An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in PHIVE
(COUNCIL CHAMBER) 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday, 13 March 2023 at 6:30PM.
Bryan Hynes
In accordance with clause 3.23 of the Model Code of Meeting Practice, Council is obligated to remind Councillors of the oath or affirmation of office made under section 233A of the Local Government Act 1993, and of their obligations under Council’s Code of Conduct to disclose and appropriately manage conflicts of interest – the ethical obligations of which are outlined below:
Obligations |
Oath [Affirmation] of Office by Councillors |
I swear [solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm] that I will undertake the duties of the office of Councillor in the best interests of the people of the City of Parramatta Council and the City of Parramatta Council that I will faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in me under the Local Government Act 1993 or any other Act to the best of my ability and judgement. |
Code of Conduct Conflict of Interests |
Pecuniary Interests |
A Councillor who has a pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned, and who is present at a meeting of the Council at which the matter is being considered, must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting.
The Councillor must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting: a) At any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed, or b) At any time during which the Council is voting on any question in relation to the matter. |
Non-Pecuniary Conflict of Interests |
A Councillor who has a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in a matter, must disclose the relevant private interest in relation to the matter fully and on each occasion on which the non-pecuniary conflict of interest arises in relation to the matter. |
Significant Non-Pecuniary Conflict of Interests |
A Councillor who has a significant non-pecuniary conflict of interest in relation to a matter under consideration at a Council meeting, must manage the conflict of interest as if they had a pecuniary interest in the matter. |
Non-Significant Non-Pecuniary Interests |
A Councillor who determines that they have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in a matter that is not significant and does not require further action, when disclosing the interest must also explain why conflict of interest is not significant and does not require further action in the circumstances. |
Council 13 March 2023
Council - 27 February 2023........................................................................................ 7
12 Reports to Council - For Notation
12.1 Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW................ 24
12.2 Circa Espresso Cafe - Completed Facade Improvement Grant..... 71
13 Reports to Council - For Council Decision
13.1 Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023.......................................................................................................... 76
13.2 Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023....................................................................................... 243
13.3 Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan - Amendment No 1 - Phillip Street Block............................................. 268
13.4 Boundary Adjustment between Harris Park & Parramatta............ 331
13.5 2023 ALGA National General Assembly - Motions......................... 339
14.1 Notice of Motion: Relocation of Rhodes Fire Station...................... 368
15.1 Questions Taken on Notice - 13 February 2023 Council Meeting 370
16.1 Legal Status Report as at 31 January 2023
This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (e) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law.
After the conclusion of the Council Meeting, and if time permits, Councillors will be provided an opportunity to ask questions of staff.
MINUTES OF THE Meeting of City of Parramatta Council HELD IN THE council chamber at 5 PARRAMATTA square, parramatta ON Monday, 27 February 2023 AT 6:30PM
These are draft minutes and are subject to confirmation by Council at its next
meeting. The confirmed minutes will replace this draft version on the website once
The Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Ange Humphries, Cameron Maclean, Paul Noack, Sameer Pandey, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.
The Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis, opened the meeting at 6:34PM.
The Lord Mayor, acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Darug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.
The Lord Mayor, advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.
The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.
As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.
Procedural Motion
4179 |
RESOLVED (Garrard/Siviero)
That the request to attend the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 27 February 2023 via remote means submitted by Councillor Wearne due to personal reasons be accepted. |
SUBJECT: Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13 February 2023
4180 |
RESOLVED (Noack/Bradley)
That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting. |
There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.
8. Minutes of the Lord Mayor
8.1 |
SUBJECT Condolence Motion: Very Reverend Father Nicholas Tsouloukidis
REFERENCE F2021/02779 - D08883764
REPORT OF Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
4181 |
RESOLVED (Davis/Valjak)
(a) That Council acknowledge the passing of the Very Rev Fr Nicholas Tsouloukidis on Tuesday 21 February 2023; (b) That a letter of condolence be sent from the Lord Mayor to Fr Nicholas’ family, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and the Hellenic Orthodox Community of Parramatta and Districts; (c) That staff update the background to include more of the incredible story of Fr Nicholas’ life and contributions; and (d) Further, that the Chamber hold a minute’s silence as a gesture of respect on Fr Nicholas’ passing and in recognition of his contributions to the Parramatta community. |
Note |
Council held a minute’s silence |
8.2 |
SUBJECT International Women’s Day 2023
REFERENCE F2021/02779 - D08884319
REPORT OF Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
4182 |
RESOLVED (Davis/Garrard)
(a) That Council note International Women’s Day 2023 is taking place on Wednesday 8 March, and this year’s global United Nations Women theme is “Embrace Equity” acknowledging the aim for a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. The day celebrates women's achievements whilst raising awareness about discrimination and progress towards gender parity.
(b) That Council note that to celebrate International Women’s Day in 2023, the City of Parramatta is running a series of events showcasing women’s leadership and influence in our community.
(c) Further, that Council note the ongoing work being undertaken by the City of Parramatta to promote gender equality and prevent domestic and family violence. |
8.3 |
SUBJECT Holi Festival of Colours 2023
REFERENCE F2021/02779 - D08884369
REPORT OF Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
4183 |
RESOLVED (Davis/Pandey)
(a) That Council acknowledge the Holi Festival of Colours, an annual Hindu celebration held on 8 March 2023 marking the start of spring and new beginnings; (b) Further, that Council extend our best wishes to those across our City celebrating the Holi festival with family and friends. |
Note: Councillor Patricia Prociv left the meeting at 7:04PM.
Suspension of Standing Orders
4184 |
RESOLVED (Garrard/Siviero)
That an urgent motion in relation to the sporting facilities amenity audit for female players be heard. |
Matter of Urgency
4185 |
RESOLVED (Garrard/Siviero)
That the Lord Mayor ruled the matter was urgent in accordance with clause 9.3 of the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice. |
SUBJECT Sporting Facilities Amenity Audit - Female Friendly FROM Councillor Michelle Garrard |
4186 |
RESOLVED (Garrard/Valjak)
(a) That Council conduct an audit of the LGA’s sporting park amenity blocks, identifying whether they are adequate to accommodate female players and female and male players at the same time and the audit to include facilities for match officials as well.
(b) That a report be commissioned to Council identifying the outcomes of the audit within 3 months.
(c) That the audit includes an estimate of the capital works for each facility and funding source.
(d) Further, that the Policy Committee consider developing a policy relating to an equal access sporting amenities policy. |
Note: Questions were taken on notice for this item.
Procedural Motion
4187 |
RESOLVED (Maclean/Esber)
That the request to attend the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 27 February 2023 via remote means submitted by Councillor Prociv due to technical challengers in the chamber be accepted. |
Note: Councillor Patricia Prociv returned to the meeting via remote means at 7:26PM.
Resumption of Standing Orders
4188 |
RESOLVED (Esber/Noack)
That Council resume the Standing Orders. |
9. Public Forum
There were no public forums submitted for this meeting.
10. Petitions
10.1 |
SUBJECT Mixed-Use Land on Burroway Road, Wentworth Point FROM Paul Noack |
A petition signed by the public was tabled at the Council Meeting and reads:
We the undersigned call on Council to ensure the Mixed-Use Land on Burroway Road, Wentworth Point, currently owned by the NSW Government (Transport of NSW) be handed back to the local community and not be used for residential development, as
1. We need to ensure the promised Peninsula Park is 3.9 hectares, and the planned school oval is not included in this 2. Our community needs additional space for playing fields, sporting and recreational facilities, childcare facilities, a dog park, children’s playground etc. 3. Need to protect our precincts environment, in particular the coastal saltmarsh and Grey Mangrove ecology as well as migratory birds that utilise the bird sanctuaries of Haslams Creek and Parramatta River
We therefore call on Council to not allow the new application by Landcom, as this will be detrimental to the future planning of the growing Wentworth Point community.
We also call on Council to Lobby both the NSW Government and opposition to demand its vital land be handed back to the community, consistent with the previous unanimous decision by Council on this matter. |
10.2 |
SUBJECT Oatlands Development - Benson Road FROM Pierre Esber |
A petition signed by the public was tabled at the Council Meeting and reads:
Save Oatlands |
Note: As a matter of practice, the petition will be referred to the relevant Council officer/s, and a copy of the petition distributed to all Councillors, upon receipt of the petition from the Councillor.
11. Rescission Motions
There were no recission motions tabled at this meeting.
12. Reports to Council - For Notation
12.1 |
SUBJECT Investment Report for January 2023
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08854124
REPORT OF Tax and Treasury Accountant
4189 |
RESOLVED (Esber/MacLean)
That Council receive and note the Investment Report for January 2023. |
13. Reports to Council - For Council Decision
13.1 |
SUBJECT Quarterly Budget Review - December 2022
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08852334
REPORT OF Financial Planning and Analysis Manager
4190 |
RESOLVED (Wearne/Darley)
(a) That Council adopt the December 2022 Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) and the Responsible Accounting Officer’s report on the financial position of the Council (Attachment 1).
