Item 7.1 - Attachment 1

Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes for 16 February 2011







Professor Carol Liston in the Chair, Bronwyn Alcorn, Peter Crittenden (arrived 5.53pm), Elaine Evans, Ruth Evans, Janice Huntington, Anne Mathews, Bill McGuirk and David Shakespeare (retired 6.27pm).





Grant Davies (Minute Clerk), Paul Kennedy (Project Officer) and Zoran Popovic (Heritage Advisor – arrived 6.37 pm).





An apology was received and accepted for the absence of Michelle Desailly (Arts & Cultural Project Officer - Parramatta Stories), Janice Huntington and Karen O’Donnell (Manager Cultural Heritage Programs).






There were no declarations of interest at this meeting.






1/11           Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes – 23 November 2010

A copy of the Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 23 November 2010 had previously been forwarded to each member.


RESOLVED              (McGuirk/E Evans)


That the minutes of the meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 23 November 2010 be taken as read and be confirmed as a true record of the meeting with the following alterations:-

1.         The first Council Meeting was held in January “1862” rather than 1872 (Minute No. 75/10).

2.         Mr Shakespeare noted that the “70th” anniversary (rather than 2nd anniversary) of the sinking of Parramatta II was imminent (Minute No. 79/10).





2/11           John McClymont History Award

                 Mr Shakespeare noted that the John McClymont History Award was presented today at Catherine Macauley High School to 2 students who had shared first prize (Minute No. 80/10 refers).


                 Mr Shakespeare thanked Council for doubling the prize to $200 so that each winner received $100.       


3/11           Street Trees – 21 Chelmsford Road, Epping

Paul Kennedy referred to Minute No. 81/10 of the previous meeting regarding the dumping of materials in the protective box area of the street trees located in front of 21 Chelmsford Road, Epping.


Mr Kennedy advised that Council’s appropriate officer, Mr Rob Sutton, had confirmed that various conditions had been placed on the consent requiring the protection of the street trees and additionally requiring that no storage of goods occur under the trees or in the public area.


Mr Kennedy further advised that a street tree policy was currently being prepared and would be publicly exhibited later in the year. The policy, once adopted, would address treatment of trees, especially in conservation areas.


Carol Liston requested that the policy be referred to this Committee for consideration prior to adoption.



4/11       Development at 44 Oakes Road, Toongabbie

                 Paul Kennedy referred to Minute No. 82/10 of the previous meeting and advised that the Land and Environment Court had upheld the appeal lodged by the applicant subject to amended plans and conditions.





5/11       Parramatta Stories

In the absence of Ms Desailly, this matter was deferred to the next meeting of the Committee.



6/11       Comprehensive Heritage Review

Paul Kennedy noted that the Committee had, at previous meetings, reviewed items of state significance to determine whether the items should be recommended for inclusion on the State Heritage Register.


Mr Kennedy advised that suggestions had been received during the exhibition period for the draft Parramatta LEP 2010 seeking the heritage listing of additional properties in the draft LEP.


Mr Kennedy tabled information on the suggestions and sought the Committee's comments.


The following sites were then considered and comments provided:-


Archaeological remains of a significant house ‘Kishnaghur’ located in Acacia Park, Telopea

Carol Liston noted that the house was well known, was the subject of numerous important paintings and added to Parramatta’s broader history.


The Committee supported the heritage listing of the site.


77 Evans Road and 23 Hart Street, Dundas –for reasons of the historical connection to subdivision.


The Committee noted the extensive modifications carried out, particularly to 77 Evans Road.


The Committee did not support listing unless further information was provided supporting the historical connections of the properties to the subdivision of the area.


39 Honiton Avenue, Carlingford – in part because it may have been the home of William Cox, a former landowner in the area


The Committee was doubtful that William Cox resided at the subject premises but noted the quality of the house and its street presence.


The Committee did not support listing unless further information, via title search, could confirm that the residence was the home of William Cox.


Governor Phillip’s Camp Site at the junction of Toongabbie and Darling Mills Creeks


Elaine Evans noted that Chris Levins from the Parramatta Park Trust was happy to address the Committee in relation to this suggestion but added that historical recognition for the area was required to ensure the boundaries of The Park were not eroded.


Paul Kennedy noted that certain portions of the site were owned privately with other areas owned by Health agencies.


Carol Liston commented that the proposal would provide an interesting opportunity to reinterpret the links to the Old Toongabbie settlement.


Paul Kennedy suggested that the focus be on the open space areas not currently occupied by houses.


The Committee supported the proposed listing of the site and suggested that a site visit may be beneficial.


