Item 9.7 - Attachment 1

Draft site specific DCP - Parramatta Square


Parramatta City Council


DRAFT Parramatta Square DCP

An amendment to Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007


August 2012









Table of Contents


1.0      Desired Future Character................................................................................................................. 2

2.0      Site Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 4

3.0      Public Domain.................................................................................................................................... 5

4.0      Building Form..................................................................................................................................... 7

5.0      Sustainability...................................................................................................................................... 8

6.0      Access, Parking and Servicing........................................................................................................ 9

7.0      Heritage............................................................................................................................................. 10

8.0      Utilities............................................................................................................................................... 11




























1.0       Desired Future Character

Parramatta Square refers to the land generally bounded by Macquarie Street, Smith Street, Darcy Street and Church Street Mall in the Parramatta City Centre.


Parramatta Square, formerly Civic Place, is at the heart of the Parramatta City Centre located adjacent to the Parramatta Transport Interchange. Its redevelopment will strengthen Parramatta as Sydney’s Central City, and as a centre for business, tourism, entertainment, culture and heritage.


The development of Parramatta Square is vital to showcasing environmental sustainability excellence for the city and region as well as achieving the targets for future employment growth by providing direct opportunities and generating flow on effects. The range of uses in Parramatta Square will focus on employment and services in premium office space. Retail, cultural, entertainment uses will prevail with some residential uses, compatible with the city centre location.


Building on the renewed transport interchange, Parramatta Square will provide an easily accessible civic focus for the city. The built form of Parramatta Square will be defined by a row of the tallest buildings in Parramatta immediately north of the railway station, and a large central public open space. The space will be enclosed by a series of buildings fronting Macquarie and Smith Streets. All of the buildings will be of the highest quality, commensurate with their important civic location.


Parramatta Square will be a public gathering place. The public open space at the centre of Parramatta Square will form the pre-eminent ceremonial centre of Parramatta, the site for both significant formal civic events and recurrent cultural and community celebrations and festivals. Local residents will grow accustomed to attending a variety of gatherings in Parramatta Square. The design of the public open space will reflect the nature of its use and be of high quality. Given this character, vehicle movements will be restricted and pedestrian and cycle movement will dominate.


1.1          Land and Development Covered by this Plan

This part of the DCP applies to all the land in Parramatta Square bounded by Macquarie, Smith, Darcy and Church Streets, Parramatta as shown in Figure 1.1.


1.2          Relationship to Other Planning Documents

This part of the DCP is to be read in conjunction with other parts of this DCP and the Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2007. If there is any inconsistency between this part of the DCP and other parts of the Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007, this part of the DCP will prevail.
























Figure 1.1 Land to which this part of the DCP applies







































2.0       Site Objectives

This part of the DCP documents the objectives that will determine the future form of development of the subject site. The objectives establish the key parameters that will ensure that future development on the site contributes to achieving the overall desired future character.


2.1          Objectives

_              Reinforce the Centre’s street grid pattern and ensure that Parramatta Square is integrated with Parramatta’s urban structure.

_              Retain a civic focus on the site.

_              Establish a legible hierarchy and location of public domain spaces that complement Parramatta’s existing and proposed public space network.

_              Give pedestrian facilities the highest priority throughout the site.

_              Define vehicular access to support the public space and provide access to and address points to buildings.

_              Locate major and direct pedestrian routes to the Parramatta Transport Interchange.

_              Reinforce and improve existing and proposed north-south pedestrian links.

_              Ensure new development maximises its potential to integrate precinct and individual building technology and infrastructure to help reduce its demand for resources such as energy and water, and demonstrate excellence in environmental sustainability.

_              Provide a well-balanced mix of uses that promote a sense of community and support the communities Parramatta serves, especially at ground level.

_              Create a vibrant precinct, activated day and night.

_              Establish social uses such as markets, cafes, restaurants, and bars and allow them to spill out into the public squares, streets, arcades and laneways.

_              Activate the ground floor public domain and civic areas.

_              Ensure residential uses provide a high level of amenity.

_              Allow opportunities for innovative planning and urban design that feature a mix of different uses including retail, commercial, residential, community, civic, cultural and entertainment.

_              Provide appropriate solutions for:

_                                                                             an optimal pattern of buildings and open spaces

_                                                                                                               public domain interfaces, and

_                                                               an integrated approach to access, parking and servicing.
























3.0       Public Domain

The site offers a unique opportunity to create a series of new public open spaces that can form a focus for Parramatta.


3.1          Objectives

_              Provide a range of robust and flexible public spaces that will cater for a variety of public celebrations, events and functions.

