Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report



ITEM NUMBER         8.4

SUBJECT                   Parramatta City Centre Parking Standards

REFERENCE            F2009/01706 - D01585140

REPORT OF              Senior Project Officer         




This matter was deferred from the Council Meeting on 28 June 2010.


This report seeks confirmation of Council’s current policy of applying car parking standards for development in the city centre as maximum rates and to reflect this policy in an amendment to the City Centre Local Environmental Plan (LEP).





(a)     That Council reinforce its policy position, adopted 17 December 2007, of specifying that the number of car spaces required per m2 of FSR (parking rates standards) is the maximum allowable to remove uncertainty in the interpretation of the City Centre Local Environmental Plan.

(b)     That a Planning Proposal be prepared to re-initiate an amendment to the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007, proposing the parking rates as maximums and this be forwarded to the Department of Planning for “Gateway Determination” under Section 56 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act.


(c)       Further, that the Urban Task Force be notified of Council’s decision.





1.      In June 2009, Council resolved to prepare a draft amendment to the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007, (CCLEP) relating to a number of ‘housekeeping’ matters. This included a proposed amendment to the table in Clause 22C, which sets car parking rates, but does not specify the rates as either a maximum or minimum. The amendment proposed that the rates be specified as maximum rates.


2.      Prior to the CCLEP, the REP set parking rates for the city centre as maximum rates.  Council adopted a policy position at its meeting on 17 December 2007, to apply the CCLEP parking rates as maximums, given the lack of clarity in the LEP. 


3.      During the public exhibition of the ‘housekeeping’ amendment to the CCLEP, Council received one submission from the Urban Task Force. The Urban Task Force is an organisation representing prominent property developers and equity financiers. The urban taskforce submission is Attachment 1 to this report.


4.      In considering this submission and finalising the ‘housekeeping’ amendment to the CCLEP, Council, at its meeting on 9 November 2009, resolved to support the submission from the Urban Taskforce and not to proceed with the amendment to the CCLEP to apply maximum car parking rates. Council also called for a report identifying issues as raised by the Urban Taskforce. Comments in response to the Urban Task Force submission are provided in Attachment 2 to this report.


5.      A Councillor workshop was held on 29 March 2010 to discuss the issues      associated with maximum parking rates in the city centre. 




Parking rates are an integral part of a Council’s strategic transport & policy framework:


6.      A core component of Council’s strategic transport planning is the reduction of reliance on the car for travel and greater use of sustainable transport (walking, cycling, public transport).  Limiting parking supply is widely acknowledged as a significant component of a travel demand strategy. More car parking spaces mean more traffic generation and more congestion. More congestion in the CBD erodes pedestrian enjoyment and general amenity of the CBD and undermines economic growth.


7.      A maximum rate of parking is used in most major centres where congestion is an issue, including many European cities, Melbourne, Sydney city, Chatswood, North Sydney and other employment centres like Macquarie Business Park at North Ryde. Not unreasonably limiting parking to reduce impacts of cars reduces congestion and enlivens city centres. This policy is not against providing car parking, but balancing the number of spaces, recognising that an amount is needed to service the needs of development and that Parramatta city centre is well served by public transport, both rail and bus.


Standards for car parking permit relatively generous numbers of car spaces:            


8.      The standards for car parking rates governing the actual number of car spaces required to be provided on site for different types of land uses in the Parramatta city centre, allow developments to provide a relatively generous amount of parking. Other CBD centres have more restrictive parking controls, in places like Sydney city, North Sydney, Chatswood & Melbourne. Applying Parramatta’s more generous parking rates as maximums allows developers to provide a reduced number of parking spaces where appropriate. For example, many shops and restaurants outside of Parramatta Westfields, operate successfully with minimal or no on site parking. Maximum parking rates do not reduce the viability of development, they allow a more flexible approach to provide up to the maximum amount, or reduce parking amounts where appropriate.


9.      Rates for residential development in the Parramatta city centre require one car space per dwelling or apartment for residents. This recognises that car ownership for most CBD residents is a current reality. However, living in a centre with good access to public transport offers more opportunities for reducing car trips and the possibility of fewer cars per household over time.  A car sharing service is provided in the city centre which supplements residents with limited or no access to a car for personal travel.


