Item 8.13 - Attachment 1

Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 - November 2011


Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 – Approved in November 2011


DA No:


Category of development:

Environmental Planning Instrument

Development standard to be varied

Justification of variation

Extent of Variation

Date DA determined



37 Midson Road, EASTWOOD  NSW  2122

Dwelling house

PLEP 2001

Zone – 2A Residential

cl. 38 – minimum allotment size (550m2) and frontage width

cl. 40 maximum FSR (0.5:1)

The site is subject to a Masterplan and Council previously granted consent to subdivide the site into the subject allotment sizes. The proposed dwellings are consistent with the Masterplan and the overall site FSR of 0.6:1. The dwellings maintain suitable residential amenity for surrounding properties.

Allotment size control 550m2 proposed 356.5m2 to 479.8m2

(13% to 36% variation).


Minimum width control 15m proposed 11.25m to 12.37m

(25% to 17.5% variation)


FSR control 0.5:1, 0.53:1 to 74:1 proposed


14 November 2011 Council Meeting


37 Midson Road, EASTWOOD  NSW  2122

Dwelling house

PLEP 2001

Zone – 2A Residential

cl. 38 – minimum allotment size (550m2) and frontage width

cl. 40 maximum FSR (0.5:1)

The site is subject to a Masterplan and Council previously granted consent to subdivide the site into the subject allotment sizes. The proposed dwellings are consistent with the Masterplan and the overall site FSR of 0.6:1. The dwellings maintain suitable residential amenity for surrounding properties.

Allotment size control 550m2 proposed 252.8m2 to 414.2m2

(25% to 55% variation).


Minimum width control 15m proposed 9.9m to 14.5m

(3% to 34% variation)


FSR control 0.5:1, 0.61:1 to 76:1 proposed


28 November 2011 Council Meeting