Council Meeting
24 June 2024
Square, Parramatta
The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre
Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Patricia Prociv and Councillors Phil
Bradley, Kellie Darley, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Ange Humphries, Cameron
MacLean, Paul Noack, Sameer Pandey, Georgina Valjak and Donna Wang.
Chief Executive
Officer - Gail Connolly, Executive Director City Engagement and Experience -
Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director City Assets & Operations - George
Bounassif, Executive Director Finance and Information - John Angilley, Chief
Financial Officer - Amit Sharma, Acting Executive Director City Planning and
Design - Robert Cologna, Acting Executive Director Community and Culture -
David Moutou, Group Manager Office of the Lord Mayor and CEO - Roxanne
Thornton, Chief People, Culture and Performance Officer - Brendan Clifton,
Chief Information Officer and Acting Chief Governance and Risk Officer - John
Crawford, Group Manager Communications & Customer Engagement - Sally White,
Group Manager Roads Infrastructure - Michael Cremasco, Group Manager Major
Projects and Precincts - David Birds, Senior Project Officer - Simon Coleman,
Contracts Manager - Suresh Kumar, Manager Roads Asset Delivery - Edy Rustum,
ICT Service and Delivery Manager - Ian Vong, ICT Service Desk Officer - Navneet
Cheema, Governance and Procurement Manager – Gwendolyn Hughes, Council Secretariat and Policy Officer - Marina Cavar,
Secretariat Support Officer - Adrianna Hokin, Senior Policy & Advocacy
Adviser - Renee Attard, Business Manager - Michelle Samuel.
The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, opened the meeting at 6.31pm.
The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal
people of The Darug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid
respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and
The Lord Mayor advised that this
public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The
recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.
The Lord Mayor further advised
that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the
public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.
As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the
recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or
video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting
without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the
Note: Councillor
Bradley arrived to the meeting at 6.31pm.
Note: Councillor
MacLean arrived to the meeting at 6.32pm.
RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor
That and
apology be accepted on behalf of Councillor Wearne and a leave of absence be
Record of Voting:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 11
June 2024
RESOLVED: Councillor
Noack and Councillor Garrard
That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true
record of the Meeting, noting the wording for Item 10 (Petitions) is to be
updated to read;
Noack tabled a petition appeal from Harris Park’s businesses to the
City of Parramatta Council requesting;
Review of zoning of the
streets within the Little India precinct (a City of Parramatta Council
Regulatory actions to be
put on hold whilst the review is in progress.
The fines issued so far be
withdrawn and
An urgent meeting with the
Lord Mayor, the CEO and executives.
Note: A copy of the Petition is
on FILE.”
Record of Voting:
Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv disclosed a Non-Significant
Non-Pecuniary interest in Item 13.2 Preparation
of Concept Plan - Proposed Closure of Eleanor Street, Rosehill to Create Open
Space for the reason that she owns a property within close
proximity of Eleanor Street, Rosehill. Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv will
remain in the meeting and will participate in the consideration and voting on
this item.
8. Minutes
of the Lord Mayor
for Committee Members Attending Meetings
Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber)
RESOLVED: Councillor Esber and Councillor Darley
That Council recognise the community service rendered by
members of the community who serve on City of Parramatta advisory committees.
That the CEO investigate providing free parking at Parramatta Square car park for
external City of Parramatta advisory committee members while they are
attending committee meetings at PHIVE. This investigation should consider any
financial and resourcing implications of the proposal and potential delivery
That the Lord Mayor and
CEO be delegated authority to determine the provision of free parking at
Parramatta Square for external City of Parramatta Committee members while
they are attending advisory committee meetings.
Record of Voting:
RESOLVED: Councillor Noack
and Councillor Garrard
That in accordance with Section 13 of
Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, Council resolve to adopt the
following items in accordance with the recommendations as printed, without
Item 8.2 Community Ward Workshops Feedback
Item 8.3 NSW Budget Outcomes for City of
Record of Voting:
Ward Workshops Feedback
Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber)
RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Garrard
That Council note the comprehensive community feedback
provided by residents invited to attend the 2024 Community Ward Workshops
held in each ward.
