PUBLIC AGENDA – Supplementary Agenda A & B
An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in PHIVE (COUNCIL CHAMBER) COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 5 PARRAMATTA SQUARE, PARRAMATTA on Monday, 24 June 2024 at 6.30PM.
Gail Connolly PSM
Council 24 June 2024
8 Minutes of the Lord Mayor
8.1 Free Parking for Committee Members Attending Meetings. 3
8.2 Community Ward Workshops Feedback................ 5
8.3 NSW Budget Outcomes for City of Parramatta.............. 7
9 Public Forum
9.1 PUBLIC FORUM - Item 13.5 Gateway Request: Planning Proposal and Draft Site Specific Development Control Plan for Land at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping.................. 10
9.2 PUBLIC FORUM - Item 13.3 Adoption of Late Night Trading DCP Amendments to Parramatta DCP 2023..................... 11
9.3 PUBLIC FORUM - Item 13.3 Adoption of Late Night Trading DCP Amendments to Parramatta DCP 2023..................... 13
13 Reports to Council - For Council Decision
13.8 LATE REPORT: Appointment of the Chair, Alternate Chairs and Independent Expert Members for the Parramatta Local Planning Panel..... 14
14 Notices of Motion
14.1 Emergency Accommodation and Womens' Shelters in Parramatta............ 27
15 Questions with Notice
15.1 Questions Taken on Notice at 11 June 2024 Council Meeting................. 29
16 Confidential Matters
16.3 LATE REPORT: ITT 22/2022 Bus Shelter Advertising, Cleaning and Maintenance Services - Reject and Negotiation Outcome
This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 8.1
SUBJECT Parking for Committee Members Attending Meetings
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09498691
REPORT OF Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber
CSP THEME: Accessible
workshop/briefing date: Nil
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to propose that the CEO investigate providing free parking at Parramatta Square car park for external committee members attending City of Parramatta Advisory Committee meetings.
(a) That Council recognise the community service rendered by members of the community who serve on City of Parramatta advisory committees.
(b) That the CEO investigate providing free parking at Parramatta Square car park for external City of Parramatta advisory committee members while they are attending committee meetings at PHIVE. This investigation should consider any financial and resourcing implications of the proposal and potential delivery timeframes.
(c) That the Lord Mayor and CEO be delegated authority to determine the provision of free parking at Parramatta Square for external City of Parramatta Committee members while they are attending advisory committee meetings.
1. Many external members of the public lend their valuable time, insights and experience to the City of Parramatta through serving as a member on Council’s Committees. Their community service through attendance at Council Committee Meetings promotes good governance and decision-making through direct community engagement.
2. It is proposed that Council recognise the community service provided by these external Committee members by authorising the CEO to investigate providing free parking at Parramatta Square when members are attending advisory Committee meetings at PHIVE. This investigation should consider the financial and resourcing implications of the proposal and potential delivery timeframes.
3. Council unanimously resolved a similar motion on 28 August 2023 to provide free parking at Parramatta Square car park for members of the public when attending a Council meeting. It is anticipated that a similar approach could be implemented for committee members.
4. The CEO’s investigation should consider the financial and resourcing implications of the proposal and potential delivery timeframes.
Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber
There are no attachments for this report.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 8.2
SUBJECT Community Ward Workshops Feedback
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09498708
REPORT OF Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber
CSP THEME: Welcoming
workshop/briefing date: NOvember 2023
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to note the community feedback provided during the 2024 Community Ward Workshops.
(a) That Council note the comprehensive community feedback provided by residents invited to attend the 2024 Community Ward Workshops held in each ward.
(b) That Council commend all staff involved on the highly successful engagement with residents, who provided high quality, relevant feedback on Council’s work and strategies.
(c) That Council staff consider the excellent feedback provided in the preparation of various Council strategies and plans, including the Community Engagement Strategy refresh, Draft Parramatta 2050, Draft Cultural Strategy, Community Strategic Plan refresh, Delivery Program 2025-28 and Operational Plan 2025/26 (DPOP).
