Item 11.3 - Attachment 4

Proposed DCP amendments


Attachment 4: Proposed DCP amendments



Proposed amendment to Parramatta DCP 2011


Section 1.3  Where This Development Control Plan Applies and Map


1.         Delete the statement:


‘Rosehill Master Plan for the block bounded by Hope, Weston, Arthur Streets and James Ruse Drive, Rosehill, adopted by Parramatta City Council’


2.         Delete location of Rosehill Master Plan from map showing location of deemed development control plans.



Section Special Areas

Key Block Two: Block Bounded by Arthur Street, Weston Street, Hope Street and James Ruse Drive



1.         Delete the statement:


‘The block is addressed in the Rosehill Master Plan as adopted by Council. This is a deemed DCP which will guide future development of this block’.         


2.         Insert the following:


Desired future character


The block will be redeveloped for two distinct forms of land use and development as detailed below:


Mixed use development: Land fronting James Ruse Drive will be redeveloped for high rise mixed use development and predominantly for apartments. Development will be designed to form an attractive urban edge to a major arterial road. A maximum level of amenity for future residents will be provided by responding to urban context and acoustic, solar access and natural ventilation constraints and opportunities.


High density residential development: The balance of the block fronting Hope, Arthur and Weston Streets will be redeveloped with high quality apartments generally to a height of four storeys. The scale and form of such housing will result in consistent, attractive streetscapes. Development will provide an appropriate setting for Elizabeth Farm House and will preserve views to and from it. Generous setbacks and landscaping for apartments along Arthur Street will assist in reinforcing the Elizabeth Farm House setting.






Specific objectives of this block are outlined below:


1. To ensure that new development provides for:


 (a)      generous front setbacks with deep soil planting to the Arthur Street frontage to reinforce Elizabeth Farm House’s landscape setting and assist in creating a landscape buffer to the higher buildings;

(b)       retention of the heritage view from Elizabeth Farm House across the north east corner of the subject block;

(c)        a minimum number of new driveways providing access to basement parking on Arthur Street, and to ensure that new driveways are not visible from Alice Street to preserve the Elizabeth Farm House setting;

(d)       recessing of the fourth floor of apartments facing Arthur Street to reduce the scale of these buildings; and

(e)       a maximum building length of 35 m for apartments in Arthur Street to enhance the landscape character.



Design Controls


In addition to the following controls, development must comply with the relevant development standards set out in Parramatta LEP 2011, and any relevant controls set out in parts 2 and 3 of this DCP. Where there is any inconsistency between parts 2, 3 and 4 of this DCP, the controls within Part 4 will prevail where they apply to this block.  Furthermore, the controls in will prevail over any inconsistency with other parts of 4.3.2.


Building Form


·       Maximum building height for sites fronting Arthur Street to be in accordance with the following controls:


4.5m minimum setback of the fourth storey on the street frontage


3m minimum side setbacks of the fourth storey


3 storey maximum building height for 103 Arthur Street


·       To ensure simple forms that are well related to topography, building ground levels are to be stepped with the site. The number of steps is to be minimised.




·    7m minimum front setback to Arthur Street

·    5-7m minimum front setback along Weston and Hope Streets for corner sites with Arthur Street

·    6m minimum side setback for sites on Arthur Street


Building length


·    35m maximum building length, with a 4 m minimum break, for sites on Arthur Street


Site Frontage:


·    24m minimum




Deep soil landscaping is to be provided in the front setback along Arthur Street to ensure that there is adequate landscaping sympathetic to Elizabeth Farm.