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Ordinary Council Meeting

Monday, 26 February 2024











Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Cameron MacLean, Paul Noack, Sameer Pandey, Deputy Lord Mayor, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne (online).





Chief Executive Officer - Gail Connolly, Executive Director City Engagement and Experience - Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director Finance and Information - John Angilley, Executive Director City Planning and Design - Jennifer Concato, Executive Director Community Services - Jonathan Greig, Executive Director City Assets & Operations - George Bounassif, Acting Executive Director People Culture and Workplace - Brendan Clifton, Chief Technology Officer - John Crawford, Chief Governance & Risk Officer - Roxanne Thornton, Chief Financial Officer - Amit Sharma, Chief of Staff - Justin Mulder, Council Secretariat and Policy Officer - Marina Cavar, Group Manager City Strategic Planning - Robert Cologna, Group Manager Infrastructure Planning and Design - Anthony Newland, Group Manager Regulatory Services - Paul Lyth, ICT Strategy and Partnering Manager - Ian Vong.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber opened the meeting at 6:36pm




The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.




The Lord Mayor advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.




As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.






RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Noack

That an apology on behalf of Councillor Wearne and be accepted and a leave of absence granted.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Bradley

That Councillor Humphries be permitted to attend this meeting by audio-visual link.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous






Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12 February 2024


RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Garrard


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.




RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

That in accordance with Section 13 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the Order of Business be amended to deal with the following items by exception


·            Item 12.1 Investment Report for January 2024

·            Item 13.2 Status Update on Report – Sponsorships, Corporate Memberships and Memorandum of Understanding

·            Item 15.1 QwN Council’s Customer Service and Call Centre Statistics

·            Item 15.2 QwN Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Bridge Community Reference Group

·            Item 15.3  QwN Response to Community Pantry Initiative – Donations as at February 2024

·            Item 15.4 QwN LATE REPORT: Questions Taken on Notice at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 February 2024

·            Item 16.1 QwN myWorkplace – 9 Wentworth Street Project Update


Record of Voting


For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:        Item 16.1 QwN myWorkplace – 9 Wentworth Street Project Update was recommitted in closed session for further questions from Councillor Pandey with no alteration to the resolution.



Reports to Council - For Notation



Investment Report for January 2024

(Report of Tax and Treasury Accountant)



RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack


That Council receive and note the Investment Report for January 2024.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Reports to Council - For decision




Status Update on Report - Sponsorships, Corporate Memberships and Memorandum of Understanding

(Report of the Executive Director City Planning and Design)



RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack


That the report detailing the current and planned sponsorships, corporate memberships and Memorandums of Understanding be provided to a Council meeting in March 2024.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous






Council's Customer Service and Call Centre Statistics

(Councillor Kellie Darley)





(a)    How many enquiries did Council’s Customer Service Centre receive in 2023, broken down by the method of contact (i.e. phone, email, walk-in, online portal, snap send solve, social media)?


Executive Director City Engagement and Experience response:


Please see table below:


Email to Customer Contact Centre*

Email to Council Mailbox#

Snap Send Solve

Service Requests created through online portal**

Walk-in (PHIVE)

Social Media

Customer enquiries








*   cteam@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au




**  does not include applications, certificates and licence purchases


Note: The social media team monitors direct messages to its accounts and actions if appropriate but does not track enquiries as it is not an official customer enquiry platform of Council.


(b)      What was the closure rate, including how many enquiries/requests were closed on first contact as well as other specific/relevant timeframes (e.g. a week, month, 90 days etc)?


Executive Director City Engagement and Experience response:


Council does not have accurate data available on first contact resolution rates.  (The new Customer Experience Strategy, which is currently under development, is assessing how to accurately monitor and record closure rates in real-time).




PLR2 - Bridge Works Community and Stakeholder Reference Group

(Councillor Kellie Darley)


Question with Notice:

(a)    What is the purpose of the PLR2 bridge community reference group and what is Council’s role with the group?

Executive Director City Planning and Design response:

The Bridge Works Community and Stakeholder Reference Group is a Transport for NSW (TNSW) Reference Group established in relation to the new bridge and connections from Melrose Park to Wentworth Point, over the Parramatta River.


