Item 9.5 - Attachment 1

Detailed Report






Council adopted the draft Parramatta DCP on 14 December 2009 for the purposes of public exhibition.


The public exhibition of the draft Parramatta DCP took place concurrently with the draft Parramatta LEP and was held from 1 March 2010 until 23 April 2010 and was subsequently extended to an additional 2 weeks with the submission period closing on 7 May 2010.


The formal exhibition involved a mail out to all owners and occupiers of properties within the Parramatta LGA, (excluding the City Centre to which the draft DCP does not apply) totalling some 76,000 letters.


The draft DCP and draft LEP were exhibited in all branch libraries (as well as at Epping Library), at the Council administration offices and were also displayed on Council’s website. Advertisements were placed at regular intervals in local newspapers.


Council received 9,710 visits to the exhibition on its website, 495 phone calls to the LEP information line, 244 counter enquiries and 505 written submissions during the exhibition period.




A total of 505 submissions were received during the exhibition of the draft LEP and draft DCP. Although most of the submissions related to the draft LEP, approximately 50 submissions directly or indirectly raised issues relating to the draft DCP.


During the exhibition of the draft DCP, consultation was undertaken with staff from relevant sections of Council. Comments were received from and discussed with Development Services, Catchment Management, Environmental Outcomes, Waste Sustainability and Traffic and Transport teams. Comments received from these sections were included in the above count for submissions on the draft DCP.


All submissions received were initially individually reviewed by planning staff and a summary of key points and concerns raised were entered into a database (this document is contained at Attachment 3). Acknowledgement letters were also sent to all persons who made a submission.


Councillors requested and received a draft summary of submissions sorted by suburb in June 2010 and a further draft summary in August 2010, sorted by suburb to approximate submissions on a ward basis (noting that there is some overlap of suburbs across ward boundaries).


Following the initial review of all submissions, key themes and issues arising were identified and where appropriate grouped together for further consideration and reporting. Some requested the insertion of new principles and controls, with others proposing amendments to strengthen existing principles and controls and to ensure clarity in their intent.


In the interests of ensuring a consistent, equitable and technically robust assessment process, all issues raised and recommendations were reviewed at internal meetings of Council’s planning staff. This process ensured that all concerns raised by members of the community and other sections of Council were considered in (where relevant) a strategic context which provides for a more sound and consistent decision making process.




The analysis of submissions has given rise to a number of recommended changes to the draft DCP (Attachment 2). The changes are recommended in the context of the parameters of the draft DCP – that is, to consolidate all DCPs into a single comprehensive DCP. In determining recommendations, consideration has also been given to the need to finalise the draft DCP and for it to take effect at the time the draft LEP is gazetted.


The following sections of the report provide commentary on the key issues and recommendations in finalising the draft DCP. Recommendations relating to individual submissions are contained in Attachment 3. A number of individual submissions raise matters that do not fit into the key issues and/or areas discussed in the following sections of this report and in some cases recommendations are made for change to the draft DCP arising from these submissions.


All recommended changes are listed in Attachment 2 and commentary and justification of the recommended change, where not discussed in the following, can be found in the table of submissions (Attachment 3).





To assist Council in understanding the nature of submissions received, the following headings group the key issues and summarises the main revisions recommended to the draft DCP.



1.   Consolidation of plans

2.   Car parking

3.   Granville – area between the Railway Line and Parramatta Road

4.   Water Sensitive Urban Design

5.   Aboriginal heritage

6.   Protection of bushland

7.   Use of roof tops for communal open space

8.   Swimming pools

9.   Outbuildings

10. Toilet facilities in public buildings

11. Height control

12. Minor wording changes

13. Dual occupancy

14. Rosehill masterplan




As part of the NSW State Government’s planning reforms, Councils must consolidate all DCPs into a single comprehensive DCP, such that only one DCP applies to any parcel of land within six (6) months of a comprehensive LEP commencing. In order to meet this requirement the following are recommended.



