Supplementary Agenda A & B PUBLIC AGENDA


An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in PHIVE (COUNCIL CHAMBER)  COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 5 PARRAMATTA SQUARE, PARRAMATTA on Monday, 13 May 2024 at 6.30PM.





Gail Connolly PSM






















Council                                                                  13 May 2024







ITEM                                                       SUBJECT                                                           PAGE NO



8        Minutes of the Lord Mayor

8.1            'PARRAMATTA 2050' - A Long Term Strategic Vision for Our City.................. 3

8.2            City of Parramatta Welcomes the ABC to its New Home..... 6

8.3            One Minute of Silence Against Violence.................. 8

8.4            Warami Program.. 10

8.5            Vale John Minns, Father of the Premier of NSW, the Hon. Chris Minns MP.... 13

8.6            Vale Councillor Tony Bleasdale OAM, Mayor of Blacktown City Council.......... 15

8.7            Vale Beryl Engel, Former Parramatta City Councillor...... 17

9        Public Forum

9.1            PUBLIC FORUM 1: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City. 19

9.2            PUBLIC FORUM 2: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City. 23

9.3            PUBLIC FORUM 3: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City. 24

9.4            PUBLIC FORUM 4: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City. 26

9.5            PUBLIC FORUM 5: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City. 27

15      Questions with Notice

15.1          Questions Taken on Notice at the 22 April 2024 Council Meeting................. 28

16      Confidential Matters

16.2          LATE REPORT: Status Update on MyWorkplace Project (9 Wentworth Street, Parramatta)

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.





Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER        8.1

SUBJECT                 'PARRAMATTA 2050' - A Long Term Strategic Vision for Our City

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09424165

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Accessible, Fair, Green, Innovative, Thriving and Welcoming


workshop/briefing dateS:  28 October 2023, 4 March 2024, 20 March 2024, 2 APRIL 2024, 15 APril 2024, 29 April 2024



To commend to Council the City of Parramatta’s Parramatta 2050 long term strategic vision document on tonight’s agenda and to seek endorsement for the public exhibition of this document.




(a)    That Council note that the City of Parramatta’s Parramatta 2050 vision is on tonight’s agenda, and that it proposes a long-term strategic vision that guides our City’s future and secures Parramatta’s position as a global city;


(b)    That Council note that with the Chamber’s endorsement, Parramatta 2050 will now go on public exhibition to seek feedback from our business and residential communities and other stakeholders; and


(c)    That Council acknowledge the extraordinary enthusiasm and hard work of the Council officers during the research and preparation stage of the vision document and thank them for their commitment to helping make the City of Parramatta a successful global city for current and future generations.




1.     Since June 2023, Council has been working on a strategy to guide the evolution of our City over the next 30 years and secure Parramatta’s global city status.


2.     Parramatta 2050 is unlike anything Council has done before. It charts a course for Parramatta’s transformation designed to survive successive Councils and State and Federal Governments and has the potential to be this Chamber’s single biggest legacy to our community.


3.     This strategy delivers a bold long-term vision for our City – one that leverages its natural assets and strengths, identifies the big opportunities and lays out the investment and enablers needed to make them reality.


4.     Parramatta has always been an important gathering place – from 60,000 years ago for our First Nations people to today where it’s now a meeting place for the world. More than half of our community were born overseas and have chosen Parramatta as the place to start their next chapter.


5.     With this strategy, we want to build a City that will encourage more individuals, families, businesses and industries to start their story in Parramatta. It pitches Parramatta as a place where people can gather to share their ideas and collaborate, create great things and accelerate their growth.


6.     Parramatta 2050 is underpinned by six city-shaping initiatives – building blocks for a better, bolder tomorrow. From establishing Parramatta as Western Sydney’s job engine to becoming the most globally connected university city in the nation and an epicentre of creativity. It envisions a future built around five key precincts – each with their own unique identity and jobs focus and linked by world-class transport connected to Greater Sydney and beyond.


7.     Fundamentally, Parramatta 2050 is about thinking beyond our shores, positioning Parramatta for a global audience and asking others to champion this work to their networks.


8.     Some will question why it’s important to our community to have a presence on the world stage. It’s important because it brings a world of opportunity to our doorstep and ensures our kids and grandkids grow up knowing that in Parramatta, anything is possible.


