An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in PHIVE (COUNCIL CHAMBER)  COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 5 PARRAMATTA SQUARE, PARRAMATTA on Monday, 12 February 2024 at 6.30PM.





Gail Connolly PSM























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In accordance with clause 3.23 of the Model Code of Meeting Practice, Council is obligated to remind Councillors of the oath or affirmation of office made under section 233A of the Local Government Act 1993, and of their obligations under Council’s Code of Conduct to disclose and appropriately manage conflicts of interest – the ethical obligations of which are outlined below:



Oath [Affirmation] of Office by Councillors

I swear [solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm] that I will undertake the duties of the office of Councillor in the best interests of the people of the City of Parramatta Council and the City of Parramatta Council that I will faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in me under the Local Government Act 1993 or any other Act to the best of my ability and judgement.

Code of Conduct Conflict of Interests

Pecuniary Interests

A Councillor who has a pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned, and who is present at a meeting of the Council at which the matter is being considered, must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting.


The Councillor must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting:

a)     At any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed, or

b)     At any time during which the Council is voting on any question in relation to the matter.

Non-Pecuniary Conflict of Interests

A Councillor who has a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in a matter, must disclose the relevant private interest in relation to the matter fully and on each occasion on which the non-pecuniary conflict of interest arises in relation to the matter.

Significant Non-Pecuniary Conflict of Interests

A Councillor who has a significant non-pecuniary conflict of interest in relation to a matter under consideration at a Council meeting, must manage the conflict of interest as if they had a pecuniary interest in the matter.

Non-Significant Non-Pecuniary Interests

A Councillor who determines that they have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in a matter that is not significant and does not require further action, when disclosing the interest must also explain why conflict of interest is not significant and does not require further action in the circumstances.



Council                                                                  12 February 2024




ITEM                                                SUBJECT        PAGE NO








Council - 11 December 2023.............................. 7

Extraordinary Council Meeting – 29 January 2024                                                         39


8      Minutes of the Lord Mayor

9      Public Forum

10    Petitions

11    Rescission Motions

12    Reports to Council - For Notation

12.1          Investment Report for November 2023                                                         50

12.2          Investment Report for December 2023                                                       100

12.3          Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW........................... 150

12.4          Delegation of the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Exercised During the 2023/24 Recess Period.................. 166

13    Reports to Council - For Council Decision

13.1          Adoption of the Parramatta Bike Plan 2024.............................................. 170

13.2          Casual Vacancy in Civic Office - Resignation of Councillor Donna Davis MP (Application to Minister for Local Government to Dispense with By-Election)......................................... 311

14    Notices of Motion

14.1          Proposed Council Submission - Review of Section 83c of the Education Act 1990.............................................. 316

14.2          Draft 20225/26 Budget - Proposed Capital Works Program Budget Increases....................................... 318

14.3          Congratulations to Mr Peter Bacha OAM.............................................. 320

15    Questions with Notice

15.1          Questions Taken on Notice at the 11 December 2023 Council Meeting.... 324

15.2          Active Parramatta School Holidays Program......................................... 328

15.3          Christmas Recycling Collection....... 329

15.4          Tree Canopy Plan.......................... 330

16    Confidential Matters

16.1          Tender Exemption - Maintenance, Management of Multi-level Carparks and Cash Collection Services

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

16.2          LATE REPORT: ITT10-2023 - Supply and Installation Of New Multi-Level Carparking Technology and Maintenance Agreement

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.







City of Parramatta Council - Minutes of Council Meeting - Monday, 11 December 2023                                                                                                                               








A close-up of a logo

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Ordinary Council Meeting

Monday, 11 December 2023














Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta





The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Ange Humphries (online), Cameron MacLean, Paul Noack, Sameer Pandey, Deputy Lord Mayor, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.





Chief Executive Officer - Gail Connolly, Executive Director City Engagement and Experience - Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director Finance and Information - John Angilley, Executive Director City Planning and Design - Jennifer Concato, Executive Director Community Services - Jonathan Greig, Acting Executive Director City Assets & Operations - James Smallson, Acting Executive Director Property & Place - Bruce Mills, Property and Place Consultant - Neil Murray, Acting Executive Director People Culture and Workplace - Brendan Clifton,  Chief Technology Officer - John Crawford, Chief Governance & Risk Officer - Roxanne Thornton, Chief Financial Officer - Amit Sharma, Chief of Staff - Justin Mulder, Group Manager Major Projects and Precincts - David Birds, Group Manager Social & Community Services, David Moutou, Traffic and Transport Manager - Richard Searle Community Capacity Building Manager - Rodrigo Gutierrez, Civil Works Manager - Michael Cremasco, Manager Environmental Sustainability - Nishan Adhikari, Coordinator Infrastructure and Asset Planning - Jitash Singh, Marketing and Brand Manager - Linda Nassuruddin, Events and Festival Manager - Shannon Kliendienst, Senior Project Officer - Simon Coleman ICT Strategy and Partnering Manager - Ian Vong, Council Secretariat and Policy Officer - Marina Cavar,  Business Support Manager - Valance Horne, Business Support Officer - Emma Carrington, and ICT Service Desk Officer - Erik Ivarsson.



The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, opened the meeting at 7.02pm.



The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.



The Lord Mayor advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.



As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.





RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean

(a)       That an apology on behalf of Councillor Davis and be accepted and a leave of absence granted.


(b)       That Councillor Humphries be permitted to attend this meeting by audio-visual link.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous






Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 4 December 2023


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





There were no disclosures of interest.





RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

That in accordance with Section 13 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the Order of Business be amended to deal with the following items by exception:


Parramatta Traffic Committee Meeting - 8 November 2023 – Minutes


2024 Environmental Education Grants


Post Exhibition: Adoption of First Nations Strategy 2024-2029


Appointment of Parramatta Local Planning Panel Members


Confidential Report: Tender 24/2023 Construction of Stewart Street Lookout, Stewart.  Parramatta - Civil and Landscape Works

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Parramatta Traffic Committee Meeting - 8 November 2023 - Minutes

(Report by Traffic and Transport Manager)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

(a)    That Council note the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on 8 November 2023, provided at Attachment 1.


(b)    That Council approves the recommendations of the Parramatta Traffic Committee from the meeting held on 8 November 2023 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications for each item.




According to the conditions of the development consent, the construction, installation and on-going maintenance of all infrastructure, including any signage and line marking are to be paid by the applicant at no cost to Council.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





2024 Environmental Education Grants

(Report by Manager Sustainability & Waste; Acting Manager Environmental Sustainability)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

That Council approves the expenditure endorsed by the Grants Committee for the 2024 round of Environmental Education grants as summarised below:



Grant Allocation

Total Funding Recommended

Parramatta East Public School

(Dundas Ward)

·    $9,250

Kitchen Garden Program


·    $2,000

Environmental Education Excursion


Epping Public School

(Epping Ward)

·    $9,250

Kitchen Garden Program



Epping After School Care, Epping Public School (Epping Ward)

·    $2,000

Address food waste issues by composting and worm farming


Toongabbie Public School

(Parramatta Ward)

·    $9,250

Kitchen Garden Program


·    $2,000

Cycling skills and safety


Cumberland High School

(North Rocks Ward)

·    $2,000

Composting, Recycling, and Sorting Waste for Reuse


·    $2,000

New gardens which will grow natives and bushfood species


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Post Exhibition: Adoption of First Nations Strategy 2024-2029

(Report by Community Capacity Building Manager; Student Project Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

(a)    That Council notes the community feedback (as summarised in this report) received during the public exhibition of the Draft First Nations Strategy 2024-2029 as per Attachment 1.


(b)    That Council adopts the final First Nation Strategy 2024-2029 as per Attachment 2.


(c)    That Council endorses the Recognition of and Commitment to the Dharug People statement on pages 4 and 5 of the First Nations Strategy and for this statement to be used across other Council strategic documents.


(d)    That Council thank all those who have taken part in workshops and provided feedback throughout the development of the Strategy.


(e)    That the Chief Executive Officer be delegated authority to make minor editorial amendments or adjustments of a non-policy nature to this Strategy.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Appointment of Parramatta Local Planning Panel Members

(Report by Strategic Business Manager)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

(a)    That, subject to the satisfactory completion of probity checks, Council appoints the following persons as community representatives to the Parramatta Local Planning Panel for the period 1 March 2024 to 28 February 2027:


a.     Robert James Warry

b.     Palitha Weeratunge Dissanayake

c.     Tony Green

d.     Lakshmana Varathan

e.     Jerry Chen

f.      Frederick Lee

g.     Heather Joung

h.     Benedict Mitchell

i.      Darshini Bhatt

j.      James GeorgeCowie

k.     Caiubi Orgebin


(b)    That Council reappoints the following persons as alternate chair and independent expert members of the Parramatta Local Planning Panel from 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2024:


a.     Julie Walsh – Alternate Chair

b.     Ian Armstrong – Independent Expert Member

c.     Steve Driscoll – Independent Expert Member

d.     Michael Evesson – Independent Expert Member

e.     Simone Lotz – Independent Expert Member

f.      Michael Mason – Independent Expert Member

g.     Alison McCabe – Independent Expert Member


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Tender 24/2023 Construction of Stewart Street Lookout, Stewart Street, Parramatta – Civil and Landscape Works

(Report by Group Manager Capital Projects)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Noack

(a)    That the tender submitted by Glascott Landscape and Civil Pty Ltd for construction of the Stewart Street Lookout, Parramatta for the sum of $1,021,298.93 (excluding GST) be accepted.


(b)    That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision on this matter.


(c)    That Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


8.    Minutes of the Lord Mayor


Local Government NSW Excellence in Environment Awards

(Report by Lord Mayor Councillor Esber)


RESOLVED: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean

(a)       That Council note the City of Parramatta has been recognised at the 2023 Local Government NSW Excellence in the Environment Awards for PHIVE’s sustainability and the Revitalising Milson Park project; and

(b)       Further, that Council congratulate staff who have been recognised as leaders in environmental planning and performance in NSW.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Congratulations to PHIVE's builders for winning the Master Builders Association of NSW Excellence in State Award for Public Buildings

(Report by Lord Mayor Councillor Esber)


RESOLVED: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillor Bradley

(a)       That Council note that PHIVE has won the Master Builders Association of NSW Excellence in State Award for Construction (Commercial) Public Buildings costing from $50 million – $200 million.

(b)       That Council congratulate PHIVE’s builders, Built, on their recognition for outstanding construction work.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



9.    Public Forum




Report No.

Report Title


Heba Aly


Item 13.12

Planning and Environment - Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan (DCP) 2004 (for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H))


Naila Zalat

Item 13.12

Planning and Environment - Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan (DCP) 2004 (for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H))


Peter Saez

Item 14.1

Signalisation of Pedestrian Crossing on Rawson Street, Epping


Dilys Kindleysides

Item 14.2

Signalisation of Intersection  of Windsor Road and Windermere Avenue, Northmead

Note:        All Councillors were provided with copies of the Public Forum submissions  prior to the Council Meeting.



order of business

RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor MacLean

That in accordance with Clause 8.2 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, Council amend the Order of Business for this meeting, to allow for Item 13.12, 14.1 and 14.2 to be considered as the next item of business.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Submission on Proposed Amendment to the Department of Planning and Environment - Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan (DCP) 2004 (for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H))

(Report by Project Officer Land Use)


MOTION: Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero

(a)    That Council notes that the Department of Planning & Environment (DPE) is the planning authority for assessing and determining amendments to the Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan 2004 (DCP).



(b)    That Council notes that DPE has placed on public exhibition a proposed amendment to the DCP (proposal) for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H) which contains a decrease in the height of the proposed towers, an increase in the size of the urban park, an improved street and block layout and an increased setback from the foreshore, consistent with the existing DCP control.


(c)    That Council notes that a draft Planning Agreement has been submitted to Council by the applicant that seeks to provide local infrastructure to support future development on the site that would provide:

i.    A 90 place childcare centre and associated parking dedicated  to Council;

ii.   3,240sqm recreation centre including two large courts, (capable   of hosting European Handball), two squash courts, two multipurpose rooms, change rooms, administrative area, a café, and associated parking dedicated to Council;

iii.   Continuation of the shuttle bus service to Rhodes Station until 2031; and

iv.  Provision of a minimum of 16,000sqm open space (including an urban park and foreshore promenade).


