Item 10.1 - Attachment 1

Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 - December 2011 & January 2012


        Variations under SEPP 1 or clause 4.6 of standard instrument (or similar provision) approved in December 2011 & January 2012



DA No:


Category of development:

Environmental Planning Instrument

Development standard to be varied

Justification of variation

Extent of Variation

Date DA determined


29 Campbell Street


Residential flat building


Zone – B4 Mixed Use

Cl22D  - building separation (6 metre setback to rear and side boundaries)

The objectives of the building separation clause are not compromised by the minor balcony encroachment. There are no adverse privacy or amenity impacts arising from the variation to the standard and the encroachment (being balconies) provides design variation to the building.

Side setback

6 metres (min) required

5.4 metres proposed to side boundaries

(600mm or 10% variation)


7 December 2011 Sydney West Joint Regional Planning Panel



37 Midson Road


Dwelling house

PLEP 2001

Zone – 2A Residential (at time of DA lodgement)

cl. 38 – minimum allotment size (550m2)


cl.39 – maximum height (2 storeys)


cl. 40 - maximum FSR (0.5:1)

The site is subject to a Masterplan and Council previously granted consent to subdivide the site into the subject allotment sizes. The proposed dwellings are consistent with the Masterplan and the overall site FSR of 0.6:1. The dwellings maintain suitable residential amenity for surrounding properties.

Allotment size

550m2 required

445.5 provided

(13% variation).



2 storey (max) required

3 storey provided on lots 18, 19 and 20

(50% variation)



0.5:1 (max)

0.54:1 to 0.77:1 proposed

(approx 10-25% variation)


12 December 2011  Council Meeting


33 Sixth Avenue


Dwelling house

PLEP 2011

Zone – R2 Low Density Residential

cl. 4.4(2)  – maximum FSR (0.5:1) 


The site is an undersized allotment and the variation to the development standard is minimal (8.2m2) or less than a 2% variation. No adverse amenity or bulk/scale impacts.


0.5:1 (max) required

0.51:1 proposed (8.2m2 or less than 2% variation)


30 November 2011 Group Manager Outcomes & Development  - delegated authority


DA No:


Category of development:

Environmental Planning Instrument

Development standard to be varied

Justification of variation

Extent of Variation

Date DA determined


3 Adamson Street


Dual occupancy

PLEP 2001

Zone – 2B Residential (at time of DA lodgement)

cl.38 – minimum allotment size (600m2)

The DP for the site shows the site area to be 607m2 however the survey plan shows the dimensions of the site to be 556m2. The extent of variation is minor and all other development standards comply.

Site area

600m2 (min) required

556m2 proposed (44m2 or 8% variation)

22 December 2011

Group Manager Outcomes & Development – delegated authority


2B Grand Avenue


(Rosehill Racecourse)


PLEP 2011

Zone – RE2 Private Recreation

cl.4.3 – maximum height (12metres)

The screen can not be viewed from public lands/roads as it is located within the racecourse and will not have any adverse visual or amenity impacts. 


12 metres (max) required

13.15m proposed (1.15m or 9.6% variation)

6 January 2012

Group Manager Outcomes & Development – delegated authority