NOTICE OF Council (Development)  MEETING




The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday,  14 February 2011 at 6:45pm.










Dr. Robert Lang

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

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“Think Before You Print”




The Lord Mayor Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council





Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham



Greg Smith –  Group Manager Corporate



Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies


Sue Weatherley–Group Manager Outcomes & Development










Clr Paul Barber – Caroline Chisholm Ward



Clr Lorraine Wearne -

Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Mark Lack – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr Paul Garrard -  Woodville Ward


Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward



Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Andrew Wilson – Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Prabir Maitra – Arthur Phillip Ward



Clr Andrew Bide – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward

Clr Michael McDermott,

Deputy Lord Mayor - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Clr Antoine (Tony) Issa, OAM – Woodville Ward

Clr Chiang Lim– Arthur Phillip Ward

Text Box:   Press









Council (Development)                                                                               14 February 2011




ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Council13 December 2010 and Special Council Meeting 20 December 2010

2        APOLOGIES


4        Minutes of Lord Mayor

5        Public Forum  

6        PETITIONS  

7        Economy and Development

7.1     Delegated Authority Meeting held over Christmas and New Year Period

7.2     116-124 Church Street Parramatta

7.3     Update on Transport Construction Authority negotiation with respect to 40 Cowper Street, Granville

7.4     Variations to Standards under SEPP 1      


9        Reports - Domestic Applications

9.1     55A Constitution Road, CONSTITUTION HILL
(Lot 1 DP 1150878) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

9.2     10 Lachlan Drive Winston Hills Lot 101 DP 270075

9.3     MBC House, 188 Church Street, Parramatta
(Lot 23 DP 651527)(Arthur Phillip Ward)

10      Reports - Major Applications

10.1   3 Mahony Road, Wentworthville
(Lot 123 DP 12452) (Arthur Philip Ward)

10.2   10-12 Bowden Street, North Parramatta (Lot 33 in DP 7727) (Elizabeth Macarthur)

10.3   Former Eastwood Brickworks (Lot 6 DP 270605) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

10.4   272-274 Woodville Road, Guildford (Lot 1 in DP 58682) and Lots D, X and Y in DP 381721) (Woodville Ward)

10.5   5 Sutherland Road, North Parramatta
(Lot 1 DP 119493) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

10.6   5 Romani Street NORTH PARRAMATTA (Lot 1 DP 16340) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

10.7   37 Roseberry Road, GUILDFORD
Lot 17 SEC 1 DP 4047

10.8   36/46 Wellington Road, SOUTH GRANVILLE  NSW  2142  
(Lot 36 SP 75186) (Woodville Road)

10.9   104 Oakes Road, Toongabbie
(Lot 1 DP 559006 and Lot 1 DP 620256)

10.10  13 Dobson Crescent, DUNDAS VALLEY  NSW  2117
(Lachlan Macquarie Ward) (LOT 31 DP 233076)

10.11  53 Lower Mount Street, Wentworthville
(Lot 5 DP 253185) (Arthur Philip Ward)

10.12  126 Merrylands Road,  Merrylands Cor Lot 1 & Lot 2 & 3 DP 9814

10.13  13 Barney Street, North Parramatta
(Arthur Phillip ward)
Lot 7 Sec 72 DP 758788

10.14  162 Kissing Point Road, Dundas (Lot 1 in DP 709657) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

10.15  Former Channel 7 Studios, 61 Mobbs Lane, EPPING  NSW  2121   (Lot 1 DP 129023, Lot 2 DP 129023, Lot 1 DP 570891, Lot 2 DP 732070) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

10.16  74 Tintern Avenue, Telopea
(Lot 9 DP 13876) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

11      Closed Session

11.1   Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.

11.2   Land Acquisition and Ideas Competition

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.







Council (Development)                                                                               14 February 2011



Economy and Development


14 February 2011


7.1    Delegated Authority Meeting held over Christmas and New Year Period





7.2    116-124 Church Street Parramatta





7.3    Update on Transport Construction Authority negotiation with respect to 40 Cowper Street, Granville





7.4    Variations to Standards under SEPP 1

Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                              Item 7.1


ITEM NUMBER         7.1

SUBJECT                   Delegated Authority Meeting held over Christmas and New Year Period

REFERENCE            F2004/07400 - D01835935

REPORT OF              Team Leader Council Support       




This report provides a copy of the minutes of the Delegated Authority Meeting held on 13 January 2011 between the Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer for the information only of Councillors.





That the minutes of the Delegated Authority Meeting held on 13 January 2011 be noted.




1.      Council at its meeting held on 13 December 2010 gave consideration to a report regarding the delegation of authority to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer over the Christmas/New Year period and resolved:-


That the Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and the Chief Executive Officer be delegated joint authority under Section 377 of the Local Government Act, 1993, for the period Tuesday, 14 December 2010, until Friday, 11 February 2011, to deal with important or urgent business of the Council including the determination of development applications subject to:-

1       Notice of the business to be determined under delegation being provided to all Councillors at least three (3) days prior to the Delegated Authority Meeting.

2       Prior to any item being considered at the Delegated Authority Meeting, any Councillor be permitted to refer such item to full Council for consideration.

3       The Minutes for all of the business dealt with under      delegation over this period being submitted to the Council Meeting on 14 February 2011.




2.      A Delegated Authority Meeting was held on 13 January 2011 and copies of all reports were distributed to all Councillors prior to the meetings. All development applications listed on the meeting where subsequently referred to the Council Meeting - Development for consideration and have been listed elsewhere on the agenda for 14 February 2011.

3.      A copy of the minutes taken at the Delegated Authority Meeting is appended to this report as Attachment 1.

4.      Decisions taken by the Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer under delegated authority cannot be revoked by Council and reporting of the decisions is part of a process which provides transparency and accountability.



Grant Davies

Team Leader – Council Support




Minutes of Delegated Authority meeting

4 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                              Item 7.2


ITEM NUMBER         7.2

SUBJECT                   116-124 Church Street Parramatta

REFERENCE            DA/565/2004/B - D01842462

REPORT OF              Manager - Strategic Assets Management         




The report recommends Council, subject to finalisation of negotiations, to grant an easement for electricity cables over the Council Wentworth Street Car Park land and provide consent for the owner of 116-124 Church Street Parramatta to create similar easement over the land identified for dedication under a voluntary planning agreement.





(a)     That Council, resolve to create an easement for electricity cables in favour of Integral Energy over the Council Wentworth Street Car Park land (Lot 1 DP 731072).


(b)     That Council, provide consent in accordance with Clause 16 of a voluntary planning agreement of 31 August 2010 between the Council and the owner of 116-124 Church Street Parramatta for the owner to create an easement for electricity cables in favour of Integral Energy over the land identified for dedication.


(c)      Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under seal the linen plan, Section 88B instrument, transfer granting easement and deed of agreement if required for creation of easement and providing consent.





1.      This Council in consideration of a mayoral minute on 20 December 2010 resolved:


(a)  That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate with the land owner of 118 Church Street and Integral Energy for the creation of an easement to the benefit of Integral Energy on land at the rear of 118 Church Street, Parramatta which will facilitate relocation of public infrastructure (electricity cable) from private land.


(b)  Further, that the terms of this negotiation with the land owner include appropriate compensation to Council as well as the payment of all costs incurred by Council in the creation of this easement.


2.       In brief, the owner of 116-124 Church Street Parramatta (“the developer”) has development consent (DA/565/2004) to construct a 25 storey mixed use residential / commercial building.  The developer discovered recently an electricity cable, which forms part of the local power grid, at the development site and has approached the Council for assistance to remove and relocate the cable onto the Council Wentworth Street Car Park land and the land identified for dedication under the voluntary planning agreement.  The proposed new location for the electricity cable is indicated broken red on the location plan in Attachment 1.




3.       The Council Wentworth Street Car Park land (Lot 1 DP 731072) is zoned Mixed Use B4 in Council’s City Centre LEP 2007 and classified operational.  The subject location for the proposed cable easement is at the northern end of the car park on land currently used as an informal access way to provide rear access to buildings fronting Church Street.  Council in its consent to redevelopment of 116-124 Church Street Parramatta (DA/565/2004) has approved a rear loading / unloading dock using this informal access way.


4.       On 31 August 2010, Council entered into a voluntary planning agreement with the developer on terms among others that the developer will dedicate approximately 59 sq m of land at the eastern end of the development site shown on a drawing in Attachment 2 for a new laneway.  This land is to be dedicated without encumbrances.


5.       Following the Council resolution on 20 December 2010, the Council obtained a valuation recommending a compensation for a total of $189,396 (exclusive of GST).  This valuation is based on the scenario that a developer requires but has no legal right to use the adjoining owner’s land to facilitate its development. In this scenario the developer would have to negotiate with the adjoining owner and as minimum would offer to pay full market value for the additional land. It is highly probable that the developer may even offer above market value as inducement for the adjoining owner to sell or allow the use of the adjoining land.


6.       Following a meeting with the developer on 19 January 2011, a supplementary valuation was obtained for the dedicated land on the basis that the land was assessed at a floor space ratio of 1:1 in the voluntary planning agreement – it had previously been valued on the basis of a floor space ratio of 6:1. The further valuation recommended a compensation of $16,000 (exclusive of GST) for the dedicated land.


