







Meeting Name

Environment Advisory Committee



27 February 2024

Time 5:40PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street Parramatta

+ MS Teams



Committee Members

·     Clr Phil Bradley (Chair)

·      Julia Strykowski (Deputy Chair)

·     Clr Kellie Darley

·     Melissa Brooks

·     Crystal Fleming

·     Marina Gilmore

·     Mark Green

·     Annie Nielsen

·     Murray Sayle

·      Clr Patricia Prociv (ex-officio)


Council Staff

·    Luke Wolstencroft (Convenor) – Strategy Manager

·    Anthony Collins – Group Manager Environment & Sustainability

·    Nishan Adhikari – Manager Environmental Sustainability


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·     Lord Mayor, Clr Pierre Esber

·     Clr Michelle Garrard

·     Adriana Genova

·     Alexi Gilchrist

·      Robert Cologna – Group Manager City Strategic Planning

·      Andrew Ho – Group Manager Waste & Cleansing



Melissa McIsaac - Governance


HPRM Reference








Note: In his absence, the Lord Mayor requested for Clr Bradley to be Chairperson for the meeting,


Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee noted that the Lord Mayor, Clr Pierre Esber, Clr Michelle Garrard, Adriana Genova, and Alexi Gilchrist were not in attendance.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interests made for this Committee Meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Environment Advisory Committee meeting, held on 14 December 2023, were resolved by Brooks and Gilmore and CARRIED.


Capital Works Budget FY24


The Committee received a presentation from Anthony Collins, Group Manager Environment and Sustainability, regarding an overview of Council’s Environment and Sustainability budget for the 2024 Financial Year, and considerations for determining next year’s budget.


The Committee further considered the outcomes of the Your Place – Your Voice Community Workshop, where it was suggested to increase the proportion of Council’s budget spent on environmental sustainability initiatives, and options for seeking an increased budget.


It was noted that Council’s draft budget and Delivery Program and Operational Plan (DPOP) are anticipated to undergo public exhibition in May. The Committee were invited to provide feedback on exhibition of the 2025 Financial Year budget.


The Committee further discussed recent reports of asbestos-contaminated mulch being identified at sites across greater Sydney. Council staff provided clarification regarding the product testing and approval measures Council employs to mitigate the risk of installing contaminated mulch.


The Committee further discussed Council’s tree champion initiative, and considered opportunities for engaging schools to participate.


·      Clr Bradley encouraged Committee Members to advocate to their Ward Councillors to seek the allocation of funding from Council’s Ward Initiatives Program for environmental sustainability projects.

·      The Committee enquired as to whether Council has unspent or unallocated monies available from the contributions reserves received during amalgamation, which could potentially be re-allocated to environmental sustainability projects. Clr Prociv agreed to submit a Question with Notice for an upcoming Council Meeting, to request information on the status of the reserves received by the Administrator at amalgamation.

·      The Committee were invited to make feedback submissions during the upcoming public exhibition of the draft budget and DPOP.


Notices of Motion


The Committee received an update from Nishan Adhikari, Manager Environmental Sustainability, regarding the following resolved Notices of Motion on environmental sustainability matters:


Revolving Energy Fund


The Committee were advised of the research undertaken by Council staff to prepare a report for Council on the feasibility of establishing a Revolving Energy Fund, as directed by a Notice of Motion from 24 July 2023. The Committee noted that Council staff will recommend for Council to continue further investigations into establishing the fund, including establishing a project team and community consultation. The preliminary research outcomes will be presented at a Councillor Workshop, anticipated for May, before reporting to Council.


The Committee were invited to provide any feedback on potential challenges posed by establishing a Revolving Energy Fund, and whether this is an appropriate direction for Council to pursue.


The Committee discussed potential funding options, including a special rate variation or environment levy, and reinvesting efficiency savings.




The Committee were advised about the response proposed by Council staff to address a Notice of Motion from 24 June 2023, to provide a report to Council on the feasibility of the City of Parramatta to become a global C40 City. The Committee considered the program requirements and benefits, and noted that based on population size Parramatta would likely qualify as an Innovator City. The research outcomes will be presented at a Councillor Workshop, anticipated for May, before reporting to Council.


The Committee were invited to provide feedback regarding whether membership would be recommended for Council to pursue.


Annie Nielsen retired from the meeting at 6:54pm, during discussion of Item 6.


·     The Committee provided the following feedback on the plan to address the Notices of Motion regarding establishing a Revolving Energy Fund:

·         The Committee generally supported the initiative, and encouraged to continue to research benchmarking and best-practice as per the experience of other councils.

·         The Committee raised the importance of maintaining funding reserves for technology upgrades and futureproofing initiatives.

·         The Committee raised the importance of implementing educational initiatives to build community understanding of the benefits and impacts of environmental sustainability investment.

·      The Committee provided the following feedback on Council staff plans to address the Notices of Motion regarding pursuing C40 membership:

·         The Committee raised concern regarding whether maintaining membership would be contingent on the views of the Lord Mayor of the day. Council staff provided clarification that C40 membership would likely align with broad political interests, given the global reputation and economic growth opportunities.


All-Electric Planning Controls


The Committee received an update from Luke Wolstencroft, Strategy Manager, regarding the 28 August 2023 Council Resolution to further review the all-electric building provisions for the Parramatta Development Control Plan 2023.


The Committee considered the options being assessed, and noted that a developer survey will be undertaken in March to understand what approaches are already being employed. The report back to Council on the recommended option is anticipated in May.


The Committee noted that Council staff will continue to provide updates on the outcome of this matter, and will consult the Committee accordingly.


Emerging Environmental and Sustainability Topics


The Convenor invited the Committee to raise any emerging environmental and sustainability topics for discussion, as follows:

·      The Committee discussed environmental sustainability initiatives and policies being considered by the State Government.

·      The Committee requested an update on when Council’s draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy will be presented for adoption. Council staff clarified that action plan assignments are being reviewed to reflect internal operational changes, with the aim to report back to Council by June.

·      The Committee requested an update on transitioning Council’s vehicle fleet to electric/hybrid models. Council staff clarified that solutions are being investigated to address vehicle supply delays, and that Council will be reviewing its internal fleet management policy to address electric vehicle provisions.

·      The Committee requested an update on addressing the resolved Notice of Motion regarding providing EV fast chargers in each Ward. Council staff confirmed that trial avenues are being investigated.

·      Clr Darley encouraged Committee Members to contact Councillors with any feedback on provisions for environmental sustainability initiatives in the FY25 budget and DPOP for consideration in the draft prior to endorsement for public exhibition.

Clr Kellie Darley retired from the meeting at 7:09pm, during discussion of Item 8.


·        The Committee requested an update at the next meeting regarding what Council is doing to prepare the community for the FOGO rollout. The Committee noted that a Councillor Workshop on preparations is anticipated for April.

·        The Committee requested an update at an upcoming meeting regarding the Community Recycling Centre project.


General Business


The Committee did not raise any additional matters of General Business.


Next Meeting Date: 10 April 2024


Meeting Closed: 7:11pm