Section 404 of the Local Government Act requires the General Manager (Chief Executive Officer) to provide progress reports to the Council, with respect to the principal activities detailed in the Delivery Program, at least every 6 months.


Clause 203 of the Local Government Regulation requires the Responsible Accounting Officer to prepare and submit to the Council a quarterly budget review statement that shows, by reference to the estimates of income and expenditure set out in the Operational Plan, a revised estimate of the income and expenditure for the year.


The budget review statements and a revision of estimates within the Operational Plan must be reported to Council within two months after the end of each quarter (except the June quarter). As a matter of prudent financial practice, we continue to produce the June Quarterly review in addition to the Annual Financial Accounts which will be presented to Council at a later date.


The Responsible Accounting Officer is also required to report as to whether or not he believes the financial position of the Council is satisfactory, having regard to the original estimate of income and expenditure.





(a) That Council adopt the Chief Executive Officer’s June 2012 Quarterly Review of the 2010/14 Delivery Program and 2011/12 Operational Plan. (Attachment 1).


(b) Further, that Council adopt the Responsible Accounting Officer’s report on the financial position of the Council and the revised estimates of income and expenditure as detailed in Attachment 1





1. New requirements for Quarterly Budget Review Statements

In December 2010 the Division of Local Government (DLG) issued a set of minimum requirements for the Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS). Council has implemented these requirements commencing with the September 2011 Quarterly Budget Review. The DLG’s minimum components of the QBRS are:

ü  Statement by the Responsible Accounting Officer (Manager Finance) on Council’s financial position at the end of the year based on the information in the QBRS

ü  Income and Expenses Statement Budget Review

ü  Capital Budget Review

ü  Cash and Investments Position Budget Review

ü  Key Performance Indicators Budget Review

ü  Contracts, Legal fees and Consultants Costs Budget Review


2. Proposed variations to full year budgets

In reporting on proposed variances to full year budgets in the QBRS, the Division of Local Government has recommended that Councils should determine the parameters for what constitutes a ‘substantial’ or ‘major’ variance as it would not be feasible to explain all proposed variations.

Council currently approves and reviews budgets at the Service level within a Pillar.  For example, within the Pillar - Community and Neighbourhoods there is a Service - Town Planning & Urban Design.


To comply with the DLG guidelines Council has adopted the following as the parameters for budget variance explanations:


          Where Services budget variations are greater than +/- 10% of the current      budget or greater than +/- $100,000 of the current budget, these are   required to be explained


3. The attached June 2012 Quarterly Review contains the Chief Executive Officer’s progress report on the principal activities contained within Council’s 2010/14 Delivery Program and 2011/12 Operational Plan. The Review is presented under the Four Pillars format adopted by Council.

·        Environment & Infrastructure

·        Community & Neighbourhoods

·        Economy & Development

·        Governance & Corporate

4.     The Review details in the Operating Statement the actual income and expenditure results for the year to September compared to the budget previously adopted by Council and revised forecasts for the full year. The Responsible Accounting Officer’s Report in the Review, includes an analysis of the year to date result and the reasons for the major variances from the previously adopted budget. Explanations for major variances are in line with the parameters noted above.


5.    The June 2012 Quarterly Review was considered at a workshop on 20 August 2012. Any proposals from the workshop will be incorporated as an addendum to this document to be considered at the Council meeting.






6.      Relevant issues/options/consequences are noted within the Quarterly Review document.




7.      Consultation has taken place with all relevant staff that have Delivery Program, Operational Plan and budgetary responsibilities.




8.      Details of the financial implications are contained within the Review.





Alistair Cochrane

Manager Finance





Draft June 2012 Quarterly Review  2010/2014 Delivery Program & 2011/12 Operational Plan – copies previously circulated for Councillors’ workshop (Changes, if any from the workshop will be separately advised.)

83 Pages