7.       Based on the above valuations, the Council made an offer to the developer of $109,600 (exclusive of GST) comprising $93,600 for the proposed cable easement over the Council  Wentworth Street Cr Park land and. $16,000 for the land for dedications to settle the compensation claim.


8.       The developer has not accepted the compensation settlement offer however has provided an offer of $50000 not substaisated by any valuation. At the time of writing the report a further invitation has been requested  to submit a valuation from a registered valuer of the developers choice to substantiate their position and to finalise the negotiation. It should be noted that the developer has been advised and requested to provide a registered valuer’s advice on several occasions since the matter first came to Council’s notice.


9.       A further recommendation will be submitted to the chamber for the Council’s consideration following the outcome of the negotiations.

10.     The developer has further been advised on several occasions that Council officers and Council’s valuer will be available to provide any relevant information to the developer’s valuer, if appointed, to allow that valuer to provide a valuation report to the developer.


11.     If no easement is available to the developer, the developer would have to remove temporarily the electricity cable away from the development site to facilitate building construction and return the electricity cable to the development site on completion.  The developer has submitted that such alternative is not practical, not safe, is expensive as it involves double handling of cable construction.  It is estimated that such alternative could cost the developer an amount in excess of $360,000 just for twice cable construction plus any time delay in building construction work, cost in revising the building plans and holding / opportunity cost ($68,000 interest monthly @8.5% pa on site purchase price of $9.6m).






11.     The Council’s General Counsel, Land Use & Transport Planning Unit, Civil Infrastructure Unit and Transport & Safety Unit have been consulted in the course of negotiation with the developer.




12.     Council will receive compensation for taking over the electricity cable easement.



Stephen Montgomery

Manager Strategic Asset Management






Location plan

1 Page



Plan showing land for dedication

1 Page






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                              Item 7.3


ITEM NUMBER         7.3

SUBJECT                   Update on Transport Construction Authority negotiation with respect to 40 Cowper Street, Granville

REFERENCE            F2008/03904 - D01846971

REPORT OF              Property Development Advisor         




An update on the status of the negotiations with the Transport Construction Authority (TCA)  on the development of a commuter car park on Council land at 40-48 Cowper Street, Granville





(a)       That the Council note that the Transport Construction Authority has withdrawn its interest in the site at 40-48 Cowper Street, Granville for the purposes of a commuter car park.





1.      Council, on the 22nd November, 2010 resolved that:

          “Council authorises the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to continue    negotiations with the Transport Construction Authority to provide a commuter          car park that complements the redevelopment potential of the site of 40-48         Cowper Street Granville

          And, further that the Property Development Group present a report to a future        meeting of Council which considers the future development potential of the site          together with a business case for that development.”

2.      Council entered into those negotiations in good faith and also initiated an        Expression of Interest process for a number of consultants to provide technical         advice so that Council would not be disadvantaged by the development of the     commuter car park.

3.      Despite all efforts by Council officers, in January TCA formally withdrew their   interest in the site at 40-48 Cowper Street, Granville.

4.      The Property Development Group intends to present a further report to Council        when it has completed design concepts and feasibility for the future          development of the site.




5.      The site will be available for Council to use wholly for its own purposes.

6.      We understand that TCA will make a proposal for an alternate site in Granville in due course, which will be considered at that time. 




7.      There has been consultation with TCA, the Executive Team, external       consultants and the Capital Works Unit.        






8.         At this stage Council has not committed any funding to this or any future proposal.


Graeme Bleus

Property Development Manager



There are no attachments for this report.




Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                              Item 7.4


ITEM NUMBER         7.4

SUBJECT                   Variations to Standards under SEPP 1

REFERENCE            F2009/00431 - D01847635

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




To provide Council with information each month on development applications determined where there has been a variation in standards under State Environmental Planning Policy No.1 or similar provisions under the standard instrument.





That the report be received and noted.





In accordance with the reporting requirements prescribed in Planning Circular

PS 08-014 issued by the NSW Department of Planning, nine (9) development applications were determined where there has been a variation in standards under SEPP 1 or similar provisions under the Standard Instrument, during the period December 2010 and January 2011






Louise Kerr

Manager Development Services





Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 - Approved in December 2010 & January 2011

2 Pages






Council (Development)                                                                               14 February 2011



Domestic Applications


14 February 2011


9.1    55A Constitution Road, CONSTITUTION HILL
(Lot 1 DP 1150878) (Arthur Phillip Ward)





9.2    10 Lachlan Drive Winston Hills Lot 101 DP 270075





9.3    MBC House, 188 Church Street, Parramatta
(Lot 23 DP 651527)(Arthur Phillip Ward)

Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                              Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                   55A Constitution Road, CONSTITUTION HILL
(Lot 1 DP 1150878) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Subdivision of an existing battleaxe allotment to create 2 Torrens Title lots.

REFERENCE            DA/812/2010 - Submitted 15 October 2010

APPLICANT/S           A Hakim

OWNERS                    G Hakim

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       






The application has been referred to Council due to the nature of the application (variation from policy). This report was referred from the Delegated Authority Meeting on 13 January 2011.




The application seeks approval for the subdivision of an existing battleaxe allotment (known as 55A Constitution Road) to create 2 Torrens Title lots, being Lot 551 and Lot 552.


Proposed Lot 551 is to be rectangular in shape and is to comprise an area of 1021m2 inclusive of the battle- axe handle and 759m2 when the battle axe handle is excluded.


Proposed Lot 552 is generally triangular and is to comprise an area of 670m2. This lot does not technically comprise a battle-axe handle but is accessed via a right-of-carriageway over Lot 551 accessed from Constitution Road.


A concrete access driveway is proposed to service both new lots. This driveway will have a width of 3.62m. No trees are to be removed as part of the development,


The proposal does not include the construction of buildings on the two proposed allotments although indicative building platforms have been submitted with the application. No excavation or retaining works for building platforms are proposed under this application, apart from those associated with the driveway construction.


Whilst the subdivision of land is permitted with consent in PLEP2001, DCP2005 strongly discourages multiple subdivision of battleaxe allotments and accordingly this application seeks to vary this policy standard. The approval of the proposed subdivision is supported in this case as the subdivision represents an orderly and economic redevelopment of a large parcel of land in metropolitan Sydney.


The proposed lots meet the subdivision standards of Parramatta LEP2001. The additional allotment is not likely to result in any adverse traffic impacts and safety issues associated with the driveway can be resolved through the provision of a passing bay and mirrors in the driveway. It is also considered that the resultant pattern of development will be consistent with that of adjoining properties.


It is noted that the previous owner of the parent allotment and current owner of No.55 Constitution Rd sought prelodgement advice on 6 February 2004 regarding a 3 lot subdivision. The advice provided was that the planning controls that applied at the time (DCP2001) did not allow multiple subdivision of battleaxe allotments but that any application lodged for this type of subdivision would need to be supported by justification for the departure from the standard. The owner did not pursue a 3 lot subdivision but rather lodged a DA in March 2004 for a 2 lot subdivision which was subsequently approved on 7 June 2004.


Five (5) submissions have been received in respect of this application. The issues raised in the submissions have been addressed through conditions and a site meeting was held with staff and the owner of 55 Constitution Rd who is also an objector to the Development Application.


The proposed development is consistent with the objectives contained in the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.





(a)       That Development Application No 812/2010 for the subdivision of an existing battleaxe allotment to create 2 Torrens Title lots at 55A Constitution Road, Constitution Hill be approved subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 1 of this report


(b)        Further, that the objectors be notified of Council’s decision.



Maya Sarwary

Senior Development Assessment Officer

Development Assessment Team





S79C Assessment Report

27 Pages




1 Page



Locality Map

1 Page






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                              Item 9.2


ITEM NUMBER         9.2

SUBJECT                   10 Lachlan Drive Winston Hills Lot 101 DP 270075

DESCRIPTION          Construction of a 2 storey split level dwelling house.

REFERENCE            DA/892/2010 - Lodged 5 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           AV Jennings Contract Homes

OWNERS                    Mr R Singh and Mrs S K Singh

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT  19 January 2011




The application has been referred to Council, as the application seeks a variation of greater than 10% to the minimum allotment size control outlined in Clause 38 and the maximum floor space ratio control of Clause 40 of Local Environmental Plan 2001. The application is accompanied by a SEPP 1 Objection.




The application seeks approval for construction of a 2 storey split level dwelling house.


The dwelling house proposed in this application will be located on an allotment of land that has an area of 300m² and has been proposed with a floor space ratio of 0.57:1. In accordance with a Planning Circular released by the Department of Planning in November 2008 on ’Reporting Variations to Development Standards' variations to development standards greater than 10% should be determined by Council.


The subject site is located within a housing estate known as Lachlan View Estate that was approved by the Land and Environment Court in August 1998.  The consent issued in 1998 granted approval for land subdivision and the construction of 59 dwellings at 20-22 Buckleys Road.  A review of the relevant files has revealed that the approved minimum lot size of most of the parcels of land created in the subdivision were substantially less than 550m2. Most of the dwellings approved in this estate have floor space ratios between 0.5:1 to 0.8:1. 


The variation to the minimum allotment size is considered appropriate in this particular case, as the allotment of land is in existence and was consented to by the Court in 1998.  In addition, the floor space ratio of the dwelling proposed is consistent with that of other dwellings that have been constructed in the estate.