9.     In September, I will complete 25 years’ service on Council. In that time, I’ve seen huge city-shaping initiatives like the development of Parramatta Square grow from a kernel of an idea to a multi-billion-dollar precinct with a growing presence of some of Australia’s biggest businesses and government agencies. The Square had its sceptics in the early days. I’m sure this will too. The view from these windows tonight is a reminder never to under-estimate the power of Parramatta.


10.   Delivering a bold vision for our City’s next chapter will be our proudest achievement as a Council. But this is far from our vision alone. Parramatta 2050 reflects the collective thoughts of this Chamber, Council’s dedicated staff and some of the brightest minds of our generation across many different industries and sectors. Collaboration is a hallmark of this vision and the fundamental force behind its creation.


11.   I want to acknowledge all Councillors for their considered input and their commitment to maintaining the momentum we have built for our City’s transformation. With the support of this Chamber tonight, it will be over to you – our community – to have your say on what Parramatta will look like in 2050 and how we want to be seen in the eyes of the world.


12.   This Minute therefore proposes that:


a.     That Council note that the City of Parramatta’s Parramatta 2050 vision is on tonight’s agenda, and that it proposes a long-term strategic vision that guides our City’s future and secures Parramatta’s position as a global city;


b.     That Council note that with the Chamber’s endorsement, Parramatta 2050 will now go on public exhibition to seek feedback from our business and residential communities and other stakeholders; and


c.      That Council acknowledge the extraordinary enthusiasm and hard work of the Council officers during the research and preparation stage of the vision document and thank them for their commitment to making City of Parramatta a successful global city for current and future generations.




13.   There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER        8.2

SUBJECT                 City of Parramatta Welcomes the ABC to its New Home

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09435893

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Welcoming


workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to welcome the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) to Parramatta, the home of its new broadcasting hub.




(a)    That Council welcome the ABC to Parramatta, where it will broadcast local news and radio from its new state-of-the-art hub in Parramatta Square; and


(b)    That Council note that the move to Parramatta will enhance the ABC’s presence in the nation’s fastest growing residential region, boosting its effectiveness in Greater Western Sydney.




1.     On 6 May 2024 the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) officially opened its new state-of-the-art broadcast facility in Parramatta, which will house local news and radio services.


2.     An event to mark the opening of ABC Parramatta was led by ABC Chair Kim Williams AM, ABC Managing Director David Anderson, and Member for Parramatta Dr Andrew Charlton MP. Other dignitaries included City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber, State Member for Parramatta Donna Davis MP, Executive Director of Business Western Sydney David Borger, members of the ABC Leadership Team and key members of the ABC’s content and support teams.


3.     ABC Chair Kim Williams said the new ABC Parramatta, located at 6-8 Parramatta Square, “will serve as a model for the ABC in the future; a sophisticated technology facility that promotes new production practices with agile content sharing and distribution.”


4.     The relocation to Western Sydney is a key part of the commitment outlined in the ABC’s Five-Year Plan to see 75% of content makers working outside its Ultimo head office by 2025.


5.     Mornings on ABC Radio Sydney was the first show to broadcast from the new facility, with key ABC Sydney presenters now live on-air from the site with ABC News, Audio and Digital teams to join them over the next few months.


6.     Council formally welcomes the ABC to Parramatta, which will increase the national broadcaster’s presence in the nation’s fastest growing residential region, boosting the ABC’s effectiveness in Greater Western Sydney.





7.     There are no financial implications from this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




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Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 8.3


ITEM NUMBER        8.3

SUBJECT                 One Minute of Silence Against Violence

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09436753

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Accessible


workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to note the upcoming ‘One Minute of Silence Against Violence’ candlelight vigil to be held in honour of victims and survivors of domestic and family violence (DFV), as well as acknowledge Council’s efforts to combat DFV in the Parramatta LGA.





(a)    That Council note the ‘One Minute of Silence Against Violence’ candlelight vigil on Thursday 23 May 2024 to be held in honour of victims and survivors of DFV, organised by Cumberland Women’s Health Centre (CWHC) and Cumberland Parramatta DFV Interagency.


(b)    That Council acknowledge its multifaceted efforts to combat domestic and family violence in partnership with local services, including City of Parramatta’s 2022-2025 Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Action Plan.


(c)    That Council acknowledge recent landmark legislative reform DFV funding increases of $230 million in State government funding and more than $900 million in Federal government funding.


