The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 at 6.45pm.










Dr. Robert Lang

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

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“Think Before You Print”




The Lord Mayor Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council





Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham



Greg Smith –  Group Manager Corporate



Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies


Sue Weatherley–Group Manager Outcomes & Development










Clr Paul Barber – Caroline Chisholm Ward



Clr Lorraine Wearne -

Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Mark Lack – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr Paul Garrard -  Woodville Ward


Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward



Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Andrew Wilson – Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Prabir Maitra – Arthur Phillip Ward



Clr Andrew Bide – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward

Clr Michael McDermott,

Deputy Lord Mayor - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Clr Antoine (Tony) Issa, OAM – Woodville Ward

Clr Chiang Lim– Arthur Phillip Ward

Text Box:   Press









Council                                                                                                                27 April 2011




ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Council (Development)  - 11 April 2011

2        APOLOGIES


4        Minutes of Lord Mayor

5        Public Forum  

6        PETITIONS  

7        Economy and Development

7.1     Visitor Strategy for Parramatta 2011 - 2016

7.2     Strategic Planning Studies & LEP Acceleration Funding Offer

8        Environment and Infrastructure

8.1     Report of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 31 March 2011

8.2     Report of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 31 March 2011

8.3     Parramatta City Council Climate Extremes Risk Assessment and Adaptation Action Plan

9        Community and Neighbourhood

9.1     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 22 March 2011

9.2     NAIDOC 2011 Program

10      Governance and Corporate

10.1   2011 National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) Conference 'Growing with our Community-Partnership, Place and Position' - Canberra - 19-22 June 2011

10.2   Investments Report February 2011    

11      Closed Session

11.1   2011 PCC Community Grants Program

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

11.2   Tender No. 2/2011 Installation of Streetlights and Associated Works at Five Locations in the Parramatta Local Government Area.

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

11.3   Proposed Memorial to the Late George Khattar

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.

11.4   Review of Property Lease

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.







Council                                                                                                                27 April 2011



Economy and Development


27 April 2011


7.1    Visitor Strategy for Parramatta 2011 - 2016





7.2    Strategic Planning Studies & LEP Acceleration Funding Offer

Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                          Item 7.1


ITEM NUMBER         7.1

SUBJECT                   Visitor Strategy for Parramatta 2011 - 2016

REFERENCE            F2010/01867 - D01924013

REPORT OF              Arts & Cultural Project Officer-Parramatta Stories.City Culture,       




To seek Council’s endorsement for the public exhibition of the draft Visitor Strategy for Parramatta 2011-2016





(a)       That the draft Visitor Strategy for Parramatta be placed on exhibition for 28 days in the Parramatta City (central) Library, branch libraries, the Administration Building Customer Service Centre and on Council’s website.


(b)       Further, that a report be submitted to Council upon completion of the public exhibition period with consideration and assessment of the submissions received.





1.      The draft Visitor Strategy was created to build and position Parramatta as a leisure destination to increase visitation, foster repeat visitation, facilitate greater spend, encourage longer stays, grow advocates and evolve perceptions of the City.

2.      A visitor is defined in this strategy as a person who chooses to visit Parramatta for leisure, for fun, enjoyment, relaxation, etc. The greatest opportunity for Parramatta to grow visitation begins with residents from across Greater Sydney including the large worker population of Parramatta. Over time this will grow the small international and domestic markets.

3.      The Visitor Strategy was initiated by Council in response to broad industry interest and was supported by Tourism NSW.  It has been developed with a financial contribution from the Federal Government, Department of Resources Energy and Tourism. 

4.      The Visitor Strategy provides a strategic pathway of objectives and actions that are practical and achievable for a range of stakeholders (industry and Council) to deliver in stages over the next five years.




5.      The Visitor Strategy identifies several key visitor markets, a pool of over 1 million people (including; the local community, workers, people from across Greater Sydney, and domestic and international visitors), and the key issues and actions which must be addressed to make Parramatta a vibrant place that they want to visit for leisure.  

6.      Parramatta requires a greater range of appealing ‘things to do’ which will attract target markets and deliver them a great experience. Parramatta will evolve as an enlivened place which projects a ‘vibe and buzz’ though a fusion of activities both day and night at key sites. Parramatta must also harness the positive attributes that visitors see in Parramatta - its cultural diversity, identity and distinctiveness, and down to earth nature, in product and communications to make Parramatta more welcoming and desirable.

7.      The main topics of the strategy include; understanding key target markets; growing product and experiences; strong governance; quality infrastructure and amenity; and smart communications and marketing.     

8.      Key deliverables include:   

a.   Establish the cluster/governance group to work on actions and pursue partnerships and funding

b.   Expand and enhance the myriad of activities and attractions including investigating incentives and opportunities for leisure businesses to set-up in Parramatta

c.   Seed a regular strategic events and activities program at key sites (eg, river foreshore) to establish it as a leisure precinct

d.   Plan and improve amenity and infrastructure in the City centre and river foreshore to be multipurpose venues that host a range of events and activities.

e.   With improved product develop smart marketing and communications which target markets and engage advocates.

9.      It is anticipated that growth in visitation will occur over time with strong and active governance, improvements to product, amenity and the development of infrastructure at key City sites, particularly the river foreshore.


