The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday, 25 August 2008 at 6:45 pm.










Dr. Robert Lang

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


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Clr Paul Barber, Lord Mayor – Caroline Chisholm Ward

Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council





Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Michael Wearne



Stephen Kerr –  Group Manager Corporate




Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies


Marcelo Occhuizzi –Acting Group Manager Outcomes & Development










Clr Omar Jamal – Arthur Philip Ward



Clr Lorraine Wearne - Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Anita Brown – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward


Clr David Borger – Macarthur Ward Elizabeth



Clr Andrew Wilson – Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Paul Garrard – Woodville Ward



Clr Tony Issa, OAM – Woodville Ward


Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Philip Ward



Clr Brian Prudames – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Chris Worthington – Caroline Chisholm Ward

Clr Pierre Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor  Lachlan Macquarie Ward

Clr Maureen Walsh – Wooville Ward

Clr Chiang Lim – Arthur Phillip Ward

Text Box:   Press









Ordinary Council

 25 August 2008





ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Regulatory Council - 11 August 2008

2        APOLOGIES


4        Minutes of Lord Mayor

5        Public Forum  

6        PETITIONS

7        Rescission Motions

7.1     Adshel Street Furniture Contract - Advertising Panels  


9        City Development

9.1     Joint Epping Town Centre Study

10      Environment

10.1   Pest Species Control - Indian Mynah birds

11      Roads Paths Access and Flood Mitigation

11.1   Parramatta Traffic Committee

11.2   Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 11 August 2008.

12      Culture and Leisure

12.1   Draft Bike Plan 2008

13      Community Care

13.1   Strategic Partnership between Parramatta City Council and Sydney West Area Health Service - Update.

13.2   Children's Services Utilisation Report

14      City Leadership and Management

14.1   2008 Local Government Election

14.2   Delegation of Authority to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer from 9 September to 6 October 2008

14.3   Investments Report for June 2008

14.4   2007/08 Management Plan - June Quarterly Review

14.5   Program Panels.  

15      Notices of Motion

15.1   B-Double Vehicles   

16      Closed Session

16.1   21B Barangaroo Road Toongabbie - Proposed Disposal

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.







Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 7.1


ITEM NUMBER         7.1

SUBJECT                   Adshel Street Furniture Contract - Advertising Panels

REFERENCE            F2004/08023 - D01000062

REPORT OF              Project Manager       


To be Moved by Councillor A A Wilson and Seconded by Councillors A Issa, OAM, and P J Garrard:-





“That the resolution of the Council Meeting held on 28 July 2008 regarding the Adshel Street Furniture Contract – Advertising Panels, namely:-


That Council trial with Adshel the use of up to ten advertising panels to promote the arts program and other Council activities.


be and is hereby rescinded.”





Previous Report from the Council Meeting on 28 July 2008 regarding the Adshel Street Furniture Contract - Advertising Panels

2 Pages



Additional Information - Memo regarding Adshel Street Furniture Contract - Advertising Panels

2 Pages




Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                   Joint Epping Town Centre Study

REFERENCE            F2008/00404 - D01005317

REPORT OF              Place Manager       




The purpose of this report is to update Council on the joint planning work for the Epping Town Centre. This joint planning work is to be undertaken as a requirement of the Minister for Planning, despite the fact that Parramatta City Council has already completed its draft planning work for Epping. It is important for Council to participate in this project in order to ensure that Council's objectives continue to be put forward to the Department of Planning and to endeavour to have these objectives reflected in the outcome of the joint planning work.





(a)     That the update on the joint planning work for the Epping Town Centre Study is received and noted.


(b)     Further that Council continue to participate in the joint planning work for the centre.





1.      Council resolved on 26 November 2007 to “join with Hornsby Council and the Department of Planning to formulate planning controls for the Epping town centre for both sides of the railway line.” It was also resolved that the boundary for such work on the Parramatta side of the railway line would be the area between Beecroft Road, Carlingford Road, Kent Street and Bridge Street. A further resolution included that “Councillors be updated on the process” and that “any recommendations for changes to planning controls in Epping, be reported to full Council”.


2.      The Department of Planning (DoP) has established 2 groups to oversee the joint planning process.

-        A Project Control Group (PCG) including Ward Councillors and Officers from Parramatta City Council and Hornsby Shire Council, Officers from the Department of Planning and Ministry of Transport, and representatives from the Epping Chamber of Commerce and Epping Civic Trust.

-        A Working Group responsible for considering technical issues relating to planning for the centre and comprising officers from DoP, Parramatta and Hornsby Councils, RTA, Railcorp and Ministry of Transport.


3.      A PCG meeting was held at the DoP offices on 12 March 2008. The Department provided an overview of the Metropolitan Strategy context, terms of reference for the PCG and an officer level working group, and key issues were raised. The role of the PCG is to oversee the progression of the planning process for Epping and provide endorsement and feedback to the working group regarding the future direction.


4.      A Working Group meeting was held at the DoP offices in Parramatta on 13 May 2008 attended by Council Officers. Clarification was sought on technical issues such as the delivery of a joint LEP. An initial draft Study Brief and proposed Study Area was put forward by the DoP. The DoP agreed to investigate funding options for the next PCG meeting. Council’s adopted position on the boundary of any study area was restated.


5.      A Notice of Motion to Parramatta City Council on 10 June 2008 recommended:


“That Parramatta City Council advise the Dept of Planning that it will not co-operate in any study that reviews the Epping Conservation area with an intention of allowing increased density.

Further, that Parramatta City Council cease all negotiations regarding the new LEP until an assurance is given that there will be no attempt to substantially alter the character of Epping.”


6.      An amendment was carried:


That consideration of this matter be deferred pending receipt of information on this issue from the project control group.