(d)    That the Lord Mayor advocate for local DFV service providers serving the Parramatta LGA to receive their fair share of this funding by writing to:


a.  The Hon. Jodie Harrison MP, State Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,


b.  Senator the Hon. Katy Gallagher, Federal Minister for Women; and


c.   The Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP, Minister for Social Services.


(e)    That Council observes one minute of silence to mourn those tragically killed by domestic and family violence.




1.     Nearly 1 in 4 women and 1 in 8 men in Australia have experienced violence by an intimate partner or family member since the age of 15 (ABS Personal Safety Survey). According to the NSW Council of Social Service, there are approximately 2,500 domestic violence reports made to police every month in NSW, however underreporting means that true rates of DFV are likely to be much higher. DFV has an estimated $22 billion impact on the economy every year (KPMG Report: The Cost of Violence Against Women and Their Children in Australia).


2.     On Thursday 23 May at 5.30pm in Centenary Square, Cumberland Women’s Health Centre (CWHC) and Cumberland Parramatta DFV Interagency will hold a candlelight vigil of ‘One Minute of Silence Against Violence’. Participants will light candles in remembrance of victims of DFV, standing in solidarity with survivors. Supported by City of Parramatta, the vigil provides a space to reflect, mourn and reaffirm our community’s dedication to ending DFV. It is a time to mourn those killed by DFV and stand with victim-survivors against DFV.


3.     City of Parramatta works closely with community groups, local businesses, NSW Police and government agencies to respond to and prevent DFV in our community. City of Parramatta’s 2022-2025 Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Action Plan outlines how Council responds and works to prevent DFV within Council workplaces and the broader community. The Action Plan was informed by the national framework for the primary prevention of violence against women, Change the Story, as well as consultation with Council staff, government agencies, young people, local community organisations and volunteer-based groups.


4.     Council’s activities in this space also include:


a.  In November-December each year, Council partners with local services to deliver a month of activities to commemorate the international campaign, ‘16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence’. The annual campaign officially starts on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November), and finishes on International Human Rights Day (10 December).


b.  Love Bites is a Respectful Relationships Education Program for young people aged 15-17 years old. It consists of two interactive workshops, one on Relationship Violence and one on Sex and Relationships, followed by creative workshops and community campaigns.




5.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.


Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




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Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 8.4


ITEM NUMBER        8.4

SUBJECT                 Warami Program

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09437650

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Welcoming


workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to recognise City of Parramatta’s Warami program, an exploration of First Nations history, music, food, dance, and traditions in Parramatta, and observe National Sorry Day (26 May 2024), National Reconciliation Week (27 May-3 June 2024) and NAIDOC Week (7-14 July 2024).




(a)    That Council recognise City of Parramatta’s Warami program from 26 May-13 July 2024, featuring First Nations focused events and activities held during National Sorry Day (26 May 2024), National Reconciliation Week (27 May-3 June 2024) and NAIDOC Week (7-14 July 2024).


(b)    That Council acknowledge the Stolen Generations on National Sorry Day (26 May 2024) from 10am-2pm at Old Government House, an opportunity to reflect on the stories of the Stolen Generations and acknowledge the complexities of Parramatta’s historical interactions with First Nations people.


(c)    That Council celebrate Stories Under the Stars, a new family-friendly event from 3-7pm on 1 June 2024 by the Parramatta River, featuring an outdoor cinema showing a First Nations-produced film, a glow-in-the-dark artwork installation, storytelling, markets, music and more.


(d)    That Council acknowledge Burramatta NAIDOC Day, a major outdoor concert and celebration in Parramatta Park on 13 July 2024 from 10am-4pm.


(e)    That Council note City of Parramatta’s First Nations Strategy was recently launched on 2 May 2024 at Parramatta Town Hall, a demonstration of Council’s commitment to Dharug and other First Nations peoples and its ongoing partnerships to work to achieve meaningful and sustainable outcomes.




1.     City of Parramatta’s Warami program celebrates 60,000 years of Dharug and other First Nations culture with a program of events and activities from 26 May-13 July 2024. This includes observing National Sorry Day (26 May 2024) and celebrating National Reconciliation Week (27 May-3 June 2024) and NAIDOC Week (7-14 July 2024).


