Item 8.1 - Attachment 1

Minutes of Enforcement and Parking Working Group


Enforcement and Parking Working Group


Minutes from working group meeting held on Monday the 20 July 2009


Lord Mayor T Issa, Councillor L Wearne, Councillor J Chedid, Councillor M Lack, Councillor C Lim.


Acting Group Manager L Perrin, L Whitehead, R Sutcliffe.


Summary of Minutes;


Taxi operators to be allowed to drop off passengers at rail station in no stopping zones.


Action R Sutcliffe to contact R Searle to discuss new signage to allow 2 minute exemption to no stopping for taxis


Rangers hiding in covert ways: advised this is not a procedure and any covert action would require a report to Council for approval as detailed in the draft policy.


Review of PINs to be done by Council as first options and electronic PINs to have this requirement on back: Options; 1 Pay Infringement; 2 Elect for court; 3 writes to Council for representation, PINs to be printed on plain paper not thermal paper;

Action R Sutcliffe to follow up with contractor supplying PDAs.


Time frame for reviewing of PIN representation to be determined

Comment: The overall time for a review of a PIN is 42 days being 21 days for the initial payment and 21 days reminder, extension of time. The method of representation can be detailed on reverse side of the PIN stating that representation must be made within 21 days from the date of issue.  Tis will allow for the review to be conducted within the 42 day.  Procedures will be adopted for a seven day turn around for the review to be completed and returned to SDRO with the 21 reminder, extension period. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Review of PIN to have criteria included in the process for Financial hardship, Senior citizen with financial hardship, disabled and unfortunate circumstances.  The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Warnings being issued, R Sutcliffe advised that the PDAs have the ability to issue on the spot warnings and it was agreed that one warning was a preferred maximum of warning for an offence.  Also review of PINs may be subject of warnings were the review warranted a warning being issued as part of the review recommendation.


The Adjudication Panel for is to be an independent panel selected by the CEO, Manager of Internal Audit and Review, Council.  The final selection of the panel is to be approved by the Council.  The panel should include One professional /expert, One senior staff member, One independent community member with relevant experience. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Taking Photos, R Sutcliffe advised that legal advice was sought as a result of the workshop that detailed photos should be taken first and then the PIN issued. Also that the new PDA technology has the ability for photos to be taken at the time of the offence when issuing a PIN.  Future technology may allow access via Council WEB site to view PINs and photos taken with a direct link for payment.


Remove the reference for the fee for a representation to a PIN. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


A question was asked as to whether we could do a secret shopper type process:        L Whitehead & R Sutcliffe advised discussion have been held with Wade Clark regarding a phone questionnaire survey and a secret shopper type activity be conducted.  Wade advised that we would need the policy in place first and then advise staff and conduct random checks in line with Council future programs.  It was also advised that it will need to be formalised with HR and Workplace reform.


The number and format of the Enforcement policy needs attention and that the Parking policy be referenced in a way that integrates the hierarchy of the policies and future policies. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Rewording of the Purpose and policy statement to reflect: Accountability, transparency and timeliness.  The background be amended to include Monitoring, compliance roles not just reactive roles. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Anonymous complaints be amended to read they will be accepted and the relevant service managers will; have discretion to reject frivolous or vexatious complaints or on merits of complaint. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Document  “2.2 Procedural fairness and natural Justice”   Include “in statutory time frames”. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Document 2.3 Options for dealing with unlawful activity; Penalty action to be linked clearly to penalty actions showing a direct link from warning through to legal action. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this


Procedures referring to Multi-cultural be removed or referenced to the NSW Government charter for Cultural Diverse society. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


Document heading Council officer powers include reference to relevant legislation. The draft policy and procedures can be amended to reflect this.


That a copy be reviewed “plain English format” and be referred internally to relevant sections such as M Quirk and N Mamouzelos.  This will be undertaken as part of the review of the workshop final draft.


It was request when the final draft is agreed upon by the working party that legal advice from a specialist LGA independent solicitor be sought.

Action L Whitehead to source legal consultants.


It was agreed that a further working group be held on Monday the 3rd August at 5:00pm  (1.5 hours) a copy of document be prepared before the meeting and distributed in a single document format.


Next Meeting to be set for two weeks 3 August 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM


Meeting Closed 7:30PM

Enforcement and Parking Working Group


Minutes from working group meeting held on Monday the 3rd August 2009


Attendance: Councilor J Chedid, Councilor C Lim.

Acting Group Manager L Perrin, L Whitehead, R Sutcliffe.


Apologies: Lord mayor T Issa, Councilor L Wearne, Councilor M Lack


Previous minutes accepted and comments provided;


Actions required from meeting;


Discussed new Name CLEO to be incorporated into document (Action RS).


Uniforms discussed RS advised of uniform changes including white shirts and grey trousers.


Discussion regarding roundabout at Villiers Street to be further discussed as separate issue with traffic and ranger services. (Action RS to liaise with Traffic).


Clr Chedid raised comments for Clr Lack that the format of the policy needs further consideration.  Council has adopted a draft format that will be used to finalise the draft policies before reporting back to Council.  (Action LW).


Question was raised regarding training and relationship of the policy.  The policy is the guiding document and training will be provided to all staff on the policy, continual training will need to be provided and it was suggested that this could include video examples and also be included on Councils WEB site to explain good and bad behaviour.


Covert and Low visibility operation to be clearly defined in policy and in particular relating to School zones. (Action RS)


Independent review process, to include a review process and reporting mechanism to ensure probity and that independent process.  Reasons to be recorded as part of review process to be clearly documented, recorded and reviewed.


Provision for verbal representation to be included in process.



Summary of Minutes;


Next Meeting to be set for two weeks 17 August 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM


Meeting Closed 6:30PM





Enforcement and Parking Working Group


Minutes from working group meeting held on Monday the 17th August 2009


Apologies; Lord Mayor T Issa, Councilor L Wearne, Councilor M Lack, Councilor C Lim.


Attendance Councilor J Chedid

Acting Group Manager L Perrin, L Whitehead, R Sutcliffe.


Summary of Minutes;

Recommend the policy be reported back to Council.


That Council staff investigate the cost of additional signs to school zones areas warning of Council patrols.


Meeting Closed 6:00 PM.