The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday,  25 May 2009 at  6:45pm.










Dr. Robert Lang

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

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“Think Before You Print”




The Lord Mayor Clr Antoine (Tony) Issa, OAM – Woodville Ward

Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council





Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham



Geoff King –  Acting Group Manager Corporate



Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies


Sue Weatherley–Group Manager Outcomes & Development










Clr Paul Barber – Caroline Chisholm Ward



Clr Lorraine Wearne,

Deputy Lord Mayor  Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Mark Lack – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward


Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward



Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Andrew Wilson – Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Prabir Maitra – Arthur Phillip Ward



Clr Andrew Bide – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward

Clr Michael McDermott - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Clr Paul Garrard -  Woodville Ward

Clr Chiang Lim – Arthur Phillip Ward

Text Box:   Press









Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009





ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Ordinary Council - 27 April 2009, Regulatory Council - 11 May 2009

2        APOLOGIES


4        Minutes of Lord Mayor

5        Public Forum  

6        PETITIONS  


8        City Development

8.1     278-284 Woodville Road Guildford

8.2     Major Project Application for the redevelopment of the Children's Medical Research Institute at 178A Hawkesbury Road, Westmead

8.3     Rezoning and/or reclassification of 657-661 Victoria Road and 4 and 6 Wharf Road, Melrose Park (Bartlett Park)

8.4     Changes to Council Owned Land in the Draft LEP 2008

9        Environment

9.1     Parramatta River Foreshore Plan Review 

9.2     Environmental Improvement Forward Program 2009-2013 

10      Culture and Leisure

10.1   Changes to the Local Government Filming Protocols

11      Community Care

11.1   Affordable Housing

11.2   Access Advisory Committee Meeting

12      City Leadership and Management

12.1   Investments Report for March 2009

12.2   Schedule of Council Meetings for Remainder of 2009

12.3   GST Certificate

12.4   Sustainable Choice Procurement Program

12.5   2008/09 Management Plan - March 2009 Review  

13      Reports - Development Applications

13.1   40 Eleanor Street, ROSEHILL  NSW  2142 (Lots 29-31 & Lots 41-43 DP 2249)  (Elizabeth Macarthur)

14      Notices of Motion

14.1   Methodone dispensing in the Parramatta LGA   


16      Closed Session

16.1   2009 Community Grants Program

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.2   Tender 3/2009 Fabrication and Installation of Pedestrian Wayfinding Signage

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.3   Tender 6/2009 Blacktown Cycleway, Toongabbie, Stage 1 - Construction of Concrete Cycleway and Associated Civil and Landscape Works

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.4   Civic Place - May Update Report

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.5   WSROC - Tender for Asphalt Supply and Associated Services

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.6   Tender No. 25/2008 - Provision of Debt Recovery Services

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.7   Lake Parramatta Reserve Kiosk Operation and Related Development Options

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.






Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009




City Development


25 May 2009


8.1    278-284 Woodville Road Guildford





8.2    Major Project Application for the redevelopment of the Children's Medical Research Institute at 178A Hawkesbury Road, Westmead





8.3    Rezoning and/or reclassification of 657-661 Victoria Road and 4 and 6 Wharf Road, Melrose Park (Bartlett Park)





8.4    Changes to Council Owned Land in the Draft LEP 2008

Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER         8.1

SUBJECT                   278-284 Woodville Road Guildford

REFERENCE            DA/106/2008 - D01204125

REPORT OF              Property Program Manager       




The report recommends the Council to agree to a request for extinguishment of       an existing drainage easement for redevelopment of the subject properties.






(a)     That  Council resolve to extinguish the drainage easement shown on DP1034133


(b)   Further, that the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to affix the Council seal to the linen plan and related documentation for extinguishment of the drainage easement.





1.         Council has recently approved (DA/106/2008) a redevelopment of the subject properties comprising Lot 7 Sec 4 DP 990 and Lot 345 DP 882411 for an Aldi Supermarket.


2.         There is a drainage easement on the title of Lot 345 DP 882411, which was created in 2001 via DP 1034133 in favour the adjoining Lot 7 Sec 4 DP 990 to protect an existing line of pipe to drain water and the Council was named as the authority able to modify or release the easement.


3.         Now that both lots are in same ownership for redevelopment, the owner has requested the Council to extinguish the redundant drainage easement to facilitate consolidation of the lots into a single development site.


4.         For reference, a location plan and DP 1034133 are at Attachments 1 and 2.




5.      The drainage easement shown on DP 1034133 is to burden Lot 345 DP 882411 for a private drainage pipe to drain water from Lot 7 Sec 4 DP 990 only.  This private drainage pipe does not form art of and its removal will not affect the Council’s local storm water system.











6.      The proposal to extinguish the redundant drainage easement has the support of Council’s Development Services Unit for the consolidation of the development site into one lot being a condition of development consent under DA/106/2008


Kwok Leung

Property Program Manager

Strategic Asset Management








1 - Location Plan

1 Page



 2 - DP 1034133

2 Pages





Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER         8.2

SUBJECT                   Major Project Application for the redevelopment of the Children's Medical Research Institute at 178A Hawkesbury Road, Westmead

REFERENCE            F2009/01199 - D01207769

REPORT OF              Project Officer -Land Use and Transport         




To provide Council with an overview of the issues and recommendations associated with the Major Project Application to redevelop the Children’s Medical Research Institute within the Westmead Health Campus and to seek endorsement of a submission to the NSW Department of Planning.





That Council endorse the Detailed Submission at Attachment 4 to advise the Department of Planning that Council raises no objection in principle to the proposed development subject to the following:


1.      Payment of the 1% Section 94A development contribution to Council.


2.      That a Master plan for the future redevelopment of the Westmead Health Campus with the Westmead Children’s Hospital, Westmead Hospital and Westmead Millennium Institute as part of the Westmead Research Hub be submitted to Council for consideration.


3.      That the following traffic related conditions be included by the NSW Department of Planning as conditions of consent:

3.1    The travel plan described for employees as a way of managing car park demand in the future.

3.2    20 off-street parking spaces (including at least 1 disabled parking space) to be provided, permanently marked on the pavement and used accordingly.  The dimensions for  parking spaces and aisle width to be in accordance with AS 2890.1-2004 (2.4m wide x 5.4m long clear of columns plus 300mm clearance adjacent walls & 6.2m aisle width minimum).  The disabled parking space dimensions to be 3.8m wide x 5.5m long according to Council’s Development Control Plan 2005.

3.3    Cycle parking spaces as shown on the plan to be provided and constructed according to the relevant Australian Standards.

3.4    All entry and exit driveways (passenger cars and delivery vehicles) off Hawkesbury Road as shown on the plan to be provided and constructed according to AS 2890.1- 2004 and Council’s specifications.

3.5    Driveway and ramp gradients to comply with Clause 2.5.3 and Clause 3.3 of AS 2890.1-2004.

3.6    Traffic facilities to be installed, such as; wheel stops, bollards, kerbs, signposting, pavement markings, lighting and speed humps, to comply with AS 2890.1-2004.

3.7    Clear sight lines shall be provided at the property boundary line to ensure adequate visibility between vehicles leaving the carpark and pedestrians along the frontage road footpath (in accordance with Figure 3.3 of AS 2890.1-2004). The required sight lines to pedestrians or other vehicles in or around the site should not be compromised by the landscaping, signage fences, walls or display materials.

3.8    The minimum available headroom clearance is to be signposted at all entrances and clearance is to be a minimum of 2.2m (for cars and light vans including all travel paths to and from parking spaces for people with disabilities) measured to the lowest projection of the roof (fire sprinkler, lighting, sign, and ventilation), according to AS 2890.1-2004.

3.9    The turning and maneuvering of service vehicles be shown and demonstrated to work on the architectural plans.


4.      The applicant addresses the following discrepancies on the Stormwater Plan and Architectural Plan No. SW01/A:

4.1    Plan SW01/A makes a reference to a Plan SW02 which does not form part of the exhibition material.

4.2    Insufficient information has been provided on the proposed ‘emergency overflow Ø225mm pipe from basement level’ as indicated on Plan SW01/A.

4.3    Insufficient information has been provided on the overflow path destination as indicated on Plan SW01/A.

4.4    No surface or invert levels have been provided on the Stormwater Plan.

4.5  No pipe sizes are shown on Stormwater Plan.


5.      Compliance with the following land and tree management      recommendations:

5.1    Demonstration that existing underground services will not impact on the suitability for tree planting on the Hawkesbury Road frontage.

5.2    Advanced replacement trees (minimum container size of 200 litres) of the same or similar species be planted on the Hawkesbury Road frontage at the completion of the construction period to replace the lost amenity that the existing trees provide.

5.3    A qualified landscape architect/arborist be engaged to ensure that the correct sized tree pits are installed to allow newly planted trees (400 litres) to establish and develop naturally. A qualified landscape architect or designer should also prepare any landscape plans for the site.


6.      The following urban design recommendation be given further consideration:

6.1    Investigate opportunities to reconfigure the proposed courtyard to improve the level of internal amenity and integration with surrounding streets and public spaces.

6.2    Maximise the activation of surrounding streets and public spaces.

          6.3    Quantify the sustainable features of the proposed building,     through the Green Star System, draft Green Star rating tool for          health and stating the proportion of the water that is being         collected 

                 and how much more efficient the air conditioning system will be from     current.