7.      At the PCG meeting on 29 July 2008, the Department of Planning (DoP) tabled the Draft Study Brief (attachment 1) and a proposed Study Area map (attachment 2). It is proposed that consultants will be employed to undertake the strategic land use, forecasting and modeling tasks identified in the Study Brief.


8.      The Draft Study Brief proposes a Transport Capacity Analysis to inform any future development scenarios, the scoping of 2 development options (Limited Growth and High Growth), and an Opportunities and Constraints Analysis. This information would be reported back to the PCG to review the 2 development options. The study would then form a structure plan for the town centre core for each option, and then determine how many residential dwellings not already accommodated in the town centre core, would need to be accommodated in the surrounding walkable catchment, and where the most appropriate places for this are. This may be limited depending upon the ability of the town centre core to provide dwellings and on whether a high growth or limited growth option is the preferred way forward.


9.      Parramatta City Council’s concerns about the extent of the study area and protection of Heritage Conservation Areas were acknowledged at the meeting. The DoP noted that the Epping Conservation area is one constraint to potential development and would need to be examined as part of an opportunities and constraints analysis.




10.    Funding has yet to be made available for the proposed Study. The DoP has suggested that Parramatta City Council and Hornsby Shire Council jointly apply for Planning Reform Funds from the DoP to cover the full cost (including administration) of the proposed Epping Study.




11.    The Draft Study Brief sets out a minimum of 2 meetings of the PCG to review the development options (week 9 after commencement) and to review and endorse the study outcomes (week 19). At the PCG meeting it was agreed that during the proposed study there would also be at least 1 workshop with all Councillors (possibly jointly with Hornsby Shire Council). The outcomes of the study would be reported to Council as would any recommendations for changes to the planning controls for Epping.


12.    The timing of any proposed studies is subject to a successful application for funding. Applications for Planning Reform Funds have yet to be called and the DoP has not advised on the timing of the next round of funding offers.


13.    Officers will continue to update Councillors on the progress of this project via memo and where decisions are required, via reports to Council.





Su Cram                                          Sue Stewart

Place Manager                             A/Manager Land Use and Transport Planning





Epping Draft Study Brief

7 Pages



Epping Proposed LEP Study Area Map.

1 Page






Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 10.1


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                   Pest Species Control - Indian Mynah birds

REFERENCE            F2006/00863 - D00963328

REPORT OF              Supervisor Natural Resources; Administration Support Officer       




To examine the various control measures currently used by other local councils and government bodies for Indian Mynah birds which are recognised as an introduced species which competes aggressively with native birds. This was investigated to determine what action should be taken by Council to control this bird species.





(a)     That Council receive and note the report of the Supervisor Natural Resources regarding a potential feral pest control program for Indian Mynah birds and note that Council’s Natural Resource Officer is a representative on the Urban Feral Animal Action Group who are investigating a regional program for the control of the Indian Mynah bird.


(b)     Further, that a further report be provided when the working party for the control of Indian Mynah birds report their findings to the Urban Feral Animal Action Group.





1       At the Council Meeting of 11 February, 2008 Council considered a Notice of Motion from Councillor Paul Garrard and resolved:-


“(a)    That Council seek a report from the appropriate officer in order to address the control of “Indian Mynah” birds;

(b)     That acknowledging these birds are a foreign, aggressive and prolific breeding urban species, it is vital that Parramatta City Council introduce a policy to cease this serious environmental nuisance;

(c)     Further, that in developing the report, Council Officers investigate the traps developed by “Mascot Wire Works” which are being used by some other Government Authorities, and the possible renting of traps to residents.”


2          The Indian Mynah (Acridotheres tristis) is an introduced bird species that has flourished in Australia’s urban/semi-urban environment, resulting in implications for human health and amenity, as well as the ecological sustainability of certain native wildlife. Indian Mynahs were introduced to Australia in 1862 to control insect pests in Melbourne’s market gardens. Despite being ineffective in this role, they were subsequently released in many other parts of Australia, including north Queensland, where it was thought they would control insect pests of sugar cane. Indian Mynahs have since spread and become established in most residential / urban fringe areas of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and the ACT. Essentially an open woodland bird, Indian Mynahs thrive in environments composed of dispersed canopy trees and extensive grassed areas – hence their compatibility with Sydney’s suburbs and commercial business districts.


3          Although Council receives few complaints regarding the Indian Mynah, it is recognised that in commercial and residential areas of Parramatta, they are considered a pest due to their scavenging behaviour, which results in their entering food outlets and fouling public amenities such as footpaths and outdoor furniture. In residential areas, Indian Mynahs are considered a nuisance due to their noisy communal roosting during the non-breeding season and damage to property caused by nesting and fouling.


4          The greatest impact Indian Mynahs have on native wildlife in Sydney is competition for nesting hollows. This problem is compounded by the overall lack of hollow bearing trees in our residential areas, and the aggressive nature of Indian Mynahs, which can eject native birds and even possums from established hollows.


5          Council has no legal obligation to control Indian Mynah at this point in time. As an introduced animal, they are provided with no status under the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, nor has the species been declared a “pest animal” under the NSW Rural Lands Protection Act 1998.




6          An investigation has been undertaken as requested into the suppliers of Indian Mynah traps. This has revealed there are several types of portable bird traps available from companies including Mascot Wire Works, Mynamagnet, PeeGees Backyard Trap and other commercial suppliers. The cost of these traps varies between $330 - $400 and it is understood that traps are reasonably effective at trapping individual birds.


7          However, in determining whether to undertake a trap rental scheme for residents, two important factors should be considered. The first is the problem of humane killing of the trapped birds and the second is the effectiveness of the scheme in reducing the pest population.


