Meeting Name

Active Transport Advisory Committee



19 March 2025

Time 6:06 PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street Parramatta

+ MS Teams



Committee Members

·     Charlene Bordley (Chair)

·     Matt Zahra (Deputy Chair)

·     Bernadette Carpenter

·     Stephen Chang

·     Mark Fyson

·     Kevin Kayani

·     Pam Kendrick

·     Lester Pasley

·     Kim Riley

·     Councillor Phil Bradley (ex-officio)

·     Councillor Kellie Darley (ex-officio)


Council Staff

·     Robert Cologna - Group Manager City Strategic Planning

·     Michael Jollon - Transport Planning Manager, Strategic Land Use Planning

·     Michael Kolos - Project Officer Transport


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·     Mark Green

·     Angela Hansford

·     Paul McDonald



Melissa McIsaac - Governance


HPRM Reference



These are draft minutes and are subject to confirmation by the Committee at its next meeting. The confirmed minutes will replace this draft version on the website.





Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.


Clr Bradley joined the meeting at 6:07pm, during Item 1.




The Committee noted apologies from Angela Hansford, Paul McDonald, and Mark Green.


Election of Deputy Chairperson


The Convenor advised the Committee that the Deputy Chairperson role was vacant, and called for nominations.


Matt Zahra and Mark Fyson accepted to be nominated for the Deputy Chairperson role. The Committee determined by consensus that Matt Zahra would be appointed to the position.


The Committee noted that Matt Zahra will serve as Deputy Chairperson.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.


The Committee noted that Charlene Bordley will advise if any matters are raised regarding cycling education programs which may relate to her employment.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Active Transport Advisory Committee meeting, held on 7 November 2023, were resolved by Pasley and Kendrick and CARRIED.


Active Transport Advisory Committee


The Chairperson, Charlene Bordley, raised for discussion matters of interest which had been independently considered by Members between Committee Meetings, as follows:


1.         Observations and experiences over summer holiday period: The Committee noted that it was observed that children in the area are more likely to participate in cycling for recreation during the school holidays than commute to school by bike. The Committee considered opportunities to encourage commuting to school by bike.


2.        Active transport to attend events - NYE and Australia Day bike valet parking: Michael Kolos confirmed that Charlene Bordley’s feedback email will be forwarded to Council’s Events team, regarding recommendations to improve promotion of active transport options for attending Council events. The Committee further discussed opportunities for supporting active transport use and promoting awareness about available event incentives to support active transport use, and particularly raised about the perceived lack of awareness where Council has offered bike valet parking.


3.        George Kendall Riverside Park: The Committee raised concerns about drainage issues and flooding. Michael Kolos provided clarification that Council officers have inspected the site and noted deficiencies, but clarified that the project is being delivered by the NSW State Government.


4.        North Rocks Road and bridge works: The Committee requested information about any impacts on active transport resulting from the site works. Michael Kolos advised that Council has developed a webpage to provide public information about this significant project, and confirmed that the design for the new bridge includes a shared path on both sides, to replace the existing shared paths. Walking access will be maintained during the works, but traffic controllers may direct cyclists to dismount during construction activities. Cycling provision on North Rocks Road is still being considered for the long-term concept plan.


5.        Get NSW Active funding for school infrastructure: The Committee requested information about any applications submitted by the Council and the outcomes. Michael Kolos advised that Council submitted five applications, two of which met the Active Travel to and from School funding requirements. Clarification was provided that Council engages with the Department of Education, Schools Infrastructure for information regarding enrolment numbers and the travel radius of students, and to understand priorities for area infrastructure improvements.


Michael Jollon joined the meeting at 6:12pm, at the start of Item 6.

Kevin Kayani left the meeting at 6:22pm, rejoining at 6:27pm. Kevin Kayani retired from the meeting at 6:30pm, during discussion of Item 6.


·      The Committee requested for Council’s Events team to attend an upcoming Committee Meeting, to discuss opportunities for promoting active transport attendance options for Council events.


Station Street E Harris Park Shared Path - Update


The Committee received an update from Michael Kolos regarding the Station Street East shared path matter, as previously raised by the Committee.


The Committee considered the concept design plan to widen the footpath and convert the streets to one-way traffic, to address the issue of CCTV poles located in the path of travel. The Committee noted that the concept design was supported by Council’s Parramatta Traffic Committee, and that next steps would be to progress to detailed design and apply for project funding.


·      Council staff will continue to share progress updates with the Committee.

·      Committee Members may submit any further feedback by email to Michael Kolos, to be provided to the design team.


Active Travel Promotion status


The Committee received an update from Michael Kolos regarding Council’s latest active travel promotional programming, which will offer learn to ride sessions for beginner level adults. The sessions will be offered at three locations around the LGA, in Toongabbie, Carlingford, and Silverwater. Advantageous have been engaged by Council to facilitate the sessions, and loan bikes will be provided.


The sessions will be run at shared path sites to help promote the locations for continued practice and ongoing use.


The Committee noted the provided updates.


Bike Plan status


The Committee were informed that at the 12 February Council Meeting, Council resolved to defer consideration of adopting the draft Bike Plan, until a further Councillor Workshop was held. The Committee were advised that at the Councillor Workshop clarification was provided regarding the implications of the Bike Plan, and that no amendments to the draft were proposed. The matter will be reported back to Council in April, and the Committee noted that Council staff maintain the recommendation to adopt the draft Bike Plan.


·      The Committee noted the provided updates.

·      Clr Darley encouraged interested Committee Members to make a public forum submission in support the draft Bike Plan, for the Council Meeting where the draft will be presented for adoption.