1. On 4 December 2023, Council endorsed the delivery of five ward-based community workshops from March-June 2024, including representation of local CALD communities. Demographically representative residents were recruited from each ward, with the average participant aged 45 and over 80% of attendees having lived in City of Parramatta for more than 4 years. Roughly half of participants were born overseas and spoke a language other than English. The following number of residents attended each workshop:
Attendees |
Rosehill Ward - Saturday 23 March 2024 |
38 |
Dundas Ward - Saturday 6 April 2024 |
39 |
North Rocks Ward - Saturday 4 May 2024 |
37 |
Epping Ward - Saturday 18 May 2024 |
36 |
Parramatta Ward - Saturday 1 June 2024 |
44 |
194 participants |
2. In answering the question, “What do you love about where you live?”, participants across all wards provided the following top three responses: ‘convenience and accessibility’, ‘sense of community and safety’, and ‘the natural environment and recreational areas’.
3. While 83% of participants thought it was very/fairly important that they have their say on Council projects, a lower proportion (70%) were very likely/likely to get involved and provide feedback.
4. In discussing ideas to inform draft Parramatta 2050, participants were motivated to see a future Parramatta that featured a well-connected transport system, increased social infrastructure, more green/blue spaces and better care for the environment, the delivery of iconic and innovative architecture, as well as more community services and increased event activations and cultural offerings.
5. Attendees participated in a hypothetical budgeting process which was designed to replicate Council decision-making on the annual Delivery Program and Operational Plan (DPOP). Participants discussed funding priorities and listed ‘maintaining roads, footpaths and drains’, ‘planning and development’, and ‘major works and construction’ as the 3 top priorities for the DPOP budget. It is notable that the proposed community spending allocation mirrors three of the top four service areas proposed in the 24/25 DPOP Council spending projections. This demonstrates that, while there is always room for improvement, Council continues to deliver services in line with community expectations.
6. There are no further financial implications for Council arising as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.
Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber
There are no attachments for this report.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 8.3
SUBJECT NSW Budget Outcomes for City of Parramatta
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09498721
REPORT OF Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber
CSP THEME: Thriving
workshop/briefing date: Nil
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to recognise the significant NSW Budget outcomes for City of Parramatta and acknowledge Council’s consistent advocacy efforts for the community.
(a) That Council recognise the range of positive NSW Budget outcomes for City of Parramatta, delivering funding for transport, local jobs, housing, health, education and culture.
(b) Further, that Council acknowledge the consistent advocacy efforts by the City of Parramatta to secure these positive outcomes on behalf of the people of the City.
(c) Finally, note that the Lord Mayor has written to the Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC, Treasurer, the Hon. Courtney Houssos MLC, Minister for Finance, and Ms Donna Davis MP, Member for Parramatta to acknowledge the NSW Government’s investment in the City of Parramatta.
1. The NSW Budget, handed down on 18 June 2024, provides funding for a range of programs and initiatives that deliver local jobs, housing, health, education, transport and culture in the City of Parramatta. These include:
a. Planning
i. $253m to overhaul planning system, improve the Planning Portal and hire more planners to assess housing and infrastructure proposals
ii. $200m for the Faster Assessments Council Incentives and Grants Program to incentivise councils to meet and beat housing targets and fund infrastructure including roads and community facilities
b. Housing
i. 30,000 houses on 44 sites close to infrastructure and transport
ii. $450m for a key worker Build-to-Rent program in Sydney to deliver 400 homes
c. Parramatta Specific
i. $34.5m to upgrade and restore Parramatta North
ii. $8.5m for Sydney Olympic Park infrastructure and maintenance
iii. $1.6m for infrastructure and maintenance at Parramatta Park
iv. $73.4m for Keeping Places at the site of former children’s homes including Parramatta Girls Home in North Parramatta
v. Local Government
vi. $78.5m to support council rate concessions
vii. Extra $37.4m for Office of Local Government
d. Transport
i. $2.1b provisioned for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2
ii. $5.5b for Sydney Metro Western Airport project
iii. Buses for Western Sydney (may improve connectivity to City of Parramatta’s transport hubs)
iv. $1b for roads around Western Sydney Airport
v. $120m for Hill Road
e. Education
i. New public preschools at Melrose Park Public School and Carter St Precinct
ii. 337 temporary teachers and support staff made permanent since March 2023
iii. 2,365 teachers receiving last year’s pay rise
iv. Melrose Park – new high school
v. Sydney Olympic Park – new primary school
vi. Carlingford West Public School Upgrade
vii. Cumberland High School Upgrade
viii. Darcy Road Public School Upgrade
ix. Dundas Public School Upgrade
x. Northmead Public School Upgrade
xi. Parramatta East Public School Upgrade
xii. Telopea Public School Upgrade
xiii. Wentworth Point Public School (Stage 2) Upgrade
f. Health
i. $619m redevelopment of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead (Stage 2)
ii. $540m Integrated Mental Health Complex at Westmead.