That Council commend all
staff involved on the highly successful engagement with residents, who
provided high quality, relevant feedback on Council’s work and
Council staff consider the excellent feedback provided in the preparation of various
Council strategies and plans, including the Community Engagement Strategy
refresh, Draft Parramatta 2050, Draft Cultural Strategy, Community Strategic
Plan refresh, Delivery Program 2025-28 and Operational Plan 2025/26 (DPOP).
Record of Voting:
NSW Budget
Outcomes for City of Parramatta
Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber)
RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Garrard
That Council recognise the range of positive NSW Budget outcomes for City of
Parramatta, delivering funding for transport, local jobs, housing, health,
education and culture.
Further, that Council
acknowledge the consistent advocacy efforts by the City of Parramatta to
secure these positive outcomes on behalf of the people of the City.
Finally, note that the Lord Mayor has written to the Hon. Daniel
Mookhey MLC, Treasurer, the Hon. Courtney Houssos MLC, Minister for Finance,
and Ms Donna Davis MP, Member for Parramatta to acknowledge the NSW
Government’s investment in the City of Parramatta.
Record of Voting:
9. Public
Report No.
Report Title
David Cullen
Request: Planning Proposal and Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan for
Land at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping
Note: All
Councillors were provided with a copy of the Public Forum submission prior to
the Council Meeting.
RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean
and Councillor Garrard
That in accordance with Section 13 of
Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, Council resolve to adopt the
following items in accordance with the recommendations as printed, without
Item 12.1 Investment Report for May 2024.
Item 13.1 Casual Vacancy of Civic Office –
Resignation of Councillor Daniele Siviero (Application
to Minister for Local Government to Dispense with By-Election)
13.3 Adoption of Late Night Trading DCP Amendments to Parramatta DCP 2023
15.1 Questions Taken on Notice at 11 June 2024
Council Meeting
16.1 Sydney Metro West Interface Agreement -
Proposed Amendment
16.2 Tender 1/2024 Woodhouse Lane and Wentworth
Street (South), Parramatta - Streetscape Upgrade
Record of Voting:
Report for May 2024
(Tax and Treasury
RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Garrard
That Council receive and
note the Investment Report for May 2024.
Record of Voting:
Casual Vacancy in Civic Office -
Resignation of Councillor Daniele Siviero (Application to Minister for Local
Government to Dispense with By-Election)
(Group Manager
Office of the Lord Mayor and CEO)
Councillor MacLean and Councillor Garrard
That Council make an application to the
Minister for Local Government for an Order that the second vacancy that has
now occurred in the office of councillor at City of Parramatta Council not be
Record of Voting:
Adoption of Late Night Trading DCP Amendments to
Parramatta DCP 2023
(Land Use
Planning Manager)
RESOLVED: Councillor
MacLean and Councillor Garrard
(a) That Council adopts the
amended Late Night Trading Development Control Plan (DCP) controls at Attachment
1 for finalisation and publishing in Parramatta DCP 2023.
(b) That Council notify the public authorities and
stakeholders who made submissions during the public exhibition of the draft Late Night Trading DCP controls; as well as the Department of Planning,
Industry and Environment, Office of the 24 hour Commissioner, Liquor &
Gaming NSW, NSW Police, Environment Protection Agency and Parramatta Liquor
Accord, that the DCP controls have been finalised and adopted.
(c) That
Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to:
i. Make
any changes of a minor, administrative and/or non-policy nature to the
endorsed Late Night Trading DCP controls that may arise during the plan
finalisation process; and
ii. Finalise
the ‘User Guide for Businesses’ in accordance with this Report
and create a template Plan of Management, with both to be published on
Council’s website.
(d) That Council approve the immediate rescission of the CBD
Small Bars Policy (Policy 348).
(e) That Council consider as part of the 2025/26 Budget process
the preparation of an acoustic study in the CBD when the Parramatta Light
Rail is fully operational to understand the acoustic character of the CBD to
inform whether the controls in the DCP should be further reviewed.
