Item 10.7 - Attachment 1

Minutes 8 September 2011 SWAHS and PCC Strategic Partnership Meeting




Strategic Health Partnership Minutes


Parramatta City Council and Sydney West Area Health Service - Population Health Services


Thursday 8th September 2011

1.00pm – 3.00pm

˜ Level 12 Boardroom – Administration Building

30 Darcy Street, Parramatta


Chair:         Dr Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer


Attending from PCC:

Lord Mayor John Chedid

Sue Weatherley, Outcomes & Development Group Manager

Geoff King, Manager City Strategy Unit

Debbie Killian, Manager Community, Library and Social Services

Megan Dephoff, Social Outcomes Manager

Victoria Edghill, Social Outcomes Project Officer

Jayne Boardman, Social Outcomes Project Officer

Lavinia Thompson, Project Support Officer


Attending from SWAHS:

Christine Newman, Acting Director Centre for Population Health



Councillor Andrew Bide

Councillor Chiang Lim

Matt Cruickshank, Team Leader, Environment and Public Health

Dr Stephen Corbett, Director Population Health

Kay Tennant, Coordinator Healthy Built Environments, A/Coordinator Tobacco Control Program

Lyn Tunchon, Acting Group Manager Primary Care and Community Health Services



1.       Welcome by the Chair

Dr Robert Lang welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Apologies received and noted.


2.       Acceptance of previous minutes – 30th March 2011

Minutes of previous meeting accepted by consensus when circulated by email.


3.       Strategic Updates

a.       Parramatta City Council – Dr Robert Lang

Civic Place (Rob Lang)

The remaining land required for Civic Place was completed on 8 July 2011.  Grocon is expected to lodge a project application for stage one later this year with completion expected by end 2013.


Parramatta River Foreshore (Rob Lang)

Council recently ran an international design competition for one of the key sites along the foreshore - Lennox Bridge Car Park site.

Also there are a range of short, medium and long term initiatives aimed at activating the Parramatta River Foreshore with events, way finding and shared pathways.



E-Parra and Parra Connect (Geoff King)

Council continues to implement the E-Parra strategy and action plan and the Parra Connect strategy.


IBM Innovation Discovery Workshop 20th and 21st October 2011 (Geoff King)

The aim is to generate ideas and defined projects, to find a way forward to support the creation of the “Smarter Cities” vision for Parramatta.


Water Quality Parramatta River (Sue W)

Sydney Water is currently investigating sewer links along Parramatta River.  Christine Newman has offered SWAHS assistance if required.


Draft LEP and DCP (Sue Weatherley)

The draft LEP is with the Minister awaiting approval.  The DCP will then come into effect once the LEP is approved.


Review of City Centre LEP (Sue Weatherley)

Will be amalgamated into the one with a report to Council by the end of the year.


Better Neighbourhoods Program (Sue Weatherley)

Dundas Station Centre Upgrade – almost completed.

Ermington, Midson / Boronia – complete.

Epping Town Centre – at design stage.

Kleins Road, Northmead – complete.

Constitution Hill – complete.

Westmead Way-fining concept design phase is complete.

Toongabbie Town Centre and Park Road Rydalmere - currently being scoped.

Wigram Street, Harris Park – also being scoped and it is hoped to have a tender to Council before Christmas.


Cycleways (Sue Weatherley)

Council has focussed on Adult cycle training, artwork which is also used as bike racks and also the completion of the missing links in the Parramatta Valley Cycleway, connecting the CBD to Westmead through Parramatta Park.


Healthy Communities Grant (Megan Dephoff)

Council was unsuccessful in its application. Holroyd was successful with their application, as were 7 in rural area’s.  Council would like to acknowledge SWAHS for their assistance with Council’s grant application.


Smoking Update (Megan Dephoff)

A report will go to Council in November 2011 once final results have been received from the consultant.


Bus Shelter Access (Victoria Edghill)

Capital works have been completed on 14 sites and Council will be seeking further funding to progress the next phase of the upgrade.


b.      SWAHS – Christine Newman

Health Reform Transitional Organisation

NSW Department of Health will become the NSW Ministry of Health.  The role of the Ministry is to support the executive and statutory roles of the NSW Minister for Health and monitor the performance of the NSW public health system, known as NSW Health. .  The operational activity will move from being centralised to localised.  The Local Health Networks are abolished and have been replaced by Local Health Districts.  The previous three clusters have been abolished and staff will be moved back to the Local Health Districts.  Westmead Children’s Hospital will remain part of the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network.



Western Sydney Medicare Local has been established.   The aim of the Medicare Local is to strengthen the local primary health care system by working with the people who deliver health services to the public to help keep communities well and out of hospital.

Federal Agency - Preventative Health Agency has been established.  State level agency is to be established.


Healthy Children’s Initiatives has been funded by the Federal Government.  This includes:

-        Live Life Well at School and Crunch and Sip Programs for primary schools.  Currently being rolled out in public schools but will be expanded to Catholic and Independent schools.

-        Munch and Move Program currently being rolled out in pre-schools now to be extended to long day care and family day care



Stepping on Program for Older People has now received funding.  The program targets those at risk of falling in the 75+ age group.


