Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council report from 27 July 2009



ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                   Section 82A Review - 356 Church Street Parramatta (Lot B DP 154618) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition of the heritage listed hall, restoration of the heritage listed St Peter's Church and use as a restaurant, construction of a 13 storey hotel with basement car parking for 20 vehicles.

REFERENCE            DA/466/2008 - Submitted 17 September 2008

APPLICANT/S           Southern Cross Enterprise Group Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Southern Cross Enterprise Group Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services        



REASON FOR REPORT to council: Section 82A Review




1.         This Section 82A Review application seeks Council’s reconsideration of the previous refusal to grant consent for the demolition of the heritage listed hall, restoration of the heritage listed St Peter’s Church and use as a restaurant, and construction of a 13 storey hotel with basement car parking for 20 vehicles. The original Development Application (DA/466/2008) was refused on 4 September 2008 under delegated authority for a number of reasons including loss of a heritage item, non compliance with the height controls of the City Centre LEP, unacceptable impacts on historic view corridors due to the proposed building height, non compliances with street setbacks, issues raised by objectors and the public interest.


2.         Following the lodgement of the Section 82A Review application the applicant has amended the application in an attempt to address some of the issues that were identified in Council’s refusal of the application. In particular the following amendments have been made:


·                Reduced height of new hotel building from 49.57 metres to 42  


·                Reduced FSR of development from 4:1 to 3.62:1;

·                Redesigned the internal layout of the new building;

·                Reduced the number of off-street car parking spaces from 54 to 20;

·                A Conservation Management Plan has been submitted;

·                An Economic Analysis justifying a variation to the height control            based on costs associated with the conservation of the heritage listed church building has been submitted;

·                A written response has been submitted to Council’s Heritage


·                A written response has been submitted to Council’s Traffic


·                The number of patrons proposed for the restaurant in St Peters

                  Church has been reduced from 300 to 220;

·        The number of patrons proposed for the bar of the hotel has been

          reduced from 300 to 150.


                        Some of the amendments and/or additional information that have been                       submitted address some of the previous issues raised. It is also noted that                 since the original determination of the application council staff have                                  obtained legal advice that confirms that clause 35(9) of the City Centre                     LEP 2007      (heritage conservation incentive) provides a mechanism to                 approve a development application which exceeds the height limit                               prescribed in clause 21 by more than 10% in the absence of an                                                architectural design competition.


3.         Key to the determination of whether the proposed development is appropriate for the site is the question of whether the demolition of the heritage listed hall is appropriate; and whether there is merit in permitting a new building on the site that exceeds the height control prescribed in the City Centre LEP by 18 metres.  These are fundamental planning and heritage policy issues.


4.         Heritage - Both of the existing structures located on the site (Hall and Church) are individually listed items of environmental heritage in schedule 5 of the City Centre LEP 2007. Schedule 5 identifies their significance as ‘state significance’. The NSW Heritage Office in comments on the subject application indicate that the hall itself has not been identified as having a high level of significance and has been extensively modified.


5.         The view of the NSW Heritage office appears to be at odds with the listing in the City Centre LEP and the view of Council’s Heritage Advisor who’s opinion is that the hall is important to the heritage value of Parramatta and should be retained.  It is also the opinion of Council’s Heritage Advisor that the proposed 42 metre building will have an adverse impact on the curtilage of St Peters Church building. The detailed comments of the heritage experts are in the attached section 79C assessment report.


6.         Height - Clause 21 of the City Centre LEP 2007 prescribes that the maximum height permitted for development on the subject site is 24 metres. The proposed building has a height of 42 metres. This represents an 18 metre or 75% variation to the LEP height control.


7.         It is the opinion of both planning officers and urban design officers that the new building demonstrates a high standard of architectural design and it is clear that the architects have paid considerable attention to the architectural detailing of the building and the selection of materials.  Council’s urban designer also felt that the building was a good example of a small footprint building.


8.         However it is considered that construction of a building on the site with a height of 42 metres is contrary to the objectives of the height controls in the LEP. It is considered that the additional height will result in shadow impacts on adjoining properties far greater than a compliant development would; the additional height results in unacceptable impacts on historic view corridors and other historic items within the ‘Church Street North Special Area’. It is also considered that the additional height will impact adversely on the future built form and skyline of the Parramatta City Centre due to the significant variation to the height standard proposed in this application.       


