An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in PHIVE (COUNCIL CHAMBER)  COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 5 PARRAMATTA SQUARE, PARRAMATTA on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 6.30PM.





Gail Connolly PSM






















Council                                                                  11 June 2024







ITEM                                                       SUBJECT                                                           PAGE NO



8        Minutes of the Lord Mayor

8.1            Proposal to Recognise the Service of Shirley Wehbe.................... 3

8.2            Acknowledging the Service of Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club President, Mr Peter Ayoub..................... 5

8.3            Turbans 4 Australia Inc - Food Relief Donation................. 7

8.4            International Make Music Day in City of Parramatta.............. 9

8.5            Congratulations on Winning NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Award. 11

8.6            King's Birthday Honours in City of Parramatta............ 13

9        Public Forum

9.1            PUBLIC FORUM - Item 14.1 Update of James Hardie Sites............................. 22

14      Notices of Motion

14.1          Update on James Hardie Sites.......... 24

15      Questions with Notice

15.1          Annual Fire Safety Statements and Fire Safety in City of Parramatta............ 27

15.2          NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Councillor Legal Action.......... 31

15.3          Questions Taken on Notice at the 27 May 2024 Council Meeting................. 33





Council 11 June 2024                                     Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER        8.1

SUBJECT                 Proposal to Recognise the Service of Shirley Wehbe

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09481253

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Welcoming


workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: To seek endorsement for the preparation of a report assessing potential options for formally recognising the service of Shirley Wehbe, longstanding local philanthropist and pillar of the Lebanese community in City of Parramatta.





That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a report to identify and assess options for naming a suitable location or asset after Shirley Wehbe, longstanding local philanthropist and pillar of the Lebanese community in City of Parramatta.




1.     Shirley Wehbe is a longstanding local philanthropist and pillar of the Lebanese and Maronite Catholic community of City of Parramatta. Born in Blouza, North Lebanon, she migrated to Australia, married Ray Wehbe and raised four children.


2.     As a Catechist and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the Maronite Catholic tradition, Ms Wehbe has lived out her faith through her philanthropic efforts for the good of others. For three decades, she has generously opened her home to host an annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.  Since 2002, Ms Wehbe has coordinated Christmas Day lunches at Parramatta Town Hall for people experiencing homelessness, financial difficulties and loneliness.


3.     Together with the Wehbe family, Maronite Ladies of the Gospel, Making a Difference for Christmas and Australian Blouza Assocation, Shirley Wehbe has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charitable causes in Australia, Lebanon and the Middle East over many decades. These include the research and treatment of cancer, leukemia, heart disease and asthma, assisting Caritas Australia and Caritas Lebanon, children’s hospitals, nursing homes, missionaries, disaster relief, access to water, employment assistance programs and the rebuilding of St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta.


4.     This Minute calls on Council to authorise the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a report to identify and assess options for naming a suitable location or asset after Shirley Wehbe in recognition of her longstanding philanthropy and community service in Parramatta. The report should return to Council for consideration in Q3 2024.






5.     In response to the Councillor discussion at the Council meeting in May 2024, Council officers have tentatively booked the Town Hall for the traditional Making a Difference (wehbe Family) Christmas Day lunch. 


6.     The booking has been made in anticipation that the public holiday venue hire and staff costs of approximately $9000 will be waived, or the Lord Mayor of the day will donate the funds to cover the costs from their 2024/25 budget allocation.


7.     The financial implications for Council as a result of the identification of an asset/location (eg: signage, etc) will be included in the CEO’s future report for Council’s consideration.




Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 11 June 2024                                     Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER        8.2

SUBJECT                 Acknowledging the Service of Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club President, Mr Peter Ayoub

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09482957

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Thriving


workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to acknowledge the contribution of Mr Peter Ayoub, who stepped down from his long serving role as President of Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club on 23 May 2024.





(a)    That Council note that Mr Peter Ayoub stepped down from his role as President of Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club (PMSC) on 23 May 2024 after 31 years of service as a member of PMSC.


(b)    That the Lord Mayor write to Mr Ayoub congratulating him on his exemplary service as President of Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club for 20 years and his contribution to the community and the City of Parramatta.




1.     Mr Peter Ayoub has been an integral member of Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club for 31 years. He served as Treasurer for six years from 1997-1998 until 2002-2023 and as President for two decades from 2003-2004 to 2023-2024. To honour his sustained commitment to the Club, he was made a Life Member in 2004 and was awarded a 30 year service certificate in 2022-23.


2.     Peter’s wife, Ms Mary Ayoub, was a stalwart support during his presidency. With 27 years of continuous service and 15 years on the PMSC Committee, Mary was made a Life Member in 2017. Their three sons, Michael, Anthony and Benjamin, have all grown up through the Club and continue to be great advocates for PMSC.


3.     Peter was the inaugural member of the “Frosty Frogs” Sunday morning swim training and since formed a large group who swim on Sunday and Monday nights at Parramatta Aquatic Centre.


4.     Current President Robert Wynn acknowledged his significant legacy: “He really has been the strength at the Club and worked closely to form fantastic community relationships with Council and Parramatta Leagues Club.”


5.     On behalf of the City of Parramatta, I congratulate and thank Peter for his professionalism, commitment and service to Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club and the people of the City of Parramatta. Peter leaves an outstanding legacy and I wish him all the best for the next phase of his community service.




6.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.




Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




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Council 11 June 2024                                     Item 8.3


ITEM NUMBER        8.3

SUBJECT                 Turbans 4 Australia Inc - Food Relief Donation

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09480312

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber       





workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to seek endorsement for the donation of $5,000 to the Turbans 4 Australia Inc registered charity to support its local food relief program for families in need.





(a)    That Council recognises the exceptional service of all Turbans 4 Australia Inc volunteers who continue to go above and beyond in supporting and caring for vulnerable and isolated communities.


(b)    That the City of Parramatta donate $5,000 to the Turbans 4 Australia Inc registered charity to support its local food releief program for families in need.




1.     Turbans 4 Australia Inc is a registered community food relief charity based in Clyde renowned for its work providing food hampers and support to local families in need.


2.     Since 2015, Turbans 4 Australia has specialised in providing emergency goods to people in need, regardless of their race, religion or ethnicity. The organisation assists those experiencing financial hardship, food insecurity, homelessness and unemployment, as well as those impacted by natural disasters such as bushfires, floods and drought.


3.     Mr Amar Singh, founder and President of Turbans 4 Australia, was the 2023 Australian Local Hero, as well as the 2022 City of Parramatta Citizen of the Year.


4.     In May 2024 the Clyde facility of Turbans 4 Australia was robbed, with food and supplies stolen. This has left the organisation in a challenging position heading into a winter period where cost of living pressures are impacting vulnerable families more than ever.


5.     Council recognises the exceptional service of all Turbans 4 Australia volunteers, who continue to go above and beyond in supporting and caring for vulnerable and isolated communities.


6.     This Lord Mayoral Minute proposes the donation of $5,000 to Turbans 4 Australia Inc to support its local food relief program for families in need.




7.     Turbans 4 Australia Inc (NSW incorporated association number: INC1500334) is a registered charity.  The proposed donation of $5,000 can be funded from the existing Lord Mayor and Councillor Support Donations Budget 2023/24.


8.     As of 7 June 2024, the Lord Mayor and Councillor Support Donations Budget 2023/24 has a total of $6,000 remaining for the 2023/24 financial year. Following this proposed donation, the remaining balance would be $1,000.




Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 11 June 2024                                     Item 8.4


ITEM NUMBER        8.4

SUBJECT                 International Make Music Day in City of Parramatta

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09482046

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber       



CSP THEME: Thriving


workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to acknowledge City of Parramatta’s ‘Best of the West: Battle of the Bands’ competition and ‘Pass the Mic’ events to be held on Make Music Day, an annual international celebration of music and its creative power to unite people everywhere.




(a)        That Council acknowledge City of Parramatta’s ‘Best of the West: Battle of the Bands’ competition and ‘Pass the Mic’ event to be held on Make Music Day on 21 June 2024, an annual international celebration of music and its creative power to unite people everywhere.


(b)        That Council congratulate the finalists and winner of the ‘Best of the West: Battle of the Bands’ competition, noting that the winner will receive a recording session with a Western Sydney producer, the opportunity to perform their own set during Parramatta Lanes and have their track played on Sydney’s FBi Radio (94.5FM).


(c)    That Council commend all staff involved for successfully empowering Parramatta’s young people with opportunities to make their artistic debut, aligning with Parramatta’s Youth Inclusion Framework.




1.     Make Music Day is a free, worldwide music celebration held annually on 21 June. This year, City of Parramatta is excited to present ‘Best of the West’, a youth battle of the bands showcasing the best of Western Sydney’s young local musicians. From the 6 finalists performing at the event from 2pm-6pm, a winner will be chosen on the day and will be awarded a recording session with Western Sydney producer Chelsea Warner, the opportunity to perform their set during Parramatta Lanes and have their track played on Sydney’s FBi Radio (94.5FM). More information is available at


2.     City of Parramatta is also supporting an all-ages ‘Pass the Mic’ event for local hip hop artists at Parramatta Skate Park from 5pm-8pm, presented by ARIA and Bodega Collective.


3.     These events demonstrate Council’s commitment to young people and its work to transform Parramatta into the creative home of festivals and entertainment by 2050.






4.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.




Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




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Council 11 June 2024                                     Item 8.5


ITEM NUMBER        8.5

SUBJECT                 Congratulations on Winning NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Award

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09487805

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Thriving


workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to congratulate City of Parramatta staff on winning the ‘People, Workplace, Wellbeing with a Population over 150,000’ Award at the 2024 NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Awards as well as recognise the finalist nomination for a separate project in the same category.




(a)        That Council congratulate the City of Parramatta Council officers on winning the ‘People, Workplace, Wellbeing with a Population over 150,000’ Award at the 2024 NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Awards for its ‘People Connect HR System Transformation Project’.


(b)        That Council recognise City of Parramatta’s 2023 ‘Health & Wellbeing Action Plan’ was also nominated as finalist in the same category.


(c)    That Council commend the Council officers involved in these excellent projects on their outstanding efforts.




1.     The NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Awards showcase outstanding achievements and promote innovation and continuous improvement by local government staff.


2.     The ‘People, Workplace, Wellbeing with a Population over 150,000’ Award recognises people, workplace and wellbeing initiatives that promote a harmonious and productive workplace and demonstrate Council’s commitment to being an employer of choice.


3.     City of Parramatta won the ‘People, Workplace, Wellbeing with a Population over 150,000’ Award at the 2024 NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Awards for its ‘People Connect HR System Transformation Project’.


4.     This project was completed in February 2024, and involved replacing eight legacy end user facing HR applications with a cloud-based solution that features data and workflow integrations with six other Council systems. The involvement and assistance of more than 100 Council staff during the design, testing and implementation phases helped ensure the project’s success, with the end user experience for Council staff dramatically improved and processes streamlined across a wide range of people related activities, using a single source of data.


