Item 10.3 - Attachment 1

Integrated Transport Plan for Parramatta City Centre Detailed Report









1.      The Integrated Transport Plan for Parramatta City Centre is in response to the Parramatta City Centre Plan (2007) which sets out the planning framework for an additional 30,000 jobs and 20,000 residents by 2031.  This planned growth will generate significant travel demand to Parramatta city centre.  The Integrated Transport Plan recommends a strategy plan to manage the existing and future sustainable transportation.  Moving away from the reliance of car use towards sustainable transport of walking, cycling and public transport use, is the key issue addressed in the draft Plan.


2.      The key elements of the Plan are:

(a)     Ongoing lobbying for NSW State Government commitment for improved public transport including the Parramatta to Epping Rail Link, Parramatta to Castle Hills Rail Link, commuter ferry service from the Inner West to Parramatta, within a more acceptable timeframe than the current policy.


(b)     A Pedestrian & Cycle Amenity Zone in the city centre to improve pedestrian and cycle accessibility and safety through new facilities and a lower speed limit.


(c)     City and Regional Ring Roads to better manage traffic flow to more appropriate routes.


(d)     Relocating commuter car parking to the periphery of the city centre and development of park & ride facilities.



3.      The Plan sets out possible future transport planning policy for the next 5 years.  There are a significant number of recommended strategies involving lobbying State Government and its agencies.  However, some may require additional budget beyond Council’s existing programs.  Any additional budget requirements of individual strategies can be considered at the appropriate time by Council as is the normal process.


4.      Council has an established relationships with State Government agencies and key stakeholders across a number of the recommended strategies including bus priority, cross-city bus services, ferry service, Staff Travel Plan, Walking School Bus, extended 40kph city centre zones, cycle routes to the city centre, additional city centre cycle parking including the Federally funded secure cycle parking and improvement and taxi ranks.


5.      The draft Plan was on public exhibition from 4 November to 1 December 2009.  It was available for public viewing at Council’s administration building and local libraries and from Council’s website.  There were adverts in the local weekly papers for 4 weeks.


6.      In addition the following were invited to provide comments: RTA, Dept. of Transport & Infrastructure, DECCW, Sydney Metro, Dept. of Planning, Premier’s Council for Active Living, local State and Federal MPs, surrounding local Councils, Parramatta Traffic Committee, Parramatta Bicycle Committee, car share operators, Sydney Buses, Hillsbus, Veolia, Hopkinsons, RailCorp, Sydney Ferries, Parramatta Chamber of Commerce, WSROC, Tourisium & Transport Forum, Infrastructure Partnerships Australia, Property Council of Australia NSW, BicycleNSW, Bus & Coach Association and Western Sydney Community Forum.




7.      The Metropolitan Transport Plan was announced on 20 February 2010 and contained key changes of direction for Parramatta.  The West Metro was deferred until 2020 along with the further deferral of the Parramatta to Epping Rail Link.  The loss of these two projects will have a significant impact on Parramatta and its ability to grow and expand without the continued reliance on the private and the existing traffic congestion.  The Integrated Transport Plan retains both of these projects despite State Government deferring them.  Council’s submission to State Government responding to the Metropolitan Transport Plan will considered by Council at the Council meeting on 18 April 2010. 


8.      The Department of Transport & Infrastructure has announced a new ticketing system to be introduced on 23 April 2010, called “MyZone”.  This is a significant step towards integrated ticketing and is the final stage in equalising ticketing products between private and public bus operators.  In addition Sydney Buses are planning to introduce Pre-Pay only ticketing within the Parramatta Interchange to improve bus journey reliability.


9.      New bus services in region 3, basically Hopkinsons services to and from Holroyd LGA, are scheduled to be introduced from 22 March 2010.  The significant change is that all Hopkinsons’ services will terminate at the Interchange rather than at George Street.




10.    A total of twelve submissions were received including those received after the closing date for submissions.  The submissions were from 5 State Government agencies, 3 local Councils, 1 resident, 1 car share provider, 1 transport interest group and 1 consultant.


11.    The majority of submissions from the State Government agencies raised minor corrections to facts.  There was a significantly number of respondents who were generally supportive of the measures to encourage sustainable transport while reducing the reliance on private car use, particularly the local Council submissions.  A summary of the key comments and their response, is shown below.




Support decreasing reliance on car use and increased use of sustainable transport.

Support noted.

Revised 2009 State Plan has set a target of 50% of journey to work trips to Parramatta city centre by public transport by 2016.

Noted and included.

That a Transport plan be prepare for all local centres.