§ Amend Section 5.3 Places of Public Worship and Educational Establishments to incorporate the same controls as the stand-alone DCP for Places of Public Worship (with any necessary reference amendments to zones to reflect the outcome of Council’s decision regarding the prohibition of Places of Public Worship in the R2 Low Density Residential zone in the draft LEP).  Further, to add “DCP for Places of Public Worship 2010” to Section 1.4 Relationship to other Plans and Policies, for it to be repealed to the extent to which it applies to land covered by the draft DCP.

§ Add “DCP for Sex Services and Restricted Premises 2010” to Section 1.4 Relationship to other Plans and Policies, for it to be repealed to the extent to which it applies to land covered by the draft DCP. Section 5.6 Sex Services and Restricted Premises is proposed to be retained in the draft DCP with the provisions amended to remove references to new premises. The provisions in this section are proposed to apply as a guide to assessing development applications for any alterations and additions to existing premises.

§ Amend the controls in Section 4.1.9 Morton Street Precinct of the draft DCP to reflect the “Site Specific 2 Morton Street, Parramatta DCP” once finalised in conjunction with the Planning Proposal for this site.



Granville and Harris Park Town Centres

Amendments are proposed to the car parking rates for retail, business and office premises in Granville and Harris Park Town Centres in the draft DCP. The recommendations have been made by Council’s Traffic and Transport Services Unit.

The proposal is to set minimum and maximum car parking rates to cap the (maximum) number of car parking spaces whilst ensuring an adequate (minimum) number of spaces are provided. This approach will assist to control traffic congestion on the constrained road networks and maintain the existing character of these town centres. The proposed controls have been sourced from the maximum rates under SREP 28 and the minimum rates reflect generally applied minimum rates for comparative land uses. These controls are proposed to apply to the Granville Town Centre (as mapped on page 116 of the draft DCP), and the Harris Park Town Centre where zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre on Kendall, Ada, Wigram, Marion and Crown Streets and Station Street East, Harris Park.

Minimum car parking rates in the draft DCP will still apply to the Westmead and Epping Town Centres. These centres are undergoing separate bodies of work which have not yet been completed. A car parking rates review may occur at the finalisation of these studies.



§ That the following controls for the Granville and Harris Park Town Centres be inserted by creating Table B in Section 3.6.2 Parking and Vehicular Access on Page 91:


§ ‘For business premises and retail premises, a minimum of 1 space per 60 square metres of GFA and a maximum of 1 space per 30 square metres of GFA.  Where there is a combination of land uses, a maximum of 40% of resident visitor parking can be used in the calculations for retail parking provided that these areas are shared.’


§ ‘For office premises, a minimum of 1 space per 70 square metres of GFA and maximum of 1 space per 50 square metres of GFA’.


§ ‘Note: These controls apply to the Granville Town Centre as mapped on page 116 of this DCP. These controls apply to the Harris Park Town Centre where zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre on Kendall, Ada, Wigram, Marion and Crown Streets and Station Street East, Harris Park’.


§ Further that this proposed amendment be placed on re-exhibition.


Studio Apartments

Parramatta DCP 2005 and the exhibited version of the draft DCP do not contain a car parking rate for studio apartments. Studio apartments are not classified as 1 bedroom apartments and thus the 1 bedroom car parking rate is not applied. It is proposed to insert a car parking rate for studio apartments not within 400m of public transport in the draft DCP. (For studio apartments within 400m of public transport, on site car parking is generally not required to be provided.)



§ That the following control be inserted in Section 3.6.2 Parking and Vehicular Access in Table A for locations not within 400m of public transport:

‘0.6 spaces per studio apartment’.

§ Further that this proposed amendment be placed on re-exhibition.


Basement Car Parking

It is proposed to amend the control relating to basement car parking for dwelling houses and dual occupancies to reflect Council’s resolution at its meeting on 12 July 2010 to allow car parking in the form of a basement in residential areas.