g. Culture
i. $26.9m to support vibrant, diverse and night-time precincts
ii. Reforms to support venues, event organisers and councils as part of Govt’s ‘Vibrancy’ agenda, including legislating to make it easier to host events and festivals, and streamlining planning processes that are restricting cultural activities
iii. Continued funding to deliver Powerhouse Parramatta
iv. $40m for Riverside Theatres Redevelopment.
2. There are no further financial implications for Council arising as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.
Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber
There are no attachments for this report.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 9.1
SUBJECT PUBLIC FORUM - Item 13.5 Gateway Request: Planning Proposal and Draft Site Specific Development Control Plan for Land at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09509268
Dear Lord Mayor and Councillors,
I wish to speak this evening in relation to item 13.5 – Gateway request: Planning Proposal and draft site specific Development Control Plan for 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping. for consideration at tonight’s Council Meeting.
I speak I support of the application on behalf of the landowner. We support the report prepared by Council staff and the recommendation by the LPP. I would like to thank the staff for the comprehensive report and for their professionalism during the assessment of the application. We are here to answer any questions from the floor should they arise.
There are no attachments for this report.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 9.2
SUBJECT PUBLIC FORUM - Item 13.3 Adoption of Late Night Trading DCP Amendments to Parramatta DCP 2023
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09509283
I am the President of the Parramatta Liquor Accord which is essentially a partnership between licenced premises (small bars, restaurants, night clubs, bottle shops, hotels and clubs) and police, council and liquor and gaming with the aim to ensure licenced premises within Parramatta LGA are safe and vibrant. Parramatta Liquor accord represents over 100 licenced premises within the Parramatta LGA, whose venues employ over 1500 staff, contribute in excess of $250m to the Parramatta economy and contribute positively to the social fabric of the city.
I wish to confirm our support for the LNT DCP before you at Item 13.3 on tonight’s agenda. More than that, we want to take a moment to express our thanks to both the Councillors and the Staff for the positive engagement we have had through this process. There have been matters that have concerned us, that we thought were not in the best interests of the late-night economy, our businesses, and the people of Parramatta who enjoy late night eating, dining, drinking and entertainment. All our concerns were carefully considered and in the most part addressed. Thank you. We remain aware of the sometimes disconnect between our liquor license times and DA consent times but understand the different regimes in which these consents are given. We support the DCP before you, and we look forward to collaborating with the Council as an organisation in building and maintaining the best late-night economy in NSW, that will support these cities continued elevation and excellence in business, living, transport, arts, and entertainment.”
Finally, we would respectfully request that Councillors and council staff be receptive to feedback on concerns of unintended consequences which arise once the DCP is enacted and how these effect our members and the safety and vibrancy of our city’s late-night economy.
In terms of the disconnect between the liquor license and the consents the report has addressed this as follows –
Many thanks,
Dan O’Hara
President Parramatta Liquor Accord
There are no attachments for this report.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 9.3
SUBJECT PUBLIC FORUM - Item 13.3 Adoption of Late Night Trading DCP Amendments to Parramatta DCP 2023
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09509292
Question or Statement to Council is.