1.      The major project application is for the redevelopment of the existing Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) at 178A Hawkesbury Road, Westmead (location at Attachment 1). The proposal is for a staged construction of a new 6 storey building including a basement carpark and storage area, core service rooms, laboratories, boardrooms, administration areas, library, loading dock, carpark and associated infrastructure. The total area of the redevelopment will be 17,527m2 (currently 4,500m2).  Attachment 2 includes some plans of the proposal.


2.      The major project application seeks approval from the Minister of Planning under State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Major Projects) 2005 and Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.


3.      It is anticipated that the final stages of construction will be underway in 10-15 years to minimise disruption to existing research activities and allow for staged funding. In summary, the 5 stages of construction proposed are:

·        Stage 1 – The construction of a 6 storey building in the current forecourt area, to be occupied by new staff and staff from the northern wing and the establishment of a temporary entry from Hawkesbury Road.

·        Stage 2 – The demolition of the northern wing and the construction of a 5 storey block, including conference rooms and completion of dedicated indoor and secure cycle parking in close proximity to staff facilities.


Stages 1 and 2 will take 3 to 4 years to complete.


·        Stage 3 – The demolition and construction of a southern wing fronting Hawkesbury Road, completion of a new entry from Hawkesbury Road and the relocation of staff within buildings will provide space for an additional 160 researchers plus support staff.

·        Stage 4 – The relocation of staff and animal house, the demolition of existing animal house and completion of southern wing, the completion of conference and associated facilities and on-site parking providing 20 car spaces.

·        Stage 5 – the decommissioning of plant and services in central core and the construction of an atrium courtyard and associated staff amenities (no further increase in staff numbers).


4.      The expected staff increases will be as follows:



Number of Staff

Current Building


Current Building & Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4


Stage 5


Hub Core Facilities Building


Total (after stage 5)

540 (including current)




5.   Over the past 50 years, the CMRI has contributed to advances in paediatric health and well-being. Ongoing growth in research needs and funding has required the CMRI to expand their facility to incorporate additional research space.

6.   The NSW Department of Planning (DoP) has publicly exhibited the proposed CMRI. The public exhibition period was held from 8 April 2009 to 8 May 2009. An extension of time to allow Council to submit a formal submission by 27 May 2009 after considering this report was agreed to by the DoP. The DoP has also requested that preliminary comments be provided by 8 May 2009. Accordingly, a copy of this report in draft form was submitted to the DoP, with advice that Council’s formally endorsed submission would be forwarded by 27 May 2009.




7.   The Director-General’s requirements, under Section 75F of the EP&A Act, 1979, detailing matters to be addressed in the application are outlined at Attachment 3.




8.   To provide a detailed submission to the DoP, comments have been provided by Council staff on the major project application, with regard to planning, traffic and transport, development engineering, urban design, landscaping and waste management. The issues raised by Council Officers are outlined in Attachment 4.


9.   It is recommended that Council forward a submission to the DoP raising issues and recommendations for the proposal as outlined in the Detailed Submission provided at Attachment 4.

10. The main issues of the proposal broadly relate to urban and engineering design and the payment of Section 94A contributions. Recommendations have been made in the Detailed Submission to address these matters.




11. Following the receipt of submissions, the DoP will assess the proposal in a report prepared on behalf of the Director-General and will make a determination of approval, subject to conditions, or refusal. The DoP is required to consult with other agencies and Council in relation to the proposed conditions of consent, if approval is recommended. The Minister consequently determines the project application.







Jennifer Apap                                                    Marcello Occhiuzzi

Project Officer                                        Manager

Land Use Planning                                       Land Use and Transport Planning




Location Map

1 Page



Plans of the Major Project

5 Pages



Director-General's Requirements

4 Pages



Detailed Submission

10 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 8.3


ITEM NUMBER         8.3

SUBJECT                   Rezoning and/or reclassification of 657-661 Victoria Road and 4 and 6 Wharf Road, Melrose Park (Bartlett Park)

REFERENCE            F2008/02285 - D01207108

REPORT OF              Property Development Advisor         




This report seeks the approval of Council to undertake a number of actions relating to rezoning and reclassification of a number of properties in the forthcoming draft LEP 2008 process





(a)       That action be taken to include Bartlett Park (known as 657 -661 Victoria Road, Melrose Park and 4 and 6 Wharf Road, Melrose Park): entire site, including the area occupied by the Putt Putt Course, 4 and 6 Wharf Road and properly identified as lots 1 and 2 in DP 128912, lots 1 and 2 in DP221045, Lots 2 and 3 in DP588575, lot 2 in DP619396, lot 7 in DP 111186, lot 11 in DP128907 in the Draft LEP 2008 with an appropriate zoning, B6, the Enterprise Corridor Zone and with a FSR of 1.5: 1 and Height of 15m


(b) That Council include the draft classification of the land being lots 1 and 2 in DP 128912, lot2 in DP619396, lot 7 in DP111186, lot 11 in DP128907, lots 2 and 3 in DP 588575 as ‘operational’ in the comprehensive Parramatta Draft LEP

(c)  Further that a report be presented to Council once all the proposed future actions are completed





1.      Council owns a relatively large property which is considered to have development potential. Preliminary analyses have been carried out in respect of this property and a proposed course of action developed. A presentation on the proposal was made to a Councillor Workshop on 16 April 2008 and the outcome of the Workshop has been circulated to Councillors. A copy of the notes with respect to the subject property is appended within Attachment 1. This report canvasses the matter formally and makes recommendations in respect of the property in the context of the Draft Parramatta LEP 2008 and beyond.

2.      657 – 661 Victoria Road, Melrose Park known as Bartlett Park

Bartlett Park has been the subject of a number of studies and reports to Council namely an initial contamination report, a Future Uses Report by Sydney Projects in July 2006 (referred to in the balance of the report as “The Sydney Projects Report”) and the Options for Future Uses Report by the Working Party established in 2007 to report to Council on the best way forward for Bartlett Park and two Geotechnical Reports by Jeffery and Katauskas, the latter report based on a 30,000m2 proposed development with two levels of car parking under.


3.         The site of 4.85ha is largely owned by Council with the RTA being the owner of 2 lots fronting Victoria Road which total about 1776sqm. Part of the site (at the eastern end) is occupied by the Putt Putt Golf Course and another part (at the western end) by the Ermington Gospel Trust. The bulk of the site consists of unformed playing fields.  The initial 21 year lease to Wykoff Investments Pty Ltd, the operator of the Putt Putt site, has expired and continues to operate on a monthly basis. Wykoff Investments Pty Ltd has been reluctant to make site improvements due to the lack of security of tenure and are prepared to enter into a 5 year lease with 4% growth each subsequent year. Their current rental agreement has no requirements for yearly rental growth. 


4.         The licence agreement with the Ermington Gospel Trust has been in force since about 1984 and significant improvements have been constructed on the site in the form of an at-grade car park. It is used for parking mainly after hours. The licensed site, together with the adjoining lot (lot 3 DP 588575) was dedicated to Council by the Trust as a condition of development consent for their existing church building. The licence agreement provides for termination by the licensor (PCC) at any time. The site of the car park has a High Tension power easement running through it which limits the development potential of the land.


5.         The following is a table of ownerships, zoning and further details of the land at Bartlett Park;






Area m2






Putt Putt


661 Victoria

Car park and entry






4 Wharf

Vacant land






6 Wharf

Vacant land




Putt Putt


661 Victoria

Putt Putt and car park




Putt Putt


661 Victoria

Putt Putt and car park






659 Victoria

Vacant land






659 Victoria

Unused recreation






659 Victoria

Unused recreation




Car park


657 Victoria

Licensed to Church







All lots are zoned 6a,  classified community





6.   The Sydney Projects Report canvassed various uses and options for the site including residential, retail, industrial, Hi- tech industrial and office use. They also looked at retaining the open space use.


7.   Their further comments on each are as follows:


8.   Residential- “At this stage of investigation we think the site has some potential for residential development which would generally be expected to attract the highest value in any disposal, but also has some issues and negatives against this option.”


9.   Staff Comment: This proposal does not fit with the residential strategy and does not have support from SAM or the Land Use and Transport Unit. Further the land is situated between a busy arterial road and a highly industrialised estate which does not lend itself to good quality residential real estate despite the potential views.


10. Retail- “The Bartlett park site has some potential for retail usage – it has a large frontage to Victoria Road. It has high exposure. The large land area makes it suitable for a substantial retail centre. It is accessible by public transport as well as good car access. However, it has not been identified under any current town planning strategies of Council for development of a regional precinct; It’s potential catchment area is serviced by the Ermington district retail strip…and there are major competing retail centres to the south east at Rhodes and a major regional shopping centre is under development at Ryde.”


11. Staff Comment: The Land Use and Transport Unit do not support a pure retail sector outside the already identified retail sectors. Major competition includes the recently re-developed centre at West Ryde and the currently developing sector at Ryde. Notwithstanding that there has been some interest from a major retailer it is not consistent with the retail strategy to start rezoning spot areas for retail, however retail premises is a permissible use within an Enterprise Corridor zone.