(d)    That Council advise the DPE that it acknowledges the improvements made to the proposal and the current housing supply crisis in NSW, and requests that in the event the DPE supports the proposal (or one largely the same), the DPE and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces not bring into force any changes to the Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan 2013 until the Planning Agreement is signed by Council and the applicant and is registered on title.


(e)   That in the event the DPE supports the proposal the CEO be authorised to secure the delivery of the supporting infrastructure by:

i.    Negotiating the Planning Agreement based on the terms outlined in part (d) of this resolution and informed by the following parameters:


a.    If changes are introduced to the DCP amendment following the public exhibition that substantially change the amount of floorspace permitted, the total value of the deliverables under the Planning Agreement should be adjusted on a pro-rata basis to reflect changes made.

ii.    Endorsing the legal drafting of a draft Planning Agreement if favourable terms are met;

iii.   Publicly exhibiting the draft Planning Agreement for a minimum period of 28 days;

iv.   Reporting to Council the outcomes of the public exhibition; and

v.   Correcting any anomalies of a minor or non-policy nature that may arise during the preparation of the draft Planning Agreement.



AMENDMENT: Councillor Darley and Councillor Prociv


(a)       That Council notes that the Department of Planning & Environment (DPE) is the planning authority for assessing and determining amendments to the Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan 2004 (DCP).


(b)    That Council notes that DPE has placed on public exhibition a proposed amendment to the DCP (proposal) for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H).


(c)    That Council forwards the submission at Attachment 1 to DPE containing:

 i.   Council’s objection to the proposal.

ii.  Recommendations to improve the proposal should it be supported by the DPE, including requirements that:

a.      The commencement date of the DCP amendment occur once the State Government has committed to fully fund and deliver Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2, Sydney West Metro and the shuttle bus service or equivalent (instead of the applicant).

b.      DPE liaise with the Department of Education to ensure that it plans for the timely provision of adequate capacity at local schools to meet the additional need that would be generated by the future development.


(d)    That Council notes that a draft Planning Agreement (Attachment 3) has been submitted to Council by the applicant that seeks to provide local infrastructure to support future development on the site that would provide:

i.   A 90 place childcare centre and associated parking dedicated to Council;

ii.   3,240sqm recreation centre including two large courts, two squash courts, two multipurpose rooms, change rooms, administrative area, a café, and associated parking dedicated to Council;

iii.  Continuation of the shuttle bus service to Rhodes Station until the Sydney West Metro is operational, unless an equivalent service is instead provided by Transport for NSW (TfNSW); and

iv.  Provision of a minimum of 16,000sqm open space (including an urban park and foreshore promenade).


(e)    That in the event the DPE supports the proposal (or one largely the same) the CEO be authorised to secure the delivery of the supporting infrastructure by:

 i.    Negotiating the Planning Agreement based on the terms outlined in part (d) of this resolution and informed by the following parameters:

a.    A peer review of the cost estimates provided by the applicant to support the draft Planning Agreement, with any residual funds arising from the review being re-allocated to the provision of affordable housing, to ensure the total value of the current draft Planning Agreement offer of $70,034,000 is delivered;

b.     Requesting that the State Government provide the shuttle bus service or equivalent instead of the applicant, and should Transport for NSW (TfNSW) provide the service, any residual funds allocated for the shuttle bus provision in the draft Planning Agreement should be re-allocated to the provision of affordable housing to Council in perpetuity;

(f)     That in the event the DPE does not support the proposal but rather supports the Council Officer preferred scheme (approx. 620 dwellings, 52,600sqm GFA and 16+25 storey towers), that the CEO be authorised to negotiate a VPA to a commensurate value for the revised Gross Floor Area, prioritising the provision of the indoor recreation facility and embellished open space.


(g)    Further, that Council request that the DPE and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces not bring into force any changes to the Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan 2013 until the Planning Agreement is signed by Council and the applicant and is registered on title


Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley and MacLean


Against the Amendment: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber and Councillors Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne


On being PUT to the Meeting voting on the AMENDMENT four (4) votes FOR and ten (10) votes AGAINST the Amendment was LOST.


RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero


(a)    That Council notes that the Department of Planning & Environment (DPE) is the planning authority for assessing and determining amendments to the Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan 2004 (DCP).


(b)   That Council notes that DPE has placed on public exhibition a proposed amendment to the DCP (proposal) for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H) which contains a decrease in the height of the proposed towers, an increase in the size of the urban park, an improved street and block layout and an increased setback from the foreshore, consistent with the existing DCP control.


(c)    That Council notes that a draft Planning Agreement has been submitted to Council by the applicant that seeks to provide local infrastructure to support future development on the site that would provide:

i.    A 90 place childcare centre and associated parking dedicated  to Council;

ii.   3,240sqm recreation centre including two large courts, (capable   of hosting European Handball), two squash courts, two multipurpose rooms, change rooms, administrative area, a café, and associated parking dedicated to Council;

iii.   Continuation of the shuttle bus service to Rhodes Station until 2031; and

iv.  Provision of a minimum of 16,000sqm open space (including an urban park and foreshore promenade).


(d)    That Council advise the DPE that it acknowledges the improvements made to the proposal and the current housing supply crisis in NSW, and requests that in the event the DPE supports the proposal (or one largely the same), the DPE and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces not bring into force any changes to the Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan 2013 until the Planning Agreement is signed by Council and the applicant and is registered on title.


(e)   That in the event the DPE supports the proposal the CEO be authorised to secure the delivery of the supporting infrastructure by:

i.   Negotiating the Planning Agreement based on the terms outlined in part (d) of this resolution and informed by the following parameters:

  a.  If changes are introduced to the DCP amendment following the public exhibition that substantially change the amount of floorspace permitted, the total value of the deliverables under the Planning Agreement should be adjusted on a pro-rata basis to reflect changes made.

ii.    Endorsing the legal drafting of a draft Planning Agreement if favourable terms are met;

iii.   Publicly exhibiting the draft Planning Agreement for a minimum period of 28 days;

iv.   Reporting to Council the outcomes of the public exhibition; and

v.   Correcting any anomalies of a minor or non-policy nature that may arise during the preparation of the draft Planning Agreement.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber and Councillors Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne


Against the Motion: Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley and MacLean


On being PUT to the Meeting voting on the Motion ten (10 Votes FOR and four (4) votes AGAINST the Motion was CARRIED.


Question Taken On Notice (Clr Garrard) re Item 13.12 Submission on Proposed Amendment to the Department of Planning and Environment - Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan (DCP) 2004 (for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H))

·     In Attachment 3 under the actual VPA, I am unable to read what the sticky notes say, can I please be advised what they say?  There’s at least 50-100 of them.




Signalisation of Pedestrian Crossing on Rawson Street, Epping

(Report by Councillor MacLean)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Wearne

(a)    That Council notes the strong community desire from the Epping community for improved pedestrian and traffic safety at Rawson Street, Epping.

(b)    That Council notes the strong community support for the existing raised pedestrian crossing at Rawson Street, Epping, near the Council car park, to be converted to pedestrian signals.

(c)    That a report be prepared for the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group and Council on converting this existing raised pedestrian crossing to pedestrian signals. 

(d)     That a report be prepared for the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group and Council on the possibility of rationalisation of the pedestrian crossings in Rawson Street.

(d)    That the report be presented to the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group at its meeting in February 2024.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Signalisation of Intersection of Windsor Road and Windemere Avenue, Northmead

(Report by Councillor Georgina Valjak)


RESOLVED: Councillor Valjak and Councillor Wang

(a)    That Council writes to Transport for NSW (TNSW) requesting it provide comments on the options for providing traffic signals at the intersection of Windsor Road and Windemere Avenue, Northmead and/or mid-block pedestrian signals in Windsor Road between Windemere Avenue and Model Farms Road.

(b)    That the response from TNSW be provided to Councillors.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


10.  Petitions

There were no petitions tabled at this meeting.


11Rescission Motions



Note:      Councillor Maclean left the meeting at 8.30pm.


12.  Reports to Council - For Notation


Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting - 19 October 2023 - Minutes

(Report by Coordinator Internal Audit)


RESOLVED: Councillor Bradley and Councillor MacLean

That Council receives and notes the minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) meeting held on 19 October 2023 attached to this report.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:        Councillor Maclean returned to the meeting at 8.30pm.


13.  Reports to Council - For Council Decision



Traffic Engineering Advisory Group - 8 November 2023 - Minutes

(Report of Traffic and Transport Manager)


RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero

That Council notes the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 8 November 2023, as provided in Attachment 1, and summarised below:




This report only provides an update on the proposed traffic improvements and other proposed works on Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park. Therefore, this report has no financial impact upon Council's budget.




This report presents the findings of the traffic modelling study undertaken to reduce traffic congestion and improve efficiency at the signalised intersection of Darcy Road and Cumberland Highway, Wentworthville. In accordance with Council’s resolution, this report is to be forwarded to TfNSW for investigation and reply to Council. As such, this item has no impacts on Council’s budget at this stage. 




There are no changes proposed to the current financial arrangements for line marking at driveways. This report provides designs for line marking across driveways. Council can undertake the works on behalf of residents and businesses subject to fees being paid in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges Schedule which is currently $342 for the first driveway and $237 for the second and subsequent driveways. This fee does not cover maintenance of the line marking. Residents and businesses may also undertake the works independently of Council subject to conditions.




There are no financial implications to Council as a result of this report.




This item is to only provide an update to Councillors that a proposal for the installation of an at-grade pedestrian crossing and speed cushion will be referred to the Parramatta Traffic Committee items considered under Delegated Authority. Accordingly, there is no direct financial implications arising from this item.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Question Taken On Notice (Prociv) re: Item 13.2 Traffic Engineering Advisory Group - 8 November 2023 - Minutes(Item 2311 line marking)





Status Update on Report - Sponsorships, Corporate Memberships and Memoranda of Understanding

(Report by Executive Director City Planning and Design)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Noack

That the report Council requested in July 2023 detailing the current and planned sponsorships, corporate memberships and Memorandums of Understanding be provided to a Council meeting in February 2024.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



CBD Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program

(Report by Coordinator Infrastructure Asset Plan)


RESOLVED: Councillor Pandey and Councillor Prociv

That the consideration of this report be deferred to the 25 March 2024 Council meeting to allow the CEO an opportunity to provide further clarification to Councillors on this matter.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Question Taken On Notice (Prociv) re: Item 13.4 CBD Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program



Question taken on notice (Garrard) re: Item 13.4  CBD Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program.






Delegation to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer for the 2023/24 Recess Period

(Report by Chief Governance & Risk Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


(a)    Council delegates to the Lord Mayor the authority to exercise the powers, authorities, duties and functions of Council during the recess period, being Tuesday 12 December 2023 until Sunday 11  February 2024;


(b)    The Lord Mayor shall consult with the Chief Executive Officer prior to exercising the delegation.


(c)    The delegation does not override the Chief Executive Officer’s delegation approved by Council at its meeting on 11 April 2023.


(d)    Any person acting as the Chief Executive Officer during the recess period has all the functions and delegations and sub delegations given to the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to this resolution and those made at the Council meeting on 11 April 2023.


(e)    Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the powers, duties and functions of the Council during the Recess Period, being Tuesday, 12 December 2023 until Sunday, 11 February 2024; not including functions listed under Section 377(1) from (a) to (u).


(f)     In the event that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer are required to deal with important or urgent business of the Council during the Recess Period, the process for calling an Extraordinary Council Meeting is as per the Code of Meeting Practice.


(g)    At the first Council meeting of 2024, the Chief Executive Officer report to Councillors all delegations jointly exercised by the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer during the recess period.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Note:        At 9.29pm, the Lord Mayor called a 10 minute adjournment.





Note:        At 9.45pm, the Lord Mayor reconvened the meeting and the following Councillors were present;


The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard, Green, Humphries (online), MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang were present



Note:        Councillor Wearne and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv returned to the meeting at 9.47pm.




2024 Annual Community Grants Program

(Report by Community Capacity Building Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor Darley and Councillor MacLean

(a)       That Council notes the applications received in the annual round of the 2024 Community Grants Program in Attachment 1.


(b)       That Council adopts the expenditure recommended by the Grants Committee for the annual round of the 2024 Community Grants in Attachment 2.


(c)       That Council notes the status of grants made in the Quarterly Community Grants Program and Parramatta Representative Sports Grant in Attachment 4.


(d)       That Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to disburse funds to successful applicants.