TNSW describes the purpose of the Group as follows (summarised from the Terms of Reference):


•    To provide a forum for the needs of all key stakeholders, both councils, and the community to be represented in the delivery of the Bridge Works.

•    To facilitate effective communication between TNSW and representative stakeholder and community groups and provide additional channels through which TNSW can provide information to the broader community.

•    To allow another channel for the community to seek information and provide feedback on project matters including the development of new project information or changes to existing information, issues of interest or concern to the community, response to community complaints, community initiatives and programs.

•    To allow the Parramatta Light Rail project team to seek feedback and provide proactive responses to matters of interest or concern.

•     The Reference Group is not a decision-making body; it performs an advisory and consultative role.


(b)    When and how was the group established?

Executive Director City Planning and Design response:

TNSW established the Bridge Works Community and Stakeholder Reference Group in October 2023, in response to feedback received from the community during various public consultation activities in 2022-2023.


(c)      Who are the current members?

Executive Director City Planning and Design response:

Under the TNSW Terms of Reference, the membership comprises a total of 10 organisations (each with two representatives) as shown in Table 1, as well as the TNSW participants shown in Table 2 below. 


Table 1 – Membership (Organisations, Community Groups, Landowners)


City of Parramatta Council (Group Manager Infrastructure Planning and Design and community member Shant Ohannessian)

Boating Industry Association

Wentworth Point Peninsula Town Team

City of Ryde Council

Melrose Park Residents Action Group

Holdmark (developer)

NSW Maritime

Waterfront Action Group

Sekisui (developer)

Sydney Olympic Park Authority




Table 2 – Transport for NSW Members


Senior delivery staff for the Bridge Works


Contractor representatives (as required)

Members of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Communication and Engagement Team


Subject matter experts (as determined).




Response to Community Pantry Initiative - Donations as at February 2024

(Councillor Kellie Darley)



QuEstion with Notice:


On 4 December 2023, Council resolved “that each Councillor distribute their share of the $16,500 savings (obtained from not progressing with the increase in the annual Councillor allowance) to a local not-for-profits, to support the provision of food, material aid and petrol vouchers.”


1.  How much money has been donated so far and to which emergency relief organisations?


Executive Director, Community Services response:


As at 22 February 2024, the following donations have been made:




Parramatta Mission


Karabi Community and Development Service


Hope Connect




Parramatta Women’s Shelter


St Ioannis Community Aid (Hellenic Orthodox Church in Australia)





2.  Which Councillors are yet to nominate one of the emergency relief organisations to donate their proportion of the savings to?


Executive Director, Community Services response:


As of 22 February 2024, the following Councillors are yet to nominate a local not-for-profit organisation:


1.  Clr Garrard

2.  Clr Green

3.  Clr Siviero

4.  Clr Wang

5.  Clr Pandey

6.  Clr Wearne.



3.  What will happen to any unspent funds?


Executive Director, Community Services response:


Councillors are able to donate to a local not-for-profit organisation up until 21 June 2024.


After this time any remaining funds will be returned to the General Reserve as part of the end of financial year process.




LATE REPORT: Questions Taken on Notice at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 February 2024

(Report of the Council Secretariat & Policy Officer)





Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item 12.3 Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW which was taken on notice.


·    Can we find out how many notices have been issued?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


This information is not available at the time of publication and will be provided under separate cover once information from NSW Fire and Rescue is received.



Councillor Bradley asked a question on Item 12.3 Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW.


·    Work on flammable cladding in buildings around the City of Parramatta has been done. Can an update report on the progress on remedial work on buildings affected by the cladding recall be provided?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


This information is not available at the time of publication and will be provided under separate cover once information from NSW Fire and Rescue is received.



Councillor Garrard asked a question on Item 12.4 Delegation of the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Exercised During the 2023/24 Recess Period


·    Can staff provide detailed information on the benefits the position of Lord Mayor gets including the discretionary budget?


Chief of Staff Response:


Expenses and facilities allocated to the Lord Mayor  are detailed in the Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy, specifically Section 9, Additional facilities for the Lord Mayor.