5.     It is recommended that Council commend the officers involved in these projects on their outstanding efforts.




6.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 11 June 2024                                     Item 8.6


ITEM NUMBER        8.6

SUBJECT                 King's Birthday Honours in City of Parramatta

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09482287

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Thriving


workshop/briefing date:  N/A


PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to congratulate those recognised in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours list, namely current and former members of the Parramatta community and those who have made significant contributions to the City of Parramatta.




(a)        That Council congratulate current and former members of the Parramatta community and those who have made significant contributions to the City of Parramatta who have been recognised in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours list, namely:


a.  Ms Anne Maree STANFIELD AM of Northmead

b.  Mr Raymond Hunter KIDD OAM of Beecroft

c.   Mrs Diana Margaret KIDD OAM of Beecroft

d.  Reverend Dr Graham Joseph HILL OAM of Epping

e.  Mrs Penelope Elizabeth GILLIES OAM of Epping

f.   Mr Henry Leonard JONES OAM of Eastwood

g.  Ms Judith Kathleen KING OAM of Eastwood

h.  Ms Anne Elizabeth TUNKS OAM of Wentworth Point

i.    Mrs Marie-Louise Marisa PREVITERA OAM of Greystanes

j.    Mrs Kerrye Suzanne KATZ OAM of Northmead


(b)    That Council congratulate notable members of the community recognised for service to local government in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours list, including:


a.  Ms Wendy Jean WALLER OAM

b.  The Honourable Shelley Elizabeth HANCOCK OAM


(c)    That the Lord Mayor write to award recipients acknowledging their contributions and congratulating them on their recognition in the Order of Australia King’s Birthday Honours.




1.     On Monday 10 June 2024 the King’s Birthday Honours awards list was announced by the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd). This list provides national and formal recognition for many Australians who have made a significant contribution to their communities, and ultimately Australia.


2.     The Australian Honours system celebrates the outstanding achievements and contributions of everyday Australians in a diverse range of fields, with recipients from all spheres of the community.


3.     I am pleased to inform Council that the following current and members of the Parramatta community have been recognised in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours list:


4.     Member of the Order of Australia (AM):


a.     Ms Anne Maree STANFIELD of Northmead for significant service to community social welfare organisations.


St Vincent de Paul Housing, St Vincent de Paul Society

• Director, since 2018.

• Chairperson, Audit, Risk and Finance Committee, current.

• Chair, Member Engagement with Tenants Committee, 2020-2024.

• Benefactor, Amelie Housing. National Council of Australia, St Vincent de Paul Society

• Director, St Vincent de Paul Society National Redress Scheme Limited, current.


St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

• Director, 2016-2020, current.

• Member, State Council, 2016-2020

• President, The Hills Regional Council, 2012-2016.

• Member, Harris Park Conference, 1992-2006.

• Chairperson, Service Quality and Safety Committee.


Parramatta Central Council, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

• President, 2016-2020.

• Former Vice-President.

• Board Member.

• Life Member, 2022. Winston Hills


St Paul the Apostle Conference, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

• President, 2008-2012.

• Member, since 2006.


Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW Health

• Co-Chair, Consumer Council, 2019-2023 • Consumer Representative, since 2015.

• Member, End of Life Committee, current.

• Member Palliative Care Clinical Governance Committee.

• Member, Westmead Hospital Community Partnerships Committee. Community - Other

• Member, Social and Affordable Housing Fund, Department of Communities and Justice, New South Wales, current.

• Volunteer, Greater Western Sydney Night Patrol Food Van, current


5.     Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division:


a.     Mr Raymond Hunter KIDD of Beecroft for service to the arts as a patron, and to oenology (the study of wine and winemaking).


Art Gallery of New South Wales

• Honorary Foundation Life Patron, since 2022.

• Foundation Governor, 2006-2022.

• Member, Art Gallery Society Council, 1981-1999.

• Benefactor, since 1983.

• Sulman Prize Judge, 1985.


The National Gallery of Australia Foundation

• Founding Benefactor, since 1982. Lindeman's Wine Group

• Former Chief Executive Officer.

• Managing Director, 1968-1985.

• Director/General Manager, 1962-1967.

• Cellarmaster, 1951-1961.

• Winemaker, 1949-1951.


• Former President, Australian Wine and Brandy Producers Association.


Beecroft Men's Probus Club

• Member.

• Wine Club Volunteer.


b.     Mrs Diana Margaret KIDD of Beecroft for service to the arts, and to youth.


Art Gallery of New South Wales

• Honorary Foundation Life Patron, since 2022.

• Foundation Governor, 2006-2022.

• Benefactor, since 1983. The National Gallery of Australia Foundation

• Founding Benefactor, 1982. Girl Guides Australia

• Former Leader, c1970-1980.

• Former Volunteer.


c.      Reverend Dr Graham Joseph HILL of Epping for service to theological education, and to the Baptist Churches of Australia.


Australian Baptist Ministries

• State Leader, Western Australia, Baptist Mission Australia, 2022-2023.

• Member, Baptist World Alliance, various commissions, 2010-2018.

• Member, Asia Pacific Baptist Federation Theological Education Committee, since 2011-2018.

• Pastor, since 2000.


Morling Theological College, Sydney, Australian Baptist Ministries

• Senior Lecturer, 2019.

• Vice-Principal, 2013-2018.

