Item 10.1 - Attachment 2

Attachment 2 - Public Submissions Summary


Draft George Kendall Masterplan Submissions Summary






I & S Garrett
(Ermington United Soccer Club)

- No drainage infrastructure at end of streets leading into reserve resulting in stormwater causing significant soil / mulch erosion

- Identify issue under 2.10 (Hydrology) / additional action in 3.2 (Western Precinct) regarding stormwater drainage infrastructure at end of Honor, Trumble, Boyle, Murdoch Streets


P. Staunton

- Disagree with conversion of existing Tennis courts (should be retained as free hardcourts with removal of synthetic surfacing and line marking)
- Addition of a hitting wall in vicinity of courts
- Support multipurpose court facility in proximity to Tennis courts
- Childrens cycle track between Dog Off-leash area and additional sporting fields

- Retain one existing Tennis court as hardcourts and convert other to multipurpose court ( 2.5 Sports / 3.3 - Central Precinct)

- Hitting wall inappropriate as would be subject to significant graffiti

- Additional circuit track not required as small formal circuit track proposed in Central Precinct






Tigers Baseball & Softball Club
(D Chong)

- Support additional amenities building

- Strongly object to relocation of Baseball diamonds from 2 fields to 1 as:
i. Baseball club developed fields and infrastructure
ii. Unable to host two senior Baseball games concurrently (minimum pitch dimension requirements and safety)
iii. Impact availability of facilities for Baseball league

- Two existing baseball fields (3.5ha) occupy a relatively large proportion (60%) of the existing active sport area (6ha)

- Existing use of the Baseball area is low (2 days per week) in comparison to other sporting fields that can be occupied up to (6 days per week)

- State participation figures indicate high participation rate and significant growth in Soccer (5.7% to 6.5% / 301,000 to 370,600)  versus a low level of participation and decline in Baseball (0.4% to 0.3% / 21,700 to 15,800) between 2005 and 2010*

- Parramatta Sportsground Capacity Survey (2010) identified existing baseball provision to be very high (low use fields) and recommended re-allocation to a higher demand sport

- Masterplan provides additional Soccer fields in recognition of lack of Soccer fields and limited opportunities to develop additional fields within Lachlan Macquarie ward


* Source: Exercise, Recreation and Sport Survey (Australian Sports Commission)