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Ordinary Council Meeting

Monday, 4 December 2023














Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Donna Davis (online), Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Ange Humphries, Cameron MacLean, Paul Noack, Sameer Pandey, Deputy Lord Mayor, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.




Chief Executive Officer - Gail Connolly, Executive Director City Engagement and Experience - Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director Finance and Information - John Angilley, Executive Director City Planning and Design - Jennifer Concato, Executive Director Community Services - Jonathan Greig, Acting Executive Director City Assets & Operations - James Smallson, Acting Executive Director Property & Place - Bruce Mills, Acting Executive Director People Culture and Workplace - Brendan Clifton,  Chief Technology Officer - John Crawford, Chief Governance & Risk Officer - Roxanne Thornton, Chief Financial Officer - Amit Sharma, Chief of Staff - Justin Mulder, Corporate Affairs Manager - Sally White, Research and Engagement Manager – Anna Pijaca, Group Manager Major Projects and Precincts - David Birds, Group Manager Social & Community Services, David Moutou, Community Capacity Building Manager - Rodrigo Gutierrez, Community Capacity Building Lead - Sharmila Falzon, ICT Strategy and Partnering Manager - Ian Vong, Council Secretariat and Policy Officer - Marina Cavar,  Business Support Manager - Valance Horne, Media Advisor - Susie Te, and ICT Service Desk Officer - Erik Ivarsson.


The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, opened the meeting at 6.32pm.


The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.


The Lord Mayor advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.


As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.





RESOLVED: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Councillor Noack


(a)       That an apology on behalf of Councillor Davis and be accepted as she will be arriving late to the meeting.

(b)       That Councillor Davis be permitted to attend this meeting by audio-visual link.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:        Councillor Bradley arrived at the meeting at 6.34pm




Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 November 2023



RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Garrard


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous






Councillor Pandey disclosed a Significant Non-Pecuniary interest in relation to Item 13.7 Gateway Request: Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford for the reason that he was part of the Panel which made a decision on the previous DA on this site. Councillor Pandey will leave the meeting during the consideration of this item, and will not participate in discussion or voting.





RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


That in accordance with Section 13 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the Order of Business be amended to deal with the following items by exception:

·   8.2:    Congratulations to Parramatta Artists’ Studios for winning the Museums & Galleries NSW 2023 Imagine Awards

·   8.3:    Inaugural Martin Children's Walk

·   8.4:    2023 Pitch for Good Campaigns

·   8.5:    Congratulations to City of Parramatta for being a finalist in the Australian Human Resources Institute Awards for Most Inclusive Workplace

·   13.1:   Post Exhibition: Adoption of Enterprise Risk Management Policy 2023

·   13.2:   Public Presentation of the 2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements

·   13.3:   Adoption of Community and Crown Land Plan of Management

·   16.1:   Tender 12/2023 - Alfred Street Stage 2 Cycleway (between Eleanor Street, Rosehill and Gregory Place (Clay Cliff Creek), Parramatta

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Congratulations to Parramatta Artists’ Studios for winning the Museums & Galleries NSW 2023 Imagine Awards

Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard

That Council congratulate the Parramatta Artists’ Studios (PAS) and artist Cherine Fahd for winning the Engagement Programs award for large organisations for ‘Being Together: Parramatta Yearbook’ at the Museums & Galleries NSW 2023 Imagine Awards.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Inaugural Martin Children's Walk

Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


(a)    That Council note the inaugural Martin Children’s Walk, held on 23 November, which retraced the steps of one of Parramatta’s greatest success stories, Sir James Martin.

(b)    That Council congratulate participating students and the Lysicrates Foundation for organising the event, which inspires Western Sydney youth to achieve their goals.  

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



2023 Pitch for Good Campaigns

Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


That Council congratulate the four organisations that participated in the 2023 Pitch for Good Parramatta program for reaching their crowdfunding goals and raising a combined total of $77,719.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Congratulations to City of Parramatta for being a finalist in the Australian Human Resources Institute Awards for Most Inclusive Workplace

Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


That Council congratulate the City of Parramatta’s People, Culture and Workplace team for being a finalist in the Australian Human Resources Institute Awards for Most Inclusive Workplace.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Post Exhibition: Adoption of Enterprise Risk Management Policy 2023

(Report of the Policy Officer)


RESOLVED Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


That Council adopts the Enterprise Risk Management Policy 2023 as attached to this report.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Public Presentation of the 2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements

(Report of the Acting Financial Accounting, Treasury & Payables Manager)


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


That the 2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements, Auditor’s Reports and any public submissions be received and presented to the public.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Adoption of Community and Crown Land Plan of Management

(Report of the Senior Open Space & Natural Area Planner)


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


(a)    That Council notes the 10 submissions made during the 42-day public exhibition period of the draft Community and Crown Land Plan of Management (Attachment 1).