(f) That Council endorses the commencement of investigations and
early engagement on a Special Entertainment
Precinct in the Parramatta CBD, around Parramatta
Square and Church Street “Eat Street”, with the results to be
reported back to Council in 2025.
Record of Voting:
Questions Taken on
Notice at 11 June 2024 Council Meeting
(Council Secretariat & Policy Officer)
Questions taken on
Councillor Pandey asked a question in relation to Item 13.3 - 2025 Annual
Community Grants Program:
· Could staff provide Councilors, with wording that is
used in our Grants Agreement?
Executive Director Community and Culture Response:
As indicated in the meeting, Council’s Legal
Services team has been asked to review the existing text for funding
agreements (regarding how Council is appropriately acknowledged in funded
projects or partnership work). This wording is copyright and forms part of
legally binding contracts or agreements and therefore Council officers will
provide the clauses via the Councillor Portal.
Councillor Valjak asked two questions in relation to Item 15.2 - Question with Notice NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal – Councillor
Legal Action:
· Will a precedent be set if NCAT makes a decision in
relation to the matter?
Executive Director Finance and Information Response:
Response has been provided under separate Confidential
· Does this mean that there is a likelihood of
confidential information being made public?
Acting Executive Director Finance and Information
Response has been provided under separate Confidential
Councillor Garrard asked a
question in relation to Item 15.2 - Question
with Notice NSW Civil and
Administrative Tribunal – Councillor Legal Action;
· Where on the Councillor Portal is the Legal Report
relating to this matter?
Acting Executive Director Finance and Information
Chief Technology Officer provided Councillor Garrard with a link to the
location of this document during the Council meeting (proceed to the Briefing
Notes tab and search “legal” to receive a list of all monthly
status reports).
Sydney Metro West Interface Agreement - Proposed Amendment
(Group Manager
Infrastructure Planning & Design)
RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Garrard
That Council approves the amendment to the
Sydney Metro West Interface Agreement (Western Tunnelling Package) by Letter
of Amendment provided at Attachment 1, and the Chief Executive Officer be
delegated authority to execute all necessary documentation, including making
any minor or non-policy changes necessary to implement the Letter of
Record of Voting:
10. Petitions
Councillor Noack tabled a petition appeal from Harris
Park’s businesses to the City of Parramatta Council requesting extended
operating hours up to 10.00 pm for businesses in Wigram Street, Harris Park.
Note: A
copy of the Petition is on FILE.
11. Rescission Motions
RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean
and Councillor Garrard
That in accordance with Clause 8.2 of
Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, that Council amend the Order of
Business for this meeting to allow for the consideration of the following
item prior to any other business on the agenda.
13.5 Gateway Request: Planning Proposal and
Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan for Land
at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping.
Record of Voting:
Request: Planning Proposal and Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan
for Land at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping
(Project Officer Land Use)
RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Prociv
(a) That Council approve for the purposes of
seeking a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
(DPHI), the Planning Proposal for
land at 53-61 Rawson Street,
Epping (Attachment 1) which seeks
to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) in relation
to the subject site by:
i. Introducing an additional
local provision to allow an additional Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 1.5:1 for
commercial premises only; and
ii. Amending the height of
buildings control from 48m (15 storeys) to part 103m RL (22m or 5 storeys),
part 197m RL (112m or 33 storeys) and part 206m RL (122m or 36 storeys).
(b) That Council request DPHI to provide
Council with the authorisation to exercise its plan-making delegations for
this Planning Proposal.
(c) That Council authorise the CEO:
i. To amend the Parramatta Development Control
Plan (PDCP) in accordance with the draft Site-Specific Development Control
Plan (SSDCP) (Attachment 2) to align with the Planning Proposal and to
address the matters described in this report; and
ii. If a Gateway Determination is issued by DPHI,
to place the draft SSDCP on public exhibition concurrently with the Planning
(d) That Council authorise the CEO to correct any
minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise
during the plan-making process and finalisation of the documents.