12. Industrial- “This site has good access to major arterial roads in Victoria Road, Silverwater and Concord Road and via these to Parramatta Road. So it is an attractive option for those users. May not be highest and best use in valuation terms for the land given its exposure to Victoria Road and views available.”


13. Staff Comment: An industrial use is compatible with the surrounding uses and if there was a flexible zone which allowed for the potential of bulky goods retail this would increase the rate of return over a strictly industrial use.


14. Hi Tech Industrial- This form of industrial is characterised by a greater ratio of office space, about 50%, compared to the conventional industrial warehouse style of 15%-20%.


15. “A High-Tech industrial usage could be attractive for a user which requires 50 or 60% office area or higher, but still requires some warehousing and good road access for distribution functions for example. Such a use takes good advantage of the unique characteristics of this site, with the views available and prominent exposure to Victoria Road and the direct access to the major road network.”


16. Staff Comment: Should Council decide that they wish to encourage a Hi-Tech use in the LGA then it should be done on a precinct basis such as in North Ryde and not in an ad hoc way by rezoning on a spot basis. Attracting users from Norwest and North Ryde or new entrants is not going to be possible with 4 hectares of land.


17. Office Development- “An office development would appear to work for the site as it’s not incompatible with the surrounding industrial usage, can exploit the good views available and the exposure to Victoria Road as well as the accessibility of the site for private car and bus transport. However the site is not in a recognized office precinct for a business park type use and the facilities in the immediate area may not be attractive for high numbers of office users.”


18. Staff Comment: The real issue here mirror our comments for Hi-Tech industrial usage as 4 hectares is not sufficient to create a viable business or office park precinct.


19. Open Space- “The only point of pedestrian crossing of both Victoria and Wharf Roads is at their intersection on the North East corner at one end of the park. The land is also screened by the line of trees along Victoria Road and is below the line of road at its western end. It is not overlooked by surrounding properties or by vehicle traffic for passive surveillance, which combined with the constraints above has the effect of isolating the park and limiting its attractiveness as public open space. A positive aspect of the current usage of Bartlett Park appears to be the Putt Putt facility. We do not have access to attendance figures or profitability of this facility, but it would appear to be well utilised by the community.”


20. Staff Comment: The bulk of Bartlett Park has not been utilised for active or passive recreation for some time and the above comments provide reasons. The Service Manager, Open Space “supports the proposal to rezone and reclassify the land within Bartlett Park from Open Space 6A and community land to operational under the current LEP revision to enable possible future sale and redevelopment of a portion of the site. Funding from either sale or lease of the site could be better utilised by Council to either purchase or augment open space in other area or to  fund extensive improvements at nearby larger parks such as George Kendall Riverside Park, Cowells Lane Reserve or Upjohn Park.”


21. The Putt Putt facility should be included in the rezoning and reclassification of the site. However it can be retained in the current usage if a new lease increasing the rental return and with yearly growth built in is agreed to and signed by Putt Putt West Ryde Pty Ltd. 5 year leases at a maximum are suggested as it is possible that these types of facility may fall out of favour and the potential for a more intense use can be realised at a future date.


22. Part of the land, namely lot 2 in DP221045, which is wholly used by the Putt Putt facility and lot 1 in DP221045, which is a vacant parcel of only 323m2 adjoining the Putt Putt facility, are owned by the RTA. They have been under the Care, Control and Management of the Council since 1965. The RTA has indicated that they would sell these two parcels in a commercial arrangement. Even if it is not possible to negotiate a fair outcome for acquisition of the RTA parcels there will still be 3.7 hectares to develop and if the Putt Putt facility is retained for some years then the status quo can remain under the current CCM arrangements.


23. Some work has commenced on redesigning the intersection of Kissing Point Road with Victoria Road and these plans have been communicated with the RTA. Although they have not given a formal response so far the indications are positive that the redesign will be approved, which allows for entry to Bartlett Park via two left turn lanes from the east and two right turn lanes from the west.


24. The B6 Enterprise Corridor Zone within the Draft LEP 2008 permits the following uses subject to consent from Council: Advertising structures; Bulky Goods premises; Car Parks; Community facilities; Demolition; Earthworks; Flood Mitigation Works; Hardware and building supplies; Hotel accommodation; Kiosks; Landscape and garden supplies; Light industries; Multi dwelling housing (but only ancillary to other uses permissible in the zone); Office premises; Passenger transport facilities; Pubs; Retail premises; Roads; Service stations; Telecommunication facilities; Utility installations; Vehicle showrooms; Warehouse or distribution centres. The proposed FSR is 1:5 1 and height of 15m.




25. There are issues with uncompacted fill on the site but not to the extent that it cannot be managed. There will need to be excavation and removal of fill.


26. Traffic issues will require consultation with Council traffic engineers and the RTA however they can also be managed and resolved. See item 9 and a copy of the plan in Attachment 4.


27. This is a good opportunity to rezone and reclassify the site in a strategic context.


28. The Putt Putt complex will lose business due to a lack of capital input without the security of a long lease. Council lease income is fixed to the annual revenue produced by the complex. Council will continue to lose revenue as Putt Putt loses revenue unless they have security of tenure.


29. It is considered that there is a potential uplift in value to Council after the rezoning and reclassification have been completed. 


30. If Council wishes to rezone the RTA owned land it should consult with the RTA to reach agreement, if negotiations for acquisition are unsuccessful. At this stage the RTA have indicated a willingness to negotiate on commercial terms. 


31. Preliminary discussions with potential bulky goods retailers have indicated a strong interest in the site, including from major space users.




657- 661 Victoria Road, Melrose Park known as Bartlett Park

32. The Strategic Asset Management Unit undertake the relevant  research and employ consultants to further test geotechnical issues, traffic and conduct financial feasibility studies for the further development of the land  at the property known as Bartlett Park.


33. Negotiations take place with the RTA for the acquisition of their two parcels, being lots 1 and 2 in DP221045.


34. Negotiations take place in due course with a view to having the licence agreement with the Ermington Gospel Trust on the land known as Lot 2 in Deposited Plan 588575 reflect a more commercial arrangement.


35. Complete negotiations with Putt Putt West Ryde Pty Ltd for a maximum 5 year lease with the rental amount no longer fixed to turnover but with growth of 4%pa.





36. Consultation has taken place with Council’s Land Use and Transport Planning Unit, City Assets and Environment and Traffic units and the RTA. The Open Space Team supports the recommendations of the SAM Team and the B6 zoning is supported by LUTP with a 1.5:1 FSR. However the proposed height limit of 15m is higher than the 12m height limit applied to this zone elsewhere in the LGA. 


37. Further consultation has also taken place with external consultants and some of their recommendations are contained in the attachments.




38. There are strong financial benefits to Council to adopt all the proposed recommendations.


39. The property requires an annual maintenance expenditure, which varies depending upon any illegal dumping that may have taken place and presents a public liability risk to Council. Parts of the property are overgrown and present possible problems to the surrounding properties. The development or disposal of the property will reduce net outflows to Council.


40. Council will be able to make further decisions on whether to lease, to sell or to develop the site when the feasibility studies are complete.



Graeme Bleus

Property Development Advisor




Submission Document Bartlett Par




Aerial Photo with Major Site Features




Aerial View Lot Details




Traffic Plan




Traffic Plan Aerial







Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 8.4


ITEM NUMBER         8.4

SUBJECT                   Changes to Council Owned Land in the Draft LEP 2008

REFERENCE            F2008/02904 - D01178424

REPORT OF              Property Development Advisor         




This Report looks at and analyses the proposed changes to Council owned land within the Draft LEP 2008 document and gives the perspective of the Strategic Asset Management Unit to those changes. The Report and the attachments within also proposes other changes not considered by the Draft LEP 2008.





(a)       That the recommendations of the Strategic Asset Management Unit as incorporated within the Attachment “A” which suggests proposed zonings and, where required re-classifications from Community land to Operational and proposed FSR and heights be adopted and included in the comprehensive Parramatta Draft LEP 2008.


(b)       Further that a consultant be employed to conduct the carriage of the consultations and Public Hearing for the reclassifications of the community properties.






1.      Council at the Ordinary Meeting of 9 February, 2009 resolved “That a report is requested from Council’s Property Section listing all of Council’s properties and promoting a strategy which seeks to ensure that community owned land in Council’s ownership is not disadvantaged, and that scope is provided to maximise the community’s future investments”.

2.      In order to comply with the time frames of exhibiting the Draft LEP 2008, and in particular the informal exhibition now proposed it was not possible to analyse completely every property owned by Council. However, it is possible to say that all the properties that have been identified by SAM and those that have subsequently come to our attention have been considered in this report.

3.      The great majority of Council owned Community land rightly will not ever be considered for development as they are Open Space or Heritage or under community use. These properties do not need our consideration at this time for this exercise.

4.      All of the recommendations contained within this report are done so within the context of the Strategic Asset Management Plan and its objectives. 

5.      Most of the proposed rezonings are to rezone from Public Open Space to Residential.   30% of the total parks in the Parramatta LGA are less than 0.2Ha in size and less than the minimum preferred local park size of 0.5Ha as per Department of Planning guidelines (Parramatta Open Space Plan 2003, Vol. 2, Sec 1.2).

