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Ordinary Council Meeting

Monday, 11 March 2024










Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Angie Humphries (online), Cameron MacLean, Paul Noack, Sameer Pandey, Deputy Lord Mayor, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.




Chief Executive Officer - Gail Connolly, Executive Director City Engagement and Experience - Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director Finance and Information - John Angilley, Executive Director City Planning and Design - Jennifer Concato, Executive Director Community Services - Jonathan Greig, Executive Director City Assets & Operations - George Bounassif, Chief Technology Officer - John Crawford, Chief Financial Officer - Amit Sharma, General Manager City Strategic Planning – Robert Cologna, Group Manager Social & Community Services-David Moutou, Acting Chief People Culture and Performance Officer – Brendan Clifton, ICT Strategy and Partnering Manager - Ian Vong, ICT Service Desk Team Leader - Alex Picone, ICT Service Desk Officer- Efty Dewan, Media Officer-Ash Gautam, Business Support Coordinator – Kate Tanner and Executive Assistance to CEO – Valance Horne.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, opened the meeting at 6:48PM.




The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.




The Lord Mayor advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.




As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.






RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Bradley

That Councillor Humphries be permitted to attend this meeting by audio-visual link.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 26 February 2024



RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:        Questions were taken on notice for Item 6 – Confirmation of Minutes by Councillor Darley.




There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.




RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

That in accordance with Section 13 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the Order of Business be amended to deal with the following items by exception


·            Item 13.1 Council Policies for Rescission – Stormwater Disposal Policy 2020

·            Item 13.2 Public Exhibition of Draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy

·            Item 15.1 QwN Funds and Voluntary Planning Agreements Remitted to Council After the 2016 Council Amalgamations - Wentworth Point

·            Item 15.2 LATE REPORT: Questions Taken on Notice at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 February 2024


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Council Policies for Rescission: Stormwater Disposal Policy 2020

(Report of Policy Officer)



RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack


That Council approve the immediate rescission of the Stormwater Disposal Policy 2020 (Policy 340).


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Public Exhibition of Draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy

(Report of Policy Officer)



RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack


(a)    That the draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.


(b)    That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to make any necessary editorial and content changes to the draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy for public exhibition to give effect to Council’s resolution.


(a)       That officers prepare a report to Council following the exhibition period to present the final Regulatory Enforcement Policy for adoption.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Funds and Voluntary Planning Agreements Remitted to Council After the 2016 Council Amalgamations - Wentworth Point

(Report of Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Dr Patricia Prociv)





1.     What Voluntary Planning Agreements for Wentworth Point, if any, were transferred from Auburn Council to the City of Parramatta Council at amalgamation?


2.     Did Council receive from the State Government any monetary contributions or assets for Wentworth Point?


3.     Please provide the value of the monetary (or other) contributions, how they were spent, and the assets delivered for Questions 1 and 2 above.


Executive Director, City Planning & Design and Executive Director, Finance & Information response:


At amalgamation (May 2016) City of Parramatta Council inherited two (2) Planning Agreements relating to Wentworth Point (as outlined in Table 1 below). Both Planning Agreements have been completed through delivery of assets by the relevant Developer as outlined in the Agreement. These assets included the delivery of the bus/pedestrian/cycle bridge connection between Wentworth Point and Rhodes and the Wentworth Point Library and Community Centre (cold shell) and 10 basement parking spaces.  These Planning Agreements did not include any monetary contribution components and as such no money was transferred from the former Auburn Council in relation to the Planning Agreements.


Table 1: Executed Planning Agreements- Wentworth Point Precinct at Amalgamation (May 2016)


Executed VPA





Burroway Road Precinct -

$60 million

Billbergia (Fairmead) and

Roads and Maritime Services

Bus/cyclist/pedestrian Bennelong Bridge connecting Rhodes to Wentworth Point


3 Burroway Road (Block B) –


$3.5 million

Billbergia (Fairmead) and

Auburn City Council (now City of Parramatta)

·     3 200 sqm library and community facility cold shell

·     10 basement parking spaces

·     Fit out not included



As outlined in the Annual Financial Statement for 13 May 2016 to 30 June 2017 the former Auburn Council transferred the following funds to City of Parramatta:

·    $163,602,000 - Non-cash Assets being Infrastructure, Property, Plant and Equipment (including roads, footpaths, bridges, stormwater drainage, buildings etc)

·    $10,196,000 - Accounts Receivable - for services performed by the Council

·    $10,085,000 - Development Contribution for Homebush West Precinct (now known as Wentworth Point)

·    $111,000 - Development Contributions (Traffic Management) for the Carter Street Precinct


Table 2 outlines the development contributions transferred from the former Auburn Council in relation to Homebush Bay West (Wentworth Point), and additional income earned to date ($16.737m).