Dear Lord Mayor,
I am part of the executive from the Parramatta Liquor Accord, and I would like to speak regarding the draft Parramatta Late Night Trading Development Control Plan (DCP). In its current form. Please let me know if you have any questions before tonight’s meeting regarding this.
Ross Hay
There are no attachments for this report.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 13.8
SUBJECT LATE REPORT: Appointment of the Chair, Alternate Chairs and Independent Expert Members for the Parramatta Local Planning Panel
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09497406
REPORT OF Strategic Business Manager
CSP THEME: Accessible
workshop/briefing date:
The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Expression of Interest process undertaken by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (the Department) for the recruitment and selection of the Chair, alternate Chairs and independent expert members of the City of Parramatta Local Planning Panel and for the appointment of the selected members.
(a) That Council note the advice from the Minister for Planning and Public Places approving Mr Richard Pearson as Chair and Ms Elizabeth Kinkade PSM and Mr Stuart McDonald as alternate chairs for appointment to the City of Parramatta Local Planning Panel.
(b) That Council appoint Mr Richard Pearson as Chair and Ms Elizabeth Kinkade PSM and Mr Stuart McDonald as alternate chairs for the City of Parramatta Local Planning Panel
(c) That Council appoint those independent experts as contained in Attachment 1 to the City of Parramatta Local Planning Panel.
(d) That Council acknowledge and thank the outgoing panel Chair and Alternate Chairs Mr Stephen O’Connor, Mrs Mary-Lynne Taylor and Julie Walsh for their contribution.
Parramatta Local Planning Panel
1. In late 2017 changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) mandated all Sydney councils to have a Local Planning Panel (LPP) operate from 1 March 2018. The LPP exercises functions under the EP&A Act 1979 for the determination of certain Development Applications and reporting requirements for Planning Proposals.
2. The Parramatta Local Planning Panel usually meets once per month on the third Tuesday. The agenda and the minutes of each meeting are published on the City of Parramatta website.
3. Under the EP&A Act, each LPP meeting is to comprise a chair, two independent expert members and a community member (who is not a Councillor or Council Officer).
4. Under the EP&A Act a person is not eligible to be a member of a LPP if the person is a Councillor of any council, or a property developer within the meaning of section 53 of the Electoral Funding Act 2018 (this includes a person who is a close associate of a property developer).
5. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (the Department) is responsible for the recruitment and selection of panel member pools (a pool for each council approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces). Chairs and alternate chairs are approved by the Minister but must then be appointed by Council.
6. This can be done by each Council’s CEO/GM (if delegation is provided to them by their Council) or by a Council resolution.
7. Under the EP&A Act, a member of the LPP can only be appointed for a period not exceeding three years and a member of the LPP can be a member of the LPP for up to six years in total.
Community Representatives
8. The recruitment, selection and appointment of community representatives is the responsibility of each council. On 11 December 2023, Council resolved to appoint 11 Community Representative members to the Parramatta LPP for the period 1 March 2024 to 28 February 2027 after concluding an Expression of Interest process.
Current Chair, Alternate Chairs & Independent Experts
9. On 22 January 2024 the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces issued a Ministerial Direction titled Interim Appointment of Members with the objective of appointing chairs and expert members on LPPs for an interim period from 28 February 2024 to 30 June 2024.
10. The purpose of the Ministerial Direction was to ensure continuity of LPPs whilst the Department recruited the pools of members for the next 3-year term. The current interim panel for Parramatta is:
Panel Member Position
Panel Member |
Position |
Julie Walsh |
Alternate Chair |
Ian Armstrong |
Independent Expert Member |
Steve Driscoll |
Independent Expert Member |
Michael Evesson |
Independent Expert Member |
Simone Lotz |
Independent Expert Member |
Michael Mason |
Independent Expert Member |
Alison McCabe |
Independent Expert Member |
11. The Department advised in early April 2024 that it anticipated completion of recruitment and establishment of the pools of LPP chair and expert members by late May/early June 2024 and recommended Council delegate the appointment of the next term to the CEO.