Record of Voting:
For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor,
Councillor Prociv and Councillors Darley, Green, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey
and Valjak.
Against the Motion: Councillors Bradley, Garrard and Wang.
On being PUT to the meeting Voting on the Motion was nine
(9) votes FOR and three (3) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.
12. Reports to Council - For Notation
Report for May 2024
(Senior Officer
- Cultural Projects & Public Art)
Item dealt with earlier in the
Meeting as detailed in these Minutes.
Update Report - Status of Council Policies and Documents for the
Delivery of Public Art
(Senior Officer
- Cultural Projects & Public Art)
RESOLVED: Councillor Pandey and Councillor Garrard
That the matter be
deferred until after September 2024 for consideration by the incoming Council.
That the incoming Council
be requested to establish a Public Art Committee to consider this and other
matters relating to the provision of Public Art in the City of Parramatta.
Record of Voting:
Status Update - CBD
Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program (Peer Review)
(Coordinator Infrastructure
Asset Plan)
RESOLVED: Councillor Green and Councillor Garrard
That Council note
the status update report on the progress of the CBD Footpath Audit peer
review work.
Record of Voting:
Question Taken on Notice (Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor
Prociv) regarding Item 12.3 Status Update – CBD Footpaths Audit and
Pavement Replacement Program (Peer Review);
How do we stop Sydney
Water and other services from digging up the newly laid footpaths or paving?
Question Taken on Notice (Councillor
Pandey) regarding Item 12.3 Status Update – CBD Footpaths Audit and
Pavement Replacement Program (Peer Review);
· There was a previous resolution of Council
for the City of Parramatta to be a member of the NSW
Streets Opening Coordination Council (SOCC) iWORCS System, where councils put their Capital Delivery
Program etc and on that program and organisations like Sydney Water put in
theirs. In the last term of Council, I also had a Notice of Motion asking if
Council can advocate to organisations like Telstra to participate in the
program. Has this happened? If not, can we revisit that and see if Council is a
member of the NSW Streets Opening Coordination Council
(SOCC) iWORCS System Program?
13. Reports to Council - For Council Decision
Vacancy in Civil Office – Resignation of Councillor Daniele Siviero
(Application to Minister for Local Government to dispense with By-Election)
(Group Manager
Office of the Lord Mayor and CEO)
Item dealt with earlier in the
Meeting as detailed in these Minutes.
of Concept Plan - Proposed Closure of Eleanor Street, Rosehill to Create Open
(Group Manager
Parks & Open Space)
Note: Deputy Lord
Mayor, Councillor Prociv disclosed a Non-Pecuniary,
Non-Significant interest in this Item.
RESOLVED: Councillor Prociv and Councillor MacLean
(a) That
Council approve the preparation of a concept plan to transform the portion of Eleanor Street, Rosehill (located between
Penelope Lucas Lane and James Ruse Drive)
into a public open space area.
(b) That
the concept plan be prepared in consultation with Rosehill ward Councillors
and be used to consult the community about the proposal.
(c) That
$25,000 be allocated from the current 2023/2024 Rosehill Ward Initiative
budget to fund the preparation of the concept plan and community
(d) That
the outcome of the community consultation be reported to Council.
Record of Voting:
For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor
Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Humphries, MacLean, Noack and Pandey.
Against the Motion: Councillors Garrard, Green Valjak (abstained) and Wang.
On Being Put to the meeting
voting on the item was eight (8) votes FOR and four (4) votes AGAINST. The
Motion was CARRIED.
Adoption of
Late-Night Trading DCP Amendments to Parramatta DCP 2023
(Land Use
Planning Manager)
Item dealt with earlier in the
Meeting as detailed in these Minutes.
of Planning Proposal for 45 Macquarie Street, Parramatta (Philip Ruddock
Heritage Centre)
(Student Project Officer)
RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor MacLean
(a) That
Council receive and note the submissions made during the exhibition period.