Council has spent $13.481 million on projects within and in the immediate vicinity of Wentworth Point. Key projects include the fit-out and resourcing of the Wentworth Point Library and Community Centre and the traffic upgrade of Bennelong Parkway and Hill Road. The remaining funds have been allocated to future projects, including primarily the Newington Reserve upgrade to a district level park.


Table 2: Development contributions income and expenditure (Auburn Contribution Plan – Part C – Homebush Bay West)


Auburn Contribution Plan – Part C – Homebush Bay West

Transferred from Auburn Council*

Additional income/ interest/ repayment since amalgamation*

Expenditure to date (and key projects)*

Open Space (HBW)




Upgrade works Newington Reserve  

(also includes borrowing for Rydalmere Park since repaid back)

Community Facilities (HBW)




Wentworth Point Library and Community Facility fit out and resources

Traffic Management (HBW)




Traffic intersection upgrade Hill Road & Bennelong Parkway; and local cycleway upgrades

Plan Administration (HBW)




Administration costs associated with Managing the Plan






*- shown in thousands ($000)





Questions taken on Notice at the 26 February 2024 Council Meeting

(Report of Council Secretariat & Policy Officer)



Questions taken on Notice


Councillor Bradley asked a question on Item 13.1 Quarterly Budget Review - December 2023 which was take on notice.


·    How does Council calculate depreciation?


Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


Land, bulk earthworks, trees, and heritage assets are not depreciated.  Depreciation on other assets is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost, net of their residual values, over their estimated useful lives as outlined in the following table (noting that the asset residual values and useful lives are reviewed and adjusted if appropriate at each reporting date) as shown in the table below.


Depreciation for previous and future financial years is budgeted as follows:


2022/23: $60.9M (actual)

2023/24: $63.4M

2024/25: $67.0M


Currently, the LTFP indicates that depreciation is estimated to rise to $99.8M as at 2033/34.



Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item 16.1 myWorkplace - 9 Wentworth Street Project Update which was taken on notice.


Answer provided in the Confidential Attachment attached to this report, noting also that officers are preparing a comprehensive report to Council following the recent receipt of updated pricing for additional works approved by Council in 2023.



8.    Minutes of the Lord Mayor



Vale Paul Barber, Former Lord Mayor

(Report of the Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



RESOLVED: Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber


(a)       That Council acknowledge the death of Paul Barber, former Lord Mayor of City of Parramatta from 2007-2008, on 29 February 2024.


(b)       That Council express its sincere condolences to Paul Barber’s family and friends at this sad time.


(c)        That the Lord Mayor and CEO be delegated authority to enable a local facility to be named in memory of Mr Barber and his service to Council. After a potential location is selected, the Lord Mayor consult with the relevant Ward Councillors.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Vale Rear Admiral Guy Griffiths AO DSO DSC RAN (Ret’d)

(Report of the Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



RESOLVED: Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillor Garrard


(a)       That Council acknowledge the death of Rear Admiral Guy Griffiths AO DSO DSC RAN (Ret'd), former commissioning Commanding Officer of the HMAS Parramatta and Patron of the Parramatta Memorial Sub Section of the Naval Association of Australia, on 5 March 2024.


(b)       That Council note the funeral will be held with full navy honours on 15 March 2024 at 11AM at Garden Island Chapel, Garden Island Defence Precinct, Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo NSW.


(c)        That Council express its sincere condolences to Rear Admiral Guy Griffiths’ family and friends at this sad time.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Celebrating Holi Festival of Colours

(Report of the Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



RESOLVED: Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillor Pandey


(a)    That Council recognise the Holi Festival of Colours, an annual Hindu celebration to be held on 25 March 2024 marking the start of spring and new beginnings;

(b)    That Council extend our best wishes to those across our City celebrating the Holi Festival with family and friends.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous








2024 Homelessness Street Count

(Report of Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



RESOLVED: Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillor Garrard


(a)    That Council note City of Parramatta’s annual Homelessness Street Count took place on the night of Monday 19 February into the morning of Tuesday 20 February 2024, collecting accurate data on the number of people sleeping rough or in emergency and crisis accommodation in the City of Parramatta local government area.


(b)    That Council recognises these collaborative efforts to support the wellbeing of vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, especially at a time of rising cost of living pressures and housing affordability issues.


(c)    That Council acknowledge and thank the staff conducting the count, and write to the local organisations and service providers who support the annual Homelessness Street Count to thank them for their support of the initiative.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:        A question was taken on notice for Item 8.4 - 2024 Homelessness Street Count by Councillors Garrard.