6.      Of the 27 properties which SAM is recommending for a zone other than Open Space zone only Bartlett Park exceeds the minimum guideline for a local park of 5000m2. 16 are less than 1000m2 and the balance are between 1000m2 and 5000m2.

7.      Bartlett Park has an area of 4.8ha and is a strategic property within SAM and as such is the subject of a separate report.   

8.      The Morton Street depot is another strategic site which is the subject of some recommended changes. The relocation of the depot has been the subject of a number of reports, most recently a Needs Analysis which looked at the consolidation of Mary Parade and Morton Street to an alternative site. SAM considers that the proposals for 2 Morton Street, the neighbouring property, should be reflected within the controls for the depot site at 1A Morton Street, which is an FSR of 1.2:1 and Height of 34m and is included within Attachment A.

9.      Another strategic asset is the Granville Bus Interchange and Memorial Avenue car park which has been the subject of a report to Council which resolved to support further studies for a community hub development. At this stage there has been a Social Impact Assessment and Retail Study commissioned with final reports due shortly. There is considerable local support for the redevelopment of this site as evidenced within the conclusions of the draft reports. Council will need to consider an increase in height and FSR to reflect the strategic nature of the site to the future of the Granville Town Centre. The recommendation is for an   FSR of 2.0:1, which is consistent with the current controls and a height of 20m, an increase of 8m, however within a range of heights considered by Land Use and Transport Planning.  




10.    The majority of the properties within the recommendations of the report will need to be re-classified from community to operational land in accordance with the Local Government Act. Re-classification requires public consultation, advertising and a mandatory Public Hearing to put a case for each of the re-classifications.

11.    This rationalisation will have a minimal impact on the total Open Space holdings of Council which is about 820ha. The recommendations of SAM are a little less than 8.6ha which represents about 1% of the Open Space network of Parramatta LGA. 






12.    Considerable consultation has occurred with the Land Use and Transport Planning (LUTP) and the Open Space Planning and Development team.  The LUTP have supported the changes to FSR and height at Morton Street recommended in Attachment A.  For Memorial Avenue, Granville the recommended FSR and the maximum height are within the range recommended by LUTP.  For Bartlett Park, Attachment A recommends a FSR consistent with LUTP but the height we have recommended is 3m greater than B6 zones in the LGA.  All properties with are rezonings of Open space have been referred to LUTP and the Open Space Team for their recommendations and have general support.

13.    This Report has been prepared to fit with the timing of the exhibition of the Draft LEP 2008 as it is critical that the plan is exhibited with the recommendations of the SAM Unit.





Attachment A - Legal References to Property




Attachment B - Changes to LEP 2008 and Comments




Attachment C - Changes to PCC owned land in the Draft LEP 2008




Attachment D - Map of all Properties




Stephen Montgomery

Manager. Strategic Asset Management



1.      Open Space Plan 2003

2.      Draft LEP 2008

3.      Strategic Asset Management Plan 

Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009






25 May 2009


9.1    Parramatta River Foreshore Plan Review 





9.2    Environmental Improvement Forward Program 2009-2013

Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                   Parramatta River Foreshore Plan Review 

REFERENCE            F2006/01282 - D01200534

REPORT OF              Acting Waterways Systems Manager       




This report outlines the results of the review and public exhibition of the draft Parramatta River Foreshore Plan and recommends the document be adopted by Council.




(a)     That the Parramatta River Foreshore Plan 2009-16 be adopted by Council.


(b)     That actions identified in the Plan be implemented as funds are provided in future annual Council Management Plans.


(c)     Further, that the community and stakeholder workshop participants be advised of the outcome of Council’s decision and thanked for their efforts in providing valuable input into the plan.




1.      The initial Parramatta River Foreshore Plan was prepared in 1994 with the aim of providing a consistent approach to managing and developing the river foreshore corridor between O’Connell Street, Parramatta and Wharf Road, Ermington. The plan outlined the major issues and values relating to the river, including the themes of: Circulation and Access; Planning and Management Controls; Image and Visual Quality of the Foreshore; Recreation, Tourism and Use; and Natural Conservation and Regeneration. The river corridor was divided into a number of management precincts, each with a number of actions to be implemented in response the identified issues and values.


2.      In 2007, a review of the 1994 plan (Attachment) was initiated to assess its achievements to date and to provide a prioritised list of recommended actions for the future management of the river. Environmental Partnership Pty Ltd was engaged to undertake the review at a cost of $63,000.


3.      The review established that 79 actions had been implemented to date, with an approximate cost of $8.78M. These actions mainly related to improved access through the provision of pedestrian and cycleways. Other implemented actions included habitat restoration, water quality management, landscaping, public art, development controls, events, interpretation, policy and planning. Full details of the works completed to date are included in Section 9.2 of the plan.


4.      During the review process, a number of changes were made to the scope of the plan, including:

i.        Western boundary extended from O’Connell Street to Lake Parramatta so that the plan would be inclusive of the full length of the river foreshore within the Parramatta LGA;

ii.       Three (3) additional precincts were created to reflect the extended area,  including Lake Parramatta, North Parramatta, and Parramatta Park;

iii.      Modification of the original management themes to reflect current management practices, including; Access and Transport; Landscape, Visual Quality and Future Urban Form; Recreation and Events; Cultural Heritage; Habitat; and Water Management; and

iv.      Identification of additional funding sources to assist implementation of the new actions.




5.      Almost one hundred (100) future actions have been identified during the review of the 1994 plan, equating to approximately $12.5 million of capital works, studies and land acquisition over a seven (7) year period. A majority of these works are allocated under current operating and rolling program budgets. Additional grant funding will be sought annually using the existing budgets as leverage. The renewal of Council’s Special Rates, including the Suburban Infrastructure (Environment Improvement Program) and CBD Infrastructure Enhancement Special Rates will be necessary for implementing a number of restoration and revitalisation projects along the foreshore.


6.      Parramatta River is recognised as having significant potential as the central focus for both the community and visitors to the city. A coordinated approach to the development and management of the river is required to realise this potential.  The revised river foreshore plan aims to guide this through a coherent approach to the implementation of identified priority actions, including the preparation of integrated concept plans for each foreshore precinct, and the preparation of an interpretation framework for the river. Implementation of the plan will be coordinated between: City Assets and Environment; City Strategy; Land Use and Transport Planning; and Recreation, Tourism and City Culture units.




7.      This review has been developed in collaboration with management and staff in the relevant stakeholder units within Council, including:

-        City Strategy Unit (Environmental Outcomes and Place Management teams)

-        City Assets and Environment Unit (Open Space and Natural Resources teams)

-        Land Use and Transport Planning Unit (Urban Design and Transport Planning teams)

-        City Culture, Tourism and Recreation (Events, Arts/Culture and Recreation teams)


8.      Consultation has been an important component in the development of the revised plan. Councillors, relevant stakeholders and the community were engaged through the following key methods:

i.        Authority and stakeholder information session on 18 July 2007. The purpose of the forum was to provide information on the review and to engender discussion on the issues and priorities for the foreshore. It was attended by 16 participants from a range of organisations who were engaged in discussions on key issues and priorities for the foreshore.

ii.       Community Workshops held 21 July 2007

iii.      Two workshops were attended by 23 participants from Council’s Resident Panel, who provided their views on:

- the best and worst aspects of the river;

- why they would/wouldn’t use the river; and

- their vision for the foreshore.

iv.      Councillor Workshop / River Cruise.  The cruise enable Councillors to experience the issues currently affecting the river, with the workshop providing additional information regarding the review, and to determine their issues and priorities.


9.      The draft plan was placed on exhibition in Parramatta Central Library, on Council’s website, and within the customer service centre during the period 4 June 2007 to 2 July 2008.  Five (5) submissions from residents and stakeholders were received and considered during this period. Following these submissions and feedback from internal staff, the report underwent substantial re-formatting including a rationalisation of the number of maps.


10.    Evaluation of implemented actions from the adopted Plan will occur on an annual basis. This work will be conducted by Council’s City Strategy Unit.






Alison Parr                                                                  Troy Holbrook

Acting Waterways Systems Manager                Recreation Planner





Attachment will be forwarded under separate cover due to the size of the file.

70 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 9.2


ITEM NUMBER         9.2

SUBJECT                   Environmental Improvement Forward Program 2009-2013

REFERENCE            F2006/00010 - D01200538

REPORT OF              Acting Waterways Systems Manager       




This report outlines the review of the previous four (4) year special rate funded Environment Improvement Program and proposes a new program of forward works for 2009-2013.





(a)     That the works contained within the Environmental Improvement Program 2009-10 be adopted by Council in line with the draft Management Plan, and


(b)     Further, that the additional three (3) year forward plan 2010-2013 be noted by Council and subject to Council’s consideration of the Special Rates extension beyond 2010.





1.   Council would be aware that since 2000 the Suburban Infrastructure Enhancement Special Rate has been implemented to provide additional funds for new infrastructure and environmental works.  The special rate was approved for ten years and included a projected expenditure of $7 million apportioned under the ‘Environmental Improvement Program’. The Environmental Improvement Program complements other portions of the special rate for road construction and neighbourhood centre improvements.

2.   The Environmental Improvement Program is targeted towards the implementation of floodplain risk management plans and flood mitigation works, drainage construction, water quality improvement works, waterways planning and restoration works and other sustainable waterways initiatives across the City.