8          If Council were to introduce the supply of these bird traps for residents there is no guarantee residents would dispose of the trapped Indian Mynah humanely.  In NSW, the RSPCA has endorsed the use of carbon dioxide gas as the only humane technique for euthanizing Indian Mynahs. The disadvantage of carbon dioxide gas is that it is only available from gas suppliers in pressurised bottles, which carry significant costs (about $700 per annum to rent a bottle and $250 to refill). It is therefore unlikely to be used by individual residents and Council may be required to have ongoing involvement in the killing of trapped birds, which would be resource intensive.


9          Trapping and killing of birds on an ad-hoc basis in individual properties is unlikely to reduce the pest population in the longer term as the nesting site emptied through trapping will be re-colonised by birds from surrounding properties. Trapping carried out on an ad-hoc basis is not supported by the RSPCA as it is ineffective in reducing and maintaining the adverse impacts of Mynahs in the long term, and does not usually allow for monitoring and assessment of the success of the control program.


10        The RSPCA’s current view is that trapping and killing of Indian Mynahs should only be carried out as part of an approved government supervised humane control program. The program should have clear, measurable aims which include assessment of the success of the programme in reducing the ecological impact of Mynahs in the target area.


11        Warringah and North Sydney Councils have conducted pilot programs for Indian Mynah control during the past 3-4 years. These have reportedly been unsuccessful due to the expense, high staff resourcing costs, public opposition to disposal methods of the birds and the recolonisation of the control areas from surrounding local Council areas.  Staff of these Councils have indicated that they would prefer Indian Mynah control to be managed under a joint regional based control program.


12        Council’s Open Space and Natural Resources Section are currently involved with the Urban Feral Animal Action Group (UFAAG) in a regional approach to the control of foxes and rabbits. This committee co-ordinates control programs of feral animals across northern Sydney with Local and State Government landholder membership. Agency involvement includes National Parks & Wildlife Service, Rural Lands Protection Board, Cumberland State Forest and Macquarie University. These programs have been very effective, as evidenced by marked increases in the populations of endangered species such as the Southern Brown Bandicoot. UFAAG currently have a working group who are reviewing control methods and humane disposal of Indian Mynah. It is likely that within the next 12-18 months the issues relating to the humane trapping and disposal of Indian Mynah will be resolved with the RSPCA, and a regional control program will be established.




13        Warringah, North Sydney and Hornsby City Council’s staff were consulted regarding their respective policies, procedures and current experience in undertaking control of Indian Mynah. Council’s Natural Resource Officer who attends the Urban Feral Animal Action Group was consulted in connection with the current views of this Group. Further research was also undertaken via the internet into other current policies and control measures being considered by the RSPCA and other bodies.




Phillip Murphy

Supervisor Natural Resources




There are no attachments for this report.





Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 11.1


ITEM NUMBER         11.1

SUBJECT                   Parramatta Traffic Committee

REFERENCE            F2004/06921 - D01007612

REPORT OF              Manager Traffic and Transport       




To exercise the Delegation of Authority from the Road and Traffic Authority to regulate traffic.





That Council adopt the Report of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on 11 August 2008.





1.      A meeting of the Parramatta Traffic Committee was held in the Council Chambers on Monday 11 August 2008.


2.      That the proposals/recommendations of the Parramatta Traffic Committee are attached to this report of the Parramatta Traffic Committee.




Richard Searle

Service Manager, Traffic and Transport





Parramatta Traffic Committee held on 11 August 2008

19 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 11.2


ITEM NUMBER         11.2

SUBJECT                   Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 11 August 2008.

REFERENCE            F2004/06921 - D01007637

REPORT OF              Manager Traffic and Transport       




To provide advice to Council regarding traffic related matters.





That Council adopt the Report of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 11 August 2008.





1.      A meeting of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group was held in the Council Chambers on Monday 11 August 2008.


2.      That the proposals/recommendations of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group are attached to this report of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group.




Richard Searle

Service Manager, Traffic and Transport





Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 11 August 2008

66 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 12.1


ITEM NUMBER         12.1

SUBJECT                   Draft Bike Plan 2008

REFERENCE            F2007/00667 - D00993526

REPORT OF              Service Manager Open Space and Natural Resources       




To seek Council's endorsement to place the draft Bike Plan 2008 on public exhibition.





(a)       That Council receive and note Service Manager Open Space & Natural Resource’s report on the draft Bike Plan 2008 and approve it for public exhibition.


(b)       That the draft plan be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days at Council’s administration building, libraries, website, the Parramatta Heritage Centre, and advertisements be placed in Parramatta’s local newspapers.


(c)       Further, that a further report be provided for Council’s consideration following the public exhibition period providing details of any submissions and comments and recommendations for the final report.





1.      In 2001 Council adopted the current Parramatta Bike Plan which identified a network of cycling routes to enhance cycling opportunities throughout the LGA. Sections of the identified cycleway network have been progressively completed, or upgraded, under Council’s annual capital works program.


2.      The complexity and large number of routes identified in the current plan will, however, require significant funding to complete as there are still a number of  missing links throughout the network. A number of additional cycleway initiatives have also been developed outside the scope of the 2001 Bike Plan, such as the North-West T-way cycleway.


3.      The current Parramatta Bike Plan has recently been reviewed to assess the sections of the network which have been completed since 2001 and the suitability of proposed routes in relation to the changing demographics and increasing housing densities identified for Parramatta.  Specialist consultants, Urban Arc Pty Ltd were engaged to undertake the review of the 2001 Plan in consultation with the Parramatta Cycleways Committee.  A draft has been prepared of a revised plan (Bike Plan 2008 – Attachment 2) which identifies a number of priority routes to be implemented over the next three years to create an accessible and efficient cycleway network.  A table extracted from the plan showing these is included as Attachment 1.






4.      Council recognises the health and wellbeing benefits of walking and cycling and the environmental benefits of decreasing reliance on cars as the major transport mode throughout the LGA. The draft Bike Plan 2008 aims to ensure that Council encourages cycling as a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transport through the provision of safe bicycle routes and facilities for commuters and recreational cyclists.


