Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 - August 2009


Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 – August 2009



DA No:


Category of development:

Environmental Planning Instrument

Development standard to be varied

Justification of variation

Extent of Variation

Date DA determined


59A Isabella Street, North Parramatta

Residential – new dwelling

PLEP 2001

Clause 38 – Minimum allotment sizes

The proposed construction of a dwelling on a battleaxe allotment of 394.71sqm represents a 42% variation of Clause 38.  The SEPP 1 can be supported as the non compliance with the minimum allotment size will not result in a dwelling that will generate any adverse privacy, shadowing or bulk and scale impacts on adjoining sites.

Standard – 550m2

Proposed – 394.71sqm (42% variation)

10 August 2009


9 Hassall Street, Parramatta

Residential – flat building

PLEP 2001

SREP No. 28

Clause 22D – Building separation

The proposed development adopts the side boundary setbacks of the approved building.  These setbacks were originally determined having regard to streetscape, amenity and view sharing principles and the proposed development that maintains an identical standard and approach will similarly retain good amenity for both future occupants of the units and neighbouring development.

Requirement – side setback of either 6 metres or nil setback for a height of 36 metres & 9 metres between 36m and 54m & setback of 12 metres above 54 metres.

Proposed – 4 metres

10 August 2009