9.         A total of ten submissions have been received in response objecting to this application.


10.       For the reasons outlined in Attachment 1, it is recommended that Council uphold its previous decision and refuse to grant consent to the Section 82A Review application.





That Council as the consent authority uphold its previous decision and refuse to grant consent to DA/466/2008 for the demolition of the heritage listed hall, restoration of the heritage listed St Peter’s Church and use as a restaurant, construction of a 13 storey hotel with basement car parking for 20 vehicles for the following reasons:


Aims and Objectives of City Centre LEP 2007


1.   The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 2 – ‘Aims of Plan’ of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The demolition of a heritage listed building and the construction of a building of excessive height is contrary to aim (h) and aim (j). The development is also contrary to the objectives of the B4 Mixed Use zone in that it would not protect and enhance the unique qualities and character of special areas with the Parramatta City Centre.


Height & Design


2.   The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 21 – Height of Buildings of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The development will compromise solar access to streets and nearby buildings, the height of the building does not have adequate regard to heritage sites, the development does not provide a high quality urban form for the northern and eastern elevations, the site is not appropriate for taller development, the development negatively impacts on historic views and the future built form and skyline of the Parramatta city centre


3.   The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 22B – Design Excellence of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The development fails to appropriately address heritage issues, streetscape constraints, the principles of ecologically sustainable development, and the scale of the tower is excessive and incompatible with the future urban form of the area.


4.   The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 22D - Building Separation of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The development fails to provide a minimum side and rear setback for that part of the building above 36m in height and a written request for the variation of this development standard was not been submitted with the application.


5.   The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 22E – Ecologically sustainable development of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The development fails to adequately address the following principles of Ecologically sustainable development; (a) greenhouse gas reduction, (f) energy efficiency and energy conservation,  (b) embodied energy in materials and building processes, (c) building design and orientation, (d) passive solar design and day lighting, and (g) water conservation and water reuse.


6.   The development is contrary to the requirements of part 2.1 - Building to street alignments and street setbacks of Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 as the street setback of the development is not consistent with the existing street setback of the church hall.


7.   The development is contrary to the requirements of part 2.2 - Street Frontage Heights of Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 as the scale of the building is excessive in comparison to likely future development, the form of the building is inconsistent with the likely future form of development within the street block and the development would compromise solar access to the street.


8.   The development is contrary to the requirements of part 3.8 - Building Exteriors of Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 in that height of the building and the streetscape presentation of the eastern and northern elevations is unacceptable.




9.   The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 22G – Special Areas of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007. The development is not compatible with the character and significance of the Church Street North Special Area and the Prince Alfred Park Special area and would not reinforce the specific attributes and qualities of the built form of the Church Street North Special Area.


10. The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 35 (heritage conservation) and 35A (historic view corridors) of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 as the development seeks approval for the demolition of a heritage item and would have a negative impact on the heritage significance of St Peter’s Church and historic view corridors.


11. The development is contrary to the requirements of part 7.1 - Controls for heritage and Special Uses of Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 as the scale of the development is excessive and inadequate cartilage has been provided to St Peter’s Church. The development is also contrary to the requirements of part 7.3 - Special Area Controls of Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 as the scale of the development would have a negative impact on the character of the Church Street North Special Area and the heritage character of Prince Alfred Park.




12. The development does not satisfy the requirements of Clause 24 – Exceptions to Development Standards as a formal request to vary the Building Separation development standards of the Parramatta City Centre DCP was not submitted with the application.


13. The development is contrary to the requirements of Clause 33B – Acid Sulfate soils of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 as the site is located within 150m of class 1 land, incorporates excavation to a depth of at least 5m AHD and neither an acid sulphate soils management plan or preliminary assessment of the proposed works were submitted with the development application.


14. The development is contrary to the requirements of part 5.1 - Energy Efficiency and Conservation and Part 5.2 Integrated Water Cycle Management of Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 as the development does not incorporate rainwater harvesting and re-use features and information demonstrating energy efficiency equivalent to a 4 star ABGR or NABERS rating was not submitted with the application.


Public Interest


15. That granting consent to this proposal would not be in the public interest and would create an undesirable precedent, particularly in relation to it being the demolition of a heritage item worthy of retention and the excessive height of the proposed hotel.




Jonathan Goodwill

Senior Development Assessment Officer





Section 79C Assessment Report

47 Pages



Numerical Compliance Table

1 Page



Plans and Elevations

5 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council report from 27 July 2009



Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council report from 27 July 2009



Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council report from 27 July 2009



Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council report from 27 July 2009