2.     Calling Parramatta home for over 60,000 years, Warami celebrates Dharug and other First Nations people’s connections to the land and communities. Named for a Dharug word meaning ‘good to see you’, the Warami program is an opportunity for people to immerse themselves in the history, traditions, art, music and culture of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


3.     National Sorry Day, or the National Day of Healing, is an annual event that has been held in Australia on 26 May since 1998. Warami begins with National Sorry Day on 26 May from 10am-2pm to acknowledge the Stolen Generations. The gathering at Old Government House will feature a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, workshops, performance and storytelling.


4.     Stories Under the Stars is a new family-friendly event during National Reconciliation Week, held on 1 June 2024 from 3-7pm on the Parramatta River foreshore, funded by the NSW Government. National Reconciliation Week’s theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, highlights the ongoing fight for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


5.     Stories Under the Stars’ outdoor cinema, supported by Optus, will show Araatika Rise Up!, a powerful First Nations-produced documentary that follows NRL star Dean Widders’ journey to create a new pre-game ceremony that celebrates Aboriginal cultures and counter racism in rugby league. The event will provide chances to meet Parramatta Eels legends and experience Parramatta’s first glow-in-the-dark laneway (78 Phillip Street). Activities also include:


a.  Daytime and Nighttime Astronomy Workshop presented by Powerhouse

b.  500 native plant giveaways

c.   Yilabara Path Laneway phosphorescent mural designed by Leanne Watson Redpath, Tina Barahanos and Alexandra Byrne.

d.  Poetry readings presented by Westwords

e.  Live music by First Nations artists

f.   Nursery song sing-a-longs in Dharug language with Merrilee McNaught, a Dharug woman of the Booreborangal mob

g.  Jannawi Dance Clan’s Indigenous Dance Workshops and Indigenous Facepainting for kids

h.  Basket Weaving Workshops

i.    Bush to Bowl’s Cooking Demo & “Bush Tucker” Talk

j.    Uncle Chris Tobin’s (Dharug Elder) yarn and Q&A on “How humans lived”


6.     Warami finishes with Burramatta NAIDOC Day on 13 July from 10am-4pm in The Crescent, Parramatta Park. Residents and visitors can enjoy food, live music, dances and stories, traditional arts and crafts workshops and a range of market stalls. The theme for 2024 National NAIDOC Week is ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud’, honouring the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture.


7.     In consultation with City of Parramatta’s First Nations Advisory Committee, key stakeholders, and the community, City of Parramatta Council have launched the First Nations Strategy on 2 May 2024 at Parramatta Town Hall. Following Council’s unanimous endorsement in December 2023, the Lord Mayor wrote to the Hon. Linda Burney MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon. David Harris MP, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty as well as all State and Federal Members of Parliament within the City of Parramatta regarding the completed First Nations Strategy.


8.     Building on Council’s Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan from 2017-2020, the First Nations Strategy provides a unique framework to advance the aspirations and voices of First Nations people. The five-year plan centres Dharug and other First Nations peoples and communities, setting new goals aligned in five Pillars: Social Justice, Cultural Leadership, Social Cohesion, Celebration, and Accountability.





9.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.


Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 8.5


ITEM NUMBER        8.5

SUBJECT                 Vale John Minns, Father of the Premier of NSW, the Hon. Chris Minns MP

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09437511

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Welcoming


workshop/briefing date:  Nil



The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to acknowledge the death of John Minns, a lifelong public school teacher and father of the Premier of NSW, the Hon. Chris Minns MP, and express Council’s sincere condolences to his family and friends.





(a)        That Council acknowledge the death of John Minns, former public school teacher of 45 years and father of the Premier of NSW the Hon. Chris Minns MP, on 1 May 2024.


(b)        That Council express its sincere condolences to John Minns’ family and friends at this sad time by writing to his son, the Premier of NSW, the Hon. Chris Minns MP.


(c)    That Council observe one minute of silence in recognition of John Minns.




1.     Born in 1952, John Minns worked as a public school teacher for 45 years, holding public education in high esteem. He was a lifelong member of the Australian Labor Party, and was publicly thanked by his son, the Hon. Chris Minns MP, Premier of NSW, in his inaugural parliamentary speech for introducing him to “the Labor tribe”. He said: “I also thank my mum and dad. I wish every kid could have the upbringing that I, my sister, Sarah, and brother, Jimmy, had—we lived in a family that sat, ate and talked together every night around the dinner table. They would all be encouraged to pursue their dreams in a home of unconditional love, help and support—and everyone would be forced to support the Labor Party.”