The proposed works are consistent with the objectives of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005, and are considered satisfactory with respect to design, bulk and scale. The dwelling is considered to be appropriately sited without unduly impacting on the streetscape or adjoining properties


No submissions have been received in respect of the application.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.





(a)       That Council support the variation to Clause 38 and Clause 40 of the PLEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.


(b)       Further that Development Application No 892/2010 for construction of a 2 storey split level dwelling house at 10 Lachlan Drive, Winston Hills be approved subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 1 of this report.




Ashleigh Matta

Development Assessment Officer






Section 79C Report

34 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




10 Pages



Confidential floor plans

3 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                              Item 9.3


ITEM NUMBER         9.3

SUBJECT                   MBC House, 188 Church Street, Parramatta
(Lot 23 DP 651527)(Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Internal fitout and change of use of Shop 1 to a tea room, with outdoor dining.

REFERENCE            DA/918/2010 - 15 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           T Liu

OWNERS                    G & J Drivas Pty Limited

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF                  21 January 2010






The application is being referred to Council for determination as the proposal involves work to a listed heritage item.





The development application seeks consent for the fitout and change of use of Shop 1 to a tea room. Outdoor dining is also proposed to include 4 tables, 16 chairs and an umbrella.


The proposed use is for a “restaurant” under Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The proposed use is permissible under the B4 Mixed Use zoning applying to the land.


The subject site is listed as a Heritage item of State significance under Schedule 5 of Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan 2007 and is commonly known as Murrays’ Building. The application was referred to Council’s Heritage Advisor who raises no objection to the proposal.


The proposed fitout, change of use and outdoor dining are consistent with the objectives of Parramatta City Centre Plan LEP 2007 and Parramatta City Centre Plan DCP 2007 and is considered satisfactory as there is minimal impact on the streetscape, adjoining properties and the heritage significance of the site and surrounds.


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP, and no submissions were received.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions










(a)     That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/918/2010 for the internal fitout and change of use of Shop 1 to a tea room, with outdoor dining at 188 Church Street, Parramatta for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to conditions.




Nicholas Clarke

Development and Certification Officer






S79C Assessment Report

18 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




3 Pages






Council (Development)                                                                               14 February 2011



Major Applications


14 February 2011


10.1  3 Mahony Road, Wentworthville
(Lot 123 DP 12452) (Arthur Philip Ward)





10.2  10-12 Bowden Street, North Parramatta (Lot 33 in DP 7727) (Elizabeth Macarthur)





10.3  Former Eastwood Brickworks (Lot 6 DP 270605) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)





10.4  272-274 Woodville Road, Guildford (Lot 1 in DP 58682) and Lots D, X and Y in DP 381721) (Woodville Ward)





10.5  5 Sutherland Road, North Parramatta
(Lot 1 DP 119493) (Arthur Phillip Ward)





10.6  5 Romani Street NORTH PARRAMATTA (Lot 1 DP 16340) (Arthur Phillip Ward)





10.7  37 Roseberry Road, GUILDFORD
Lot 17 SEC 1 DP 4047





10.8  36/46 Wellington Road, SOUTH GRANVILLE  NSW  2142  
(Lot 36 SP 75186) (Woodville Road)





10.9  104 Oakes Road, Toongabbie
(Lot 1 DP 559006 and Lot 1 DP 620256)





10.10............................................. 13 Dobson Crescent, DUNDAS VALLEY  NSW  2117
(Lachlan Macquarie Ward) (LOT 31 DP 233076)





10.11........................................................................ 53 Lower Mount Street, Wentworthville
(Lot 5 DP 253185) (Arthur Philip Ward)





10.12........................ 126 Merrylands Road,  Merrylands Cor Lot 1 & Lot 2 & 3 DP 9814





10.13............................................................................. 13 Barney Street, North Parramatta
(Arthur Phillip ward)
Lot 7 Sec 72 DP 758788





10.14 162 Kissing Point Road, Dundas (Lot 1 in DP 709657) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)





10.15 Former Channel 7 Studios, 61 Mobbs Lane, EPPING  NSW  2121   (Lot 1 DP 129023, Lot 2 DP 129023, Lot 1 DP 570891, Lot 2 DP 732070) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)





10.16.......................................................................................... 74 Tintern Avenue, Telopea
(Lot 9 DP 13876) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.1


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                   3 Mahony Road, Wentworthville
(Lot 123 DP 12452) (Arthur Philip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(AA) modification application to an approved multi-unit development containing 8 townhouses. The modifications seek retrospective approval for increasing floor levels within Unit 2, altering the location and height of the rear fire stairs, changes to boundary fencing, amendments to the driveway, amendments to the garbage room, alterations to the roof, provision of additional windows, changes to the external facade and changes to onsite landscaping.

REFERENCE            DA/2552/2002/C - 19 October 2010

APPLICANT/S           Cam Consulting

OWNERS                    K Kopuz, S Kopuz and B Kopuz

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


Date of report   8 November 2010




The application is referred to Council as the original application was approved by the Land and Environment Court.


The matter was also deferred from the Council Meeting held on 13 December 2010.




The application seeks to modify Development Consent No. 2552/2002 under the provisions of Section 96(AA) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.


Approval is sought to modify the application which includes the following:


1.         The internal steps within unit 2 has been removed

2.         The rear fire escape has been relocated between 200mm to 500mm closer to the southern boundary.

3.         Five additional steps were provided to the rear fire stairs and the pedestrian pathway was realigned.

4.         The construction of a concrete fire stair lid (cover) to the rear fire escape.

5.         The north-western timber fenced has been replaced with a 1.5 metre high green colorbond fence.

6.         A portion of the front fence was relocated 500mm within the property.

7.         The driveway grade has been adjusted and a pedestrian path has also been provided located beside the driveway.

8.         The front and rear fire stair walls from basement have been extended in height.

9.         Amended roof details which include a change from a hip end roof form for Unit 4 to a gable end roof.

10.       Dormer window/roof has been added above the bathrooms of Unit 5 and 6 on the first floor level and the headroom heights have been raised to comply with BCA standards.

11.       The party wall parapets that extended beyond roof ridges have been deleted.

12.       The material finishes have been modified from cement render to face brick.

13.       The landscaping has been amended to remove the raised planters from the front of Unit 3, 4 and 5.

14.       The basement floor level has been lowered from FFL 28.71 to FFL 28.425.

15.       A window and door schedule has been provided.

16.       Amended roof detail plan has been submitted to clarify inconsistencies.


A site visit has confirmed that modifications 6 and 7 have not been undertaken. However, modifications 1 to 5 and 8 to 16 have been completed and therefore retrospective approval is sought. Modification 2 (relocation of the rear fire escape stairs) that has already been undertaken was included in the Construction Certificate issued by Council’s Certification Team. While a degree of variation can be addressed through a construction certificate to allow for the reasonable tolerances of actual construction, the change sought to the rear fire escape stairs is best considered through a Section 96 assessment.


Development Consent No. 2552/2002 granted consent for the construction of a multi-unit development containing 8 townhouses. A subsequent modification DA/2552/2002/A approved internal modifications to Unit 1 to 4.


It is noted that Section 96 Modification DA/2552/2002/B was withdrawn by the applicant following deferral at Council’s Regulatory meeting of 9 August 2010.  The determination of DA/2552/2002/B was deferred for the following reason:


That the application be deferred pending a report on the legal implications of Council retrospectively approving a non complying application and on Council’s options should it wish to refuse the application together with advice from the Chief Executive Officer on other matters associated with the development application”.


Legal advice was sought in regards to the above. Accordingly, the following advice was provided.


The council resolution of 9 August 2010 asks for some legal comments about implications if council approves the ’non complying application’.  Having regard to the above comments, I consider those implications are as follows:


·    There is nothing that prevents Council from making a decision.


·    Approval of the section 96 application will permit use of the items constructed which are beyond the scope of the current construction certificate (namely, the item relating to the relocation of the fire stairs).


·    Approval of the section 96 application does not prevent a prosecution for unauthorised works.


·    Refusal of the section 96 application will entitle the applicant to commence class 1 proceedings in the L & E Court if it thinks fit. On the information presently available, I do not think that the Council would be in a strong position to successfully defend those proceedings.


·    Council could amend the recommendations but that would still constitute an approval.


·    The applicant is also entitled to commence class 1 proceedings if it wishes to challenge any particular consent condition (regardless of whether it has been changed by the council). It is not possible to comment on legal implications and risk in respect of any changes council makes to the recommended consent conditions unless those changes are available for review.  Suffice to say that any changes which result in consent conditions that are not for proper planning purposes will be very unlikely to withstand legal challenge.


One submission was received raising concerns over the landscaping plan which proposed a planting scheme that involved a White Cedar tree which produces toxic fruits. 


The proposed modifications will not result in any unacceptable impacts to the amenity of the area as an appropriate level of privacy for adjoining sites is maintained and the design, bulk and scale of the development remains predominantly commensurate with the development as previously approved. The development as modified by the subject application is substantially the same development as that approved. The proposed modification of the original development consent does not raise any additional issues in respect of compliance with Council’s policies.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.





(a)       That Council as the consent authority modify Development Consent No. 2552/2002 under the provisions of Section 96(AA) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act in the following manner:


1.      The development is to be carried out in accordance with the following plans and documentation listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, except where amended by other conditions of this consent:


Drawing N0


Fire Staircase Sections and Elevations. Drawing No. C9083 – A9.  Revision B.