Walk and Cycle Proposals Exhibition


The Committee received an update from Michael Kolos regarding active transport projects which have been endorsed by Council for public exhibition, as follows:


1.         Bennelong Parkway Bridge at Haslams Creek: Public Exhibition seeks to consult on access and safety improvement works to the Bennelong Parkway Bridge portion of the Homebush Bay Circuit in Wentworth Point, and adjacent roadway. Bridge works have secured State Government funding, but will require an Environmental Impact Statement.

2.        Toongabbie to Westmead Cycleway: Public exhibition seeks to consult on the concept design for a 6.5km corridor to improve active transport connections from Blacktown to Parramatta, including around Toongabbie, Pendle Hill and Wentworthville Train Stations. and adding an overbridge for the Cumberland Highway. The project will then undergo detailed design, and is intended to be delivered in stages.

3.        Duck River - Former T6 Corridor to Clyde Station: Public exhibition seeks to consult on the concept plans of the Wilderline to Duck River pedestrian and cyclist paths.


·      The Committee noted that the projects will be on public exhibition from 28 March. The Chairperson recommended for Committee Members to organise an independent meeting to collate any feedback and views, to submit before the exhibition deadline.

·      Michael Jollon agreed to take a question on notice from the Committee for Council to request from Sydney Metro additional information on the Unwin Street bridge project, particularly to address concerns regarding cyclist access, to be presented at the next meeting.

·      Michael Kolos agreed to take a question on notice to request from Sydney Metro a summary of the active transport enhancements planned by the State Government as part of the Sydney Metro and Parramatta Light Rail projects.


Parramatta by Bicycle Map status


The Committee were provided with print copies of the Parramatta by Bicycle Map, for circulation within their active transport community networks. The Committee noted that additional print copies may be requested via the Council Website and will be provided by post.


·      The Committee requested for Council to contact Google to investigate the feasibility to integrate cycle routes in the Parramatta by Bicycle Map into Google Maps.

·      The Chairperson recommended for Committee Members to raise any additional feedback regarding the Parramatta by Bicycle Map during the independent meeting.


Cycleways under construction update


The Committee received an update from Michael Kolos regarding active transport projects under construction, as follows:


1.         T-Way Cycleway, Constitution Hill: The project tender was awarded and construction is underway. It is anticipated that bridge works will commence in the second half of the year, pending approvals.

2.        Alfred St Cycleway: Council will be commencing construction in late March on the stage of Eleanor Street through to Clay Cliff Creek.

3.        Ermington Foreshore Stage 3 (ferry wharf to water mains bridge / Park Rd): Construction is anticipated to begin within the next two months; active transport path diversions may be in place during the short construction period. Clarification was provided that the works will provide interim benefit before potential Parramatta Light Rail construction in the area, which is not anticipated to begin for several years.


·      Additional feedback from Clr Bradley was noted regarding the separate Parramatta River Heritage Walk. Clr Bradley recommended for Council officers to engage local walking groups regarding any potential active transport construction works in the Darling Mills Creek area, to consider potential impacts or alignment opportunities with the Parramatta River Heritage Walk.


Shared E-Scooter Trial status


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon regarding Council’s participation in the State Government’s e-scooter trial. The Committee noted that the State Government has started the road safety audit stage, after which it is anticipated the trial may commence. Clarification was provided that Council will work with a designated supplier to provide the hire e-scooters during the trial, and that consideration could be given to extending the hire program to include e-bikes.


The Committee noted the provided update.


Gasworks Bridge maintenance


The Committee received an update from Michael Kolos regarding Transport for NSW maintenance works on the Gasworks Bridge. The Committee noted that the shared path remains closed, and that works are anticipated to continue until mid-year.


·      Robert Cologna agreed to contact Transport for NSW, to advise of feedback raised by Clr Darley that the lighting installed under the bridge on the northern side is not working.


Bennelong Bridge user survey invitation of Sydney University


The Committee noted that a request had been sent to Committee Members by Sydney University, inviting participation in a survey regarding pre and post-COVID pandemic use of Bennelong Bridge.


The Committee noted that they may circulate the survey invite within their active transport community networks.


Other Business


The Chairperson invited Committee Members to raise any other items of business, as follows:


·      The Committee raised about Council’s Civic Link project, and were advised that the draft concept design is currently on public exhibition. Council staff advised that a presentation on the exhibition outcomes would be considered for the next meeting.

·      The Committee enquired about whether a BMX pump track was included in the design plans for the park upgrade at FS Garside, which was confirmed.

·      The Committee raised about hazards created by bollards installed on cycle paths, and discussed about the Snap Send Solve community platform. 

·      The Committee enquired about the river foreshore path closure in Wentworth Point, which Council staff clarified is due to construction at the Sekisui House development site. Clarification was provided that the Voluntary Planning Agreement for the site establishes what public domain upgrades have been agreed to by the developer.


Clr Darley retired from the meeting at 8:01pm, during discussion of Item 16.


·      The Committee were encouraged to submit any feedback regarding the Civic Link draft concept design during the current public exhibition period.

·      Robert Cologna requested for Mark Fyson to provide, following the meeting, details regarding a submitted Snap Send Solve request which has not yet been responded to by Council, to allow for staff to investigate and identify any process improvement opportunities.

·      Robert Cologna agreed to provide an update at the next meeting regarding what public domain upgrades are included in the Voluntary Planning Agreement for the Sekisui House development site in Wentworth Point.


Next Meeting Date: 21 May 2024


Meeting Closed: 8:03pm