2.     Council expresses its sincere condolences to his wife Cara, children Chris, Sarah and Jim, grandchildren, extended family and friends at this sad time.




3.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.


Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 8.6


ITEM NUMBER        8.6

SUBJECT                 Vale Councillor Tony Bleasdale OAM, Mayor of Blacktown City Council

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09435932

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber        



CSP THEME: Welcoming


workshop/briefing date:  Nil



The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to acknowledge the death of Cr Tony Bleasdale OAM, a lifelong advocate for Western Sydney, and express Council’s sincere condolences to his family and friends.





(a)        That Council acknowledge the death of Cr Tony Bleasdale OAM, Mayor of Blacktown City Council from 1996-2024 and lifelong advocate for Western Sydney, on 3 May 2024.


(b)        That Council express its sincere condolences to Mayor Bleasdale’s family and friends at this sad time.



(c)        That Council note the Lord Mayor’s correspondence dated 3 May 2024 conveying Council’s deep condolences to Mayor Bleasdale’s family.


(d)    That Council observe one minute of silence in recognition of Mayor Bleasdale OAM.




1.     Councillor Tony Bleasdale OAM leaves a substantial legacy in the wake of his death on 3 May 2024, having made significant contributions across Western Sydney over many decades. In life, he was remembered as an engaging, generous and passionate community leader, a man of vision, drive, integrity and decency.


2.     Born in Liverpool, UK in 1963, Anthony John Bleasdale emigrated to Australia in 1963. Beginning employment as a bricklayer, he spent over four decades in construction, establishing a thriving labour hire business. He also held an unwavering commitment to the broader labour movement, becoming Assistant Secretary at the Building Workers Industrial Union (BWIU).


3.     He was elected to Blacktown City Council in 1996, becoming Mayor in 2019. His Mayoral legacy encompasses the $2 billion Blacktown Quarter project, in which he played a pivotal role in negotiations with Walker Corporation. He was also passionate about assisting disadvantaged constituents and advancing the aspirations of First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse people in his communities.


4.     He supported a range of charitable initiatives, including the Gynaecological Cancer Research Fund at Westmead Hospital, Blacktown Relay for Life by Cancer Council NSW, Schizophrenia Research Institute, Industry Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign and Mount Druitt Town Rangers Soccer Club.


5.     On Australia Day in 2010, he was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia by the Governor-General for service to the community as a supporter of charitable organisations and to local government in the Blacktown area.


6.     Council expresses its sincere condolences to his wife Nina, children, grandchildren, extended family and friends at this sad time.




7.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 8.7


ITEM NUMBER        8.7

SUBJECT                 Vale Beryl Engel, Former Parramatta City Councillor

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09437512

REPORT OF             Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber       



CSP THEME: Welcoming


workshop/briefing date: Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to acknowledge the death of Beryl Engel, a former Parramatta City Councillor from 1983 to 1995, and express Council’s sincere condolences to her family and friends.





(a)        That Council acknowledge the recent death of Beryl Engel, former Parramatta City Councillor from 1983-1995.


(b)        That Council express its sincere condolences to Beryl Engel’s family and friends at this sad time.


(c)    That Council observe one minute of silence in recognition of Beryl Engel.




1.     Beryl Engel served as a Parramatta City Councillor for Dundas Ward from 1983 to 1995.  In life, she was known to be very social and community minded, carrying out her civic duties on behalf of the people of Parramatta.


2.     Elected as a representative of ACE Independents, Ms Engel’s first Council meeting as an elected Councillor was the special meeting of Parramatta City Council on 4 October 1983.


3.     On her first term of Council, she was involved with the Staff Committee and Library Committee. In her second term from 1987, she served on the Works Committee, Parramatta Commercial Committee, Staff Committee, Parramatta Park Committee and Library Committee. In her third term from 1991, she was elected to the City of Parramatta Promotional and Tourist Centre, North-Western Transport and Town Planning Committee and Epping Commercial Centre Committee. She also served on the Epping Civic Trust.


4.     Council expresses its sincere condolences to her family and friends at this sad time.







5.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER        9.1

SUBJECT                 PUBLIC FORUM 1: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09446643        

FROM                       Greg Monaghan


Good evening my name is Greg Monaghan, President of Parramatta Leagues Club and Parramatta District Cricket Club.