(e)       That the CEO strengthens the grant acknowledgement provisions for successful recipients for the 2024 Annual Community Grants Program and also submits a report to the Council with a draft Policy that deals with how Council is acknowledged and represented for all future Grant and Financial Assistance Programs in the future.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous






Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv requested the leave of the Chairperson to recommit the earlier decision of Council in relation to Item 13.9, as she had a minor amendment she wanted added to the Motion. The Chairperson granted leave to recommit the resolution.


RESOLVED:    Councillor Bradley and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv

That Council recommit the resolution for Item 13.9 on this business paper to include the words with the exception of the inclusion of Pantone colour 072C (blue)” at the end of paragraph (b).

Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous





Post Exhibition: Adoption of Tower Crane Policy and Hoarding Policy

(Report by Policy Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Darley

(a)    That Council notes that no submissions were received following public exhibition of the Tower Crane Policy and Guidelines and Hoarding Policy and Guidelines.


(b)    That Council adopts the Tower Crane Policy and Guidelines and the Hoarding Policy and Guidelines, as attached to this report, with the exception of the inclusion of Pantone colour 072C (blue).

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Post Exhibition: Adoption of Shannons Paddock Landscape Masterplan

(Report by Senior Open Space and Natural Resource Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor Pandey and Councillor Bradley

(a)       That Council adopts the Shannons Paddock Landscape Masterplan (Attachment 1) as amended in response to submissions received during the public exhibition period.


(b)       That copies of the adopted Shannons Paddock Landscape Masterplan be made available to the public at the City of Parramatta Library and on Council’s website.


(c)       That all those who provided submissions during the public exhibition period be advised of Council’s decision and thanked for their contribution to the development of the Masterplan.


(d)       That the Masterplan includes elements that reference the memory line of the former natural alignment of Finlaysons Creek and that Council staff consult with the Social Canvas Group.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Further Deferred from OCM 4 December 2023 (Deferred from OCM 20 November 2023) - Proposed Youth Inclusion Framework

(Report by Community Capacity Building Lead)


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Green

(a)       That Council continue work on the development of a Youth Inclusion Framework, to provide a stronger framework to support and enhance Council programs and services that impact young people, and better inform future Council responses to gaps in needs.


(b)       That the results of initial research and consultation with young people and other stakeholders by presented at a Councillor Workshop in March 2024 to inform the development of a draft Youth Inclusion Framework.


(c)        That Council notes the revised timeline for completion of a draft Youth Inclusion Framework to be considered by Council by 12 August 2024.


(d)       That Council investigates a pilot supervised School Holiday Program offer targeting 14-17 year old young people through a Youth Week Grant to a skilled, appropriate local youth service and promoted to young people in the Parramatta LGA.


(e)       Further, that Council notes the CEO’s report to Councillors dated 24 November 2023 regarding the employment and opportunities for youth within the organisation, and notes that the Youth Inclusion Framework should include measures for Council to involve youth to join Council’s workforce including, but not limited to;

a.    Presentation on current offerings with respect work experience, graduate programs, traineeships and apprenticeships;

b.    Recommendations on options how to enhance our offerings with a focus on:

                                               i.     Ensuring appropriate support is provided to young people engaged through these pathways;

                                              ii.     Ensuring there are internal career pipelines for progression post apprenticeship/student officer term;

                                            iii.     Long-term strategy to continue to increase the number of apprentices and fields of appointment;

                                            iv.     Future proactive mechanisms to engage, partner and promote our early career pipelines

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


14.  Notices of Motion

Items 14.1 and 14.2 were dealt with earlier in the meeting as detailed in these Minutes.


15.  Questions with Notice


Council Meeting Live Stream Data

(Report by Councillor Darley)


Question with Notice

How many people watch the Council meeting live stream? Specifically, what are the per meeting totals for the last year (broken down by live and catch-up) and then monthly total for the last 2 years?


Executive Director, Finance and Information response




Archived Recording Views


Average view time in minutes and seconds

January 2022



February 2022



March 2022



April 2022



May 2022



June 2022



July 2022



August 2022



September 2022



October 2022



November 2022



December 2022




Livestream Views


Average view time in minutes and seconds

January 2022



February 2022



March 2022



April 2022



May 2022



June 2022



July 2022



August 2022



September 2022



October 2022



November 2022



December 2022







Archived Recording Views


Average time in minutes and seconds

January 2023



February 2023



March 2023



April 2023



May 2023



June 2023



July 2023



August 2023



September 2023



October 2023



November 2023




Livestream Views


Average time in minutes and seconds

January 2023



February 2023



March 2023



April 2023



May 2023



June 2023



July 2023



August 2023



September 2023



October 2023



November 2023






Question Taken On Notice (Darley) re: Item 15.1 Council Meeting Live Data Stream





Questions taken on Notice at the 4 December 2023 Council Meeting

(Report by Council Secretariat & Policy Officer)



Councillor Garrard asked a questions on Item 13.7 Gateway Request: Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263 – 273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford


·    Is there any affordable housing in the Riverbank Development?


Executive Director City Planning and Design Response:


There is no affordable housing provided in the approved development at 180 George Street, Parramatta (also known as the Riverbank development).




Councillor Pandey asked questions on Item 13.8 Response to Community Pantry Initiative


·    How much has been donated to the listed organisations in this report in this financial year?


·    How much has Council drawn on from the Financial Reserves this Financial Year and last Financial Year?


Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


In 2023/24 financial year, there have been no financial contributions by Council to the three charities recommended in the staff report.

Financial Reserves:

The accumulation of unrestricted revenue less expenditure funded from unrestricted funds makes up Council’s unrestricted cash balance (general reserve). In FY2023 (last financial year) Council spent approximately all but $11.5 million of its unrestricted general funds.



Councillor Garrard asked questions on the Urgency Motion – International Day of People with Disability


·    Where is Council up to in providing subtitles during the live broadcast of Council Meetings?


·    When will the report come back to Council in relation to Councillor Siviero’s Notice of Motion from the 24 April 2023, Council Meeting?



Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


As a first step, Council staff have scheduled several technology upgrades to occur over the Christmas / New Year recess, including subtitles for the webcast/recording of the Council Meetings.


A staff report responding to all items within the Council resolution of 24 April 2023 will be provided in early 2024.




Move to closed session

RESOLVED:    Councillor Noack and Councillor Garrard

That at this time of the meeting, being 10.23pm, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber advised that the meeting would move into Closed Confidential Session to allow consideration of matters in Closed Session in accordance with Section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993. Accordingly, members of the press and public are excluded from the closed session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session will be withheld.

This action is taken to discuss:

Item 16.2    Expression of Interest on Retail 6 - Parramatta Square.

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

Item 16.3   Tender Exemption - Engagement of Property Strategy Consultant.

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.



Item 16.4   Tender Exemption - Engagement of 9 Wentworth Consultant.

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

Item 16.5    LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026).

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; and section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Garrard, Green, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne


Against the Motion: Councillor Darley.


On being PUT to the Meeting Voting on this MOTION was thirteen (13) votes FOR and one (1) vote AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED


Note:        Council moved into closed session at 10.28pm.






Expression of Interest on Retail 6 - Parramatta Square

(Report by Space Management Officer)


RECOMMENDATION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang

(a)       That this matter be deferred to a Councillor Workshop  in early 2024, allowing the Chief Executive Officer the opportunity to undertake further due diligence in regards to this matter.


(b)       That following the early 2024 Councillor Workshop, the matter be reported back to Council for consideration.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Question Taken On Notice (Pandey) re: Item 16.2 Expression of Interest on Retail 6 - Parramatta Square.








RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Bradley

That, in accordance with Clase 18.2 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, Council extend the Council Meeting by 30 minutes until 11.30pm to allow Council to complete the business of the Council.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Tender Exemption - Engagement of Property Strategy Consultant

(Report of Acting Executive Director Property and Place)


RECOMMENDATION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Noack

That Council:


(a)    approves the exemption to the tendering requirements for the Property Strategy Consultant pursuant to section 55(3)(k) / section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)    notes that Council has no Property Strategy to guide decision-making regarding significant compulsory acquisition matters and/or property development opportunities involving Council land arising from unsolicited third-party (both public and private) approaches to Council.


(c)    notes that Council is at risk of significant opportunity cost in deferring these opportunities to conduct a tender process, or at significant risk of entering unsatisfactory co-development agreements if negotiations with third parties progress while a Property Strategy was not being prepared.


(d)    approves the engagement of Knight Frank as the Property Strategy Consultant for a term of six months.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Question Taken On Notice (Pandey) re: Item 16.3 Tender Exemption – Engagement of Property Strategy Consultant





Tender Exemption - Engagement of 9 Wentworth Consultant

(Report of Acting Executive Director Property and Place)


RECOMMENDATION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne

That Council:


(a)    approves the exemption to the tendering requirements for the 9 Wentworth Consultant pursuant to section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)    notes the extenuating circumstance for the tendering exemption, that the 9 Wentworth Project Consultant is critical to office relocation project from 126 Church Street, and a satisfactory result would not have been achieved by inviting tenders.


(c)    notes that Knight Frank is also proposed to be engaged as the Property Strategy Consultant and is engaged for the whole of Council portfolio projects, which includes the 9 Wentworth property.


(d)    delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Question Taken On Notice (Pandey) re: Item 16.4 Tender Exemption – Engagement of 9 Wentworth Consultant





LATE REPORT - Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)

(Report by Acting Manager Events & Festivals)


RECOMMENDATION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green

(a)       That Council endorses Option A, with the exclusion of the 20 person Director’s table ($79,600) portion of the hospitality component as detailed in this report, for the City of Parramatta to enter into a 3-year strategic partnership with the Parramatta Eels, focusing on the shared strategic areas of community, brand and visitation for 2024, with the expenditure amounts for 2025 and 2026 deferred to a Councillor Workshop in early 2024 with the intention of finalising the financial components of the partnership in the latter years.


(b)       That the Chief Executive Officer allocate funding from the general reserve to cover the cost of the 3-year partnership with the Parramatta Eels, with a priority on savings arising from the current review of existing MOUs, Alliances, Sponsorships and Corporate Memberships.


(c)        That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documentation.



AMENDMENT: Councillor Prociv and Councillor MacLean


That this matter be deferred to a Councillor Workshop in early 2024 to allow further consultation with the Councillors prior to Council considering this matter.


Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley and MacLean


Against the Amendment: Councillors Garrard, Green Noack, Humphries, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne


On being PUT to the Meeting, voting on this Amendment was five (5) votes FOR and nine (9) votes AGAINST. The Amendment was LOST.


RECOMMENDATION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green


(a)       That Council endorses Option A, with the exclusion of the 20 person Director’s table ($79,600) portion of the hospitality component as detailed in this report, for the City of Parramatta to enter into a 3-year strategic partnership with the Parramatta Eels, focusing on the shared strategic areas of community, brand and visitation for 2024, with the expenditure amounts for 2025 and 2026 deferred to a Councillor Workshop in early 2024 with the intention of finalising the financial components of the partnership in the latter years.


(b)       That the Chief Executive Officer allocate funding from the general reserve to cover the cost of the 3-year partnership with the Parramatta Eels, with a priority on savings arising from the current review of existing MOUs, Alliances, Sponsorships and Corporate Memberships.


(c)        That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documentation.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Councillors Pandey, Noack, Humphries, Wearne, Wang, Garrard, Green, Siviero and Valjak


Against the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley and MacLean



On being PUT to the meeting voting, on the MOTION was nine (9) votes FOR and five (5) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED



Questions Taken On Notice (Clr Pandey) re: Item 16.5 LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)



Question  Taken On Notice (Clr Bradley) re: Item 16.5 LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)



Question taken on notice (Clr Darley) re: Item 16.5 LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)







RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Noack

That Council move into open session

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Note:       Council Moved to Open Session at 11.32pm.




Note:        The recommendation of the Closed Session in relation to Items:

·       16.2 Expression of Interest on Retail 6 - Parramatta Square

·       16.3 Tender Exemption - Engagement of Property Strategy Consultant),

·       16.4 Tender Exemption - Engagement of 9 Wentworth Consultant)

·       16.5 LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026) 

were received and noted as resolutions of Council without any alteration and amendment thereto. 




Expression of Interest on Retail 6 - Parramatta Square

(Report by Space Management Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang

(a)       That this matter be deferred to a Councillor Workshop  in early 2024, allowing the Chief Executive Officer the opportunity to undertake further due diligence in regards to this matter.


