Item 9.3 - Attachment 1

Draft DCP controls as endorsed by Council in August 2007


Attachment 1 – Draft DCP controls as endorsed by Council in August 2007


5.10.2  Morton Street Precinct  Introduction

The Morton Street precinct is split into three areas, as follows:

    Area 1 – Riverfront

    Area 2 – Morton Street - West

    Area 3 – Morton Street - East

Area 1 is to be developed as large single parcels, without further subdivision prior to their development, to ensure that development occurs in an integrated manner, resulting in perimeter style arrangement of buildings, defining the streets, facilitating the provision of communal open space and pedestrian connections.

Areas 2 and 3 shall also adopt a perimeter style of development but building typologies are likely to be more diverse with land along Thomas Street responding more closely to the suburban environment to the north and north-west towards Victoria Road.

The areas are shown on Figure 5.10.1 below.


Figure 5.10.1  Future Character

      The Morton Street precinct is located adjacent to the Parramatta CBD with the capacity to accommodate more residential growth and supporting infrastructure. It will undergo managed growth and change in its urban form with anticipation of a mix of housing types with mixed use / community activity centred on Morton Street.

      New pedestrian and vehicular links will create better connections within the precinct and access to the Parramatta River. The river foreshore will provide a strong recreational and communal focus for the precinct and beyond. It will include an important riverside pedestrian and bike link between the Parramatta CBD and the University of Western Sydney. 

      In the short term, the precinct’s larger sites will undergo change. This renewal will set the design and quality benchmark for other development within the precinct.  

      The built form will include some taller building elements along north / south orientated sites to reduce visual bulk, encourage more modulation, reduce overshadowing and encourage dual aspect apartments for enhanced access to sunlight and breezes.   The building form for east / west sites will be lower in height to optimise solar access to private and public open space and allow view corridors from the south. Taller, slender “statement” buildings will be located along the foreshore to enable a strong visual relationship between the precinct and the CBD, mark the entry to Parramatta and provide a punctuated built edge to the river.

      The development of the precinct will allow for a greater emphasis and recognition of the riverside location and the opportunity for enhancing the foreshore and public domain with development that is both well-designed and strongly related to the river.

      The connection of the north and south banks of the river with a pedestrian bridge will be explored to provide better linked communities across the river.  Development objectives

1.    Buildings with articulation and an attractive composition of building elements.

2.    Minimal overshadowing of adjoining development, particularly windows of living areas, solar collectors and outdoor recreation areas.

3.    Building separation that supports private amenity.

4.    Active ground floor uses along Morton Street to increase the safety, use and interest of the street.

5.    Perimeter block development with a strong relationship between buildings and the streetscape, development framing the streets and providing a central common open space for the benefit of residents.

6.    Private open space areas provided by way of an internal common area courtyard and / or private open space being an extension of the main living areas of individual apartments.  Controls for Morton Street Precinct

In addition to the following controls, development proposals must comply with all relevant provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of this DCP.

A. Indicative Building Envelopes

a)    Development in Area 1 – Riverfront must adhere to the indicative building envelopes as shown in Figure 5.10.2.

b)    Development in Areas 2 and 3 – Morton Street East and West must explore and assess the context of the site in relation to the “indicative building envelopes, as shown in Figure 2. However, alternative design solutions to that of the indicative building envelopes may be acceptable in Areas 2 and 3 if it can be shown that the design will:

i.   achieve a positive and cohesive relationship with other buildings,

ii.  achieve optimum solar access and overshadowing does not affect functional open space, or habitable rooms of adjoining development, and

iii.  respond to the principles embedded in the future character statement for Morton Street.

B. Urban Design

Roof design

a)    For development from 4 to 8 storeys where there is a common boundary with an area for which a lower height limit, the top storey on the development with the higher height limit is to be stepped back to fit within a plane projected at a 450 angle from the floor below the top most floor at that boundary.

Floor space ratio

Land within Area 1 does not have an FSR. The controls outlined in this section of the DCP are designed to control the bulk, scale and height of the built form in this location.

Building separation

Building separation is to provide generous courtyard spaces for optimum visual and acoustic privacy, communal open space and significant landscaping.

Building form

The built form controls correlate with the indicative building envelopes shown in Figure 5.10.2. The design of buildings must comply with the relevant standards for each building type.

Building typologies have been specified to ensure that new buildings are consistent with the orientation of streets. This will achieve a more orderly pattern of development that is distinguishable, reflects the level of density while maximising solar access and minimising overshadowing impacts to all forms of open space. The different typologies respond to different street conditions, for example new development along Macarthur Street responds to its location as a gateway by encouraging strongly defined vertical elements with no upper level setbacks to mimic the prominence of buildings within the CBD whereas in Morton Street, buildings are set back to encourage active street frontages.

