Meeting Name

Heritage Advisory Committee



13 June 2024

Time: 5:22 PM


PHIVE, Level 4 – Civic Reception Room, Parramatta

+ MS Teams



Committee Members

·       Stephanie Licciardo (Chair)

·       Laurie Bennett

·       Wei Li

·       Suzette Meade

·       Tim Owen

·       Clr Phil Bradley (ex-officio)


Council Staff

·      Robert Cologna – A/Executive Director City Planning & Design

·      Paul Kennedy – Project Officer City Strategic Planning (Convenor)

·      Andrea Giusa – Senior Heritage Specialist

·      Mark Crispin – Senior Project Officer Transport

·      Janelle Blucher – Research & Collection Services Coordinator

·      Janelle Scully – A/Group Manager City Strategic Planning

·      David Birds – Group Manager Major Projects & Precincts

·      Sarah Baker – A/Strategy Manager

·      Ankit Pokharel – ICT Service Desk Officer


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·      Graham Shirley (Deputy Chair)

·      Jeff Allen

·      Cheryl Bates

·      Michele Grande

·      Scott Hill

·      Julie Jones

·      Terrence Smith



Melissa McIsaac – Governance


HPRM Reference



These are draft minutes and are subject to confirmation by the Committee at its next meeting. The confirmed minutes will replace this draft version on the website. Note: In accordance with clause 5.11 of the Committee’s Terms of Reference, these “Minutes” are taken as “informal notes”, given a quorum was not present at this meeting.








Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug Nation, the traditional owners of the land of Parramatta and pays its respects to elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee noted apologies from Graham Shirley, Jeff Allen, Cheryl Bates, Michele Grande, Scott Hill, Julie Jones, and Terrence Smith.


The Committee was informed that a quorum was not in attendance, but it was agreed to proceed with an informal meeting.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interests made for this Committee Meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


As a quorum was not in attendance, the Chairperson deferred consideration of Item 4, confirmation of Minutes of the meeting held 26 March 2024, to the next meeting.


Business arising from Minutes of meeting held on 26 March 2024


As a quorum was not in attendance, the Chairperson deferred consideration of Item 5 to the next meeting.


Committee meetings – meeting time allocation and number of meetings – Committee discussion


As a quorum was not in attendance, the Chairperson deferred consideration of Item 6 to the next meeting.


Note: The Chairperson amended the order of business to proceed with Agenda Item 13.


Proposal for a cycle bridge across Darling Mills Creek


The Committee received a presentation from Mark Crispin, Senior Project Officer Transport, regarding Council’s public exhibition of the Kleins Road Pedestrian and Cyclist Corridor Study.


The Committee considered an overview of the design for the proposed 3km active transport corridor, including a pedestrian and cyclist bridge over Darling Mills Creek, and was advised of the heritage considerations for the area.


The Committee raised questions for Council staff. Clarification was provided regarding approaches to minimise soil disturbance during the proposed bridge construction, and that once the proposal is approved, the design will still need to undergo Traffic Committee assessment, and that Council will need to secure funding for detailed design and construction. Feedback was provided encouraging alignment between agencies building bridges in the broader Parramatta area to promote consistency, and to ensure the proposal does not adversely impact the natural values of the heritage walk along the creek foreshore.


The Committee noted that the proposal will be on public exhibition until 25 June, and it is intended to report back to Council before the end of the term.


·      As a quorum was not in attendance, members were invited to make individual submissions as part of Council’s public exhibition. The proposal documents are available via Participate Parramatta for detailed consideration.


Mark Crispin retired from the meeting at 5:43pm, at the conclusion of Item 13.


Note: The Chairperson resumed the order of business, to proceed with Agenda Item 7.


Overview of Research and Collections Team


The Committee received a presentation from Janelle Blucher, Research & Collection Services Coordinator, regarding the portfolio for Council’s Research & Collection Services team.


The Committee was informed about the Dharug Keeping Place at PHIVE, Council Heritage Archives, Community Heritage Archives, Cultural Collections, exhibitions provided in the PHIVE discovery space and the Parramatta Aquatic Centre, and Council’s online Parramatta History and Heritage website offerings.


·      Tim Owen, on behalf of GML Heritage, agreed to contact Janelle Blucher after the meeting, to further discuss considerations for handover to Dharug Keeping Place, or other appropriate management, of the Aboriginal artifact collections obtained by the organisation from Parramatta sites.

·      The Committee requested for Janelle Blucher to return to a future meeting, to allow additional time to receive an update on Council’s collection relocation and management project.


Janelle Blucher retired from the meeting at 6:04pm, at the conclusion of Item 7.


