An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 23 March 2020 at 6.30pm.





Brett Newman

















































Council                                                                             23 March 2020




ITEM                                                SUBJECT             PAGE NO



19      Questions on Notice

19.1          QUESTION WITH NOTICE: Federal Sports Grants......................................... 4

19.2          QUESTION WITH NOTICE: Accident at North Epping.......................................... 6

19.3          QUESTION WITH NOTICE: Parramatta River Flood Levels................................. 9

20      Notices of Motion

20.1          NOTICE OF MOTION: Active Hoarding Policy................................................... 10

20.2          NOTICE OF MOTION: Superannuation Guarantee Contributions for Councillors and Gender Equity............................... 14   


Council 23 March 2020                                                                      Item 19.1

ITEM NUMBER        19.1

SUBJECT                 QUESTION WITH NOTICE: Federal Sports Grants

REFERENCE           F2019/04433 - D07319673

FROM                      Councillor Esber        




1.     Did the City of Parramatta apply for a Federal Sports Grant of $500,000 for the Parramatta Aquatic Centre that was rejected for funding?


2.     Which specific aspect of the Aquatic Centre was the Council seeking funding for via this grant application?


3.     Without receipt of a grant, how will this project be funded?






1.     City of Parramatta Council initially sought a $500,000 grant from Sport Australia (federal grant) in 2018 for equipment to support the provision of water polo in the 50m pool at the new Aquatic Leisure Centre for Parramatta. At the time the application was being considered, plans for the new Aquatic Leisure Centre were put on hold and Council subsequently was unsuccessful in receiving this funding. Council received a commitment from the NSW Government in September 2019 to co-fund Parramatta’s much-needed new Aquatic Leisure Centre.


2.     Council sought funding for a water polo boom for the 50m pool allowing for separation of the 50m pool and aiding its multi-functional purpose and therefore water polo and swimming activities can occur concurrently within the 50m pool.


A water polo boom is a piece of equipment that separates the 50m pool into two 25m components to allow water polo to be played in one portion and swimming / aerobic actives in the other portion.


We note the current 50m pool is 51m in length to allow for the inclusion of this water polo boom.  The water polo boom can be relocated into the centre to create the above sections as an on need basis.


3.     The current allowance within the aquatic scope of works has included a water polo boom. We have been able to during the value engineering prioritise a requirement for a water polo boom and reallocated the savings achieved to ensure it is installed enabling water polo to be played within the facility.   






Councillor Pierre Esber






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Council 23 March 2020                                                                      Item 19.2

ITEM NUMBER        19.2

SUBJECT                 QUESTION WITH NOTICE: Accident at North Epping

REFERENCE           F2019/04433 - D07319664

FROM                      Councillor Davis       




I’d like to express my sympathies to all who were involved and impacted by the terrible accident at North Epping on Friday, 28 February 2020.  A young mother lost her life and others were injured when a car was driven into a group of people whilst attempting to park.


My understanding is that this accident occurred on a private site. I note that outdoor dining occurs in our CBD and suburbs. It is popular and well patronised.


What process does Council follow to minimise the risk to patrons at outdoor dining sites in our Local Government Area?





1.     The process that Council follows before approving an Outdoor Dining (ODD) Application includes review in terms of:

·        access in accordance with DDA principles;

·        heritage impacts;

·        traffic safety, being:

o   effect on sight distance at intersections or for pedestrians,

o   setback distance of outdoor dining from travel lanes,

o   probability of a vehicle mounting the footpath,

o   vehicle speeds;

·        place making;

·        streetscape enhancement through good urban design.


2.     Where public domain upgrades have been undertaken specifically to support ODD, risk mitigation is a key objective of the design. There are many examples around the City of Parramatta where these designs have been implemented, and one of the most recent is at Buller Street and Albert Street (across from Doyle Ground). This is an excellent example of a public domain project to support ODD and includes specific elements to mitigate diner risk from passing traffic. The design included bollards to protect diners from road activity, sightlines maintained for traffic at the intersection of Albert and Buller Streets by setting trees back from the edge of the pavement and stipulating that shrubs do not exceed a maximum height.