Both Clubs proudly represent the City of Parramatta in their respective sports.


And, we already incorporate Parramatta in our names!


I congratulate Council on initiating this process towards a 2050 Vision. A great start.

From when I grew up on the Burnside Homes dairy farm in North Parramatta, to where City of Parramatta is now, Parramatta has been on an amazing journey.


Here, now, as the Draft says, we start a New Chapter towards being a truly Global City.


A vision which is entirely within reach.


With my connections to cricket and rugby league in this city, it will come as no surprise that my attention is drawn to Parramatta as the Home of Festivals, Sports and Entertainment.


In Rugby League,


·        Parra Leagues and Eels are well placed to play a leading role in Western Sydney growth.


·        Combined Membership across Leagues and Football Club of 100K financial members


·        The Eels are the most widely supported Sydney-based club, with a Fanbase of 810,000


·        Parra Leagues is largest financial contributor for community sport in the City of Parramatta


·        $2.3m invested by Leagues and Football Clubs in junior sport and local community in 2023


·        Parra Leagues has 3 major venues - Parramatta, Dundas and Dural – more are planned


·        Major investment by Leagues and Football club in female sport especially Rugby League – participation numbers doubled in under 3 years, and also of course cricket


·        Clearly the Eels are the biggest sporting team in Western Sydney and the City’s own

·        An Eels home game generates more economic activity in the CBD than any other sporting team


·        We provide Western Sydney’s best game-day experience at Commbank Stadium, average attendance 21,500


How can we better, what is already an amazing contribution??


The Parra Group supports the Vision of Parramatta as a premier national and global destination for sports, conventions, and year-round festivals.


PLC and Eels want to see the sports entertainment precinct at Commbank and the Leagues Club become a world class destination, for an even more exciting game day experience for all users of CommBank.


And more so, a fabulous destination its own right, a gateway to the sports precinct from the emerging Parramatta North, comprising restaurants and bars, e sports, gymnasium, youth hub with Eels support front and centre, and live entertainment modelled on the best around the globe including Texas Live and the Battery.


A place which will add to the Parramatta Night-time economy and purple flag aspirations.


One which will attract local residents, Australian visitors, and international tourism.


This our Vision, a journey we are just commencing.


Parramatta Cricket aims to complement this Vision through the exciting development of Richie Benaud Oval.


·        Richie Benaud was and is the most globally recognised sportsman to emerge from the City of Parramatta. His name is revered around the cricket playing world, second only to Don Bradman.


·        Our Cricket Club is a powerhouse of development of male and female cricket talent from all backgrounds and a powerful force for inclusion.


·        With thousands of cricket players enjoying grass roots cricket in our Cricket Association, the Parramatta Club is home to the stars of today, and the stars of tomorrow.


·        Parramatta’s population has expanded enormously, and will continue to do so, with cricket loving peoples especially from South Asia. There is a great chance the next Usman Khawaja can come from Parramatta, young stars like Patrick Xie, Advith Boreddy and Zoya Thakur.


·        The City of Parramatta’s first turf cricket wicket and Hall of Fame at Richie Benaud Oval is envisioned to be a great complement to Cricket NSW’s complex at Silverwater and enable our young stars to proudly represent Parramatta both locally and overseas.


·        Our feeder Academies already travel to Regional NSW, interstate, internationally especially India, and next, to the Caribbean. We plan to host reciprocal tours here in Parramatta.


·        Richie Benaud Oval will play host to touring interstate and international Academies. It can host interdistrict representative matches. With lighting, it can host night-time T20s, Representative Womens and potentially some WBBL.


·        The Hall of Fame will celebrate Parramatta’s sporting talent from all sports and attract visitors keen to support teams or simply to view the Parramatta sporting heroes AV tributes.


Parra Eels, Leagues, and Cricket will be leading forces for Festivals, Sports and Entertainment to Parramatta.


It will attract visitation from locals and internationally, boost the nighttime economy and provide the amenity the new high rise in Parramatta North will need.


It will be a Western Sydney jobs engine, a key generator of employment.


This is our planned contribution, aligned to the 2050 Vision.


Of course we cannot do all this alone.


We will need powerful strategic partnerships and most importantly, we need the alignment and support of Council and Government.


Council’s draft 2050 Vision Statement, and our plans, fit like a hand in a glove.


Congratulations once again to Council on taking this initiative!