(b) Further, that Council approve the revised budget for the 2022/23 financial year: i) Net operating result (including capital) of $92.6m ii) capital revenue of $84.4m iii) capital expenditure of $242.1m. |
13.2 |
SUBJECT Post Exhibition: Planning Proposal and Draft Planning Agreement for 263-273 & 279R Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08780776
APPLICANT/S Karimbla Construction Services (NSW) Pty Ltd
OWNERS Karimbla Properties (No. 61) Pty Ltd REPORT OF Project Officer Land Use
4191 |
RESOLVED (Esber/Valjak)
(a) That Council receives and notes submissions (Table 4 of LPP report at Attachment 3) made during the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal and draft Planning Agreement for 263-273 & 279R Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford.
(b) That Council approve the Planning Proposal (Attachment 1) for land at 263 - 273 & 279R Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford for finalisation that seeks to amend the Parramatta (former The Hills) Local Environmental Plan 2012 to facilitate retail floor space, neighbourhood supermarket along with specialty retail, business and recreational uses in the R4 High Density Residential zoned part of the site through the following measures:
i. Addition of shops, food and drink premises, business premises and recreational facility (indoor) as additional permitted uses (limited to a maximum of 2,000sqm) to Schedule 1; and
ii. Addition of 263-273 & 279R Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford to the Additional Permitted Uses Map to facilitate retail floor space, neighbourhood supermarket along with specialty retail, business, and recreational uses. (c) That Council approve the Planning Agreement at Attachment 2 amended as referred to in this report and the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign/execute the Planning Agreement on behalf of Council which proposes: i. A shared walking/cycling pathway through Council owned Shirley Street Reserve which forms part of the connection to the Carlingford Light Rail stop; and
ii. A raised pedestrian crossing accommodating cyclists and pedestrians on Shirley Street.
(d) That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the plan making delegations as granted by the Gateway Determination for this Planning Proposal.
(e) Further, that Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan amendment process relating to the Planning Proposal and finalisation of the Planning Agreement.
DIVISION A division was called, the result being:-
AYES: Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, Esber, Garrard, Green, Humphries, Maclean, Noack, Pandey, Prociv, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne
13.3 |
SUBJECT Post Exhibition - Finalisation of the Riverside Theatre Planning Proposal following consideration of submissions received during the Public Exhibition Period
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08826680
REPORT OF Senior Project Officer
4192 |
RESOLVED (Maclean/Darley)
That Council notes that Item 13.3 has been superseded by Item 13.3A. |
13.3A |
SUBJECT LATE REPORT: Post Exhibition - Finalisation of the Riverside Theatre Planning Proposal following consideration of submissions received during the Public Exhibition Period
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08872657
REPORT OF Senior Project Officer
4193 |
RESOLVED (Maclean/Darley)
The Local Planning Panel (LPP) advice is consistent with Council Officers’ recommendation within Item 13.3 of the 27 February 2023 Council Business Paper relating to the outcome of the public exhibition of the Riverside Theatre Planning Proposal.
Recommendation (c) from Item 13.3 has been updated to reflect the LPP’s advice: a) That Council note that a total number of 31 submissions were made in response to the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal which are summarised at Attachment 1.
b) That Council approve the Planning Proposal at Attachment 2 for the purposes of it being forwarded to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) for finalisation. c) That Council note the LPP advice relating to the outcome of the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal from its meeting of 15 February 2023 that supported Council Officers’ recommendation contained in (a), (b) and (d). d) Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan finalisation process, relating to the Planning Proposal.
In accordance with section 375A of the Local Government Act a Division of votes is recorded on this planning matter.
DIVISION A division was called, the result being: -
AYES: Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, Esber, Garrard, Green, Humphries, Maclean, Noack, Pandey, Prociv, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne
Note: A question was taken on notice for this item.
14. Notices of Motion
14.1 |
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08868685
FROM Councillor Georgina Valjak
4194 |
RESOLVED (Valjak/Wang)
(a) That Council acknowledges the continued investment and support by the State Government in awarding $170 million from the WestInvest Community round and $29.7 million from the Local Government round to City of Parramatta which will be delivered regardless of the State election outcome.
(b) That Council note that the Westinvest funding follows over $4 billion invested by the State government over the past 12 years in infrastructure investment.
(c) That Council brings back a report to Council on the impact of the $199.7 million WestInvest funding to City of Parramatta.
(d) Further, that Council thanks all staff for their work in submitting high calibre business cases that contributed to the successful projects being awarded – this is an outstanding achievement for City of Parramatta Council which will be able to deliver these transformational projects across our LGA for our Community. |
Note: Clr Darley left the Chamber at 7:52pm and returned at 7:54pm during consideration of Item 14.1. |
14.2 |
SUBJECT NOTICE OF MOTION: Accelerated Infrastructure Funding
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08868775
FROM Councillor Georgina Valjak
4195 |
RESOLVED (Valjak/Garrard) (a) That Council acknowledges the continued investment and support by the State Government in awarding six projects through the Accelerated Infrastructure Fund (AIF) – Round 3 at $27.54 million to the City of Parramatta Council.
(b) That Council brings back a report to Council on the impact of the $27.54 million AIF funding to City of Parramatta.
(c) Further, that Council thanks staff for their work in submitting high calibre business cases that contributed to the successful projects being awarded – this is an outstanding achievement for Council. |
15. Questions with Notice
15.1 |
SUBJECT Questions Taken on Notice - 13 February 2023 Council Meeting
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08869828
REPORT OF Governance Manager
1. Paragraph 9.23 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice states:
“Where a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is unable to respond to the question at the meeting at which it is put, they may take it on notice and report the response to the next meeting of the Council.”
Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections
During discussion on Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections, Councillor Esber asked the following question:
By September this year, Council has to submit to the NSW Electoral Commission Council’s new boundaries. Will Council be able to make a submission of where the pre-poll would be?
Chief Financial and Information Officer
No. As an integrity agency the NSW Electoral Commission cannot operate under the influence of third parties. Hence to ensure the highest levels of probity and integrity, the Commissioner will determine how the 2024 elections will be conducted, and that includes where and how many polling places and pre-poll venues will be employed.
Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections
During discussion on Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections, Councillor Bradley asked the following question:
Could staff provide the details to the cost estimate given by the NSW Electoral Commission?
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Please refer to Attachment 1.
Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections
During discussion on Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections, Councillor Bradley asked the following question:
It is possible to argue for a one-week pre-poll and rather than two weeks pre-poll. What saving could Council make through a one-week pre-poll?
Chief Financial and Information Officer
The Commissioner is trialing a one-week pre-poll period at next month’s State general election. An analysis will be conducted post-election to determine the benefits or otherwise of a one-week pre-poll period. If it proves beneficial, the Commissioner is open to offering a one-week pre-poll period at the 2024 local government elections. From past experience, a week one pre-poll period offers virtually no savings because the same number of electors chose to vote early, so either larger or additional venues are leased and hence the same number of staff are employed.
Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections
During discussion on Item 13.8 - Administration of the City of Parramatta September 2024 Local Government Elections, Councillor Bradley asked the following question:
Where would the pre-poll locations be and the polling places on election day?
Chief Financial and Information Officer
We won’t start reviewing the number and location of pre-poll and polling place locations for at least another year.
Item 16.1 – Legal Status Report as at 25 December 2022
During discussion on Item 16.1 - Legal Status Report as at 25 December 2022, Councillor Darley asked the following question:
Could officers get back to Council on what cases Council is allowed to report publicly and the format it would be in?
Chief Financial and Information Officer
The outcome of legal cases may be reported publicly. A format is being considered by Council’s Group Manager of Legal Services. |
15.2 |
SUBJECT LATE REPORT: Questions Taken on Notice - 14 November 2022 Council Meeting
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08880386
REPORT OF Governance Manager
1. Paragraph 9.23 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice states:
“Where a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is unable to respond to the question at the meeting at which it is put, they may take it on notice and report the response to the next meeting of the Council.”
During discussion in the Closed Session Councillor Esber asked the following question:
What was the budget for Parramatta Council from few billion dollars allocated in the last Federal budget for road funding?
Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response
Council receives funding from the Australian Government for the ongoing maintenance of existing roads that are under Council’s control and care. The funding is provided under Roads to Recovery Program. The Government committed $2.6 billion to all LGAs across the country for a period of 4 years from FY2019/20 to FY2023/24. There is an ongoing commitment of $500 million each year after FY2023/24. The grant is non-competitive and allocations for local governments is calculated according to a formula on population and road length under the care and control of Council.
City of Parramatta Council has been receiving $ 1,282,352 per year since FY2019/20 and will receive the same amount in FY2023/24. New allocation will be calculated and provided to Council from the ongoing commitment beyond FY2023/24. Funding comes with strict guideline to the programs that can be funded and has stringent reporting requirements. Council utilises the funds for the rehabilitation of local roads in conjunction with Council’s annual roads renewal program.
Similar funding is recently being made available to Council under the Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) grants program. Council received $2,564,704 in FY2022/23 as part of Phase 3 of LRCI and has commitment of $1,282,352 from the phase 4 of LRCI for FY2023/24. These funds are being utilised for road rehabilitation, footpath renewals and upgrade of streetlights. |
Note: Prior to moving into Closed Session, the Lord Mayor invited members of the public gallery to make representations as to why any item had been included in Closed Session. No member of the gallery wished to make representations.