To access the Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy.


In 2023/24 the following operational budget was allocated to the Office of the Lord Mayor (with expenditure approved under the delegation of the Chief of Staff):


·    Advertising and community messages - $110,000 per annum

·    Catering - $5,000 per annum

·    Presentation and gifts - $5,000 per annum

·   Donations - $50,000 per annum



Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item 14.1 Proposed Council Submission - Review of Section 83c of the Education Act 1990


·   Are there policies and procedures in place for Councillors to be privy to submissions made by staff on behalf of Council?


Executive Director City Planning and Design Response:

Yes, there is an operational procedure for the consideration and preparation of  submissions. The purpose of the procedure is to ensure early identification of key submission points and discussion with the Executive Director City Planning and Design and/or CEO to inform a course of action in the making of a submission. Submissions are placed on the Councillor portal (if made by staff under delegation) or reported to Council (if seeking endorsement).



Councillor Garrard asked a question on Item 16.2 LATE REPORT: ITT10-2023 - Supply and Installation of New Multi-Level Carparking Technology and Maintenance Agreement which was taken on notice.



 Answer provided in the Confidential Attachment to this report.



Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item 16.2 LATE REPORT: ITT10-2023 - Supply and Installation of New Multi-Level Carparking Technology and Maintenance Agreement


Answer provided in the Confidential Attachment to this report. 



Note:        Councillor Humphries left the meeting at 6.46pm and did not return.



8.... Minute of the Lord Mayor



International Women’s Day 2024

(Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



RESOLVED: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber and Councillor Garrard


(a)        That Council notes International Women’s Day 2024 is taking place on Friday 8 March, and this year’s global United Nations Women theme is “Count Her In: Accelerating Gender Equality Through Economic Empowerment.” The day celebrates women's achievements whilst raising awareness about discrimination and progress towards gender parity.


(b)        That Council notes that to celebrate International Women’s Day in 2024, the City of Parramatta is running a series of events showcasing women’s leadership and influence in our community.


(c)        That Council notes the ongoing work being undertaken by the City of Parramatta to promote gender equality and prevent domestic and family violence.


(d)        That Council considers a suitable way to commemorate the first female alderman to be elected to Parramatta Council, Ms Anne Walker, who served from 1971-74, as well as our first female Lord Mayor, Councillor Lorraine Wearne.


(e)        That Council allocate $12,000 from the Office of the Lord Mayor and Councillor Support Budget to facilitate International Women’s Day 2024 events.


(f)         That the CEO provide information to all Councillors summarising the current activities of Council that promotes and celebrates women in the community and within Council.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




PHIVE achieves 6 Green Star Sustainability As Built Rating

(Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)



RESOLVED: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber and Councillor Bradley


That Council note that on 21 February 2024, PHIVE obtained a ‘6 Green Star’ sustainability As Built rating, from the Green Building Council of Australia, placing it in the ‘World Class’ category.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



9.... Public Forum

There were no speakers.



10.. Petitions

There were no petitions tabled at this meeting.



11.. Rescission Motions

There were no rescission motions at this meeting.



12.. Reports to Council - For Notation



Investment Report for January 2024

(Report of Tax and Treasury Accountant)



This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



13.. Reports to Council - For Council Decision


Quarterly Budget Review - December 2023

(Report of the Chief Financial Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Pandey


(a)    That Council adopt the December 2023 Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) and the Responsible Accounting Officer’s report on the financial position of the Council (Attachment 1).


(b)    That Council approves the revised budget for the 2023/24 financial year:


i)      Net operating result (including capital) of $109.9 million surplus.

ii)     Net operating result (excluding capital) of $0.8 million surplus.

iii)     Capital revenue of $112.7 million.

iv)    Capital expenditure of $219.2 million.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Councillor Bradley asked the following question for Item 13.1 Quarterly Budget Review - December 2023.


·       How does Council calculate depreciation?


Councillor Darley asked the following question for Item 13.1 Quarterly Budget Review - December 2023


·       Wants an explanation on what projects have been rephased to get to the total of $91 Million?