10.    Council’s City Culture, Tourism and Recreation Unit oversees the Visitor Strategy and works with Industry and Investment NSW and a range of external stakeholders to implement the actions.


11.    The Implementation Program 2011/2012 contained in the Visitor Strategy concentrates on addressing the high priority actions. The subsequent program 2013-2015 will focus on the lower priorities. A yearly report card will monitor progress on the actions and visitation.




12.    Council worked with a range of industry stakeholders, tourism destination planners, market researchers, communication experts, and tourism business development professionals over a period of 18 months to develop the draft Visitor Strategy. This included extensive consultation with 160 industry/business and community members through the Tourism Reference Group and in-depth surveying of 2,300 current and potential visitors.


The planning process involved the following tasks:

a.   Experience Audit of the visitor offer (2008)

b.   SWOT workshop with the Tourism Reference Group (Aug 2009)

c.   Blue Skies workshop with 15 specialists and local industry leaders (Sept 2009)

d.   Draft Strategy was developed by destination planners and presented at workshops through March and April 2010. A Councillor workshop was held on 7 April 2010. Feedback from stakeholders and Councillors was incorporated into the draft Strategy.

e.   Qualitative/quantitative surveys and focus groups involved 2,300 people (2009 and 2010)

f.    Feasibility of several product ideas were investigated (2010)

g.   Final draft Visitor Strategy was refined with additional market intelligence and brand research and feedback from industry and Council (2011)


13.    It is recommended that the Visitor Strategy be placed on public exhibition for 28 days in the Parramatta City (central) Library, branch libraries, Council’s Administration building Customer Service Centre and on Council’s website.   This will enable all stakeholders to review the revised report and consider the outcomes of the research and consultation process.


14.    Following public exhibition a further report will be presented to Council for consideration. This will outline the public submissions received and comments on their assessment and relevance with the document.




15.    Prioritised actions will be funded where appropriate, through existing Council programs supported by City Culture, Tourism and Recreation, Major Events, Cultural Heritage and Visitor Information, and City Strategy.  Where appropriate, funding will also be sourced through relevant Section 94A Development Contributions Plan and through Council’s management plan process.


16.    Progress on the actions is currently opportunity driven reliant on partnerships and where possible leveraging existing Council projects to deliver additional outcomes. Several budget bids 2011/2012 have been submitted to support the delivery of several high priority actions. Bids include; Tourism/Visitor Development Program, Worker Research, Things to do: Activities for the City and River Foreshore and Marketing and Communications for the New Leisure Brand.


17.    There will also be an opportunity to seek grant funding towards implementing components of the strategy through various Federal and State government departments.  For example; Council has received a $10,000 grant from NSW Department of State and Regional Development to establish the governance cluster in 2011 with representation of the industry stakeholders, Government and Council.




Rebecca Grasso

Manager City Culture, Tourism and Recreation





Visitor Strategy 2011-2016

55 Pages





Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                          Item 7.2


ITEM NUMBER         7.2

SUBJECT                   Strategic Planning Studies & LEP Acceleration Funding Offer

REFERENCE            F2004/07789 - D01925322

REPORT OF              Senior Project Officer         




To inform Council of a proposed funding offer from the Department of Planning to allow the undertaking of strategic planning studies to address deferred matters and inform future amendments to the comprehensive Parramatta LEP.





(a)       That Council endorse the carrying out of the strategic planning studies for the Westmead, Rydalmere and River Road West/Rosehill/Camellia precincts as the basis for accepting the funding offer from the Department of Planning.


(b)       Further, that the funding agreement be entered into with the Department of Planning once the CEO is satisfied that the conditions are satisfactory in respect to the requirement for Council to submit a Planning Proposal in relation to the River Road West/Rosehill/Camellia study.





1.      The Department of Planning (DoP) has established a Local Environmental Plan (LEP) Acceleration Fund to offer grants to assist Local Government in accelerating the finalisation of their comprehensive LEPs prepared under the Standard Instrument.


2.      Parramatta City Council has been offered a grant totalling $190,000 for a range of planning studies relating to matters that were not able to be addressed during the preparation of the comprehensive LEP due to timing and resourcing constraints. The funding is available for the 2011/12 financial year.


3.      These planning studies would inform future amendments to the comprehensive LEP.




4.      Details of the funding offer are as follows:


(a)       Westmead Precinct Study ($30,000)


The funding would be used to undertake a study of employment land in the Westmead Precinct.  Several landowners have made representations to Council expressing an interest in rezoning the existing industrial land, at the Northmead end of the Westmead precinct, for mixed use purposes, given the declining nature of manufacturing that has traditionally been located in this precinct. A study would examine the role of and demand for employment land in the precinct and in particular the role of such land in supporting the strategic role of the precinct for health care. (Westmead precinct is identified as a strategic health care precinct in the Sydney Metropolitan Plan 2036.)

Council staff have been undertaking work on the precinct, including a traffic and transport study, recognising that solutions to the traffic and parking issues in the precinct need to be included as a key component of future development in the precinct. It is proposed to prepare a strategic framework identifying options for traffic, transport, urban design, land use and zoning in the precinct. An employment land study would assist in the development of this work. It is proposed to hold a Councillor workshop later in the year once this work has progressed.