18 October 2010

Roof Layout. Drawing No. C9083 – A5.  Revision H.

18 October 2010

Elevations. Drawing No. C9083 – A6.  Revision H.

18 October 2010

Window Schedule. Drawing No. C9083 – A7. Revision G.

18 October 2010

Site Plan. Drawing No. C9083 – A1. Revision G.

18 October 2010

Landscaping Plan. Drawing No. C9083 – A8. Revision C.

18 October 2010

Basement Plan. Drawing No. C9083 – A2. Revision I.

18 October 2010

Ground Floor Plan. Drawing No. C9083 – A3. Revision I.

18 October 2010

Firs Floor Plan. Drawing No. C9083 – A3. Revision H.

18 October 2010


Reason:        To ensure the work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans.


2.              Add the following conditions to the development consent:


                 1a.)   The two Melis Azedarch (White Cedar) trees proposed along                           the rear boundary are to be replaced with one Lagerstroemia                      indica and one Magnolia soulngiana.


1b.)   The planting schedule which includes the species and quantities for the proposed development as stipulated on the Landscaping Plan approved under DA/2552/2002 (Landscape Plan 10-02/03 Issue E. Prepared by SAOKI) is to be complied with.

          Reason:   To ensure compliance with DA/2552/2002. 


(b)        Further that, the objector be advised of Council’s decision.





Denise Fernandez

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79C Report

17 Pages



Location Plan

1 Page



Amended Plans

7 Pages



Original Consent

14 Pages



Section 96 DA/2552/2002/A report

9 Pages



Section 96 DA/2552/2002/B report

15 Pages



Confidential plans

2 Pages





Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.2


ITEM NUMBER         10.2

SUBJECT                   10-12 Bowden Street, North Parramatta (Lot 33 in DP 7727) (Elizabeth Macarthur)

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(2) modification application to modify a development consent granted for the construction of 9 townhouses over basement parking. The application seeks approval to amend the development consent in accordance with the as-built finished floor levels. The ground floor levels have been built up to 970mm higher than the approved floor levels.

REFERENCE            DA/2862/2002/B - 31 August 2010

APPLICANT/S           Xing Yue International Trading (Aus) Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Xing Yue International Trading (Aus) Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 18 November 2010





The application is referred to Council as the original application was approved at a Regulatory Council meeting on 19 May 2003.


The matter was also deferred from the Council Meeting held on 13 December 2010.




The application seeks approval to modify Development Consent No.2862/2002 which granted consent to demolition, removal of 11 trees and the erection of seven x 3 bedroom and two x 2 bedroom town houses over basement car parking.


Approval is sought for the retrospective modifications which include an increase in the basement floor levels which has resulted in an increase of up to 970mm higher than the approved ground floor levels to the front row of units and to a maximum of 700mm higher than the approved floor levels to the rear row of units. As a result, the ridge height of the front row of units has increased by 970mm and the rear row of units by 750mm.


Approval is also sought for modifications to mitigate the impact of excessive bulk and scale as a result of the unauthorised works detailed above. The proposed works include additional landscaping in the form of planter boxes between each set of stairs, which provide access to the front row of units, and reconfiguration of the staircase providing access to the ground floor of each unit within the front row to provide for a landing which faces the street. Additionally, a condition is recommended requiring 600mm of lattice screening to be surmounted on top of the eastern side boundary fence to reduce the potential for overlooking into the courtyard of adjoining properties located immediately to the east of the site.


Approval is also sought for the deletion of Condition No. 59 requiring the basement level carpark to have a minimum floor to ceiling height of 2.5 metres. The as built works have resulted in a minimum floor to ceiling height of 2.0 metres for a portion of the basement carpark. As this does not comply with the deemed to satisfy requirements of the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standard AS 2890.1, a condition is recommended requiring the floor to ceiling height of the basement carpark to comply with the performance requirements of the Building Code of Australia and the relevant  Australian Standard.


Council issued a Stop Work Order on 30 September 2009, as a site inspection revealed that construction of the development commenced prior to obtaining a Construction Certificate. Concerns were raised by Council’s Construction Team with regard to the structural integrity of the development.  The Stop Work order was lifted once the structural integrity of the development was rectified.


Construction of the townhouses is nearly complete.


Three submissions have been received in response to the notification of this application, raising issues with respect to unacceptable overlooking and excessive bulk and scale.


It is considered that the proposed changes to the front façade of the development to mitigate the impact of the unauthorised works and recommended conditions will appropriately address the issues raised by objectors with respect to bulk and scale and overlooking. Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval, subject to conditions.






(a)       That Council as the consent authority, modify development consent to Development Application No. DA/2862/2002 in the following manner:


           The following additional conditions are imposed.


1.         The provision of 600mm lattice screening shall be surmounted on top of   

       the entire length of the eastern boundary fence prior to the issue of the Occupation Certificate.

Reason: To minimise the impact of overlooking.


2.         All landscape works shall be maintained for a minimum period of two (2) years after the final completion, in accordance with the approved plans and conditions.

Reason:        To ensure restoration of environmental amenity.

Condition No. 59 is to be modified in the following  manner:


            The floor to ceiling height of the basement car parking area is required to               satisfy the performance requirements of the Building Code of Australia and             Australian Standard AS 2890.1.

          Reason: To comply with the height requirements of the BCA and AS            2890.1.    


(b)       Further, that as the development works have occurred without prior  

development consent being obtained, that the matter be referred to Council’s Development Control Section for investigation and possible issue of a penalty

 infringement notice.


(c)       Further, that the objector’s be notified of Council’s decision.





Lina Dababneh

Development Assessment Officer 






Section 79c Report

16 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Original Section 79c Report

6 Pages



Plans & Elevations

4 Pages



Confidential plans

4 Pages





Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.3


ITEM NUMBER         10.3

SUBJECT                   Former Eastwood Brickworks (Lot 6 DP 270605) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Construction of seven detached dwellings on Birchgrove Crescent (proposed lots 2 to 8 in an approved subdivision of Lot 6 DP 270605).

REFERENCE            DA/701/2010 - 1 September 2010

APPLICANT/S           AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT - 14 January 2011




The application has been referred to Council as the application seeks variations of greater than 10% to the allotment size/frontage control of clause 38(1)(b), the height control of clause 39(1)(a) and the floor space ratio control of clause 40(1) contained within Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and the application is accompanied by an objection under SEPP 1.




The application seeks approval for the construction of 7 dwellings in an approved 7 lot subdivision of Lot 6 DP 270605. The site forms part of the housing estate located inside the former Eastwood Brickworks. The subdivision pattern and allotment sizes remain consistent with DA/799/2008 which was approved on 18 December 2008. Despite the site being located inside a new housing estate the development standards of Parramatta LEP 2001 continue to apply.


The 3 storey height of five of the proposed dwellings results in a variation to the 2 storey height limit. The 0.85:1 floor space ratio for the 3 storey dwellings is a variation to the 0.5:1 floor space ratio control by 70%. The 0.69:1 floor space ratio for the 2 storey dwellings is a variation to the 0.5:1 floor space ratio control by 38%. The dwellings are located on allotments that have an area of between 444.4m2 and 447.5m2. The maximum variation to the 550m2 allotment size control is 19.2%.


In November 2008 a Planning Circular titled ‘Reporting Variations to Development Standards’ was issued by the Department of Planning. The circular recommended that variations to development standards of greater than 10% should be determined by Council.


The site is subject to the provisions of the Eastwood Brickworks Master Plan which was approved by Council in June 2003.


The proposed dwellings are considered acceptable when assessed against the Brickworks Master Plan. In particular the Master Plan envisaged a development with a density of 0.6:1 across the site and an aesthetic based on the use of verandahs, projecting awnings, and gable roof forms. The dwellings have been designed taking into consideration the design principles of the Master Plan and achieve consistency with the streetscape and are compatible with dwellings previously approved for the site despite the variations to the developments standards in Parramatta LEP for height, floor space ratio, and allotment size, and the variation to the rear setback control for the two storey dwellings on proposed lots 7 and 8. 


The application was notified to adjoining properties and one submission was received from the owner of a property that backs onto the housing estate. The issues raised in the submission have been considered in the assessment of the application.


Despite the non compliances with the floor space ratio, height, and allotment size requirements of the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan the proposal is consistent with the zone objectives as the design of the dwellings is compatible with recent development in the housing estate. Accordingly the proposal is recommended for approval.






(a)       That Council supports the variations to Clauses 38(1), 39(1)(a) and 40(1) of Parramatta LEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.


(b)       That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/701/2010 for the construction of seven dwellings on Birchgrove Crescent (proposed lots 2 to 8 in an approved subdivision of Lot 6 DP 270605) subject to the conditions in Attachment 1.


(c)       Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision.



Jonathan Goodwill

Senior Development Assessment Officer




Section 79C Assessment Report

31 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Confidential plans

7 Pages





Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.4


ITEM NUMBER         10.4

SUBJECT                   272-274 Woodville Road, Guildford (Lot 1 in DP 58682) and Lots D, X and Y in DP 381721) (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition, construction of a two storey commercial premises, shops, recreation facility (gymnasium) and medical centre development with at-grade and basement carparking for 93 cars and two loading docks.