(b) That Council
approve the finalisation of
the Planning Proposal, provided at Attachment 1, for land at 45
Macquarie Street, Parramatta, that seeks to make the curtilage of the
archaeological site identified on Schedule 5 of the Parramatta Local
Environmental Plan (PLEP) 2023 (SP94346, SP94348 & SP94349) consistent
with the State Heritage Register (SHR) listing of the item.
That Council delegate authority to the Chief
Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and
corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during
the plan finalisation process relating to the Planning Proposal.
Record of Voting:
the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber,
Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley Garrard,
Green, Humphries, Maclean, Noack, Pandey, Valjak and Wang. (Unanimous)
Gateway Request: Planning Proposal and
Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan for Land at 53-61 Rawson Street,
(Project Officer Land Use)
Item dealt with earlier in the Meeting as detailed in
these Minutes.
Customer Experience
Transformation Plan for City of Parramatta
(Group Manager Communications & Customer Engagement)
RESOLVED: Councillor Darley and Councillor Pandey
(a) That Council endorse the introduction of a
Customer Experience Transformation Plan to improve the customer experience
for residents and businesses across the local government area (LGA).
(b) That Council note that a Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) system will be introduced in the 2024/25
financial year, allowing Council to better track customer interactions, build
greater understanding of customer experience and streamline customer journeys.
(c) That Council
note the need for investment in a new City of Parramatta website as a
critical step in improving customer experience.
(d) That Council endorse the
allocation of $250,000 from the draft 2024/25 budget (general revenue savings
obtained from Emergency Services Levy (ESL)) to support the first stage
implementation of the Customer Experience Transformation Plan, noting that
this will not impact the $6 million operating surplus proposed for 2024/25.
(e) That the CEO provide a
further report to Council on the proposed options for funding the
implementation of the unfunded components of the Customer Experience
Transformation Plan in the 2024/25 financial year.
Record of Voting:
of Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget (DPOP) 2024/25 and
Resourcing Strategy
(Corporate Strategy Manager; Chief Financial Officer)
Councillor MacLean and Councillor Valjak
(a) That Council adopt
the updated four-year Delivery Program (2022/23 – 2025/26) and one-year
Operational Plan (2024/25) (DPOP), inclusive of the Annual Budget 2024/25 and
the Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024/25 (to commence from 1 July 2024).
(b) That Council
adopt expenditure totalling $534.7 million in the Budget 2024/25 (which
incorporates the operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such
expenditure be voted.
(c) That
Council note the updated suite of Resourcing Strategy plans and:
i. Adopt
the Long-Term Financial Plan 2025-34;
ii. Adopt the Asset Management Strategy 2025-34 including
Asset Management Plans for Buildings, Parks and Open Spaces, Stormwater and
Road Infrastructure; and
iii. Endorse
the Workforce Management Strategy 2024-28.
(d) That
Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, as
outlined in the Engagement Evaluation Report (Attachment 12), have been taken
into consideration in the finalisation of all plans.
(e) That, in accordance with s496, s496A, s534
and s535 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council makes rates and
charges for every parcel of rateable land within the City of Parramatta Local
Government Area for the year commencing 1 July 2024 as detailed in the Rates
and Charges section of the 2024/25 Operational Plan (Attachment 2).
(f) That the
Chief Executive Officer be delegated authority to make changes of a minor, administrative
and/or non-policy nature to the adopted/endorsed documents in the process of
finalising them for publication.
(g) That the CEO prepare a 10-year financial strategy, to
accompany the draft Waste Strategy in 2025, that maintains the long term
financial sustainability of Council’s Domestic Waste Reserve and
ensures that a suitable balance is achieved between annual waste charges for
landowners and the provision of new infrastructure for the future.
AMENDMENT: Councillor Bradley and Councillor Darley
(a) That Council adopt
the updated four-year Delivery Program (2022/23 – 2025/26) and one-year
Operational Plan (2024/25) (DPOP), inclusive of the Annual Budget 2024/25 and
the Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024/25 (to commence from 1 July 2024).
(b) That Council
adopt expenditure totalling $534.7 million in the Budget 2024/25 (which
incorporates the operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such
expenditure be voted.