(b)       That following the early 2024 Councillor Workshop, the matter be reported back to Council for consideration.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Tender Exemption - Engagement of Property Strategy Consultant

(Report of Acting Executive Director Property and Place)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Noack

That Council:


(a)    approves the exemption to the tendering requirements for the Property Strategy Consultant pursuant to section 55(3)(k) / section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)    notes that Council has no Property Strategy to guide decision-making regarding significant compulsory acquisition matters and/or property development opportunities involving Council land arising from unsolicited third-party (both public and private) approaches to Council.


(c)    notes that Council is at risk of significant opportunity cost in deferring these opportunities to conduct a tender process, or at significant risk of entering unsatisfactory co-development agreements if negotiations with third parties progress while a Property Strategy was not being prepared.


(d)    approves the engagement of Knight Frank as the Property Strategy Consultant for a term of six months.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Tender Exemption - Engagement of 9 Wentworth Consultant

(Report of Acting Executive Director Property and Place)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne

That Council:


(a)    approves the exemption to the tendering requirements for the 9 Wentworth Consultant pursuant to section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)    notes the extenuating circumstance for the tendering exemption, that the 9 Wentworth Project Consultant is critical to office relocation project from 126 Church Street, and a satisfactory result would not have been achieved by inviting tenders.


(c)    notes that Knight Frank is also proposed to be engaged as the Property Strategy Consultant and is engaged for the whole of Council portfolio projects, which includes the 9 Wentworth property.


(d)    delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





LATE REPORT - Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)

(Report by Acting Manager Events & Festivals)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green

(a)       That Council endorses Option A, with the exclusion of the 20 person Director’s table ($79,600) portion of the hospitality component as detailed in this report, for the City of Parramatta to enter into a 3-year strategic partnership with the Parramatta Eels, focusing on the shared strategic areas of community, brand and visitation for 2024, with the expenditure amounts for 2025 and 2026 deferred to a Councillor Workshop in early 2024 with the intention of finalising the financial components of the partnership in the latter years.


(b)       That the Chief Executive Officer allocate funding from the general reserve to cover the cost of the 3-year partnership with the Parramatta Eels, with a priority on savings arising from the current review of existing MOUs, Alliances, Sponsorships and Corporate Memberships.


(c)        That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documentation.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Councillors Garrard, Green Noack, Humphries, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne


Against the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Prociv and Councillors Bradley, Darley and MacLean


On being PUT to the meeting voting on the MOTION was nine (9) votes FOR and five (5) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED





The meeting concluded at 11.33pm.


This page and the preceding 31 pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 11 December 2023 and will be confirmed on Monday,12 February 2024.


















A close-up of a logo

Description automatically generated

















Extraordinary Council Meeting

Monday, 29 January 2024














Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta





The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Cameron MacLean, Paul Noack, Sameer Pandey, Deputy Lord Mayor, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.




Chief Executive Officer - Gail Connolly, Executive Director City Engagement and Experience - Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director Finance and Information - John Angilley, Executive Director Community Services - Jonathan Greig, Executive Director City Assets & Operations – George Bounassif, Chief Technology Officer - John Crawford, ICT Strategy and Partnering Manager - Ian Vong, Council Secretariat and Policy Officer - Marina Cavar,  Business Support Manager - Valance Horne, and ICT Service Desk Officer - Erik Ivarsson.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, opened the meeting at 7.15pm.




The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.




The Lord Mayor advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.




As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.





RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Wearne

That an apology on behalf of Councillor Ange Humphries and be accepted and a leave of absence granted.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Councillors Bradley and Garrard disclosed a non-pecuniary interests in relation to Items 9.1 and 10.1, as they are members of the Parramatta Eels Club but do not hold any management positions in the club.


Councillors were advised that an interest should only be declared if they hold management committee positions. At the time of the meeting, it was confirmed that no Councillor held a management position at the Parramatta Eels Club.




RESOLVED: Councillor Prociv and Councillor Bradley


That in accordance with clause 3.28 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the Lord Mayoral considered the Petition as a matter of urgency.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Petition - Parramatta Eels

(Report of Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Patricia Prociv)



A petition signed by the public was tabled at the Extraordinary Council meeting and reads:


Stop the Eels Parramatta Council sponsorship deal: Focus on local infrastructure.





That in accordance with clause 3.28 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the Lord Mayoral considered the Lord Mayoral Minute as a matter of urgency.


7.    Minutes of the Lord Mayor


Vale Mr Lang Walker AO

(Report of Lord Mayor Councillor Esber)



(c)        That Council acknowledge the passing of Mr Lang Walker AO, offering our condolences to his family, friends and team at the Walker Corporation.

(d)       That Council write to the Walker family offering our sincere condolences on Mr Lang Walker’s passing and acknowledging his huge contribution to building Paramatta as Sydney’s second CBD; and

(e)       That a minute’s silence be observed by the Chamber as a gesture of respect on his passing and in recognition of his dedication, vision and ongoing philanthropic legacy to the Parramatta and Western Sydney community.

(f)         That Council install a plaque within Parramatta Square in honour of Mr Lang Walker.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



8.    Public Forum



Report No.

Report Title


Luke Magee

Item 9.1

Notice of Rescission for Item 16.5 of the 11 December 2023 Council Meeting: LATE REPORT: Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)


Rob Mashford

Item 9.1

Notice of Rescission for Item 16.5 of the 11 December 2023 Council Meeting: LATE REPORT: Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)


Laurie Bennett

General Council Compliance to

the Local

Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to

10D and also declarations of

Pecuniary Interest

Note: This is a representation pursuant to Clause 14.9 of the Code of Meeting Practice. The CEO raised this prior to any resolution to go into closed session.




Move to closed session

MOTION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green


A procedural motion was moved by Councillor Garrard and seconded by Councillor Green to move the rescission motion to closed session.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Councillors Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.


Against the Motion: The Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley and Darley.


On being PUT to the meeting voting on this MOTION was eight (8) votes FOR and five (5) votes AGAINST




9.    Rescission Motion


Notice of Recission for Item 16.5 of the 11 December 2023 Council Meeting: LATE REPORT: Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)

Report of Councillor Kellie Darley  



The rescission motion was withdrawn by Councillor Darley.





RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne

That Council move into open session.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:       Council Moved to Open Session at 8:10pm.



Move to closed session

MOTION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero

That at this time of the meeting, being 8:10 pm, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber advised that the meeting would move into Closed Confidential Session to allow consideration of matters in Closed Session in accordance with Section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993. Accordingly, members of the press and public are excluded from the closed session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session will be withheld.

This action is taken to discuss:

Item 10.1    Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels - Funding Allocation for Years Two and Three (2025 and 2026).

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


Record of Voting: Unanimous


Note:        prior to moving into closed session the following members of the public made submissions not to go into closed session for Item 10.1:



Cheryl Bates

General Council Compliance to

the Local

Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to


General Council Compliance to the Local  Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to 10D



Phil Grasso

General Council Compliance to

the Local

Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to


General Council Compliance to the Local  Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to 10D



Dr Judy Greenwood

General Council Compliance to

the Local

Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to


General Council Compliance to the Local  Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to 10D



Simone Eagleton

General Council Compliance to

the Local

Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to


General Council Compliance to the Local  Government Act, Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 10 to 10D



Note:        Councillor Darley left the meeting at 8:12pm and rejoined at 8:18pm.


Note:        Council moved into closed session at 8:20pm.



Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels - Funding Allocation for Years Two and Three (2025 and 2026)

(Report by Councillor Michelle Garrard)



RECOMMENDATION: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green

(a)         That Council reaffirms its 11 December 2023 resolution to enter into a three-year multifaceted strategic partnership between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels.


(b)      That Council reaffirms its financial commitment of $383,500 in Year One of the strategic partnership for 2024.


(c)      That Council endorse the same partnership content and expenditure of $383,500 per year for the multifaceted strategic partnership between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels, focusing on the shared strategic areas of community, brand and visitation for Years Two and Three (the 2025 and 2026 years of the partnership).


(d)           That the Chief Executive Officer allocate funding from the general reserve to cover the cost of the 3-year partnership with the Parramatta Eels, with a priority on savings arising from the current review of existing MOUs, Alliances, Sponsorships and Corporate Memberships.


(e)           That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documentation.


(f)             That pursuant to section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, it be noted that Council did not invite tenders for this partnership as there is a sole supplier (Parramatta Eels) and therefore an unavailability of competitive tenderers.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Councillors Garrard, Green, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne


Against the Motion: The Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley, MacLean


On being PUT to the meeting voting on this MOTION was eight (8) votes FOR and five (5) votes AGAINST




Note:        Councillor Darley left the meeting at 8.47pm and rejoined at 8.56pm.





RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne

That Council move into open session.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:       Council Moved to Open Session at 9.00pm.



Note:        The recommendation of the Closed Session in relation to Items:

·       10.1 Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels - Funding Allocation for Years Two and Three (2025 and 2026)


were received and noted as resolutions of Council without any alteration and amendment thereto.



Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels - Funding Allocation for Years Two and Three (2025 and 2026)

(Report by Councillor Michelle Garrard)










RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green

(a)      That Council reaffirms its 11 December 2023 resolution to enter into a three-year multifaceted strategic partnership between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels.


(b)      That Council reaffirms its financial commitment of $383,500 in Year One of the strategic partnership for 2024.


(c)      That Council endorse the same partnership content and expenditure of $383,500 per year for the multifaceted strategic partnership between the City of Parramatta and the Parramatta Eels, focusing on the shared strategic areas of community, brand and visitation for Years Two and Three (the 2025 and 2026 years of the partnership).


(d)        That the Chief Executive Officer allocate funding from the general reserve to cover the cost of the 3-year partnership with the Parramatta Eels, with a priority on savings arising from the current review of existing MOUs, Alliances, Sponsorships and Corporate Memberships.


(e)           That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documentation.


(f)             That pursuant to section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, it be noted that Council did not invite tenders for this partnership as there is a sole supplier (Parramatta Eels) and therefore an unavailability of competitive tenderers.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Councillors Garrard, Green, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne


Against the Motion: The Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley, MacLean


On being PUT to the meeting voting on this MOTION was eight (8) votes FOR and five (5) votes AGAINST




The meeting concluded at 9:03pm.


This page and the preceding 8 pages are the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 29 January 2024 and will be confirmed on Monday,12 February 2024.












Reports to Council - For Notation


12 February 2024


12.1          Investment Report for November 2023......... 40


12.2          Investment Report for December 2023......... 90


12.3          Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW............................................. 140


12.4          Delegation of the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Exercised During the 2023/24 Recess Period............................................ 156

Agenda - Ordinary Council Meeting – 12 February 2024                 Item 12.1



ITEM NUMBER        12.1

SUBJECT                 Investment Report for November 2023

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09241614

REPORT OF            Tax and Treasury Accountant        


CSP THEME:                   Fair


workshop/briefing date: Nil




The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the investment portfolio performance and compliance for the month of November 2023.




That Council receive and note the Investment Report for November 2023.




1.     In accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (the Regulation), a report setting out details of all money invested must be presented to Council monthly.


2.     The report must include a certificate as to whether the investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.




Investment Portfolio Summary


3.     The investment portfolio closing balance as of 30 November 2023 was $501.3m. The average portfolio holdings held throughout the month was $493.8m.


4.     The majority of Council’s investment portfolio is in term deposits (59%). The portfolio also includes liquid floating rate notes (FRNs), cash, and the TCorp Long Term Growth Fund (LTGF).


5.     Approximately 9.15% of the portfolio comprises of less conservative long-term investments with exposure to credit markets and domestic and international shares. The investment portfolio is well diversified and weighted towards higher-rated institutions.


6.     The table below lists the diversified range of investments held by Council as of 30 November 2023.





Table 1: Summary of investment portfolio



*COPC Internal Benchmark returns - based on Council’s individual benchmarks across the various asset classes it invests within its own portfolio. The following individual benchmarks are the measurements, used for each asset class.


Cash: RBA Cash Rate
Term Deposits: based on Council’s weighted average duration using multiple ADIs average monthly rate
FRNs: AusBond Credit FRN Index
CFS Global Credit Income Fund: AusBond Credit Index
NSW TCorpIM Long-Term Growth Fund: NSW TCorpIM Internal Benchmark


Investment performance for the month. The investment portfolio reported a monthly actual return of 0.55% for November 2023 (or 6.89% on an annualised basis). outperforming the monthly Ausbond bank bill index by 255 basis points annualised. The TCorp Fund 3.77% Actual was the main contributor to performance as both domestic shares (S&P ASX 200 Accumulation Index +5.03%) and international shares (MSCI World ex-Australia +8.87%) rallied strongly during month. Bonds also rebounded as yields fell and valuations rose (AusBond Composite Bond Index gained +2.97%).