(b)    That Council adopts the Community and Crown Land Plan of Management (Attachment 2) as amended in response to submissions under Section 40 of the Local Government Act 1993.


(c)    That copies of the adopted Community and Crown Land Plan of Management be made publicly available on Councils website and at Council libraries.


(d)    Further, that all respondents who provided a submission during the public exhibition be advised of Council’s decision and thanked for their contribution to the Community and Crown Land Plan of Management.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Tender 12/2023 - Alfred Street Stage 2 Cycleway (between Eleanor Street, Rosehill and Gregory Place (Clay Cliff Creek), Parramatta (Report of the Group Manager Capital Projects)


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


(a)    That the tender submitted by Mack Civil Pty Ltd for construction of the Alfred Street Cycleway Stage 2 between Eleanor Street, Rosehill and Gregory Place (Clay Cliff Creek), Parramatta, for the sum of $6,646,936.47 (excluding GST), be accepted.


(b)    That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(c)    That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous

8.    Minutes of the Lord Mayor


Vale Marie Therese Wood

(Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber)


RESOLVED: Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv

(a)    That Council acknowledge the death of Marie Therese Wood, former Parramatta City Councillor from 1991-1995, on 9 September 2023.

(b)    That Council expresses its sincere condolences to Marie Therese Wood’s family and friends at this sad time.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




9.    Public Forum



Report No.

Report Title


Matthew Lennitz

Item 13.7

Gateway Request: Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford



Mark Bernie

Item 13.7

Gateway Request: Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford


Note:        All Councillors were provided with copies of the Public Forum submissions  prior to the Council Meeting.



order of business

RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Garrard

That in accordance with Clause 8.2 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, Council amend the Order of Business for this meeting, to allow for Item 13.7 to be considered as the next item of business.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous

Note:        Due to disclosing a Significant Non-Pecuniary interest in relation to the next matter (Item 13.7: Gateway Request: Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford), Councillor Pandey left the meeting at 6.51pm.

Note:        Councillor Davis joined the meeting via audio-visual connection at 7.10pm.


Gateway Request: Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford

(Report of Project Officer Land Use)


RESOLVED: Councillor Valjak and Councillor MacLean


(a)    That Council approve for the purposes of seeking a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), the Planning Proposal for land at 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford (Attachment 1) which seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) in relation to the subject site by:

i.  Reconfiguring the existing R4 High Density Residential and RE1 Public Open Space zones.

ii.  Increasing the Maximum Height of Building control from 33m (11 storeys) on the Pennant Hills Road frontage to 110m (29 storeys) and from 27m (9 storeys) on the remainder of the R4 zoned portion of the site to 56m (18 storeys).

iii. Increasing the Maximum Floor Space Ratio control for the R4 High Density Residential zoned land from 2.3:1 to 3.6:1.

iv. Amending Schedule 1 Additional Permitted Uses to increase the maximum gross floor area of parts of the buildings used for business premises, food and drink premises, recreational facilities (indoor) and shops on the R4 High Density Residential zoned part of the site from 2,000 sqm to 2,600 sqm.


(b)      That Council request the DPE to provide Council with the authorisation to exercise its plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal.


(c)      That Council note the Local Planning Panel’s advice to Council (refer to Attachment 2) is consistent with the Council Officer’s recommendation in this report.


(d)           That Council authorise the CEO:

a.  To amend the draft site-specific Development Control Plan (SSDCP) (Attachment 3) to align with the Planning Proposal and address the matters as described in this report;

b.   To draft the Planning Agreement subject to the details within the submitted Letter of Offer (Attachment 4) which address the matters described in this report; and

c.  If a Gateway Determination is issued by DPE, that the Planning Agreement and SSDCP are placed on public exhibition concurrently with the Planning Proposal.


