Item 11.1 - Attachment 1

ParraConnect Minutes 21st November 2011


MINUTES OF THE ParraConnect Advisory COMMITTEE Workshop MEETING HELD IN MEETING Room Level 12 Boadroom, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON 21st November 2011, COMMENCING AT 1:00 PM.



Clr Lim (chair), John Moxon, Frank Dorian, George Mavros, Greg Smith, Elios Alexoulis, , Alan Cadman, Sia Anthopoulos.




Lord Mayor Clr Lorraine Wearne, Lisa Torrance, Catlin Vaughn, Clr McDermott, Clr Maitra



2.  Minutes of Previous Meeting: 

The minutes of the previous meeting were endorsed.


Action arising - Ikiosk Project – The business model was discussed, with a very high level proposed business model tabled.


Recommendation: The committee to seek endorsement from Council to investigate and evaluate the opportunity and benefits of the Ikiosk proposal. 


Action: Upon Council endorsement of the above recommendation, the Ikiosk proposal be further investigated.



3. IBM Innovations Workshop Update

The outcomes of the 2 day workshop were reported to the committee. There were 2 themes – Social Infrastructure and Enabling a talent oriented Parramatta. The workshop generated some 60 ideas with 8 ideas being further developed and prioritised by the “Dragon Panel”. The top 3 ideas were Parramatta: The Health Science City Campus;  Revitalising the River foreshore; Connected health and wellbeing. Three of the eight projects have commenced implementation.


Action: Noted.


4. Update on Mobile Concierge

The committee was updated on the progress, it is now  expected the project will be launched in by the end of Jan 2012, and will combine the 2 phases that were due in early December 2011 and at the end of February 2012. All technology solutions are now confirmed.


Action: Noted


5. Update Parking Application:

The IPhone version has been released with an initial 20 downloads, expecting this to increase once Communications begins its promotions.


Action: Noted


6.  Action Plan Status


The actions from the previous meeting were reviewed and updated.


Next Meeting 19th December at 1:00 pm




Item 11.1 - Attachment 1

ParraConnect Minutes 21st November 2011




Action Plan







Kiosk Subcommittee Progress

George Mavros


Ongoing – status report next meeting.

Letters were sent to the 12 respondents to the EOI. 3 responses were received, only one is prepared to progress this being IKiosk. George and Clr Lim will meet with IKiosk to discuss the business model and report to the Committee at the next meeting.

*iKiosk Presented to the committee on the 19/09/2011 see minutes.



Clr Lim will contact the University of Western Sydney for suggest names of who may be a suitable committee member, for replacement of Geoff Lee.


Clr Lim/Elios


Waiting on feedback / response from Geoff Lee


DA consents have a condition that ensures technology future proofing for all developments.

Elios Alexoulis



Has progressed internally withSue W.

Promotional  clip to be put together meeting with Communications with 2 weeks

Sia Anthopoulos / Elios Alexoulis


Members to contact Sia


Clr Lim is to write and make an offer to the Chamber of Commerce to present an update on Parraconnect.

Clr Lim



Governance of The Advisory Committee

The matter is for further consideration at future meetings  



The governance will continue as is for the next 12 months

Report to Council to retain current structure in Nov 2011.



Wireless CBD

Alan Cadman


Alan will investigate the feasibility of the Chamber of Commerce been involved in funding the WIFI infrastructure in the CBD

Alan has held discussions with Telstra to ascertain possible wireless solutions.

Parking Options for on street parking to be investigated

Alan Cadman\ Elios Alexoulis


Prepare letter to respondents of the EOI

Clr Lim is investigating as well.

This now handle internally with Council.







Council to determine its business needs.


The committee to seek endorsement from Council to investigate and evaluate the opportunity and benefits of the Ikiosk proposal

Advisory Committee – Process/structure for progressing projects



The committee to further discuss and considers the option for a separate entity.      

Mobile Concierge



Will be distributing a media release next week, inviting community members to register for their ConnectCard and to generate interest from retailers.


Smart-Phone Application



Iphone, Windows and Blackberry versions of the Smart-Phone applications will be available within the next 2 weeks.