Will maximum parking rates reduce the attraction of the city centre to developers?


10.    The Parramatta CBD has good access to public transport and public parking, including metered on road parking that encourages high turnover of patrons and is supplemented by large parking stations in the CBD. The current levels of traffic congestion in parts of the city centre are directly related to the parking provision as clearly demonstrated by the level of traffic congestion in streets around nodes with high levels of car parking like Parramatta Westfields.  Allowing excessive parking provision in any location where traffic capacity is limited, leads to congestion and will in turn undermine future development opportunities and the marketability of the city.


11.    An abundance of parking in the short term, whilst there is some capacity in the road network, can be accommodated, however, once this capacity is absorbed, new development becomes less attractive as prospective investors consider the congestion of the city amongst the various other factors that Parramatta competes with in other employment areas. In contrast, a city environment becomes more enlivened without as much traffic congestion, becomes more pedestrian friendly and more attractive as a place to work, visit or live in and more attractive to development.


Achieving targets and vision for the Parramatta City Centre:


12.    The 2010 NSW State Plan includes a 50% mode split target by 2016 for work trips to and from the Parramatta CBD by public transport.  This is an ambitious target, but one worth pursuing if Parramatta is to truly fill the role of regional centre for Western Sydney.  Unconstrained levels of parking, without a maximum parking rate, will not advance Council’s efforts to lobby State or Federal Government for improvements to public transport infrastructure, which are essential to impact on this target. 


13.    Council is hosting a Transport Forum in July to focus attention on transport infrastructure requirements for western Sydney and in particular Parramatta’s strategic role as the regional CBD, given the lack of focus on this in the recent Metropolitan Transport Plan.  




14.    It is recommended that Council reaffirm its current policy of applying the car parking rates in the CCLEP as maximum rates and prepare a draft amendment to the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 to specify the parking rates as maximums to avoid the current ambiguity in the plan.


15.    This will require the preparation of a draft amendment to the CCLEP as a Planning Proposal for submission to the Department of Planning for “Gateway” determination.  Council will be able to seek a ‘credit’ for the steps already undertaken with the earlier planning proposal, including the public exhibition process that has already been undertaken.







Sue Stewart

Senior Project Officer Land Use Planning






Urban Taskforce Submissions

4 Pages



Comments in response to Urban Taskforce Submissions

3 Pages





Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report











Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report


Response to Urban Taskforce Submission


The Urban Taskforce made a submission to the draft amendment dated 16 October 2009 objecting to the setting of maximum rates.   The submission is summarised in the following dot points:


§  The setting of mandatory limits on residential car parking will not reduce car ownership.  The benefits of compact pedestrian friendly communities around public transport nodes will not be reduced car ownership; the benefit is more likely to be lower car usage.  Where parking is limited, there are major social impacts caused by the lack of off-street parking.


There are two primary issues for discussion here.  The first is the notion of setting a maximum car parking rate.  The second is the actual rates of parking and how they compare with other centres. 


A maximum rate of parking is used in most major centres where congestion is an issue.  These include Melbourne, Sydney City, Chatswood, North Sydney and even within the Macquarie Business Park.  It is a fundamental tool that used in conjunction with good access to public transport, encourages travellers, especially workers, to consider other transport options where they are available. The Parramatta CBD has good access to public transport.


The actual parking rates in the Parramatta City Centre are relatively generous and far less restrictive than the rates in Sydney City, Melbourne and Chatswood.  The residential rate is one space per apartment.  Council needs to bear in mind that this is limited to the city centre.  The idea of having multiple car parking spaces per apartment in the city centre directly counters Council’s efforts to lobby other levels of government for better public transport. 


The current levels of traffic congestion in parts of the city centre are directly related to the parking provision as clearly demonstrated by the level of traffic congestion in streets around nodes with high levels of car parking like Parramatta Westfields.  Allowing excessive parking provision in any location where traffic capacity is limited, leads to congestion and will in turn undermine future development opportunities and the marketability of the City.