REFERENCE            DA/72/2010 - submitted 9th February, 2010

APPLICANT/S           D & R Architects

OWNERS                    Jandarra Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




10th december, 2010




The proposal is referred to Council for determination due to the number of submissions received. This report was referred from the Delegated Authority Meeting on 13 January 2011.





The proposal involves the demolition of existing fast food outlets (KFC and Pizza Hut buildings) and structures on the site and the construction of  a two storey building with indicative uses of commercial (offices), retail (including grocery), recreation facility (gymnasium) and medical centre with 93 carparking spaces. It is noted that these uses are indicative only and would require further development consent should the application be approved.


Eight submissions were received. The objections relate primarily to issues relating to general traffic and parking, as well as the economic impacts of this development on existing commercial and retail premises in Guildford. The issues are addressed in the Section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment 1) and are not considered sufficiently adverse to warrant refusal of the application.


The conclusions contained within Attachment 1 are that:


·    Economic competition between individual trade competitors is not an environmental or planning consideration. Such competition is resolved by market forces, subject to the Trade Practices Act and it is not part of the assessment process under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 to determine economic viability of competing retail premises; and

·    Traffic generated by the development can be accommodated by the surrounding road network and would not have unreasonable impacts on existing traffic volumes or congestion.

·    Neither the Roads & Traffic Authority of NSW nor Council’s Traffic Engineer raise any concerns in relation to the proposal and its impacts on traffic either on its own or the cumulative impacts having regard to   other development in the locality.

·    The acoustic and air quality impacts of Woodville Road on the development are not sufficient to warrant refusal of the proposal, particularly as this development does not contain a residential component.


The other issues raised in the submissions are addressed in Attachment 1.


The proposal is a long standing application as a number of issues relating to the driveways and access onto and from Woodvile Road required resolution. These issues have been satisfactorily addressed to the satisfaction of the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW and Council’s Traffic and Transport Engineer who have both provided their conditions of consent.


The proposal has been considered by Council’s Urban Designer and the proposal is considered to be of appropriate design quality, with Council’s Urban Designer concluding:


          ‘The proposal is considered acceptable given that (previous issues raised) are      relatively minor urban design issues.’


The proposal complies with the prescribed requirements of Parramatta Local  Environmental Plan 2001 and its DCP. In particular, the proposal satisfies the key development controls of FSR, height and carparking.


The proposal is consistent with the objectives of the LEP and there will be no likely unacceptable impacts on adjoining properties.


Accordingly, approval of the application is recommended.





(a)     That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to        Development Application No. 72/2010 for the demolition of existing buildings     and structures on the site and the construction of a two storey commercial      premises, shops, recreation facility (gymnasium) and medical centre           development with at-grade and basement carparking for 93 cars and two        loading docks at 272-272 Woodville Road, Guildford, subject to the conditions        contained within Attachment 1. 


(b)     Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.




Alan Middlemiss

Senior Development Assessment Officer






Section 79 Assessment Report

55 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans & Elevations

7 Pages





Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.5


ITEM NUMBER         10.5

SUBJECT                   5 Sutherland Road, North Parramatta
(Lot 1 DP 119493) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          The construction of a detached dual occupancy with Torrens title subdivision.

REFERENCE            DA/533/2010 - Submitted 6 July 2010

APPLICANT/S           M Younes

OWNERS                    Mr Michael Younes and Mrs Antoinette Younes

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       






The application has been referred to Council for determination due the high public interest in the site and the nature of the deferred commencement. This report was referred from the Delegated Authority Meeting on 13 January 2011.



Executive Referral:


Approval is sought for the construction of a detached 2 storey dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision. In addition to the dual occupancy, an existing Council stormwater pipe is to be relocated to the middle of the property and construction of a sandstone wall on the Gilbert Street frontage from the foundation material of the original dwelling house.


It is noted that the original proposal included demolition of the home once occupied by Australian Cricketer Richie Benaud and tree removal. These elements are no longer included in the proposal as they have been approved under a Complying Development Certificate issued by a Private Certifier and a Tree Application.


A recommended condition of consent requires a plaque to commemorate the ‘Benaud’ family to be placed on the sandstone wall at the Gilbert Street frontage.


The proposed development is defined as a “dual occupancy” under the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001. The proposal satisfies the definition of “dual occupancy” and is permissible under the 2A Residential zoning applying to the land.


The land is subject to flooding. A Flood Study Report and plan detail were submitted to Council addressing flooding issues. The original Flood Study Report and plan detail has since been amended as a result of comments from Council’s Catchment Management Team and Development Engineers. Architectural plans for the development however, are yet to be amended to reflect the latest Flood Study. This issue has been dealt with by way of a deferred commencement condition in the 79C Report attached.


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP and three submissions were received. The concerns raised have been addressed in the attached 79C Report.


Accordingly the application is recommended for approval (deferred commencement), subject to conditions.





(a)     That the Development Application No. 533/2010, for the construction of a detached, 2 storey dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision on land at 5 Sutherland Road, North Parramatta be determined by granting a consent for a period of 5 years subject to ‘deferred commencement’ under Section 80(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Upon strict compliance with all conditions appearing in Schedule A and with the issue of confirmation to that effect in writing from Council, the “deferred commencement” consent shall revert to a development consent inclusive of all conditions appearing in Schedule B, pursuant to Section 80(1) of the Act.

(b)     Objector to be notified of Council’s decision.



David Little

Development Assessment Officer






Section 79C Report

59 Pages



Locality map

1 Page




9 Pages



Confidential floor plans

3 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.6


ITEM NUMBER         10.6

SUBJECT                   5 Romani Street NORTH PARRAMATTA (Lot 1 DP 16340) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition and construction of a three (3) storey dwelling.

REFERENCE            DA/884/2010 - Submitted 3 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           Mr S Georgiou

OWNERS                    Ms P Alabournos

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT   29 December 2010




The application has been referred to Council as it seeks a variation of greater than 10% to the height control within Clause 39 of Local Environmental Plan 2001 and the application is accompanied by an objection under SEPP 1. This report was referred from the Delegated Authority Meeting on 13 January 2011.





The application seeks approval for demolition and construction of a three storey dwelling house.


Although the proposed dwelling has a ground and first floor for habitable purposes the proposed dwelling will comprise of three storeys as defined by Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 which exceeds the two storey height limit permitted under the development standard of Clause 39. The non compliance is a technical non compliance due to the definition of a storey under PLEP 2001. The definition includes any area greater than 1.2 metres above ground level as a storey. The garage area of the dwelling protrudes above the natural ground level by a maximum of 1.9m on the north-eastern elevation of the dwelling. The non-compliance is a direct result of the slope of the allotment. The application also seeks a small variation to the Floor space ratio control of Clause 40 of PLEP 2001 (less than a 10% variation) and is deemed to be appropriate.


In accordance with a Planning Circular released by the Department of Planning in November 2008 on ’Reporting Variations to Development Standards' variations to development standards greater than 10% should be determined by Council.


One submission has been received in respect of this application.


The proposed development is consistent with the objectives contained in the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005. The dwelling has a satisfactory design, bulk and scale. There is sufficient landscaping and open space provided by the proposal. The new dwelling is appropriately sited without unduly impacting on the streetscape or amenity of adjoining properties in terms of privacy or shading.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.






(a) That Council support the variations to Clause 39 and Clause 40 of the PLEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.


(b) Further that Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/884/2010 for the for demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a 3 storey dwelling at 5 Romani Street, NORTH PARRAMATTA  NSW  2151 for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination has been approved subject to the conditions contained in the annexed draft determination letter.



Maya Sarwary

Senior Development Assessment Officer

Development Assessment Team






S79C Assessment Report

46 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




5 Pages



Confidential Plans

3 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.7


ITEM NUMBER         10.7

SUBJECT                   37 Roseberry Road, GUILDFORD
Lot 17 SEC 1 DP 4047

DESCRIPTION          Demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit housing development containing 5 dwellings under the provisions of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009

REFERENCE            DA/674/2010 - 

APPLICANT/S           Mr P Sarkis

OWNERS                    Mr P Sarkis

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT   4 January 2011




The application has been referred to Council due to the number of submissions received. This report was referred from the Delegated Authority Meeting on 13 January 2011.





Development Application No. 674/2010 seeks approval for the demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit housing development containing 5 dwellings under the provisions of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009


The development is being constructed under the provisions of the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and 50% of the dwellings (being 3 of the proposed dwellings) will be designated for affordable housing to be managed by a "Registered Community Provider" for 10 years as required under the SEPP.


The subject site is zoned Residential 2(b) under the provisions of LEP2001. Multi unit housing is a permissible land use under the zoning provisions of LEP2001. Notwithstanding this, the proposed use is considered as “infill affordable housing” under the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and is a permissible development under this SEPP, which is the prevailing legislative document.


The proposed FSR of 0.6:1 and 2 storey height of the proposed development complies with the maximum FSR and height provisions within the current 2(b) zoning and proposed R3 zoning of the subject site. The development also complies with the maximum FSR and height provisions of the SEPP.


The proposal does not comply with the solar access provisions of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009. The departure is minor only and does not warrant the refusal of the application. The applicant has submitted a SEPP 1 Objection to vary this control. This SEPP 1 Objection is considered to warrant Council’s support.