4196 |
RESOLVED (Maclean/Noack)
That members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(s) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:- 16.1 Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment. (D08857645) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. 16.2 REVISED: Technology One - One Council Unsolicited Proposal. (D08859548) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. 16.3 Microsoft Licensing Agreement RRQ Outcome. (D08857524) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
16.1 |
SUBJECT Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08857645
REPORT OF Group Manager Project Delivery
4197 |
RESOLVED (Garrard/Esber)
(a) That Council approve the current increase of $3,084,425 in the value of Walker Corporation Purchase Orders for the delivery of the Parramatta square Public Domain as contained in Paragraph 7.
(b) Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute contracts and sign all necessary documentation required for the completion of the design and construction of the Parramatta Square Public Domain to a maximum value of $54,626,263 allocated from the Property Reserve as detailed at paragraph 5 of this report. |
Note: Questions were taken on notice for this item.
16.2 |
SUBJECT REVISED: Technology One - One Council Unsolicited Proposal
REFERENCE F2023/00276 - D08859548
REPORT OF Chief Technology Officer
4198 |
RESOLVED (Pandey/Garrard)
(a) That Council receive and note the report.
(b) That in accordance with Section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the authority to negotiate directly with Technology One for the provision of an integrated software solution on a Software as a Service platform (as outlined in this report) for the following extenuating circumstances:
1. lack of other local government integrated software solutions with Council’s existing core systems.
2. leveraging existing system capabilities in the Technology One solution.
3. the cost and time burden of proceeding to tender to make a similar assessment for a similar or inferior financial outcome.
(c) That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to appoint a qualified independent probity advisor to oversee the negotiations.
(d) Further, that a report be provided back to Council on the outcomes of the negotiations with Technology One and the concerns raised by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee. |
16.3 |
SUBJECT Microsoft Licensing Agreement RRQ Outcome
REFERENCE F2023/00276 - D08857524
REPORT OF Chief Technology Officer
4199 |
RESOLVED (Pandey/Maclean)
(a) That Council approve entering into a contract agreement with Datacom Systems (AU) Pty Ltd for Council’s Microsoft Licensing Agreement, for a 3-year term commencing the 1st of June 2023.
(b) That Council endorse a 10% budget contingency of $431,500 to allow for potential growth in Microsoft licensing numbers during the term of the contract.
(c) Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute the necessary documentation. |
Procedural Motion
4200 |
RESOLVED (Esber/Maclean)
That the meeting resume in Open Session. |
The Chief Executive Officer read out the resolutions for Items 16.1 to16.3.
The meeting terminated at 8:19pm.
Reports to Council - For Notation
13 March 2023
12.1 Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW......................... 24
12.2 Circa Espresso Cafe - Completed Facade Improvement Grant............... 71
Council 13 March 2023 Item 12.1
SUBJECT Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08866758
REPORT OF Team Leader Building Compliance
workshop/briefing date: NIL
To provide details on the Fire Safety Reports received by Council from Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) in accordance with Schedule 5 Part 8, Clause 17 (2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act 1979)
(a) That Council notes the inspection reports from Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW), pursuant to Schedule 5, Part 8 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) as listed in this report.
(b) That Council note FRNSW are advised in due course of the ongoing actions taken by Council officers to address concerns identified by FRNSW.
(c) That Council note the exercise of powers pursuant to Schedule 5, Part 8 (17) of the EP&A Act, to give fire safety orders addressing fire safety measures to the buildings located at:
1. 12 Station Road, Toongabbie
2. 459-463 Church Street, Parramatta
3. 41 Campbell Street, Parramatta
4. 46 Savona Drive, 7 & 11 Verona Drive, Wentworth Point
5. 1A Morton Street, Parramatta
6. 10-14 Hazlewood Place, Epping
7. 22 Cambridge Street, Epping
8. 42 Cliff Road, Epping
9. 19 Epping Road, Epping
10. 1 Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park
as outlined in this report and provide notice of this determination to the Commissioner of FRNSW.
(d) Further, that Council notes the continuing investigations into matters that are currently ongoing, and will where required, exercise its powers to give fire safety orders addressing the fire safety matters raised by FRNSW.
1. FRNSW is empowered under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) to undertake fire safety inspections of a building. If of the opinion that adequate provision for fire safety has not been made, FRNSW may make recommendations for additional works to be carried out, in a report to Council. Such reports must be tabled at the next meeting of Council.
2. Council is in receipt of twenty inspection reports issued by FRNSW, pursuant to the EP&A Act, regarding the fire safety of buildings located at:
1. 12 Station Road, Toongabbie
2. 459-463 Church Street, Parramatta
3. 41 Campbell Street, Parramatta
4. 46 Savona Drive, 7 & 11 Verona Drive, Wentworth Point
5. 1A Morton Street, Parramatta
6. 10-14 Hazlewood Place, Epping
7. 22 Cambridge Street, Epping
8. 42 Cliff Road, Epping
9. 19 Epping Road, Epping
10. 1 Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park
3. The building located at 12 Station Road, Toongabbie is identified as a single storey bowling and recreational club.
4. The building located at 459-463 Church Street, Parramatta is identified as a part 7 and part 13 storey mixed use building containing retail tenancies along the ground floor and residential units on the upper levels.
5. The building located at 41 Campbell Street, Parramatta is identified as a 3 storey residential building.
6. The three buildings located 46 Savona Drive, 7 & 11 Verona Drive, Wentworth Point are identified as two 8 storey and one 25 storey residential buildings.
7. The building located at 1A Morton Street, Parramatta is identified as a 5 storey residential building.
8. The building located at 10-14 Hazlewood Place, Epping is identified as a 5 storey residential building.
9. The building located at 22 Cambridge Street, Epping is identified three-towner mixed use building, one section is 22 storey, another is 21 storey and the third is a 7 storey containing retail tenancies along the ground floor and residential units on the upper levels.
10. The three buildings located at 42 Cliff Road, Epping are identified as 3 storey residential buildings.
11. The two buildings located at 19 Epping Road, Epping are identified as 5 storey residential buildings.
12. The building located at 1 Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park is identified as a part 16 and part 24 storey mixed use building containing commercial tenancies along the ground floor and residential units on the upper levels.
13. FRNSW is of the opinion that there are inadequate provisions for fire safety within the buildings identified. (See the attached annexures relevant to each premises).
14. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 547109 for the matter relating to the building located at 12 Station Road, Toongabbie.
15. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 547610 for the matter relating to the building located at 459-463 Church Street, Parramatta.
16. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 550940 for the matter relating to the building located at 41 Campbell Street, Parramatta.
17. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 557453 for the matter relating to the building located at 46 Savona Drive, 7 & 11 Verona Drive, Wentworth Point.
18. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 557485 for the matter relating to the building located at 1A Morton Street, Parramatta.
19. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 557468 for the matter relating to the building located at 10- 14 Hazlewood Place, Epping.
20. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 557441 for the matter relating to the building located at 22 Cambridge Street, Epping.
21. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 557444 for the matter relating to the building located at 42 Cliff Road, Epping.
22. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 558413 for the matter relating to the building located at 19 Epping Road, Epping.
23. Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 558411 for the matter relating to the building located at 1 Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park.
Stakeholder Consultation
24. The following stakeholder consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Stakeholder |
Stakeholder Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Councillor Consultation
25. The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Councillor |
Councillor Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
26. FRNSW is empowered under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) to undertake fire safety inspections of a building.
27. Council may instigate legal action regarding enforcing compliance with Orders served relating to fire safety where appropriate.
29. The table below summarises the financial impacts on the budget arising from approval of this report.
FY 22/23 |
FY 23/24 |
FY 24/25 |
FY 25/26 |
Revenue |
Internal Revenue |
External Revenue |
Total Revenue |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Funding Source |
Operating Result |
External Costs |
Internal Costs |
Depreciation |
Other |
Total Operating Result |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Funding Source |
External |
Internal |
Other |
Total CAPEX |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Bernadette Robertson
Team Leader Building Compliance
Michelle Burke
Service Manager Ranger and Parking Services
James Smallson
Acting Executive Director, City Assets and Operations
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 12 Station Road, Toongabbie |
3 Pages |
2⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 459-463 Church Street, Parramatta |
6 Pages |
3⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 41 Campbell Street, Parramatta |
4 Pages |
4⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 46 Savona Drive, 7 & 11 Verona Drive, Wentworth Point |
4 Pages |
5⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 1A Morton Street, Parramatta |
5 Pages |
6⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 10-14 Hazlewood Place, Epping |
4 Pages |
7⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 22 Cambridge Street, Epping |
4 Pages |
8⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 42 Cliff Road, Epping |
4 Pages |
9⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 19 Epping Road, Epping |
3 Pages |
10⇩ |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 1 Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park |
4 Pages |
Letter Out - Inspection Report 46 Savona Drive, 7 & 11 Verona Drive, Wentworth Point |
SUBJECT Circa Espresso Cafe - Completed Facade Improvement Grant
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08871249
REPORT OF Project Officer
workshop/briefing date: NIL
To report back to Council following the completion of works at Circa Espresso Cafe co-funded by City of Parramatta Council through Council’s Façade Improvement Grant.
That Council notes the completion of works through Council’s Façade Improvement Grant by Aisha Holding Pty Ltd (trading as Circa Espresso Café) as shown in the before and after photos provided at Attachment 1.