Clean Up Australia Day 2024

(Report of Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



ReSOLVED: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillor Darley


(a)       That Council note Clean Up Australia Day was held on Sunday 3 March 2024, with many local volunteers and community groups participating at various locations across the City of Parramatta.


(b)       That Council write to the community groups, schools and businesses who participated in Clean Up Australia Day 2024 in the City of Parramatta, to acknowledge their efforts and thank them for helping to clean up our City.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Observing Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr

(Report of Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



ReSOLVED: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillor Garrard


(b)       That Council recognise the Holy Month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr (Festival of Breaking the Fast) across the City of Parramatta from 12 March to 10 April 2024.


(c)        That Council convey ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ to those across our City observing Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr with their family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Report No.

Report Title

Janet McGarry


Notice of Motion – Report on Council’s Community Spaces


Chris Waller


Notice of Motion - Unsolicited Proposal by the Australian Turf Club

Helen Hughes


Notice of Motion -Unsolicited Proposal by the Australian Turf Club

David Borger


Notice of Motion -Unsolicited Proposal by the Australian Turf Club

Rick Graf


Notice of Motion - Unsolicited Proposal by the Australian Turf Club




RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean

That in accordance with Section 8.2 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the Order of Business be amended to deal with the following items:

·            Item 14.1 Report on Council's Community Spaces

·            Item 14.2 Unsolicited Proposal by the Australian Turf Club – Proposed


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


14.  Notices of Motion



Report on Council's Community Spaces

(Report of Councillor Kellie Darley)



MOTION Councillor Darley and Councillor MacLean

(a)    That the CEO prepare a report for Council on the current provision, utilisation and condition of community spaces (halls, meeting rooms and centres) provided by Council as well as outline plans to increase the amount of community space to meet the benchmark for our population and improve the quality of current community spaces, including but not limited to:


·        Current comparison of the provision of community space (m2 per 1,000 people) by City of Parramatta Council compared with other similar Councils,

·        Average number of hours each community space is booked and vacant on weekdays and weekends,

·        Utilisation rates of Council’s community spaces by regular or one-off bookings,

·        Accessibility levels at each of Council’s community spaces,

·        Level of IT facilities at each of the community spaces,

·        Availability of a baby change table that can be accessed by men and women at each of the community spaces.

(b)    That the CEO investigate the creation of a community space grants program whereby community organisations and groups can apply for the hire fee to be waived or further discounted, including what other local Council’s offer, and provide options and recommendations to Council.


AMENDMENT: Councillor Noack and Councillor Green


That this matter be deferred until such time as Council considers its draft Property Strategy.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, and Councillors Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang and Wearne


Against the Motion: Councillors Bradley, Darley, MacLean and Prociv


On being PUT to the meeting, voting was Ten (10) votes FOR and Four (4) vote AGAINST. The MOTION was CARRIED. The Amendment became the MOTION.


RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Green


That this matter be deferred until such time as Council considers its draft Property Strategy.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, and Councillors Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang and Wearne


Against the Motion: Councillors Bradley, Darley, MacLean and Prociv


On being PUT to the meeting, voting was Ten (10) votes FOR and Four (4) vote AGAINST. The MOTION was CARRIED.





Unsolicited Proposal by the Australian Turf Club - Proposed Sale and Redevelopment of Rosehill Racecourse

(Report of Councillor Michelle Garrard)



MOTION Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero


(a)       That the Lord Mayor or Chief Executive Officer write to the Australian Turf Club (ATC), the NSW Premier, the Hon Chris Minns MP, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Hon Paul Scully MP, and the Member for Parramatta Donna Davis MP, outlining the City of Parramatta’s opposition to the proposed sale of Rosehill Racecourse for the redevelopment of more than 25,000 new homes.


(b)       That the Lord Mayor or Chief Executive Officer write to the NSW Premier, the Hon Chris Minns MP, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Hon Paul Scully MP, and the Member for Parramatta Donna Davis MP, requesting Rosehill Racecourse be assessed for State Heritage Listing.


(d)       That the Lord Mayor or Chief Executive Officer write to the Australian Turf Club (ATC), the NSW Premier, the Hon Chris Minns MP, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Hon Paul Scully MP, and the Member for Parramatta Donna Davis MP, outlining that the City of Parramatta welcomes continuing to work on the Camellia-Rosehill Place Strategy, emphasing the Metro West station is essential to Parramatta’s economic future and a sufficient catalyst to making the Camellia-Rosehill Place Strategy work.