_              Ensure a high level of pedestrian amenity and safety through the inclusion of weather protection (eg. awnings, colonnades) lighting and safety by design principles.

_              Protect public safety through locating diverse, active uses on main pedestrian routes.

_              Allow for buildings to overlook public spaces to improve surveillance and safety.

_              Ensure ongoing active uses in public open space such as markets, entertainment and events and outdoor dining.


3.2          Controls

3.2.1       Provide a total of 6,000sqm of public open space across the site. At least 3,000sqm with a minimum width of 40m is to form one contiguous area in the centre of the site, as shown on Figure 3.1.


3.2.2       The public open space is to be formed by a progression of spaces or squares crossing the site from east to west, each with their own character.


The squares are to comply with the Parramatta Public Domain Guidelines and are to have:

_             quality paving and urban elements

_             public art that is appropriate to the site, and

_             maximise soft landscaping while providing sufficiently sized hard paved event spaces.


3.2.3       In addition to street and lanes, to enhance public circulation a number of pedestrian through site links as shown on Figure 3.1 are to be created which respond to the existing and proposed system of lanes and mid-block pedestrian connections.


The through site links are to comply with Section 6.3 City Centre Lanes of the Parramatta Public Domain Guidelines and to have:

_             a minimum width of 6m and clear sightlines

_             minimum double storey height for 80% of the arcade

_             natural light where possible.


3.2.4       Colonnades may be appropriate to provide shade and shelter.


                Where colonnades are proposed they must:

_             be continuous for the entire public domain frontage

_             have a minimum width of 4.5m between columns at ground level

_             a minimum height of 4.5m to underside of soffit.


3.2.5       Any proposals for public domain on top of a structure are to be visible, clearly marked and accessible from at least two points.














Figure 3.1 Public Space Principles





1.     Parramatta Square

·      Main Civic Space

·      Minimum 3,000 sqm with minimum dimension 40m

·      Ceremonial public area designed to be the symbolic centre of Parramatta

·      Accommodate a rich program of events

·      Limited vehicle access


2.     Leigh Place

·      Entrance forecourt to Parramatta Square from the River Link and Macquarie Street

·      Accommodate vehicle and service access


3.     Station Square

·      The hub where the railway station meets the square; a front door to Parramatta City

·      An activated space that facilitates easy pedestrian access, orientation and seamless choice of desired routes and destinations

·      No vehicles


4.     Pedestrian Lanes

·      Activated lanes between the railway station, Station Square and Macquarie Street

·      Direct connection to station concourse

·      No vehicles


5.     River Link Connection Space

·      Connects the three main areas of Parramatta Square

·      Resolve level changes and retain views along River Link

·      Limited vehicle access


6.     Church Street Mall & Bicentenary Square

·      Retain as Parramatta’s most enduring public space, including landscaping and heritage buildings

·      Ensure access for potential future light rail along Church Street




4.0       Building Form

The development provisions on building form in this section of the DCP are intended to encourage high quality design for new buildings, balancing the character of Parramatta with innovation and creativity. The resulting built form and character of new development should contribute to an attractive public domain in central Parramatta and produce a desirable setting for its intended uses.


4.1          Objectives

_              Establish high quality architectural and urban design for public spaces and buildings.

_              Design buildings with high level of environmental performance to encourage comfort and full occupation.

_              Incorporate noise attenuation features in buildings to minimise the effects of noise generated by activities in adjacent open space and the nearby railway line.

_              Design buildings and open space to minimise wind generation and effects through building form, articulation, screening, galleries and the like.


4.2          Controls

4.2.1       The pattern of buildings on the site is to create a central public open space generally at existing ground level with a direct connection to the adjacent transport interchange as shown in Figure 3.1.


4.2.2       New buildings are to have street frontages predominantly built to the street alignment.


4.2.3       Provide for additional footpath width at the corner of Macquarie and Smith Streets to accommodate pedestrian intensity in this location.


4.2.4       Development on land fronting Macquarie Street must recognise the heights of the heritage buildings and reflect the predominant datums (5-6 storey podiums and 2-3 storey heritage buildings) within this part of the street, through a recessed podium, colonnade, strong shadow lines or similar.


4.2.5       Commercial towers on land fronting Macquarie Street may be built to the street frontage to limit overshadowing to the public space to the south.


4.2.6       Residential towers on land fronting Macquarie Street require a podium and setback to the tower for amenity reasons.


4.2.7       The built form is to support and activate the public spaces identified in Figure 3.1.


4.2.8       All development is to implement:

_             heritage conservation principles

_             sustainable development principles, particularly in regards to energy and water minimisation, waste minimisation and adapting to the impacts of climate change

_             safety by design principles, and

_             equal access to all facilities as required by legislation.