(e)      That if a Gateway Determination is issued by DPE, Council staff liaise with the Department of Education to ensure that it plans for the timely provision of adequate capacity at local schools to meet the additional need that would be generated by the future development.


(f)       That Council writes to Transport for NSW requesting that if a Gateway Determination is issued by DPE, the Housing and Productivity Contribution collected from the development of the site be applied to the improvement of transport infrastructure in the surrounding area, in particular the Pennant Hills Road/Evans Road/Lloyd Road and Pennant Hills Road/Moseley Street intersections, as well as increased provision of bus services and rail link to Epping.


(g)     That Council authorise the CEO to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan-making process and finalisation of the documents.


(h)      Further, that Council:


                          i.           Notes that the planning controls for this part of Carlingford were prepared by The Hills Shire Council 11 years ago.


                         ii.           Notes that this part of Carlingford is located in an already identified Growth Precinct in accordance with Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and Local Housing Strategy (LHS) presenting an opportunity to optimise the potential for this Growth Precinct to accommodate housing growth.


                       iii.           Request the CEO to investigate the work required to review the planning controls for this Growth Precinct and for this to inform the 2024/25 budget.


                       iv.           That the CEO request an urgent meeting with the Hon. Paul Scully MP, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces to discuss increased density and the provision of infrastructure in the Parramatta LGA, particularly Carlingford. That the Ward Councillors and any other interested Councillors and the Lord Mayor be invited to attend the meeting with the Minister.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Darley, Davis, Garrard, Humphries, MacLean, Noack, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.


Against the Motion:   Councillors Green, Bradley (abstain).


On being PUT to the meeting voting on this MOTION was twelve (12) votes FOR and two (2) votes AGAINST (noting an abstained vote is recorded as against in accordance with Section 11.4 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice). The MOTION was CARRIED.



Question taken on Notice (Clr Garrard) - Item 13.7 Gateway Request: Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford.


·        Is there any affordable housing in the Riverbank Development?

Note:        Councillor Pandey returned to the meeting at 8.00pm.


Note:      At 8.01pm, the Lord Mayor adjourned the meeting for 10 minutes.


Note:      At 8.12pm, the Lord Mayor reconvened the meeting. The following Councillors were present; Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Davis, Humphries, MacLean, Pandey, Valjak and Wang.


10.    Petitions

There were no petitions tabled at this meeting.


11.    Rescission Motions



12.    Reports to Council - For Notation



13.    Reports to Council - For Council Decision



Public Exhibition of Housekeeping Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022

(Report of Senior Project Officer)


MOTION: Councillor Prociv and Councillor MacLean


(a)    That Council endorse the Draft Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 (Amendment No. 2) provided at Attachment 1 for public exhibition.


(b)    That the draft Plan be publicly exhibited for a minimum of 28 days commencing in late January 2024.


(c)    That the outcomes of the public exhibition be reported to Council.


(d)       Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan making process.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous



Note:  At Councillor Bradley’s request, and with the leave of the Chairperson, this decision of Council was recommitted later in the meeting, as detailed in these Minutes.


Note:        Councillor Noack returned to the meeting at 8.13pm.

Note:        Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero returned to the meeting at 8.14pm.

Note:        Councillor Green returned to the meeting at 8.15pm.

Note:        Councillors Bradley and Wearne returned to the meeting at 8.16pm.


Epping Aquatic Centre - Approval to Lodge DA

(Report of Assistant Development Manager)


RESOLVED: Councillor MacLean and Councillor Davis


(a)    That Council approve the submission of a Development Application based on the attached architectural plans.


(b)    That Council note the Project Control Group’s (PCG) proposed staging plan which will provide flexibility to Council with regard to the planning process, tender and head contract; and facilitate the commencement of construction as soon as possible.


(c)        That Council endorse the progression of the project to the detailed design development and head contractor tender phase; with the outcomes of the tender to be reported back to Council.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous






Councillor Bradley requested the leave of the Chairperson to recommit the earlier decision of Council in relation to Item 13.4, as not all Councillors had returned to the reconvened meeting when the vote was taken. The Chairperson granted leave to recommit the resolution.