3.   Council previously adopted a 3-year Environmental Improvement Program on 23 July 2001 (OG109/01) for the period 2000/01-2002/03, and a 4-year Environmental Improvement Program on 31 October 2005 (OG 46/05) for the period 2005/06-2008/09. Council has allocated funds annually for these projects under the ‘rolling’ or non-prioritised projects budget.




4.   The proposed Environmental Improvement Program (Attachment 1) includes a list of works to be implemented over the next four financial years (2009-2013). The actions identified in the 2009/10 Environmental Improvement Program are listed in Council’s draft Management Plan under the Environment and Roads, Paths, Access and Flood Mitigation Programs.  A total of $2.3M worth of both operating and capital works are proposed for 2009/10, of which 47% ($1.076M) is funded through the Suburban Infrastructure Enhancement Special Rate, with the remaining funding sourced from loans, grants and developer contributions.

5.   Special Rates across Council expire in 2010. Failure to secure Special Rate funding into the future will result in reduced capital works and environmental outcomes. Community satisfaction measures associated with clean waterways and reduced flooding risk will be impacted.

6.   Council officers are currently investigating the potential to extend the Special Rates beyond 2010. The investigation will include a detailed review of works implemented during the past 10 year operating period of the Special Rates. It will also include a program of future works that could be undertaken if approval was granted to extend the Special Rates.

7.   The detailed focus of the application for the Special Rates will be subject to a separate process with Councillors. For example, discussions need to be made about: whether to continue or alter the amount of funds gained from the Special Rates; whether to change the focus of the Special Rates; and if the funding allocation should be varied for each Special Rate.




8.   The Environment Improvement Program 2009-2013 was prepared through collaboration between management and staff in the following teams of Council:

a.   City Strategy Unit (Environmental Outcomes team);

b.   City Assets and Environment Unit (Open Space, Natural Resources and Civil Infrastructure teams);

c.   Strategic Asset Management Unit; and

d.   Finance Unit

9.   The works contained within the Environmental Improvement Program for 2009-10 financial year, are in line with the draft Management Plan (in preparation). The additional three (3) year forward plan 2010-2013 will be noted for inclusion in the application to renew the Special Rates or will be undertaken using an equivalent sustainable funding source.






Alison Parr

Acting Waterways Systems Manager





Environmental Improvement Program 2009-2013

17 Pages






Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009




Culture and Leisure


25 May 2009


10.1  Changes to the Local Government Filming Protocols

Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 10.1


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                   Changes to the Local Government Filming Protocols

REFERENCE            F2004/07207 - D01204907

REPORT OF              Service Manager Recreation Facilities       




The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the revised Local Government Filming Protocol and the supporting legislation Film Related Legislation Amendment Bill 2008.





That Council receive and note the report.





1.      The film and television industry contributes approximately $1.3 billion annually to the New South Wales economy, representing almost fifty percent of all national film production expenditure over the past five years.


2.      The NSW Government passed the Film Related Legislation Amendment Bill on 18 June 2008 to maintain its competitive advantage in relation to commercial filming in NSW.


3.      Key elements of the legislation relate to:


a.    Approval processes

b.    Fees and charges

c.    Parking

d.    Temporary structures

e.    Community lands

f.     Public lands


4.      As a result of consultation with the Local Government and Shires Association, councils and the industry sector, a revised Local Government Filming Protocol has been developed (Attachment 1). This Protocol replaces the Local Government Filming Protocol 2000.


5.      The 2009 Local Government Filming Protocol commenced on 30 March 2009. It is a tool developed to streamline procedures for managing commercial filming applications and strengthen relationships between the film industry and stakeholders, including: councils, local communities, and other government agencies. All councils must comply with the Protocol. The only way that a council can opt out of this is if they have an alternative protocol approved by the Director General of the Department of Local Government.


6.      The majority of Filming Applications received by Parramatta City Council are classified as “Low Impact” under the new Protocol.





7.      The Film Related Legislation Amendment Bill 2008, now requires that councils set their fees and charges in accordance with the Protocol;


8.      Presently, Parramatta City Council receives minimal revenue from filming - only $2,000 - $5,000 per annum.  It is anticipated that the changes to the Local Government Filming Protocol will reduce this revenue to nil.


9.      The filming Protocol states that for low impact applications, an application fee is not able to be charged and that other fees may only be charged to recover real costs.


10.    Charges that may be imposed on a cost recovery basis include: parking, security, cleaning, waste management, facility hire etc.  Bonds may be applied as long as they are included in Council’s regular Schedule of Fees and Charges.


11.    Other requirements of the Protocol include:


a.      No curfews where possible;

b.      Appointment of a primary contact (Film Liaison Officer) by each Council;

c.       Expectancy to grant approvals. Refusals must be for exceptional circumstances only

d.      Development of a new application form with conditions that are permitted under the Filming Protocol (Attachment 2);





12.    Legislative requirements state that the current Fees and Charges (Attachment 3) are to be replaced with new Fees and Charges (Attachment 4) and are to be implemented and effective from 30 March 2009;


13.    The Department of Local Government has advised that there is no need for Council to publicly exhibit the amended fees and charges as they have been enacted through legislation. 


14.    Council’s Draft Schedule of Fees & Charges for 09/10 (p.54) will be amended prior to adoption to reflect the legislative change.


15.    The Department of Local Government has indicated that the Protocol will be reviewed two years post implementation.



Nick Wright

Service Manager Recreation Facilities and Programs





Local Government Filming Protocols

45 Pages



Filming and Still Photography Application Form

3 Pages



Filming Fees and Charges 2008 / 2009

3 Pages



New Filming Fees and Charges 2009 / 2010

3 Pages






Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009




Community Care


25 May 2009


11.1  Affordable Housing





11.2  Access Advisory Committee Meeting

Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 11.1


ITEM NUMBER         11.1

SUBJECT                   Affordable Housing

REFERENCE            F2004/06029 - D01200241

REPORT OF              Manager - Social Outcomes       




On 25th February 2009 Council resolved to develop an updated affordable housing policy. The purpose of this report is to present Council with the updated Draft Affordable Housing Policy May 2009 (Attachment 1) and the associated Draft Affordable Housing Implementation Plan May 2009 (Attachment 2).





That, Council resolves to adopt the Draft Affordable Housing Policy May 2009 and the associated Draft Affordable Housing Implementation Plan May 2009.





1.      At its meeting on 25th February 2009 Council resolved to a) note Parramatta’s current affordable housing need and its impact on the community, and b) develop a detailed Affordable Housing Policy 2009 with an implementation mechanism and this be reported back to Council in May 2009 for consideration.

2.      Housing is affordable when households, renting or purchasing, are able to pay their housing costs and still have sufficient income to meet other basic needs such as food, clothing, transport, medical needs and education.

3.      Low to moderate income earners are said to be in housing stress if they are paying over 30% of their gross income on housing.

4.      Key statistics show that over 7,140 households (14%) were in housing stress in Parramatta in 2006. This is higher than the Sydney and WSROC average, and has grown from 8.8% in 2001. Rental stress accounts for 72% of all housing stress in the LGA.

5.      Needs analysis shows that the key affordable housing challenges in the LGA relate to a lack of supply of affordable housing, lack of diversity (price and dwelling type), and the communities’ capacity to make informed decisions about housing choices.

6.      Council’s role in affordable housing encompasses interventions that contribute to a) maintaining community capacity to afford, b) promoting affordable housing provision by the private sector, and c) direct intervention in housing policy/ provision through advocacy and leadership. This updated draft policy and plan proposes the utilisation of all of these tools. 




7.      The focus of the policy is on driving actions that will maintain share (maintain the percentage of affordable housing), expand choice (dwelling type and price range), and champion investment in affordable housing (by private, not for profit and government sectors).

8.      The aim of the policy is to protect existing affordable housing and to facilitate new affordable housing in Parramatta LGA to provide for social, cultural, environmental and economic sustainability.

9.      The policy and implementation plan is targeted to improve the housing outcomes of those known to be most in need in the Parramatta LGA: low to moderate income earners who are renting, mainly couple households with young children (under 15), older one person households (65+) and middle aged one person households (45 – 64yrs).




10.    Making increases in affordable housing requires a whole of community and whole of government commitment, therefore the setting of affordable housing targets requires careful consideration.

11.    This policy sets an aspirational affordable housing target for the Parramatta LGA. The target is based on the assumptions that a) the proportion of affordable housing remains the same in 2025 as it does in 2006 (8%), b) there is no net loss of government owned public housing over the period of time, and c) all new growth in dwellings to reach the target is in affordable housing managed by non profit community housing providers, not government owned public housing.

12.    In its role as custodian of the LGA, Council will need to use its advocacy, lobbying and negotiation capacities and be prepared to explore opportunities for partnerships as they arise with the not for profit, private and government sectors, to facilitate achieving the policy targets. 




13.    A Draft Affordable Housing Implementation Plan May 2009 has been developed to provide the mechanism to action the policy.

