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Parramatta Local Planning Panel

Tuesday, 21 May 2024













Level 3, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta



Julie Walsh (Chairperson)

Steve Driscoll (Expert Member)

Michael Evesson (Expert Member)

James Cowie (Community Member)



Development Assessment Manager – Claire Stephens, Team Leader, Development Assessment - Sara Smith, Team Leader, Development Assessment - Jonathan Cleary, Team Leader Development Assessment - Alicia Hunter, Senior Development Manager - Belinda Borg, Senior Development Assessment Officer - Denise Fernandez, Development Assessment Officer - Mathu Stephen, Group Manager Major Projects and Precincts - David Birds, Team Leader Land Use Planning - Roy Laria, Senior Project Officer – Simon Coleman, Team Leader Land Use Planning - Carmel O’Connor, Land Use Planning Manager – Michael Rogers, Senior Project Officer - Amberley Moore, Team Leader City Projects - Mark Dillon, Work Experience Student – Joshua Qullotto,  Governance Officer (minute secretary) – Neeli Sharma



The Chairperson, acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional land owners of land in Parramatta and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.



The Chairperson advised that this public meeting is being recorded. The recording will be archived and made available on Council’s website.



There were no apologies made to this Local Planning Panel.



There were no declarations of interest made to this Local Planning Panel.



The meeting commenced at 3.30 pm. The Chair invited registered speakers to address the Parramatta Local Planning Panel (‘the Panel’) on the item listed below:



Item number


Asher Richardson


150-152 Briens Road, NORTHMEAD

NSW 2152 (Lot 111 in DP 1160038)

James Webb



150-152 Briens Road, NORTHMEAD

NSW 2152 (Lot 111 in DP 1160038)

Janine Steele



10/11 Blaxland Avenue, NEWINGTON

NSW 2127 (Lot 40 SP 58861)

Gabor Szathmari


10/11 Blaxland Avenue, NEWINGTON

NSW 2127 (Lot 40 SP 58861)

Kyle Leong


10/11 Blaxland Avenue, NEWINGTON

NSW 2127 (Lot 40 SP 58861)

Mitchell Favaloro


Gateway Request -Planning Proposal

for land at 31 O'Connell Street and 9

Albert Street, North Parramatta

Nicholas Byrnes


Gateway Request -Planning Proposal

for land at 31 O'Connell Street and 9

Albert Street, North Parramatta

Emily Jacobsson



Gateway Request - Planning Proposal

for land at 31 O'Connell Street and 9

Albert Street, North Parramatta

Adam Coburn



Gateway Request - Parramatta CBD

Supplementary Matters Planning


David Cullen


Gateway Request - Planning Proposal

for land at 53-61 Rawson St, Epping

Jordan Faeghi



Gateway Request - Planning Proposal

for land at 53-61 Rawson St, Epping



5.     Reports - development applications


SUBJECT        OUTSIDE PUBLIC MEETING: 150-152 Briens Road, NORTHMEAD NSW 2152 (Lot 111 in DP 1160038)


DESCRIPTION Construction and use of multi-unit industrial warehouse and ancillary offices, storage premises, carparking & signage. The application is Nominated Integrated Development under the Water Management Act 2000.


APPLICANT/S Hannas Contracting Services Pty LTD


OWNERS         Briens River Pty Ltd


REPORT OF    Group Manager Development and Traffic Services





(a)    That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel, exercising the function of the consent authority, grant deferred commencement development consent to DA/19/2023 for the construction and use of multi-unit industrial warehouse and ancillary offices, storage premises, carparking and signage subject to the conditions in the Council Officer’s report with the deletion of conditions 40 (e) and 53 for the following reasons:


1.    The development is permissible in the IN1 General Industrial zone pursuant to the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 and satisfies the requirements of all applicable planning standards controls.

2.    The development will protect the natural environment.

3.    The development will not adversely impact on the visual character of the area.

4.    For the reasons given above, approval of the application is in the public interest.


(b)    That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel, approve the Clause 4.6 variation to the Height for the following reasons:


1.    The departure representing a variation of 21.5% from the standard is reasonable and allows for a transition of height that is sympathetic with the existing topography whilst providing good urban design and an appropriate building platform.

2.    The departure does not result in adverse amenity impacts to adjoining developments and to the reserve.

3.    Despite the departure the development remains generally consistent with the controls and provisions of DCP 2011.

4.    The variation to the height does not result in unreasonable perception of bulk and scale.


(c)    That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel, approve the Clause 4.6 variation to the FSR for the following reasons:


1.    The variation is a 2.5% departure to the standard and is minor in this instance and is a result of floor area located within the basement which does not unreasonably result in a bulky development.

2.    The development remains generally compliant with building setbacks, articulation, landscaping and good urban design so that any exceedance in FSR is negligible on the streetscape and neighbouring developments.

3.    The minor departure to the FSR does not result in unreasonable vehicular or pedestrian traffic that would otherwise be expected for similar developments within this location.

4.    The minor variation to the FSR does not result in unreasonable overshadowing of adjoining development or to the reserve, loss of amenity to neighbouring developments or loss of views.