(c) That
Council note the updated suite of Resourcing Strategy plans and:
i. Adopt
the Long-Term Financial Plan 2025-34;
ii. Adopt the Asset Management Strategy 2025-34 including
Asset Management Plans for Buildings, Parks and Open Spaces, Stormwater and
Road Infrastructure; and
iii. Endorse
the Workforce Management Strategy 2024-28.
(d) That
Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, as
outlined in the Engagement Evaluation Report (Attachment 12), have been taken
into consideration in the finalisation of all plans.
(e) That, in accordance with s496, s496A, s534
and s535 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council makes rates and
charges for every parcel of rateable land within the City of Parramatta Local
Government Area for the year commencing 1 July 2024 as detailed in the Rates
and Charges section of the 2024/25 Operational Plan (Attachment 2).
(f) That the
Chief Executive Officer be delegated authority to make changes of a minor,
administrative and/or non-policy nature to the adopted/endorsed documents in
the process of finalising them for publication.
(g) That the CEO prepare a 10-year financial strategy, to
accompany the draft Waste Strategy in 2025, that maintains the long term
financial sustainability of Council’s Domestic Waste Reserve and
ensures that a suitable balance is achieved between annual waste charges for
landowners and the provision of new infrastructure for the future.
(h) That the
bush regeneration program for FY25 be the same in total as the FY24
with any required adjustments to be made.
Record of Voting:
For the Amendment: Councillor Bradley
Against the Amendment: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor
Councillor Prociv and Councillors Darley (Abstained), Garrard, Green,
Humphries, MacLean (Abstained) Noack, Pandey (Abstained), Valjak and Wang.
On being PUT to the
meeting voting on the Amendment was one (1) vote FOR and eleven (11) votes
AGAINST. The Amendment was LOST.
AMENDMENT: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green
(a) That Council adopt
the updated four-year Delivery Program (2022/23 – 2025/26) and one-year
Operational Plan (2024/25) (DPOP), inclusive of the Annual Budget 2024/25 and
the Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024/25 (to commence from 1 July 2024), with
the exception of the 5.1% IPART endorsed rate increase.
(b) That Council
adopt expenditure totalling $534.7 million in the Budget 2024/25 (which
incorporates the operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such
expenditure be voted, with the exception of
the 5.1% IPART endorsed rate increase.
(c) That
Council note the updated suite of Resourcing Strategy plans and:
i. Adopt
the Long-Term Financial Plan 2025-34;
ii. Adopt the Asset Management Strategy 2025-34 including
Asset Management Plans for Buildings, Parks and Open Spaces, Stormwater and
Road Infrastructure; and
iii. Endorse
the Workforce Management Strategy 2024-28.
(d) That
Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, as
outlined in the Engagement Evaluation Report (Attachment 12), have been taken
into consideration in the finalisation of all plans.
(e) That, in accordance with s496, s496A, s534 and s535 of the Local
Government Act 1993, Council makes rates and charges for every parcel of
rateable land within the City of Parramatta Local Government Area for the
year commencing 1 July 2024 as detailed in the Rates and Charges section of
the 2024/25 Operational Plan (Attachment 2).
(f) That the
Chief Executive Officer be delegated authority to make changes of a minor,
administrative and/or non-policy nature to the adopted/endorsed documents in
the process of finalising them for publication.
(g) That the CEO prepare a 10-year financial strategy, to
accompany the draft Waste Strategy in 2025, that maintains the long term
financial sustainability of Council’s Domestic Waste Reserve and
ensures that a suitable balance is achieved between annual waste charges for
landowners and the provision of new infrastructure for the future.
Record of Voting:
For the Amendment: Councillors Garrard, Green and Wang.
Against the Amendment: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor
Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley, Humphries, Maclean, Noack,
Pandey and Valjak.
On being PUT to the
meeting Voting on the Amendment was three (3) votes FOR and nine (9) votes
AGAINST. The Amendment was LOST.