5.0       Sustainability

The redevelopment of an area as large as Parramatta Square creates an opportunity to both consider the precinct as a whole and prepare precinct-wide sustainability initiatives. These could include the provision of building and precinct infrastructure which supports energy efficiency, water management, waste minimisation and helps to adapt to climate change.


Refer also to Section 5 of this DCP.


5.1          Objectives

_              Incorporate precinct and individual building infrastructure which reduces the demand for energy and water.

_              Implement the principles of Water Sensitive Urban Design on an individual building and precinct scale.

_              Minimise the use of natural resources through resource recovery and waste avoidance measures.

_              Ensure that buildings are designed to inhibit wind generation and that the major public spaces are screened from winter winds and open to cooling summer breezes.

_              Provide structures such as colonnades and awnings to give shelter to pedestrians and opportunities for sitting out in the sun in winter and in the shade in summer.

_              Minimise reliance on mechanical ventilation and reliance on daylighting through efficient design of residential and commercial buildings.

_              Create water features and landscape design to demonstrate the environmental systems operating on site.

_              Maximise energy efficiency in illumination.

_              Use landscape design to modify summer and winter climatic conditions and improve amenity for people using the open space.

_              Maximise energy efficiency in building design, orientation and siting.



5.2          Controls


5.2.1       Building design is to meet a minimum rating of 5 Green Star Office Design.


5.2.2       New developments should connect to precinct energy and water infrastructure (where available), e.g. dual water reticulation systems must be installed to enable any future supply of non-potable water to be easily used within the building.


5.2.3       The installation of green roofs is encouraged to assist with reduction of energy use, improve stormwater management, enhance environmental biodiversity and reduce urban heat island effects.


















6.0       Access, Parking and Servicing

A street network appropriate for purpose is critical for a functioning city centre. Giving frontage to buildings needs to be balanced with creating a public domain that prioritises pedestrian movement.


6.1          Objectives

_              Ensure that new development in Parramatta Square addresses the street.

_              Provide for limited vehicular access into the centre of the site.

_              To support the reduction of car trips and encourage the use of sustainable transport.


6.2          Controls

6.2.1       New streets, lanes, public spaces and vehicles access points to buildings in Parramatta Square are to be consistent with the pedestrian and vehicle access principles in Figure 6.1 and the public spaces principles shown on Figure 3.1.


6.2.2       Allow for a possible shared access and servicing zone along the length of the Parramatta Station entrance frontage along Darcy Street.


6.2.3       Consideration should be given for the provision of electric vehicle charging stations on the site.


6.2.4       Commuter bicycle parking is to be provided on the site.


6.2.5       Individual developments will be required to provide carshare parking spaces appropriate to the needs of the development as assessed by Council.


6.2.6       Written evidence must be provided with the development application demonstrating that offers of a car space to carshare providers have been made together with the outcome of the offers or a letter of commitment to the service.






Figure 6.1 Pedestrian and Vehicle Access Principles






7.0       Heritage

The site includes a number of heritage items identified in the LEP. The LEP also sets out the controls for both works to heritage items and development in the vicinity of heritage items.


7.1          Objectives

_              Conserve the heritage significance of the site by retaining key heritage buildings and settings.

_              Protect and enhance the views to and from heritage buildings, such as St John’s Church, the Town Hall and Leigh Memorial Church in the design of spaces and buildings.

_              Interpret Parramatta’s indigenous and cultural heritage in the design of buildings, public spaces and public art in Parramatta Square.

_              Interpret the location of the original marketplace, the convict drain and the site’s archaeology.

_              Conserve and where appropriate, adaptively re-use archaeological resources in public interpretation to enrich public spaces.

_              Develop an interpretation program that derives from the special qualities and associations of the site for the people of Parramatta and the region.

_              Ensure future development of the site enhances the heritage qualities of the site.









































8.0       Utilities

The location of utilities and services can have an adverse effect on the public domain where their placement is ill-considered. Utilities such as substations have a significant presence if poorly placed. Service access points can also dominate important streetscapes. The location and design of such items needs detailed attention particularly where they abut the public domain.


Refer also to Section 4.4 of this DCP.


8.1          Objectives

_              Ensure that the service access points to buildings are concealed as far as possible on major pedestrian routes.

_              Locate substations within development rather than the public domain.

_              Where utilities are visible from the public domain, ensure their appearance and design is of the highest quality.


8.2          Controls

8.2.1       New development is to amalgamate and/or share utilities between buildings to minimise visual, environmental and access impacts.


8.2.2       Service access points and substations are to be minimised along major pedestrian routes and adjacent to public open space. Where necessary, their design is to be incorporated into the overall building.