• Senior Lecturer in Applied and Practical Theology, 2007-2013.

• Provost, 2017-2018.


Stirling Theological College, Melbourne, University of Divinity, Churches of Christ in Australia

• Principal, and Associate Professor, 2020-2022.

• Interim Principal, 2020.

• Research Director, 2019-2022.


Education - Other

• Research Associate, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Center for the Study of Global Christianity, South Hamilton, MA, USA, since 2020.

• Adjunct Faculty Member, Doctor of Ministry Program, Abilene Christian University, Texas, USA, 2019-2022.

• Lecturer in Leadership and Pastoral Ministry, Burleigh Baptist Theological College, 2004-2006.


Business and Publications

• Founder and Director, Global Church Project, since 2015.

• Director, Professional Mentoring and Supervision International Inc., current.

• Author/Editor, various publications, including 15 books.

• Editor, Australian Journal of Mission Studies, since 2022.



• Member, International Association for Mission Studies, since 2012.


d.     Mrs Penelope Elizabeth GILLIES of Epping for service to athletics as a coach and competitor.


Australian Athletics Coaching

• Tokyo Olympic Games, 2021.

• Samoa Oceania Team, 2019.

• Bahamas World Relays, 2017.

• Gwangju Korea World University Games, 2015.

• Beijing Olympic Youth Championships, 2013.

• Coach, Barcelona World Junior Team, 2012.

• Isle of Man Commonwealth Youth, 2011.

• Coach, Berlin World Championships, 2009.

• Coach, Czech Republic World Youth Team, 2007.

• Coach, Australian National Youth Hurdles, 2006-2008

• Coach, Melbourne Commonwealth Games, 2006.

• Coach Coordinator, Morocco Australian World Youth Team, 2005.

• Coach, Grossetto World Junior Team, 2004.

• Coach, Sherbrook World Youth Team, 2003.

• Coach, Manchester Commonwealth Games, 2002.

• Coach, 2000 Chile World Junior Team, 2000.

• Coach, Athens World Championships, 1997.

• Coach, 1996 Sydney World Junior Team, 1996.


Athlete-100m Hurdles

• Australia National Champion, 1972, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981.

• World Cup, Rome, 1981.

• Olympic Games, Moscow, 1980.

• World Cup, Montreal, 1979.

• World Cup, Dusseldorf, 1977.

• Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh, 1970.

• Olympic Games, Munich, 1972.



• Life Member, Athletics Australia, 2010.

• Life Member, Athletics NSW.

• Member, New South Wales Sports Advisory Council, 1995-2005.

• Physical Education teacher, Pymble Ladies' College, 1981-1989.

• English teacher, St Joseph's College, 1990-2002.


Awards and Recognition includes:

• Junior Coach of the Year Award, Athletics Australia, 2019.

• International Coach of the Year Award, Athletics NSW, 2018.

• Australian Sports Medal, 2000.


e.      Mr Henry Leonard JONES of Eastwood for service to veterans, and to the community of Parramatta.


Reserve Forces Day Council

• Member, Planning Committee, since 2008.

• Regimental Sergeant Major, 8th Infantry Brigade formation, Reserve Forces Day Parade, 2008-2018.


North Rocks Lions Club, Lions International

• President, 2009-2010, and 2013-2015.

• Treasurer, 2003-2006.

• 1st Vice-President, 2018.

• 2nd Vice-President, 2010s.

• Chair, Membership, 2010s.


Carlingford-Dundas Lions Club, Lions International

• Member, 2019-2022.


City of Parramatta Council

• President, Volunteer group.

• Community Volunteer.


Epping Sub-branch, Returned and Services League of Australia

• Member, Welfare Team, since 2016. Australian Defence Force

• Army Reserves, 1965-1992.

• Member, British Territorial Army, 10 years.


Awards and Recognition include:

• Melvin Jones Fellow, Lions International.

• Has received military service medals including the Reserve Force Medal and two Clasps, 1990.


f.       Ms Judith Kathleen KING of Eastwood for service to secondary education.

New South Wales Department of Education

• Principal, Riverside Girls High School, 1995-2010.

• Principal, Beacon Hill Technology High School, 1992-1995.

• Teacher, Castle Hill High School, 1991-1992.

• Head Mistress, Chatswood High School, 1983-1991, and Evans High School, 1976-1980.

• Assistant Teacher, Cumberland High School, 1971-1976, and Auburn Girls High School, 1966-1971.


New South Wales Teachers Federation

• Witness, Valuing the Teaching Profession - An Independent Inquiry, 2020.

• Guest Speaker and Contributor, Centenary Exhibition, 2018.

• Life Member, 2008.

• Member, since 1966.


New South Wales Secondary Principals Council

• Deputy President, 2002-2006.

• Secretary, 1992-1998.

• Executive Member, 1992-1996.

• Representative, AEU National Principals' Committee, 1995-2009.

• Life Member, 2001. Teaching - Other

• Former History Inspector, New South Wales Board of Studies.

• Member, Teacher Education Program, English and History, Macquarie University, 1980-1982, and 1984-1985.

• Editor, Teaching History journal, History Teachers Association of New South Wales, 1980s.

• Presenter and Tutor, History and Politics, Workers Education Association Sydney, since 2010.


Awards and Recognition include:

• Bill Kennedy Award, New South Wales Secondary Principals Council, 2012.

• Life Member, Australian Education Union, 2010.

• Meritorious Service to Public Education Medal, New South Wales Department of Education and Training, 2007.


g.      Ms Anne Elizabeth TUNKS of Wentworth Point for service to community health, particularly dementia support.

