Item 9.4 - Attachment 1

Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes for 20 June 2012






Carol Liston in the Chair, Shylie Brown, Elaine Evans, Ruth Evans, Janice Huntington, Anne Mathews and Bill McGuirk




Grant Davies - Committee Clerk, Paul Kennedy (Project Officer-Land Use), Karen O’Donnell – McGrane (Service Manager - Cultural Heritage & Tourism) and Zoran Popovic (Heritage Advisor – arrived 6.22pm).




An apology was received and accepted for the absence of Barry and June Bullivant, Peter Crittenden, Michelle Desailly (Arts & Cultural Project Officer) and David Shakespeare.




There were no declarations of interest at this meeting.




Carol Liston welcomed all to the meeting.




36/12         Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes – 18 April 2012

A copy of the Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 18 April 2012 had previously been forwarded to each member.


RECOMMENDATION                     (Bill McGuirk/Anne Mathews)


That the minutes of the meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 18 April 2012 be taken as read and be confirmed as a true record of the meeting.




37/12        St Johns Cemetery

Paul Kennedy outlined previous discussions held relating to the maintenance and condition of St Johns Cemetery (Minute No. 26/12).


The Committee noted a recent newspaper article indicating that maintenance works were now being undertaken by inmates under the supervision of the Department of Corrective Services.




That an invitation be extended to the Trustees of St Johns Cemetery to attend a future meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee to engage in an exchange of ideas on the future maintenance of the Cemetery.


38/12        Heritage Centre

Karen O’Donnell-McGrane advised that funding had been received for a 3 year project to revitalise the permanent exhibition space at the Heritage Centre.


The first stage of the project involved meetings with staff and consultant to set goals and a number of themes had been discussed including the evolution of Parramatta.


Other issues to be considered included the future of Civic Place and the possible relocation of the Centre.


A copy of the proposed themes will be provided to members in due course.


The next stage of the project will be to look at stories, people, characters and content to gain an appreciation of what the space may look like.




39/12         Feedback from Council

Paul Kennedy advised that the April Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee were received and noted by Council at its meeting held on 28 May 2012.




40/12        Parramatta Stories Project

In the absence of Michelle Desailly, Karen O’Donnell-McGrane advised that Ms Desailly had been meeting with the Visitors Services Team in relation to various public programmes.


In addition, a ‘greeter’ service is being trialled at the Charles Street Ferry Wharf from Thursdays to Sundays for the 3 busiest ferries of the day. This initiative was welcomed by the Committee.


The possibility of introducing short guided walks and lunchtime stories for workers as part of Parramatta Stories was also being considered.


The Committee suggested that the introduction of appropriate applications for mobile phones and the placement of historical plaques around the City would also be beneficial.


41/12        Comprehensive Heritage Review

Paul Kennedy noted that Council had resolved in November last year to make certain changes to the schedule of heritage listed items.


A planning proposal seeking permission to proceed had subsequently been prepared for consideration by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.


Gateway determination to proceed was subsequently granted by the Department subject to a condition requiring the removal of all proposals relating to Epping (which generally related to the extension of the Epping Conservation Area, the creation of the Boronia Avenue Conservation Area and the addition of a number of houses to the heritage schedule).


The reason given by the Department for the condition related to its need to review the built form controls and infrastructure requirements identified in the Epping Town Centre Study.


It was noted that extensive consideration and consultation was given to the strategic aspects of providing for growth in the Epping area during the preparation of Parramatta LEP 2011 and the Lord Mayor will be writing to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure expressing concern over the Department’s decision.




(a)       The Committee notes that Parramatta LEP 2011 and the Comprehensive Heritage Review were subject to extensive preparation and consultation and expresses its disappointment in the decision by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure in relation to the Epping area as it believes that Epping has a distinct heritage significance and cultural style.


(b)       The Committee further requests that the Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Planning requesting a reconsideration of the Department’s decision.


42/12        Local Heritage Fund

Mr Kennedy noted the record number of applications received this year and advised that a further 8 applications were available for the Committee’s consideration as follows:-


1.                     3 Kent Street, Epping– Replacement and repair of guttering and down pipes.


Supported by Heritage Advisor as common maintenance works.


RECOMMENDATION         (McGuirk/Huntington)


That funds in the amount of $1300.00 be granted.


2.                     3 – 5 Grandview Street, Parramatta – Exterior painting of building and also building repairs.


Supported by Heritage Advisor as standard maintenance works.


RECOMMENDATION         (Brown/Mathews)


That funds in the amount of $2650.00 be granted.


3.                     11 – 13 Harrison Street, Northmead – Repainting of roof, including replacement of gutters and replacement of bargeboards.


Supported by Heritage Advisor as common maintenance works.


RECOMMENDATION         (Mathews/Brown)


That funds in the amount of $2650.00 be granted.


4.                     15 Willoughby Street, Epping – Approval in principle sought for tiling of veranda and footpath.


The Heritage Advisor suggested that the veranda tiling be deferred pending provision of further details and added that the pathway tiling was not supported.


RECOMMENDATION         (Liston/McGuirk)


That the application be deferred pending further discussion by the applicant with the Heritage Advisor.


5.                     23B Orchard Street, Epping – Replacement of front picket fence.