(b)       Rydalmere Knowledge Precinct Study ($30,000)


An economic and commercial feasibility study has already been prepared for Council which included economic modelling and commercial feasibility for a Rydalmere Knowledge Precinct bordered by Victoria Road to the North, Vineyard Creek and the Rydalmere Rail line to the East, the Parramatta River to the South and Subiaco Creek to the West.

On 28 March 2011 Council resolved (amongst other things) to prepare a draft Masterplan and appropriate planning studies (including traffic, flooding, contamination and urban design). The Acceleration Fund would be used to fund the preparation of a Flood Study for the precinct and will assist in progressing the work on this precinct. 


(c)        River Road West/Rosehill/Camellia Area Study ($130,000)


During the preparation of the draft LEP, submissions were received from land owners and developers in Rosehill, Camellia and the Parramatta riverfront in the vicinity of these locations, seeking urban renewal opportunities. One of these resulted in the lodgement of a Planning Proposal to rezone 2 – 12 River Road West from industrial to mixed use.  Another significant urban renewal opportunity exists at the former James Hardie site at 181 James Ruse Drive. The land owner of the Rosehill racecourse precinct is also undertaking master planning to investigate future development opportunities. Refer to Attachment 1 for map outlining the general location of these areas of interest.

It is important that such opportunities be considered in a strategic manner, given the significance of heritage and flooding issues in particular, but also in response to studies investigating contamination, traffic and urban design.

Funding offer:

The funding offer would provide an opportunity to accelerate strategic planning studies and research into urban renewal opportunities in this precinct. The Acceleration Fund would be used to fund studies to review the constraints of flooding, contamination and heritage in the precinct. (Note: it would be necessary for more detailed contamination investigations to be undertaken by the land owner at 181 James Ruse Drive, given the significant potential for contamination and need for remediation on this site)

Council would need to fund other studies such as traffic and urban design.



5.      A condition of the offer is that the Rydalmere and Westmead studies which are funded by the DoP are to be completed by September 2011. This is achievable given that Council staff are already working on these precincts.


6.      Funding for the River Road West/Rosehill/ Camellia study is conditional on a Planning Proposal (to make any necessary amendments to the planning controls in the comprehensive Parramatta LEP) being adopted by Council and submitted to the DoP by 31 May 2012. This would be an outcome of the planning studies and the recommendations arising. Whilst it is possible to submit a Planning Proposal without all planning studies having been undertaken, sufficient work needs to have been undertaken to inform the Planning Proposal.


7.      Given that the DoP offer will not fund all the necessary studies for the River Road West/Rosehill/ Camellia area, Council funding and staff resourcing of this project is likely to run beyond May 2012. At the time of writing this report, the extent of the area to be addressed in the Planning Proposal required by the DoP by May 2012 is being clarified. Potentially, the River Road West industrial precinct would be the first area within the precinct to be completed to the extent of a Planning Proposal, given that part of the precinct is already the subject of a Planning Proposal. A further Planning Proposal could then be submitted for other parts of the precinct as is necessary and at a time that matches Council’s resources.




8.      The funding offer from the DoP will assist to progress and accelerate projects identified in Council’s strategic planning work program that will support the future growth and strategic role of Parramatta City and Sydney’s second CBD. It will facilitate the delivery of land for employment and housing in a manner that supports the functions of the Parramatta CBD and important specialist areas, such as the Westmead health precinct and the University of Western Sydney. It is recommended that Council endorse the strategic planning studies proposed to be undertaken with the funding offer and enter into an agreement for the funding, subject to final conditions being satisfactory.


Jennifer Concato                                  Sue Stewart

Project Officer                              Senior Project Officer

Land Use Planning                              Land Use Planning




Attachment 1 – map of area of interest River Road West/Rosehill/ Camellia

1 Page





Council                                                                                                                27 April 2011



Environment and Infrastructure


27 April 2011


8.1    Report of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 31 March 2011





8.2    Report of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 31 March 2011





8.3    Parramatta City Council Climate Extremes Risk Assessment and Adaptation Action Plan

Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                          Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER         8.1

SUBJECT                   Report of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 31 March 2011

REFERENCE            F2010/03205 - D01909568

REPORT OF              Service Manager Traffic and Transport       




That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on Thursday 31 March 2011.





That Council adopt the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on Thursday 31 March 2011.



Richard Searle

Service Manager Traffic and Transport




Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 31 March 2011

5 Pages






Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                          Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER         8.2

SUBJECT                   Report of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 31 March 2011

REFERENCE            F2010/03204 - D01909577

REPORT OF              Service Manager Traffic and Transport       





That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on Thursday 31 March 2011.





That Council adopt the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on Thursday 31 March 2011.




Richard Searle

Service Manager Traffic and Transport




Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 31 March 2011

5 Pages






Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                          Item 8.3


ITEM NUMBER         8.3

SUBJECT                   Parramatta City Council Climate Extremes Risk Assessment and Adaptation Action Plan

REFERENCE            F2010/00355 - D01921896

REPORT OF              Senior Project Officer - Waterways Strategy.Environmental Outcom       



To report to Council on the results of community consultation on the Parramatta City Council Climate Extremes Risk Assessment and Adaptation Plan and seek Councils views and adoption of the Plan.