1. On 27 June 2022, Council endorsed a Façade Improvement Grant of $7,778.10 to co-fund façade improvement works to be completed by Circa Expresso (19-21 Wentworth Street, Parramatta).
2. A funding agreement was signed, and the works were completed in accordance with this agreement (before and after photos provided at Attachment 1).
3. The works included the cleaning, restoration, and repainting of the façade (iron balustrade, gutter & walls). The colours are from the palette prescribed in the report and were recommended by Council’s Heritage Advisor.
4. The resolution required a report be brought back to Council following the completion of façade improvement works.
Stakeholder Consultation
5. The following stakeholder consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Stakeholder |
Stakeholder Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
Ongoing |
Aisha Holdings Pty Ltd |
Ongoing |
Place Services |
Councillor Consultation
6. The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Councillor |
Councillor Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
27 June 2022 |
All |
Action item 10.3 to support the grant was endorsed by Council. |
Place Services |
7. The funding agreement terms have been met by the recipient (Aisha Holdings Pty Ltd) and Council have processed the release of funds.
8. The Façade Improvement Grant has annual budget of $100,000. This approved application is within the allocated annual budget.
Miguel Asuncion
Project Officer
Beth Andean
Place Manager
Ian Woodward
Group Manager Legal Services
Bruce Mills
Acting Executive Director Property & Place
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
Before and After Photos of Circa Espresso Cafe - Facade Improvement Grant |
1 Page |
Reports to Council - For Council Decision
13 March 2023
13.1 Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023 76
13.2 Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023................................................................................................................. 243
13.3 Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan - Amendment No 1 - Phillip Street Block......................................................................................... 268
13.4 Boundary Adjustment between Harris Park & Parramatta...................... 331
13.5 2023 ALGA National General Assembly - Motions.................................. 339
Council 13 March 2023 Item 13.1
SUBJECT Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08824678
REPORT OF Traffic and Transport Manager
workshop/briefing date: Nil
The purpose of this report is to provide Council with the Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on 8 February 2023 and seek Council approval for the recommendations of the Committee.
(a) That Council note the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on 8 February 2023, provided at Attachment 1.
(b) Further, that Council approve the recommendations of the Parramatta Traffic Committee from the meeting held on 8 February 2023 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications for each item.
I. ITEM 2302 A1 Good Street and Alfred Street, Granville – Proposed combined raised pedestrian and cyclist crossings at M4 Cycleway
The estimated cost for the construction of the combined raised pedestrian and cyclist crossings in both Good Street and Alfred Street is $600,000. This project will be 100% funded by the State Government’s Get NSW Active program.
II. ITEM 2302 A2 Intersection of Raymond Street and High Street, Parramatta & Granville – Installation of a raised pedestrian crossing and speed cushions
The estimated cost of the proposed raised pedestrian crossing and speed cushions at the intersection of Raymond Street and High Street, Parramatta and Granville is $262,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program.
III. ITEM 2302 A3 John Ian Wing Parade at Louise Sauvage Pathway, Sydney Olympic Park – Installation of raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing
The estimated cost of the proposed raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing in John Ian Wing Parade at Louise Sauvage Pathway, Sydney Olympic Park is $240,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 State Government Get NSW Active Program.
IV. ITEM 2302 A4 Bulli Road and Binalong Road, Toongabbie – Installation of speed cushions
The cost estimate for the proposed speed cushions at all approaches to the roundabout at the intersection of Bulli Road and Binalong Road, Toongabbie is $16,000. This project is 100% funded by Federal Government’s Black Spot Programs in 2022/23. Accordingly, there will not be any direct impact on Council’s budgets.
V. ITEM 2302 A5 Victoria Street at Bridge Street, Epping – Installation of raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing
The estimated cost of the proposed raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing in Bridge Street south of Victoria Street, Epping is $250,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 State Government Get NSW Active Program.
VI. ITEM 2302 A6 Albion Street, Harris Park – Installation of speed humps
The estimated cost of the proposed installation of three (3) speed humps with associated signage and pavement markings is $50,000. This project is to be funded from Council’s Ward Initiative, PTC Traffic Facilities funds, and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Block Grant fund
VII. ITEM 2302 A7 Bennelong Parkway at The Piazza, Wentworth Point – Installation of a blister island and changes to linemarking
The estimated cost of the proposed installation of rumble bars and traffic delineators, and alteration of pavement markings is $7,500. This project is 100% funded by Council from its Ward Initiative Funds in 2022/23.
VIII. ITEM 2302 A8 Slough Avenue, Silverwater – Proposed Speed Humps and Angle Parking
The estimated construction cost of the proposed speed humps and angle parking is approximately $90,000 plus overheads such as labour and site set up costs. These works will be funded as part of the upgrade of Newington Reserve which has an approved budget allocation of $7.27 million within Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan plus additional grant funding of $6.02 million from various sources including Football NSW – Let’s Light up Football fund, NSW Office of Sport: Greater Cities Sports Facility Fund 2021/22 and NSW Office of Sport: Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund 2021/22.
IX. ITEM 2302 A9 Dunlop Street, First Avenue, Ryde Street – Proposed Shared Paths, Kerb Build Out, and Raised Pedestrian and Cyclist Crossings
The total estimated cost of construction of this project including paths, lighting and crossings is $1.25 million ex GST for all the works. It is intended to commence construction when funding for the project becomes available.
X. ITEM 2302 A10 Asquith Street, Beaconsfield Street and Stubbs Street, Silverwater – Installation of median islands and speed cushions
The estimated cost for the construction of the median island and speed cushions in Asquith Street, Stubbs Street, and Beaconsfield Street, Silverwater is $160,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program.
1. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is legislated as the organisation responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in New South Wales under the Road Transport (Safety & Traffic Management) Act 1999. To deal with the large number and range of traffic related matters effectively, TfNSW has delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on local roads to councils. TfNSW has retained both the control of traffic on the State's classified road network and the control of traffic signals on all roads.
2. The TfNSW Delegation to Councils limits the types of prescribed traffic control devices and traffic control facilities that Council can authorise and imposes certain conditions on councils. One of these conditions requires councils to obtain the advice of TfNSW and the Police prior to proceeding with any proposal. This is most commonly achieved by councils establishing a Local Traffic Committee.
3. The Committee is composed of four formal members each with one vote. These four members are a representative from Council, the Police, TfNSW and the Local State Member of Parliament or their nominee. The Parramatta Traffic Committee is an advisory body only, having no decision making powers. It is, primarily, a technical review committee that is required to advise the Council on traffic related matters referred to it by Council. In general, Council makes the decision, however, the Police and TfNSW can appeal Council’s decision to the Regional Traffic Committee.
4. The most recent meeting of the Parramatta Traffic Committee was held on 8 February 2023. The meeting was attended by Councillors Paul Noack (Chairperson) and Henry Green. The minutes of that meeting and the reports to that meeting are in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 of this report.
The recommendations from the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting are provided below.
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
i. That Council approve the construction of a new combined raised pedestrian and cyclists crossing with associated signs and linemarking in Good Street, Granville at the M4 Cycleway as shown in Figure 3 of this report.
ii. That Council approve the construction of a new combined raised pedestrian and cyclists crossing with associated signs and linemarking in Alfred Street, Granville at the M4 Cycleway as shown in Figure 5 of this report.
iii. That recommendation 1-2 is subject to the detailed design of the combined raised pedestrian and cyclists crossing being approved by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) prior to the commencement of construction.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
i. That a raised pedestrian crossing with associated signs and pavement markings be installed in High Street north of Raymond Street, Parramatta as shown in the attached sketch.
ii. That speed cushions (1.6m to 1.9m wide x 2m long) with associated ‘25km/h’ and ‘Speed Hump’ signs be installed on the westbound, eastbound, and northbound approaches to the roundabout at the intersection of Raymond Street and High Street, Parramatta & Granville as shown in the attached sketch.
iii. That detailed design plans for the raised pedestrian crossing in High Street north of Raymond Street as referred to in recommendation 1 above be submitted to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for approval prior to commencement of construction.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
i. That a raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing with associated signs and pavement markings be installed in John Ian Wing Parade at Louise Sauvage Pathway, Sydney Olympic Park as shown in the attached sketch.
ii. That detailed design plans for the raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing as referred in recommendation 1 above be submitted to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for approval prior to commencement of construction.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
i. That the installation of speed cushions on all approaches to the roundabout at the intersection of Bulli Road and Binalong Road, Toongabbie as shown on the plan attached to the report be approved.
ii. That PS-2 Bicycle Pavement Markings be installed on all approaches to the proposed speed cushions in Binalong Road and Bulli Road.
iii. That the detailed design plans for the proposed speed cushions as referred to in recommendations 1-2 be provided to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for review prior to installation.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
i. That a raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing with associated signs and pavement markings be installed in Victoria Street south of Bridge Street, Epping as shown in the attached sketch.
ii. That the existing ‘Stop’ restriction with associated ‘Stop (TF)’ line and ‘Stop’ sign be replaced with a ‘Give Way’ restriction with associated ‘Give Way (TB)’ line and ‘Give Way’ sign as shown in the attached sketch.
iii. That detailed design plans for the raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing as referred in recommendation 1 above be submitted to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for approval prior to commencement of construction.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
That the installation of three (3) Watts profile speed humps in Albion Street, Harris Park as shown in the plan attached to the report be approved.