5.      The main objectives of the Bike Plan 2008 are:

a)   To encourage cycling and reduce car use for commuting;

b)   To encourage non-cyclists to take up cycling;

c)   To provide safer cycling opportunities, particularly for vulnerable cyclists;

d)   To implement planned routes and complete missing links between existing routes to form continuous cycle routes;

e)   To identify prioritised cycling routes for future implementation;

f)    To provide more opportunities for cycling in open space and along off-road shared paths.


6.      The plan outlines all existing on-road and off-road cycling routes and facilities, and identifies missing links throughout the current cycleway network. It also provides a prioritised schedule of costed works to be implemented throughout the cycleway network.


7.      The principles and actions outlined in the draft plan are consistent with Parramatta Twenty25 which identifies a priority strategy (TC4) “to increase the number of people walking and cycling, particularly for journeys within the neighbourhood” and (TC2) “manage road congestion and safety while reducing the reliance on car use as the primary means of transport”. The plan also implements actions and strategies in the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy, Parramatta City Centre Plan (2007), Parramatta Sport and Recreation Plan (2005), Parramatta Open Space Plan (2004), and draft City Centre Integrated Transport Plan.


8.      The draft plan is also consistent with Council’s Management Plan which emphasises that we will ‘enhance and expand cycling and pedestrian networks’. Council has already implemented some significant improvements to the cycleway network under the management plan through the Regional and Local Bicycle Facility Projects within the annual capital works program.




9.      The draft Bike Plan 2008 has been developed in close consultation with the Parramatta Cycleways Committee, which includes Councillors, staff and representatives of several Bicycle User Groups and local cycling enthusiasts. Committee members were also involved in conducting extensive saddle surveys of routes throughout the LGA, with local schools also providing valuable input.


10.    Consultation has also been held with staff of Council’s Transport Planning and Traffic Section who have been part of the working party liaising with the project consultants, Urban Arc Pty Ltd.


11.    If approved for public exhibition, advertisements will be placed in the local Parramatta newspapers inviting local residents to comment on the draft plan. The plan will be made available at Council’s administration building, libraries, the Parramatta Heritage Centre and posted on the Council’s website during the exhibition period for comment.


12.    It is envisaged that following the public exhibition period, Council will receive a further report providing details of any submissions and proposed changes for Council’s consideration prior to adoption of the final Bike Plan 2008.




Neville Davis

Service Manager Open Space & Natural Resources





Draft Bike Plan 2008 (Attachment to be provided to Councillors Only under separate cover)

58 Pages



Table of Priority Routes

2 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 13.1


ITEM NUMBER         13.1

SUBJECT                   Strategic Partnership between Parramatta City Council and Sydney West Area Health Service - Update.

REFERENCE            F2004/10350 - D01002872

REPORT OF              Manager - Social Outcomes       




This report provides an update to Council on the progress of the Strategic Partnership between Sydney West Area Health Service (SWAHS) including Centre for Population Health (CPH) and Parramatta Community Health Services (PCHS) and Parramatta City Council (PCC).





That Council note the work and value of the ongoing partnership between SWAHS and PCC in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by both partners in November 2006 (Attachment 1).





1.      PCC and SWAHS recognised there were significant benefits to be gained through the development of a collaborative approach to work to protect and promote the health of people within the Local Government Area (LGA).


2.      An MOU was officially signed by the Parramatta Lord Mayor and the CEO of SWAHS at Council’s meeting on 27 November 2006 to commence a formal strategic partnership.


3.      The partnership is managed under a two tiered structure made up of a Steering Group and the Partnership Team. The purpose of the Steering Group is to establish the strategic context and provide policy direction; support the delivery of projects and address any constraints; maximise opportunities to share information that assists in achieving the strategic direction of each organisation; and, respond quickly to address any problems around issue management. Councillor Maureen Walsh is the elected councillor representative on the Steering Group.


4.      The purpose of the Partnership Team is to put forward strategic issues for consideration and direction by the Steering Group; propose strategies for health improvements through programs and projects for approval by the Steering Group; coordinate the implementation of decisions by the Steering Group; report on progress of projects; and attend Steering Group meetings.


5.      Key projects were identified and jointly agreed as the basis for working together throughout the period covered by the MOU.




6.      The Steering Group has met four times. At the most recent meeting on Wednesday 23 July 2008, a progress report on the key project was provided. Two joint projects are now complete:

·        The Sharps Project involved coordinating the safe disposal of sharps and related wastes to reduce the risk of contamination and infection to the community. This project saw the establishment of a Sharps Task Force; the development of a service agreement for operational issues with sharps disposal and the development of a Sharps Management Plan.

·        The Active Transport Project involved the development of a Transport Access Guide for the City Centre that identified key public transport information as well as walking routes, bicycle parking, cycle and pedestrian safety guidelines and healthy lifestyle choices.


7.      Three joint projects are in the final stages of development:

·        The Parramatta Influenza Pandemic Plan will be one of the first comprehensive plans for management of a pandemic by local government which integrates with the regional health plan as well as a sharing of research between the two organisations. This project is due for completion in November 2008.

·        Healthy Urban Planning involves the development of a process to more effectively input SWAHS health data into Council development planning and assessment.

·        Health Data Sharing Project involves identifying health data sets and developing data sharing opportunities between both organisations.


8.      Additionally, the alliance has been paramount in maximising opportunities to share information that has assisted the operational activities and programs of each organisation.


9.      The MOU requires review after 24 months. The review will take place in September 2008 by the Partnership Team and will evaluate the effectiveness and value of the partnership. Recommendations will be provided to the Steering Group for consideration.




10.    The Strategic Partnership between PCC and SWAHS has been active for 18 months. Mechanisms for both organisations to work better together to improve the health of our community have been established. Two joint projects are now complete and three are in the final stages of development. A review of the partnership will occur in September 2008. Recommendations to maximise its value will be provided for consideration to the Steering Group.