14.    The Implementation Plan covers a period of 5 years commencing 2009 /10, and has 6 objectives (and a total of 26 actions that stem from the objectives):

1.    Protect the existing stock of low cost rental accommodation in the Parramatta LGA

2.    Increase the amount of affordable rental housing available in the Parramatta LGA to working households with low to moderate incomes

3.  Encourage a diverse range of housing stock in the Parramatta LGA

4.    Improve the capacity of residents to make well informed decisions about housing choices

5.    Maintain and disseminate up to date data on the affordable housing need in the LGA and its impact on individual households and the community more broadly

6.    Implement, monitor and evaluate the affordable housing policy and implementation plan 

15.    As part of the implementation plan funding will be sought from a range of sources for project costs. In the context of adopting this policy Council is not being asked for additional funding at this stage.




16.    In preparing the draft policy and implementation plan Council has consulted with internal stakeholders including Strategic Asset Management, Community Capacity Building, and Land Use Planning.

17.    We have also consulted widely with external stakeholders with expertise in affordable housing including the Centre for Affordable Housing, Housing NSW, Shelter NSW, Urban Research Centre at University of Western Sydney, Waverley Council, City of Sydney, locally based community service providers and locally based community housing providers. Council may wish to consider a period of public exhibition prior to adoption of the policy and plan.




18.    This Draft Affordable Housing Policy May 2009, together with the Draft Affordable Housing Implementation Plan May 2009, presents a way forward to ensure that to the extent of its capacities, Council will work on projects itself, and with external partners, to achieve affordable housing targets as outlined in the policy.





Megan Dephoff

Manager Social Outcomes





Draft Affordable Housing Policy May 2009

25 Pages



Draft Affordable Housing Implementation Plan ay 2009

14 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 11.2


ITEM NUMBER         11.2

SUBJECT                   Access Advisory Committee Meeting

REFERENCE            F2005/01942 - D01203544

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer       




The Access Advisory Committee met on 21 April 2009. This report provides a précis of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.





a)      That the minutes of the Access Advisory Committee meeting on 21 April 2009 (Attachment 1) are received and noted.


b)        Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.






1.    Parramatta City Council’s Access Advisory Committee has resumed its bi-monthly meetings in accordance with the Council Resolution of 23 March 2009 to retain the ATSI, Access, Arts, Cycleways and Heritage Advisory Committees.


2.    At present, the Committee comprises eight members representing a variety of interests. An Expression of Interest (EOI) process to expand and reconfirm the membership is currently being developed.


3.    Council’s Access Advisory Committee met on 21 April 2009. This report provides a summary of the key discussion points of that meeting for Council’s consideration.




The main issues discussed at this meeting are outlined below.


4.    The Committee agreed to reschedule meetings for the third Tuesday of even numbered months due to meeting room booking clashes. The confirmed dates for 2009 are therefore as follows:


                             Tuesday 16 June 2009

                             Tuesday 18 August 2009

                             Tuesday 20 October 2009

                             Tuesday 15 December 2009


5.    The Committee discussed the need to review the current Terms of Reference (ToR) once the new membership was confirmed. Members agreed that the Committee was originally established to address physical access issues. However, they supported broadening the focus of the Committee to include issues associated with intellectual, sensory, aural and visual challenges in the new ToR.


6.    Current members agreed that the Committee should not be responsible for addressing socially-based access and equity issues such as language, cultural and gender barriers.


7.    The Committee spoke of the need for access issues to become an integral part of Council planning processes and agreed that relevant Council departments should utilise the Committee’s expertise in planning and development processes.


8.    The Committee noted that Councillors were supportive of the Access Committee’s presentation at the Councillor Workshop in February and would welcome the increased involvement of Councillors and senior Council staff who are able to embed physical access principles in their work and team practices in future Access Committee meetings.


9.    The Committee agreed that the EOI process should be as accessible as possible to all potential new members and this would require a broad range of communication modes.


10.  The Committee requested updates on a number of access related projects undertaken in 2008. These updates will be provided at the next meeting.


11.  The Committee noted the additional disability parking space in front of Council Chambers and has requested further information about other changes to disability parking in the LGA.


Donna Mosford

Community Capacity Building Officer





Access Advisory Committee Minutes 210409

6 Pages






Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009




City Leadership and Management


25 May 2009


12.1  Investments Report for March 2009





12.2  Schedule of Council Meetings for Remainder of 2009





12.3  GST Certificate





12.4  Sustainable Choice Procurement Program





12.5  2008/09 Management Plan - March 2009 Review

Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 12.1


ITEM NUMBER         12.1

SUBJECT                   Investments Report for March 2009

REFERENCE            F2009/00971 - D01192143

REPORT OF              Manager - Finance       




To inform Council of the investment portfolio performance for the month of March 2009.





That Council receives and notes the investments report for March 2009.





1.         In accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, a report setting out details of all money invested must be presented to Council on a monthly basis.


2.         The report must include a certificate as to whether or not the investments have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and the investment policy of Council.




3.         Council’s investment portfolio stood at $83.7 Million as at 31st March 2009. (Previous month $79.7 Million) The weighted average portfolio held for March 2009 was $80.2 Million (Previous month $78.3 million) (Refer attachment 1).


4.         Council invests directly with Local Government Financial Services (LGFS), various term deposit providers and with funds managers utilising the services of CPG Research & Advisory. There are also investments with the Commonwealth Bank for loan offset funds.


5.         The average interest rate on Council’s investments for the month compared to the Bank Bill Index is as follows:


                                                                   Monthly      Annualised


                             Total Portfolio               0.12%        1.65%

                             Funds Managers         0.02%        0.27%

                             Bank Bill Index             0.26%        3.14%


NB: Annualised rates are calculated on a compounding basis assuming that the interest returns are added to the initial investment amount and reinvested.


6.         After allowing for Council’s loan offsets and at call funds, Council recorded an annualised return of 1.65% for the month of March for its total investment portfolio. The return recorded by Council was below the Bank Bill Index of 3.14%. Fund managers recorded an annualised rate of 0.27%.


7.         The amount of funds invested at the end of March increased from the previous month by $4 Million. This increase was due to late receipts from the 3rd rates instalment and various grants received during March 2009.


8.         Councils unfavourable return versus the Bank Bill Index for March 2009 can mostly be attributed to the continued poor performance of Councils managed funds. The Blackrock Diversified Fund continued through the liquidation process and suffered a net capital loss of $42K for the month. The CFS Global Credit Fund also continued to be effected by poor credit markets and recorded market book value losses of approximately $107K.


9.         Council currently has approximately 82% of the overall portfolio invested in Term deposits, Cash at call and other fixed return products. Council reinvested the $16.2M term deposit held for the Civic Place redevelopment which matured on the 16th March 2009 in 90 day Term Deposits ranging from 4.10% to 4.40%.


10.    The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) unexpectedly kept interest rates on hold at 3.25% in its meeting in March, arguing that Australia is relatively well placed to weather the economic slowdown. However, future modest cuts are likely as the RBA noted that while “conditions in global credit markets have improved since November, sentiment remains fragile”.


11.       The following details are provided on the attachments for information:


                   Graph – Comparison of average funds invested with loans balance

                   Graph – Average interest rate comparison to Bank Bill Index

                   Graphs – Investments and loans interest compared to budget

                   Summary of investment portfolio


12.       The Certificate of Investments for March 2009 is provided below:


Certificate of Investments


I hereby certify that the investments for the month of March 2009 have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and Council’s Investment Policy.


13.       There is no standard report attachment - detailed submission - attached to this report.



Jenny Fett

Finance Manager




Investments & Loans - Performance

1 Page



Summary of Investments Portfolio

2 Pages






Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 12.2


ITEM NUMBER         12.2

SUBJECT                   Schedule of Council Meetings for Remainder of 2009

REFERENCE            F2004/08629 - D01193111

REPORT OF              Service Manager - Council Support       




This report is placed before Council to seek adoption of the Council Meeting dates for the remainder of 2009.





That the following Council Meeting dates for the remainder of 2009 be adopted:-


Tuesday 9 June 2009 (Regulatory) (Note:  8 June is Queen’s Birthday)

Monday 22 June 2009 (Other Program Panels)

Monday 13 July 2009 (Regulatory)

Monday 27 July 2009 (Other Program Panels)

Monday 10 August 2009 (Regulatory)

Monday 24 August 2009 (Other Program Panels)

Monday 14 September 2009 (Regulatory)

Monday 28 September 2009 (Other Program Panels)

Wednesday 30 September 2009 (Special Meeting – Election of Lord Mayor)

Monday 12 October 2009 (Regulatory)

Monday 26 October 2009 (Other Program Panels) (Note: LGA Conference 24-28 October 2009)

Monday 9 November 2009 (Regulatory)

Monday 23 November 2009 (Other Program Panels)

Monday 7 December 2009 (Regulatory)

Monday 14 December 2009 (Other Program Panels).





1.         In accordance with Council’s adopted meeting cycle, the Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. The first meeting of the month is dedicated to Regulatory matters whilst the 2nd meeting deals with all other Program Panels.


2.         Council has historically moved into recess over Christmas/New Year for a period between the last meeting in December and the first meeting in February the following year.





3.         A Mayor elected by the Councillors holds office for 1 year with the current Lord Mayor having been elected on 29 September 2008. The Lord Mayor has been consulted and he wishes to hold the Lord Mayoral election on Wednesday 30 September 2009.


