Item 9.1 - Attachment 5

Parramatta City Council Street Naming Policy


 1       Street Naming Policy

1.1       Policy Background

Council is the authority responsible for the naming or re-naming of public roads for which it is the roads authority.


1.2       Objectives of this Policy


The objective of this policy is to detail Council’s criteria in relation to the naming of roads within the Parramatta Local Government Area.


 1.3     The Scope of this Policy


Council’s naming authority refers to any road under the control of Council including public roads or a road that is to be dedicated to Council by way of a subdivision of land and excludes Crown public roads, private roads and roads under the control of any State Government Authority.


Some existing road names within the Parramatta Local Government Area do not comply with this policy. Generally, these will only be changed if there are compelling reasons (eg confusion with a similar name). The names of existing roads are recorded in Council’s Road Register as at the date of this policy.


The naming process of a private roads and roads within community subdivision is the responsibility of the owner. Information for selection of name and process should be obtained from the Geographical Names Board of NSW.


1.4       Legislation and References


Roads Act 1993, Section 162

Roads (General) Regulation 2000

AS/NZS 4819:2003 Geographic Information – Rural and urban addressing

AS1742.5-1997 Manual of uniform traffic control devices Part 5 Street name and community facility name signs


1.5      Relationship to Parramatta City Council – Strategic Plans and Other Documents


Street Register

Street Naming Procedure


1.6       Policy Approval Number




1.7       Context


1.7.1               Unique

Names should not duplicate or be likely to be confused with existing names within the Parramatta Local Government Area or nearby areas. Road names should not be duplicated, even if the street type is different (eg: there should be no other road named Arthur, even if called Arthur Court or Arthur Place).


Roads crossing boundaries should have a single and unique name (eg Pennant Hills Road)


1.7.2               Source

Preferred sources for road names include:

-     Local History, including early explorers, settlers, and other eminent persons,

-     Thematic names such as flora, fauna,

-     Landmarks,

-     Aboriginal names

Names should be appropriate to the physical, historical or cultural character of the area.


Large subdivisions with multiple streets should use an overall theme for naming of streets.


The origin of each name should be clearly stated and subsequently recorded.


Proposed use of aboriginal names must demonstrate consultation with the Local Aboriginal Land Council.


Proposed use of historic names must demonstrate consultation with the Local Historical Society.


1.7.3               Propriety

Names should not be offensive or likely to give offence.


Names are not to be that of a living person or current company/business.


1.7.4               Communication

Names should be easy to read, spell and pronounce. Names should where possible be phonetically spelt (spelt how they are pronounced).


Names should be as short and simple as possible and preferably consisting of only one word plus the street type. It is recognised that some roads will require two words due to geographic relationship eg Pennant Hills Road.


Road names should not contain abbreviations, eg Smith Creek Road not to be abbreviated to Smith Ck Road. There is however one exception “ST” should always be used in place of “Saint”.


The apostrophe mark must be omitted, eg Smith’s Road should be Smiths Road. It is preferable to delete the possessive “S” unless the euphony becomes harsh eg Smith Road.


Road names will not contain hyphens.


Road names will not use compass directions as prefix or suffix eg North, South.


1.7.5               Relationship between the length and name of road

In order to assist with mapping constraints short roads should have short names.


1.7.6               Road type

Road names will include an appropriate road type suffix. The type suffix should relate to geometric or geographic connotation to reflect the road. Eg for cul-de-sac use Place, Close, Court or a type suffix of similar connotation, Private Roads use walk, way, or row.



1.8       Implementation

All proposed road naming or renaming must be submitted in writing to Council including the contact name and address details of the requestor.


The request must provide enough information to enable the road to be clearly identified, and must include a reason for the request.


The request need not suggest a name, but if a name is suggested information supporting the suggestion must be included, and the name must comply with the criteria defined in this policy.


Authority is delegated to Service Manager GIS/LIS to approve the use of new road names. Approval for the use of a road name will be provided in writing with any conditions to specify the requirements of the usage of the road name.


The renaming of an existing road will require a Council resolution for the decision to rename and the determination of the new name must include community consultation with the residents affected.


Council arranges for the manufacture and installation for street signs other than those in new subdivision areas, and private roads.


The subdivision developer is required to supply the road sign and maintain the street sign until Council accepts maintenance of the road as a public road. Proposed road names in new subdivisions must be approved by Council as part of the subdivision approval process.


Council’s process required for naming and re-naming of a road under Council authority is documented in the Council’s Street Naming Procedure document.


1.9       Review Date

This Policy will be reviewed within one year of the election of every new Council.


1.10    Document Owner

The Owner of the Policy is the Service Manager GIS/LIS and has been developed in consultation with the:

§ Manager Information Systems

§ Manager Service Audit and Review

§ Group Manager Corporate Services

§ Group Manager City Services

§ Group Manager Outcomes

§ Land Information Officer

§ Manager Development Services

§ Manager Land Use and Transport Planning

§ Supervisor Survey and Spatial Data

§ Supervisor Building Trades

§ Property Program Officer (SAM)


1.11    Policy Register and File Number


The Policy Register number for this Policy is xxx

The File Reference for this Policy is F2004/07074


1.12    Authorisation


This Policy was adopted by Council resolution on xxxxx (Min. No. xxxx).