Six objections were received in respect of this application. The issues raised within those submissions relate to potential overlooking, overshadowing, impacts on the character of the area, asbestos removal, loss of green space, impact upon traffic, stormwater and drainage. The issues raised in the submissions do not warrant refusal of the application. The issues have been discussed in detail within the Section 79C assessment report contained at Attachment 1.


Subject to conditions of consent, the proposal is considered to be acceptable as it generally complies with the provisions of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and is consistent with the aims and objectives of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Draft Local Environmental Plan 2010. Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.






(a)       That Council support the variation to the solar access provisions of Clause 14(1)(e) of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 under the provisions of SEPP 1.


(b)       Further that Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 674/2010 for the demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit housing development containing 5 dwellings under the provisions of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 on land at 37 Rosebery Road, Guildford subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1. 


(c)        Further that the persons who lodged a submission be advised of Council’s determination of the application.



Katherine Lafferty 

Development Assessment Officer




Section 79C Assessment report

57 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




13 Pages



Confidential Plans

5 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.8


ITEM NUMBER         10.8

SUBJECT                   36/46 Wellington Road, SOUTH GRANVILLE  NSW  2142  
(Lot 36 SP 75186) (Woodville Road)

DESCRIPTION          Section 82A review to seek approval for alterations and additions to Unit 36 comprising the enclosure of a portion of the existing terrace.

REFERENCE            DA/511/2010 - Submitted 2 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           Wadi Kannoubine Charitable Association Inc

OWNERS                    Wadi Kannoubine Charitable Association Inc

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 20 January 2011





The application is referred to Council as it is an application under Section 82A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.




This Section 82A Review application seeks Council’s reconsideration of its refusal to grant consent for alterations and additions to Unit 36 comprising the enclosure of a portion of the existing terrace.


The original development application was refused under delegated authority by the Group Manager, Outcomes and Development on 9 August 2010 for the following reasons:


1.         Council has no power to approve the application as owners consent has not been provided in accordance with the requirements of Clause 50 and Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


The applicant has submitted owner’s consent with the Section 82A review application.


Clause 40(1A) of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 restricts the floor space ratio for buildings within an Employment 4 zone to a maximum of 1:1. The proposed development seeks to increase the existing floor space by 58m². The development was approved with 8979m² of floor space which equates to a floor space ratio of 0.78:1. The proposed development would result in a floor space ratio of 0.79:1 which is less than the maximum 1:1 permissible on the land.


No specific use has been nominated for the proposed development as part of this development application. Notwithstanding this, it should be noted that a separate application for the occupation of Unit 36 as a community facility was lodged with Council on 2 November 2010 (DA/883/2010). This application is currently under assessment and pending determination. The application for the use of the unit as a community facility includes the enclosed terrace area, the subject of the Section 82A review application. The application for the use is a separate application and does not need to be considered in conjunction with the subject Section 82A review application.


One submission was received in respect of this application. The issues raised within that submission relate to waste, heritage, impacts on the natural and built environment and impacts on the amenity of the area. The issues raised within the submission do not warrant refusal of the application. The issues have been discussed in detail within the Section 79C assessment report contained at Attachment 1.


For the reasons outlined in this report and Attachment 1, it is recommended that Council change its determination and grant consent to the application.








(a)     That Council change its previous determination of DA/511/2010 and approve Development Application DA/511/2010 for alterations and additions to Unit 36 comprising the enclosure of a portion of the existing terrace on land at 46 Wellington Road, South Granville subject to the conditions of consent contained in Attachment 1 of this report.


(b)     Further, that the person who lodged a submission be advised of Council’s determination of the application.







Kate Lafferty

Senior Development Assessment Officer






Section 82A Assessment Report

17 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans & Elevations

3 Pages



Previous Section 79C Assessment Report

9 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                            Item 10.9


ITEM NUMBER         10.9

SUBJECT                   104 Oakes Road, Toongabbie
(Lot 1 DP 559006 and Lot 1 DP 620256)

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(1a) modification to the construction of a 3 storey office building with associated carparking within the Baxter health care complex including retrospective approval for the removal of additional trees.

REFERENCE            DA/255/2010/A -  17 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           Moanco Hickey Group

OWNERS                    Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




21 January 2011



The original development application was approved at the Regulatory Council meeting on 11 October 2010




The original development application granted approval for:


Construction of a 3 storey office building within the Baxter health care complex.


·    Construction of a three storey commercial building with 2,914sqm of floor area

·    Consolidation of the existing 2 allotments into 1 allotment

·    Removal of 30 trees

·    Provision of an additional 139 car parking spaces (total 524 spaces on the site)

·    Reconfiguration of existing car parking to provide a uniform designed car park

·    Provision of landscaping


Details of the modification are as follows:


·    Retrospective approval for removal of an additional 67 trees from the site


The additional trees have been removed.


The proposed development to be modified is considered to be substantially the same development as that to which the original development consent relates. The removal of additional trees does not result in a development that is not substantially the same as the original development. The essence of the development which is the construction of a three storey office building with associated carparking and landscaping works will remain. The inclusion of additional tree removal does not change the definition of the development under Parramatta LEP 2001


The application was notified to surrounding properties and previous objectors. In response one submission was received that raises concerns about truck movements to and from the site via Oakes Road. The RTA requires access to the site to be from Oakes Road and this section 96 modification does not increase traffic movements.


The proposed modifications have been assessed in accordance with the matters for consideration under both Section 96(1A) and section 79C of the EP&A Act 1979. The removal of additional trees do not breach the numerical controls contained within either Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 or Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005.


The additional tree removal is supported by Council’s landscape officer as many of the trees are young semi mature specimens. Further Tree planting is recommended to mitigate the tree removal


As the tree removal has occurred without the prior consent of Council being obtained, the file will be referred to Council’s Technical Specialists Team Leader to investigate the breach of Council’s Tree Preservation Order.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.






(a)       That Council as the consent authority modify development consent No. DA/255/2010 in the following manner:


1.         Modifying condition 10 to state:


10. Trees to be retained are identified in the submitted Tree Report by Treescan Urban Forest Management dated July 2010. Tree No’s 1-5, 7-15, 32-33, 36-38 and 53-57 are required to be retained and protected during the demolition and construction period.

Reason: To protect significant trees which contribute to the landscape character of the area.


2. Modify condition 11 to state:


11. Trees to be removed as indentified in the submitted Tree Report by Treescan Urban Forest Management dated July 2010. Tree No’s 6, 16-30, 31, 34 and 39-52 are approved to be removed as well as the additional 65 trees identified on the survey plan prepared by Stutchbury Jacques Pty Ltd –Land Surveying consultants, reference No.6511/07 dated 10/11/10.

                   Reason:   To allow appropriate development of the site


          3.      Condition 78A be added:


78A.        Prior to the Issue of an occupation certificate replacement tree (screen) planting shall be undertaken along the southern boundary of the site in front of the carpark to replace the trees approved for removal. The trees shall be planted at two (2) metre intervals along the length of the boundary.  Suitable species include (or a mixture of) the following: 

·    Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash)

·    Hymenosporum flavum (Native Frangipani)

·    Melaleuca bracteata (River Tea Tree)

·    Callistemon citrinus (Scarlet Bottlebrush)

     NOTE: Minimum container size of 25 litres

Reason:        To ensure the restoration of the environmental amenity of the area.


          4.      All other conditions of consent are to remain.


(b)       Further, that as the development works have occurred without prior  

development consent being obtained, that the matter be referred to Technical Specialists Team Leader for investigation and possible issue of a penalty

 infringement notice.


(c)        Further, that, the objector be advised of Council’s decision



Brad Delapierre

Team Leader Development Assessment






Sec 96 Assessment Report

8 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




2 Pages



Approved Tree Report

27 Pages



Original Council report for 104 Oakes Rd

71 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                          Item 10.10


ITEM NUMBER         10.10

SUBJECT                   13 Dobson Crescent, DUNDAS VALLEY  NSW  2117
(Lachlan Macquarie Ward) (LOT 31 DP 233076)

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(1a) modification to an approved multi-unit development containing 3 townhouses. Modification includes deletion of condition 32 and seeking retrospective approval for installation of frosted glazing to all first floor eastern windows.

REFERENCE            DA/1207/2004/B - 26 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           Mr F Ferris and Mr P Ibrahim

OWNERS                    Mr T Ferris, Mr F Ferris, Mr A Ferris and Ms L Ferris

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 31 January 2011




The Section 96 application has been referred to Council for determination as the original development application was referred to Council for determination.




Approval is sought for the modification to an approved multi-unit development containing 3 townhouses. The modification includes deletion of condition 32 of the original Development Consent (DA/1207/2004). Retrospective approval is sought for the installation of frosted glazing to all first floor eastern windows.


Condition 32 of the original Development Consent reads as follows:


“32.     All first floor windows to the eastern elevation shall be provided with louvres.


Reason: To ensure privacy of the adjoining properties.”


Louvres were conditioned for the first floor rear facing windows so as to maintain the amenity of the neighbouring properties and reduce potential for looking into adjoining properties.


Through the construction process windows with obscure glazing were installed and the louvers were not. The Occupation Certificate is yet to be issued for the development as condition 32 has not been met.


The rear facing first floor rooms are considered to be of low use being windows associated with bedrooms. It is considered that the rear facing, obscure glazing, windows would satisfy the original privacy concerns and are acceptable.


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP and no submissions were received. Due to an administration error a person who objected to the original DA was not sent a letter advising to the section 96 application. A letter has since been mailed to the person.