Diane Barrera                                                               Megan Dephoff

Social Outcomes Project Officer                           Social Outcomes Manager




Memorandum of Understanding

5 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 13.2


ITEM NUMBER         13.2

SUBJECT                   Children's Services Utilisation Report

REFERENCE            F2008/02870 - D01005293

REPORT OF              Service Manager Children and Family Services       




To inform Council of the proposed strategies and steps taken to increase utilisation of Council’s childcare centres.





That Council receives and notes the strategies and increased utilisation in the childcare centres to date.





1.   At the Special Council Meeting of 30th June 2008, Council requested a report with a view to boost utilisation of the childcare centres to around 98%. The attached report is a progress report on action taken to date to achieve 98% utilisation.


2.   Bookings within the childcare service have shifted from full time to a variety of part time arrangements. Families have been reassessing their childcare arrangements on economic grounds and with the changing trend in workforce patterns, there has been a reduction in families utilising care on the usual RDO days of Monday and Friday each week. The vacancies on Mondays and Fridays have proved difficult to fill. 


3.   As a result of this, Council’s childcare centres have experienced a decrease in utilisation on particular days (Mondays and Fridays) which has had a negative financial impact on Council’s childcare operating result.




4.   Council’s Children’s Services have been implementing a range of marketing initiatives to increase their utilisation rates. On a day to day basis the Children’s Service provides a number of information sources such as brochures, fliers and regular advertising of the various services available to the community.


5.   New initiatives include: an upgrade of the Childcare web page on Council’s website to include accurate vacancy information and, a centralised electronic waiting list and application process, all of these functions were manual previously. This process has increased the utilisation slightly but the majority of the families accessing the services through this manner have indicated the need for care on days that the centres are not able to accommodate.


6.   The centres have increased their profile in the local area, particularly through notices in local shops and neighbouring schools, and advertising and advertorial in local newspapers. This has increased the utilisation in some of the preschool rooms, however has not made a significant impact.


7.   As a result of the fact that the majority of the vacant positions are part time days that are not consecutive, mainly Mondays and Fridays, the centres have advertised internally through newsletters and notices on information boards and in parent sign-in folders to encourage families to pick up extra days wherever possible. This has so far made the biggest impact on the utilisation rates and has enabled one of the centres to achieve a 99% utilisation rate.


8.   It is apparent that our existing clients are one of our most important target audience both in promoting opportunities to take up extra places and in promoting the service to the wider community, and we will continue to target these families in our bid to increase utilisation rates


9.   As part time vacancies are the main contributing factor to reduced utilisation, the next strategy that will be implemented will be through Council’s libraries.  All of the libraries implement a Children’s Story time and it is planned that the centres will be providing pamphlets and vacancy information to the families who attend these sessions as they are targets for part time care.


10. Overall the utilisation rates have increased to 95% for the month of July with the majority of the vacancies still occurring on Mondays.




11. Further consultation is taking place with families using the services on a part time basis to identify their reasoning behind not using care on Mondays, after which an analysis will be undertaken to identify further strategies.




Carolyn Isaac

Service Manager Children and Family Services




There are no attachments for this report.



Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 14.1


ITEM NUMBER         14.1

SUBJECT                   2008 Local Government Election

REFERENCE            F2005/00458 - D00993163

REPORT OF              Team Leader Council Support       




To advise Councillors of a possible delay in the poll declaration following the 13 September 2008 Local Government Election and to amend the date for the Special Council Meeting – Election of the Lord Mayor and following meetings accordingly.





That the meeting dates for Council Meetings to be held following the 2008 Local Government Election be adopted as follows:-


·    Monday 8 September 2008 (All Program Panels including Regulatory)

             Note – Council Elections - 13 September 2008

·    Monday 29 September 2008 (Special Council Meeting – Election of Lord Mayor and nomination of Councillors to various external and appropriate Organisations/Boards/Committees).

·    Tuesday 7 October 2008 (Regulatory) (Note: 6 October is Labour Day)

·    Monday 20 October 2008 (Other Program Panels).

·    Monday 10 November 2008 (Regulatory)

·    Monday 24 November 2008 (Other Program Panels)

·    Monday 8 December 2008 (Regulatory)

·    Monday 15 December 2008 (Other Program Panels).





1.      Council at its meeting held on 25 March 2008 gave consideration to correspondence received from the Department of Local Government indicating the date for the 2008 Local Government Election had been changed to 13 September 2008 and resolved:-

(a)       That the change of the date for the 2008 Local Government Election to Saturday, 13 September 2008 be noted.

(b)       Further, that the meeting dates for Council Meetings to be held in September and October 2008 be confirmed as follows:-

*        Monday 8 September 2008 (Regulatory)

*        Note – Council Elections - 13 September 2008

*        Friday 19 September 2008 (Special Council Meeting – Election of Lord Mayor)

*        Monday 22 September 2008 (Other Program Panels)

          (Note – The above meeting was subsequently moved to 29 September 2008 at the Council Meeting of 26 May 2008 when considering the prioritisation of workshops.)

*        Monday 13 October 2008 (Regulatory).


2.      The remainder of meetings for the year 2008, as agreed to by Council on 17 December 2007, were as follows:-

Monday 3 November 2008 (Other Program Panels) (Note: LGA Conference 25-29 Oct 2008)

Monday 10 November 2008 (Regulatory)

Monday 24 November 2008 (Other Program Panels)

Monday 8 December 2008 (Regulatory)

Monday 15 December 2008 (Other Program Panels).


3.      Advice has now been received on behalf of the Electoral Commissioner that the ballot papers for Parramatta City Council following the election will be required to be sent to Sydney (Riverwood) for a computer count. The Commission further anticipates that all computer counts will be completed by 26 September 2008 and suggests that first meetings could be safely scheduled in the first week of October.