RESOLVED: Councillor
MacLean and Councillor Valjak
(a) That Council adopt
the updated four-year Delivery Program (2022/23 – 2025/26) and one-year
Operational Plan (2024/25) (DPOP), inclusive of the Annual Budget 2024/25 and
the Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024/25 (to commence from 1 July 2024).
(b) That Council
adopt expenditure totalling $534.7 million in the Budget 2024/25 (which
incorporates the operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such
expenditure be voted.
(c) That
Council note the updated suite of Resourcing Strategy plans and:
Adopt the Long-Term
Financial Plan 2025-34;
Adopt the Asset Management
Strategy 2025-34 including Asset Management Plans for Buildings, Parks and
Open Spaces, Stormwater and Road Infrastructure; and
Endorse the Workforce
Management Strategy 2024-28.
(d) That
Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, as
outlined in the Engagement Evaluation Report (Attachment 12), have been taken
into consideration in the finalisation of all plans.
(e) That, in accordance with s496, s496A, s534 and s535 of the Local
Government Act 1993, Council makes rates and charges for every parcel of
rateable land within the City of Parramatta Local Government Area for the
year commencing 1 July 2024 as detailed in the Rates and Charges section of
the 2024/25 Operational Plan (Attachment 2).
That the Chief Executive Officer be delegated
authority to make changes of a minor, administrative and/or non-policy nature
to the adopted/endorsed documents in the process of finalising them for
That the CEO prepare a
10-year financial strategy, to accompany the draft Waste Strategy in 2025,
that maintains the long term financial sustainability of Council’s
Domestic Waste Reserve and ensures that a suitable balance is achieved
between annual waste charges for landowners and the provision of new
infrastructure for the future.
Record of Voting:
For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor
Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey and
Against the Motion: Councillors Darley, Garrard, Green and Wang.
On being PUT to the
meeting Voting on the Motion was eight (8) votes FOR and four (4) votes
AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.
At 8.08pm, The Lord Mayor,
Councillor Esber adjourned the meeting and the following Councillors were
Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber,
Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard,
Green, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Valjak and Wang.
At 8.21pm, the Lord Mayor,
Councillor Esber reconvened the meeting and the following Councillors were
Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber,
Councillors Noack, Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Valjak and Wang. A
quorum was present.
LATE REPORT: Appointment of the Chair, Alternate Chairs and
Independent Expert Members for the Parramatta Local Planning Panel
(Strategic Business Manager)
Councillor Noack and Councillor Wang
(a) That
Council note the advice from the Minister for
Planning and Public Places approving Mr Richard Pearson as Chair and Ms
Elizabeth Kinkade PSM and Mr Stuart McDonald as alternate chairs for appointment to the City
of Parramatta Local Planning Panel.
(b) That Council appoint Mr Richard Pearson as Chair and
Ms Elizabeth Kinkade PSM and Mr Stuart McDonald as alternate chairs for the City of Parramatta
Local Planning Panel
(c) That Council appoint those independent experts as
contained in Attachment 1
to the
City of Parramatta Local Planning
(d) That
Council acknowledge and thank the outgoing panel Chair and Alternate Chairs
Mr Stephen O’Connor, Mrs Mary-Lynne Taylor and Julie Walsh for their
Record of Voting:
Note: Deputy
Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, MacLean and Pandey returned
to the meeting at 8.21pm.
Note: Councillor Darley returned to the
meeting at 8.22pm.
14. Notices of
Emergency Accommodation
and Womens' Shelters in Parramatta
(Councillor Paul Noack)
Councillor Noack and Councillor Valjak
(a) That the CEO prepare a report on current and
proposed emergency accommodation provision in the Parramatta LGA that serves
women and children fleeing domestic and family violence, reported in such a
way as to not compromise the safety of service locations.
(b) That, if relevant, other types of emergency
accommodation needs be highlighted, for example, emergency accommodation for
young people.
(c) That the report canvass options for Council to
assist in the provision of additional accommodation, including, but not
limited to:
i. Assistance with land use planning procedures
and approvals;
ii. Potential to utilise Council or other properties; and
iii. Provision of funding towards operating costs or the full
or partial provision of a service by Council.
