These are draft minutes and are subject to confirmation by the Committee at its next meeting. The confirmed minutes will replace this draft version on the website.


Meeting Name

Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee



7 December 2023

Time 5:36pm


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street Parramatta + MS Teams



Committee Members

·         Councillor Sameer Pandey

·         Councillor Dan Siviero

·         Councillor Paul Noack

·         Deputy Lord Mayor, Dr Patricia Prociv (Alternate)

·         Daniel Green

·         Alisa Huang

·         Saif Islam

·         Jin Young Lee

·         Shant Ohannessian

·         Suntharalingham Senthilanantha

·         Raj Sharma



·         Anthony Newland - Group Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design

·         Ian Taylor – Rail Interface Manager


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·         Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber

·         Steven Brown

·         Lynda Calder

·         Dr Shima Taheri



Melissa McIsaac


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee noted apologies from Steven Brown, Lynda Calder, Dr Shima Taheri, and the Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest made for this Committee Meeting.



Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes from the previous Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee, held on 1 June 2023, were moved by Green and Ohannessian and CARRIED.


Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Status and Update


The Committee received a presentation from Anthony Newland, Group Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design, and Ian Taylor, Rail Interface Manager, regarding the following Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Stage 2 project updates:


EIS Engagement


The Committee noted that Council made a submission on PLR Stage 2 Draft EIS Silver Review to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) on 16 June 2023, using feedback obtained from the Committee and Council officers to set out 9 key recommendations.


The Committee were also informed that Council submitted advice and recommendations on the PLR Stage 2 Draft Amendment Report to DEP on 6 November 2023. 6 out of 9 of the recommendations were covered in the Draft Conditions of Approval. The Committee considered the 3 recommendations which were not accepted, being the recommended conditions for TfNSW to embellish Broadoaks Park for active open space, to investigate the provision of an extension of the alignment and Footbridge Stop relocation, and to complete the Camellia East stop.


The Committee further discussed the State Government’s announcement regarding the planned residential redevelopment of the Rosehill Racecourse site and the potential impact on the PLR Stage 2 project, and raised questions for staff consideration. The Committee were advised that a final announcement from the State Government regarding the Metro West stations would likely be necessary before Council could pursue any advocacy action regarding addressing the Rosehill Racecourse development in the PLR Stage 2 route design.


Councillor Noack, Alisa Huang, Jun Young Lee, Suntharalingham Senthilanantha, and Raj Sharma joined the meeting during discussion of this item.


Draft Conditions of Approval


The Committee noted that Council submitted to DPE advice and recommendations on the draft Conditions of Approval, with a focus on items requiring consultation with Council, based on experiences from PLR Stage 1. Planning approval is anticipated in Q1 2024.


Enabling Works


The Committee noted that the Project Agreement was reported to the 26 June Council Meeting.


In September it was discovered that ownership for Archer Park was incorrectly registered, and Council is the land owner; the ownership is in the process of being corrected in the land title register, and TfNSW will need to negotiate the Tripartite Agreement, through an MOU, with Council. The Committee were advised that the first step will be for Council to obtain valuation for the site, before negotiating compensation for compulsory acquisition and vesting of the completed public works in Archer Park.


Bridge Works: Community & Stakeholder Reference Group


The Committee were informed that a community & stakeholder reference group is being formed to support the planning, development, and delivery of the PLR Stage 2 bridge works. Council has been invited to nominate a maximum of two representatives, consisting of a Council officer and one community member from the Committee. The Committee noted that Anthony Newland (with Ian Taylor as alternate) will serve as Council’s staff representative, and were requested to make nominations for the community representative position.


Advisory Committee – Increased representation


The Committee noted that on 28 August 2023 Council resolved to increase the number of Committee community representatives to eleven, with a view to engage a resident from the Carter Street precinct. A third EOI campaign finished on 13 October; a Briefing Note will be shortly presented to the CEO to approve the appointment, with the new member anticipated to join the next meeting.



·          Council officers will circulate the provided presentation for further consideration by the Committee.

·          Council officers will circulate the Terms of Reference for the community & stakeholder reference group

·          The Committee nominated Shant Ohannessian to serve as the Committee’s community representative for the community & stakeholder reference group, with Saif Islam as alternate.

·          The Committee requested for Council officers to undertake the following:

·     Council officers will write to TfNSW to request further information regarding the Bridge Assessment Criteria for the tenderers.

·     Council officers will seek to find out what the State Government’s timeframe is for progressing to the Business Case stage of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 project.


Incoming Correspondence


Agenda Item 6 was not considered during this meeting.


General Business


Agenda Item 7 was not considered during this meeting.




Meeting Closed:  7:06pm