Church Street North DCP amendments and North East Planning Investigation Area


The Committee received a presentation from Janelle Scully, A/Group Manager City Strategic Planning, regarding the following strategic land use planning matters:


1.         Church Street North DCP Controls: The Committee was informed that Council is working to update DCP controls in response to new LEP controls from a forthcoming State Environmental Planning Policy, set to take effect on 1 July. Council’s public exhibition of the proposed DCP controls concluded on 27 May. The Committee considered the design objectives and recommended heritage planning outcomes from the proposed DCP controls.

2.        North East Planning Investigation Area: The Committee received an overview of the proposed zoning, height, and floor space ratio (FSR) controls for the area, but was informed that Council staff will present to the Committee in further detail after the initial gateway determination is received.


The Committee was invited to provide any individual feedback, but was reminded that without a quorum a formal position from the Committee on the matters could not be resolved. Feedback was provided regarding ensuring an appropriate transition to the adjoining Sorrell Street Conservation Area, and risks of continued attrition of heritage buildings. Committee Members noted the abundance and complexity of heritage in North Parramatta, which the proposed DCP controls reasonably address, but controls could be further strengthened.


·      In the absence of a quorum, Committee Members were invited to provide any further feedback regarding the proposed Church Street North DCP Controls to Council staff via email by COB 14 June.


Housekeeping amendments planning proposal


The Committee received a presentation from Janelle Scully, A/Group Manager City Strategic Planning, regarding the draft Harmonisation Supplementary Matters and Housekeeping Planning Proposal, to consider the ‘orange matters’ identified for further review during endorsement of Council’s Harmonisation LEP.


The Committee was informed about the heritage matters forming part of the review, including the outcomes of which changes to controls for specific heritage items are recommended to progress or not progress.


The Committee noted that the updates will be pursed via a planning proposal. The planning proposal will be reported to the 16 July Local Planning Panel meeting for consideration, then the 12 August Council Meeting to seek endorsement to forward the planning proposal to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure (DPHI) for gateway determination.


The Committee raised for further discussion with Council staff concerns regarding public access to Lake Parramatta Reserve via The King’s School grounds.


The Committee noted the provided updates.


Site-specific planning proposals


The Committee received a presentation from David Birds, Group Manager Major Projects & Precincts, regarding current site-specific planning proposals. The Committee was invited to provide any individual feedback, but was reminded that without a quorum a formal position from the Committee on the planning proposals could not be resolved.


The Committee considered the following site-specific planning proposals:


1.     90 Phillip Street, Parramatta: The Committee was informed that the site is not heritage listed, but is within proximity of multiple heritage items. The Committee noted that Council’s Senior Heritage Specialist has not raised any objections, and the planning proposal was supported at the 4 June Local Planning Panel meeting. It is intended to report to the 8 July Council Meeting to endorse seeking a gateway determination for public exhibition. Committee Members raised feedback recommending that in developing the conditions under the planning proposal, to consider the significance of the site’s Parramatta River setting and urban context, and for the developer to appropriately respond to any significant archaeology which may be found in the area during planned studies, and Council’s updated flood study modelling.


2.    263-281 Pennant Hills Rd, Carlingford: The Committee was informed that Council’s Heritage Advisor has raised concerns regarding the impact to Carlingford Memorial Park, where overshadowing may impact open space amenity, but not the memorial or seating. No heritage concerns were raised during the recent public exhibition, and the proposal was supported at the 23 May Local Planning Panel meeting. Committee Members raised concerns regarding the impact of increased residential traffic on access to the park. Council staff provided clarification that Council’s traffic analysis has not identified concerns, and that potential intersection signalisation by Transport for NSW may improve access.


3.    31 O’Connell Street and 9 Albert Street, North Parramatta: The Committee was reminded that a previous planning proposal by the developer for the site had been presented in May 2023, with the Committee’s concerns regarding impacts on North Parramatta heritage noted by Council. The Committee was informed that an amended planning proposal has been submitted seeking to amend the FSR and height of building controls for the site, which was supported by a heritage impact statement. The planning proposal was supported at the 21 May Local Planning Panel meeting, and it is planned to report to the 22 July Council Meeting to seek a gateway determination for public exhibition. The Committee was informed about concerns with the planning proposal identified by Council’s Heritage Advisor. In the absence of a quorum, the Chairperson recommended for Committee Members to submit any further individual feedback in writing to Council. Council staff confirmed that determination of the matter is at an early stage, where public feedback may still be taken into consideration.


4.    DPHI Public Exhibition of Proposal to Change the Floor Space Ratio for the St John’s Cathedral Northern Site: The Committee was informed that DPHI have initiated a review of the reduced FSR controls for the northern site, with the government architect recommending to return to the FSR previously put by Council; no changes are proposed to the height of building controls. The NSW State Government are undertaking public exhibition until 24 June. The Chairperson raised that the Committee have previously identified concerns that diagrams of a larger FSR show development being built directly over the parish hall, which the Committee did not support. In the absence of a quorum, the Chairperson recommended for Committee Members to submit any further individual feedback in writing to Council.