We look forward to further Community and stakeholder consultation and to working together to deliver the Final Vision.



There is no staff response.



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Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 9.2


ITEM NUMBER        9.2

SUBJECT                 PUBLIC FORUM 2: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09446678        

FROM                       Kerri Glasscock


I wish to speak before you this evening in relation to Item 13.3 Parramatta 2050 for consideration at tonight’s Council meeting.


Parramatta 2050 is an important document for City of Parramatta. The strategic directions ‘gather’, ‘create’ and ‘accelerate’ feel genuine and authentic to Parramatta. The city shaping initiatives ‘Epicentre of Creativity’ and ‘Home of Festivals, Sports and Entertainment’ has great potential to put Parramatta on the map for events and festivals. There is a great opportunity here to leverage Parramatta’s key assets, including the Parramatta River and its parklands, for events and festivals in particular.


Parramatta is waiting to be the festival capital of NSW and it is already event-ready. The Parramatta CBD is walkable and it has the right infrastructure at the right size to support a range of festivals and events. The Parramatta CBD also feels contained, similar to Adelaide CBD, and into the future will have the benefit of being easily accessible by the Metro and Light Rail. This means that people will be able to get to and from Parramatta’s events and festivals with ease.


There is also an opportunity to collaborate closely to find more permanent uses for heritage buildings in terms of arts and culture. Having safeguarded assets dedicated to creative industries will encourage the private sector to locate in Parramatta and ultimately increase the density of creatives for the City – which has enormous benefits!


I feel excited about the future of this City and the significant role that events and festivals will play in shaping it.




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Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 9.3


ITEM NUMBER        9.3

SUBJECT                 PUBLIC FORUM 3: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09446693       

FROM                       Aunty Ros




·        Dharug background/story …


Points for Council meeting


·        Parramatta is already home to some of the State’s most exciting projects – Metro West, Parramatta Light Rail and the Powerhouse Parramatta.


·        Now it has a vision that will guide its transformation to a truly global City of more than 500,000 people by 2050.


·        Parramatta 2050 invites people to start their story at Parramatta – whether that is as an individual, a family, a business or an industry – and spells out the opportunities on offer.


·        This vision leverages the city’s assets like its diverse community, its river, its proximity to two international airports and its growing public transport network and will help Council advocate for strategic investment where it makes most sense.


·        Importantly, it outlines Council’s commitment for the City to become a world leader in First Nations partnerships.


·        This initiative seeks to establish partnerships between Council and Dharug People, the Traditional Owners of the land, waterways and skies we call City of Parramatta today. It also commits to supporting other Government agencies in developing their relationships with First Nations People, as well as critical pieces of First Nations cultural infrastructure within Parramatta.


·        It invites new partnerships with both State and Federal levels of government to work together to collectively advance the position of Parramatta within Australia.


·        It paints a picture for what Parramatta can become and the game changing initiatives that will set that journey in motion.


·        It shows long-term thinking and Council’s commitment to building a better, bolder tomorrow for its community. 





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Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 9.4


ITEM NUMBER        9.4

SUBJECT                 PUBLIC FORUM 4: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09446776        

FROM                       Adam Leto


I’d like to congratulate the City of Parramatta on its Draft Parramatta 2050 vision, which not only sets a clear, long-term plan for the city, but builds on Parramatta’s reputation as a leader in local government.


Importantly, this strategic vision will play a key role in establishing Parramatta as a global city, and with an impressive, and ambitious agenda, that is matched by a coherent and practical approach to delivery, Parramatta 2050 will provide a valuable roadmap, helping drive investment, inform critical decisions and advocate for positive change.


The vision also helps articulate, and promote, the city’s identity, as well as some of its key assets like its diverse community, river, proximity to two international airports and growing public transport network, while also looking at how these strengths can be better leveraged in order to deliver improved social and economic outcomes for current, and future residents.


In capturing the important, and distinct areas that make up the City of Parramatta, the

document spells out the many opportunities that are on offer, which is supported by a

commitment to partner with government, industry and communities.


As one of the stakeholders that was briefed, as part of the development of Draft Parramatta 2050 Vision, I’d like to commend the City of Parramatta Councillors, Ms Gail Connolly and all of the staff, for their professionalism, in delivering this impressive piece of work, which is critical in helping the City plan, manage and respond to the growth opportunities that will emerge across the region, over the coming decades.