Status Update on Report - Sponsorships, Corporate Memberships and Memorandum of Understanding

(Report of the Executive Director City Planning and Design)



This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.




Public Exhibition of Amendment to the Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan - Church Street North Precinct

(Report of the Land Use Planning Manager)



MOTION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


(a)       That Council approve an amendment to the Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan, for the purposes of public exhibition, that proposes an increase of the residential development contribution rate for the Church Street North precinct from 3% to 4% while retaining the 3% rate for development which does not include residential accommodation (Option 3 in the report).


(b)       That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to amend and publicly exhibit draft Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Amendment No 3) in accordance with the Option 3 details contained in this report.


(c)       Further, that the results of the public exhibition and the final plan be reported to Council.


AMENDMENT: Councillor Bradley and Councillor Darley


(a)       That Council approve an amendment to the Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan, for the purposes of public exhibition, that proposes an increase of the residential development contribution rate for the Church Street North precinct from 3% to 4.5% and 3.5% rate for development which does not include residential accommodation.


(b)       That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to amend and publicly exhibit draft Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Amendment No 3).


(c)       Further, that the results of the public exhibition and the final plan be reported to Council.


Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: Councillors Bradley and Darley


Against the Amendment: Lord Mayor Councillor, Pierre Esber and Deputy Lord Mayor, Patricia Prociv, and Councillors Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


On being PUT to the meeting, voting on the Amendment was two (2) votes FOR and ten (10) votes AGAINST. The Amendment was LOST.


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


(a)       That Council approve an amendment to the Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan, for the purposes of public exhibition, that proposes an increase of the residential development contribution rate for the Church Street North precinct from 3% to 4% while retaining the 3% rate for development which does not include residential accommodation (Option 3 in the report).


(b)       That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to amend and publicly exhibit draft Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Amendment No 3) in accordance with the Option 3 details contained in this report.


(c)       Further, that the results of the public exhibition and the final plan be reported to Council.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillors Prociv and Councillors Darley, Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Motion: Councillor Bradley



On being PUT to the meeting, voting was eleven (11) votes FOR and one (1) vote AGAINST. The MOTION was CARRIED.



Public Exhibition of Civic Link Block 3 Concept Design

(Report of the Senior Design Manager)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Noack


(a)    That Council approve the draft concept plans (including specifications for the inclusion of phone charging points in all seating) for Civic Link Block 3 (at Attachment A) for public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days to allow for community consideration and feedback on the design.


(b)    Further, that any community feedback and the final concept plan be reported to Council for adoption along with the specifications of the ‘smart city’ elements.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Submission on the NSW Government's Low and Mid-Rise Housing Reforms

(Report of the Group Manager, Strategic Land Use Planning)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack


(a)    That Council approve the submission at Attachment 1 (provided under separate cover) to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (the Department) in response to the public exhibition of the ‘Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to create low-and mid-rise housing’ (reforms) requesting:

A.     A two-year deferred commencement to enable Council to pursue programmed solutions.  Council’s justification for this exemption includes:

i.      Council acknowledging the need to deliver greater housing diversity to assist in addressing national housing supply and affordability issues and Council’s strong leadership and collaborative partnerships are critical to meet this challenge. 

ii.      Council has a compelling performance record for determining rezoning applications exceeding the housing target of 23,660 by 1,800 dwellings within the first two-and-a-half years of the 2021-2026 period; and Council is on track to rezone land to permit another 48,000 dwellings (almost 8,000 above the 2026-2036 target).

iii.     Council planning for further strong housing growth with a number of precinct-scale proposals being considered and has brought forward the programmed ‘missing middle’ investigations and rezonings of suitable areas to deliver medium density housing proximate to rapid transport and services, adding this will assist the State Government’s to meet the 5-year housing target set by the Federal Government. 

iv.     Council has a strong track record for delivering housing is based on quality local planning and design controls that are responsive to the local context that would be strengthened with alternate governance arrangements that increase the City’s planning powers to influence city shaping policy changes for both high density precinct-scale developments and infill missing middle housing. 