Dementia Support

• Dementia Advisor, Sydney Local Health District, since 2008.

• Organiser, On Track Dementia Cafe gatherings, 10 years.


Alzheimer's Australia - New South Wales

 • Senior Educator, 2007-2008.

• Coordinator, Group Development Unit, 2005-2006


h.      Mrs Marie-Louise Marisa PREVITERA of Greystanes for service to the Maltese community of New South Wales.


Maltese Community Council of New South Wales

• Welfare Officer, since 2012.

• Secretary, 2020-2023.


Council for Maltese Living Abroad

• Member, Council for Maltese Living Abroad, since 2018. Maltese Cultural Association of New South Wales

• Vice-President, 2017.

• Choir Director, 2003-2021.

• Member, since 1999.


The Friends of Providence House

• Secretary, current. • Co-Founder, 2011.



• Community Justice of the Peace, 2013.


Awards and Recognition include:

• Quiet Achiever's Award, Maltese Welfare New South Wales, 2013.


i.       Mrs Kerrye Suzanne KATZ of Northmead for service to judo, as a coach and athlete.


Budokan Judo Club

• Head Junior Coach, since 1999.

• Club Secretary, current.

• Established, Dino Kids Program, 2018.

• Graded Fifth Dan Black Belt, 2013.


Judo Australia

• Assistant National Cadet Coach, 2022.

• National Coach, Cadet World Championships, Bosnia, 2022.

• National Cadet Coach, Poland and Portugal European Cups 2022.

• Coach, Cadet and Junior National Camp, 2022.

• Junior Coach, World Championships, 2015.

• Cadet and Junior Women's Coach, OJU Championships, 2012-2015.

• National Coach, Youth Olympic Games, China, 2014.

• National Assistant Cadet Coach, World Championships, 2013.

• Member, National Sports Science Advisory Committee, 1997-2008.

• Junior Women's Coach, Oceania Judo Union Championships, Wellington, NZ, 2002, and Tahiti, 2006.

• National Women's Coach, World Championships, Paris, 1997, and East Asian Games, 2001.

• National Women's Team Shadow Coach, Sydney Olympic Games, 2000.

• Assistant National Women's Coach, 1998-1999.


Judo New South Wales

• State Junior Boys'/Girls' Coach, since 2009.

• Junior Development Coach, since 2010-2022.

• President, Technical Committee, 1989-1993.

• Coordinator, Black Belt Register Women's Squad, 1989-1992.

• State Young Women's Coach, 1988-1989.

• State Girls' Coach, 1984-1987.

• Member, Schools Committee.

• Life Member, 2011. Judo Victoria

• State Girls' and Young Women's Coach, 1994 and 1996.

• State Women's Coach, 1995-1996.

• Assistant State Women's Coach, 1994. Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games

• Pioneer Volunteer, Judo, 1999-2000.

• Judo Field of Play Supervisor, 2000.


Pacific Rim Judo Championships

• National Women's B Coach, 1995.

• Bronze Medal, Colorado, 1987.

• Silver Medal, Tokyo, 1985.


6.     I am also pleased to congratulate:


a.     Ms Wendy Jean WALLER for service to local government, and to the community of Liverpool.



Liverpool City Council

• Mayor, 2008-2012, and 2016-2021.

• Former Deputy Mayor, four years.

• Councillor, 1995-2021.

• Chair, Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee, 2016-2021.

• Chair, Liverpool Access Committee, 2016-2021.

• Chair, Strategic Panel, 2016-2021.

• Member, Budget Review Panel, 2016-2021.

• Chair, 2168 District Forum, 2016-2021.

• Chair, Tourism and CBD Committee, 2017-2021.

• Chair, Companion Animal Advisory Committee, 2020-2021.

• Chair, Planning and Development Committee, 2016-2017.

• Chair, Intermodal Committee, 2017-2018.

• Councillor Representative, Liverpool Youth Council, 1999-2021.

• Council Representative, Aboriginal Consultative Committee, 2016-2021.


Australian Local Government Women's Association

• Executive Member, 2016-2021.

• Member, 1995-2021.



• Ambassador, 2168 Children's Parliament, since 2017.

• Former Manager, South West Child Adolescent and Family Services.


Awards and Recognition include:

• Winner, Elected Representative Metropolitan Category, NSW Minister's Awards for Women in Local Government.


b.     The Honourable Shelley Elizabeth HANCOCK for service to the people and Parliament of New South Wales.


Parliament of New South Wales

• Member for South Coast, Legislative Assembly, 2003-2023.

• Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 2011-2019.

• Minister for Local Government, 2019-2021.


Shoalhaven City Council

• Deputy Mayor, 2000-2001.

• Ward 3 Councillor, 1987-2004.

• Former Chair, Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee, 2000-2001.

• Former Chair, Works Committee.


7.     On behalf of the City of Parramatta, I congratulate and thank all Order of Australia recipients for their service to the Australian community. Their valuable contributions have helped to support and enrich the lives of local residents, visitors and businesses in NSW and Australia.




8.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.




Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 11 June 2024                                     Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER        9.1

SUBJECT                 PUBLIC FORUM - Item 14.1 Update of James Hardie Sites

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09491397        

FROM                       Tony Khoury


1.     My background

·    I was born in Parramatta in 1958

·    For close to 21 years, up to 31 December 2023, I held the position of Executive Director of the Waste Contractors & Recyclers Association of NSW, where we represented 215 waste & recycling contractors.