7.     Historical investment performance. The table below provides year-to-date and historical investment performance compared to the Ausbond Bank Bill Index.


Table 2: Historical investment portfolio performance


8.     Investment Revenue: As at the end of November 2023, the cumulative actual interest/income earned, was approximately -$52k below the annual budget. The TCorp Long Term Growth Fund (LTGF) managed to claw back some of the book losses over the last quarter, as the domestic and international shares rallied.


Going forward for 2023-24 Advisors exercise caution and expect volatility from the TCorp Long-Term given it has exposure to both domestic and international shares. This fund has a long duration view of 7-10 years and cannot be accurately measured for performance in the short term.


Table 3: Cumulative Interest table


Note: Council values all managed funds, Floating rate notes, and bonds on a mark to market basis each month. Any gain or loss in valuation is capitalised to interest income based on actual monthly statements.



Table 4: Managed Fund Valuations Capitalised


9.     During November, unrealised capital valuations on Managed funds rose by approximately $1.336m. This increase in capital valuation, has been capitalised and is included in the cumulative investment revenue shown in table 3.


10.   The CFS Global Credit fund accounts for around 3% of Council’s total investment portfolio. The Fund returned +1.48% (actual) in November, as market valuations in global credit securities increased. With a running yield of 5.50% p.a., advisors recommend Council retains this “grandfathered” Fund given the alternative to invest in cash and deposits are yielding slightly lower.


11.   Maturities and Transactions: Overall, the portfolio remains well diversified from a maturity perspective, with around 16% of assets directed to medium term (2-5 years).


12.   Where liquidity permits, Council advisors recommend new surplus funds be directed towards 1–3-year horizons given this is where the most attractive value can be found.


13.   The following Investment transactions occurred during November 2023:


Table 5: Investment Maturities


Table 6: New Investment Purchases

14.   During the month Council invested $36m, in Term Deposits, Floating Rate Notes and at call cash. Approximately $32m was invested in environmentally sustainable fossil fuel free investments.


15.   The higher than usual amount invested in cash at call (4.60%) is due to timing of some large maturities on the last day of the month, a large proportion of which will be reinvested in early December 23.


Table 7: Maturity profile


16.   The portfolio complies with Council’s Investment Policy limits, with ample investment opportunity still available within all institutional rating, duration, and counterparty limits.


Graph 1: Investment Policy rating capacity.

*BBB-/BBB+ limits combined under Council’s investment policy.


17.   Counterparty Limits. All individual counterparty limits comply with council’s investment policy, with the following exceptions:


Table 8: Exceptions to counterparty limits



Policy Limit ($‘000)

Held ($’000)

Overweight ($’000)


Compliance Date

No Exceptions







18.   As at the end of November 2023, Council did not have an overweight position to any single ADI. Overall, the portfolio is well diversified across the entire credit spectrum, including some exposure to unrated ADIs.


19.   A full list of counterparty holdings is available on page 9 of the Arlo Advisory comprehensive report (attachment 2).


20.   Current Yields Councils Floating Rate Notes are currently yielding around 5.73% FYTD with unrealised capital gains of approximately $122k based on current market valuations.


21.   The CFS Global Credit Fund holds a diverse range of securities across the global credit market. It remains very well diversified by issuer to mitigate default risk. It invests in nearly 600 corporate bonds from issuers in various countries and industry sectors. Any spread contraction going forward allows credit and asset-backed holdings to enjoy significant capital gains. With a running yield of around +5.5% per annum, Council will continue to hold this fund.


22.   Council’s term deposit portfolio (66% of the portfolio) was yielding 3.71% p.a. at month-end, with a weighted average duration of around 227 days or 7.5 months.


23.   During November, major bank deposit rates rose 10bp between 6–12-month tenors, following the RBA’s decision to hike again. In contrast, at the very long-end (3-5 years), deposit rates offered by the major banks fell between 5-10bp with the banks reacting to the softer monthly inflation figure, as well as the movement in global bond yields. Rates remain flat across the longer-tenors (1–5-year rates), reflective of the major banks believing that we are approaching the peak of the interest rates cycle and potentially, future rate cuts may need to be delivered should inflation be returning back to target.     


Graph 2: Term Deposit Yields



24.   Council engages Arlo Advisory for assistance in all investment matters relating to advice, risk, and portfolio weighting. Arlo monitor the portfolio daily and conduct a monthly health check review. This confirms that Council’s portfolio is being conducted in accordance with the Act, the Regulation, and the Investment Policy.


25.   Detailed investment performance commentary in relation to each investment product /type and counterparty, can be found in the Arlo Advisory comprehensive report attached (Attachment 2).



Certification of Investments


26.   I hereby certify the investments for the month of November 2023 have been made in compliance with the Act, the Regulations, Council’s Investment Policy, and the adviser’s recommendations.


John Angilley, Executive Director, Finance & Information






Stakeholder Consultation


27.   The following stakeholder consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:




Stakeholder Comment

Council Officer Response


30 Nov 2023

Arlo Advisory

All Investments are within Policy guidelines and supported by Councils independent advisor.


Refer Arlo Comprehensive Report

All Investments are within Policy limits and reconcile to the General Ledger as at 30 Nov 2023

John Angilley

Executive Director, Finance & Information


Bruce MacFarlane

Treasury & Tax Accountant


Councillor Consultation


28.   The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:




Councillor Comment

Council Officer Response










29.   There are no legal implications resulting from this report.




30.   As of 30 November 2023, cumulative interest income fell below the year-to-date budget by approximately $52k. Overall actual interest is tracking well versus budget despite some monthly volatility. At this stage no changes have been made to the annual interest income forecast and will be reanalysed again with Councils advisors at the December 23 quarterly review.




Bruce MacFarlane

Treasury Tax & Accounts Payable Manager


John Angilley

Executive Director Finance & Information


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer




Investment and Loans Performance Graph November 2023.pdf

1 Page



Arlo Advisory Comprehensive Investment Report -November 23 .pdf

34 Pages



List of Council Investments by maturity November 2023.pdf

7 Pages







Item 12.1 - Attachment 1

Investment and Loans Performance Graph November 2023.pdf


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Item 12.1 - Attachment 2

Arlo Advisory Comprehensive Investment Report -November 23 .pdf


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Item 12.1 - Attachment 3

List of Council Investments by maturity November 2023.pdf


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Ordinary Council Meeting Monday,12 February 2024                     Item 12.2



ITEM NUMBER        12.2

SUBJECT                 Investment Report for December 2023

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09279309

REPORT OF            Tax and Treasury Accountant        


CSP THEME:                   Fair


workshop/briefing date: Nil




The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the investment portfolio performance and compliance for the month of December 2023.




That Council receive and note the Investment Report for December 2023.




1.     In accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (the Regulation), a report setting out details of all money invested must be presented to Council monthly.


2.     The report must include a certificate as to whether the investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.




Investment Portfolio Summary


3.     The investment portfolio closing balance as of 31 December 2023 was $481.2m. The average portfolio holdings held throughout the month was $491.2m.


4.     The majority of Council’s investment portfolio is in term deposits (64%). The portfolio also includes liquid floating rate notes (FRNs), cash, and the TCorp Long Term Growth Fund (LTGF).


5.     Approximately 9.8% of the portfolio comprises of less conservative long-term investments with exposure to credit markets and domestic and international shares. The investment portfolio is well diversified and weighted towards higher-rated institutions.


6.     The table below lists the diversified range of investments held by Council as at 31 December 2023.





Table 1: Summary of investment portfolio


*COPC Internal Benchmark returns - based on Council’s individual benchmarks across the various asset classes it invests within its own portfolio. The following individual benchmarks are the measurements, used for each asset class.


Cash: RBA Cash Rate
Term Deposits: based on Council’s weighted average duration using multiple ADIs average monthly rate
FRNs: AusBond Credit FRN Index
CFS Global Credit Income Fund: AusBond Credit Index
NSW TCorpIM Long-Term Growth Fund: NSW TCorpIM Internal Benchmark


Investment performance for the month. The investment portfolio reported a monthly actual return of 0.55% for December 2023 (or 6.63% on an annualised basis). outperforming the monthly Ausbond bank bill index by 220 basis points annualised. The TCorp Fund actual return of 3.08% was the main contributor to performance as both domestic shares (S&P ASX 200 Accumulation Index +7.26%) and international shares (MSCI World ex-Australia +4.70%) continued their rally this month. Bonds also provided solid returns as yields fell/valuations rose (AusBond Composite Bond Index gained +2.69%).


7.     Historical investment performance. The table below provides year-to-date and historical investment performance compared to the Ausbond Bank Bill Index.


Table 2: Historical investment portfolio performance


8.     Investment Revenue: As at the end of December 2023, the cumulative actual interest/income earned, was approximately $1.085m above the annual budget. The TCorp Long Term Growth Fund (LTGF) managed to claw back some of the earlier book losses, returning 23.44% annualised over the last 3 months.

Going forward for 2023-24 Advisors exercise caution and expect volatility from the TCorp Long-Term given it has exposure to both domestic and international shares. This fund has a long duration view of 7-10 years and cannot be accurately measured for performance in the short term.


Table 3: Cumulative Interest table


Note: Council values all managed funds, Floating rate notes, and bonds on a mark to market basis each month. Any gain or loss in valuation is capitalised to interest income based on actual monthly statements.



Table 4: Managed Fund Valuations Capitalised


9.     During December, unrealised capital valuations on Managed funds rose by approximately $1.144m. This increase in capital valuation, has been capitalised and is included in the cumulative investment revenue shown in table 3.


10.   The CFS Global Credit fund accounts for around 3.19% of Council’s total investment portfolio. The Fund returned +1.32% (actual) in December, as market valuations in global credit securities increased. With a running yield of 5.50% p.a., advisors recommend Council retains this “grandfathered” Fund given the alternative to invest in cash and deposits are yielding slightly lower.


11.   Maturities and Transactions: Overall, the portfolio remains well diversified from a maturity perspective, with around 16% of assets directed to medium term (2-5 years).


12.   Where liquidity permits, Council advisors recommend new surplus funds be directed towards 1–3-year horizons given this is where the most attractive value can be found.







13.   The following Investment transactions occurred during December 2023:


Table 5: Investment Maturities


Table 6: New Investment Purchases

14.   During the month Council invested $36.5m, in Term Deposits, Floating Rate Notes and at call cash. All of which were invested in environmentally sustainable fossil fuel free investments.


15.   Portfolio Maturity Duration


Table 7: Maturity profile


16.   The portfolio complies with Council’s Investment Policy limits, with ample investment opportunity still available within all institutional rating, duration, and counterparty limits.









Graph 1: Investment Policy rating capacity.

*BBB-/BBB+ limits combined under Council’s investment policy.


17.   Counterparty Limits. All individual counterparty limits comply with council’s investment policy, with the following exceptions:


Table 8: Exceptions to counterparty limits



Policy Limit ($‘000)

Held ($’000)

Overweight ($’000)


Compliance Date

No Exceptions







18.   As at the end of December 2023, Council did not have an overweight position to any single ADI. Overall, the portfolio is well diversified across the entire credit spectrum, including some exposure to unrated ADIs.


19.   A full list of counterparty holdings is available on page 9 of the Arlo Advisory comprehensive report (attachment 2).


20.   Current Yields Councils Floating Rate Notes are currently yielding around 5.64% FYTD with unrealised capital gains of approximately $155k based on current market valuations.


21.   The CFS Global Credit Fund holds a diverse range of securities across the global credit market. It remains very well diversified by issuer to mitigate default risk. It invests in nearly 600 corporate bonds from issuers in various countries and industry sectors. Any spread contraction going forward allows credit and asset-backed holdings to enjoy significant capital gains. With a running yield of around +5.5% per annum, Council will continue to hold this fund.


22.   Council’s term deposit portfolio (64% of the portfolio) was yielding 4.01% p.a. at month-end, with a weighted average duration of around 212 days or 7 months.


Financial markets continued their strong rally in December as inflation continues to ease and growing hopes that central banks will move towards an easing cycle (cut official interest rates) in 2024.