Councillor Donna Davis







Buller Street and Albert Street Outdoor Dining

1 Page




Item 19.2 - Attachment 1

Buller Street and Albert Street Outdoor Dining




Council 23 March 2020                                                                      Item 19.3

ITEM NUMBER        19.3

SUBJECT                 QUESTION WITH NOTICE: Parramatta River Flood Levels

REFERENCE           F2019/04433 - D07320875

FROM                      Councillor Pandey        




1.     Since the most recent flood event (8-9 February 2020) have any NSW Government Departments, NSW Government agencies or consultants engaged by the NSW Government asked the City of Parramatta Council or Council Officers to provide recordings of the Parramatta River flood levels?

2.     Where were the flood recordings taken, what were the readings & what type of event was this eg 1 in 10 year, 1 in 20 year flood?





1.     There have been no requests for flood information along the Parramatta River from any NSW Government Department, NSW Government agency or consultants engaged by NSW Government, in relation to the most recent flood event on the 8 & 9 February 2020.


2.     However, based on Council’s flood gauge located near Riverside Theatres, a maximum water surface level reading of RL 5.51m AHD was recorded. Based on this, the event was estimated to be a 1 in 10 year event.





Councillor Sameer Pandey





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Council 23 March 2020                                                                      Item 20.1

ITEM NUMBER        20.1

SUBJECT                 NOTICE OF MOTION: Active Hoarding Policy

REFERENCE           F2007/01865 - D07317892

FROM                      Councillor Prociv       




That Council advise the policies and future plans on activating construction hoardings in order to minimise the visual impact of bare walls of hoardings facing the public domain as the City undergoes accelerated development.





1.     At the 9 March 2020 Council Meeting, a Question Without Notice from Clr. Prociv was published, regarding what is Council currently doing, or what are Council’s policies and future plans, to activate construction hoardings in order to minimise the visual impact of bare walls of hoardings facing the public domain as the City undergoes accelerated development.


2.     A response was provided to the Question With Notice, and published in the business papers.




3.     Currently, Council may impose a condition of consent as part of the hoarding application process requiring the applicant to comply with Council branding requirements.


4.     This condition has been applied to the following hoarding applications for the 6&8 Parramatta Square development at the corner of Church Street and Darcy Street, Parramatta.




Date of Decision

Hoarding Condition

Church Street



7. The hoarding is to comply with the branding requirements of City of Parramatta. Details can be obtained by contacting the Marketing and Promotions Manager on 9806 5068. Branding is to be completed within two weeks of the erection of the hoarding.

Reason: To ensure the hoarding complies with the ‘Brand Parramatta’ requirements of Council’s Hoarding Policy


Darcy Street




7. The hoarding is to comply with the Parramatta “We’re building Australia’s Next Great City” branding.  Details of the Parramatta City Brand requirements can be obtained by contacting the Visitor Insights and Engagement Coordinator on 9806 5050.  Branding is to be completed within two weeks of the erection of the hoarding.

Reason: To ensure the hoarding complies with the ‘Brand Parramatta’ requirements of Council’s Hoarding Policy


Note: (Condition is outdated and has since been updated).


5.     The previous hoarding design along Church Street was removed as its condition had deteriorated and was no longer presentable.


6.     Work on the replacement hoarding design is underway and will incorporate 

a.  the recent launch of Council’s new City branding campaign (refer item 7 - City brand below); and

b.  proposed changes in the alignment of the hoarding near the Parramatta Town Hall.


7.     On 12 March 2020 Council launched its new City brand ‘Parramatta - Where it’s AT’. Parramatta Square is a key opportunity for Council to incorporate the new City brand in a prominent location close to the public transport interchange.


8.     Conversations have commenced with Walker Corporation regarding the design work for the hoarding around Parramatta Square. Council is keen to further invest in the ‘Where it’s AT’ City brand which supports the strategic positioning of our City as the destination of choice for residents, visitors and businesses. The creative will support the three key communication pillars of the campaign – economic powerhouse, a city transforming and a fascinating mosaic.