·    During this time, I witnessed firsthand the substantial and very negative impacts of asbestos on the recycling sector.

·    I also lost my father-in-law from workplace exposure to asbestos (changing brake pads on NSW trains)

·    My late brother-in-law worked at James Hardie for 20 years and shovelled

asbestos into hessian bags with limited safety training or personal protective equipment.


2.     Those impacted by asbestos and not covered by current funding (non-workers / pleural plaques)

·    My late brother-in-law worked at James Hardie in Camellia for 20 years, each working day came home to my sister (his wife) at Granville covered in asbestos from head to toe.

·    My sister would attempt to shake off the asbestos from his overalls before washing them.

·    She has pleural plaques from exposure to the cleaning of the asbestos covered overalls.

·    As she was not a worker, she has no entitlement to any compensation.

·    There would be many 1,000’s of people across Australia who like my sister are classified as non-workers and they are not covered by any of the existing funds that currently provide for the victims of asbestos.


3.  Disposing of asbestos waste at landfill, escalating costs and the NSW waste levy

·    I understand that Parramatta City Council is required to fund $36.6m for the

remediation of sites across the Council area. Many of these sites were filled with asbestos by James Hardie.

·    Let’s recap, much of Camellia was swamp land, mostly filled in with asbestos

waste sometime in the mid-1900s. Town planners looking at the re-zoning of this land to residential at some time in the future need to be reminded of this fact (this asbestos fill is also potentially under roads throughout Camellia and

alongside the Parramatta River / Duck Creek waterways).

·    The current cost to dispose of asbestos waste at landfill is ~$400 per tonne for asbestos sheeting and ~$250 per tonne for asbestos contaminated soils. These costs include the NSW landfill levy of $170.10 per tonne (1 July 2024), but exclude GST, the cost of excavation, replacement fill, compaction and all transport costs.

·    Waste levy, tip fees, the cost of labour, etc. all increase annually. Therefore, if Council is making provisions for these future cleanups, any current provisions

will need to be checked by a suitably experienced person and there will need to be substantial indexing provisions.


4.  The impacts of asbestos on the recycling sector (in particular recycling of C&D waste)

·    NSW workers compensation premiums are levied with a Dust Disease

Contribution on an annual basis. This tax on business is a legacy from the

asbestos manufacturer, and all those who have previously profited from the sales of asbestos.

·    All recycling workers have to receive asbestos awareness training. This is also a legacy from the asbestos manufacturer, and all those who have previously profited from the sales of asbestos.

·    NSW recycling regulations have a zero tolerance to asbestos. In essence, this means that one piece of asbestos or a few fibres of asbestos will potentially render whole stockpiles of recyclables as asbestos waste.

·    Over the years, we have witnessed many 1000’s of tonnes of crushed concrete with just a few pieces of asbestos end up in NSW landfills.

·    The NSW recycling industry continues to struggle with exposure to asbestos (with the highest profile case in recent times being the contaminated mulch across Sydney that was first highlighted at the Rozelle interchange).


5.  The potential impacts of a James Hardie sponsorship of the Eels on the    mental health of asbestos sufferers and their families

·    In May 2012 a statement from Maurice Blackburn, representing asbestos victims stated, ‘‘James Hardie misled the community about how much money had been set aside for asbestos compensation and this has caused enormous stress and confusion for many of our asbestos clients.”

·    In closing, for the survivors of asbestos and surviving family members to see the words James Hardie emblazoned across the Parramatta Eels NRL footy jumper has the potential to re-open many of these old scars.


·    Thank you, Tony Khoury






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Council 11 June 2024                                   Item 14.1


ITEM NUMBER        14.1

SUBJECT                 Update on James Hardie Sites

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09471342

FROM                       Councillor       



(a)    That Council provide an update on the remediation program for James Hardie legacy sites, including work done to date, projected schedule of work remaining and cost of the remediation program.


(b)    That the Lord Mayor and CEO advocate to the NSW Premier, State Member for Parramatta and relevant Ministers for the NSW Government to cover the expense of remediating James Hardie legacy sites in the City of Parramatta as recommended by the NSW Ombudsman report “Asbestos - How NSW government agencies deal with the problem - A Special Report to Parliament” (April 2017).


(c)    That the Lord Mayor and the CEO meet with James Hardie CEO to discuss the ongoing impact of asbestos contamination across the City of Parramatta and request their assistance with the remediation of the James Hardie legacy sites.


(d)    Further, that following this advocacy, the CEO provide a report to Council by the end of 2024 on funding sources for the remediation of all known James Hardie legacy sites in the Parramatta LGA.




1.     Between the 1950s and 1970s, James Hardie provided asbestos waste as fill to various sites around western Sydney, mostly in the Parramatta LGA.


2.     Twenty years after asbestos was banned in Australia the impact continues, with sadly over 4,000 people dying each year from asbestos related diseases and 1 in 3 homes in Australia still containing asbestos as well as a number of our local parks.


3.     The late Bernie Banton, a well-known Australian social justice campaigner and public face for asbestos disease victims, was born in Parramatta in 1946 and worked at James Hardie in Camellia during the 1960s and 1970s. In 2006, Bernie was awarded the key to our City and the Marsden Street bridge was named in his honour. Sadly a year later, Bernie passed away from asbestosis and asbestos-related pleural disease. He is remembered for his invaluable contribution to the establishment of the James Hardie compensation fund that benefits thousands of asbestos victims and their families and is estimated to be worth in excess of $4.5 billion over 40 years.


