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Parramatta Local Planning Panel

Wednesday, 21 November 2023












Level 3, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta




Julie Walsh (Chairperson)

Steve Driscoll (Expert Member)

Robert Hussey (Expert Member)

Ian Gilbertson (Community Member)




Development Assessment Manager – Claire Stephens, Team Leader Development Assessment - Sara Smith, Senior Development Officer – Denise Fernandez, Senior Development Officer - Patrick Santos, Legal Support Officer - Christine Treadgold, Executive Planner - Darren Wan, Business Governance Officer -  Neeli Sharma (Minute Taker)



The Chairperson, acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional land owners of land in Parramatta and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.



The Chairperson advised that this public meeting is being recorded. The recording will be archived and made available on Council’s website.



There were no apologies made to this Local Planning Panel.



There were no declarations of interest made to this Local Planning Panel apart from a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in item 5.2 declared by Steven Driscoll as he knows one of the objectors as a previous proprietor of a business previously frequented by Mr Driscoll.  The relationship was not sufficiently close to be considered significant.



The meeting commenced at 3.33 pm. The Chair invited registered speakers to address the Parramatta Local Planning Panel (‘the Panel’) on the items listed below:



Item number


Lachlan Rogers

Item 5.1

67 Kent Street, EPPING NSW 2121

Anna Ho

Item 5.1

67 Kent Street, EPPING NSW 2121

Patricia Whealy

Item 5.1

67 Kent Street, EPPING NSW 2121

Amit Chaturvedi

Item 5.1

67 Kent Street, EPPING NSW 2121

Michael Turner

Item 5.2

68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116

Brendan Cleary

Item 5.2

68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116

Heidi Cleary

Item 5.2

68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116

Donna Rainey

Item 5.2

68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116

Anna Pan

Item 5.2

68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116

Amy Chen

Item 5.2

68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116

Stephen James

Item 5.2

68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116

Linetta Mohan

Item 5.3

23 King Street, DUNDAS NSW 2117

Jonathon Wood (Think Planners)

Item 5.3

23 King Street, DUNDAS NSW 2117

Craig Hazel (Traffic Engineering Solutions)

Item 5.3

23 King Street, DUNDAS NSW 2117

Mina Saad (Artmade Architects)

Item 5.3

23 King Street, DUNDAS NSW 2117

Asher Richardson

(Willowtree Planning)

Item 5.4

150 - 152 Briens Road, NORTHMEAD NSW 2152

Joseph Quarello

(Hannas Group)

Item 5.4

150 - 152 Briens Road, NORTHMEAD NSW 2152


The public speakers concluded at 5.03 pm and the Panel proceeded into Closed Session to deliberate on the items listed below.


5.      Reports - development applications



SUBJECT         PUBLIC MEETING: 67 Kent Street, EPPING NSW 2121 (LOT 11 DP 3908)


DESCRIPTION Demolition of existing structures, tree removal and  construction of a 60 place childcare centre with basement parking.




OWNERS          Ms J X Lin & Mr D X Chen


(Report of Executive Planner)





(a)     That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel, exercising the function of the consent authority, grant development consent to DA/669/2022 for ‘demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of a 60 place childcare centre basement parking’ on land at 67 Kent Street, Epping, subject to the conditions in the Council report.


(b)     That submitters are advised of the decision.




1.         The development is permissible in the R2 Low Density Residential zone pursuant to Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 and generally satisfies the requirements of the applicable planning framework.


2.         The development will be compatible with the emerging and planned future character of the area.


3.         The development will promote a land use that provides a facility to meet the day to day needs of residents.


4.         The proposal provides a non-residential land use that has amenity impacts that can be appropriately managed.


5.         The development is in the public interest because it is consistent with the objectives for development in the R2 Low Density Residential zone.