12. At the 22 April 2024 Council considered a report with two recommendations, to extend the interim panel appointment to 30 June 2024, and to delegate to the CEO the appointment of the next set of members of the LPP. Council resolved to extend the interim term panel members to 30 June 2024, and further resolved,
That should the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces approved recruitment pool not be provided to Council on or before 24 June 2024, Council authorises the CEO to appoint the new (three year) term chair, alternate chair and independent expert members of the Panel.
13. Details of the chairs recommended by the Minister and the pool were provide on 27 May 2024. Therefore the delegation referred to in Council’s resolution of 30 June does not apply.
14. Council officers were provided with access to the list of approved independent experts by the Department and advised of the Minister’s approval of the Parramatta Local Planning Panel Chair, Mr Richard Pearson, and of the alternate-Chairs, Ms Elizabeth Kinkade and Mr Stuart McDonald.
15. In addition to providing the advice on Panel Chairs a pool of vetted experts has been provided to Council from which Council can select Panel members. The pool includes 161 nominated potential panel members who nominated a preference to be appointed to the Parramatta Panel. These independent experts come from a range of disciplines including planning, architecture, law, urban design, engineering, environmental science, heritage, tourism, traffic and transport and public policy elected to be considered for the City of Parramatta LPP.
16. Senior Council Officers have considered the recommended list of experts to select a shortlist of persons that will ensure that there is an appropriate representation of skills and knowledge for the LPP and that there would be no conflicts with participation on other Council Panels (such as the Design Excellence Advisory and Design Competition Panels). Each expert has been assessed based on their professional standing, experience, technical ability and broad understanding of the development application (DA) assessment and planning proposal (PP) process. The short list is provided in Attachment 1 and the full list of independent experts who nominated Parramatta as preferred Council are listed in Attachment 2.
17. The short list of 17 experts shows the range of skills and experience of the experts, 5 are current LPP members and 12 are new members. Two experts are the alternate-chair appointments and the Department has confirmed these experts can be appointed as members in both roles, however can only serve on the panel in one of those roles during a meeting.
18. The selection process has sought to ensure:
· A suitably wide range of expertise is available across the group of experts covering a breadth of expertise available from the long list ranging from planning and urban design to heritage and economics.
· Experts individually offer a range of expertise to help ensure a balanced approach to their inputs.
· A mixture of current and new members to provide continuity and build on experience gained by existing members of the issues that have been examined in their work over the last term appointment.
19. It is recommended the Panel recommended in Attachment A be endorsed by Council.
20. No stakeholder consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter as it relates to a procedural process the Department and Council are required to follow.
Date |
Stakeholder |
Stakeholder Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
Nil |
Councillor Consultation
21. No Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter as it relates to a procedural process that the Department and Councillors are required to follow.
Date |
Councillor |
Councillor Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
Nil |
[ |
22. Under the EP&A Act Council is required to operate an LPP.
23. If Council does not appoint the selected Chair, alternate Chairs and independent experts it will not have an LPP and will not be able to exercise functions under the EP&A Act for the determination of DAs and reporting requirements for PPs.
21. The remuneration for panel members is determined by the State Government. A Ministerial Direction of 23 February 2018 sets out the applicable rates.
22. The total cost of the Parramatta LPP is dependent on the exact number of panel meetings held each year. This amount ranges between $120,000 to $136,000 per year. The cost associated with the operation of the Panel is allocated on an annual basis in Council’s budget.
23. There are no additional financial implications for Council as a result of this report as the costs associated with the LPP are already included in the budget.
FY 23/24 |
FY 24/25 |
FY 25/26 |
FY 26/27 |
Revenue |
Internal Revenue |
External Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
Operating Result |
External Costs |
Internal Costs |
Depreciation |
Other |
Total Operating Result |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
External |
Internal |
Other |
Total CAPEX |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Alexia Bonilla
Strategic Business Manager
Robert Cologna
Group Manager, Strategic Land Use Planning
Gail Connolly
Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
Attach 1 Short List - Recommended LPP Panel Members |
2⇩ |
Attach 2 Long List - List of Potential Panel Members provided by the Minister |
Item 13.8 - Attachment 2 |
Attach 2 Long List - List of Potential Panel Members provided by the Minister |
SUBJECT Emergency Accommodation and Womens' Shelters in Parramatta
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09480426
FROM Councillor
(a) That the CEO prepare a report on current and proposed emergency accommodation provision in the Parramatta LGA that serves women and children fleeing domestic and family violence, reported in such a way as to not compromise the safety of service locations.