AMENDMENT: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean


That the Lord Mayor and council officers urgently seek a meeting with the NSW Government to discuss the housing needs and strategy for the Parramatta LGA, including infrastructure and affordable housing.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillors Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Humphries Noack, Pandey MacLean,


Against the Motion: Councillors Darley (abstain), Garrard, Green, Siviero, Valjak (abstain), Wang and Wearne


On being PUT to the meeting, voting was Seven (7) votes FOR and Seven (7) vote AGAINST. The Lord Mayor exercised his casting vote. The MOTION was CARRIED. The Amendment became the MOTION.


RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean


That the Lord Mayor and council officers urgently seek a meeting with the NSW Government to discuss the housing needs and strategy for the Parramatta LGA, including infrastructure and affordable housing.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillors Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Humphries, Noack, Pandey MacLean,


Against the Motion: Garrard, Green, Siviero, Valjak (abstain),Wang and Wearne.


On being PUT to the meeting, voting was Eight (8) votes FOR and Six  (6) vote AGAINST. The MOTION was CARRIED.




Adjournment of Meeting


At 9.26pm, The Lord Mayor adjourned the meeting and the following Councillors were present:


Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Green, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang, and Wearne.





At 9.45pm, the Lord Mayor reconvened the meeting and the following Councillors were present:


Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang, and Wearne.


Note: Councillor Green left the meeting and did not return.


10.  Petitions


Councillor Garrard tabled a petition for the Parramatta City Council to object to DA/22/2024 13 Cowells Lane, Ermington NSW 2115 – Proposed Child Care Centre with 84 places.


11.  Rescission Motions


There was no rescission motion at this meeting.


12.  Reports to Council - For Notation



Status Report - Update on Transcription Technology at PHIVE

(Report of Chief Technology Officer)



RESOLVED: Councillor Siviero and Councillor Wang


That Council receive and note the report.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang, and Wearne.



1.          The meeting resumed at 9:45pm.

2.          Questions were taken on notice for Item 12.1 Status Report - Update on Transcription Technology at PHIVE by Councillors Siviero, Garrard and Darley.

3.          This Notice of Motion is still open until the second part is provided to Council.

4.          If a report is in relation to a Notice of Motion, staff is to note the Councillor’s name and the Notice of Motion.


13.  Reports to Council - For Council Decision




Council Policies for Rescission: Stormwater Disposal Policy 2020

(Report of Policy Officer)




This Item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.





Public Exhibition of Draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy

(Report of Policy Officer)




This Item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.





Public Exhibition of Draft Homebush Bay Circuit - Bennelong Parkway

(Report of Senior Project Officer Transport Planning)



RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero


(a)    That Council approve the draft Homebush Bay Circuit – Bennelong Parkway Bridge and Paths at Attachment 1 for the purposes of public exhibition.


(b)    That the draft plans be placed on exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days.


(c)    That the outcomes of public exhibition of the plan be reported to Parramatta Traffic Committee and Council.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang, and Wearne.



Note:        A Briefing Note is to be provided to Councillors on submissions received on Item.13. 3 Public Exhibition of Draft Homebush Bay Circuit - Bennelong Parkway.




RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor MacLean

That in accordance with Section 13 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, Council adopt the following Items as printed:


·            Item 13.4 Public Exhibition of Draft Toongabbie to Westmead Pedestrian and Cyclist Corridor

·            Item 13.5 Public Exhibition of Draft Wilderline to Duck River Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Public Exhibition of Draft Toongabbie to Westmead Pedestrian and Cyclist Corridor

(Report of Senior Project Officer Transport Planning)



RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor MacLean


(a)    That Council approve the draft Toongabbie to Westmead Pedestrian and Cyclist Corridor at Attachment 1 for the purposes of public exhibition.


(b)    That the draft plan be placed on exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days.


(e)       That the outcomes of public exhibition of the plan be reported to Parramatta Traffic Committee and Council.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang, and Wearne.




Public Exhibition of Draft Wilderline to Duck River Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths

(Report of Senior Project Officer Transport Planning)



RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor MacLean


(a)    That Council approve the draft Wilderline to Duck River Path at Attachment 1 for the purposes of public exhibition.


(b)    That the draft plan be placed on exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days.


(c)        That the outcomes of public exhibition of the plan be reported to Parramatta Traffic Committee and Council.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang, and Wearne.



15.  Questions with Notice



Funds and Voluntary Planning Agreements Remitted to Council After the 2016 Council Amalgamations - Wentworth Point

(Report of Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Dr Patricia Prociv)




This matter was dealt with earlier in the meeting.





