Item 9.1 - Attachment 1

Proposed Amendments to City Centre Development Control Plan 2007


Proposed Amendments to Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007




Proposed Amendment

1.  Figure 2.5: Street Frontage Height

The minimum setback figure of 10 m is incorrect and should be changed to 18 m.

Amend setback dimension to 18 m

2.  Clause 5.8 Flood Plain Risk Management

Second last paragraph of design standards refers to the ‘planning matrix below’ but this table has not been included in the DCP.  While the categories are listed (page 55) the actual matrix with specific controls is not.

Include matrix in clause 5.8.  Matrix is included as Attachment 2.

3.  Clause 7.3 Special Area Controls

Section 7.3 identifies special areas within the city centre.  Character statements are included for all areas but objectives and controls are not included for the Justice Precinct and the Commercial Core.

Include statements of objectives and controls for the Justice Precinct and Commercial Core.  Proposed statement of objectives and controls is included as Attachment 3.

4.  Clause 7.4 Controls for special uses – Child Care centres

Council’s adopted Child Care Centres DCP applies throughout the Parramatta LGA and should be referenced in the City Centre DCP.

Insert in Clause 7.4 Controls for Special Uses and after section on Sex Services Premises the following:


Child care centres


In preparing or assessing proposals to establish new child care centres and to alter or extend existing child care centres, account shall be taken of Council’s Child Care Centres Development Control Plan.