Figure 5.10.1 – Indicative Building Envelopes


Building Form Type A - building form (street setback )


This building typology is formed with the view of creating activate street frontages with emphasis on setbacks that facilitates pedestrian interaction. The placement and design of buildings should ensure that there is a high degree of integration between buildings and the street through the use of substantial areas of door, window and display space at ground and possibly upper levels. Roof designs are to incorporate flat and mono-pitch roof lines with over-sailing eave lines and curved noses.

    Street Setbacks

3 metres from the property boundary, which is to be dedicated to Council for the purposes of the construction of a footpath

    Street frontage height

- 9 metres for a 4-storey building,

-14 metres for a 6-storey building,

-20 metres for a 8-storey building

    Upper level setbacks

Text Box: Figure 5.10.3 – Building Type A in Morton StreetThe two uppermost storeys of the building are to be setback 4 metres

    Depth of building

Maximum of 18 metres

    Site Frontage

Minimum 24 metres in Areas 2 and 3.


Building Form Type B – 3 storey apartments


These building typologies are to have very strong vertical elements divided into units of equal proportion. There should be a variety of projected and recessed balconies. A small setback to the street is required to enable incorporation of small landscaped courtyards and to ensure a suburban character, with individual entries to dwellings. Gabled roofs are encouraged, with the potential for dormer windows and attic rooms. This will blend new development with the adjoining residential area.

    Street setbacks

Minimum 4 metres and maximum of 6 metres from property boundary

    Street frontage height

Frontage height is to be 11 metres for a 3 storey building and 14 metres for a 4 storey building.

    Depth of building

Text Box: Figure 5.10.4 – Type A and B building as viewed from Broughton StreetMinimum of 16 metres and maximum 18 metres

    Site Frontage

Minimum 24 metres in Areas 2 and 3.


Type C – Building form (street edge)


This building typology is to encourage a street edge pattern, a variety of roof forms to provide visual interest to the skyline and rear setbacks to preserve privacy. These buildings need to ensure the privacy and safety of ground floor units by stepping up the ground floor from the level of the footpath, including balustrades and establishing window sill heights to minimise site lines into apartments.  

    Street setbacks

3 metres from the property boundary.

    Street frontage height

- 11 metres for a 3-storey building

- 14 metres for a 4-storey building

    Rear level setbacks

the upper storey of the building is to be set back 4 metres

    Building depth

maximum 18 metres

    Site Frontage

minimum 24 metres in Area 2


Type D – Building form (Corner sites/dual frontages)


The key element in this building typology is emphasis on the treatment of corners. Corner elements should portray a street theme and be unique in design. Each element should be tailored with prominent entrances and windows as well as an opportunity for the integration of public art (particular for land located within Area 1). These spaces should act as core elements and rely on building materials that are contemporary and different from other elements within the overall building façade.

    Street Setbacks 

3 metres from the property boundary.

    Street frontage height

maximum of 20 metres for an 8-storey building and 14 metres for a 6-storey building

    Upper level setbacks

The second and third storey of the building is to be set back 4 metres

    Building depth

minimum 16 metres to a maximum of 18 metres

    Site Frontage

minimum 24 metres within Area 2


Type E – Tower elements


Towers should be architecturally integrated with the perimeter block architecture at the base, differentiated by a change in plane, material and/or fenestration. While setbacks are appropriate to create a building base, vertical expression of the tower is encouraged. Towers should be designed to provide an interesting silhouette, profile and volumetric form on the skyline through variation of building material, building shape, plane and setbacks.

    Street Setbacks 

4 metres from the property boundary

    Street frontage height

- 28 metres for a ten storey building

- 34 metres for a twelve storey building

    Upper level setbacks

Upper two storeys to be setback 4 metres on all sides.

    Building depth

Text Box: Figure 5.10.5 – Type E tower element building as viewed from Morton Street looking northMinimum 16 metres to a maximum 18 metres.



General Controls relating to built form:

a)    Buildings should be designed to create streetscapes that are characterised by:

i.   clearly defined edges and corners, and

ii.   architectural treatments that are interesting and relate to the design and human scale of existing buildings. 

b)    Development is to establish a scale in the immediate vicinity of heritage items that does not overwhelm the item, and is sensitive to its curtilage and historic setting, and makes a transition to higher development in the precinct.

c)    Opportunities for views to the City, northern escarpment and across the river are to be realised in the design of new buildings.

d)    Buildings fronting the off-road pedestrian network are to be designed to provide for casual surveillance.

e)    Building circulation cores are to be glazed with entrances / windows recessed into the structural form.

f)     Balconies are to be a combination of projected and enclosed forms.

g)    Text Box: Figure 5.10.6 – Cross Section of development that has an interface with the riverfront. Note the emphasis on creating an interesting roof form that can contribute to the visual interest of the buildingBuildings fronting the proposed public open space area along the riverfront are to be modulated to create interest as viewed from the river and foreshores.

