Item 9.1 - Attachment 1

Draft Public Domain Design Guidelines




Public Domain Design Consultation Guidelines                                                                                                                                      December 2009




1.   Scope

2.   Purpose

3.   Responsibility

4.   Projects covered by these guidelines

a.   special projects

b.   rolling and operational projects

5.   Procedures

a.   Special projects

b.   Rolling and operational projects

6.   Related strategies, plans and policies

7.   Administration

8.   Attachments




1.         Scope

These guidelines apply only to the ‘Consult and design‘ phase of the project management process at Parramatta City Council. 



Flowchart: Alternate Process: Consult & Design
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Initiate Flowchart: Alternate Process: Plan Flowchart: Alternate Process: Procure & Deliver Flowchart: Alternate Process: Commission & Handover







2.         Purpose

The purpose of these guidelines is to outline the process by which Council’s design teams consult with key stakeholders, including Councillors, in the design process for major projects.




3.         Responsibility

a.   Unit Managers are responsible for implementing this policy.

b.   Service Managers in Capital Projects, Urban Design and Place Management are responsible for facilitating the implementation of the policy.

c.   The Project Control Group (PCG) for each project is responsible for determining which project will be the subject of Councillor workshops and /or reports to Council, according to the guidelines.



4.         Projects covered by these guidelines

a.   These guidelines apply to the in-house design of special projects (Attachment A)

i. Projects of LGA wide significance (including major  projects in the CBD) 

ii. Neighbourhood centre streetscape projects

iii.   Major public art


b.   Rolling or operational projects are subject to existing process used by the Capital Projects team (Attachment B).

i. Road upgrades

ii.   Drainage works

iii.  New playground equipment

iv.  New traffic calming (chicane,  roundabout, speed humps etc)

v.   Cycleways

vi.  Flood mitigation works

vii. External agency designs (e.g. RTA)

viii.            Major Roadwork in the CBD



5.                                                Procedures

a.   The consultation process for Special Projects is outlined in the Public Domain Design Consultation Flowchart (Attachment A). The steps are as follows:

i. Project approved and funded

ii. Draft concept design

iii.   Advice letter / memo to residents and Councillors

iv.   Site meeting and / or workshop as required

v.   Follow up workshop as required

vi.   Concept design report to Council as required (PCG to determine)

vii.  Final design notification


b.   The consultation process for rolling or operational projects  is outlined in the Procedure for Design Consultation  - Capital Projects Team (Attachment B)



6.                                                Administration

a.   These guidelines are administered by the Urban Design and Capital Projects teams at Parramatta City Council.


b.   Authorisation

i. These guidelines were adopted by Council.

c.   Review

i. These guidelines will be reviewed 18 months after adoption

d.   Owner

i. The Capital Projects  & Urban Design teams are responsible for this policy

e.   Documentation

i. Consultation and design decisions are documented in a consistent manner across Council, and records of consultation and communication of designs are recorded in TRIM. 

f.    Related Strategies, Plans and Policies

i. Public Domain Plan (in development)

ii. PCC Project Management Methodology (PMP)

iii.            Councillor / staff interaction policy and the Code of Conduct

g.   Implementation

i. The Capital Projects and Urban Design teams  will implement the policy and it will be in accordance with  the PMP project management methodology


8.                Attachments




Public Domain Design Consultation Flowchart



Procedure For Design Consultation

(Capital Projects Team)

Item 9.1 - Attachment 1

Draft Public Domain Design Guidelines



Consult & Design Phase

Attachment A:         Parramatta City Council - Public Domain Design Consultation Flowchart                                                                       



Final design



Stakeholders & Councillors 






Staff consider feedback and make amendments to the design


Advice letter / memo to residents and Councillors



 Community and stakeholder engagement



Draft concept design


(Preliminary site meetings as required)



Detailed plans, Tender & construction schedule announced



Report to Council if required


Follow up workshop if required



meetings and / or workshop as required


Text Box: Consult & Design PhaseText Box: Construction PhaseProjects of LGA wide significance  Neighbourhood Centre streetscape projects Major Public Art        

Text Box: Project approved and funded                                                                                                                                     


PMP Framework


Project Plan

Consultation Plan






Attachment B

Procedure for design consultation (Capital Projects Team)



OBJECTIVE:     To liaise with Residents, Councillors, Service Authorities, Shareholders/Clients and gain input for Designs


Nominated Council Officer within Capital Projects Team undertakes the following Consultation Process:

Ø Receipt of Project Brief or outline of project generated from a Grant or from a Client

Ø Meetings undertaken with Client and relevant Stakeholders to discuss proposed works

Ø Resources allocated for various parts of the process. (i.e. Preparation / Collation of Sketches / Plans etc, Preparation of Letters etc)

Ø Conceptual Layouts prepared and then discussed with Client / Stakeholders, preferred Layout selected

Ø All prepared plans must have a Plan Number which can be obtained by contacting the Technical Assistant in Civil Infrastructure.

Ø The methods for undertaking the Consultation to be selected i.e.: Public Exhibition, Advertised in The Parramatta Advertiser, placed on the Web Site, Consultation Letter etc. (Determined by “Significance” of Projects)

Ø Use Parramapper to gain property information required for Consultation notification. Process as follows:

§ Zoom into map to required area

§ Once you have the selected area covering the extent of the properties to be notified, you can use the select properties by point button to highlight each relevant property.

§ When you are happy with the properties highlighted click on the Send Selection drop down arrow and Click on To Mail merge. A Mail merge dialog Box will come up, if you require both Occupying and Non Occupying Owners make sure The Owner is selected. By doing this you have a table generated showing the Owners, the Property Address and the Owners Mailing Address. This table can be copied and exported to excel, sample attached

§ To obtain a print of the map showing the highlighted properties click on File then print located above the Zoom In button to generate Print Preview and select your printer then send. This will give you a hard copy to attach to your documentation for record keeping purposes, sample attached.

Ø Letters advising of Concept are prepared and sent to all Stakeholders including Councillors. (Copy of Sample letter attached.) Non Occupying Owners letters are mailed; Occupying Owners/Residents are either mailed or letter box dropped. Time frame given for responses is approximately a fortnight.

Ø Once the Concept has been agreed to by the Client / Stakeholder and the person/persons responsible for documenting the responses are selected, the consultation can begin.

Ø While undertaking the Consultation Process all correspondence, Letters, Phone Calls, Emails must be documented and recorded. (Referred to nominated Officer as one point of general contact.)

Ø All responses from Comments received either by phone, email, fax, mail or through the Web Page are to be documented and recorded.

Ø Once the Consultation has reached the closing date, a Summary of all the response is prepared

Ø The Project Manager / Client may organise site meetings to discuss issues as required. Any changes resulting from these meetings are to be passed on to the nominated Council Officer to amend the Concept.

Ø The Final Plan can now be prepared along with Final Letter of Advice and Final Plans for Construction. These are sent to all Stakeholders including Councillors. (As per the initial Letter.)

Ø All Documentation is to be “Trimmed”.