Suzette Meade retired from the meeting during discussion of Item 10.


·          Committee Members will submit any further feedback in writing to Council staff as soon as practicable, on concerns with the amended planning proposal for 31 O’Connell Street and 9 Albert Street, North Parramatta.

·          Committee Members will submit any further feedback in writing to Council staff, on concerns regarding the DPHI review of the FSR controls for the St John’s Cathedral Northern Site.


Draft long-term strategic vision – Parramatta 2050


The Committee received a presentation from Sarah Baker, A/Strategy Manager, regarding public exhibition of Council’s draft Parramatta 2050 Vision.


The Committee considered an overview of the draft Vision, and the aims and initiatives which relate to the theme of heritage. The Committee was advised that the draft Vision is available to review in full on the Participate Parramatta webpage during the exhibition period, running until 19 July.


The Chairperson, Stephanie Licciardo, advised that her employer Greater Sydney Parklands are preparing a submission regarding Parramatta Park, and that she would omit from commenting in relation to this work.


The Committee was invited to provide any individual feedback, but was reminded that without a quorum a formal position from the Committee on the Vision could not be resolved. Committee Members provided the following feedback:


·          Suggested to further express in the Vision what matters about the place (Parramatta), including its people and embodied histories, and to draw more on culture as what creates a destination.

·          Suggested to refer to Council’s former cultural strategy, as a quality example for capturing Parramatta’s unique cultural value.

·          Suggested to incorporate opportunity for truth telling, particularly in regards to understanding of the impact of decision making at Parliament House.

·          Raised concern with the limited specific funding initiatives regarding heritage, and recommended to more-clearly emphasise heritage and cultural arts as part of the vision for Parramatta’s identity.

·          Suggested to further emphasise Parramatta’s existing unique attributes (including cultural and natural attributes), which can be built upon through a destination strategy, and to more-clearly communicate the required conduits between what exists and the aspired vision.

·          Raised concerns that the draft Vision may not represent the community’s perspectives on Parramatta.

·          Praised innovation with the Vision as the first major strategy to consider how the distinctive districts of the amalgamated LGA could contribute to a holistic area framework.

·          Suggested to refer to the Singapore model as an example of a successful global city, which includes an emphasis on conserving heritage while growing the economy and innovating.


Council staff provided clarification that it is intended through the public exhibition process to verify which intended outcomes of the Vision are effectively resonating with the community, and to amend the Vision where needed to ensure its efficacy. The Committee was encouraged to further consider the Parramatta LGA’s function to play in a regional and global role.


·      Committee Members were encouraged to make written individual submissions as part of the public exhibition, specifying any concerns with the draft content and specific recommendations for any changes for Council to consider.


Local Heritage Fund


The Committee received a presentation from Andrea Giusa, Senior Heritage Specialist, regarding the applications received by Council for the Local Heritage Fund.


The Committee was advised that the remaining balance of unspent funds for the financial year is $30,176.87, but that the ten applications for Committee consideration requested $31,891.63 in funding.


As a quorum was not in attendance, the Chairperson and Council staff agreed that present Committee Members could either provide feedback or express support for each of the applications, which will subsequently be required to be put for Executive Director endorsement.


The Committee considered the received applications, and whether to express support for the requested funding.


·      Committee Members provided the following feedback on the received Local Heritage Fund applications:




Funding contribution considered

Committee Members’ response

87 Weston St, Harris Park

Internal wall and ceiling repairs


Noted that requested additional information was supplied by owner.



1 Villiers St, Parramatta

Gutter and exterior paint repairs



57 Eastwood Ave, Eastwood

Replacement of tiled roof



1 Cowper St, Parramatta

Replacement of picket fence



8 Hillside Cres, Epping

Repairs to gas infrastructure, and concrete footings


Committee Members recommended to only provide funding for the concrete works as relevant to heritage preservation, and did not support requested funding for gas infrastructure works.


Council staff clarified that the allocated funding amount for the concrete footings component would still qualify for a grant of $2500.

195 Church St, Parramatta

Demolition of structurally unsound outdoor toilet block



100 Marsden St, Parramatta

Repairs to damaged walls



68 Harris St, Harris Park

Change of roof sheeting



8 Victoria St, Epping

Replacement of roof slate



15 Arthur St, Granville

Repair of wooden fence


Noted that requested additional information was supplied by owner.



1 Cowper St, Parramatta

Repair of wooden window frames and doors




General Business


The Chairperson advised the Committee that insufficient time remained for General Business discussion. The Chairperson recommended for Committee Members to raise by email any further heritage enquiries for Council staff, or to request to add a matter to the next meeting Agenda.


Next Meeting Date: 24 July 2024


Meeting Closed:  8:02 PM