B.     Changes to the reforms, to address the following concerns:

i.      The reforms are not reflective of best practice strategic planning that consider changes to planning controls at the precinct level, informed by studies and analysis with community and relevant statutory authority input.  These broad-brush reforms are predicated on a ‘one-size-fits-all’ development assessment-led approach and will destabilise long standing local planning frameworks, particularly where local planning controls will be overridden because they are less permissive than the proposed State controls.  Under the reforms, planning controls for a site will now be contained in various state and local statutory instruments and local guidelines, increasing the complexity and confusion for landowners. 

ii.      The reforms are intended to address housing supply, however no research or evidence has been presented demonstrating that this approach is an effective method to deliver affordable, low and mid-rise housing types within infill settings, that are appropriate for a range of contexts and environmental constraints.   

iii.     The standardised approach to planning controls coupled with the non-refusal development standards do not consider local character or conditions, all of which are necessary to ensure good amenity and design outcomes for both individual dwellings and localities.

iv.     The mismatch between the proposed FSR and height of building controls will result in buildings that are bulky, setbacks to boundaries insufficient for the scale, and significant impacts upon deep soil and tree canopy loss contributing to reduced amenity and heat island effects.

v.     Overriding existing local heritage protections for heritage conservation areas and special character areas by allowing new housing types and greater densities within these precincts will significantly compromise their special character and heritage values and integrity.

vi.     E1 Local Centres and MU1 Mixed Use zoned centres included in the 800 metres walking distance be restricted to those containing a full line supermarket of approximately 4,000-4,500m2 accompanied by population-serving retail and commercial space, and have access to rapid transport services and adequately serviced by public transport.

vii.    The reforms exacerbate existing infrastructure shortfalls particularly community infrastructure and open space; and a holistic review of local infrastructure provision is required to enable the real cost increases in providing infrastructure to be recognised including the development contribution caps and rates, and stormwater management service levies. 

viii.   Region shaping strategic plans should be released prior to these housing reforms taking effect to enable an examination of the intended outcomes of the reforms in the context of housing and job targets, environmental and liveability directions, and infrastructure and services delivery.

(b)    That in response to the reforms, Council accelerate the Dual Occupancy Codes SEPP Advocacy Project required by parts (d) and (e) of Council’s resolution of 22 May 2023 (Minute 4318) by conducting the following in its place:

ix.     The preparation of a submission by the CEO and sent on behalf of Council to the Minister for Planning, the Minister for Fair Trading and NSW Building Commissioner and Government Architects that includes:

1.  Requested changes to the Codes SEPP in accordance with the design principles set out in Attachment 1 (provided under separate cover) that were presented to Council as part of the review of dual occupancy developments during the preparation of the Harmonisation DCP process.

2.  Concerns Council has with the Complying Development process.

(c)    Further, that Council with the assistance of the Local Member for Parramatta, Donna Davis MP, seeks a meeting with the Minister for Planning and Minister for Local Government to discuss the two-year deferred commencement request and governance measures that could be put in place to permit Council to work towards making a contribution to the housing capacity required to meet the National Blueprint target in an efficient manner.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang (Unanimous).



14.. Notices of Motion



Reporting on the Status of Council Resolutions

(Councillor Kellie Darley)



MOTION: Councillor Darley and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv

(a)    That the CEO provide Council with a report by 25 March 2024 on the status of each resolution made during this term of Council, including a summary totaling the resolutions by status (i.e. new, completed, in progress, overdue), clear identification of the overdue resolutions with what action has been taken and what is still to be done as well as an updated timeline for when the resolutions will be completed.


(b)    That the CEO also provide Council with a report of outstanding resolutions from the last term of Council, with their current status.


(c)    That a standing progress report be provided monthly on Council’s website with the resolutions still to be completed and their status.


(d)  Further, that any additional resources required to monitor and action Council resolutions be reported back to Council and incorporated into the budget and DPOP process for 2024/2025.


AMENDMENT: Councillor Noack and Councillor Wang


(a)       That the CEO report on each resolution made during this term of Council be provided to Council as part of the Council’s usual End of Term report.