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
That the existing pavement markings be altered, and rubber blister island with Chevron Alignment Marker’ sign be installed on Bennelong Parkway west of The Piazza, Wentworth Point to provide deflection on the eastbound approach of the roundabout as shown on the plan attached to the report.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
i. That Council construct two speed humps in Slough Avenue, Silverwater at the northern and southern ends of Newington Reserve as shown in the plan attached to this report.
ii. That Council construct angle parking including two disabled parking spaces on the eastern side of Slough Avenue, Silverwater along the frontage of Newington Reserve as shown in the plan attached to this report.
iii. That recommendations 1-2 be completed as part of the project to upgrade Newington Reserve.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
i. That Council approve the construction of a separated shared path and footpath on the northern verge of Dunlop Street between Hermington Street and Neil Street, and the eastern verge of First Avenue between Dunlop Street and Grimes Lane, Epping as shown on the plan attached to the report.
ii. That Council approve the construction of a shared path on the northern verge of Dunlop Street between Neil Street and Ryde Street, and western verge of Ryde Street between Wyralla Avenue and Dunlop Street, Epping as shown on the plan attached to the report.
iii. That Council approve the construction of a raised pedestrian and cyclist crossings of Neil Street and Park Street at Dunlop Street, and Dunlop Street at First Avenue, Epping as shown on the plan attached to the report.
iv. That Council approve the construction of a kerb buildout on the western side of Ryde Street at Wyralla Avenue, Epping as shown on the plan attached to the report.
v. That recommendations 1 to 4 are subject to the funding being secured.
vi. That recommendations 1 to 4 are subject to the detail design of the proposal being submitted to Transport for NSW for approval prior to commencement of construction.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Parramatta Traffic Committee:
That Council install speed cushions and construct median islands in Asquith Street, Silverwater with associated signs and linemarking on both its approaches to Stubbs Street as shown in the plan attached to this report.
i. That Council install speed cushions and construct median islands in Asquith Street, Silverwater with associated signs and linemarking on both its approaches to Melton Street North as shown in the plan attached to this report.
ii. That Council install speed cushions with associated signs and linemarking on all approaches to the existing roundabout at the intersection of Beaconsfield Street and Stubbs Street as shown in the plan attached to this report.
iii. That Council install PS-2 Cyclists Pavement Markings in Stubbs Street at the approaches to the intersections
Unanimous support
5. Details of the consultation undertaken with the Community, Agencies and Councillors for each item, are included in Attachment 2 and Attachment 3.
6. There are no legal implications for Council associated with any of the items in this report
7. The financial comments for each item are provided below
2302 A1 |
The estimated cost for the construction of the combined raised pedestrian and cyclist crossings in both Good Street and Alfred Street is $600,000. This project will be 100% funded by the State Government’s Get NSW Active program.
2302 A2 |
The estimated cost of the proposed raised pedestrian crossing and speed cushions at the intersection of Raymond Street and High Street, Parramatta restriction is $262,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program
2302 A3 |
The estimated cost of the proposed raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing in John Ian Wing Parade at Louise Sauvage Pathway, Sydney Olympic Park is $240,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 State Government Get NSW Active Program
2302 A4 |
The cost estimate for the proposed speed cushions at all approaches to the roundabout at the intersection of Bulli Road and Binalong Road, Toongabbie is $16,000. This project is 100% funded by Federal Government’s Black Spot Programs in 2022/23. Accordingly, there will not be any direct impact on Council’s budgets.
2302 A5 |
The estimated cost of the proposed raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing in Bridge Street south of Victoria Street, Epping is $250,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 State Government Get NSW Active Program.
2302 A6 |
The estimated cost of the proposed installation of three (3) speed humps with associated signage and pavement markings is $50,000. This project is to be funded from Council’s Ward Initiative, PTC Traffic Facilities funds, and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Block Grant fund
2302 A7 |
The estimated cost of the proposed installation of rumble bars and traffic delineators, and alteration of pavement markings is $7,500. This project is 100% funded by Council from its Ward Initiative Funds in 2022/23.
2302 A8 |
The estimated construction cost of the proposed speed humps and angle parking is approximately $90,000 plus overheads such as labour and site set up costs. These works will be funded as part of the upgrade of Newington Reserve which has an approved budget allocation of $7.27 million within Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan plus additional grant funding of $6.02 million from various sources including Football NSW – Let’s Light up Football fund, NSW Office of Sport: Greater Cities Sports Facility Fund 2021/22 and NSW Office of Sport: Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund 2021/22.
2302 A9 |
The total estimated cost of construction of this project including paths, lighting and crossings is $1.25 million ex GST for all the works. It is intended to commence construction when funding for the project becomes available.
2302 A10 |
The estimated cost for the construction of the median island and speed cushions at the intersections of Asquith Street and Stubbs Street, Asquith Street and Melton Street North, and Beaconsfield Street and Stubbs Street, Silverwater is $160,000. This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program.
8. There are no financial impacts on the budget arising from approval of this report as summarised in the table below.
FY 22/23 |
FY 23/24 |
FY 24/25 |
FY 25/26 |
Revenue |
Internal Revenue |
External Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Operating Result |
External Costs |
Internal Costs |
Depreciation |
Other |
Total Operating Result |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
External |
Internal |
Other |
Total CAPEX |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Richard Searle
Traffic and Transport Manager
Mark Leotta
Group Manager - Development and Traffic Services
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Jennifer Concato
Executive Director City Planning and Design
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
PTC 2302 Approved Minutes for the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
9 Pages |
2⇩ |
PTC 2302 Reports of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
137 Pages |
3⇩ |
PTC 2302 Attachment 3 Consultation and Timing for Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
11 Pages |
Item 13.1 - Attachment 1 |
PTC 2302 Approved Minutes for the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
PTC 2302 Reports of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
PTC 2302 Attachment 3 Consultation and Timing for Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
SUBJECT Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08824746
REPORT OF Traffic and Transport Manager
workshop/briefing date: Nil
That Council consider the minutes and approve the recommendations of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023.
(a) That Council note the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023, as provided at Attachment 1.
(b) Further, that Council approve the recommendations of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held 8 February 2023 as provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications of each item.
This report only provides an update on the proposed traffic improvements and other proposed works on Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park. Therefore, this matter has no financial impact upon Council's budget.
There are no financial implications to Council as a result of this report
1. The Traffic Engineering Advisory Group (TEAG) is similar to the Parramatta Traffic Committee, except that it only involves matters that do not invoke the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Delegation to Councils. The TEAG does not have the formal voting process that Parramatta Traffic Committee has. It is primarily a technical review committee that advises Council on traffic related matters. TEAG also considers items where TfNSW maintains its control, such as speed limits, clearways and traffic signals, or items for which TfNSW does not have control such as planning of future projects.
2. The most recent meeting of the TEAG was held on 8 February 2023. Councillors in attendance were Paul Noack (Chairperson) and Henry Green. The minutes of that meeting and the reports to that meeting are in Attachments 1 and 2 of this report.
3. The recommendations from the TEAG meeting are provided below.
Recommendation from Traffic Engineering Advisory Group:
That Council note the updates regarding the proposed improvements on Hill Road, Wentworth Point.
Unanimous support
Recommendation from Traffic Engineering Advisory Group:
1. That the information regarding progress on 2022/23 funded projects be received and noted.
2. That the Projects Lists for proposed traffic works be received and noted.
3. That Council note that no traffic projects have been completed since the last TEAG meeting.
Unanimous support
4. Details of the consultation undertaken with Agencies and Councillors for each item considered at the meeting are included in Attachment 3. No community consultation was required
5. There are no legal implications for Council associated with any of the items in this report
6. The financial comments for each item are provided below
2302 B1 |
This report only provides an update on the proposed traffic improvements and other proposed works on Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park. Therefore, this matter has no financial impact upon Council's budget.
2302 B2 |
There are no financial implications to Council as a result of this report
7. There are no financial impacts on the budget arising from approval of this report as summarised in the table below.
FY 22/23 |
FY 23/24 |
FY 24/25 |
FY 25/26 |
Revenue |
Internal Revenue |
External Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Operating Result |
External Costs |
Internal Costs |
Depreciation |
Other |
Total Operating Result |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
External |
Internal |
Other |
Total CAPEX |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Richard Searle
Traffic and Transport Manager
Mark Leotta
Group Manager - Development and Traffic Services
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Jennifer Concato
Executive Director City Planning and Design
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
TEAG 2302 Approved Minutes for the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
3 Pages |
2⇩ |
TEAG 2302 Reports of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held 8 February 2023 |
16 Pages |
3⇩ |
TEAG 2302 Attachment 3 Consultation and Timing for Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
2 Pages |
Item 13.2 - Attachment 1 |
TEAG 2302 Approved Minutes for the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
TEAG 2302 Reports of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held 8 February 2023 |
TEAG 2302 Attachment 3 Consultation and Timing for Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 February 2023 |
SUBJECT Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan - Amendment No 1 - Phillip Street Block
REFERENCE F2023/00371 - D08858884
REPORT OF Project Officer
workshop/briefing date: NIL
To seek Council endorsement to amend the Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan to make land parcels within the ‘Phillip Street Block’ subject to the higher contribution percentage rates applying to development within the City Centre for the purposes of public exhibition.