4.     In 2009 and 2010, the then Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) released a report identifying approximately 27 sites within the Parramatta area as locations where asbestos waste, produced by James Hardie Industries, may have been disposed. The report largely suggested that the material present at these sites was remnant fibro sheeting, and that the material would remain low-risk if undisturbed. But in 2016, Council commissioned its own testing at one of the sites identified in the DECCW report and found significant quantities of friable asbestos at shallow depths and this altered the understanding of the risk associated with these sites. As a result of Council’s test findings, the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) initiated a reassessment of the original report. The NSW Government has since funded testing of residential sites suspected to be affected by asbestos. In 2017, varying quantities and forms of asbestos were found within the soil at test locations, triggering additional testing and a risk-based prioritised works program.


5.     In 2022, the NSW EPA released the “James Hardie Industries Legacy Asbestos Fill Sites in NSW Assessment Update” following further testing, which assessed 50 legacy sites, located mostly within the Parramatta LGA.


6.     In May 2023, Council estimated that $36.6m was required to remediate James Hardie legacy sites across our City. This is on top of about $10m already spent to remediate asbestos contamination due to James Hardie.


7.     Currently our community are having to pay to remediate the James Hardie asbestos polluting our LGA, with Council budgeting about $1m on an annual ongoing basis and no financial assistance provided by the NSW Government nor James Hardie. This is despite the NSW Ombudsman recommending in 2017 that where James Hardie asbestos waste contamination is identified, those sites should be remediated at NSW Government expense and the NSW Government responding at the time that the “NSW Government supports the Ombudsman’s Report in principle and is considering how best to progress the recommendations” - following the NSW Government passing legislation back in 2005 which effectively cleared James Hardie of any responsibility to pay for clean-up costs and compensation to landowners, despite decades of dumping known toxic materials.


8.     The James Hardie legacy sites do not pose a health risk currently, as asbestos buried in soil is low risk if it is covered and not disturbed. However, if uncovered or disturbed, asbestos fibres can become airborne and breathed in or ingested, which can cause health risks. Exposure to asbestos fibres can cause serious health conditions like asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. This is why Council has management plans in place and is remediating the James Hardie legacy sites.


9.     The Parramatta Eels recently announced that James Hardie would return as a major sponsor of the NRL club in 2025, following their previous association with James Hardie as major sponsor from 1981 to 1995. It is understood that the James Hardie logo will now appear on the Parramatta Eels NRLW jersey along with City of Parramatta logo.




10.   Should Council resolve to support the abovementioned motion, Council officers will prepare the requested report utilising existing resources.




Kellie Darley



George Bounassif

Executive Director City Assets and Operations


Roxanne Thornton

Group Manager Office of the Lord Mayor and CEO


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer







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Council 11 June 2024                                   Item 15.1


ITEM NUMBER        15.1

SUBJECT                 Annual Fire Safety Statements and Fire Safety in City of Parramatta

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09449752

FROM                       Councillor Georgina Valjak       



The NSW Government requires body corporates to provide an Annual Fire Safety Statement that confirms that each essential fire safety measure installed in the building has been assessed and found to be performing to the standard requirement.


Specifically, can Officers advise:


1.  When did the State Government legislation commence?

Executive Director City Assets and Operations response:


          The State Government Legislation commenced on 1 July 1998.


2.  What level of involvement does Council have in enforcing the fire safety requirements?

Executive Director City Assets and Operations response:


a.   Council is the legislated Appropriate Regulatory Authority for fire safety-related matters within its Local Government Area.

b.   Council has administrative oversight of record management from an AFSS perspective to ensure an accurate annual submission is received for each license, in a timely manner.

c.   Issue orders to address fire safety deficiencies through the avenues established by legislation.


3.  What resources does Council need to provide to comply with NSW government requirements?

Executive Director City Assets and Operations response:

Council currently has three (3) approved and budgeted technical positions which share the responsibilities related to fire safety matters in general. The three (3) technical positions are also supported by two (2) administrative positions to manage the AFSS submissions.


Notwithstanding, these resources are currently subject to the service delivery review being undertaken in Regulatory Services, to ensure they are appropriate to service customers’ needs and are aligned with the growth of the city.


4.  What fines can be imposed for non-compliance?

Executive Director City Assets and Operations response:

There are a number of potential avenues to address non-compliance such as fines, Orders and Court Attendance Notices.

The fines are regulated by the NSW government and include:


a.  Failing to maintain each essential fire safety measure (reference Clause 81(1) of the Env. Planning and Assessment (Dev. Certification and Fire Safety) Reg 2021 (EP&A (DCFS) Reg) ) – Individual $3000 / corporation $6000


b.  Issuing an invalid fire safety certificate (ie date discrepancies) (reference Clause 84(1) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) – Individual and corporation $3000


c.  Practitioner issuing fire safety certificate without inspecting/testing each measure (reference Clause 84(3) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) – Individual $1500 / corporation $3000


d.  Not displaying fire safety certificate and schedule as prescribed (reference Clause 85(1)(b) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) – Individual $1500 / corporation $3000


e.  Issuing fire safety certificate incorrectly (ie not in the approved form, incorrect details, etc) (reference Clause 86(1) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) – Individual $1500 / corporation $3000


f.   Issuing fire safety certificate without a fire safety schedule (reference Clause 86(3) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) – Individual $1500 / corporation $3000


g.  Practitioner issuing Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) without inspecting/testing each measure (reference Clause 88(4) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) – Individual $1500/ corporation $3000


h.  Failing to submit AFSS 1st week after expiry (reference Clause 89(1) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) $1000


i.   Failing to submit AFSS 2nd week after expiry (reference Clause 89(1) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) $2000


j.   Failing to submit AFSS 3rd week after expiry (reference Clause 89(1) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) $3000


k.  Failing to submit AFSS 4th week after expiry (reference Clause 89(1) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) $4000


l.   Not displaying AFSS and schedule as prescribed (reference Clause 86(4)(b) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) - $580


m. Issuing AFSS incorrectly (ie not in the approved form, incorrect details, etc) (reference Clause 92(1) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) – Individual $1500 / Corporation $3000


n.  Issuing AFSS without a fire safety schedule (reference Clause 92(2) of the EP&A (DCFS) Reg) Individual $1500 / Corporation $3000.