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Council 13 May 2024                                      Item 9.5


ITEM NUMBER        9.5

SUBJECT                 PUBLIC FORUM 5: Item 13.3 - 'Parramatta 2050' - A
Long Term Strategic Vision for the City

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09446736        

FROM                       David Borger


I am writing on behalf of Business Western Sydney to express our support for the "Parramatta 2050" strategic vision, a bold blueprint designed to transform Parramatta into a global hub of innovation, culture, and sustainable urban development.


Parramatta 2050 articulates a strong vision for the city’s future, positioning it as Western Sydney’s leading global city and a central player in regional governance. With its focus on creating 150,000 new jobs, enhancing the night-time economy, and strengthening its status as a cultural epicentre, the strategy outlines key initiatives that promise to reshape our urban landscape.


As Western Sydney’s job engine, the plan to foster significant employment opportunities across diverse sectors—including a world-leading Health and Innovation District in Westmead and North Parramatta and a Headquarters District in the CBD—is especially commendable. These initiatives will not only cater to our growing population but also help to attract global businesses and talents to our city.


The commitment to enhancing Parramatta’s cultural fabric through projects like the new contemporary art gallery and the development of live music venues, alongside the expansion of the Riverside Theatres and Powerhouse Parramatta, will enrich our community's cultural life and boost the local economy.


The vision to transform Parramatta into the E-sports capital of Australia, coupled with the development of a multi-purpose indoor arena, positions our city at the forefront of modern sports and entertainment industries. This, together with the continuous green corridor from Lake Parramatta to Sydney Olympic Park, exemplifies a model for sustainable urban development that other cities can emulate.


On behalf of Business Western Sydney, I commend the City of Parramatta l for their foresight and dedication in crafting this strategy. We are eager to support and participate in the public consultation process to refine and realise this plan. Together, we can ensure that Parramatta not only meets its ambitious goals but also exceeds them, benefiting everyone who calls Western Sydney home.




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Council 13 May 2024                                    Item 15.1


ITEM NUMBER        15.1

SUBJECT                 Questions Taken on Notice at the 22 April 2024 Council Meeting

REFERENCE            F2024/00282 - D09418248

REPORT OF             Council Secretariat & Policy Officer        






Councillor Garrard asked a question in relation to Item 8.1 Condolence – Bondi Junction Westfield Tragedy.


·    Could Councillors please be provided with the balance of the Lord Mayor’s Grants and Donations Budget?


Chief of Staff Response:


The balance of this budget as at 1 May 2024 is $8,000.



Councillor Garrard asked a question in relation to Item 8.4 Congratulations to Parramatta and District Historical Society for the Hambledon Cottage Bicentenary Event.


·    Can Council promote and advertise significant events in the primary community language newspapers?


Executive Director City Engagement and Experience Response:


Council currently promotes certain events and campaigns, where appropriate, in languages other than English.  Council staff can include the cost of advertising in our signature events (Parramatta Lanes, Lunar New Year, New Years Eve and Australia Day) for in-language advertising and promotion in newspapers and other channels for the 2024/25 program if required. However, research indicates that it is more cost effective, and better reach into the local community can be achieved, by promoting on local social media pages with direct connections to the Parramatta community. The most appropriate languages will be selected for each campaign but generally include Hindi, Simplified Chinese, Mandarin, Korean and Arabic.


Councillor Darley asked a question in relation to Item 13.1 DEFERRED REPORT FROM OCM 8 APRIL 2024: Public Exhibition of Draft Sportsground Allocation Policy 2024.

·    There’s been two rounds of funding both at a State and Federal level in regard to improving female teams having access to sports fields and amenities, I’m wondering if we have applied for them? One was a Level the Playing Field in NSW for $31 million and the other is Play our Way which is a Federal program for $200 million?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


NSW Office of Sport’s Level the Playing Field Program:  applications submitted for Doyle Ground Sports Facility Improvements Stage 2 ($2m) and Belmore Park Sports Field and Cricket Facility Upgrade Stage 1 ($2m).


Federal Dept of Health and Aged Care – Play Our Way Program: applications were submitted to Facilities Stream – Parks & Open Space (Doyle Ground Sports Facility Improvements Stage 2 ($1.5m) and Participation & Equipment Stream – Recreation and Facilities Team (The Daughters and Dads Active and Empower Program ($123,000).


The outcomes of the grant applications are not yet known.





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