Further, it is proposed to insert a new principle relating to the provision of basement car parking on properties within the floodplain. The floodplain is an area of land which is subject to inundation by floods up to and including the probable maximum flood (PMF) event, that is, flood prone land. The principle discourages basement car parks on properties within the floodplain. Where site conditions require a basement car park on a property within the floodplain, development applications must provide a detailed hydraulic flood study and design demonstrating that the proposed basement car park has been protected from all flooding up to and including the PMF event.



§ That Control 4 in Section 3.6.2 Parking and Vehicular Access beneath the heading ‘Dwelling Houses and Dual Occupancies’ be amended to remove the wording Carparking for dwelling houses and dual occupancies is not to be in the form of a basement” and amend to read Where slope conditions require a basement, in such cases the area of the basement should not significantly exceed the area required to meet the carparking requirements for the development. Additional basement area to that required to satisfy parking requirements may be included as floorspace area when calculating floorspace ratio.”

§ Further that the following principle be inserted in Section Flooding of the draft DCP: “‘Council strongly discourages basement car parks on properties within the floodplain. Where site conditions require a basement car park on a property within the floodplain, development applications must provide a detailed hydraulic flood study and design demonstrating that the proposed basement car park has been protected from all flooding up to and including the PMF event. An adequate emergency response and evacuation plan must also be provided where basement car parks are proposed in the floodplain.”


3. GRANVILLE – area between the Railway Line and Parramatta Road

As discussed in the report to Council on 5 October 2010 regarding the draft LEP, Council’s Urban Design Team has carried out testing of the height and FSR controls for the proposed B4 Mixed Use zone in the area between the Railway Line and Parramatta Road. Further testing took place for the draft DCP controls to reflect the amended height and FSR control in the draft LEP and the results of this testing were considered by Council’s SEPP 65 Design Review Panel. The Design Review Panel comments were then further considered by Council’s Urban Design Team. As a result of these processes, some changes to the controls for this area are recommended.

The revised controls are designed to:

§ To provide controls that result in economically viable floor plates and building envelopes.

§ To provide controls which allow the development of clear, well defined and active streetscapes.

§ To provide consistent controls which are easy to understand.

§ To remove controls which are already covered by other applicable policies, e.g. SEPP 65.

§ To produce a built form that is more consistent and integrated.



§ That the draft DCP controls for this area be amended to achieve the above objectives, including minimum site frontage requirements, building setbacks,  building form and street edges, and various amenity controls. Details of the recommended changes are provided in Attachment 2.

§ Further that this proposed amendment be placed on re-exhibition.


4. Water Sensitive Urban Design


Following consultation with staff from Council’s Environmental Outcomes Unit and Development Services Unit and benchmarking with Blacktown, Ryde and Wyong Councils, certain amendments are proposed to Section Stormwater Drainage. More specifically, amending stormwater drainage requirements to provide greater direction to proponents and simplifying stormwater treatment targets for development to be consistent with controls of adjoining local government areas in order to ensure a consistent approach to water sensitive urban design is reached for the region.


It is proposed to strengthen the design controls relating to water efficiency in non-residential development (Section in response to submissions, including from Sydney Water. Further, new greywater controls are proposed to be included in the draft DCP. The draft DCP is currently silent on reusing greywater. The insertion of controls relating to greywater would inform and encourage different methods for reuse and advise the approvals required.




§ That Section 3.3.6 Water Sensitive Urban Design of the draft DCP be amended as per Attachment 2.


§ Further that this proposed amendment be placed on re-exhibition.




The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water has recommended that Aboriginal sensitivity maps, which indicate land where there is likely to be evidence of, or association with, aboriginal heritage, be included in either the draft LEP or DCP.  The maps would identify areas by the potential to contain Aboriginal sites and would not identify known sites.  Whilst the standard template does not allow for the inclusion of Aboriginal sensitivity maps in an LEP it is possible to include this information in the draft DCP to facilitate the integrated assessment of development on places of potential Aboriginal significance.