(a)     That Council adopt the Parramatta City Council Climate Extremes Risk Assessment and Adaptation Plan


(b)     That copies of the adopted Plan be issued to Parramatta Central Library and placed on Council’s website under publications


(c)     Further, that the respondents who provided submissions in response to the

          public exhibition of this draft Plan be advised of Council’s decision and thanked for their interest.





1.      Council resolved on 22nd November 2010 to put the draft Plan on public exhibition.  The draft Plan was exhibited for 65 days between Wednesday 8th December 2010 and February 11th February 2011.


2.      Four written responses were received from members of the public during the period of exhibition, which are summarised as follows:




Nature of response

Submission 1

General comments on Plan, various ideas for adaptation, broadly supportive

Submission 2

A series of suggestions as to ideas that should be in the Plan

Submission 3

General comments on Plan, broadly supportive


Did not like the Plan, thought there should be more on flooding


3.      These comments were considered, and where appropriate were used to clarify and make minor changes to the Draft Plan.  The revised Plan has been attached to this Report.


4.      The Climate Extremes Risk Assessment and Adaptation Plan (“the Plan”) has been prepared in accordance with Principle 4 of the Council adopted Climate Action Plan 2006-2011 which recognises the need for both climate mitigation and adaption.  It is also consistent with Council’s Community Strategic Plan, Parramatta Twenty25 (i.e., Strategy N7, Destination 4) highlighting the need to “reduce risk to community due to natural and human made disasters”.  It is also supported by the targets and objectives outlined in Council’s Corporate Environmental Policy adopted in November 2009.


5.      Adaptation is the primary means of dealing with the unavoidable impacts of extreme weather events such as hail, storm, flood and heatwaves.  It will enable Council to reduce weather related damage and financial losses, and improve business certainty through continuous learning, reflection and forward-looking decision making. 




6.      Topics covered within the Plan for the period 2011-2014 include: vulnerability maps by suburb indicating the socio-economic capacity of different communities within the LGA to adapt to projected impacts such as storms, floods and heatwaves; priority table of key climatic risks for the LGA; and adaptation strategies to address the risks, including their costs, priority, responsible Council officer and timeframe.


7.      Of the 48 identified risks for Parramatta, the highest priority risks include: increased premature deaths from extreme heatwaves; increased lifecycle costs to public and private assets such as roads and drainage systems; more rapid degradation of habitat and possible local extinction of threatened species; more frequent stormwater, river and tidal flooding; and increased cost of insurance related to the impact of these extreme weather events.


8.      It is intended that the adaptation strategies developed as part of this Climate Adaptation Plan will be integrated into Council’s existing risk management framework e.g. the corporate risk register, business Continuity plan, Strategic Asset Management Plan, Disaster Plan, Flood Plain Risk Management Plans, the Pandemic Plan and insurance considerations with WESTPOOL.



Financial implication for Council


9.      An indicative cost of all identified actions totals $780,000 over a period of 10 years.  Examples of actions include:-

a.      Developing plans to assist vulnerable groups such as seniors during prolonged heatwaves

b.      Increasing the number of green spaces in the CBD to help reduce peak temperatures

c.       Enhancing Council’s policies to manage biodiversity

d.      Expanding community gardens wherever possible

e.      Revising Councils business continuity plan to include greater emphasis on possibility of extended power interruptions


10.    Actions arising from the Climate Adaptation Plan can be funded through existing operating and capital upgrade budgets and new grant opportunities provided by the State Government.


11.    This financial year a total of $831,000 in funding has been received from the NSW Department of Climate Change, Environment and Water (DECCW) under the Waste and Sustainability Improvement Payment (WaSIP) program. As a condition of receiving this payment, Council is required to meet a number of environmental sustainability requirements (standards) including the preparation and adoption of a Climate Adaptation Risk Assessment and Action Plan by June 2012.


12.    Failure to meet the WaSIP grant standard requirement for preparation and adoption of a Climate Adaptation Risk Assessment and Action Plan may result in difficulties in obtaining WaSIP funding in future years.  WaSIP funding is used for many purposes such as

a.      Reducing litter and combating illegal dumping

b.      Meeting regulatory requirements for provision of residential waste services

c.       Energy and water conservation initiatives

d.      Sustainable transport

e.      Contaminated land remediation

f.        Weed control






Paul Hackney

Acting Manager Environmental Outcomes




Final Climate Extremes Adaptation Plan April 2011

176 Pages



Four Submissions from Members of the Public

25 Pages






Council                                                                                                                27 April 2011



Community and Neighbourhood


27 April 2011


9.1    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 22 March 2011





9.2    NAIDOC 2011 Program

Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                          Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 22 March 2011

REFERENCE            F2005/01941 - D01911368

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer       




The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 22 March 2011. This report provides a précis of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.





(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of 22 March 2011 be received and noted.


(b)       Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.





1.      Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee meets monthly and comprises 15 members.

2.      Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 22 March 2011. This report provides a summary of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.