Over December, major bank deposit rates fell 5-10bp for 6-12 month tenors, as the market turns its attention to potential rate cuts in 2024. Interestingly, at the longer-end (2-5 years), deposit rates offered by the major banks fell between 25-30bp with the banks clearly pricing in rate cuts in 2024 and into 2025. Rates are now inverse again across the longer-tenors (1–5-year rates), with the peak rate offered in the 12 month tenor


Graph 2: Term Deposit Yields



23.   Council engages Arlo Advisory for assistance in all investment matters relating to advice, risk, and portfolio weighting. Arlo monitor the portfolio daily and conduct a monthly health check review. This confirms that Council’s portfolio is being conducted in accordance with the Act, the Regulation, and the Investment Policy.


24.   Detailed investment performance commentary in relation to each investment product /type and counterparty, can be found in the Arlo Advisory comprehensive report attached (Attachment 2).


Certification of Investments


25.   I hereby certify the investments for the month of December 2023 have been made in compliance with the Act, the Regulations, Council’s Investment Policy, and the adviser’s recommendations.


John Angilley, Executive Director, Finance & Information



Stakeholder Consultation


26.   The following stakeholder consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:




Stakeholder Comment

Council Officer Response


31 Dec 2023

Arlo Advisory

All Investments are within Policy guidelines and supported by Councils independent advisor.


Refer Arlo Comprehensive Report

All Investments are within Policy limits and reconcile to the General Ledger as at 31 Dec 2023

John Angilley

Executive Director, Finance & Information


Bruce MacFarlane

Treasury & Tax Accountant


Councillor Consultation


27.   The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter:






Councillor Comment

Council Officer Response










28.   There are no legal implications resulting from this report.




29.   As of 31 December 2023, cumulative interest income outperformed the year-to-date budget by approximately $1.085m.


Overall actual interest is tracking strongly versus budget despite some monthly volatility. At this stage no changes have been made to the annual interest income forecast given the high volatility in managed fund market values, which directly impact capitalised interest.









Bruce MacFarlane

Treasury Tax & Accounts Payable Manager


John Angilley

Executive Director Finance & Information


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer






Investment and Loans Performance Graph December 2023.pdf

1 Page



Arlo Advisory Comprehensive Investment Report -December 23 .pdf

34 Pages



List of Council Investments by maturity December 2023.pdf

7 Pages







Item 12.2 - Attachment 1

Investment and Loans Performance Graph December 2023.pdf


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Item 12.2 - Attachment 2

Arlo Advisory Comprehensive Investment Report -December 23 .pdf


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Item 12.2 - Attachment 3

List of Council Investments by maturity December 2023.pdf


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Council 12 February 2024                                                             Item 12.3


ITEM NUMBER        12.3

SUBJECT                 Referral of Inspection Reports by Fire and Rescue NSW

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09269696

REPORT OF            Team Leader Building Compliance        



CSP THEME:           GREEN


workshop/briefing date:  Nil




To provide details on the fire safety reports received by Council from Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) in accordance with Schedule 5 Part 8, Clause 17 (2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act 1979).




(a)    That Council notes the inspection reports from Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW), pursuant to Schedule 5, Part 8 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act 1979).


(b)    That Council note FRNSW will be advised in due course of the ongoing actions taken by Council officers to address concerns identified by FRNSW.


(c)    That Council note the exercise of powers pursuant to Schedule 5, Part 8 (17) of the EPA Act, to give fire safety orders addressing fire safety measures to the buildings located at:


1      22 Cowper Street, Parramatta

2      128 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

3      72 Great Western Highway, Parramatta


as outlined in this report and provide further notice of this determination to the Commissioner of FRNSW.




1.     FRNSW is empowered under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act) to undertake fire safety inspections of a building. If of the opinion that adequate provision for fire safety has not been made, FRNSW may make recommendations for additional works to be carried out, in a report to Council. Such reports must be tabled at the next meeting of Council.


2.     Council is in receipt of three inspection reports issued by FRNSW, pursuant to the EPA Act, regarding the fire safety of buildings located at:


a.  22 Cowper Street, Parramatta

b.  128 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

c.  72 Great Western Highway, Parramatta


3.     The building located at 22 Cowper Street, Parramatta is identified as a three storey place of public worship with associated car parking.


4.     The building located at 128 Macquarie Street, Parramatta is identified as a nine storey residential building with basement car parking.


5.     The building located at 72 Great Western Highway, Parramatta is identified as an eight storey residential building with basement car parking.




6.     FRNSW is of the opinion that there are inadequate provisions for fire safety within the buildings identified (See the attached annexures relevant to each premises).


7.     Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 627157 for the matter relating to the building located at 22 Cowper Street, Parramatta.


8.     Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 627171 for the matter relating to the building located at 128 Macquarie Street, Parramatta.


9.     Council has started an investigation under Service Request No. 629095 for the matter relating to the building located at 72 Great Western Highway, Parramatta.




10.   Stakeholder consultation is not required for this statutory report.




11.   FRNSW is empowered under the EPA Act to undertake fire safety inspections of a building.


12.   Council may instigate legal action to enforce compliance with Orders served relating to fire safety where appropriate.




13.   Financial implications may occur dependent on any legal action/s that may need to be instigated if Notice and Orders are not complied with. Regulatory Services has an allocated Legal Budget if such is required to be utilised.




Bernadette Robertson

Team Leader Building Compliance


Paul Lyth

Group Manager Regulatory Services






George Bounassif

Executive Director City Assets and Operations


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer






Letter Out - Inspection Report 22 Cowper Street, Parramatta

4 Pages



Letter Out - Inspection Report 128 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

5 Pages



Letter Out - Inspection Report 72 Great Western Highway, Parramatta

4 Pages






Item 12.3 - Attachment 1

Letter Out - Inspection Report 22 Cowper Street, Parramatta


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Item 12.3 - Attachment 2

Letter Out - Inspection Report 128 Macquarie Street, Parramatta


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Item 12.3 - Attachment 3

Letter Out - Inspection Report 72 Great Western Highway, Parramatta


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Council 12 February 2024                                                             Item 12.4


ITEM NUMBER        12.4

SUBJECT                 Delegation of the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Exercised During the 2023/24 Recess Period

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09298691

REPORT OF            Executive Officer        





workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this report is to report on the delegations exercised by the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer during the recess period.




That Council note the decisions exercised under delegated authority during the recess period, being Tuesday 12 December 2023 until Sunday 11 February 2024, contained within this report.




1.          Council at its meeting held on 11 December 2023 provided delegated authority to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer over the 2023/24 recess period and resolved:




(a)  Council delegates to the Lord Mayor the authority to exercise the powers, authorities, duties and functions of Council during the recess period, being Tuesday 12 December 2023 until Sunday 11  February 2024;


(b)  The Lord Mayor shall consult with the Chief Executive Officer prior to exercising the delegation.


(c)  The delegation does not override the Chief Executive Officer’s delegation approved by Council at its meeting on 11 April 2023.


(d)  Any person acting as the Chief Executive Officer during the recess period has all the functions and delegations and sub delegations given to the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to this resolution and those made at the Council meeting on 11 April 2023.


(e)  Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the powers, duties and functions of the Council during the Recess Period, being Tuesday, 12 December 2023 until Sunday, 11 February 2024; not including functions listed under Section 377(1) from (a) to (u).


(f)   In the event that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer are required to deal with important or urgent business of the Council during the Recess Period, the process for calling an Extraordinary Council Meeting is as per the Code of Meeting Practice.


(g)  At the first Council meeting of 2024, the Chief Executive Officer report to Councillors all delegations jointly exercised by the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer during the recess period.




2.     The following decisions were made under delegated authority during the recess period:



Summary of Decision

Financial Impact


In response to a request to the Lord Mayor: approved the expenditure of up to $10,000 for the delivery of fireworks displays at a free community New Year’s Eve event at Rydalmere Park hosted by The FC Social

$10,000 funded from General Revenue


In response to a request to the Lord Mayor: approved the expenditure of up to $10,000 to support the delivery of the Little India Harris Park Business Association’s (LIHPBA) Australia Day Event at Harris Park

$10,000 funded from General Revenue




Stakeholder Consultation


3.     Pursuant to the Council resolution of 11 December 2023, stakeholder consultation was not required prior to exercising the delegated authority.




4.     There are no legal implications for Council associated with this report.




5.     The financial impact on the budget is set out in the table below.


6.     The financial impacts to the budget, as set out in this section, will be included in the next Quarterly Budget Review for endorsement by Council.



FY 23/24

FY 24/25

FY 25/26





Internal Revenue




External Revenue




Total Revenue








Funding Source








Operating Result




External Costs




Internal Costs












Total Operating Result








Funding Source

General Funds


































Bronwyn Pullen

Executive Officer


Justin Mulder

Chief of Staff


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer





There are no attachments for this report.





Reports to Council - For Council Decision


12 February 2024


13.1          Adoption of the Parramatta Bike Plan 2024. 160


13.2          Casual Vacancy in Civic Office - Resignation of Councillor Donna Davis MP (Application to Minister for Local Government to Dispense with By-Election)................................................ 301

Council 12 February 2024                                                             Item 13.1



ITEM NUMBER        13.1

SUBJECT                 Adoption of the Parramatta Bike Plan 2024

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09282588

REPORT OF            Senior Project Officer Transport Planning       



CSP THEME: Accessible


workshop/briefing date:  Nil




To provide an update to Council on the public exhibition of the draft Parramatta Bike Plan 2024 and seek Council’s adoption of the final Plan.




(a)    That Council adopt the Parramatta Bike Plan 2024 as provided at Attachment 1.


(b)    Further, that where contact details have been provided, Council officers write to submitters advising them of the adoption of the Bike Plan and thank them for their submission.




1.     Council’s Bike Plan sets the overarching planning for infrastructure and programs to support cycling in the Local Government Area (LGA). The vision of the draft Bike Plan is to enhance accessibility, livability, productivity and sustainability through cycling; and for members of the community to feel safe when cycling as well as increase the number of cycling trips (see Section 2 in Attachment 1).


2.     Since the previous Bike Plan 2017 was adopted by Council, there have been significant changes in:


a.  Land Use, with a number of precincts proceeding through the planning process and new planning controls being finalised.


b.  Delivered and planned cycling infrastructure such as the Escarpment Boardwalk, Duck River Nature Trail and the Alfred Street Bridge.


c.  Increased population density, changes in how many people rode a bike during or after COVID (see Figure 1 and Figure 2 below), as well as changes in community expectations.


d.  NSW Government policies related to cycling (have been updated) such as the Cycleways Design Toolbox 2020, Active Transport Strategy 2022, and Strategic Cycleways Corridors 2023.


A graph with lines and text

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Figure 1: Patronage on the River Foreshore paths under James Ruse Drive



A graph with a line and numbers

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Figure 2: Carlingford and Epping Travel Survey: Proportion of those surveyed between 2019 to 2023 who cycle to work or study (average 395 respondents per year)


3.     At its meeting of 10 July 2023, Council resolved:


a)  That Council endorses for the purposes of public exhibition the draft Parramatta Bike Plan 2023 at Attachment 1 for a period of not less than 28 days.


b)  That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make formatting and minor editorial adjustments to the draft Parramatta Bike Plan 2023.


c)  Further, that the results of the public exhibition of the draft Parramatta Bike Plan 2023 be reported back to Council for its consideration.


4.     The draft Bike Plan was publicly exhibited from 31 July - 31 August 2023 with just over 1,200 points of engagement recorded, resulting in 809 submissions (138 comments recorded at drop-in sessions, 72 written submissions and 599 comments made on interactive map).


5.     The exhibition was promoted through the Participate Parramatta Community and The Community Connective electronic newsletter, paid and organic social media activity, pavement stickers and an advertisement in the local newspaper, Parra News.



6.     Six face to face drop in sessions were held with officers speaking to 531 people for a total of 133 recorded comments, and distributing 70kg of bananas as part of a ‘Banana for your thoughts?’ promotion. Sessions as below.


·    7:00am to 10:00am on Wednesday 9 August at the CBD Foreshore near the Escarpment Boardwalk

·    Midday to 1pm on Wednesday 16 August at the Parramatta Markets

·    8:00am - 11:00am on Thursday 17 August at Dundas Station

·    6:30am - 10:30am on Saturday 19 August at the CBD Foreshore near the Escarpment Boardwalk

·    2:00pm to 5:30pm on Wednesday 23 August at the CBD Foreshore near the Escarpment Boardwalk

·    2:00pm - 5:00pm on Friday 25 August at the eastern side of Epping Station


7.     A total of 72 written submissions were received from individuals, community groups, the local Bicycle User Groups (BUG) and the peak cycling advocacy group (Bicycle NSW).