Development within the Mixed Use zone

a)    Entrances to buildings are to be clearly defined and well lit.

b)    Active frontages are required at the ground level within the Mixed Use zone.

c)    Buildings are to be designed to have flexible ground floor uses to accommodate a diversity of living arrangements and potential future commercial uses.

d)    Development should provide secure access to the residential component of mixed use development, separate from access to any commercial development, such that there is a clear sense of building address for residents and their visitors.

e)    For mixed use development, special consideration must be given to noise attenuation measures, privacy issues, parking and vehicular access arrangements including the location and design of vehicular access points to be integrated into the building design and to reduce pedestrian and vehicular conflict.

f)     Vehicular crossings are to be minimised to reduce disruption of pedestrian flow and safety.

C. Landscaping and deep soil

a)    Street trees are to be provided on all new streets to Council’s specifications.

b)    Increase safety and security, and the perception of safety and security, with clear sight lines and minimal opportunities for concealment.

c)    Retain mature stands of trees (eg. large eucalypts on the Council site) where these contribute to area character and a canopied skyline.

d)    New development is required to provide a landscaped quality to front gardens and setbacks. Landscaping should reinforce the public realm without secluding and hiding areas where surveillance is limited.

i)   In the Mixed Use zone, the rear setback is to be a deep soil landscaped zone.

ii)  No car parking areas will be permitted in areas designated as landscaped areas.

iii)  In the Mixed Use zone not less than 40% of the site is to be landscaped.

Note: Landscaped area in the Mixed Use zone may include roof gardens with dimensions greater than 2m x 4m

e)    For land within Area 1, perimeter-style development is to define the streets and facilitate the provision of largely communal open space. This communal open space should enhance the quality of the built environment by providing opportunities for landscaping in a parkland setting as well as provide a visual and active focus for the new residential community created through this the development. All communal open space areas are to accommodate appropriate facilities such as picnic and barbecue areas, children’s play areas and grassed areas for passive recreational use. Consideration should be given to the provision of a community building with recreational facilities such as a swimming pool, gymnasium and functional space to allow for resident meetings.

f)     Where balconies are enclosed, consideration should be given to installing planting beds within the building for the purposes of deep soil planting. These planting beds will not be counted as landscape area.

D. Traffic, Access and Parking

a)    All car parking to be provided at basement level.

b)    Pedestrian and vehicle conflict are to be minimised with limited vehicle crossings to the public domain.

c)    Provide new vehicular links within the precinct as shown in Figure 5.10.7.

d)    The width of the road reserve of Morton Street south of Broughton Street is to be increased to be consistent with its width north of Broughton Street. 

e)    Create a foreshore street / loop road to provide new development on the foreshore with a sense of address, to ensure new buildings are focussed on the river and to increase the safety of the area.

E. Public Domain

a)    A sequence of foreshore open spaces of different size, shape and character is to be provided to contribute to a rich and varied promenade experience that draws people along the waterfront.

b)    The promenade is to be enhanced with generous pedestrian and cycle ways, an integrated suite of urban elements (lighting, seating, signage), and planting.

c)    Two major open spaces are to be provided: a park area; and a more structured area incorporating active recreation including for children and young people.

d)    A new foreshore park / plaza area is to be provided focused at the termination of Morton Street and linked to the foreshore promenade.

e)    Large Australian native signature trees are to be planted along the foreshore, to make a transition to urban-scale buildings of 4-5 storeys.

f)     Pedestrian connections between the public open spaces on the northern and southern banks of the river are to be considered.

g)    Consideration is to be given to ways in which to improve visual / physical connections to the foreshore. This approach would need to be explored in partnership with the relevant State authorities.

h)    A new link between the University of Western Sydney and the existing foreshore multi purpose path is to be created.

i)     Establish Morton Street as a major north-south street, terminating in an attractive, interesting and inviting public space at the river foreshore.

j)     New pedestrian and road connections are shown in Figure 5.10.7.


Text Box: Figure 5.10.7 – Pedestrian and vehicle connections

k)    The following specifications apply to road reserves within the precinct:

Morton Street

§ Road reserve: 20 metres (widened from 16 metres south of Broughton Street).

§ Carriageway 14 metres.  Verge between 3, with grassed edge to street, 3 metre wide footpath.

Extension to New Zealand Street

§ Road reserve: 17 metres

§ Carriageway: 12 metres

§ Verge: 1 metre with grass edge to street and 1.5 metre footpath

Proposed Foreshore Road

§ Road reserve: 15 metres

§ Carriageway 10 metres

§ Verge: 3 metre footpath and 2 metre grass verge with street trees on north side.  Footpaths to be extended to 4 metres where Type E buildings (Tower elements) are proposed.

Note: All new road extensions as described in Figure 5.10.7 are to be constructed to public road standard and dedicated to Council.