Accordingly the application is recommended for approval.




(a)       That Council as the consent authority, modify development consent to Development Application No. DA/1207/2004/B for Section 96(1a) modification to an approved multi-unit development containing 3 townhouses including deletion of Condition 32 and retrospective approval for installation of frosted glazing to all first floor eastern windows on land at 13 Dobson Crescent, Dundas Valley  NSW  2152 as shown on the plans submitted with the modification of determination, for a period of five (5) years from the date on the original Notice of Determination subject to the modifications included in the attached Assessment Report.


(b)       That the original objectors to be notified of Council’s decision.


(c)       Further, that the matter relating to breaches to the development consent be referred to the Regulatory Services Unit for investigation.






David Little

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79c Report

7 Pages



Locality Plan

1 Page



Approved Plans

5 Pages



Original 79c Report

19 Pages



Original Development Consent

22 Pages



Original Emailed Council Report

5 Pages



Section 96c Report for DA/1207/2004/A

6 Pages



Approved Confidential Floor Plan

2 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                          Item 10.11


ITEM NUMBER         10.11

SUBJECT                   53 Lower Mount Street, Wentworthville
(Lot 5 DP 253185) (Arthur Philip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          S96(1A) modification to an approved multi-unit development seeking retrospective approval for changes to the external facade and internal layout.      

REFERENCE            DA/2202/2003/A - 23 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           T Younan

OWNERS                    Tonee Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT   21 January 2011




The application is referred to Council as the original application was approved at the Regulatory Council Meeting of 8 August 2005.




The application seeks to modify Development Consent No. 2202/2003 under the provisions of Section 96(1A) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.


Development Consent No. 2202/2003 granted consent for the construction of a multi-unit development containing 5 townhouses.


Approval is sought to modify the application which includes the following:


1.         Reconfiguration of the internal floor layout of the first floor of each dwelling which includes:

-     Changes to the floor area (both area and dimensions) of bedroom 1, bedroom 2 and the bathroom for all 5 units as follows:



Originally Approved

Section 96

Unit 1


Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2





3.2m x 4.2m

3.2m x 3m

3.29m x 1.88m



3.17m x 4.45m

3.6m x 3.6

2.1m x 3.0m

Unit 2


Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2




4.27m x 4.44m

3.04m x 3.84m

1.88m x 3.2m



3.31m x 4.62m

3.31m x 3.67m

2.1m x 3.0m


Unit 3


Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2





4.14m x 4.35m

3.33m x 3.84m

1.96m x 3.24m



3.26m x 4.52m

3.26m x 3.93m

3.01m x 2.03m

Unit 4


Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2




3.97m x 4.31m

3.37m x 4.87m

1.83m x 3.20m



3.31m x 4.59m

3.31m x 3.67m

2.10m x 2.89m


Unit 5


Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2




4.06m x 4.40m

3.29m x 3.84m

1.83m x 3.20m



3.27m x 4.16m

3.27m x 3.98m

2.10m x 2.88m



-     relocation of the ensuite to the northern side adjacent to the bathroom for all 5 units

-     as a result of reduced bedroom sizes, a study room was created and is located between bedroom 1 and the staircase for all 5 units.


2.         External changes which include

-     addition of five 600mm x 700mm ensuite windows on the northern elevation

-     external finishes of Unit 1, 3 and 5 were changed from rendered and painted to face brick.


It is noted that the above modifications have been undertaken and therefore retrospective approval is sought.


No submissions were received during the notification period. 


The proposed modifications will not result in any unacceptable impacts to the amenity of the area as an appropriate level of privacy for adjoining sites is maintained and the design, bulk and scale of the development remains commensurate with the development as previously approved. The development as modified is substantially the same development as that originally approved. The proposed modification of the original development consent does not raise any additional issues in respect of compliance with Council’s policies including overall height and floor space ratio which remain unaltered by the proposal.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.





(a)       That Council as the consent authority modify Development Consent No. 2202/2003 under the provisions of Section 96(1A) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act in the following manner:


            1. Modify Condition No. 1 as follows:


1.      The development is to be carried out in accordance with the following plans and documentation listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, except where amended by other conditions of this consent:


Drawing N0


First Floor Plan. Drawing No. A 03 / 01 / 2010.

6 October 2010

Elevations – Section AA. Drawing No. 04 / 01 /2010. Amendment A.

30 November 2010 – As amended


(b)     That the application be referred to Regulatory Compliance for investigation and possible issue of a Penalty Infringement Notice given that the works were carried out without prior development approval being obtained.




Denise Fernandez

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79C Report

8 Pages



Location Plan

1 Page



Amended Plans

1 Page



Original Section 79C

23 Pages



Original Consent

24 Pages



Original Plans

2 Pages



Original Confidential Plans

3 Pages



Confidential Plans

2 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                          Item 10.12


ITEM NUMBER         10.12

SUBJECT                   126 Merrylands Road,  Merrylands Cor Lot 1 & Lot 2 & 3 DP 9814

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(1A) modification to an approved 3 storey mixed use development. The modification includes deletion of condition 62 requiring trees to be planted on the nature strip.

REFERENCE            DA/961/2004/B - Lodged 8 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           Sidney Lam & Associates

OWNERS                    Merrylands Property Development Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT  21 January 2011




The application is referred to Council as the original application for demolition and construction of a 3 storey mixed use development comprising ground floor retail shops, 2 levels of residential units, basement car parking and strata subdivision was approved by Council on 14 August 2006.




The Section 96(1A) Application seeks approval for the deletion of condition No. 62 of the development consent which requires trees to be planted on the nature strip.


Condition 62 states:



The application was referred to Council’s Landscape Officer who supports the removal of the condition. The following comments were provided:


“The following condition (62) cannot be complied with due to the location of the approved awning, the location of the development to street corners ( development site approximately 30 metres in length), the location of the surrounding infrastructure (pedestrian crossing, power poles, etc) and services (Telstra, Sydney Water, etc). The street tree planting would have blocked sight lines for vehicles using the laneway at the rear of the site.”


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and one submission was received. The issues raised have been considered and do not warrant refusal of this application.


The likely impacts of the proposed development have been assessed and the proposed modification is considered acceptable with respect to the standards and controls contained within Council’s LEP 2001 and DCP 2005.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.




(a)       That Council as the consent authority, modify Development Consent No. 961/2004/B by deleting condition no. 62.


(b)       Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.




Ashleigh Matta

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79C Report

7 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Section 79C Report for DA/961/2004

10 Pages



Council report for DA/961/2004/A

4 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                          Item 10.13


ITEM NUMBER         10.13

SUBJECT                   13 Barney Street, North Parramatta
(Arthur Phillip ward)
Lot 7 Sec 72 DP 758788

DESCRIPTION          Occupation of unit 3 as a place of public worship

REFERENCE            DA/868/2010 - Submitted 28 October 2010

APPLICANT/S           The Potters House Christian Church Parramatta Inc

OWNERS                    Griffin Developments Aust Pty Limited

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 21 January 2010




The application has been referred to Council as it is a place of public worship.




Development Application No. 868/2010 seeks approval for the occupation of Unit 3 as a place of public worship for a seating capacity of 120 persons and the display of associated signage.


The subject site is zoned Employment 4 under the provisions of LEP2001. A place of public worship is a permissible land use under the zoning provisions of LEP2001.


The proposed development has a useable floor space of approximately 240m². This requires the provision of 66 car parking spaces under the guidelines of the Place of Public Worship DCP. The traffic report submitted with the application estimates 30 car parking spaces are required for the use, based upon the 120 seat capacity of the building, and the current car occupancy rates and operations of the church (formerly located in Northmead). No car parking is provided on site for the use of the proposed church. The applicant has submitted letters from the owner and tenant of the adjoining property at 9-11 Barney Street granting permission for the church to utilise the car parking on that property on Wednesday evenings and Sundays (during the peak usage times). The furniture warehouse currently located at 9-11 Barney Street does not use the car parking at these times. The provision of the 30 car parking spaces is less than that required by the Places of Public Worship DCP, however consistent with that estimated by the traffic report. Council’s Traffic engineer can support the proposal, subject to conditions.


It is considered that to ensure certainty of the use of car parking on the adjoining property, a lease agreement should be entered into between the applicant and the owner at 9-11 Barney Street, formalising the use of this area for parking.  The execution of the lease and a plan indicating the car parking on the adjoining property should be submitted before the consent becomes operative.


It should be noted that building works have commenced within the building, with 2 large walls and the kitchenette already been constructed. These works do not form part of this approval and a building certificate would need to be lodged and approved before any use could commence. Internal partitioning to separate the congregation area from the “break-out” area and proposed external signage is still to be constructed and is subject to a Construction Certificate.


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP and one submission was received in respect of this application. The issue raised within the submission relates to the lack of car parking available on site. The issue raised in the submission does not warrant refusal of the application. The issue has been discussed in detail within the Section 79C assessment report contained in Attachment 1.


The proposed development is consistent with the objectives contained in the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005. The proposed place of public worship is appropriately sited without unduly impacting on the amenity of nearby residential properties.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval vide a deferred commencement consent and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions once the consent becomes operational.






(a)       That Council as the consent authority grant a deferred commencement development consent to Development Application No. 868/2010 for the occupation of Unit 3 as a place of public worship on land at 13 Barney Street, North Parramatta subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1. 