4.         In view of Council’s decision of 25 March 2008 and the advice now received from the Electoral Commission, it is proposed that Council’s Meeting Schedule be reorganised as follows:-

Monday 8 September 2008 (All Program Panels including Regulatory)

Note – Council Elections - 13 September 2008

Monday 29 September 2008 (Special Council Meeting – Election of Lord Mayor and nomination of Councillors to various external and appropriate Organisations/Boards/Committees).

Tuesday 7 October 2008 (Regulatory) (6 October is Labour Day)

Monday 20 October 2008 (Other Program Panels).

Monday 10 November 2008 (Regulatory)

Monday 24 November 2008 (Other Program Panels)

Monday 8 December 2008 (Regulatory)

Monday 15 December 2008 (Other Program Panels).


5.         It should be noted that 8 September 2008 would normally be a Council Meeting (Regulatory). Bearing in mind that no Ordinary Council Meetings will, subject to adoption of this report, be held until 7 October 2008, it is considered appropriate for the 8 September 2008 Council Meeting to consider all Program Panels. It is considered that this meeting agenda will not be overly large as Council will be acting in the ‘caretaker period’ as previously notified by the Department of Local Government.


6.         In addition, there are a number of internal and external committees/boards such as the Parramatta Traffic Committee and the Audit Committee that will require nomination of Councillors at the earliest opportunity and accordingly, it has been suggested that this matter also be listed for consideration on 29 September 2008.


7.         October Meetings have also been brought forward 1 week in view of the Category A Local Government Association Conference to be held from 25 to 29 October 2008.




Graeme Riddell

Service Manager – Council Support




There are no attachments for this report.




Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 14.2


ITEM NUMBER         14.2

SUBJECT                   Delegation of Authority to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer from 9 September to 6 October 2008

REFERENCE            F2005/00458 - D01004303

REPORT OF              Team Leader Council Support       




This report recommends the delegation of authority to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to deal with urgent business and development applications in the period between the conclusion of the last Council Meeting (8 September 2008) prior to the 2008 Local Government Election and the first Ordinary Meeting following the holding of the election (7 October 2008).


Note:         The above dates are subject to the adoption of Item 1 of City Leadership as listed on the Council agenda for 25 August 2008.





That the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be delegated authority under Section 377 of the Local Government Act, 1993, for the period 9 September 2008 until 6 October 2008 to deal with urgent business of Council including the determination of development applications subject to the Agenda and Minutes for all of the business dealt with under delegation during this period being reported to the Council Meeting to be held on 7 October 2008.






1.         As Councillors will be aware, the Local Government Ordinary Election is being held on 13 September 2008.


2.         Following advice received from the Electoral Commissioner relating to the timeframe for counting of votes following the election, a report has been prepared and listed as Item 1 of City Leadership at this current meeting recommending the following Council Meeting schedule for the remainder of the year:-


·   Monday 8 September 2008 (All Program Panels including Regulatory)

Note – Council Elections - 13 September 2008

·   Monday 29 September 2008 (Special Council Meeting – Election of Lord Mayor and nomination of Councillors to various external and appropriate Organisations/Boards/Committees)

·   Tuesday 7 October 2008 (Regulatory) (Note: 6 October is Labour Day)

·   Monday 20 October 2008 (Other Program Panels).

·   Monday 10 November 2008 (Regulatory)

·   Monday 24 November 2008 (Other Program Panels)

·   Monday 8 December 2008 (Regulatory)

·   Monday 15 December 2008 (Other Program Panels).


3.      This Schedule is predicated on the basis that the Poll will be declared by Friday, 26 September 2008.


4.      It should also be noted that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act (Sections 230 and 233), a Councillor ceases to hold office on the day appointed for the next ordinary election of councillors. The Office of the Lord Mayor, however, becomes vacant when the person’s successor is declared to be elected to the office.


5.      In order to maintain the smooth operation of Council business during this period it is proposed that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to deal with urgent matters of Council for the period from 9 September 2008 (the day after the last scheduled Council Meeting for the current term) to 6 October 2008 (the day before the next scheduled Ordinary Council Meeting for the next term).


6.      Similar authority is regularly granted to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to deal with such issues over the Christmas and New Year period.


7.      Items of business for consideration at delegated authority meetings of the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer will be prepared and minutes taken of the meetings.  These minutes will be submitted for Councillors' information at the first meeting of the Council to be held on 7 October 2008.


8.      The delegation is exercised jointly and the approval of both Lord Mayor of the Day and the Chief Executive Officer is required for the delegation to be effected.


9.      Decisions taken by the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer under delegated authority cannot be revoked by Council and reporting of the decisions is part of a process which provides transparency and accountability.


10.    It should also be noted that Council will be in a caretaker period between 4 August 2008 and the day the polls are declared. During this period, decisions are to be avoided on significant or controversial development applications, appointments of general managers and entering into major contracts or undertakings.




Graeme Riddell

Service Manager – Council Support


8 August 2008



There are no attachments for this report.




Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 14.3


ITEM NUMBER         14.3

SUBJECT                   Investments Report for June 2008

REFERENCE            F2008/01474 - D00999380

REPORT OF              Manager - Finance       




To inform Council of the investment portfolio performance for the month of June 2008.





That Council receives and notes the investments report for June 2008.





1.         In accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, a report setting out details of all money invested must be presented to Council on a monthly basis.


2.         The report must include a certificate as to whether or not the investments have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and the investment policy of Council.




3.         The Council’s investment portfolio stood at $84.6 Million as at 30th June 2008. (Previous month $81.6 Million) The weighted average portfolio held for June 2008 was $85.5 Million (Refer attachment 1).