(b)       Further, that the Council’s End of Term report, that has recently been reframed as ‘State of our City’, be presented to Council in August 2024.

Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Amendment: Councillor Darley



On being Put to the Meeting, voting on the Amendment was eleven (11) votes FOR and one (1) vote AGAINST. The Amendment became the MOTION.



RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Wang


(a)       That the CEO report on each resolution made during this term of Council be provided to Council as part of the Council’s usual End of Term report.


(b)       Further, that the Council’s End of Term report, that has recently been reframed as ‘State of our City’, be presented to Council in August 2024.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Motion: Councillor Darley


On being Put to the Meeting, voting on the Motion was eleven (11) votes FOR and one (1) vote AGAINST. The Motion became the CARRIED.






Report on Council's Domestic Waste Reserve

(Councillor Kellie Darley)



MOTION: Councillor Darley and Councillor MacLean

(a)       That the CEO prepare a report to Council before the end of April 2024, outlining the plan for Council’s Domestic Waste Reserve, including but not limited to funding for:

·    the roll out of FOGO;

·    the opening and future expansion of the Community Recycling Centre:

·    expanded waste education programs;

·    additional Christmas recycling collection;

·    additional council clean-ups and resource recovery;

·    rebates.

(b)       That this report contains a comparison of Council’s domestic waste charges with similar Sydney councils as well as outline current levels of waste collection, resource recovery, contamination and community satisfaction with waste services in the Parramatta LGA.


(c)        Further, that a Councillor Workshop be held to discuss other options prior to the report coming back to Council.


AMENDMENT: Councillor Valjak and Councillor Wang


(a)       That the CEO update Councillors regarding the plan for Council’s Domestic Waste Reserve at the planned workshop on the Community Recycling Centre (CRC) and FOGO initiatives in March-April 2024.


(b)       That at this workshop, Councillors be provided with the latest insights into waste education, proposed recycling tax clean-up efforts, resource recovery initiatives and an overview of potential rebates and incentives as previously foreshadowed by the CEO at the Councillor Strategic Planning Day and Budget Workshop in late 2023.

Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: :Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Councillors Garrard, Green, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Amendment: Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley and MacLean


On being PUT to the meting voting on the AMENDMENT was eight (8) votes FOR and four (4) votes AGAINST the Amendment was CARRIED


The Amendment became the MOTION.


RESOLVED: Councillor Valjak and Councillor Wang


(a)       That the CEO update Councillors regarding the plan for Council’s Domestic Waste Reserve at the planned workshop on the Community Recycling Centre (CRC) and FOGO initiatives in March-April 2024.


(b)       That at this workshop, Councillors be provided with the latest insights into waste education, proposed recycling tax clean-up efforts, resource recovery initiatives and an overview of potential rebates and incentives as previously foreshadowed by the CEO at the Councillor Strategic Planning Day and Budget Workshop in late 2023.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: :Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Councillors Garrard, Green, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Motion: Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley and MacLean


On being PUT to the Meeting voting on the MOTION was eight (8) votes FOR and four (4) votes AGAINST the Motion was CARRIED





Recognition of Service to Council

(Councillor Kellie Darley)



MOTION: Councillor Darley and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv

(a)    That Council acknowledge and thank Mr Bruce Mills, former Acting Executive Director of Property and Place and Group Manager of Place Services, for his 15 years of service to Council.


(b)    Further, that Council acknowledge and thank Ms Nicole Carnegie, Director City Strategy, for her 13 years of service to Council.



AMENDMENT: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero


That the CEO recognise all staff for their contributions and service as per the staff Rewards, Recognition and Service program.  


Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: Unanimous


The Amendment became the MOTION.


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero


That the CEO recognise all staff for their contributions and service as per the staff Rewards, Recognition and Service program.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



15.. Questions with Notice


Council's Customer Service and Call Centre Statistics

(Councillor Kellie Darley)


Item dealt with earlier in the Meeting.




Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Bridge Community Reference Group

(Councillor Kellie Darley)


Item dealt with earlier in the Meeting.



Response to Community Pantry Initiative - Donations as at February 2024

(Report by Councillor Kellie Darley)


Item dealt with earlier in the Meeting.