RESOLVED:    Councillor Bradley and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv


That Council recommit the resolution for Item 13.4 on this business paper.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous




Public Exhibition of Housekeeping Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022

(Report of Senior Project Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor Bradley and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv


(a)    That Council endorse the Draft Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 (Amendment No. 2) provided at Attachment 1 for public exhibition, inclusive of the following amendment to clause 2.4 (deferred and periodic payments), now to provide:


“2.4  Deferred payment of contributions

Deferred payment of contributions will not be permitted, except (at Council’s absolute discretion) where the applicant can demonstrate significant financial hardship and/or other extenuating circumstances which warrant that deferral.


Where a deferred payment is permitted by Council, 50% of the required contribution will be required to be paid prior to the issue of a construction certificate (or complying development certificate or subdivision certificate where relevant). The remaining 50% must be paid prior to the issue of an occupation certificate (interim or final) or as otherwise determined by Council.


Prior to the issue of a construction certificate (or complying development certificate or subdivision certificate where relevant), Council will require the applicant to provide a bank guarantee to Council’s satisfaction for the outstanding balance of the contribution. The outstanding balance will continue to be indexed quarterly in accordance with movements in the Sydney All Groups Consumer Price Index as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.


(b)    That the draft Plan be publicly exhibited for a minimum of 28 days commencing in late January 2024.


(c)    That the outcomes of the public exhibition be reported to Council.


(d)       Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan making process.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous





Proposed Annual Community Workshop Program

(Report of Community Engagement Senior Advisor)


RESOLVED: Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


(a)           That Council endorses the delivery of five ward-based community workshops from March 2024 – June 2024 inclusive of representation from the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community at each workshop. Participants will be selected via a targeted recruitment process with $125,000 additional funding allocated from Council’s General Reserve to cover the cost of conducting the workshop program.


(b)           That Council endorses the inclusion of an annual program of community workshops in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan from 2024/25 onwards.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous

Note:        Councillor Humphries left the meeting at 9.12pm and did not return.



Response to Community Pantry Initiative

(Report of Community Capacity Lead)


MOTION: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Wang


That the Lord Mayor write to the NSW Minister for Families and Communities, Kate Washington MP, the Commonwealth Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP and the Federal and State Members for Parramatta to advocate for an increase in funding for material and food aid services, including rent assistance, to meet current demand.



AMENDMENT: Councillor Darley and Councillor MacLean


(a)    That the Lord Mayor write to the NSW Minister for Families and Communities, Kate Washington MP, the Commonwealth Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP and the Federal and State Members for Parramatta to advocate for an increase in funding for material and food aid services, including rent assistance, to meet current demand.


(b)    That each Councillor distribute their share of the $16,500 savings (obtained from not progressing with the increase in the annual Councillor allowance) to a local not-for-profits, to support the provision of food, material aid and petrol vouchers.



Record of Voting:


For the Amendment: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, MacLean and Valjak


Against the Amendment: Councillors Garrard (abstain), Green, Noack (abstain), Pandey (abstain), Siviero, Wang and Wearne (abstain)


On being PUT to the Meeting, voting on this AMENDMENT was seven votes FOR and seven votes AGAINST (noting an abstained vote is recorded as against,  in accordance with Section 11.4 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice).


The Lord Mayor used his Casting Vote in support of the Amendment.  The AMENDMENT therefore became the MOTION.



RESOLVED: Councillor Darley and Councillor MacLean


(a)    That the Lord Mayor write to the NSW Minister for Families and Communities, Kate Washington MP, the Commonwealth Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP and the Federal and State Members for Parramatta to advocate for an increase in funding for material and food aid services, including rent assistance, to meet current demand.


(b)    That each Councillor distribute their share of the $16,500 savings (obtained from not progressing with the increase in the annual Councillor allowance) to a local not-for-profits, to support the provision of food, material aid and petrol vouchers


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv, Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, MacLean, Pandey and Valjak


Against the Motion: Councillors Garrard (abstain), Green, Noack (abstain), Siviero, Wang and Wearne (abstain)


On being PUT to the Meeting, voting on this MOTION was eight votes FOR and six (6) votes AGAINST (noting an abstained vote is recorded as against in accordance with Section 11.4 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice). The Motion was CARRIED.



Question taken on Notice (Clr Pandey)  - Item 13.8 Response to Community Pantry Initiative


·       How much has been donated this Financial Year to the organisations listed in the report?