Work Places – Healthy Workers Initiative funded by the Federal Government is due to start sometime in 2012.  Research is currently being conducted in Lithgow  and Parramatta following the near future.  This research will inform implementation strategies.


ACTION: Christine Newman to update and clarify the new structure as it unfolds.


4.       MOU Project Updates

MOU Project updates provided by each organisation for the following projects (refer to attachment):


Ø  Health Data

Ø  Healthier Food Choices

Ø  Planning Policy for Healthier Food Choices

Ø  Bicycling Promotion


GPS mapping of supermarkets, schools, fast food outlets – Liverpool will have information available soon.


LM: Research in USA - access to fast food – minimise impact on the types of shops that open in certain areas


ACTION: Christine to provide further information.


5.       General Business

Questions from Councillor Lim

What is SWAHS policy on smoking at the Westmead Hospital site?

The No Smoking policy is enforced by the Local Health District within all health facilities and grounds.  Patients can be supported by Nicotine Replacement Therapies to assist with their withdrawals.  It is important that Health provides a smoke free environment to protect staff, visitors and patients.  It is also important that they enforce the evidence based message that every cigarette is harmful. 


A number of universities will be rolling out the No Smoking ban. 


NSW State Plan (Christine Newman)

How does Council respond to this plan?

Just received and currently considering impacts and response within Council


Big Ideas Parramatta – Westmead (Lord Mayor)

Lendlease – University

Largest medical precinct


Issues with Parking and Transport – Lobbying Government.


6.       Next Meeting - TBC


ACTION: SWAHS to advise date of next meeting for 6 months time.

Item 10.7 - Attachment 1

Minutes 8 September 2011 SWAHS and PCC Strategic Partnership Meeting



Project Title

Project Objectives

Draft project Deliverables and Activities

Project Timing

PCC Project Contacts

SWAHS Project Contacts


Current Status


Health Survey Data Provision / Resident Panel Data Provision


Project Leader: SWAHS





Ÿ Increasing Council access to health data sources that support Council planning for community well being

Ÿ Provision of annual update on the health status of residents, as well as new and emerging risks that may face the community.

Ÿ Also includes PCC Resident panel data as appropriate



Ÿ SWAHS Update of Social and Health Profile for the Parramatta LGA.

Ÿ Social and Health Atlas for the Parramatta LGA

Ÿ Multicultural Report

Ÿ PCC Residents Panel Data on Health and Wellbeing



SWAHS Annual update TBC


PCC Residents Panel Survey complete


Victoria Edghill




Kay Tennant/

Epidemiology Unit


Ÿ Health Data Presentation conducted for Council Staff in early August.

Ÿ Approximately 30 in attendance


Ÿ Presented by Health Service Epidemiology Unit


Ÿ Presentation circulated to Council staff.


Ÿ This project is now complete under the current MOU.



Increased Healthier Food Choices


Project Leader: SWAHS



Ÿ A simple and inexpensive method of evaluating the nutritional value in terms of energy, fats and salt content on the menu of participating restaurants.


Ÿ Researched information on barriers, effective labelling systems, cost and health benefits for menu labelling


Ÿ Develop and implement a guideline and tool kit to support the uptake of menu labelling in the Parramatta LGA


Ÿ Implement cost effective menu labelling system for food items purchased at restaurants, cafes and food court restaurants in the Parramatta LGA


Ÿ Restaurant / Café patrons increased awareness of healthier food choices when eating out  


Ÿ Assessment of the effectiveness and viability of the initiative



Ÿ Research completed to inform project


Ÿ Menu labelling identification system developed


Ÿ Menu Labelling Guideline & Tool developed for Businesses


Ÿ Menu labelling system piloted


Ÿ Community awareness of menu labelling raised


Ÿ Patrons of restaurants/cafes selecting healthier food choices


Ÿ Menu labelling viability identified


Community Consultation

May 2011 – complete


Stakeholder Consultation May 2011 - complete


Business Consultation end 2011


Voluntary Restaurant Pilots early 2012


Victoria Edghill




Rachael Graham



·      6 Community Focus Groups conducted (n=60+ participants)


·      1 Stakeholder (Council) Focus Group conducted


·      Targets met in relation to Focus Group numbers


·      Consultation analysis complete and DRAFT Report completed and currently being reviewed by project teams


·      Next phase – consultations and engagement with businesses


·      Partnership with NSW Food Authority to deliver project in line with Fast Choices labelling legislation



Planning policy for healthier food choices scoping project


Project Leader: PCC




Investigate the opportunities to revise Council’s planning policies and processes to support healthier food choices for the community




DA Guidelines relating to healthier food choices


Jun 12


Victoria Edghill




Internal work within Council has been undertaken on SIA guidelines re: Affordable Housing developments. This has informed considerations of this project.


Currently scoping and drafting project brief.


Bicycling Promotion


Project Leader:





Supporting more bicycle trips through integration and promotion of current and new bicycle maps


PCC to conduct end of financial year audit of cycleways


Opportunity to update version of SWAHS cycle maps as a joint project



Updated cycle maps




Victoria Edghill


David Gray




Currently scoping opportunities and drafting project brief.