8.     An online interactive map was made available online that allowed users to drop themed pins that “support”, “object” or “comment”.  A total of 598 pins were placed with strong concentrations around the CBD, Epping and along regional routes.


A red and yellow gradient

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Figure 3: Heatmap of comments

9.     Council values each point of contact that was made, but to list each submission and the detailed Council Officer responses (particularly when many are location specific) would be unwieldy within this Council report.  Therefore, a summary of the key themes across all engagement is provided in Issues / Options / Consequences below, along with summary diagrams and maps that will allow Council to make a decision on the overarching policy.


Feedback from the online map, drop-in sessions and written submissions is provided in more detail at Attachment 2 in the Engagement Evaluation and Key Findings Report.  A full list of all comments (online/in-person/direct) is available on the Participate Parramatta Portal at

Respondents can look up their comment on a map or on a list and read an officer response that directly addresses their feedback and any subsequent actions using this table on council’s website.




10.   The key themes across all consultation platforms can be generally grouped into:


a)  Safety: Separated paths for cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles, or wider shared paths. Local improvements at locations like sharp corners, removing lips on kerb ramps and improved crossing points. A number of requests were made for slower speed limits where cyclists are mixing with traffic.



In this update of the Bike Plan a focus was increased separation on key regional routes where space allows.  In particular, the river paths (where it is possible to separate or widen them) are now fully funded for construction between the CBD and Melrose Park.  There are some limitations on where separation can be provided as it generally has a higher cost and can have impacts on open space, ecology, parking and traffic circulation that need to be balanced. However, the Bike Plan only identifies routes at a strategic level, and Council will continue to investigate separation on key routes as funding becomes available, and in response to existing or future predicted speeds and volumes of users.


b)  Behaviour: Education of all users on shared paths is needed.


·    Cyclists Issues - ringing of bells, slowing down in high traffic areas, management of speed, need to be considerate of pedestrians (particularly young children, hearing impaired or those with a disability) and

·    Pedestrians Issues - keeping to the left on shared paths, the use of retractable leads on shared paths, managing dogs off leash.



Council has an ongoing program of “Polite Path” activation that targets both cyclists and pedestrians, with frequent activations planned for 2024. Council officers have also made contact with the local Police Area Commands to request support in helping the small minority of users who are consistently inconsiderate of other paths users.




The “Sharing the Path” programs identified in the draft Bike Plan 2023 were moved to Program 1, and the wording strengthened to reflect this as the area of greatest community interest. Should Bike Plan 2024 be adopted by Council, this program could be expanded subject to the usual Council budgetary processes.


c)  Connectivity and Access: More paths to different locations and new kerb ramps to improve access to existing paths.



Where supported, routes were modified or added to improve access and connectivity. Small, site-specific requests have been referred to Council’s Assets team for their consideration.


d)  Supporting Infrastructure: Respondents highlighted the need for lighting, bins, bike parking, shade and bathroom facilities, as well as improved wayfinding and signage.



The Bike Plan now explicitly references the need for more supporting infrastructure in both the ‘Network Design Principles’ and in ‘Policy’ sections.


e)  Site specific comments on proposed routes (online pin submissions):

·    194 expressed support for the plan, a proposed route or facility,

·    151 requested changes to the plan that were investigated, but not supported, i.e. a particular street should be 30km/h, or new/widened bridges that were not feasible,

·    58 were comments that resulted in minor changes to the plan i.e. routes changed, removed or added,

·    60 were comments that were already resolved within the plan i.e. provide a path along the railway line for a grade separated crossing of the Cumberland Hwy. This route is proposed in the Bike Plan,

·    54 resulted in advocacy to other bodies where the issue was outside of the control of Council (Greater Sydney Parklands, Sydney Olympic Park Authority, adjacent Councils, Transport for New South Wales),

·    54 resulted in referrals for minor matters or traffic related issues to Council’s Traffic or Asset’s team for their consideration,

·    13 identified mistakes that are corrected in the final Bike Plan i.e. existing paths that were not on the map,

·    8 were comments that were general in nature,

·    3 were outside of scope i.e. proposed Light Rail extensions.



The changes and corrections that were made to the route maps as a result of the consultation are shown as bold lines in Figure 4, with a larger map provided at Attachment 3. A detailed list of all comments and responses is available on the Participate Parramatta Portal at The most significant change was to correct the map to show every existing shared path within, and close to Sydney Olympic Park.


The other most significant post-exhibition change is the potential extension of the Hunts Creek shared path to Lake Parramatta fire trail through the back of the King’s School.  A link for the community is supported by King’s, however the School advised Council Officers that Section 83C of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) prevents formal access being provided as it is not core to the activities of the school.  Should regulations associated with the Education Act 1990 change and resources become available, a connection could be delivered and is now shown on the plan.

A screen shot of a computer

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Figure 4: Map of route changes


11.   The changes to the text of the draft Bike Plan resulting from the consultation are provided with a marked-up version of the Bike Plan provided at Attachment 4.




Stakeholder Consultation


12.   The following stakeholder consultation has been undertaken during and just after the public exhibition in relation to this matter:




Stakeholder Comment

Council Officer Response


1-31 August 2023


See comments in the report above and at Attachment 2

See comments in the report above and at Attachment 2

City Strategic Planning

2 August 2023

Parramatta Park Trust officers

Requested some changes to path alignments and typologies within the Park

Changes will be made to the plan to reflect the preference of PPT.

City Strategic Planning

4 September 2023

King’s School

A connection for the community along Hunts Creek is supported, however regulations currently prevent this from being delivered.

A connection along Hunts Creek will be put on the Bike Plan, should regulations change Council would look to deliver a connection pending resources being available at the time.

City Strategic Planning

19 September 2023


7 November 2023

Active Travel Advisory Committee

Reviewed draft Bike Plan in detail


In principle Support for draft Bike Plan

Comments are noted. These and ongoing consultation with ATAC will be considered during implementation of the Bike Plan

City Strategic Planning


Councillor Consultation


13.   The following Councillor consultation has been undertaken in relation to this matter during and after the exhibition of the Plan:




Councillor Comment

Council Officer Response


21 August 2023

Clr Darley (comment during exhibition)

More must be done to address behaviour on the paths.





It is important that kids can learn to ride somewhere that is well-located, possibly with riding tracks for teenagers.



Bike Plan should also support bike parking and repair stations.

Bike Plan programs will emphasise that behaviour and ride to school are the top two.


Bike plan will note existing locations of pump tracks (BMX) and infant/child dinky tracks and identify that a ‘learn to ride’ facility location should be identified.


Policy will be updated to encourage provision of bike parking across the LGA and repair stations in key locations.

City Strategic Planning




14.   There are no legal implications if Council endorses this report.




15.   If Council resolves to approve this report in accordance with the proposed resolution there are no unbudgeted financial implications for Council’s budget.




Mark Crispin

Senior Project Officer Transport Planning


John Angilley

Executive Director Finance & Information


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer






Parramatta Bike Plan 2024

44 Pages



Parramatta Bike Plan - Engagement Evaluation and Key Findings Report

43 Pages



Parramatta Bike Plan 2024 - Post-Exhibition Changes Map

1 Page



Parramatta Bike Plan 2024 - Post Exhibition Changes

44 Pages






Item 13.1 - Attachment 1

Parramatta Bike Plan 2024


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Item 13.1 - Attachment 2

Parramatta Bike Plan - Engagement Evaluation and Key Findings Report


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Item 13.1 - Attachment 3

Parramatta Bike Plan 2024 - Post-Exhibition Changes Map


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Item 13.1 - Attachment 4

Parramatta Bike Plan 2024 - Post Exhibition Changes


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A person riding a bike

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A bridge over a river

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Ordinary Council Meeting Monday,12 February 2024                     Item 13.2


ITEM NUMBER        13.2

SUBJECT                 Casual Vacancy in Civic Office - Resignation of Councillor Donna Davis MP (Application to Minister for Local Government to Dispense with By-Election)

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09295847

REPORT OF            Executive Director Finance & Information       



CSP THEME: Accessible


workshop/briefing date:  Nil




Councillor Donna Davis MP resigned her role as a councillor at the City of Parramatta, on 23 January 2024.


Council is required to resolve to either fill the casual vacancy by conducting a by-election or apply to the Minister for Local Government to dispense with the need to conduct a by-election and not fill the vacancy.




That Council make an application to the Minister for Local Government for an Order that the current vacancy in the office of councillor not be filled.




1.     Councillor Donna Davis MP recently resigned on 23 January 2024, effective immediately. This has resulted in a casual vacancy in the civic office of councillor.




2.     Presented below are options that Council could consider when determining whether or not to fill the casual vacancy.


Option 1: Hold a By-Election


3.     Section 294 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides:


(1)  This section applies if a casual vacancy occurs in the office of a councillor, including a mayor elected by the electors of an area, within 18 months before the date specified for the next ordinary election of the councillors for the area.


2) If such a casual vacancy occurs in the office of a councillor (but not the office of a mayor elected by the electors), the Minister may, on the application of the council:


(a)  order that the vacancy not be filled, or


(b) order the holding on a stated day of a by-election to fill the vacancy and revoke any earlier order made under paragraph (a).


4.     Council could request the Minister for Local Government to hold a by-election. The NSW Electoral Commission has advised that the cost of holding a by-election would be in the vicinity of $500,000.


5.     Under section 292(a), a by-election to fill a casual vacancy in the office of a councillor is to be held on a Saturday that falls not later than 3 months after the vacancy occurs.


6.     If Council resolves to hold a by-election, the vacancy is unlikely to be filled by a new councillor until at least May 2024. The new councillor would be in office from May 2024 to September 2024 (noting that August contains a four-week caretaker period), approximately just over 100 days in office.


Option 2: Dispense with a By-Election


7.     Council could under section 294(a) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides:


(1)  This section applies if a casual vacancy occurs in the office of a councillor, including a mayor elected by the electors of an area, within 18 months before the date specified for the next ordinary election of the councillors for the area.


2) If such a casual vacancy occurs in the office of a councillor (but not the office of a mayor elected by the electors), the Minister may, on the application of the council.


(a)  order that the vacancy not be filled, or…


8.     The next ordinary election for local government in NSW will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024 (in approximately seven months).


9.     Council may apply to the Minister for Local Government to dispense with the need to hold a by-election in circumstances where a casual vacancy occurs in the 18 months prior to the next ordinary election.


10.   Given the circumstances, particularly the approximate cost of $500,000 to ratepayers, the likely time required to prepare a by-election (around three months), and a local government election occuring in September 2024, it is recommended that Council make an application to the Minister to dispense with the need to hold a by-election to fill the casual vacancy, avoiding any unnecessary cost and waste of resources.


11.   Whilst section 291A of the Local Government Act 1993 provides:


(1) This section applies to a casual vacancy in the office of a councillor if:


(a) the casual vacancy occurs within 18 months after the date of the last ordinary election of the councillors for the area, and


(b) the council has at its first meeting following that ordinary election of councillors, by resolution, declared that any such casual vacancy is to be filled by a countback of votes cast at the last election for that office.


12.   At the 10 January 2022 Council meeting, Council took into consideration section 291A as provided below:


(a) That the City of Parramatta Council, pursuant to Section 291A of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), declares that casual vacancies occurring in the office of a Councillor within 18 months after the last ordinary election of Councillors for the Council on 4 December 2021 are to be filled by a countback of votes cast at that election for the office in accordance with Section 291A of the Act.


(b) That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, finalise and execute all documents and agreements with the NSW Electoral Commission in connection with this matter.


(c) Further, that the Chief Executive Officer notify the NSW Electoral Commission of the Council’s decision within seven (7) days of the decision.


13.   However, this option is not available to Council as the casual vacancy did not occur within 18 months after the 4 December 2021 local government election.




Stakeholder Consultation


14.   Under section 294 of the Local Government Act 1993 there is no statutory requirement for the Council to consult with the community prior to resolving to either conduct or not conduct a by-election.




15.   To dispense with the by-election, the Minister must make an Order that the vacancy not be filled.




16.   Should Council resolve to apply to the Minister to dispense with holding a by-election, there will be no unbudgeted expenses if such an application is approved.