9.     The proposed design will cover the hoarding that runs the length of Darcy Street (outside 6 & 8 Parramatta Square) along Centenary Square (both at street level and above) and integrate with the proposed hoarding outside the Parramatta Town Hall when it becomes part of the 5 Parramatta Square construction site.


10.   We anticipate that key retailers in Parramatta Square will commence operations in late April 2020 and aim to install the new hoarding by this time.


11.   Council’s Hoarding and Tower Crane Policy (POL No:233) was approved in July 2017 and is reviewed every 3 years. Council Officers have commenced a review of this policy and have identified the potential for a 2020 amendment to Council’s Hoarding and Tower Crane Policy to allow for similar outcomes to the City of Sydney Council policy.




12.   The applicant is required to address the hoarding design as a condition of the hoarding consent. There would be limited costs to Council to coordinate branding and approve the design.



Councillor Patricia Prociv






Question With Notice - 9 March 2020

1 Page




Item 1.1 - Attachment 1

Question With Notice - 9 March 2020


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Council 23 March 2020                                                                      Item 20.2

ITEM NUMBER        20.2

SUBJECT                 NOTICE OF MOTION: Superannuation Guarantee Contributions for Councillors and Gender Equity

REFERENCE           F2019/04433 - D07319658

FROM                      Councillor Davis        




(a)    That the Chief Executive Officer be requested to prepare a submission to the Ministerial discussion paper on superannuation, supporting the introduction of superannuation for all Mayors and Councillors in New South Wales, in addition to the fees currently paid to Councillors.


(b)    Further, that Council Note:

(i)     that women in Australia retire with half the superannuation of men, due to the following gender-based differences in Australian labour force participation:

(a)    women take more time out of the workplace than men to raise a family;

(b)    more women than men return to part time work to accommodate family responsibilities; and

(c)    the gender pay gap equates to significant salary discrepancies and contributes to less superannuation savings for women working full time;

(ii)    that the NSW Office of Local Government 'Candidate and Councillor Diversity Report 2017' noted that '91% of Councils have less than 50% female Councillors';

(iii)    that women and men have an equal right to be representatives in Local Government;

(iv)   that in recognition of the value of different experiences and perspectives, the City of Parramatta Council encourage and welcome the participation of women in all aspects of Local Government;

(v)    that the City of Parramatta Council, as a leading city Council, is in a unique position to increase the numbers and participation of women in public life so that decision-making more clearly represents and reflects the interests and demography of our community; and

(vi)   that the superannuation rate is 11.5% rate for federal Senators and Members and 12.5% for NSW Members of Parliament.






1.     If the Motion is endorsed, Council will prepare and lodge a submission in response to the Office of Local Government’s ‘Councillor Superannuation Consultation’, supporting Discussion Paper Option 3, prior to the submission deadline of COB Friday, 8 May 2020.


2.     Regarding Part B of the Motion, it is the intention of Council to run a series of candidate information sessions in the lead up to the Council elections, if appropriate noting the current outbreak, that will seek to attract people from all backgrounds, including women, to consider running for local government, and understand the roles and responsibilities of a Councillor.


3.     The CEO has also recently established an internal Gender Diversity Committee to develop an action plan on how we may improve gender diversity in Council and more broadly in the City, as part of a broader Diversity and Inclusion focus.




4.     If the NSW Government adopts Discussion Paper Option 3, outlined in this motion, the additional costs to Council would be $60,000 per annum. This figure is based on the current Superannuation Guarantee (SG) of 9.5% and the current rate of Councillor fees, of which the maximum limits are set each year by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal.


5.     This will not be a one-off increase. With the superannuation guarantee set to increase from 9.5% to 12% in the years up to 2025, this would see further increases to Mayors’ and Councillors’ remuneration over and above any increases approved by the Tribunal.


6.     Introduction of superannuation payments to Councillors would also require manual processing as Councillors are not employees and should not be added to the Payroll system from a risk and audit perspective.




Councillor Donna Davis







Councillor Superannuation Discussion Paper - March 2020

14 Pages




Item 20.2 - Attachment 1

Councillor Superannuation Discussion Papr - March 2020


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