(a) That Council approves the amendment to the Draft Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Amendment No 1) at Attachment 1 for the purposes of public exhibition.
(b) That Council notes the Contributions Plan will be publicly exhibited for 28 days on Council’s website as required by Section 213 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, and that affected landowners within the Phillip Street block will be additionally notified by mail of the exhibition.
(c) Further, that the results of the public exhibition be reported back to Council for its consideration.
1. The Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (the “Contributions Plan”) is a key funding mechanism to enable delivery of local infrastructure within the Parramatta City Centre. The Contributions Plan allows Council to apply a condition of consent to development within the City Centre that requires monetary contributions that will be committed towards funding the items specified in the Works Schedule.
2. Currently, the Contributions Plan applies different percentage rates to parts of the City Centre, as set out in the Table and Figure A below. These percentage rates reflect Council’s original intention to apply higher rates to those areas that received some form of increase in development yield under the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal (“CBD Planning Proposal”).
Maximum percentage rate* for development exceeding $250,000 |
If the land is in “Area A” |
3% of the development cost for all development |
If the land is not in “Area A” |
5% of the development cost for residential accommodation
5% of the development cost for mixed-use development (being development including residential accommodation and other land uses)
4% of the development cost for other development (excluding residential accommodation). |
* Rates enabled through Section 209 of the Environmental
Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 (the Regulation).
Figure A – Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 Land Application Map (Figure 2 of the Contributions Plan). Land within the Phillip Street block, which will be the subject of this amendment, is shown edged in red.
3. Land within the Phillip Street block (outlined in red in Figure A above) as well as land north of the Parramatta River was:
a. originally part of the post-exhibition CBD Planning Proposal endorsed by Council on 15 June 2021 and sent to the Department of Planning and Environment (“the Department”) to finalise; and
b. part of the supporting post-exhibition Contributions Plan endorsed by Council on 25 October 2021 and sent to the Department for Ministerial approval to amend the Regulation to enable application of the higher percentage rates to the area subject to the CBD Planning Proposal.
Finalisation of the CBD Planning Proposal and implications for the Contributions Plan
4. Following an assessment process by officers from the Department, several key policy changes were made to the version of the CBD Planning Proposal endorsed by Council on 15 June 2021, including removing land from the proposal within the Phillip Street block and north of the Parramatta River for further review.
5. The Department finalised the CBD Planning Proposal on 6 May 2022 through notification of the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (Amendment No 56) on the NSW Legislation website. The plan formally took effect on 14 October 2022 at the same time as the commencement of the new Contributions Plan and amended Regulation.
6. In early May 2022, close to when Amendment 56 was notified, Council received a letter from the Minister of Planning requesting a review of the previously Council-approved, but not commenced, Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan. At that stage, the Contributions Plan had not yet commenced as it was awaiting final approvals from the Minister of Planning to amend the Regulation.
7. In response to the letter from the Minister for Planning, the Contributions Plan was amended and land generally north of the Parramatta River and within the Phillip Street block was identified as being in “Area A”, as shown at Figure A above, and retain the 3% levy. The amended Contributions Plan was approved by Council on 14 June 2022 and re-submitted to the Department to progress their approvals and amendment to the Regulation.
8. On 25 July 2022 Council considered a report to establish Council’s response to the key policy changes made by the Department to the CBD Planning Proposal, with Council resolving to request re-consideration of several matters, including the planning controls for the Phillip Street block.
9. In response, the Department published State Environmental Planning Policy (Parramatta CBD) (No 2) 2022 (SEPP 2) on 16 December 2022 and land within the Phillip Street block was removed from “Area A” on the Special Provisions Area Map and, consequently, became subject to the application of the controls consistent with the remainder of the City Centre. The changes made via SEPP 2 that introduce increases to height and floor space ratio controls to land within the Phillip Street block will come into effect on 30 June 2023. The changes to the controls are as follows, and include the 15% incentives for design excellence awarded under Clause 7.13(2):
Area as identified on Additional Local Provisions Map (subject properties in italics) |
Current Controls |
Controls applying from 30 June 2023 |
Area 2 (60 Phillip St) |
Height of Buildings: 92m (approx. 29 storeys)
FSR: 6.9:1 |
Height of Buildings: part 0, part 105m (approx. 34 storeys) FSR: 10.745:1 |
Area 4 (66 to 94-96 Phillip St) |
Height of Buildings: 92m (approx. 29 storeys)
FSR: 6.9:1 |
Height of Buildings: part 0m, part 7m, part 105m (approx. 34 storeys) FSR: 9.745:1 |
Statutory Maps showing the arrangement of these controls are already available on the Planning Portal for Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011.
Rationale for the proposed amendments to the Contributions Plan
10. To ensure consistency with the remainder of the City Centre that has already obtained increases in height and floor space ratio controls under PLEP Amendment 56, the Contribution Plan needs to be amended to enable Council to apply the increased contributions rates to the Phillip Street block.
11. Additionally, the Regulation needs to be amended as it identifies the land to which the 5% or 4% rates can be imposed at Section 209. The Regulation specifically refers to the Plan “adopted by the City of Parramatta Council on 14 June 2022” for the purposes of applying the percentage rates under this Section. Consequently, if the Regulation is not also amended then Council cannot charge the higher rates to future development within the Phillip Street block despite removing it from “Area A” in this draft Plan.
12. This amendment to the Contributions Plan is necessary because of the changes to the City Centre controls brought about by SEPP 2. The extent of the change proposed by this amendment is to update Figure 2 of the draft Contributions Plan to remove the “Area A” designation from the Phillip Street block. This proposed change is shown in its entirety in the updated Figure B below; and the comparison focusing on the Phillip Street block is shown in detail at Figure C, below.
Figure C – Focused area showing the extent of the change to the Phillip Street block (edged in red) with the existing Plan on the left and the proposed change on the right.
13. No other changes are proposed as part of this amendment to the Contributions Plan (at Attachment 1). The remaining areas of the City Centre that are subject to “Area A” remain as-is; and no changes are proposed to the Works Schedule or other aspects of the Contributions Plan’s operation.
14. Importantly, successful completion of this amendment and the amendment to the Regulation is time-sensitive. With the increased heights and floor space ratio controls coming into effect for the Phillip Street block on 30 June 2023, Council must be ready to apply the increased section 7.12 rates to that area, otherwise it foregoes additional income to fund local infrastructure that is attributable to increases to planning controls in that area beyond those currently under LEP 2011 if an application was lodged and approved before the plan amendment comes into force.
15. If the Contributions Plan at Attachment 1 is adopted and Regulation amended before the commencement of the controls at the Phillip Street block on 30 June 2023, future development in that block will be subject to the higher percentage rates consistent with the remainder of the City Centre. With the increased floor space ratios for commercial floor space as part of a mixed-use development, the additional commercial floor space could theoretically result in $5.36M in contributions under the 5% mixed-use percentage rate, compared to an estimated $3.22M under the existing 3% rate – an increase of $1.14M.
16. These income estimates are based on an increase in commercial floor space of approximately 26,820sqm under the proposed Clause 7.25B of SEPP 2; and a development cost of $4,000/sqm. It also assumes the full development yield under the SEPP is taken up. The timing for receipt of the income is, however, entirely contingent on the sites being redeveloped and is unknown.
17. Additionally, the amendment to the Contribution Plan will ensure consistency in the application of the contributions plan across those areas of the City Centre that have been given increases to height and floor space ratio controls either as part of Amendment 56 or the two SEPPs that followed, i.e.:
a. SEPP (Parramatta CBD) No 1, published on 30 September 2022, reinstated controls to allow unlimited commercial floor space for land zoned B3 Commercial Core – consistent with Council’s original endorsed position.
b. SEPP (Parramatta CBD) No 2, published 16 December 2022, reinstated some nominated floor space for some B4 Mixed Use land, including land within the Phillip Street block.
Stakeholder Consultation
18. The draft Contributions Plan at Attachment 1 is proposed to be publicly exhibited for a period of 28 days. As required by Section 213 of the Regulation, details of the exhibition including the draft Contribution Plan will be made available on Council’s website through the Participate Parramatta portal. Copies of the draft Plan will be made available at the Customer Service Centre and central library branch at Phive.
19. Additionally, land owners within the Phillip Street block (as identified in Figure B of this report) will be notified by mail advising of the public exhibition. As this proposed amendment does not alter other operational aspects of the Contributions Plan, nor does it seek to change the Works Schedule, wider consultation is not recommended given the nature and time-sensitivity of this amendment to have it in place by 30 June 2023.
Councillor Consultation
20. The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Councillor |
Councillor Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
21. A further report will be brought to Council following the exhibition of the draft Plan.
22. There are no legal implications for Council associated with this report.
23. If Council resolves to approve this report in accordance with the recommendation, there are no unbudgeted financial implications for Council’s budget. Costs associated with the public exhibition of the contributions plan will be funded from existing Strategic Land Use Planning budget allocations.
24. It should be noted that if the Contributions Plan comes into effect along with the changes to the Regulation, an estimated increase in contributions income of $1.14M is theoretically possible as discussed in paragraph 15 to this Report.