17.   Should Council resolve to fill the vacancy by holding a by-election the cost would be $500,000 which is currently unbudgeted.  Funding would need to be sourced from Council’s general reserve.



FY 23/24

FY 24/25

FY 25/26

FY 26/27






Internal Revenue





External Revenue





Total Revenue










Funding Source










Operating Result





External Costs





Internal Costs















Total Operating Result










Funding Source

General Revenue










































John Angilley

Executive Director Finance & Information


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer





There are no attachments for this report.





Notices of Motion


12 February 2024


14.1          Proposed Council Submission - Review of Section 83c of the Education Act 1990........ 306


14.2          Draft 20225/26 Budget - Proposed Capital Works Program Budget Increases.............. 308


14.3          Congratulations to Mr Peter Bacha OAM..... 310

Ordinary Council Meeting, Monday, 12 February 2024                    Item 14.1


ITEM NUMBER        14.1

SUBJECT                 Proposed Council Submission - Review of Section 83c of the Education Act 1990

REFERENCE           F2024/00282 - D09306030

FROM                      Councillor       



(a)    That Council authorise the Executive Director, City Planning and Design to lodge a submission on the NSW Government’s Review of section 83C of the Education Act 1990 (NSW).


(b)    That the submission outline Council’s concern that the regulation of non-government schools should not preclude the ability of any school to assist in providing potentially valuable community uses and wider community benefits on non-government school land, such as the Hunts Creek connection identified in Council’s Parramatta Bike Plan 2024.




1.     A connection between Lake Parramatta and the Hunts Creek path network has been a longstanding community desire.


2.     Currently, the members of the community informally use Hunts Creek to walk or ride a bicycle through the Kings School, however it is unregulated and at their own risk.


3.     In recent consultation for the Parramatta Bike Plan 2024, the King’s School advised it supports formal access to the path in principle as it aligns with their desire to support community access, and this would also help regulate and manage the existing informal use.


4.     However, the King’s School advised Council officers that Section 83C of the Education Act 1990 prevents formal access being provided as it is not core to the activities of the school. Section 83C of the Act deals with financial assistance not being provided to schools that operate for profit.


5.     The State Government is undertaking a review Section 83C of the Act with submissions accepted until 18 February 2024.




6.     A connection along Hunts Creek would be of significant benefit to the community, providing a pleasant, shorter natural experience to the alternatives of North Rocks Road and Pennant Hills Road.


7.     Should community access be secured, Council could then investigate internal and external funding to not only improve the existing informal path, but also manage ongoing maintenance as well as improvements to help regulate and manage access.


8.     Support for changes to the Education Act 1990 to remove barriers to Council achieving the Hunts Creek connections (and other potential community connections and/or infrastructure) is recommended by Council officers.





9.     There are no financial implications arising from this Motion.




Ange Humphries



Jennifer Concato

Executive Director City Planning and Design


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer





There are no attachments for this report.


Ordinary Council Meeting Monday,12 February 2024                     Item 14.2


ITEM NUMBER        14.2

SUBJECT                 Draft 20225/26 Budget - Proposed Capital Works Program Budget Increases

REFERENCE           F2024/00282 - D09305581

FROM                      Councillor Garrard       



(a)    That the CEO commence a review of the existing capital works program to identify potential budget increases for consideration by Councillors during the 2025/2026 budget process, including, but not limited to the program areas listed below:


·        Roads Renewal Program (current 3yr budget $30,756m)

·        Kerb and Gutter Renewal Program (current 3yr budget $3,000m)

·        Drainage Construction Program (current 3yr budget $9,227m)

·        Footpaths Construction Program (current 3yr budget $6,598m)

·        Footpath Renewal Program (current 3yr budget $5,167m)

·        Stormwater Drainage Renewal Program (current 3yr budget $4,921m)

·        Roads To Recovery Program (current 3yr budget $3,956m)

·        Playground Replacement Program (current 3yr budget $3,137m)

·        Neighbourhood Improvement Program (current 3yr budget $6,080m)

·        Sportsground Capital Improvement Program (current 3yr budget $1,492m).


(b)    Further, that the CEO provide a preliminary report regarding the proposed options to increase the abovementioned capital programs, to the Finance Committee as part of the 2025/26 budget process.




1.          information has informed Capital Program budgets Council’s Delivery Program 2022-2026 provides an overview of the core services, activities and projects Council will deliver in order to meet the needs of a changing and growing community, within the resources available under the Resourcing Strategy.


2.          Council’s Operational Plan 2023/24 spells out the details of the Delivery Program. It confirms the individual programs, projects and focus areas that will be undertaken each year to achieve the commitments made in the Delivery Program.


3.          Our combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan has been informed by months of engaging with our communities and partners, and the priorities of the elected City of Parramatta Councillors.


4.          The Operational Plan is reviewed each year to ensure Council’s activities are still in line with its priority goals, and that they are achievable and in line with budget.


5.     The Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan and budget 2022-24 Part 5: Financial referred above.



1.     Council officers undertake a review of the capital works program as part of the annual budget preparation process. 


2.     Should Council support this motion, officers will review the draft 2025/26 program with a view to prioritising or increasing the budget allocations for the abovementioned capital program areas.




3.     If Council resolves to approve this Motion, any proposed financial impacts on the 2025/26 budget will be reported to the Finance Committee and Councillor workshops for feedback, prior to the preparation of any final report to Council.



Michelle Garrard

Councillor Garrard


John Angilley

Executive Director Finance & Information


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer




There are no attachments for this report.


Ordinary CouncilMeeting Monday, 12 February 2024                     Item 14.3


ITEM NUMBER        14.3

SUBJECT                 Congratulations to Mr Peter Bacha OAM

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09301746

FROM                      Councillor        



That Council congratulate Mr Peter Bacha OAM for his well-deserved OAM Honour and his tireless work as a volunteer for the Rydalmere Lions Football Club, and other areas of community service, as he is an inspiration to the Parramatta community.




At the age of 64, Peter Bacha has been awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the 2024 Australia Day honours list, recognising his 40+ years of volunteering.


Known for his signature Akubra, he has been a key figure in the Rydalmere Lions Football Club since its founding in 1980, excelling as a player, coach, manager, and Club President. The OAM is particularly meaningful, symbolising his dedication to the club where he met his wife, Yvonne and witnessed talented players reach success in the A-League and international competitions.


In particular, Mr Bacha OAM has been a dedicated volunteer with Rydalmere Football Club for over four decades and has been recognised for his significant contributions to the local football community. Serving in various roles such as club President, coach, and player, he has been honoured as a Life Member for both Rydalmere Football Club and the Granville District Soccer and Football Association.


In 2011 he was named the City of Parramatta Local Citizen of the Year, in recognition of his role as the heart and soul of the Rydalmere Lions Football Club.





No staff response required.






Paul Noack



Roxanne Thornton

Chief Governance & Risk Officer


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer




Questions with Notice


12 February 2024


15.1          Questions Taken on Notice at the 11 December 2023 Council Meeting................ 314


15.2          Active Parramatta School Holidays Program                                                                   318


15.3          Christmas Recycling Collection................... 319


15.4          Tree Canopy Plan...................................... 320

Ordinary Council Meeting Monday, 12 February 2024                     Item 15.1


ITEM NUMBER        15.1

SUBJECT                 Questions Taken on Notice at the 11 December 2023 Council Meeting

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09266536

REPORT OF            Council Secretariat & Policy Officer        



CSP THEME:    Accessible, Fair





Councillor Garrard asked question on Item 13.12 Submission on Proposed Amendment to the Department of Planning and Environment - Homebush Bay West Development Control Plan (DCP) 2004 (for 16 Burroway Road and part 5 Footbridge Boulevard, Wentworth Point (Block H))


·     In Attachment 3 under the actual VPA, I am unable to read what the sticky notes say, can I please be advised what they say?  There’s at least 50-100 of them.


Executive Director City Planning and Design Response:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.




Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv asked a question on Item 13.2 Traffic Engineering Advisory Group - 8 November 2023 – Minutes (Item 2311 line marking)


·     What is to be done when the line marking starts falling apart in particular in Harris Park?


Executive Director City Planning and Design Response:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.


Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv asked a question on Item 13.4 CBD Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program


·     Is there anything west of Pitt St not considered being in the CBD Footpath Priority Plan?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.


Councillor Garrard asked the following questions on Item on Item 13.4 CBD Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program


·    Why isn’t the footpath - Wigram St between Parkes and Hassall Streets in the report?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


Wigram Street footpath between Parkes and Hassell Street is included in the report, it is identified in Table 2 located on page 3.



·    Investigate what works will be completed by developers?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.




·    Is the footpath concrete or concrete paver on O’Connell Street between Campbell and the Great Western Highway?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.



Councillor Darley asked a question on Item 15.1 Council Meeting Live Data Stream


·   Are they unique visits? Do they tune in back and forth?


Executive Director City Engagement and Experience Response:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.




Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item16.2 Expression of Interest on Retail 6 - Parramatta Square.


1.   What’s the size of the area mentioned in the report?


2.   When did Council endorse for this to go to an EOI?


Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.



Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item 16.3 Tender Exemption – Engagement of Property Strategy Consultant


·     Requested a copy of the scope of works associated with the Property Strategy, to be provided before Christmas 2023.


Executive Director Finance and Information Response


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.



Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item 16.4 Tender Exemption – Engagement of 9 Wentworth Consultant


·     Requested a copy of the scope of works associated with the 9 Wentworth Street Project, to be provided before Christmas 2023.


Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


·    A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting..




Councillor Pandey asked a question on Item 16.5 LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)


·    What is the total annual budget of Council for all marketing related activities/projects.


Councillor Bradley asked a question on Item 16.5 LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)


·    Hasn’t heard back from his question from the Councillor Workshop re: return on investment, he has requested that this information to be provided.


Councillor Darley asked a question on Item 16.5 LATE REPORT- Partnership Proposal between the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Eels (2024-2026)


·    Requested the Funding source be identified and communicated to Councillors /Council.


Executive Director City Engagement and Experience:


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda before the Ordinary Council Meeting.





Council 12 February 2024                                                             Item 15.2


ITEM NUMBER        15.2

SUBJECT                 Active Parramatta School Holidays Program

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09302224

REPORT OF            Councillor        



CSP THEME: Accessible, Fair



Questions with notice


1.     How many sessions (by sports code/ type) have been provided at each school holiday program over the last year?


2.     What is the total number of kids that have attended each of our popular school holiday programs over the last year and what proportion were children from within the Parramatta LGA?


3.      Are the providers of each activity in our school holidays program paid or do they provide them for free?


Executive Director, Community Services response


A staff response will be provided in a supplementary agenda prior to the Council Meeting.



There are no attachments for this report.




Council 12 February 2024                                                             Item 15.3


ITEM NUMBER        15.3

SUBJECT                 Christmas Recycling Collection

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09302432

REPORT OF            Councillor        



CSP THEME: Accessible, Fair



Questions with notice


A number of other Councils in Greater Sydney provide an additional recycling collection for residents over the Christmas period, including Ryde, Fairfield, Penrith, Hawkesbury and Wingecarribee.


1.     Are there any reasons why City of Parramatta couldn’t do this?


2.     Roughly, what would be the associated cost of providing an additional recycling collection for each area after Christmas?


3.     When would Council need to make a decision on this to ensure an additional recycling collection happens after Christmas this year?


Executive Director, City Assets & Operations response


A staff response will be provided in a supplementary agenda prior to the Council Meeting.




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 12 February 2024                                                             Item 15.4


ITEM NUMBER        15.4

SUBJECT                 Tree Canopy Plan

REFERENCE           F2022/03176 - D09302541

REPORT OF            Councillor        



CSP THEME: Fair, Green



Questions with notice


1.     As per the 2023/24 approved DPOP, Council’s tree canopy plan was due to be completed by December 2023. What is the current status of the tree canopy plan?


2.     A new tree canopy dataset for Greater Sydney, which provides the most in-depth and detailed tree canopy imaging, was released by the NSW Government in late 2023. As a summary, what did this show has happened to the tree canopy across Parramatta LGA?


3.     Where is the most change in tree canopy occurring in the Parramatta LGA?


4.     How many trees has Council planted in parks, along streets and on other public land annually for the last 3 years?


Executive Director, City Planning & Design response & Executive Director, Assets & Operations response


A staff response will be provided in a Supplementary Agenda prior to the Council Meeting.




There are no attachments for this report.