(d) That the report be presented for
Council’s consideration before end November 2024.
Record of Voting:
Question Taken on Notice (Councillor Valjak) regarding Item
14.1 - Emergency Accommodation and Womens' Shelters in
Is the link to ‘Home Service’ that
is listed on Council’s website available 24 hours 7 days a week?
Can we explore a 24 hour service as part of this
15. Questions with
Questions Taken on Notice at 11 June 2024 Council Meeting
(Council Secretariat & Policy Officer)
Item dealt with earlier in the
Meeting as detailed in these Minutes.
Move to closed session
RESOLVED: Councillor
Noack and Councillor MacLean
That at this time of the meeting, being
8.32pm, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber advised that the meeting would move
into Closed Confidential Session to allow consideration of matters in Closed
Session in accordance with Section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993.
Accordingly, members of the press and public are excluded from the closed
session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items
considered during the course of the Closed Session will be withheld. This
action is taken to discuss:Project
Item 16.3 LATE REPORT: ITT 22/2022 Bus Shelter
Advertising, Cleaning and Maintenance Services - Reject and Negotiation
Outcome. (Contract Manager)
This report is confidential in accordance with section
10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial
information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the
commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial
advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.
Record of Voting:
Note: Council moved
into closed session at 8.32pm.
16. closed session
Sydney Metro West Interface Agreement - Proposed Amendment
(Group Manager
Infrastructure Planning & Design)
Item dealt
with earlier in the Meeting as detailed in these Minutes.
Tender 1/2024
Woodhouse Lane and Wentworth Street (South), Parramatta - Streetscape Upgrade
(Group Manager
Capital Projects)
Item dealt
with earlier in the Meeting as detailed in these Minutes.
ITT 22/2022 Bus Shelter Advertising, Cleaning and Maintenance Services -
Reject and Negotiation Outcome
Councillor Noack and Councillor Pandey
(a) That Council approve the appointment of
oOh!media for the Bus Shelters Advertising, Cleaning and Maintenance Services
contract for a 10-year term, with an option for an additional 5-year
extension subject to satisfactory performance based on the commercial terms
and conditions of the contract.
(b) That Council acknowledge its commitment to
oOh!media to review the existing Local Environmental Plan (LEP) provisions in
regard to Free Standing Units (FSU) for advertising, as a permissible use
within the local government area;
(c) That Council delegate authority
to the Chief Executive Officer to
commence the review of the existing LEP in relation to FSUs;
(d) That Council delegate
authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all
necessary documents for the contract.
Record of Voting:
RESOLVED: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillor
That Council move into open
Record of Voting:
Note: Council returned
to Open Session at 8.50pm.
RESOLVED: Councillor Noack
and Councillor MacLean
That the
recommendations in relation to the following items be received
and noted as resolutions of Council without any alteration and amendment
Item 16.3 - LATE REPORT: ITT 22/2022 Bus Shelter
Advertising, Cleaning and Maintenance Services - Reject and Negotiation Outcome
Record of Voting:
LATE REPORT: ITT 22/2022 Bus Shelter Advertising, Cleaning and
Maintenance Services - Reject and Negotiation Outcome
RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean
(a) That Council approve the appointment of
oOh!media for the Bus Shelters Advertising, Cleaning and Maintenance Services
contract for a 10-year term, with an option for an additional 5-year
extension subject to satisfactory performance based on the commercial terms
and conditions of the contract.
(b) That Council acknowledge its commitment to
oOh!media to review the existing Local Environmental Plan (LEP) provisions in
regard to Free Standing Units (FSU) for advertising, as a permissible use
within the local government area;
(c) That Council delegate authority
to the Chief Executive Officer to
commence the review of the existing LEP in relation to FSUs;
(d) That Council delegate
authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all
necessary documents for the contract.
Record of Voting:
The meeting concluded at 8.52pm.
This page and the preceding 24
pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 24
June 2024 and confirmed on Monday, 8 July 2024.