25. The table below summarises the financial impacts on the budget arising from approval of this report.
FY 22/23 |
FY 23/24 |
FY 24/25 |
FY 25/26 |
Revenue |
Internal Revenue |
External Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Funding Source |
Operating Result |
External Costs |
Internal Costs |
Depreciation |
Other |
Total Operating Result |
Funding Source |
External |
Internal |
Other |
Total CAPEX |
David Hewetson
Project Officer
Adrian Ellis
Land Use Planning Team Leader
Janelle Scully
Land Use Planning Team Leader
Robert Cologna
Group Manager, Strategic Land Use Planning
Jennifer Concato
Executive Director City Planning and Design
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
Attachment 1 - Draft City Centre Section 7.12 Plan Amendment No 1 |
55 Pages |
SUBJECT Boundary Adjustment between Harris Park & Parramatta
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08854441
REPORT OF Senior Project Officer Place Services
workshop/briefing date: Rosehill Ward Councillor Briefing 6 February 2023.
To seek Council’s endorsement to refuse a request from the developers of ‘Parkes 88’ at 14-20 Parkes Street, Harris Park (ALAND Development) for Council to commence the boundary adjustment process to realign the suburb boundary between Parramatta and Harris Park to include properties north of Parkes Street, Harris Park.
(a) That Council refuse the request from the developers of ‘Parkes 88’ at 14-20 Parkes Street, Harris Park (ALAND Development) for Council to commence the boundary adjustment process to realign the suburb boundary between Parramatta and Harris Park to include properties north of Parkes Street, Harris Park.
(b) Further, that ALAND Development be notified of Council’s decision.
1. In late September 2020, ALAND Development on behalf of the ‘Parkes 88’ development at 14-20 Parkes Street, Harris Park, submitted to Council’s CBD Planning Team a boundary request change between the suburbs of Harris Park and Parramatta.
a. At the time, Council’s CBD Planning team were exhibiting the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal. The land at the ‘Parkes 88’ development site was shown by Council as being within the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal Land Application Map which comprises land parcels within both the Parramatta and Harris Park suburbs (refer to Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal Land Application Map - Attachment 1).
b. ALAND Development, on behalf of the ‘Parkes 88’ development, sought Council’s support to include 14-20 Parkes Street, Harris Park, in an amended Parramatta suburb boundary as the site was identified within the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal.
c. At the time, Council’s CBD Planning Team advised that “The CBD Planning Proposal does not intend to, and cannot make changes to, suburb boundaries or names. The CBD Planning Proposal is only seeking to amend planning controls under Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.”
d. As a boundary adjustment to realign the suburb boundary between Parramatta and Harris Park to include properties north of Parkes Street, Harris Park was not supported by officers, the developers of ‘Parkes 88’ were advised that the boundary adjustment request was not supported and would not be progressed.
2. The following information is noted regarding the boundary change request submitted on behalf of the developers of ‘Parkes 88’.
a. The Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB) stipulates at 6.8.4. Boundary Definition -
“Address locality boundaries shall be of a reasonable size for practical purposes, such as including a shopping precinct or community school. Within urban areas an ideal size is around 500ha, with a preferred minimum area of 100ha.”
b. The locality size of Harris Park (65 hectares) is already significantly less than the minimum locality size (100 hectares) provided by GNB, whilst the Parramatta locality covers 548 hectares (refer to Site Map - Attachment 2). Altering the northern boundary of Harris Park would further reduce the footprint of the Harris Park locality by approximately 1000 square meters.
c. A further reduction of the locality of Harris Park is contrary to GNB guidelines and, in Council’s experience, unlikely to be supported by GNB. The GNB is the ultimate decision-maker.
d. To date, the Survey and Property Systems Team have not received issues with geo-locating or wayfinding of property addresses with postal deliveries or utilities due to addresses located in Harris Park.
e. Changing locality/suburbs may cause confusion, as this would impact several property owners and businesses which would need to change their address from Harris Park to Parramatta.
f. There is no identified benefit to Council or service delivery to the community in a boundary adjustment to realign the suburb boundary between Parramatta and Harris Park to include properties north of Parkes Street, Harris Park.
3. On 14 October 2022 the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal came into effect as Amendment 56 to the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011.
4. On 3 November 2022, a second request from the developers of ‘Parkes 88’ for a boundary change between Harris Park and Parramatta to include properties north of Parkes Street, Harris Park, was submitted to Council.
a. This new proposal is essentially the same as the September 2020 proposal, except that the developers of ‘Parkes 88’ have completed some elements of community consultation.
b. The partial community consultation completed by the developers of ‘Parkes 88’ does not change the process for a boundary amendment request if Council determined to progress this request with the Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB).
c. The NSW GNB provides guidance for NSW Council’s considering a boundary change request under the provisions of the Geographical Names Act 1966, section 7.1.3 Consulting on a Proposal -
“Address Localities
Under the provisions of the Geographical Names Act 1966, the GNB is responsible for address locality name and boundary determination.
Principles outlined in Chapter 6 - Section 6.8 - Principles of Address Locality Naming shall be followed when creating new or amending existing address locality names/boundaries.
It is recommended that Local Government consult with the immediate community who directly utilise the addresses assigned to sites affected by a boundary change. This includes, but is not limited to, residents, ratepayers and businesses.
The level and form of consultation by the GNB can vary depending on the proposal, as follows:
• Where a proposal will affect more than 20 parcels or owners/occupiers and/or includes a name change or creation of a new address locality, the proposal must be advertised by the GNB.”
d. The boundary amendment proposal will impact at least 373 existing residents as well as businesses and residents currently located in Parramatta and Harris Park.
5. With the guidance of GNB’s 6.8.4. Boundary Definition -
b. Address locality boundaries shall be of a reasonable size for practical purposes, such as including a shopping precinct or community school. Within urban areas an ideal size is around 500ha, with a preferred minimum area of 100ha.
6. The locality size of Harris Park (65 hectares) is already significantly less than the minimum locality size (100 hectares) provided by GNB, whilst the Parramatta locality covers 548 hectares (refer to Site Map - Attachment 2). Altering the northern boundary of Harris Park would further reduce the footprint of the Harris Park locality by approximately 1000 square meters.
7. A further reduction of the locality of Harris Park is contrary to GNB guidelines and, in Council’s experience, unlikely to be supported by GNB. The GNB is the ultimate decision-maker.
8. To date, the Survey and Property Systems Team have not received issues with geo-locating or wayfinding of property addresses with postal deliveries or utilities due to addresses located in Harris Park.
9. Changing locality/suburbs may cause confusion, as this would impact several property owners and businesses which would need to change their address from Harris Park to Parramatta.
10. There is no identified benefit to Council or service delivery to the community in a boundary adjustment to realign the suburb boundary between Parramatta and Harris Park to include properties north of Parkes Street, Harris Park.
11. If Council was to consider a boundary adjustment, the adjustment should expand the size of the Harris Park locality to be more in-line with GNB guidelines. In such a scenario, this would involve the entirely of the northern boundary to Hassall Street being considered part of the Harris Park locality, and the locality boundary would be consistent with the centreline of the road. Noting the comments in paragraphs 8-10 of this report, and that there is no identified community sentiment or preference to expand the suburb locality of Harris Park into the suburb locality of Parramatta, this is not an officer recommendation.
Stakeholder Consultation
12. The following stakeholder consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Stakeholder |
Stakeholder Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
September & October 2020 |
Project Officer, Strategic Land Use Planning |
CBD Planning Proposal does not intend to make changes to suburb boundaries or names. |
Noted and will be captured in Council Report. |
Place Manager, Place Services |
October 2020 – March 2021 |
Supervisor Survey and Property Systems |
There are no issues with property addresses and geo-location of places. |
Noted and will be captured in Council Report. |
Place Manager, Place Services |
November 2022 |
Project Officer, Strategic Land Use Planning |
CBD Planning Proposal does not intend to make changes to suburb boundaries or names. |
Noted and will be captured in Council Report. |
Senior Project Officer, Place Services |
November 2022 |
Supervisor Survey and Property Systems |
There are no issues with property addresses and geo-location of places. |
Noted and will be captured in Council Report. |
Senior Project Officer, Place Services |
Councillor Consultation
13. The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Councillor |
Councillor Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
06/02/2023 |
Rosehill Ward Councillors |
Support staff recommendation |
Prepare report to Council |
Senior Project Officer, Place Services |
14. There are no legal implications for Council associated with this report.
15. If Council resolves to approve this report in accordance with the proposed resolution, there are no unbudgeted financial implications for Council’s budget.
16. The table below summarises the financial impacts on the budget arising from approval of this report.
FY 22/23 |
FY 23/24 |
FY 24/25 |
FY 25/26 |
Revenue |
Internal Revenue |
External Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Funding Source |
Operating Result |
External Costs |
Internal Costs |
Depreciation |
Other |
Total Operating Result |
Funding Source |
External |
Internal |
Other |
Total CAPEX |
Kim Marsh
Senior Project Officer Place Services
Beth Andean
Place Manager
Ian Woodward
Group Manager Legal Services
Bruce Mills
Acting Executive Director Property & Place
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
Attachment 1 - Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal - Land Application Map (LAP) |
1 Page |
2⇩ |
Attachment 2 - Proposed Boundary Amendment Plan |
1 Page |
Item 13.4 - Attachment 1 |
Attachment 1 - Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal - Land Application Map (LAP) |
Council 13 March 2023 Item 13.5
SUBJECT 2023 ALGA National General Assembly - Motions
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08872104
REPORT OF Executive Officer
workshop/briefing date: Nil
The purpose of this report is to provide Council with proposed Motions for submission to the Australian Local Government Association for potential inclusion in the Business Papers of the 2023 National General Assembly.