4.         Council invests directly with Local Government Financial Services (LGFS), various term deposit providers and with funds managers utilising the services of Grove Financial Services. There are also investments with the Commonwealth Bank for loan offset funds.


5.         The average interest rate on Council’s investments for the month compared to the Bank Bill Index is as follows:


                                                                   Monthly      Annualised


                             Total Portfolio              0.21%       2.73%

                             Funds Managers         0.16%       2.13%

                             Bank Bill Index             0.63%       7.93%


NB: Annualised rates are calculated on a compounding basis assuming that the interest returns are added to the initial investment amount and reinvested.





6.         After allowing for Council’s loan offsets and at call funds, Council achieved an average annualised return of 2.73% in the month for its total investment portfolio. The rate achieved by Council was below the Bank Bill Index of 7.93%. Fund managers achieved an annualised rate of 2.13% for the month of May.


7.         The amount of funds invested at the end of June increased from the previous month by 3 Million. This increase was as a result of the fourth rates instalment being received in the first week of June.


8.         On the average Councils Credit linked Funds managers performed poorly against Bank bill index in what was a very volatile month in credit markets. Returns varied between -4.13% to +8.45% (Excluding long term growth funds).


9.       Domestic Markets followed US indices during the month over concerns of rising inflation as well as the threat of a US led recession and the continuing dislocation of credit markets.


10.       Council has continued in its objective to maintain overall positive returns by holding approximately 30% of its portfolio in cash at call and fixed term deposits, and a further 30% in the LGFS out performance which has a fixed monthly return of 50 basis points above BBSW index. This diversification helps cushion the levels of volatility that may be experienced with other Funds Management type instruments.


11.       The following details are provided on the attachments for information:


                   Graph – Comparison of average funds invested with loans balance

                   Graph – Average interest rate comparison to Bank Bill Index

                   Graphs – Investments and loans interest compared to budget

                   Summary of investment portfolio


12.       The Certificate of Investments for June 2008 is provided below:


Certificate of Investments


I hereby certify that the investments for the month of June 2008 have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and Council’s Investment Policy.


13.       There is no standard report attachment - detailed submission - attached to this report.



Jenny Fett

Finance Manager




Investments & Loans - Performance

1 Page



Summary of Investments Portfolio

2 Pages





Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 14.4


ITEM NUMBER         14.4

SUBJECT                   2007/08 Management Plan - June Quarterly Review

REFERENCE            F2008/01492 - D01005645

REPORT OF              Manager - Finance       




1.         Section 407 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires the General Manager (Chief Executive Officer) to report to the Council within 2 months after the end of each quarter as to the extent to which the performance targets set by the Council’s Management Plan have been achieved during that quarter.


2.         Clause 203 of the Local Government (General Regulation) 2005 requires that the Responsible Accounting Officer (Manager Finance) prepare and submit to the Council, not later than 2 months after the end of each quarter, a budget review statement that shows, by reference to the estimate of income and expenditure set out in the Management Plan, a revised estimate of the income and expenditure for that year. The Responsible Accounting Officer is also required to include with the budget review statement, a report as to whether or not the Responsible Accounting Officer believes that the statement indicates that the financial position of the Council is satisfactory, having regard to the original estimate of income and expenditure, and if that position is unsatisfactory, recommendations for remedial action.





(a)       That Council adopt the Chief Executive Officer’s June 2008 Quarterly Review of the 2007/08 Management Plan and Budget. (Attachment 1).


(b)       That Council note and approve the actual results and variations to the previously adopted budget estimates for the 2007/08 financial year as detailed in Attachment 1.


(c)       That Council approve the revote of funds totalling $10,549,917 into 2008/09 for the Projects and Services as detailed in Attachment 1.


(d)       Further, that Council adopt the Responsible Accounting Officer’s report on the financial position of the Council.





1.         The attached June 2008 Quarterly Review contains the Chief Executive Officer’s report, on a Program basis, detailing the extent to which the performance targets set by the Council’s 2007/08 Management Plan have been achieved.


2.         The Review also details at pages 14 and 15 the actual income, expenditure and proposed funding adjustments for 2007/08 with comparisons to the budget previously adopted by Council. The final 2007/08 Financial Reports are still in the process of completion and will then be audited. The actual results shown in this report are derived from the data currently available but are subject to finalisation of the accounts and the audit.


3.         The June 2008 Quarterly Review was submitted to Council’s Program Panels’ meetings on 11 August 2008. Any changes from the Program Panels’ meetings will be incorporated as an addendum to this document to be considered at the Council meeting.




Report of the Responsible Accounting Officer


       As noted earlier in this report the Responsible Accounting Officer is required, as part of the Quarterly Management Plan Review, to report on the financial position of the Council.


Operating Statement result 2007/08


            Council is required to produce a financial statement in accordance with statutory accounting standards and generally accepted accounting principles. This Operating Statement does not include funds transfers to and from reserves and includes depreciation and the profit/loss on disposals of assets.


Council’s original budget was to deliver a balanced operating result this was related to a $0.177 deficit at the March Quarterly Review. The June Review has an actual year end Operating result surplus of $7.4M. (See page 111). 


This large change in the Operating Statement Result since the March Review is due mainly to the following items. It is important to note that the improved result does not reflect any significant savings or additional income from changes to operational activities.


Investment Income


Interest income improved on budget by $1.1M due to a restructuring of the portfolio in the fourth quarter and better than expected returns from funds managers in April and May.


Grants and Contributions


Grants and contributions were in excess of budget by $1.5M due to some major grants being received that were unexpected and will not be expended until 2008/09 and have been transferred to reserves. Grant income was reduced by $315K due to an RTA grant, from the previous year related to regional roads, having to be returned.


Other Revenues


Other Revenues were under budget by $0.4M. Fines and property rentals were the main contributors to this result.


Net gain from Disposal of Assets

There was a net gain from disposal of assets of $2.1M.