LATE REPORT: Questions Taken on Notice at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 February 2024

(Report by Council Secretariat and Policy Officer)


Item dealt with earlier in the Meeting.






Councillor Garrard requested to raise a Matter of Urgency under clause 9.3(b) of the Code of Meeting Practice, regarding the Closure of Parramatta PCYC


The Lord Mayor considered the matter to be urgent.






MATTER OF URGENCY - Closure of Parramatta PCYC

Councillor Michelle Garrard


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green


(a)              That Council note the positive contributions made by PCYC to the City of Parramatta, delivered through their broad range of youth and community activities and support;


(b)              That Council supports their objective to find a new permanent home within the Parramatta CBD; and


(c)              That the Lord Mayor write to Donna Davis MP, Andrew Charlton Federal MP The Hon. Yasmin Catley, Minister for the Police and Counter-terrorism, The Hon. Steve Kamper, Minister for Sport and The Hon. Rose Jackson, Minister for Youth  advocating they honour the WestInvest funding and to identifying an appropriate, centrally located site within the Parramatta CBD so that urgent planning can progress for a new Parramatta PCYC.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous







At 9.21pm, The Lord Mayor adjourned the meeting and the following Councillors were present:


Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillors MacLean, DLM Prociv, Pandey, Noack, Bradley, Wang, Garrard, Green, Siviero, Darley and Valjak.







At 9.31pm, the Lord Mayor reconvened the meeting and the following Councillors were present:


Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Valjak and Wang


Note:        Councillor Siviero left the meeting during the adjournment.




Move to closed session

RESOLVED: Councillor Noack  and Councillor Maclean

That at this time of the meeting, being 9.32pm, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber advised that the meeting would move into Closed Confidential Session to allow consideration of matters in Closed Session in accordance with Section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993. Accordingly, members of the press and public are excluded from the closed session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session will be withheld.

This action is taken to discuss:

16.1   QWN myWorkplace - 9 Wentworth Street Project Update

(Councillor Sameer Pandey)

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


16.2    CONFIDENTIAL Determination of Senior Staff Structure – City of Parramatta

(Report by Chief Executive Officer)

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Note:        Council moved into closed session at 9.33pm.





At 9.41pm, The Lord Mayor adjourned the meeting and the following Councillors were present:


Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillors MacLean, DLM Prociv, Pandey, Noack, Bradley, Wang, Garrard, Green, Darley and Valjak.





At 9.58pm, the Lord Mayor reconvened the meeting and the following Councillors were present:


Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Valjak and Wang





RESOLVED: Councillor Valjak and Councillor Bradley


That Councillor Siviero be permitted to attend this meeting by audio-visual link.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Note:        Councillor Siviero returned to the meeting (online) at 10.01pm.



Determination of Senior Staff Structure - City of Parramatta

(Report of the Chief Executive Officer)      


MOTION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


(a)       That Council determine the six senior staff positions within the organisation structure, including the roles and reporting lines, as shown at Attachment 1 of this report, pursuant to s332(1) of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)       That Council note the senior staff positions are the same as those previously determined by Council except for:

                        i.         The deletion of the role, Executive Director People, Culture and Workplace;  and

                       ii.         The deletion of the role, Executive Director, Property and Place.


(c)        That Council note the changes to the senior staff structure aim to improve clarity of responsibilities for the relevant functions and to reduce duplication of responsibilities.


(d)       That Council note the changes will reduce the senior staff structure by two (FTE) and reduce senior staff employment costs by an estimated $750,000 per annum.


(e)       Further that Council note the following title changes to better recognise key functional areas within the scope of responsibility:

                        i.         Executive Director Community Services to Executive Director Community and Culture; and

                       ii.         Change to the name of Directorate from Community Services to Community and Culture to reflect the title change outlined above (i).