Carol Liston then advised that her students had undertaken investigative research in relation to a number of the properties previously suggested by the Committee for inclusion on the State Heritage Register (Minute 76/10 refers) and briefly commented:-


·    It was doubtful Norfolk House would meet the listing criteria;

·    St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cemetery had a good chance of listing;

·    Housing Commission Homes in Clyde Street and Oakleigh Avenue were a possibility for listing;

·    All Saints Cemetery was a possibility if the application for listing was carefully drafted and focussed on unmarked rather than marked graves;

·    Reid Home was an interesting site (had been built for homeless Irish orphans) and was a possibility of listing;

·    Granville Public School – tiles which were the subject of the previous suggested listing had been removed, however other interesting facts existed including the school being one of the first under newly adopted Education Act;

·    102 William Street, Granville  was a possibility for listing as John Nobbs was the first president of the oldest Soccer Association in Australia;


Carol Liston advised that detailed findings would be provided to Paul Kennedy but added that Rose Farm House at Ermington was also presently not listed on the State Heritage Register and was the former home of a first fleeter.




Peter Crittenden arrived at the meeting at 5.53pm during consideration of this matter.


7/11       Local Heritage Fund Applications

Paul Kennedy advised that 3 applications had been received for consideration at this meeting as follows:-


1.         67 O’Connell Street, North Parramatta – Various internal works. In addition, the interior and front verandah have been painted and the wooden interior floors sanded and polished.


            Paul Kennedy noted that internal works including alterations and new fittings were not generally eligible for a grant. He estimated that approximately $11,000 of works, however, had been carried out to the historic fabric of the dwelling.


RESOLVED  (McGuirk/Ruth Evans)


The Committee applauded the works undertaken but noted that any allocation must be related to works carried out to the historic fabric of the premises. That being the case, funds in the amount of $1500 be granted.


2.         14 Rosehill Street, Parramatta – Installation of stainless steel Victorian style security screen door designed to complement original window shape and original timber front door.


            The works carried out were supported by the Heritage Advisor.


RESOLVED  (Huntington/Shakespeare)


That funds in the amount of $800 be granted.



3.         29 Jamieson Street, Granville – reinstatement of edging to front garden using original sand stop bricks and concrete capping.


            The works were fully supported by the Heritage Advisor.


            The Committee expressed concerns that works may not have been a reinstatement.


RESOLVED  (E Evans/McGuirk)


That subject to clarification that the works were a reinstatement, funds in the amount of $1,000 be granted.






   8/11          Parramatta River Sandsheet 

                   Paul Kennedy tabled further information pertaining to the proposed State Heritage Listing of a portion of the Parramatta Sandsheet as promoted by the Heritage Branch of the Department of Planning (Minute No. 58/10 refers).


                   Mr Kennedy noted that the augur drilling had been completed and had confirmed the case for the listing of the sandsheet, with particularly significant findings on the northern side of Robin Thomas Reserve. It has also been discovered that the northern portion of the proposed listing had been the site of a military barracks.


                   The proposed site was fully in the ownership of Parramatta City Council.


                   Mr Kennedy added that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Advisory Committee were particularly supportive of the proposed listing.


                   Carol Liston noted the strong connection of the proposed listing to Elizabeth Farm and its reinforcement of the heritage features in this vicinity.


                   Elaine Evans noted that the drawing of the Military Barracks as depicted in the circulated information from the Heritage Branch was actually located in Parramatta Park.


                   RESOLVED       (McGuirk/Huntington)


                   The Committee supports the listing of the Parramatta Sandsheet on the State Heritage Register and expresses its excitement at the prospect and potential of the listing.



                   Mr David Shakespeare retired from the meeting at 6.27pm during consideration of this matter.



9/11       Cumberland Hospital Site Inspection

                   Mr Kennedy reminded the Committee of the heritage presentation received on 20 October 2010 regarding the Cumberland Hospital Eastern Campus by representatives of the Sydney West Area Health Service and noted that a further invitation had been extended to carry out a site inspection of the Campus.


                   RESOLVED       (Liston/McGuirk)



(a)       A site inspection be arranged for the Cumberland Hospital Site mid week around 3.30pm in 2 to 3 weeks time.

(b)       This particular site inspection not be held in conjunction with the inspection of Governor Phillip’s Camp Site at the junction of Toongabbie and Darling Mills Creeks.



Zoran Popovic arrived at the meeting at 6.37pm during consideration of this matter.



10/11     Update on Development Applications

                   Mr Popovic commented that a smaller volume of DAs had been received by Council recently with only 10 so far this year being heritage related.