4.         Council should note that the Local Government Association Conference will be held in Tamworth from 24 October to 28 October 2009. As Council may nominate up to 5 Councillors to attend this conference and as the Conference conflicts with the 4th Monday of the month, Council may wish to alter the date of the meeting proposed for 26 October 2009.


5.         Due to the proximity of Christmas, meetings have also been proposed for 7 and 14 December 2009.




6.         That Council adopt the proposed dates for Council Meetings to be held in for the remainder of 2009.





Graeme Riddell

Service Manager – Council Support





There are no attachments for this report.




Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 12.3


ITEM NUMBER         12.3

SUBJECT                   GST Certificate

REFERENCE            F2004/05862 - D01197950

REPORT OF              Manager - Finance       




To advise Council of the requirements for GST compliance and to seek authorisation for the signing of the Goods and Services Tax Certificate for the payment of GST for the period 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2009.





That Council grant approval for the Lord Mayor, one nominated Councillor, Chief Executive Officer and Finance Manager to sign off the Goods and Services Tax Certificate for the payment of GST for the period 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2009.





1.         The Department of Local Government requires Council to provide the Department with a written confirmation of the Council’s GST compliance annually.


2.         It is no longer mandatory for councils to have their auditors undertake a review of the GST systems.


3.         In lieu of receiving advice from its auditors, Council’s Finance Department has undertaken a review of its GST systems and processes by sampling GST data within Council’s financial systems.  This review indicates that of the samples tested, GST was being accounted for in line with legislative requirements, and no obvious inconsistencies related to GST were in existence.  Acknowledgement of this sample is appended to this report in Attachment 1.


4.         GST collected for the period 1 May 2008 to 31 March 2009 was $3,170,321.29. Input Tax credits claimable by Council were $8,146,554.61 The net refund received by Council from the Australian Tax Office for the period May 07 to March 2008 was $4,976,233.32.


5.         Parramatta City Council is considered a large remitter for GST purposes and is required to submit a Business Activity Statement by the 21st of each month. All BAS returns remitted between May 08 and March 2009 were completed within this time frame. The April 2009 Business Activity Statement was not due at the time of the preparation of this document however it is anticipated that this return will be completed by the due date of 21st May 2009.


6.         Local government bodies are requested to provide the Commonwealth with advice on voluntary GST payments by 1 June each year.






7.         Manager Finance can now advise that in accordance with Section 114 of the Commonwealth Constitution:

(a)       Voluntary GST has been paid by Parramatta City Council for the period 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2009.

(b)       Adequate management arrangements and internal controls were in place to enable the Council to adequately account for its GST liabilities and recoup all GST input tax credits eligible to be claimed.

(c)        No GST non-compliance events by the Council were identified by or raised with the Australian Tax Office.


8.         In accordance with the above advice, a Goods and Service Tax Certificate has been prepared and is required to be signed by the Lord Mayor, one other Councillor, the Chief Executive Officer and the Manager Finance.  A copy of the Certificate is appended to this report as Attachment 2.


9.         This matter is placed before Council to grant approval for signing of the Goods and Services Tax Certificate.






Jenny Fett

Manager Finance





GST Audit Memo

1 Page



Goods and Services Tax Certificate

1 Page






Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 12.4


ITEM NUMBER         12.4

SUBJECT                   Sustainable Choice Procurement Program

REFERENCE            F2007/01684 - D01201360

REPORT OF              Service Manager Commercial and Risk; Environmental Management System Coordinator         




To seek a resolution affirming Council’s support for sustainable purchasing and a commitment to participate in the Sustainable Choice program





(a)       That Council accept an invitation to join the Sustainable Choice program and formally resolve to do so.


(b)       That Council develop, adopt and implement a policy on sustainable procurement.


(c)        Further, that a team be established to coordinate sustainable procurement within Council as required under the Sustainable Choice program guidelines.





1.      Sustainable Choice is a free purchasing program that helps Local Government meet sustainability objectives. The program is a joint undertaking between the Local Government and Shires Associations (LGSA) of NSW, the Department of Environment and Climate Change, and participating Councils.

2.      Sustainable Choice provides support and guidance to councils on sourcing products and services that are environmentally and socially responsible. Forty-eight Councils in NSW have already joined the program.  A council resolution is required to join.

3.      Council’s Procurement Policy, adopted in September 2007, includes an attachment about sustainable purchasing. Council has also recently begun including environmental sustainability as a reporting requirement in the tendering process. Council’s current policy does not comply with the requirements for participation in the Sustainable Choice program.




4.      All products purchased by Council have some social and environmental impact. The choices made by Council about its purchases have a direct effect on Council’s energy and water consumption, waste generation, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and thus also on Council’s ongoing costs.

5.      Council’s decisions about procurement also have a significant effect on both the local and global environments because of the raw material acquisition, manufacturing process, location of manufacture, distribution systems and disposal of the products after use. In addition, procurement choices have a social impact, as they effect employment and local economies.

6.      Purchasing sustainable products helps Council meet its obligations under the Local Government Act to “properly manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment of the area for which it is responsible, in a manner that is consistent with and promotes the principles of ecologically sustainable development”. Sustainable products can include those that:

a.   have low energy and water consumption

b.   reduce greenhouse gas emissions

c.   are made from recycled materials and can be recycled again

d.   are non-toxic

e.   help protect biodiversity and habitat

f.    are made locally

g.   minimise unnecessary packaging, and

h.   provide long-term value for money

7.      Sustainable Choice will assist Council in meeting its environmental and social sustainability objectives and obligations, including reductions in water and energy consumption, waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions.  Joining Sustainable Choice involves:

a.   A Council resolution affirming Council’s support for sustainable purchasing and committing Council to participate in the Sustainable Choice Program.

b.   Written acceptance of the LGSA’s invitation to join Sustainable Choice.

c.   Adoption of a Sustainable Procurement Policy and incorporation into associated systems and guidelines.

d.   Establishment of a team within Council to drive and communicate the benefits of the process.

e.   Annual reporting on achievements from involvement in the program.

8.      Once Council has joined Sustainable Choice, Council staff would be able to participate in free staff information and education events to increase awareness of the benefits of and opportunities for sustainable procurement. Council would also have access to a wide range of information about products, including their associated environmental issues, alternatives to standard supply, product comparisons and clauses that can be used in tendering. This information would save staff time and ensure decision making is informed.




9.      Following a resolution from Council to join Sustainable Choice, staff would establish a sustainable purchasing team and redraft its procurement policy to incorporate sustainable procurement.

10.    An annual report will be submitted to Sustainable Choice to record Council’s progress on sustainable procurement.



Michael Maclean

Service Manager

Commercial and Risk


Katherine Lustig

Environmental Management System





There are no attachments for this report.




Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 12.5


ITEM NUMBER         12.5

SUBJECT                   2008/09 Management Plan - March 2009 Review

REFERENCE            F2009/01067 - D01207031

REPORT OF              Manager - Finance       




Section 407 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires the General Manager (Chief Executive Officer) to report to the Council within 2 months after the end of each quarter as to the extent to which the performance targets set by the Council’s Management Plan have been achieved during that quarter.


Clause 203 of the Local Government (General Regulation) 2005 requires that the Responsible Accounting Officer (Manager Finance) prepare and submit to the Council, not later than 2 months after the end of each quarter, a budget review statement that shows, by reference to the estimate of income and expenditure set out in the Management Plan, a revised estimate of the income and expenditure for that year. The Responsible Accounting Officer is also required to include with the budget review statement, a report as to whether or not the Responsible Accounting Officer believes that the statement indicates that the financial position of the Council is satisfactory, having regard to the original estimate of income and expenditure, and if that position is unsatisfactory, recommendations for remedial action.





(a)       That Council adopt the Chief Executive Officer’s March 2009 Quarterly Review of the 2008/09 Management Plan and Budget. (Attachment 1).


(b)       That Council note and approve the actual results again budget and forecast variations to the previously adopted budget estimates for the 2008/09 financial year as detailed in Attachment 1.


(c)       That Council adopt the Responsible Accounting Officer’s report on the financial position of the Council.


(d)       Further that, Council allocates $20,000 for the enhancement of the existing CCTV facilities at Parramatta Town Hall and Council Chambers.





1.         The attached March 2009 Quarterly Review contains the Chief Executive Officer’s report, detailing the extent to which the performance targets set by the Council’s 2008/09 Management Plan have been achieved on a Program basis.


2.         The Review also details at pages 16, 17 and 88 the actual income, expenditure and proposed budget adjustments (forecast variances) for 2008/09 with comparisons to the budget previously adopted by Council.



3.         The March 2009 Quarterly Review was submitted to Council’s Program Panels’ meeting on 18 May 2009. Any changes from the Program Panels’ meeting will be incorporated as an addendum to this document to be considered at the Council meeting.




Report of the Responsible Accounting Officer


4.   As noted earlier in this report the Responsible Accounting Officer is required, as part of the Quarterly Management Plan Review, to report on the financial position of the Council.


Operating Statement net result


5.   Council is required to produce a financial statement in accordance with statutory accounting standards and generally accepted accounting principles. This Operating Statement does not include funds transferred to and from reserves and includes all revenue received (including revenue tied to specific purposes), operating expenses including depreciation and the profit/loss on disposals of assets during the reporting period.