In addition to the maps, associated provisions are proposed to be included in the draft DCP requiring consideration of the impact of development on known or potential Aboriginal archaeological sites or sites of cultural or historical significance to Aboriginal people.



That a new Section 3.5.3 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage be inserted in the draft DCP as detailed in Attachment 2, together with the insertion of Aboriginal Sensitivity Maps as Appendix 11.



Parramatta LEP 2001 (PLEP 2001) contains a provision (Clause 47) for development on land abutting an environmental protection zone, specifically that no building is to be erected within 6 metres of the boundary of Zone 7 Environmental Protection in PLEP 2001. This provision has not been carried over to the draft LEP because of the restrictive nature of the Standard LEP Template.



That a similar provision to Clause 47 of Parramatta LEP 2001 be inserted in the draft DCP to protect and preserve bushland in the E2 Environmental Protection and W1 Natural Waterways zones.



A control is proposed to be inserted in the draft DCP encouraging the design of roof tops for communal open space. The provision is proposed to encourage rather than mandate the use of roof tops for communal open space for the following reasons:

1.   Cost: The treatment to a reasonable quality will incur additional cost to a development in terms of treatment, landscaping, design and ongoing management/maintenance. Council needs to make a decision about where it places emphasis on quality given the recurring theme of affordability, developer costs and the continuing struggle to raise design standards.

2.   There are design issues that will need to be addressed. These include safety and security (people not tripping or jumping from great heights), privacy (e.g. location adjacent to primary schools, backyards or other sensitive uses), ongoing care, cleaning and maintenance, which will also add costs for future residents.



That the following control be inserted under Section 3.3.2 Private and Communal Open Space of the draft DCP, heading 'Residential flat buildings and residential component of mixed use developments': "C.3 Communal open space may be provided on the roof top where it will not adversely impact on visual and acoustic privacy, and safety and security elements".


8. Swimming Pools

The draft DCP does not contain provisions relating to swimming pools. It is proposed to insert controls to guide applications for new swimming pools. The State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 contains controls relating to swimming pools as complying development. The controls relate to location, setbacks, and decking and coping requirements. Applications for swimming pools as complying development are to be assessed against the SEPP. Any divergence from the controls in the SEPP will require a development application. In order to facilitate the assessment of an application it is proposed to insert the same controls in the draft DCP as those that appear in the SEPP. Applications will require compliance with the proposed swimming pool controls located in the draft DCP. This will ensure that any departures from the proposed controls will require justification and will be based on merit assessment.  



That design controls relating to swimming pools be inserted in Section 3.3.2 Private and Communal Open Space of the draft DCP as per Attachment 2.


9. Outbuildings

The draft DCP does not contain controls relating to outbuildings on residential allotments making it difficult to assess applications in circumstances where proposed outbuildings do not comply with the provisions of Exempt and Complying Development. It is particularly important to make clear in the draft DCP that the maximum floor space ratio for all buildings on one allotment is not to exceed the floor space ratio shown for the allotment on the Floor Space Ratio map in the draft LEP. It is proposed to insert another column in the first table in Section 3.1.3 Preliminary Building Envelope Tables titled 'Outbuildings' with specific controls for this type of development. This will ensure there are controls for such structures in the circumstances where outbuildings are neither exempt nor complying development.


§ That controls relating to outbuildings be inserted in Section 3.1.3 Preliminary Building Envelope Tables of the draft DCP as per Attachment 2.

§ Further that this proposed amendment be placed on re-exhibition.