                   He noted that a number of appeals had also recently been upheld against Council by the Land and Environment Court.       


44 Oakes Road, Toongabbie

                   Mr Popovic advised that the application had been conditionally approved by the Land and Environment Court. One condition required the applicant to obtain a National Parks and Wildlife Licence.


                   67 Alice Street, Harris Park

                   Ms Alcorn referred to the application submitted in relation to the subject premises and noted that the Historic Houses Trust had submitted an objection based on the potential for archaeological evidence to be available and inappropriate setback.


                   Mr Popovic noted that he had requested an archaeological assessment but had been advised that the DCP does not specify this site as having high archaeological potential. He requested that members’ concerns be forwarded to the assessing officer.


                   RESOLVED       (Alcorn/Liston)


                   That the Committee expresses concern in relation to the proposed development at 67 Alice Street, Harris Park due to its inappropriate relationship with the streetscape and possible archaeological evidence that may exist on site.


                   67 Victoria Road, Parramatta

                   Mr Popovic referred to the substantial development proposed for 67 Victoria Road, Parramatta under the Affordable Housing SEPP and requested that members consider this application and submit any concerns.


                   Old Congregational Church – corner of Palmer and Church Street, Parramatta

                   In response to a question from Ms Liston, Mr Popovic advised that no information was available on this site at present.


                   65 Wigram Street, Harris Park

                   Mr Popovic indicated that it was unlikely that outdoor seating would be approved at this site.



11/11       Sesqui-Centenary of the Parramatta Municipal Council

Karen O’Donnell was unable to be present at this meeting but had tabled the following update for the information of the Committee:-


“2011 is the 150th Anniversary of Parramatta City Council’s formation.


The key dates are:

27th November 1861 – The Municipality of Parramatta was proclaimed

20th December 1861 – Elections held.

27th December 1861 – Election results announced.

2nd January 1862 – First Council Meeting held.


An internal working party has been developed to explore some options for recognizing this anniversary.


A project bid has been submitted to provide a funding source for these options as there is currently no budget available within operations. This bid will go through Council’s usual processes for approval. There is no guarantee that this submission will result in funding.


The working party has agreed to several options that are being investigated further. These include:-


·    Civic reception

·    Council publications

·    Recognition of the anniversary in Council promotional material and advertising.

·    Utilisation of Council’s Archive and object collection to illustrate past and present Council business.

·    Media opportunities including re-creation of images from Council’s collection.


The Heritage Advisory Committee will be advised as these options are further refined.


Any inquiries can be referred to Karen O’Donnell, Manager, Cultural Heritage Programs.”


Carol Liston suggested it would be beneficial to have this information placed on Council’s web page.


Paul Kennedy commented that the information could be placed on the Heritage Website or the Heritage Centre Website.



12/11         Draft LEP Amendments

Ms Alcorn noted that the Heritage Houses Trust had not received any response to its submission on the Draft LEP amendments and sought advice on the present position of this matter.


Mr Kennedy advised that Council had considered the submissions and had referred the adopted amendments to the Department of Planning to enable a final consideration to be made of the draft LEP as a whole .Council has sent a letter of advice to this effect to all persons who made a submission.


Mr Popovic noted that as the new LEP was imminent, it would be taken into consideration by the Land Environment Court.



13/11         Documentation of State Significant Sites

Carol Liston sought advice on the process for documenting state significant sites.


Mr Kennedy advised that assessment of all properties was likely to conclude around June this year, following which a workshop would likely be held with Councillors and then a report provided to Council.


The Committee then discussed the practicality of merging certain items recommended for listing and it was recommended that examples be provided to a future meeting of the Committee.


14/11         Epping Town Centre Study

Ruth Evans asked whether Council would await the outcome of the Epping Town Centre Study and thereby gazette the Epping area separate from the Parramatta LEP.


Mr Kennedy advised that Parramatta City Council and Hornsby Council were working together and the study would be completed shortly. The Study could require alterations to the LEP and may result in a future amendment to the LEP dependent on timing.




15/11         Information Share

·    Experiment Farm - it has been 50 years since the National Trust purchased Experiment Farm and Lectures will be held in relation to the premises (P Crittenden).

·    Old Government House - The contractors had now left Old Government House (P Crittenden).

·    Parramatta Park – World Heritage Listing – Elaine Evans tabled a brochure seeking support for the work by the Parramatta Park Trust.

·    Next Meeting – 20 April 2011 and then 3rd Wednesday bi monthly.





The meeting terminated at 7.29 pm.