6.   Council’s original budget, adopted in June 2008 as part of the 2008/09 Management Plan, was to deliver a balanced net operating result.  The March review has resulted in the forecast year-end result being a relatively small surplus of $125,000.


Operating surplus/(deficit)- movements during the year


Original Budget adopted with Management Plan            Nil


Revised Budget following 30 June re-votes             Deficit $1.6M


September Review forecast                                      Surplus $0.26M 


December Review forecast                                                  Nil


March Review forecast                                           Surplus of $0.125M


7.   The major areas that have contributed to the revised forecast net operating result are:


Revenue Forecasts


8.   Favourable Variances:


·    An increase of $183K in Rates and Annual Charges income due to supplementary rates levied and additional Domestic Waste Management charges.

·    Additional $110K revenue collected from Construction Zone Fees and Road Occupancy Fees.




·    Increase in interest income of $295K in line with actual interest received and as advised by the Funds Managers.  The improved result is due to the increased percentage of conservative investment options within the investment portfolio, given the current uncertain environment.

·    Additional operating grants of $232K received from Federal and State Governments in relation to the Library Subsidy grant and Child Care Subsidy.

·    Capital grants revenue has increased by a net amount of $206K.  Additional Federal Government stimulus package grants of $1.383M have been included in this year’s budget made up of the initial grant of $893K plus 20% of the $2.45M additional funding for the South Street Granville major project.  The balance 80% of the $2.45M is expected to be received next financial year, and will be brought to account when confirmation is received in this regard. These increases have been offset by a reduction in specific purpose grants of $1.205M, mainly due to the transfer to next year’s budget of the Blacktown to Parramatta Cycle-way grant of $1.1M.


9.   Unfavourable Variances:


·    Reduction $345K forecast in User Charges due to reduced hire of Riverside theatres facilities and ancillary revenue from bar sales and reduced patronage at Council’s swimming pools.

·    Reduction of road restoration revenue of $64K and Development related revenue of $250K in line with the prevailing economic downturn in the building industry.

·    Reduction in Section 94 revenues of $200K.





10. Favourable Variances:


·    A reduction of $1.3M in employee cost is forecast for the year due to the strategy of not filling all vacant positions during the year, and looking at each position on a case by case basis. This is partly offset by the increase in Workers Compensation premium noted below.

·    $292K reduction in the full year interest on loans due to reduced interest rates on variable loans.

·    Reduction of $100K in materials cost is forecast in the Local Environment Plan project due to delay in the project as a result of design changes to the project.

·    A reduction of $150K to fuel expenses due to improved fuel prices.

·    Net decrease in depreciation of $963K, following the earlier revaluation of buildings and plant, when the remaining useful life of some high value items viz. Car parks and Riverside Theatre increased compared to what was previously recorded in Council’s fixed asset register.








11. Unfavourable Variances


·    An increase in workers compensation premium of $601K as a result of increased claims history for the past three years.

·    Additional costs of $1.6M expensed in relation to the Civic Place project, primarily relating to an expected write-down of previously capitalised costs

·    $329K variation forecast in material and contracts costs for aquatic centres as a result of pool maintenance, security external services plus an increase of $170K relating to maintaining infrastructure assets.


Projects Summary


12. At this March Review the total Projects budget has been revised to $40.23 million, a net decrease of $3.6M from the December review.



Original Budget adopted with Management Plan            $30.47M


Revised Budget following re-votes                                    $40.70M


September Review forecast                                               $43.00M


December Review forecast                                                $43.80M  


March Review forecast                                                        $40.23M



13. The reduction is primarily due to a hold on proposed vehicle and plant purchases pending the completion of a comprehensive review of Council’s business requirements and fleet management strategies. Full details of variations to all Project budgets are contained within the main Quarterly Review document.


          Expanding Council’s CCTV in the City Centre


14. Council currently operates a number of Closed Circuit Television surveillance systems in buildings like the Council Chamber, swimming pools and libraries, primarily to support the safety and security of staff and Councillors.  These services are generally not monitored but record vision which assists the investigation of security incidents.


15. Council frequently assists the local Police by making available recordings from these systems that may have captured evidence of crimes in the vicinity of these Council buildings.  Recently, for example, Council provided footage that assisted Police investigations into an alleged assault at Parramatta Transport Interchange.


16. The existing CCTV systems at Parramatta Town Hall and the Council Chambers have capacity to include additional cameras without the need to substantially upgrade the recording facilities.  There is also an opportunity while the Church Street Mall Public Domain Project is being undertaken to install additional cameras cost effectively that can improve surveillance of these public assets.





17. It is proposed, therefore, that Council allocate $20,000 towards the purchase and installation of four additional cameras (focused on the Church Street Mall between Darcy and Macquarie Streets and the entrance to Darcy Lane) and the upgrading of these and seven other existing cameras to IP systems that enable more efficient review of recorded footage by Council or Police. 


18. This item and associated expenditure of $20,000 has currently not been included in the March Quarterly review forecasts and is presented for Council’s consideration.


Responsible Accounting Officer’s Statement


19. Following a review of the attached March 2009 Quarterly Review, it is considered that the financial position of the Council for the remainder of this financial year is satisfactory.




Jenny Fett

Manager Finance – Responsible Accounting Officer






March 2009 Quarterly Review

90 Pages






Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009




Development Applications


25 May 2009


13.1  40 Eleanor Street, ROSEHILL  NSW  2142 (Lots 29-31 & Lots 41-43 DP 2249)  (Elizabeth Macarthur)


NOTE: This item was deferred from the Council meeting held on 11 May 2009 pending further information on Parking and traffic issues. This information will be forwarded to Councillors in due course.

Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 13.1


ITEM NUMBER         13.1

SUBJECT                   40 Eleanor Street, ROSEHILL  NSW  2142 (Lots 29-31 & Lots 41-43 DP 2249)  (Elizabeth Macarthur)

DESCRIPTION          Alterations and additions to the existing place of public worship.

REFERENCE            DA/688/2008 - Submitted 19 September 2008

APPLICANT/S           POZ International Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Boch. Shri Akshar-Purushotlam Swam. Sanstha P/L

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




Place of Public Worship




NOTE: This item was deferred from the Council meeting held on 11 May 2009 pending further information on Parking and traffic issues. This information will be forwarded to Councillors in due course.


Development Application DA/688/2008 seeks approval for alterations and additions to an existing place of public worship. The application has been referred to Council due to the site being a Place of Public Worship.


In response to the notification of this Development Application, four submissions of objection to the application have been received and twenty-four submissions have been received in support of the proposal.


This application is for alterations and additions to the existing Place of Public Worship to provide enhanced facilities and amenities for the existing congregation. It is not proposed that the number of worshippers will increase over and above that of the existing numbers that presently attend the premises for services.


Subject to conditions of consent, the proposal is considered to be acceptable as it is consistent with the aims and objectives of Sydney Regional Environmental Plan 28 – Parramatta and Harris Park Precinct Development Control Plan as the proposal will not adversely impact surrounding development in terms of traffic flow, parking demand, overshadowing or visual and acoustic impact. Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.





(a)       That Council grant consent to Development Application No. 688/2008, for alterations and additions to the existing place of public worship on land at 40 Eleanor Street, Rosehill as shown on approved plans, for a period of three years from the date of the Notice of Determination, subject to conditions of consent contained in Attachment 1.


(b)       Further, that objectors be advised of Council’s decision.





Sophia Chin

Development Assessment Officer




Section 79C Report

28 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans and Elevations

17 Pages





Ordinary Council

 25 May 2009




Notices of Motion


25 May 2009


14.1  Methodone dispensing in the Parramatta LGA

Ordinary Council 25 May 2009

Item 14.1


ITEM NUMBER         14.1

SUBJECT                   Methodone dispensing in the Parramatta LGA

REFERENCE            F2004/06817 - D01207217

REPORT OF              Councillor M D McDermott       


To be Moved by Councillor M D McDermott


That council staff prepare a report on Methadone dispensing within the Parramatta LGA.


This report should include but not be limited to:


Detail the history of methadone dispensing In NSW & Western Sydney with particular reference to the Parramatta LGA.


Canvass & detail community concerns with regards to methadone dispensing from community pharmacies. The authors should speak to and detail the views of shop owners and community members in those areas with methadone dispensing pharmacies.


Investigate & detail the broader community concerns with regards to instances of anti-social or criminal behavior that may be associated with methadone dispensing within the Parramatta LGA.


          Detail council’s land use controls and authority in this area.


          Seek input from Sydney West Area Health Service (SWAHS) at NSW Health

          about the methadone dispensing program and regulations in the Parramatta



Seek input from Centre for Drug and Alcohol at NSW Health about the policies and procedures related to methadone dispensing.


Seek input from the Parramatta Police Local Area Command.


          Establish and list all specific areas & pharmacies where methadone is

dispensed. Where such information is not willingly forthcoming a FOI request is to be raised.


Detail all legislative requirements on the dispensing of methadone, paying particular attention to any specific or necessary procedures and requirements for such dispensing.


Provide any other details that the authors feel relevant to allow councilors to make informed decisions on this issue going forward.


As part of this reporting process, a meeting is to be convened to bring together any interested and relevant parties to provide input and views into this reporting process.







There are no attachments for this report.