·       Have much has Council drawn from the Financial Reserves this Financial Year and last Financial Year?




Deferred from OCM 20 November 2023 - Proposed Youth Inclusion Framework

(Report of Community Capacity Building Lead)


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Green


That this matter be deferred to the 11 December 2023 Council Meeting.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Prociv and Councillors Davis, Garrard, Green, MacLean, Noack, Pandey, Siviero, Valjak and Wang


Against the Motion: Councillor Bradley


On being PUT to the Meeting voting on this MOTION was eleven (11) votes FOR and one (1) vote AGAINST. The MOTION was CARRIED.




14.  Notices of Motion


Proposed Funding for Speed Humps - Albert Street, Granville

(Councillor Noack)


RESOLVED: Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero

That the installation of speed humps, or other appropriate traffic calming devices, on Albert Street (south of Prince Street) be added to the Road Safety Amenity list for consideration of future funding.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous




Amendment to Code of Meeting Practice – Public Forum (Part 4)

(Deputy Lord Mayor Clr Dr Patricia Prociv)


RESOLVED: Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv and Councillor MacLean

That this matter be deferred to allow the Chief Executive Officer to present this matter to a Councillor Workshop prior to it being reconsidered by Council.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous






Councillor Darley sought a Suspension of Standing Orders to raise a Matter of Urgency regarding the International Day of People with Disability.


The Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber agreed that the matter was a Matter of Urgency, and allowed the matter to be considered by Council.



Note:      Councillor Wearne left the meeting at 10.21pm and did not return to the meeting.







(Report of Councillor Kellie Darley)


RESOLVED: Councillor Darley and Councillor MacLean


That Council recognise International Day of People with Disability acknowledged internationally each year on 3 December, and make a donation of $1,000 to an appropriate charity.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous


Question taken on Notice (Clr Garrard)  - Item Matter of Urgency – International Day of People with Disability


·       Where is Council up to in providing subtitles during the live broadcast of Council Meetings?


·       When will the report come back to Council in relation to Councillor Siviero’s Notice of Motion from the 24 April 2023, Council Meeting?





Note:        Standing Orders were resumed at 10.30pm.



15.  Questions with Notice


Questions Taken on Notice at the 20 November 2023 Council Meeting

(Report of Council Secretariat & Policy Officer)


RESOLVED: Councillor Wearne and Councillor Garrard


Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Prociv asked a question on Item 12.1 Minutes of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee held on 17 August 2023


·    On page 32. Report on Parramatta Aquatic Centre. Currently there are two significant risks, but it doesn’t say what they are. Could you let us know what these two risks are?


Executive Director Finance and Information Response:

The two significant risks referred to for Parramatta Aquatic Centre were contained in the major projects report.  They were:

·   Significant inclement weather may affect the delivery of the external areas and project overall; and

·   Satisfying DA conditions prior to an OC.

As both these risks relate to the construction phase, they can now be considered as no longer relevant.



Clr Bradley asked a question on Item 12.3 – City of Parramatta Annual Report 2022/23

·    Can you please clarify how we arrived at the number of 1300 staff working at Council as noted in the report?


Acting Executive Manager People Culture and Workplace Response:


Under section 217 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, Wednesday 23 November 2022 was chosen as the ‘relevant day’ for councils to report on their labour statistics in their annual reports. The City of Parramatta had 821 employees engaged in paid work as at 23 November 2022:


680 permanent full-time employees

40 permanent part-time employees

41 casual employees

37 term contract employees

23 temporary employees


The 1,300 staff referred to in the “Message from the CEO” within the 2022/23 Annual Report, refers to both contingent and non-contingent staff, meaning it includes all permanent employees, temporary employees, term contracts, casuals, agency, and contractors in our system.



·    On page 89. It says there has only been one Environmental Upgrade Agreement entered into by Council. Could staff advise what the barriers are and how could we encourage more businesses or property owners to engage in these arrangements?


Executive Director City Planning and Design Response:


Environmental Upgrade Agreements (EUA’s) are finance arrangements provided to building owners to deliver building upgrades, secured against the land, and re-paid through Council’s rates process. EUA finance provides the opportunity to capture longer-term operational savings and environmental benefits for both building owners and tenants. EUA’s are facilitated through the NSW Government’s Building Upgrade Finance initiative. 