3.      The main issues discussed at the meeting are outlined below.


4.      Guest Speaker Jillian Comber, Archaeologist/ Heritage Consultant


a.      Jillian Comber, Archaeologist/ Heritage Consultant, Comber Consultants, attended the meeting and presented information on the archaeological dig recently carried out at 140 Church Street, Parramatta. The site is to have a substation built on it. 


b.      The Committee was advised that approximately 3,000 items were found during the dig including a well; a sako badge from the 1790s, various Aboriginal artefacts including tool making and cutting implements and the sand terrace.


c        Aboriginal artefacts that were found are to be forwarded to the Australian Museum although it was also noted that local Aboriginal communities could make representations to relocate these items.


d.      Interpretative signage will be erected on the wall of the new substation when it is completed.


     e.      The Committee expressed interest in Ms Comber’s offer to attend a future meeting when more research on the findings could be presented as well as information on archaeology in Parramatta in general.


5.      Guest Speaker, Paul Kennedy, Council Officer, Project Officer Land Use and           Transport Planning


 a.     Paul Kennedy, Council Officer Project Officer Land Use and Transport Planning presented information to the Committee on the current review of Council’s Heritage listings. The Committee were advised that this review is the first to be done since the original listing in 1993 which listed 1000 items. The current review may see some items removed and others added.


b.      The Committee were advised that a major part of the review is to advise whether items of State significance should be added to the State Heritage Register. The primary consideration of whether an item should be added to the State Heritage Register is whether the item is of significance to the whole state. Suggestions of adding or removing items will be assessed by Council’s Heritage Advisor, then recommendations made to a Council workshop in the middle of the year. Following this workshop a report to Council will be prepared, a public exhibition held during which further representations by interested parties may be made.


c.       Committee members spoke of the significance of Lake Parramatta and expressed their desire that it be listed on the State Heritage List. The Committee undertook to identify reasons why the site should be listed at their next meeting and then pass this information onto Council’s Heritage Advisor to enable them to make an assessment.


d.      The Committee expressed its desire that one of their members be a representative on Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee.


6.      Foundation Acknowledgment


a.      Council Officer Maggie Kyle distributed a copy of the Foundation Acknowledgment as adopted by Council on 18 October 2010 and informed the Committee that she had been advised that consultations had been held with some organisations.


b.      The Committee developed a recommendation that noted that it had not been consulted and requested further information on consultations that had been undertaken.


Officers Comment:

At its meeting of 28 March, Council determined to defer considering this matter until a meeting was held between the Lord Mayor, any interested Councillors and the Committee.  Following discussion with the Lord Mayor’s office, it is now proposed that the Lord Mayor will attend the next Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday 3rd May 2011 to discuss the issue.


7.         General Business and Information Share


           Committee members exchanged information including the following:


a.      The situation of a Western Australian prisoner with an intellectual disability who had been held for 10 years without being convicted. The Committee recommended that information be obtained from Parramatta Aboriginal Legal Service regarding the issue and whether there was any person is in a similar situation in NSW prisons.


b.      Problems experienced by Aboriginal inmates of Corrective Services in NSW including placing city inmates into regional facilities and regional inmates into city facilities. It was noted that this practice isolates prisoners and contributes to deaths in custody. The Committee also noted with concern the lack of housing, psychological and financial support available for Aboriginal people when they are released from prison.


c.       Efforts of Burnside Public School relating to a particular Aboriginal student and the school’s enthusiasm to introduce Aboriginal projects and culture into the curriculum. The Committee recommended that the school be informed of their willingness to assist in this work.


d.      The selection panel for the Aboriginal Community Projects Officer would consist of 2 or 3 internal staff and one external person who would be Aboriginal. The Committee resolved to express its concern one of its own members would not be able to participate in the selection panel.


e.      A previous employee of Council; Ms Sue Pinckham, had been one of 100 people of 11,000 who had been selected for an Indigenous Person of the Year award. The Committee Chairperson, Mr Bruce Gale requested that Council acknowledge Ms Pinckham’s achievement and the importance of her work.


f.        The Indigenous Disability Advocacy Service is able to fund Aboriginal families’ travel costs to attend family members’ funerals.


g       The proposed NAIDOC 2011 Program (Attached) was distributed to Committee members and their attention was drawn to proposed changes to the Program including the replacement of Burramatta Family Fun Day with a Fellowships Program.  The committee resolved to hold a special meeting on 30 March 2011 to discuss the NAIDOC proposal and provide advice and input to Council.




8.         There are no financial implications to Council


Maggie Kyle

Community Capacity Building Officer




Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Minutes 22 March 2011

10 Pages





Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                          Item 9.2


ITEM NUMBER         9.2

SUBJECT                   NAIDOC 2011 Program

REFERENCE            F2005/01941 - D01912230

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer       




This report includes details of a new Council NAIDOC Program and the response of Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee to it.  Program options are presented to Council and a workshop is being proposed to allow for further discussion and consultation.






(a)       That Council note the 2011 NAIDOC Week proposal and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee’s response to it.  


(b)       That a workshop is held for the Lord Mayor and interested Councillors to discuss the program of activities for NAIDOC 2011 and beyond.