(b) That, if relevant, other types of emergency accommodation needs be highlighted, for example, emergency accommodation for young people.
(c) That the report canvass options for Council to assist in the provision of additional accommodation, including, but not limited to:
i. Assistance with land use planning procedures and approvals;
ii. Potential to utilise Council or other properties; and
iii. Provision of funding towards operating costs or the full or partial provision of a service by Council.
(d) That the report be presented for Council’s consideration before end November 2024.
1. None yet provided.
2. Council officers welcome the opportunity to report on the need for emergency accommodation, the quality service provision currently within our community and some opportunities for Council to contribute to addressing the existing need.
3. Council officers do not believe it to be a priority for Council to operate accommodation services but are keen to explore the opportunities in planning procedures and property utilisation.
4. Domestic and family violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children in Parramatta and more broadly. Through the implementation of Council’s Prevention of Domestic & Family Violence Action Plan 2022-2025, Council works in close collaboration with providers of emergency and transitional accommodation for women and children, including participation in the Parramatta and Cumberland Family and Domestic Violence Prevention Committee. Established relationships through these networks will be a primary source of information in the preparation of this report.
5. Council officers note the recently announced NSW Government Budget headline of $5.1 billion toward social housing with half allocated to victim survivors of domestic and family violence. This investment will deliver more than 6,000 new homes across NSW and an additional 2,000 properties will be renewed. Any further detail that is released about these plans will inform the future report.
6. If Council resolve for the CEO to prepare a report, the costs associated with the report can be met within existing staffing resources.
7. Any financial implications of an increased role for Council, either through utilising Council owned properties or funding the operations of an accommodation service, will be further explored within the future report.
Paul Noack
David Moutou
Acting Executive Director Community Services
Roxanne Thornton
Group Manager Office of the Lord Mayor and CEO
Gail Connolly
Chief Executive Officer
There are no attachments for this report.
Council 24 June 2024 Item 15.1
SUBJECT Questions Taken on Notice at 11 June 2024 Council Meeting
REFERENCE F2024/00282 - D09497407
REPORT OF Council Secretariat & Policy Officer
CSP THEME: Accessible
Questions taken on notice
Councillor Pandey asked a question in relation to Item 13.3 - 2025 Annual Community Grants Program:
· Could staff provide Councilors, with wording that is used in our Grants Agreement?
Acting Executive Director Community and Culture Response:
As indicated in the meeting, Council’s Legal Services team has been asked to review the existing text for funding agreements (regarding how Council is appropriately acknowledged in funded projects or partnership work). This wording is copyright and forms part of legally binding contracts or agreements and therefore Council officers will provide the clauses via the Councillor Portal.
Councillor Valjak asked two questions in relation to Item 15.2 - Question with Notice NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal – Councillor Legal Action:
· Will a precedent be set if NCAT makes a decision in relation to the matter?
Acting Executive Director Finance and Information Response:
Response has been provided under separate Confidential cover.
· Does this mean that there is a likelihood of confidential information being made public?
Acting Executive Director Finance and Information Response:
Response has been provided under separate Confidential cover. |
Councillor Garrard asked a question in relation to Item 15.2 - Question with Notice NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal – Councillor Legal Action;
· Where on the Councillor Portal is the Legal Report relating to this matter?
Acting Executive Director Finance and Information Response:
Council’s Chief Technology Officer provided Councillor Garrard with a link to the location of this document during the Council meeting (proceed to the Briefing Notes tab and search “legal” to receive a list of all monthly status reports).
Confidential Response Item 15.2 Questions Taken on Notice at 11 June 2024 Council Meeting (separately enclosed) (confidential) |