AMENDMENT: Councillor Darley and Councillor Bradley


(a)        That Council defer determination of the senior staff positions, and resulting organisational structure, for two weeks so the following information can be provided in writing to Councillors:

·       The number of staff who have been made redundant since April 2023;

·       The percentage increase in senior staff salary between March 2023 and July 2023 as well as between March 2023 and December 2023; 

·       The number of staff who will have a new line manager as a result of the proposed structure compared to the currently adopted structure;

·       The number of staff who have left since October 2023; 

·       The number of vacant positions currently and how many are being filled by contract and temporary personnel; and

·       A summary of coronial inquiries that Council has been involved in throughout the current term of Council.


(b)        Further, that the current interim arrangements remain in place in the meantime

Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley MacLean and Pandey


Against the Amendment: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Councillors Garrard, Green, Noack, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


On being put to the meeting, voting on the Amendment was five (5) votes FOR and seven (7) votes AGAINST. The Amendment was LOST.


RECOMMENDATION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


(a)       That Council determine the six senior staff positions within the organisation structure, including the roles and reporting lines, as shown at Attachment 1 of this report, pursuant to s332(1) of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)       That Council note the senior staff positions are the same as those previously determined by Council except for:

                      iii.         The deletion of the role, Executive Director People, Culture and Workplace;  and

                     iv.         The deletion of the role, Executive Director, Property and Place.


(c)        That Council note the changes to the senior staff structure aim to improve clarity of responsibilities for the relevant functions and to reduce duplication of responsibilities.


(d)       That Council note the changes will reduce the senior staff structure by two (FTE) and reduce senior staff employment costs by an estimated $750,000 per annum.


(e)       Further that Council note the following title changes to better recognise key functional areas within the scope of responsibility:

                      iii.         Executive Director Community Services to Executive Director Community and Culture; and

                     iv.         Change to the name of Directorate from Community Services to Community and Culture to reflect the title change outlined above (i).


For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Motion: Councillors Bradley and Darley


On being PUT to the Meeting, voting on the Motion was ten (10) votes FOR and two (2) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.






Councillor Pandey requested the leave of the Chairperson to recommit the earlier decision of Council in relation to Item 16.1 QWN myWorkplace - 9 Wentworth Street Project Update, as he had a further question  to the Question with Notice - The Chairperson granted leave to recommit this item.


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Bradley


That Item 16.1 QWN myWorkplace - 9 Wentworth Street Project Update be recommitted to allow further questions on this matter.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous


Item 16.1 QWN myWorkplace - 9 Wentworth Street Project Update

(Councillor Sameer Pandey)


Councillor Pandey asked questions on Confidential Item 16.1 QWN myWorkplace - 9 Wentworth Street Project Update which were taken on notice






RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Bradley

That Council move into open session.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Note:       Council Moved to Open Session at 10.51pm.




RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Bradley

That the recommendations in relation to Item:

·     16.2 Determination of Senior Staff Structure - City of Parramatta.

be received and noted as resolutions of Council without any alteration and amendment thereto.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Determination of Senior Staff Structure - City of Parramatta

(Report of the Chief Executive Officer)      


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


(a)     That Council determine the six senior staff positions within the organisation structure, including the roles and reporting lines, as shown at Attachment 1 of this report, pursuant to s332(1) of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)       That Council note the senior staff positions are the same as those previously determined by Council except for:

                       v.         The deletion of the role, Executive Director People, Culture and Workplace;  and

                     vi.         The deletion of the role, Executive Director, Property and Place.


(c)        That Council note the changes to the senior staff structure aim to improve clarity of responsibilities for the relevant functions and to reduce duplication of responsibilities.


(d)       That Council note the changes will reduce the senior staff structure by two (FTE) and reduce senior staff employment costs by an estimated $750,000 per annum.


(e)       Further that Council note the following title changes to better recognise key functional areas within the scope of responsibility:

                       v.         Executive Director Community Services to Executive Director Community and Culture; and

                     vi.         Change to the name of Directorate from Community Services to Community and Culture to reflect the title change outlined above (i).


For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Motion: Councillors Bradley and Darley


On being PUT to the Meeting, voting on the Motion was ten (10) votes FOR and two (2) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.





The meeting concluded at 10.55pm.


This page and the preceding 27 pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday,  26 February 2024 and confirmed on Monday, 11 March 2024.





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