(a) That Council submits the following motion to the Australian Local Government Association for their consideration for inclusion in the 2023 National General Assembly Business Paper:
1 Accessibility and inclusivity of Australian Government department consultation
(b) Further, that any Councillors interested in attending the Australian Local Government Association’s 2023 National General Assembly from 13 - 16 June 2023 contact Councillor Support.
1. The Australian Local Government Association’s (ALGA) 2023 National General Assembly (NGA) is scheduled to be held from 13 – 16 June 2023 at the National Convention Centre, Canberra.
2. The NGA traditionally attracts more than 870 representatives from councils across the states and territories. The theme for the 2023 NGA is ‘Our Communities, Our Future’. This theme acknowledges the critical important of our communities, how they are the focus of local government attention, and how they are at the centre of all our work.
3. The ALGA is calling for Motions from Member Councils for the 2023 NGA to guide ALGA’s Board, in particular, where they identify opportunities for reforming and creating new Federal Government programs and policies that will support councils to build strong communities into the future.
4. ALGA has set the following eligibility criteria for motions proposed for inclusion in the NGA Business Papers, and subsequent debate on the floor, being:
a. Be relevant to the work of local government nationally.
b. Not be focused on a specific jurisdiction, location or region – unless the project or issue has national implications.
c. Be consistent with the themes of the NGA.
d. Complement or build on the policy objectives of ALGA and your state or territory local government association.
e. Be submitted by a council which is a financial member of their state or territory local government association.
f. Propose a clear action and outcome ie call on the Australian Government to act on something.
g. Not be advanced on behalf of external third parties that may seek to use the NGA to apply pressure to Board members, or to gain national political exposure for positions that are not directly relevant to the work of, or in the national interests of, local government.
h. Address issues that will directly improve the capacity of local government to deliver services and infrastructure for the benefit of all Australian communities.
i. Not seek to advance an outcome that would result in a benefit to one group of councils to the detriment of another.
j. Be supported by sufficient evidence to support the outcome being sought and demonstrate the relevance and significance of the matter to local government nationally.
5. To assist in the preparation of Council motions, ALGA released the ‘Our Communities, Our Future’ Discussion Paper (Attachment 1).
6. A copy of this Discussion Paper was circulated to all Councillors, calling for Councillors to forward to staff any proposed motions for the 2023 NGA or to submit this by way of Notice of Motion.
7. The following motion was received and is proposed for Council’s consideration and submission to ALGA, further detailed in Attachment 2.
a. Accessibility and inclusivity of Australian Government department consultation.
8. In line with ALGA rules, the latest date motions will be accepted for consideration for the Conference Business Paper is 11.59pm, Friday 24 March 2023.
9. Under the Councillors’ Expenses and Facilities Policy Councillors have the opportunity to participate in professional development activities included conferences and seminars, with a total maximum expenditure of $5,000 per Councillor. Any Councillors interest in attending the 2023 NGA are encouraged to contact Councillor Support.
Stakeholder Consultation
10. The following stakeholder consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Stakeholder |
Stakeholder Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
3/1/2023 |
Cr Linda Scott, ALGA President |
Official notification to Councils of release of 2023 ALGA Discussion Paper and Call for Motions |
Directly circulated to all Councillors by email with call for Councillors to submit motions |
Lord Mayor and Councillor Support |
13/2/2023 |
Australian Local Government Association Secretariat |
E-mail notification direct to Councillors from ALGA of opening of Conference Registrations and location |
Incorporated into Councillor Weekly Newsletter and Councillor Portal Professional Development Listing |
Lord Mayor and Councillor Support |
Councillor Consultation
11. The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:
Date |
Councillor |
Councillor Comment |
Council Officer Response |
Responsibility |
5/1/2023 |
All Councillors |
Call out to all Councillors for motions for 2023 NGA to be submitted to Council staff by 10 February or tabled by Councillors as Notice of Motion |
Action responses received |
Lord Mayor and Councillor Support |
27/1/2023 |
Deputy Lord Mayor Cr Sameer Pandey |
Proposed motion regarding Accessibility and inclusivity of consultation processes for inclusion |
Motion prepared as discussed, shared with Councillor and included in Report |
Lord Mayor and Councillor Support |
Ongoing (January onward) |
All Councillors |
2023 NGA included in Conferences and Professional Development opportunities listing on Councillor Portal and Councillor Weekly Newsletter |
Action responses and any registration requests as received. |
Lord Mayor and Councillor Support |
12. There are no legal implications for Council associated with this report.
13. If Council resolves to approve this report in accordance with the proposed resolution, there are no unbudgeted financial implications for Council’s budget.
14. Costs associated with the registration and participation of Councillors at Conferences are provided for within the adopted Council Support 2022/23 operating budget, in line with the provisions of the Councillors’ Expenses and Facilities Policy.
15. The table below summarises the financial impacts on the budget arising from approval of this report.
FY 22/23 |
FY 23/24 |
FY 24/25 |
FY 25/26 |
Revenue |
Internal Revenue |
External Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
Operating Result |
External Costs |
Internal Costs |
Depreciation |
Other |
Total Operating Result |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Funding Source |
External |
Internal |
Other |
Total CAPEX |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Bronwyn Pullen
Executive Officer
Justin Mulder
Chief of Staff
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1⇩ |
2023 NGA Our Communities Our Future Discussion Paper |
20 Pages |
2⇩ |
Motion: Accessibility and inclusivity of Australian Government department consultation |
2 Pages |
Motion: Accessibility and inclusivity of Australian Government department consultation |
Notices of Motion
13 March 2023
14.1 Notice of Motion: Relocation of Rhodes Fire Station............................... 368
Council 13 March 2023 Item 14.1
SUBJECT Notice of Motion: Relocation of Rhodes Fire Station
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08857024
FROM Councillor Patricia Prociv
(a) That Council advocate for a local solution to the proposed closure of Rhodes Fire Station.
(b) Further that, Council write to the NSW Premier The Honorable Dominic Perrottet MP, NSW Leader of the Opposition Mr. Chris Minns MP, the Minister for Emergency Services, The Honorable Stephanie Cooke MP, The Shadow Minister for Emergency Services Mr. Jihad Dib MP, seeking assurances that any closure of Rhodes Fire Station will not put the residents living in Wentworth Point, who are currently served by the retained firefighters based at Rhodes station, at risk.
1. Recent Media articles have suggested that the Rhodes Fire Station is to be moved from its present location, 438 Concord Rd, Rhodes to Ryde.
2. No Council functions have any bearing on the location of NSWFB Fire Stations. Council has no input into strategic decisions made by NSWFB as to the location of their Fire Stations. It would be expected that NSWFB will conduct a risk assessment as to service delivery as part of this process.
Patricia Prociv
John Warburton
Executive Director, City Assets & Operations
John Angilley
Chief Financial and Information Officer
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer
There are no attachments for this report.
Questions with Notice
13 March 2023
15.1 Questions Taken on Notice - 13 February 2023 Council Meeting......... 370
Council 13 March 2023 Item 15.1
SUBJECT Questions Taken on Notice - 13 February 2023 Council Meeting
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08890746
REPORT OF Governance Manager
Item |
Subject |
Councillor |
Question |
Matter of Urgency: Sporting Facilities Amenity Audit - Female Friendly |
Garrard |
Last year the NSW Government committed $25 million to female friendly sport facility and lighting upgrade. What did Council apply for in those grants? |
16.1 |
Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment |
Garrard |
This is in relation to the Square. Could Councillors get a timeframe of when we can access parking downstairs? |
16.1 |
Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment |
Garrard |
Will Councillors receive swipe cards to access the car park? |
1. Paragraph 9.23 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice states:
“Where a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is unable to respond to the question at the meeting at which it is put, they may take it on notice and report the response to the next meeting of the Council.”
Matter of Urgency: Sporting Facilities Amenity Audit - Female Friendly
During discussion of the urgent matter on the Sporting Facilities Amenity Audit - Female Friendly, Councillor Garrard asked the following question:
Last year the NSW Government committed $25 million to female friendly sport facility and lighting upgrade. What did Council apply for in those grants?
Executive Director City Assets & Operations
A staff response will be provided in the supplementary agenda.
Item 16.1 - Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment
During discussion on Item 16.1 - Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment, Councillor Garrard asked the following question:
This is in relation to the Square. Could Councillors get a timeframe of when we can access parking downstairs?
Acting Executive Director Property & Place
A staff response will be provided in the supplementary agenda.
Item 16.1 - Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment
During discussion on Item 16.1 - Parramatta Square Public Domain Contract Value Amendment, Councillor Garrard asked the following question:
Will Councillors receive swipe cards to access the car park?
Acting Executive Director Property & Place
A staff response will be provided in the supplementary agenda.
Bryan Hynes
Acting Chief Executive Officer