(c)        That the ATSI Advisory Committee be asked to nominate two or three members to join the Councillor’s workshop. 


(c)       Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.






1.      NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC is held in the first full week of July each year. NAIDOC is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognise the contributions of Indigenous Australians in various fields.


2.      Council has held various activities to celebrate NAIDOC for a number of years. In 2004, Council determined to allocate funding for its NAIDOC week events however the nature of the event/s was not specified by Council. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee with Council’s Aboriginal Project Officer, determined the event. In 2004 it was decided to hold an Indigenous Film Festival at Council’s Heritage Centre. Due to low attendance, in 2005, the Advisory Committee decided to hold the first Burramatta Family Fun Day in Parramatta Park which offered free refreshments, entertainment and craft/ music workshops.


3.      Since 2005, Council has held three events each year to celebrate NAIDOC Week:


i)     NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony, held outside the Town Hall and attended by approximately 50 people including the Lord Mayor, Councillors and members of Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee. This event is managed and funded by Council’s Civic Events.


ii)    Parramatta Library’s NAIDOC free workshop program for children including Indigenous dance/ music, storytelling and craft workshops and which attracts in excess of 150 children and their parents and/or guardians.


iii)   Burramatta Family Fun Day which consists of a 2-3 hour concert of Indigenous singers and performers,  information stalls run by a range of government departments and not for profit services of particular relevance and interest to Aboriginal people, children’s fair rides and 3-4 workshops including art and storytelling. The Fun Day also offers refreshments including a BBQ delivered by Rotary and tea and coffee. All activities and refreshments at the event are free. For the past two years, the event has been held at Prince Alfred Park. Prior to this it was held at a site within Parramatta Park. Estimates of attendance in 2010 are 3-5,000.


4.      NAIDOC currently forms part of Council’s annual major events program and has a budget of $50,000. Burramatta Family Fun Day has been the central focus of Council’s NAIDOC activities financially and in terms of Council Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee member’s attention. Whilst numbers attending Burramatta Family Fun Day have increased progressively since 2005, attendance is still low in comparison to the expenditure and level of resourcing for other major events held in the LGA.


5.      A memorandum was sent to all Councillors on 16 March 2011 outlining concerns regarding Council’s NAIDOC Week program including:


i)     a poorly attended event in 2010 after which strong Councillor feedback was received through Council’s Chief Executive Officer that the format should be reviewed to better reflect Council’s aims in participating in NAIDOC Week;


ii)    concerns that despite its $50,000 budget, the event fails to deliver on strategic outcomes  for Council’s major events i.e. achieving significant economic, social, cultural outcomes for the City.


6.      The memorandum to Councillors also included information on the proposed NAIDOC 2011 program. The revised program proposed the following elements:


i)     Retain  and expand the Flag Raising Ceremony


ii)    The replacement of the Burramatta Family Fun Day with a high profile Fellowships Program for young achievers in schools and other educational settings. In 2011 three Fellowships in cash form would be awarded, one for each of the fields of Sport, Culture and Writing. From 2012 it is proposed that 12-15 Fellowships be awarded. 


ii)   The expansion of the Library NAIDOC Week program to deliver workshops in branch libraries in addition to Parramatta Library.


iii)   Video interviews with local elders, allowing commencement of the development of a “living library” of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage, capable of many possible uses including an annual exhibition at the Heritage Centre.


7.      Information regarding the proposed NAIDOC 2011 program was given to Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee at its meeting on 22 March 2010 and discussed by members at a special Committee meeting held on 30 March 2011 (minutes attached). In summary, Committee members were unanimous in the following:


i)     Disagreed with the position that Burramatta Family Fun Day does not attract sufficient attendees


ii)    Rejected Council’s Major Event outcomes as appropriate criteria to evaluate the event and suggested that community capacity building outcomes may be more appropriate


iii)   Endorsed the Burramatta Family Fun Day as a successful NAIDOC event


iv)   Did not support the proposed NAIDOC Fellowships Program given the lack of take up of other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholarship programs


v)    Saw discussion of alternative events/activities for NAIDOC as inappropriate


vi)   Expressed some willingness to identify ways of improving Burramatta Family Fun Day.


8.      Following the response of the Committee to the proposed NAIDOC 2011 program, the following options are identified. Options 2, 3 and 4 reflect the Committee’s responses to the proposed changes i.e. that they may be willing to contribute to identifying strategies to improve Burramatta Family Fun Day.


9.     Option 1:       NAIDOC 2011 program as proposed in memorandum to Councillors 16 March 2011


(This option is the original proposal developed as a result of feedback on Council’s 2010 NAIDOC program. It does not reflect the response of Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee as summarised above.)


Implement the proposed new NAIDOC Week program as detailed in paragraph 6 above, including expansion the Flag Raising Ceremony, replacement of Burramatta Family Fun Day with a Fellowships program, expansion of the Library NAIDOC Week program and initiation of a “living library” of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage through video interviews with local elders.        


10.   Option 2:       Retain Council’s NAIDOC Week Program from Previous Years


i)     The NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony continues in its current format.


ii)    The existing and successful Library program of Indigenous arts/crafts, performance and storytelling workshops delivered by Indigenous artists and performers is delivered in its current format.


iii)   Burramatta Family Fun Day 2011 continues to be delivered in its current format.


