Meeting Name

Access Advisory Committee



5 December 2023

Time 5:33PM


Microsoft Teams



Committee Members

·     Scott Green (Chairperson)

·     Timothy Hart (Deputy Chairperson)

·     Jayne Boardman

·     Ross Chaplin

·     Mark Kunach

·     Emily Mahendran

·     Susan Thompson


·     Councillor Phil Bradley (ex-officio)

·     Councillor Ange Humphries (ex-officio)


Council Staff

·     Tanya Owen - Community Capacity Building Lead (Convenor)

·     David Moutou - Group Manager, Social and Community Services

·     Hamish Murray – Project Officer, Universal Design & Access

·     Beth Collins - Team Leader, Community Care

·     Ash Kanitkar - Community Capacity Building Project


·     Pino Todarello - Natural Resources Manager


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·     Tony Walker

·     Charlene Boardley

·     Rodrigo Gutierrez



Melissa McIsaac


HPRM Reference










Note: The Deputy Chair, Timothy Hart, was requested to open the meeting as Chair, until Scott Green joined the meeting.


Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Deputy Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting, and asked attendees to introduce themselves.




The Committee received apologies from Tony Walker, Charlene Boardley, and Rodrigo Gutierrez.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest made for this Committee Meeting.


Ross Chaplin notified the Committee that he is now also a member of Blue Mountains City Council’s Access Advisory Committee, however it was noted that this position would likely not present an inherent conflict of interest.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Access Advisory Committee meeting, held on 3 October 2023, were resolved by Kunach and Chaplin and CARRIED.


The Committee raised for Council staff that Agenda and Minutes papers should be circulated in Microsoft Word format, for use with vision impairment readers.


Scott Green joined the meeting at 5:40pm during Item 6, and resumed duties as the Chairperson.


Guest Speaker: Cultural Strategy Update


The Committee were informed that Agenda Item 7, Cultural Strategy Update, would be deferred to a future Committee Meeting, to allow for staff to compile a briefing of specific relevance to the Committee. The Committee noted that a written progress update would be provided following the meeting.


Guest Speaker: Lake Parramatta Upgrade


The Committee received a presentation from Pino Todarello, Natural Resources Manager, regarding the concept plan for the Lake Parramatta Upgrade.


The Committee were advised that the Committee’s initial feedback provided in February 2023 had been generally incorporated into the revised concept plan, as follows:

1.         Hand rail at existing steps into water: Now included

2.        Traction treatment and highlights for proposed steps (vision impairment aid): Now included

3.        Arm rests and back rests for some portion of proposed retaining wall seating (concept plan feature 10): community consultation further requested for timber slat seating on the sandstone logs, which will include arm rests and back rests.

4.        Address steep access from viewing platform (concept plan feature 12): Concept plan now includes a flat bypass route, which is proposed to further extend to the new shelter and around the site.


The Committee were also informed of the key concept plan changes following general community consultation, such as a focus on natural aesthetic.


The Committee considered the revised concept plan, and raised questions and concerns for staff clarification.


Councillor Bradley joined the meeting at 6:07pm during discussion of Item 8.


·          Committee Members provided the following feedback on the revised concept plan:

·         Raised Council’s obligation to meet Australian Standards for handrail installation and stated preference for left and right side handrails to be provided at all steps, however acknowledged Council officer clarification regarding potential safety hazards associated with free movement around the site.

·         Recommended to provide a side handrail or barrier for the path at concept plan feature 15, which Council officers agreed should be feasible. Council officers clarified that a handrail could not be accommodated for the path at concept plan feature 16, as this is intended as a maintenance access route.

·         Recommended to move benches from sand access to edge of path near concept plan feature 16, to provide a firmer surface for using the seating, which Council officers agreed should be feasible.

·         Recommended to provide two-sided access to the shower facilities, to ensure access for wheelchair users and support persons, which Council officers agreed should be feasible.

·         Recommended to provide wayfinding for vision impairment cane users.


·          Hamish Murray will further discuss the following specific matters, on behalf of the Committee, with Pino Todarello following the meeting:

·         minimum design standards regarding luminous contrast for step highlights,

·         recommendations for handrails along the path and steps to the water, instead of proposed central handrail,

·         arm and back rest installation for bench seating at shower area, and

·         broadly ensuring the design meets minimum accessibility standards.


Pino Todarello retired from the meeting at 6:27pm at the conclusion of Item 8.


Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023 Update


The Committee received an update from Tanya Owen, Community Capacity Building Lead, regarding Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).


The Committee were informed that Council has entered the implementation phase of the 2022-2026 DIAP. The Committee viewed the DIAP page on Council’s website, and noted that the page has been updated with 2023 delivery highlights across the four focus areas. Council has developed a new outcomes framework to track progress and is producing a short film to help illustrate and narrate the outcomes framework in a clear and engaging manner, which is anticipated to be released by the end of the year.


The Committee also received an update from Ash Kanitkar, Community Capacity Building Project Officer, regarding the DIAP photo project. The Committee noted that Council has engaged Flashpoint Labs to conduct seven photo shoots, to increase Council’s catalogue of images of individuals with disabilities engaging with the local community and sites.


The Committee raised questions regarding the DIAP for staff clarification.


Councillor Humphries joined the meeting at 6:37pm during discussion of Item 9.


·          The Committee recommended for Council to consider adding a more specific community survey to the DIAP webpage, to help confirm if the page is sufficiently understood and delivering intended value.

·          The Committee will be notified when the film regarding the DIAP outcomes framework is released, and were encouraged to share information about the film and DIAP website with their networks.

·          David Moutou took a question on notice from Councillor Humphries, to enquire with the Executive Director Community Services regarding supplying Councillors with information regarding Council’s AUSLAN Interpreted Story Time program.

·          David Moutou agreed to further engage with Councillor Humphries following the meeting regarding planning for accessible bathroom facilities, as part of Council’s playground accessibility audit.


Councillor Bradley retired from the meeting at 6:25pm, Ross Chaplin retired from the meeting at 6:29pm, and Emily Mahendran retired from the meeting at 6:46pm, during discussion of Item 9.


Business arising from previous Minutes


International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD)


The Committee were reminded of the email previously circulated regarding upcoming IDPwD events, and noted that a Council Resolution at the 4 December Council Meeting marked IDPwD, including making a donation to a local disability service provider.


DIAP Photo Project


The Committee noted that an update on the DIAP Photo Project was provided during discussion of Item 9.



The Committee noted the updates provided.


Other Business


2024 Chair Election


The Convenor informed the Committee that it is anticipated the final Committee meeting of the Council term will be held in June 2024. The Committee noted that they will receive an email requesting nominations for the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson election at the February meeting, to serve for the remainder of the term.



·          Scott Green accepted the opportunity to be considered as a nominee at the next Chairperson election.

·          Timothy Hart declined to be nominated for the next Deputy Chairperson election, and welcomed for other members to be considered for the position.


Update from Active Transport Advisory Committee


The Committee noted that Charlene Boardley was not in attendance, and the update from the Active Transport Advisory Committee would be deferred for a future meeting.


Note: The Convenor invited attendees to raise any further matters of general business, as follows:

·          Susan Thompson advised that she would further engage with Tanya Owen following the meeting regarding the accessible format of the text document version of the outcomes framework.

·          The Convenor encouraged all Committee Members to submit an EOI to re-join the Committee when the request is issued for the new Council term.


Next Meeting Date: 6 February 2024


Meeting Closed:  7:19pm