The works are supported by the Heritage Advisor as generally contributing to the setting of the house.


RECOMMENDATION         (Mathews/Brown)


That funds in the amount of $2650.00 be granted.


6.                     36 Prince Street, North Parramatta – Painting of interior.


RECOMMENDATION         (R Evans/McGuirk)


That funds in the amount of $1325.00 be granted.


7.                     105 Railway Street, Parramatta – Landscaping, repairs and painting of house.


                        It was noted that reimbursement can only be made for tangible costs.


RECOMMENDATION         (R Evans/McGuirk)


That funds in the amount of $350.00 be granted and the applicant be invited to contact the Heritage Advisor to discuss the possible transformation of the dwelling into an asset in the conservation area.


8.                        4 Chesterfield Road, Epping– Approval in principle is sought for replacement of the veranda floor tiles, repair of entrance steps and repair of the veranda brick wall.


The Heritage Advisor suggested that consideration be deferred for further assessment.


RECOMMENDATION         (McGuirk/Mathews)


That the application be deferred pending further discussion by the applicant with the Heritage Advisor



Mr Zoran Popovic arrived at the meeting at 6.22pm during consideration of the above matter.


43/12        Development Applications – Update by Heritage Advisor


211 Church Street, Parramatta

A proposal had been received from the University of New England to convert the old Telstra Building into an internet access and learning centre for students.


Mr Popovic considers the proposal to be an improved usage of the site but notes that certain works proposed (ie upper level balcony, lift shaft) will require further scrutiny.


15 Thomas Street, Northmead

The subject premises are on the market and enquiries have been received from persons wishing to subdivide the property.


Members should be alert to any future development proposals for the site.


74 Marsden Street, South Parramatta

The premises are on the market and there is some concern that the property may be purchased with an expectation of providing townhouses on the site.


Members should be alert to any future development proposals for the site.


John Upton House

Ms Huntington noted the recent sale of the subject property.


Paraquad had been interested in the purchase of the site but had been outbid. Some concerns now existed in the community that the site will be used for industrial purposes.


It was requested that an update on any proposals for the site be provided to the Committee.




44/12        Placement of Portals in Lennox Bridge (Minute No.s 10/12  and 19/12 refer)

A copy of a letter received from Mr Barry Bullivant reporting on the Lennox Bridge Consultation Meeting held on 14 June 2012 was tabled at the meeting (copy appended as Attachment 1).


It was noted that the portals had not been proposed as a flood mitigation measure but rather to enhance pedestrian and cyclist access. The proposal would, however, have a beneficial effect in relation to flood mitigation.


The Committee understood the need for level access for pedestrians and cyclists but were in favour of alternative options that did not require major changes to the bridge.


It was also noted that a further consultation meeting on the proposal will be held on Monday night, 25 June 2012 at 5.30pm at the Heritage Centre and all members were encouraged to attend and voice their opinions.


RECOMMENDATION         (McGuirk/Mathews)


(a)       The Committee strongly opposes any action to place portals in the Lennox Bridge.

(b)       Further, that Council be requested to locate and consider a copy of the early 1990s report prepared by Rod Howard which indicated that the cables located inside the bridge support the arch and formed an integral fabric of the Bridge. The committee considers that any proposed works may have an affect on the cables and the sustainability of the Bridge.



The above decision was resolved unanimously.


45/12        Development Applications in Epping Area

Ruth Evans expressed concern that a number of development applications (such as 3 Rawson Road, Epping) had been approved under delegated authority in the Epping Conservation Zone which were not sympathetic to the surrounds.


Ms Evans referred to the need for the original fabric of these buildings to be retained and for staff to be stringent in their assessment of such applications.


Mr Popovic considered that the application in question made sense due to the amount of money that would have been required to reinstate the property to its former state.


Mr Popovic added that the use of aluminium windows in this and similar developments was a compliance issue.


46/12        Foundation Day

Bill McGuirk asked whether a date had been set as yet to celebrate Foundation Day.


Karen O’Donnell-McGrane took the question on notice.


47/12        Duncan Park Croquet Club – Replacement of Amenities Building

                  Ruth Evans noted that the replacement amenities building for Duncan Park was now on exhibition and commented that the proposal was not in keeping with the previous building and did not fit in with the area.




48/12        Resignation of Archivist

Karen O’Donnell-McGrane advised that Council’s Archivist had resigned and added the vacant position would be filled as soon as possible.


49/12        Digital Database

Karen O’Donnell-McGrane advised that the local studies team and archivist had being working together to bring to fruition a digital database of the Heritage Centre’s collection.


A public browser will be available in the coming months.


It was requested that an email be provided to all members when the browser is available.


50/12        Restoration of Female Orphan School

                  Carol Liston was pleased to report that the University of Western Sydney had received a grant of $7,000,000 from the federal government to restore the Female Orphan School.


51/12        Hamilton Hume

Shylie Brown referred to a recent excellent article in the local newspaper on the explorer Hamilton Hume, who had been born in Toongabbie.


52/12        Apology for Mr Bill McGuirk

Mr McGuirk submitted an apology for the next meeting.


53/12        Next Meeting

                  The  next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 15 August 2012.




The meeting terminated at 7.24pm.