11.    Option 3:      Retain current NAIDOC Week Program in 2011 and review the program to reposition Burramatta Family Fun Day to be a successful major event for 2012.


i)     The NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony continues in its current format.


ii)    The existing and successful Library program of Indigenous arts/crafts, performance and storytelling workshops delivered by Indigenous artists and performers is delivered in its current format.


iii)   Burramatta Family Fun Day 2011 is delivered as it has been in previous years with a reduction of $10,000 in the budget. This amount will be used to engage a consultant as follows.


iv)   A consultant will be hired to conduct a review of the existing event and explore future options for the delivery of a significant NAIDOC event that meets the outcomes of major events and can be delivered in 2012 e.g. a Corroboree which would engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performers in Western Sydney and be marketed to arts/ performance audiences.    The consultant’s report would include input from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee. A report would be submitted to Council regarding the resulting event proposal and budget for future years.


12.    Option 4:      Modify the existing NAIDOC Week program and retain Burramatta Family Fun Day as a Community Capacity Building Event.  


i)     The NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony continues in its current format under the management of Civic Events but is boosted with additional performance content.


ii)    The existing and successful Library program of Indigenous arts/crafts, performance and storytelling workshops delivered by Indigenous artists and performers is expanded, and delivered in Council’s branch libraries.


iii)   Burramatta Family Fun Day is reclassified as a Community Capacity Building (CCB) event, rather than a Major Event. Its budget is reduced by $10,000 to enable the implementation of i) and ii) above and planning is undertaken with the Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee to ensure CCB outcomes are used in its planning and delivery in 2011. Relevant CCB outcomes include the building and strengthening of existing community resources (e.g. performers, services etc), identity and pride through the celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and the significance of place to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.   




13.    In June 2006, Council adopted a Major Event Evaluation Framework including five key objectives and six event principles against which all Major Events are evaluated. The Burramatta Family Fun Day is currently classified as a Major Event due to the size of its budget.  The key objectives of Major Events are:


i)     Engage people to be active in the life of the city (Engagement/    Involvement)


ii)    Demonstrate and deliver a diversity of life understandings and perspectives (Celebrate Diversity)


iii)   Celebrate and promote urban form and the natural environment through innovative use of place and space (Creative use of Place)


iv)   Encourage local creative enterprise (Local Creativity)


v)    Boost the local economy – day and night (Support Local Business)



And the event principles are:


i)     Point of Difference

ii)    Cross Council and Cross-Community Opportunities

iii)   Sponsorship

iv)   Return for local business

v)    Return on investment

vi)   Enjoyment and accessibility

vii)  Health and environment


14.    The Community Capacity Building team runs a number of community capacity building events to work with community organisations, local business and residents to build strong and resilient communities. These events tend to be smaller in size and budget than Major Events. Examples of community capacity building events include coordination of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Youth Week and Seniors Week. The table below shows budgets for these events in 2010/2011.



Council budget

Contributions from other organisations

Total budget

International Day of Persons with Disabilities




Youth Week




Seniors Week





15.    The members of the Advisory Committee have strong ownership of the Burramatta Family Fun Day and take great pride in it. They have a significant role in planning the day and the event. The scope of the Committee’s input includes strategic issues including the nature of the event (e.g. whether it should remain a Fun Day or be a larger arts/ performance celebration) and detailed operational issues e.g. location of workshops, stage, order of performers etc.


16.    The support of the Advisory Committee for any new NAIDOC week activities would assist substantially in ensuring the success of future NAIDOC activities.


17.    Following discussion with the Lord Mayor, Clr John Chedid and CEO, Dr Robert Lang, it is proposed that a workshop is held for the Lord Mayor and interested Councillors to discuss the program of activities for NAIDOC 2011 and beyond.   The ATSI Advisory Committee will also be asked to nominate two or three members to join the workshop. 




18.    Since 2006, Council Officers have made suggestions and recommendations to the Advisory Committee to modify and improve Burramatta Family Fun Day.  The Committee has been committed to the existing format.


19.    A memorandum was sent to all Councillors on 16 March 2011 outlining concerns regarding Council’s NAIDOC Week program and suggestions for a revised NAIDOC 2011 program.  Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee discussed NAIDOC at a special Committee meeting held on 30 March 2011.


20.    The proposed workshop will provide an opportunity for further consultation with Councillors and members of the ATSI Advisory Committee and further consultation from Committee members and/or the wider community may be appropriate following this workshop.




21.    There are no financial implications to Council as each option has been developed to be delivered within the existing NAIDOC budget.  



Kerry Nettle

Service Manager Community Capacity Building Team

Kevin Brennan

A/Manager Major Events




Minutes Special Meeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee

4 Pages





Council                                                                                                                27 April 2011



Governance and Corporate


27 April 2011


10.1  2011 National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) Conference 'Growing with our Community-Partnership, Place and Position' - Canberra - 19-22 June 2011





10.2  Investments Report February 2011

Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                         Item 10.1


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                   2011 National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) Conference 'Growing with our Community-Partnership, Place and Position' - Canberra - 19-22 June 2011

REFERENCE            F2010/03186 - D01878708

REPORT OF              Acting Manager Executive Support         




This report is placed before Council to seek the appointment of up to three (3) Councillors to attend the National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) Conference ‘Growing with our Community – Partnership, Place and Position’ being held in Canberra from 19 – 22 June 2011.