SUBJECT        PUBLIC MEETING: 10/11 Blaxland Avenue, NEWINGTON NSW 2127 (Lot 40 SP 58861)


DESCRIPTION Change of use of an existing room within the dwelling for a home business


APPLICANT/S Kah Seng Leong


OWNERS         Kah Seng Leong


REPORT OF    Group Manager Development and Traffic Services





(a)       That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel exercising the functions of Council as the consent authority, grant development consent to DA/731/2023 on land at 10/11 Blaxland Road Newington, subject to the conditions of consent in the Council Officer’s report amended as follows:


1.  The consent is for a trial period of 12 months only. The applicant should it wish to continue the use, shall lodge a new development application no later than ten (10) months of the date of this consent.


2.  Condition 10 shall be replaced with the following condition:

All preparation, cooking, and storage of ingredients shall occur wholly within the kitchen which has a floor area of 8.4 square metres.


3.  Add the following words at the end of Conditions 2 and 6:

This consent does not authorise the carrying out of any works to the common property of the strata plan. If any such works are required, a separate development application with written owner’s consent of the Owners Corporation of the strata plan is required.


(b)       That the submitters are advised of the decision.




Subject to the amendments to the conditions set above the development application is acceptable for approval for the following reasons:


1.  The development is permissible in the R4 High Density zone pursuant to Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 and satisfies the requirements of the applicable planning framework.


2.  The development will be compatible with the emerging and planned future character of the area.


3.  The development will promote land use that provides a facility to meet the day-to-day needs of Parramatta Council occupants.


4.  The proposal provides non-residential land use where any amenity impacts that can be appropriately managed.


5.  The development is in the public interest because it is consistent with the objectives of development in the R4 High Density zone.













6.     Reports – planning proposals


SUBJECT        Gateway Request - Planning Proposal for land at 31 O'Connell Street and 9 Albert Street, North Parramatta


APPLICANT/S Peterose Pty Ltd


OWNERS         Peterose Pty Ltd


REPORT OF    Senior Project Officer





The Local Planning Panel advises as follows:


(a)      That Council approve for the purposes of seeking a Gateway determination, the Planning Proposal for land at 31 O’Connell Street and 9 Albert Street, North Parramatta, which seeks the following amendments to Parramatta Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2023:

1)   Increase the Height of Buildings control from part 21 metres, part 28 metres and part 66 metres to part 0 metres, part 30 metres, part 53 metres and part 77 metres (maximum height of approximately 22 storeys).

2)   Increase the Floor Space Ratio control from part 2.4:1 and part

3.3:1 to 3.9:1.


(b)      That Council request the applicant to update the following documents, in accordance with this report, prior to the Planning Proposal being placed on public exhibition:

1)   Traffic Impact Assessment

2)   Stormwater Management Plan


(c)      That Council request the DPHI to provide Council with delegation to exercise its plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal.


(d)      That Council approve the draft site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) for the purposes of public exhibition with the Planning Proposal.


(e)      That a Planning Agreement be prepared in accordance with the applicant’s Letter of Offer at Attachment 12 and placed on public exhibition with the Planning Proposal and site-specific DCP.


(f)       That Council authorise the CEO to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that arise during the plan-making process.









SUBJECT        Gateway Request - Parramatta CBD Supplementary Matters Planning Proposal


APPLICANT/S City of Parramatta Council


OWNERS         Multiple landowners


REPORT OF    Senior Project Officer





The Local Planning Panel advises as follows:


(a)      That Council approve the recommended pathways for resolving the outstanding “Orange Matters” arising from the exhibition of the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal, as detailed in the table at Attachment 1.

(b)      That Council approve the Parramatta CBD Supplementary Matters Planning Proposal at Attachment 2, subject to it being updated to include “creative industries” as permitted with consent in the E2 Commercial Centre zone, for the purpose of seeking a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

(c)      That Council advise the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure that the CEO will be seeking to exercise its plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal, as authorised by Council on 26 November 2012.

(d)      That Council delegates authority to the CEO to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that arise during the plan-making process.

(e)      That Council resolve to prepare a separate strategic precinct planning proposal for the Westfield site at 142 and 171 Church Street, Parramatta, given its strategic significance to the Parramatta CBD, and that Council officers prepare further urban design, land use and economic analysis to inform the policy framework for this planning proposal.







SUBJECT        Gateway Request - Planning Proposal for land at 53-61 Rawson St, Epping




OWNERS         Canjs Pty Ltd


REPORT OF    Project Officer Land Use





The Local Planning Panel advises the following:


a)       That Council approve for the purposes of seeking a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI), the Planning Proposal for land at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping (Attachment 1) which seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) in relation to the subject site by:

i.   Introducing an additional local provision to allow an additional Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 1.5:1 for commercial premises only (proposed mapping provided at Attachment 2).

ii.   Amending the height of buildings control from 48m (15 storeys) to part 103m RL (22m or 5 storeys), part 197m RL (112m or 33 storeys) and part 206m RL (122m or 36 storeys) (proposed mapping provided at Attachment 2).


b)       That Council request the DPHI to provide Council with the authorisation to exercise its plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal.


c)       That Council authorise the CEO:

i.   To amend the Parramatta Development Control Plan (PDCP) in accordance with the draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan (SSDCP) (Attachment 3) to align with the Planning Proposal and to address the matters described in this report; and

ii.   If a Gateway Determination is issued by DPHI, to place the draft SSDCP on public exhibition concurrently with the Planning Proposal.


d)       That Council authorise the CEO to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan-making process and finalisation of the documents.








The meeting terminated at 4.10pm.


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