Potential reasons why there has not been strong uptake include.

·        Under the City of Parramatta policy only commercial non-strata buildings are      eligible. Limiting EUA application.

·        EUA finance is restricted to the delivery of environmental outcomes and so isn’t suitable for all types of renovation.

·        EUA finance has been competing against low interest rates and reasonably easy to access cash over last few years which can be accessed without the restriction imposed by the upgrade agreement.

·        In Parramatta we have generally seen owners looking at larger scale site redevelopment. EUA’s are more suited to smaller commercial upgrades and building owners with limited funds.

·        The public is likely not to be aware of EUA’s or how they operate.


To improve uptake, in 2018, Council resolved to waive Council’s administration costs on 10 EUA’s. This did not result in any improvement.


A review, subject to available resources, could be undertaken to look at whether the scheme should be extended, for example to industrial sites, and whether further promotion and advocacy to streamline legalisation are possible next steps.



Clr Valjak asked a question on Item 12.3 – City of Parramatta Annual Report 2022/23


·    There is an error in the statistics quoted for Councillor attendance, could this be corrected?


Executive Director City Planning and Design:


The error in the statistics quoted for Councillor attendance has been corrected.


Clr Valjak asked a question on Item 16.3 - Tender 09/2023 Hunts Creek Bridge Construction, North Rocks Road, North Parramatta


·    Could the CEO please arrange an Urgent Briefing in order to provide further information to Ward Councillors (and any other Councillors) on this matter?


·    Can a Communications Plan for Councillors to refer to/use be developed?


Acting Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


An Urgent Ward Briefing was conducted with North Rocks Ward Councillors on Monday 27 November, 4pm at PHIVE to discuss the Hunts Creek Bridge Construction.  All Ward Councillors were in attendance. The Draft Communications Plan for this project was discussed. The communications plan is still under development due to the need to confirm dates and logistics with the construction contractor who is still being appointed.  However, as with all major works programs which will cause significant disruptions, the communications plan will seek to explain to key stakeholders and the community the benefits of the work being undertaken, and clearly advise impacts and alternative arrangements. It was agreed at the ward briefing that a pack to assist Councillors respond to resident enquiries will form part of the communications plan.


An additional briefing can be arranged for any other interested Councillors by contacting the Acting Executive Director City Assets and Operations.



Clr Pandey asked a question on Item 16.3 - Tender 09/2023 Hunts Creek Bridge Construction, North Rocks Road, North Parramatta


·    Was this matter identified and ‘picked up’ on the Risk Register?


·    When will Council receive a report regarding the bridges across the LGA?


Acting Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response:


Council’s bridges are inspected using a Level 1 to Level 3 hierarchy. Level 1 inspections are simple visual inspections by trained specialists. Level 2 inspections involve a detailed investigation by structural engineers and Level 3 inspections involves an extensive condition assessment of all the major bridge components by structural engineers such as piles, deck, abutment, underside, handrails, guardrails.


Council undertakes the Level 1 inspection of all the bridges every year. They are visually inspected to develop the scope of work for the maintenance program.


Council has completed Level 2 inspection reports for 113 bridges, including culverts across the LGA, in 2021. It was undertaken by external consultants for the revaluation of the assets. These reports are undertaken every four or five years. Based on the Level 2 condition assessment recommendation, a separate list of bridges is developed for further detailed investigation, i.e., Level 3 inspections.


The Level 3 bridge inspections are carried out every 20 years or when Level 2 bridge inspection reports identify major defects. Based on the 2021 Level 2 bridge inspection reports, the following bridges require Level 3 inspection within 12 months.


·         Bennelong Parkway Road Bridge – Underway

·         Burnside Gollan Reserve Bridge Oatland Urgency 2: Within 12 months 

·         Calool Road Culvert Urgency 2: Within 12 months 

·         Good Street Granville Urgency 2: Within 12 months 

·         Ross Street Parramatta Urgency 2: Within 12 months 

·         Silverwater Road Bridge Urgency 2: Within 12 months

·         Harris Street Parramatta Urgency 3: Within 2 years 


A report summarising the Level 2 inspections of the 113 Bridges will be presented to Council by April 2024.

Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Unanimous









The meeting concluded at 10.30pm.


This page and the preceding 20 pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 4 December 2023 and confirmed on Monday, 11 December 2023.




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