A Transport Plan for Granville has been adopted.  A draft Transport Plan for Westmead has been prepared and the recommendations will be incorporated into the Vision document for Westmead which will also include land use and urban design work.  A Transport Plan for Epping is linked to the DoP’s funding to undertake joint planning work with Hornsby Shire Council.

The importance of additional transport links to the North West, particularly public transport.  Considering that approximately of 5% of residents in the Hills LGA use the bus to travel to work in Parramatta and the planned residential growth is 100,000 by 2031.  Also recognising the importance of Parramatta as the closet regional city.

Highlight the importance of bus lanes on Windsor Road and inclusion of a Parramatta to Castle Hill Rail Link connecting to the North West Rail Line to Rouse Hill.

Support for additional bus priority measures and cycle routes.


Completion of the Parramatta to Epping Rail Link.



Support for additional bus priority.


Improvements to bus stops.


Additional pedestrian guard railing within the Interchange. 


This is an operational issue for RailCorp who manages the Interchange.  This is supported

The proposed Pedestrian & Cycle Amenity Zone need careful consideration and may diminish the outcomes for public transport


No support for cross-city bus services at present. 


This was discussed with State Government and bus operators at a meeting in January 2010. It also discussed the decreasing capacity of bus layover spaces and the suggestion of cross-city bus services as solution to this problem.  The meeting noted that the eastern layover (Station St) operates overcapacity but just about manages to operate satisfactory at most times as Charles Street (leased by the RTA from Council) is used as a spill-over layover.  One of the operators present was opposed to cross-city services while another was supportive of further exploration, neither of whom made a submission. State Government agencies at acknowledged the need to investigate the issue and recognised that cross-city routes was one solution.

Lack cycle infrastructure is the biggest factor to overcome to encourage cycling.


Revised 2009 State Plan has set a target for Metropolitan Sydney of 5% of trips by bicycle by 2016.

Noted and included.

Need to develop better connections to the North West.  Extend the Carlingford Line to Granville rather than Parramatta and to the North West rather than Epping.

Highlight the importance of bus lanes on Windsor Road.


Parramatta is the preferred western alignment for the Carlingford Line extension as it is a regional city with a significant number of jobs as opposed to Granville which is town centre. Epping is the preferred eastern alignment as it provides a direct route to jobs in Macquarie Park and Sydney.


A new rail link from Parramatta to Castle Hill has been added.  It is suggested that service could be provided from Rouse Hill to Leppington via Castle Hill, Parramatta and Liverpool.

Against proposal to convert one-way streets to two-way as it will reduce traffic speeds.

The aim of the two-way streets scheme is support the 40kph Pedestrian & Cycle Amenity Zone and increased vehicle accessibility within the city centre that the current one-way streets restricts.

Suggest operating buses on east-west streets of Philip St, George St and Macquarie St to avoid the use of Church St due to the noise and pollution.

The noise and pollution of buses has decreased as the regulations on emissions increases.  It is best practice to operate two-way bus routes rather than one-way to better understand the bus network.  Sydney Buses and Hillsbus bus routes were investigated in depth over 4 years and the current arrangement is the outcome of that process which included several irritations.  In additional to run bus from the north and north-east along the east-west streets and avoiding using Church St would significantly increase the bus operating costs.

Lack of spatial analysis.


Noted.  Consultant promoting skills.

Strong support for cycling.



Increase car sharing spaces.

Noted.  Council have invited car share operators to identify and apply for additional locations.

Continue to limit the provision of car parking within the city centre.


Further investigation of proposed new traffic signals.

Noted.  This is part of the normal due process.

Use of CCTV to enforce bus lanes requires change of legislation.

Noted and included.

Road network improvements on State roads require detailed traffic modelling and funding support.

Noted.  This is part of the normal due process.

Plan should identify a framework to monitor performance of the road network and identify schemes and funding to improve the network

Council has limited funding to monitor traffic flows and implement road improvements.  The RTA is best placed to monitor traffic flows using its network of CCTV cameras in the city centre and also the RTA controls traffic signals which are key to the road network performance.  Increasing road network performance in isolation will induce additional traffic flows, against the key object of the Plan which is decreased car reliance and increased use of sustainable transport.




12.    The draft Summary Plan was circulated to Councillors for comment as a Green Paper on 27 August 2009, no comments were received.  The draft Integrated Transport Plan was considered for public exhibition on 19 October 2010.  The draft Plan was adopted with one objective removed E3 (Environment) - Investigate discounted parking for Environmentally Friendly Vehicles promotion of alternative environmentally friendly fuels.



David Gray

Senior Project Officer, Transport Planning

22 March 2010