§   Proposed numerical restrictions on shops will make such development unviable.  The proposed parking restrictions on shops will make most such development unviable.  Limiting shops to one parking space for every 30 square metres of gross floor area will cripple many development opportunities. For example, most retail development requires one car parking space for every 20 square metres in order to be viable.



It is worth noting that most of the existing retail, outside Westfields, has little or no on-site parking and operates successfully serving local employees, residents and those using public transport or public parking.  The parking rates in Parramatta CBD that apply to retail and residential are in line with RTA guidelines for parking rates that also apply to smaller centres with less public transport, the main difference is that Parramatta sets these as maximum rates.  The Urban Task Force submits that the car parking provision for some activities such as restaurants and take-away food bars are excessive.  With the amendment proposed, such premises will have the choice to provide a reduced number of parking spaces.


Shops, restaurants and other retail activities outside of large shopping malls often operate without on site parking, especially in city centre localities.  Parramatta City Council provides metered on road parking that encourages high turnover of patrons and is supplemented by large parking stations throughout the CBD.



§   Neither minimum, nor maximum car parking provisions are appropriate for commercial development, shops, restaurants or drive-in take-away food and drink premises.




The amendments proposed will give developers a degree of choice in meeting local needs by being able to provide parking to the maximum or to a lesser amount.  In addition, as discussed, the commercial rates in the city centre are generous in comparison with other similar centres and provide for ample parking to be provided on site. 


The discussion of parking requirements and demand for drive in take away food and drink premises of suburban Sydney is not particularly relevant in a city centre.  The maximum rates provide for parking provide the flexibility of providing less parking.  Large at grade parking areas in a CBD locale like Parramatta are not consistent with the objectives of the development of the CBD.


As the Urban Taskforce submission acknowledges, some uses will not require any parking.  The proposed amendment will enable this.  


§   Parramatta Council has misinterpreted the current provisions of the local environmental plan. 



It is acknowledged that the current parking provisions of the LEP can be interpreted as providing for minimum parking rates.  However, the “ambiguity” of the controls is not the main focus of the amendment.  The reason for the amendment is to complement Council’s strategic transport planning by ensuring that the city does not encourage so much parking as to create congestion, reduce pedestrian amenity and ultimately, reduce the marketability of the Parramatta CBD. An abundance of parking in the short term whilst there is some capacity in the road network is fine, however, once this capacity is absorbed, new development becomes less attractive as prospective investors consider the congestion of the city amongst the various other factors that Parramatta competes with other employment areas.


The notion that responsible transport planning ceased with the Parramatta REP, is incorrect.   The city centre LEP 2007 includes objectives to promote public transport use and to reduce unnecessary car traffic.  Clause 2 (f) of the City Centre LEP includes the objective to, “enhance access to Parramatta, particularly by public transport, walking and cycling”.  Furthermore, “future Action 5” of the City Centre Vision document, is to “create a pedestrian friendly city by improving the public transport mode share”.  Included in the rationale for this action is the statement: ‘This plan builds upon the projects already delivered and addresses ways to improve access and amenity for pedestrians and bicycles, reduced commuter car traffic and unnecessary through traffic, encourage public transport use’. Clause 22 (b) of the City Centre LEP allows underground parking to be exempt from a building’s gross floor area but not to exceed the parking standard. 


In addition, Council at its meeting on 17 December 2007, resolved to consider the rates of parking in the City Centre LEP as maximum rates, not minimum rates.


§   Developers should be free to provide car parking sufficient to meet local needs, subject to the traffic studies required in the development assessment process.


As discussed above, the rates of parking in the City Centre are relatively generous.  In addition, allowing the market to absorb the limited on road capacity will work until a point in time when the network will no longer accommodate additional traffic without very significant delays and impacts upon the amenity of the City centre.



The Urban Taskforce submission is short sighted.


The 2010 NSW State Plan includes a 50% mode split target for work trips to and from the Parramatta CBD by public transport.  This is an ambitious target but one worth pursuing if Parramatta is to truly fill the role of regional centre for Western Sydney.  Adopting the Urban Taskforce recommendations will undermine any chance of achieving this, nor will they advance Council’s efforts to lobby State or Federal Government for improvements to public transport infrastructure.