Westpool equity increase


Following a surplus result of the Westpool Insurance Pool, Council’s equity in the venture has increased by $0.5M to $1.8M.


Materials and contracts


Expenditure on materials and contracts was under budget by $0.4M. Contract expenses were under budget due to reduced advisory and external services contracts expenditure. Materials expenditure was under budget due to reduced costs for advertising, computer supplies, donations and catering.


Other Operating Expenses


Other Operating Expenses were $0.5M under budget.


Operating Projects


A number of Operating Projects were not completed resulting in an under budget result of $1.7M.


Employee Costs


Employee costs exceeded budget by $0.9M due to additional agency costs, workers compensation premium and return to work expenses and fringe benefits tax.




Depreciation was under budget by $0.7M due mainly to a revised treatment of depreciation for library books.


Services and Projects result against Management Plan Budget 2007/08


As part of the 2007/08 Management Plan, Council adopted a balanced funds result. At the September 2007 Budget Review a funds based surplus of $0.070M was forecast and at the December 2007 Review this forecast surplus increased to $0.086M. Following the March 2008 Budget Review a balanced, funds based financial result was forecast for year end.


The June Review delivers a net funding deficit of $0.459M.  This results from a Services Result surplus of $0.330M offset by a deficit in the Net Projects Result of $0.789M.


The deficit in the Projects result was due mainly to a shortfall in the proceeds from sale plant and vehicle to fund purchases.

Further details of significant variations to the adopted budget are included in the attached June Quarterly Review document in the Chief Executive Officer’s report and the various Program reports.


Revotes of Projects


While projects worth $41.17M were completed during the year, incomplete projects have resulted in proposed re-votes of $10.55M. A large component of this is for the completion of the Parramatta Pool $4.9M. Details of all proposed revotes are set out in the Quarterly Review commencing at page 17.


In adopting the 2008/09 Management Plan and Budget a balanced position on the Operating Statement had been forecast. Of the total revotes, $1.6M relates to Operating Projects and Services and this expenditure in 2008/09 will have a direct negative impact on the operating result for 2008/09, although this could be partly offset by new unbudgeted Capital grants.


            Responsible Accounting Officer’s Statement


Following a review of the attached June 2008 Quarterly Review, it is considered that the financial position of the Council is satisfactory.




Jenny Fett

Manager Finance – Responsible Accounting Officer





June 2008 Quarterly Review (Attachment to be provided to Councillors and Senior Staff Only)

113 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 14.5


ITEM NUMBER         14.5

SUBJECT                   Program Panels.

REFERENCE            F2004/06950 - D01002645

REPORT OF              Manager Strategic Partnerships and Programs       




This report brings forward the notes from the Program Panel meetings held 16 June 2008 and 21 July 2008 in accordance with the resolution of Council of 14 March 2005.





That the program panel meeting notes from 16 June and 21 July 2008 are noted.





1.      On 16 June 2008 the Joint Culture and Leisure with Community Care Program Panel met. Other Program Panels did not meet due to the scheduling of a special meeting on Civic Place. Five Program Panels met on 21 July 2008.  The City Development and Regulatory Program Panel did not meet due to there being no agenda items to discuss.


2.      The Program Panels have been meeting on a monthly basis as part of Council’s formal meeting cycle since June 2004.




3.      There were no common agenda items for the Program Panels in July. Programs that met had agendas relating to the work being undertaken independent of the common agenda.


4.      Program Panels are working towards achieving a good understanding of each service delivered as part of each program.


5.      As a result of the review of the Panels undertaken in 2007, each Panel is being encouraged to achieve a broader understanding of issues contained in their program area.


Consultation and Timing


8.      Program Panels are provided as a forum for Councillors and staff to discuss issues relating to each program area. Coordinators are keen to receive feedback on ways in which the Panels can work at an optimum level.




Susan Gibbeson

Senior Project Officer

Social Outcomes Manager




Meeting Notes from June and July 2008 Program Panels.

9 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 August 2008

Item 15.1


ITEM NUMBER         15.1

SUBJECT                   B-Double Vehicles

REFERENCE            F2004/06921 - D01007230

REPORT OF              Councillor M W Walsh       


To be Moved by Councillor M W Walsh:-


“(a)    That B-Double vehicles be access prohibited within the following boundaries of the area: North of Rawson Road, South Granville and Guildford, North of Wellington Road South Granville, West of Duck River, South of Parramatta Road Granville and East of Woodville Road Granville, Merrylands & Guildford. The area South of Rawson Road between Rawson Road & the pipeline boundary (including Campbell Hill Road Guildford) & East of Ferndell Street, Boundary & Hector Sts Chester Hill will also be included. This policy therefore excepts Rawson Road, Wellington Road, Ferndell Street and the depot entrance in Boundary Street. Access across the Boundary Street bridge is prohibited. B Doubles are also access prohibited in the Parramatta Local Government area West of Woodville Road and bounded by the Southern railway line. This prohibition includes Oxford Street Guildford. Woodville Road is thereby excepted


(b)     That this is to be adopted as the policy of the Parramatta City Council and is to be included in the policy register of the Council.


(c)     Further, that RTA and all members of the Local Traffic Committee and the Traffic Engineering Committee are to be advised of this policy. The Rosehill Police area commander and the Granville Police Station will also be advised.”


Note from Councillor M W Walsh:-


I believe that this simply reinforces the already accepted policy of this Council that I am now being told is not on the policy register.



Comment from Service Manager Traffic and Transport – Richard Searle:-


The RTA has delegated Council the Authority to approve and revoke B-Double routes subject to Council following the RTA 'Route Assessment Guidelines for Restricted Access Vehicles'. In cases where Council does not follow these guidelines it is then the responsibility of the Minister for Roads to make the decision to approve or revoke a route. The proposed Policy does not follow the RTA guidelines.