In response to Council’s resolution at its meeting on 22 March 2010, it is proposed to insert new provisions in the draft DCP to encourage a high standard of women’s facilities, and amenities for parents in both women's and men's toilets in buildings available to the public. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) stipulates the minimum acceptable requirements in relation to "Access & Egress"(under Section D) & "Health & Amenity" (under Section F). The BCA is a referenced document under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 and therefore is considered law.  It is recommended that rather than stipulating a prescriptive requirement that goes beyond the minimum requirement in the BCA, that the draft DCP contain a principle that 'encourages' the provision of higher standard women's facilities and amenities for parents in women's and men's toilets in public buildings than that specified in the BCA.


Further, Council may wish to consider taking a lead by providing a higher number of and standard in quality of amenities than that prescribed in the BCA in its own and community buildings when the opportunity arises.



§ That a new Section 3.4.3 Amenities in Buildings Available to the Public be inserted in the draft DCP as detailed in Attachment 2.

§ Further that this proposed amendment be placed on re-exhibition.



It is proposed to remove storey controls for business zones (B1 Neighbourhood Centre, B2 Local Centre, B4 Mixed Use, B5 Business Development and B6 Enterprise Corridor) in the draft DCP and rely on height in metres in the draft LEP as the height control. The form of buildings in business zones this may be unnecessarily constrained by a storey control, given parapet designs and the like. Height in metres would apply, as well as other DCP controls relating to streetscape, building articulation, building form and massing.



That storey controls for business zones in the draft DCP be removed.



It is proposed to make minor wording changes to various parts of the draft DCP to strengthen principles and controls and to ensure clarity in their intent.  The changes include:

a.   Proposed terminology changes in Part 2 Site Planning. Specifically to consolidate and simplify the requirements of a site analysis to promote improved plans submitted with development applications.

b.   To clarify the requirements of a site analysis for detached dwellings and larger scale developments in Section 2.3 Site Analysis.

c.   To include the W1 Natural Waterways zone in Principle 13 of Section 3.3.1 Landscaping. This inclusion will require landscape plans to accompany development applications where the proposed development abuts the W1 Natural Waterways zone.

d.   To replace “be blended with” with “respect and acknowledge” in Control 1 for New Buildings in Section 3.5 Heritage.

e.   Principle P.3 in Section 4.1.2 Collett Part Precinct incorrectly states that the minimum width of new pedestrian links is 2 metres. This should be and is proposed to be changed to “3 metres, being consistent in width for its full length”.

f.    To remove the first note on page 88 referring to the meaning of classified road given that is redundant as the term is not used elsewhere in the draft DCP.

g.   To make minor formatting, referencing and grammatical corrections to the draft DCP, including replacing references to “draft Parramatta LEP” with “Parramatta LEP 2011.



The dual occupancy provisions as they appear in Parramatta DCP 2005 have been transferred to the draft DCP. In accordance with Council Resolution of 23 August 2010, a review of the corner site provisions for dual occupancies will be reported separately as a potential future amendment to the draft DCP.



That the corner site provisions for dual occupancies be reviewed and a further report be prepared to Council.


14. Rosehill Masterplan


The draft DCP includes a number of existing masterplans as deemed DCPs. The provisions of the deemed DCPs will apply to the specified area in lieu of the comprehensive DCP. One of the deemed DCPs is the Rosehill Masterplan which applies to land bounded. The masterplan was initially adopted by Council in September 2003 and provides for both mixed use development and medium density residential development. The height controls within the draft Parramatta LEP have since been proposed to change and differ from those in the masterplan and as such, there is a need to update the masterplan.


Further, the masterplan may need to be reviewed once the outcomes of the draft LEP proposals are determined by the Department of Planning. When this review occurs, it would be appropriate to amend the controls and incorporate them into the comprehensive DCP to ensure their compatibility with the provisions of the draft Parramatta LEP and outcomes of LEP Planning Proposals.



That the Rosehill  Masterplan be reviewed in the context of the finalised draft LEP planning controls for the block bounded by Hope, Weston, Arthur Streets and James Ruse Rive, Rosehill and a further report be prepared to Council.