SUBJECT         Questions taken on Notice at the 26 February 2024 Council Meeting

REFERENCE   F2024/00282 - D09345241

REPORT OF    Council Secretariat & Policy Officer



This matter was dealt with earlier in the meeting.




Solar Panels on Council Facilities

(Report of Councillor Kellie Darley)




1.     What proportion of Council owned buildings are suitable to have solar panels?


Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:


The proportion of council-owned buildings suitable for solar panels varies due to factors like the size, structure and orientation of roof, building redevelopment plans, operational changes, and shading (from trees or adjoining development). Currently, 11 potential sites are identified, with 4 completed last year, 2 planned for this financial year, and the rest are under detailed design and feasibility.


2.     How many Council owned buildings currently have solar panels and what proportion is this of all Council owned buildings?


Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:


Currently, the City of Parramatta has rooftop solar PV installations on 21 facilities, totalling 648 kW in installed capacity.


Considering that 136 buildings are viable for solar installation, presently around 16.8% of Council buildings have solar PV installed. However, it's crucial to note that not all buildings are suitable for solar installation.


3.     Currently what is the plan for installing solar panels on the remainder of suitable Council own buildings (i.e. how many buildings per year will have solar panels installed)?


Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:


With a current annual budget of $100,000 available, we anticipate delivering approximately 2-3 projects per year at 10-50kw capacity each.


4.     What is the estimated total cost to install the remaining solar panels?


Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:


Determining the estimated total cost to install the remaining solar panels requires a detailed site analysis taking into consideration various factors such as consumption patterns, system size, as well as site conditions like shading and roof structure. Comprehensive energy consumption analysis and investigation of individual sites are necessary to provide accurate cost estimates and return on investment. Conducting this analysis entails significant effort and will necessitate additional time and resources.


5.     What roughly would be the savings to Council once solar panels are installed on all suitable locations?


Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:


In FY 2023, the Council generated approximately 544 MWh of renewable energy from its current rooftop solar PV installations, based on a utilisation rate of around 70% this resulted in estimated cost savings of around $77,000.



Note:        The answer to question 2 on Item 15.3 Solar Panels on Council Facilities was amended to reflect that there are 136 buildings viable for solar installations.





The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv requested to raise a Matter of Urgency under clause 9.3(b) of the Code of Meeting Practice, regarding the Closure of Australia Post at Olympic Park.


The Lord Mayor considered the matter to be urgent.



International Women’s Day


RESOLVED: Councillor Prociv and Councillor MacLean


Thanked the staff for a successful celebration of the International Women’s Day at the City of Parramatta.



Move to closed session

RESOLVED: Councillor Noack  and Councillor MacLean

That at this time of the meeting, being 10:13pm, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber advised that the meeting would move into Closed Confidential Session to allow consideration of matters in Closed Session in accordance with Section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993. Accordingly, members of the press and public are excluded from the closed session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session will be withheld.

This action is taken to discuss:

16.1   Tender 27/2023 Phillip Street Smart Street, Stage 2, Parramatta - Civil and Landscape Works


This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:        Council moved into closed session at 10:14pm.





Tender 27/2023 Phillip Street Smart Street, Stage 2, Parramatta - Civil and Landscape Works

(Report of Group Manager Capital Projects)



MOTION Councillor Pandey and Councillor Noack


(a)       That the tender submitted by EzyPave Pty Ltd for construction of Phillip Street Smart Street, Stage 2 for the sum of $2,718,124.29 (excluding GST) be accepted.


(b)       That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(c)        That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.


Record of Voting: Unanimous



Note:      Questions were taken on notice for Item 16.1 Tender 27/2023 Phillip Street Smart Street, Stage 2, Parramatta - Civil and Landscape Works by Councillors Pandey and Darley.





RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Wearne

That Council move into open session.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Note:       Council Moved to Open Session at 10:33pm.





RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean


That the recommendations in relation to Item:


·            16.1 Tender 27/2023 Phillip Street Smart Street, Stage 2, Parramatta - Civil and Landscape Works


be received and noted as resolutions of Council without any alteration and amendment thereto.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Tender 27/2023 Phillip Street Smart Street, Stage 2, Parramatta - Civil and Landscape Works

(Report of Group Manager Capital Projects)



RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean


(a)       That the tender submitted by EzyPave Pty Ltd for construction of Phillip Street Smart Street, Stage 2 for the sum of $2,718,124.29 (excluding GST) be accepted.


(b)       That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(c)        That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.


Record of Voting: Unanimous






The meeting concluded at 10:33 pm.


This page and the preceding 20 pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary/Extraordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 26 February 2024 and confirmed on Monday, 25 March 2024.





