Meeting Name

Policy Review Committee



23 May 2024

Time 5:32 PM


PHIVE, Level 4 – Civic Reception, Parramatta + MS Teams



Committee Members

·     Clr Michelle Garrard

·     Clr Sameer Pandey

·     Clr Georgina Valjak

·     Clr Lorraine Wearne

·     John Angilley - Executive Director Finance & Information (Chairperson)

·     Clr Phil Bradley (ex-officio)


Council Staff

·     John Crawford – A/Chief Governance and Risk Officer

·     Roxanne Thornton – Group Manager Office of the Lord Mayor and CEO

·     Gwen Hughes - Governance & Procurement Manager

·     Melissa McIsaac - Policy Officer (Convenor)

·     Robert Cologna – Group Manager City Strategic Planning

·     Amit Sharma – Chief Financial Officer

·     Angela Jones-Blayney – Executive Director City Engagement & Experience

·     Sally White – Group Manager Communications & Customer Engagement

·     Navneet Cheema – ICT Service Desk Officer


·      Veronica Young (external presenter)


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·     Lord Mayor, Clr Pierre Esber

·     Clr Patricia Prociv

·     Clr Kellie Darley (alternate)

·     Gail Connolly - Chief Executive Officer



Melissa McIsaac


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug Nation, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee received apologies from the Lord Mayor, Clr Pierre Esber, Clr Patricia Prociv, and the Chief Executive Officer, Gail Connolly.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interests made for this Committee Meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Policy Review Committee, held on 30 April 2024, were moved by Garrard and Pandey and CARRIED.


Consultation of Council Policies for Rescission


348 – CBD Small Bars


The Committee received a briefing from the Chairperson regarding the recommendation to rescind Council’s CBD Small Bars Policy. The Committee were advised that the Policy is due to be superseded by the Late Night Trading DCP amendment. Robert Cologna, Group Manager City Strategic Planning, attended the meeting to address any Committee questions.


The Committee noted that in their absence, members Clr Prociv and Clr Valjak had provided their support for this recommendation to the Chairperson before the meeting.


Angela Jones-Blayney, Sally White, and Veronica Young joined the meeting at 5:34pm, during discussion of Item 5.1.


·      The Committee supported for the recommendation to rescind the CBD Small Bars Policy to be put to Council for endorsement as part of the Late Night Trading DCP amendment process.


Draft Council Policies for Consultation


215 – Pensioner Rates Rebate


The Committee considered the draft Pensioner Rates Rebate Policy. The Committee noted that the draft Policy as presented was supported by the Finance Committee, and that members Clr Prociv and Clr Valjak had provided their support for this recommendation to the Chairperson before the meeting. Amit Sharma, Chief Financial Officer, attended the meeting to address any Committee questions.


Robert Cologna retired from the meeting at 5:35pm, during discussion of Item 6.1.


The Committee supported the draft Pensioner Rates Rebate Policy to be put to the next available Council Meeting to endorse public exhibition.


Partnerships Policy


The Committee received a briefing from Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director City Engagement & Experience, Sally White, Group Manager Communications & Customer Engagement, and external consultant Veronica Young regarding the development of the draft Partnerships Policy, and supporting internal Partnerships Policy Procedures Guide. The Committee noted that the draft Policy would consolidate Council’s existing Sponsorship Policy (Policy 347) and Productive Partnerships Policy (Policy 237).


The Committee considered the draft and raised questions for staff clarification. The Committee noted that Clr Prociv had provided support for the draft Policy to the Chairperson before the meeting.


Clr Georgina Valjak joined the meeting at 5:36pm, during discussion of Item 6.2


·      The Committee supported to consolidate Council’s existing Sponsorship Policy (Policy 347) and Productive Partnerships Policy (Policy 237) into a comprehensive policy framework as presented.

·      The Committee raised the following recommendations for developing the draft Partnerships Policy:

a.   Clarify the stage in the agreement formation process where Councillors are to be engaged, with a view to ensure Councillors are consulted before agreements are finalised (administrative specification may be addressed in Procedures Guide component).

b.   Section 1 Scope: Replace term “partnerships” with “relationships”, to clarify that the Policy applies more-broadly to various types of formalised relationships, including partnerships, sponsorships, and strategic memberships. Review wording throughout draft to apply term “relationships”, including reviewing title.

c.    Section 1 Scope, part (b): Review term “strategic agreements”, consider replacing with “partnership agreements” or another suitable term as per description.

d.   Section 5 Exclusions: Review probity measures for declaring potential conflicts of interest, consider strengthening (administrative specification may be addressed in Procedures Guide component).

e.    Section 8 Timing: Consider whether additional strategic and process requirements should be applied as per the value threshold of the proposed investment.

f.     Section 9 Review and reporting: Consider measures for periodic reporting and/or reporting to each new term of Council regarding Council’s relationship agreements formalised under the Policy, to ensure transparency (administrative specification may be addressed in Procedures Guide component).

g.   Schedule 2, Partnerships Invitation and Opportunities Guidelines: Determine how to provide Councillors with greater visibility regarding the event tickets received by Council, and who is attending the events via these tickets (administrative specification may be addressed in Procedures Guide component).

·      Angela Jones-Blayney agreed to contact Clr Bradley after the meeting to obtain any further feedback, due to technical difficulties.

·      The Committee provisionally supported for the draft Policy to be put to Council to seek endorsement for public exhibition, with the incorporation of the recommendations. The Committee requested to receive for final consideration a track changes version of the updated draft, prior to reporting to Council.


Next Meeting Date: TBC


Meeting Closed:  6:06 PM