(b)       Further that the person who lodged a submission be advised of Council’s determination of the application.


(c)        Further that the unauthorised works within the premises be referred to Council’s Compliance Team for further investigation and action.




Kate Lafferty

Senior Development Assessment Officer






Section 79C Assessment Report

34 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans & Elevations

7 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                          Item 10.14


ITEM NUMBER         10.14

SUBJECT                   162 Kissing Point Road, Dundas (Lot 1 in DP 709657) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit housing development containing 7 townhouses over basement carparking with strata subdivision.

REFERENCE            DA/824/2010 - 19 October 2010

APPLICANT/S           Ridge Design

OWNERS                    Mrs Genelle Smith

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




28 January 2011




This development application has been referred to Council due to the number of objections received.




Development Application No. 824/2010 seeks approval for demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit housing development containing 7 townhouses over basement carparking with strata subdivision.


The subject site is zoned Residential 2(b) under the provisions of LEP2001. Multi unit housing is a permissible land use under the zoning provisions of LEP2001.

The proposed FSR of 0.55:1 and 2 storey height of the proposed development complies with the maximum FSR and height provisions within the current 2(b) zoning and proposed R3 zoning of the subject site.


The proposal does not comply with the height controls contained within DCP 2005 as the development does not comply with the building height envelope controls for the upper level on the front and rear rows and the landscaped area controls. However, having regards to the adjoining townhouse developments that also exceed Council’s current planning controls the variations are supported.


One individual letter of objection and a petition signed by owners/occupiers were received in respect of this application.  Three of the petitioners subsequently withdrew their objection to the proposal. The issues raised within those submissions relate to potential overlooking, tree removal, stormwater and drainage. The issues raised in the submissions do not warrant refusal of the application. The issues have been discussed in detail within the Section 79C assessment report contained at Attachment 1.


Subject to conditions of consent, the proposal is considered to be acceptable as it generally complies with the provisions of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005 and is consistent with the aims and objectives of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Draft Local Environmental Plan 2010. Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.




a)        That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 824/2010 for demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit housing development containing 7 townhouses over basement carparking with strata subdivision on land at 162 Kissing Point Road, Dundas subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1. 


b)         Further that the persons who lodged an individual submission and the head petitioner be advised of Council’s determination of the application.



Brad Delapierre

Team Leader






Section 79C Report

57 Pages



Locality Plan

1 Page




7 Pages



Confidential Floor Plan

1 Page





Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                          Item 10.15


ITEM NUMBER         10.15

SUBJECT                   Former Channel 7 Studios, 61 Mobbs Lane, EPPING  NSW  2121   (Lot 1 DP 129023, Lot 2 DP 129023, Lot 1 DP 570891, Lot 2 DP 732070) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Project application for the construction of Buildings 7 and 8 containing a total of 130 dwellings.

REFERENCE            NCA/1/2011 - Submitted 17 January 2011

APPLICANT/S           Meriton Apartments

OWNERS                    Karimbla Properties (No 9) Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 31 january 2011





To seek Council endorsement of a submission to the Director General of the Department of Planning on the project application for the construction of Buildings 7 and 8 containing a total of 130 dwellings.


The application is made under Schedule 3 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Development) 2005. Under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposal is declared as a Major Project and the Minister for Planning is the Consent Authority for the above project.





That Council endorse the submission to the Director General of the Department of Planning (contained at Attachment 1) regarding their assessment of the project application at 61 Mobbs Lane, Epping.





On 22 August 2006, the Minister approved a Concept Plan for residential development, landscaped open space and associated facilities, which permits the following development on the site:


•      a maximum of 650 dwellings

•      a maximum of 80,000m2 gross floor area (GFA) equivalent to a maximum floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.89: 1

•      a maximum of 96,000m2 total envelope area

•      a maximum of 73 dwellings per hectare on land

•      a maximum height number of 6 storeys

•      the provision of a minimum of 5% one (1) bedroom dwellings

•      the provision of a maximum of 15% three (3) bedroom + study dwellings

•      landscaped public open space (no less than 3.1 hectares) and private open space

•      associated services and infrastructure

•      land use distribution, building heights, densities, dwelling mixes and types

•      strata and Torrens title subdivision.


Council has recently considered an amendment to this Concept Plan at its meeting held on 27 September 2010. This amendment primarily requested an increase in dwellings from 650 to 800. No determination has been made by the Department of Planning on the modification as yet.




The Department of Planning notified Council via a letter dated 17 January 2011, that Meriton Apartments Pty Ltd have submitted a Major Project Application for the construction of Buildings 7 and 8 containing a total of 130 dwellings.The details of these buildings as contained within the proponent’s Environmental Assessment Report are outlined in the table below.








The Lord Mayor and Councillors were notified of the proposal on 18 January 2010 by Development Assessment Services.


The Department of Planning are currently exhibiting the project application between Wednesday 12 January 2011 and Friday 18 February 2011.




The application was referred to Council’s Traffic & Transport Investigations Officer and Council’s Urban Designer for review and comments. The comments received are at Attachment 2 & 3. 




Concerns are raised with respect to the height and character of the area (particularly with respect to the 6 storey nature of the proposed development), non-compliances with SEPP65 requirements (including solar access, building separation, natural ventilation, streetscape, internal circulation and building depth), accessibility for people with disabilities and the provision of adaptable dwellings. These issues are discussed within the draft submission to the Department of Planning contained at Attachment 1.



Kate Lafferty

Senior Development Assessment Officer 






Draft Submission to DOP

4 Pages



Referral Comments - Traffic

3 Pages



Referral Comments - Urban Design

3 Pages



Plans & Elevations

16 Pages



Confidential Plans & Elevations

16 Pages






Council (Development)  14 February 2011                                                                          Item 10.16


ITEM NUMBER         10.16

SUBJECT                   74 Tintern Avenue, Telopea
(Lot 9 DP 13876) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Section 82A review to seek approval for demolition, tree removal and construction of a 2 storey attached dual occupancy development withTorrens title subdivision

REFERENCE            DA/8/2010 - Submitted 23 September 2010

APPLICANT/S           Phillip & Sue Johnston

OWNERS                    Phillip & Sue Johnston

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT  12 November 2010





The application is referred to Council as it is an application under Section 82A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.


The issue was considered at the Council Meeting held on 6 December 2010 where it was deferred pending the holding of an on site meeting. The on site meeting has been scheduled for 8 February 2011 at 5.30pm.




This Section 82A Review application seeks Council’s reconsideration of its refusal to grant consent for the demolition, tree removal and the construction of a 2 storey attached dual occupancy development.


The original development application was refused under delegated authority by the Group Manager, Outcomes and Development on 16 March 2010 for the following reasons:


1.         The proposed development is inconsistent with the aims and objectives of the Residential 2(b) zoning applying to the land as the proposed works do not enhance the amenity and characteristics of the established residential area and the building form incorporating two double garages as the street façade is not in character with the surrounding built environment.


2.         The proposed dual occupancy is not consistent with the requirements of Sections 4.2.1 – Streetscape and Section 4.5.1 – Parking and Vehicular access of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005 as the garages are greater than 50% of the street elevation and are not setback 300mm behind the front building line and dominate the street elevation. In this regard, the proposed double garages will adversely impact upon the visual appearance of the dwelling house and upon the streetscape amenity.


3.         The proposed dual occupancy is not consistent with the requirements of Section 3.1 of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005 as the rear setback of Dwelling A does not achieve compliance with the 30% requirement.


4.         The principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) have not seen satisfied within the design in accordance with Section 4.4.2 of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005. In this regard, the garages are dominant in the streetscape and the entries to both dwellings are obstructed from the view of the street. The elements of natural surveillance and guardianship are compromised due to the proposed design which is contrary to CPTED principles.


5.      The proposed development is contrary to the public interest.


Amended plans were received with the Section 82A Review indicating the following amendments:


·    Increased front setback of the proposed dual occupancy

·    1st floor of the southern dwelling brought forward toward the street and over the garage

·    Reduction in length of both dwellings

·    Internal changes to the southern dwelling due changes to upper storey

·    Modified building façade


The amended plans have not satisfactorily addressed the previous reasons for refusal.


Six submissions were received in respect of this application. The issues raised within those submissions relate to potential overlooking, overshadowing, impacts on the character of the area, garage dominance, impacts on the existing easement and on the sewerage capacity of the existing infrastructure, impacts upon pedestrian and traffic safety and reduction of market value of property. The majority of the issues raised in the submissions do not warrant refusal of the application. The issues have been discussed in detail within the Section 79C assessment report contained at Attachment 1.


For the reasons outlined in this report and Attachment 1, it is recommended that Council uphold its previous decision and refuse consent to the Section 82A Review application.





(a)       That Council uphold its determination and refuse Development Application DA/8/2010 for the demolition, tree removal and the construction of a 2 storey attached dual occupancy development on land at 74 Tintern Avenue, Telopea for the reasons contained in Attachment 1 of this report.


(b)       Further, that the persons who lodged submissions be advised of Council’s determination of the application.






Kate Lafferty

Senior Development Assessment Officer







Section 82A Assessment Report

36 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans & Elevations

5 Pages



Previous Section 79C Assessment Report

16 Pages



Applicant's Statement of Environmental Effects

29 Pages



Confidential Plans

2 Pages