Item 9.1 - Attachment 2

Guidelines for Partners Fund Allocation






Several business organisations and business media publishers are supported by Council every year via the economic development levy. To manage this process transparently and allow new organisations to apply, as well as to enable Councillors to determine the final allocation of funding, it is recommended Council make a Partnership Fund of $60,000 per year available to external applicants.


Traditionally, partners have included Chambers of Commerce, large business networking organizations, and business media publishers. Projects have included Business Excellence Awards, platinum sponsorships, major events and group buys in regional business publications.




1.   An amount of $60,000 will be made available each financial year from the economic development levy to support organisations wishing to partner with Council and secure funding for activities that align to the economic development goals of the city.

2.   A public Expression of Interest will be held annually to call for applications and allocate monies. Advertisements will be placed in local media and on Council’s website. Business groups and media organizations who have received funding in the past, have expressed in interest in applying or are a local Chamber, local business organization with over 100 members, or a Western Sydney media outlet with a Western Sydney distribution of over 2,000 will also be advised by mail.

3.   Applications will be assessed by a panel made up of 3 staff, a member of Council’s Internal Audit team and 1 representative from Trade and Investment NSW using pre-determined criteria to assess applications. Recommendations will be made to Councillors who will make the final decision on the allocation of monies.

4.   Partners will be asked to measure outcomes and report progress to Council at the 6 month and yearly marks to demonstrate progress and return on investment.





5.   It is recommended assessments be conducted using with the following criteria:

§  Financial health of the requesting business or agency

§  Track record and evidence of being able to deliver on proposed activity

§  The ability and willingness to leverage other funds and resources

§  Proven circulation or exposure to an audience that will have a positive impact on the economy of Parramatta

§  Demonstrated alignment with at least one of the following priorities associated with employment growth in Parramatta:


1.   Employment generation in knowledge sectors

2.   Growth of local business and industry

3.   Business attraction

4.   Upskilling of local labour force

5.   Talent attraction

6.   Property development

7.   Increase in urban amenity

8.   Hard and soft infrastructure

§  A defined project or strategy with clear and realistic outcomes and measurables.

§  A commitment by the supported organisation to report back to Council twice during the year against the measurable criteria, including any forecast circulation figures or forecast attendance.





6.   Applications will open in February every year, starting in February 2012 for funding from the 2012-2013 levy.

7.   Assessment will take place between March and April and recommendations will be discussed with Councillors and reported for approval in May.

8.   The approved allocations will then be incorporated in the Operational Plan (ie Council’s yearly budget process).

9.   Monies will be distributed from July of each year.


Guidelines developed 13 September 2011 for Council approval