That Council nominate up to three (3) Councillors i.e. the Lord Mayor (or nominee) plus any other nominated Councillors to attend the 2011 National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) Conference ‘Growing with our Community – Partnership, Place and Position’ being held in Canberra from 19 – 22 June 2011.





1.      The aim of the conference theme ‘Growing with our Communities – Places, Positions and Partnerships’ is to stimulate ideas about new ways of doing business to meet the infrastructure and service needs of local people in their local communities.

2.      ‘Places’ - recognises that individuals and households live and work in suburbs, neighbourhoods, farms, cities, town and local communities i.e. places.  As these places differ geographically, culturally, economically and socially, it is not surprising that services need to be tailored to local circumstances.

3.      ‘Position’ - refers to the need for local government to be seen and treated as an integral part of the Australian federal system (there are more than 560 local governments in Australia).

4.      ‘Partnership’ - recognises that government service provision, including regulation, is a shared responsibility.




5.      This is a Category ‘B’ Conference as outlined in Annexure 1 of the Civic Office Expenses and Facilities Policy.  Category ‘B’ of this policy permits the attendance of up to three (3) Councillors i.e. the Lord Mayor (or nominee) plus two (2) other Councillors.

6.      Copies of the conference program, registration and 2011 Discussion Paper are appended as Attachment 1.





7.         Delegate registration, travel, accommodation and out-of-pocket expenses will total approximately $3000 per delegate. 




M’Leigh Dickie

Acting Manager Council Support





2011 NGA Conference Preliminary Program & Discussion Papers

17 Pages






Council 27 April 2011                                                                                                         Item 10.2


ITEM NUMBER         10.2

SUBJECT                   Investments Report February 2011

REFERENCE            F2009/00971 - D01896218

REPORT OF              Manager Finance       




To inform Council of the investment portfolio performance for the month of February 2011.




That Council receives and notes the investments report for February 2011.




1.         In accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, a report setting out details of all money invested must be presented to Council on a monthly basis.


2.         The report must include a certificate as to whether or not the investments have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and the investment policy of Council.




3.         The closing balance of Council’s investment portfolio as at the 28th February 2011 was $84.1M (Previous Month $85.9M).The weighted average Funds held throughout the period was approximately $85.1M.


4.         Councils overall investment holdings decreased by approximately $1.8M due to standard weekly accounts payable outflows including payroll and loan repayments.


5.         Council holds a diversified range of investment products which include:

·    Managed Funds

·    Term Deposits (Including Investment – Loan offsets)

·    Floating Rate Notes

·    Cash at call


Council engages CPG Research and Advisory for assistance in all investment matters relating to advice, risk and portfolio weighting.


6.         The weighted average interest rate on Council’s investments for the month of February 2011 versus the UBSA Bank Bill Index is as follows:


                                                                                Monthly    Annualised


                             Total Portfolio                              0.58%             7.01%

                             Funds Managers                         0.74%               8.85%

                             UBSA Bank Bill Index       0.41%               4.95%


Councils Financial Year to Date return is 6.66% versus the UBSA bank bill index of 4.69%


NB: Annualised rates for Managed Funds are calculated on a compounding basis assuming that the interest returns are added to the initial investment amount and reinvested.


7.         Council’s overall portfolio exceeded the UBSA Bank Bill Index by approximately 2.06%.  The strong return can be attributed to the performance of CFS Global which recorded an annualised 1 month return of 13.74%.


8.         Term deposits make up approximately 54% of total holdings and have interest rates ranging from 6.15% to 7.40%. Terms to maturity fall between 30 days & 3 years.


9.         CPG Research & Advisory conducted a quarterly review of Councils portfolio which concluded that Councils investment holdings are within the policy guidelines and that all rating and counterparty limits are being met.


10.       CPG Recommended that Council invest some surplus or maturing funds into longer dated term deposits and floating rate notes (FRN’S). As a result of this recommendation, Council has invested approximately $13M in TDs which mature in 2014. These deposits range from 6.80% to 7.05%.


11.       DLG released a revised ministerial order on the 17th February 2011 which removed the ability of Councils to invest with Local Government Financial Services Pty Ltd. Council currently has approximately $3.7M in the LGFS Out Performance Fund. This Fund may still be held, but has been restricted for future investment.


12.       The following details are provided on the attachments for information:


                   Graph – Comparison of average funds invested with loans balance

                   Graph – Average interest rate comparison to Bank Bill Index

                   Graphs – Investments and loans interest compared to budget

                   Summary of investment portfolio


13.       The Certificate of Investments for February 2011 is provided below:


Certificate of Investments


I hereby certify that the investments for the month of February 2011 have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and Council’s Investment Policy.


14.       There is no standard report attachment - detailed submission - attached to this report.












Alistair Cochrane

Manager Finance





Investments & Loans - Performance

1 Page



Summary of Investments Portfolio

2 Pages