5.  What education has been provided to residents and whose responsibility is it to provide education – Local or State government?

Executive Director City Assets and Operations response:

Education is undertaken by both State and Local Governments and includes matters such as:


a.  Council reminds strata managers of their obligations on an annual basis.


b.  FRNSW distributes resident awareness leaflets for residential dwellings and strata complexes with respect to smoke alarm maintenance.


There is no specific area of responsibility with respect to fire safety matters. The maintenance responsibilities rest with owners (body corporates) and are appropriately handled by strata managers.  Thus strata management companies should employ staff appropriately qualified to manage the legal regulatory requirements for their buildings.



6.  How many Fire Safety Officers does Council currently employ?

Executive Director City Assets and Operations response:

Council has three Fire Safety Officers.


7.  What is the cost to Council to implement this legislation (including staff, education, Court and other costs?

Executive Director City Assets and Operations response:

The average cost to Council to provide this service is approximately $570,000 per year. This includes salaries plus overheads of implementing the legislation but excludes any specific legal or court costs. It also does not include the time spent by the Business Unit Manager or Group Manager to oversee the service.



Georgina Valjak

Councillor Georgina Valjak


George Bounassif

Executive Director City Assets and Operations


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer


Attachments:There are no attachments for this report.

Council 11 June 2024                                   Item 15.2


ITEM NUMBER        15.2

SUBJECT                 NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Councillor Legal Action

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09478150

REPORT OF             Councillor Georgina Valjak        



CSP THEME: Accessibile





1.  In regard to the matter listed in the April 2024 Legal Report:


NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal


Councillor Kellie Darley v City of Parramatta


Application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009


can you please advise the specific matter that this legal action brought by Councillor Darley against the Council relates to?


Acting Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) matter referred to in the April 2024 Litigation Report (see April_2024-Legal_Status_List-Public_Website.pdf ( relates to an application made by Councillor Kellie Darley who is seeking a review of Council’s decision on two applications to Council to access documents under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA) in relation to the Parramatta Eels strategic partnership.



2.  The matter is listed for hearing before the Tribunal on 31 July 2024, Can you please advise the costs to date (and estimated future costs) to Council in defending this legal action?


Acting Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


Legal costs incurred by Council in current proceedings are confidential and are not released to the public.  However, the costs for all of Council’s legal proceedings are available to Councillors on the confidential Councillor Portal.



3.  What information has been withheld (that requires a GIPA application) that has not already been provided to Councillors?


Acting Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


This information is confidential, noting that the information sought in each application relates to Council’s partnership with the Parramatta Eels.



4.  Are any other parties involved in this legal action?


NCAT has directed Council to contact the Parramatta Eels about the proceedings to determine if they wish to be heard. The Legal Report on the Councillor Portal will be updated should any party be joined to the proceedings.






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Council 11 June 2024                                   Item 15.3


ITEM NUMBER        15.3

SUBJECT                 Questions Taken on Notice at the 27 May 2024 Council Meeting

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09472812

REPORT OF             Council Secretariat & Policy Officer        



CSP THEME: Accessible


workshop/briefing date:  Nil



Questions taken on notice


Councillor Pandey asked a question in relation to Item 8.3 Parramatta Light Rail daylight testing


·    Could staff provide an update in a few weeks’ time on how the businesses near the light rail are feeling in relation to the light rail?


Acting Director City Planning and Design Response:

The Transport for NSW (TNSW) Place Manager is the liaison between businesses on Church Street/Eat Street and the NSW government. TNSW has been requested to provide feedback to Council on the views of local businesses. Once a response is received details will be provided to Councillors.


Councillor Darley asked a question in relation to Item 8.3 Parramatta Light Rail daylight testing;

·    Could staff provide an update on the improvements made to the difficulties faced by people with poor and low vision with guide dogs when using the light rail?


Acting Director City Planning and Design Response:

TNSW, Guide Dogs Australia, the rail operator and Council reached agreement to the placement of reflective tape on the existing bollards as an additional measure to help with locating the street crossings for those with limited vision. 


Councillor Darley asked a question in relation to Item 12.3 Library Opening Times - Customer Feedback;

·    Do we know the qualitative reasons why people were dissatisfied with the Library Hours?


     Acting Executive Director Community and Culture Response:

The 5% of 1,604 respondents who responded that new Library hours were 'poor' were asked a follow up question about why they responded that way. 49% of those respondents said that their library closed too early; 42% responded that weekend hours were not long enough and 19% said that longer hours were needed.




Councillors Darley and Garrard asked questions in Closed Session in relation to Item 16.1 Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works - Archer Park Memorandum Of Understanding


Questions and staff responses have been published as a Confidential Attachment to this report.









CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT - Question Taken on Notice 27 May 2024.docx (confidential)