6.      For the reasons given above, approval of the application is in the public interest.






SUBJECT         PUBLIC MEETING: 68 Kirby St, RYDALMERE NSW 2116 (LOT 1 DP 27956)


DESCRIPTION Demolition, tree removal and construction of a two storey, 66 place childcare centre with basement parking for 16 vehicles.


APPLICANT/S ArtMade Architects


OWNERS          Rydalmere Group Pty Ltd


(Report of Senior Development Officer)





(a)   That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel, exercising the functions of Council under Section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, REFUSE development consent for the following reasons :


(a) Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(a)(i) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposal fails to satisfy Section 3.23 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021 as it does not comply with the relevant provisions in the Child Care Planning Guideline, dated October 2021, as follows:

i.          Design Principle 1 – Context

ii.         Design Principle 2 – Built-Form

iii.        Design Principle 3 – Adaptive Learning Spaces

iv.        Design Principle 4 – Sustainability

v.         Design Principle 6 – Amenity

vi.        Design Principle 7 – Safety

vii.       Consideration C1 – Amenity viii. Consideration C2 – Site Suitability

viii.      . Consideration C5 – Local Character and Streetscape

ix.        Consideration C11 – Amenity Impacts

x.         Consideration C12 – Scale xii. Consideration C13 – Front Setback (including Secondary Front Setback)

xi.        Consideration C14 – Side and Rear Setbacks

xii.       Consideration C15 – Secure Access Points xv. Consideration C16 – Accessibility xvi. Consideration C21 – Visual Privacy

xiii.      Consideration C22 – Acoustic Privacy

xiv.       Consideration C23 – Acoustic Report

xv.       Consideration C30 – Car Parking Rate

xvi.      Consideration C32 – Traffic Report

xvii.     . Consideration C35 – Safety and Connectivity

xviii.   Consideration C37 – Car Parking Design


(b)  Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(a)(i) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposed development fails to satisfy the relevant provisions of the LEP, as follows:


i.       Clause 1.2.(2)(k) – that the proposal involves a structure that is not appropriate and not complementary to the low density residential character of the area


ii.      Clause 2.3(2) – that the proposal adversely impacts the neighbouring properties with the elevated outdoor play area 2 and full-height windows of indoor play area, raising visual privacy concerns; has a built-form that is not consistent with the low density residential setting of the locality and traffic implications with the inadequate vehicular access in the parking area and the parking shortfall.


iii.     Clause 6.2 – that the proposal involves unreasonable 1m fill at the north-western corner of the indoor play area 3, outside the footprint of the basement that would impact the future use and redevelopment of the land as the fill would be the future existing ground level of the land. The fill also promotes overlooking and contributes to the bulk of the development.


(c)   Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(a)(iii) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposed development does not meet compliance and/or consist of insufficient information to determine its compliance to the following sections of the Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011, as follows:


i.    Part 2.4.2 – Water Management – inadequate stormwater management system proposed


ii.   Part 2.4.6 – Development on Sloping Land – earthworks proposed, in particular, the fill of 1m at the north-western corner of the facility has not been minimised and that the design has failed to consider the topography of the land


iii.  Part 2.4.8 – Public Domain – the proposal has failed to give regard to the proposed development’s interface with the public domain


iv.  Part 3.2.1 – Building Form and Massing – the proposed development’s three-storey building and non-compliant rear and secondary street front setbacks present unacceptable bulk and scale that is not consistent with the existing and desired future character of the locality


v.   Part 3.2.2. – Building Façade and Articulation - the proposed façade, in particular the secondary street front, presents an appearance of a multi-dwelling housing development (townhouse) with the vertical feature walls that provide an illusion of having at least three separate tenancies


vi.  Part 3.2.3 – Roof Design – the proposed roof does not allow for an effective transition of roof forms with the roof forms of neighbouring properties


vii. Part 3.2.5 – Streetscape – the proposal has failed to be designed with regard to the character of the low density residential setting of the area and that the non-compliant secondary street front setback is not consistent with the established streetscape


viii.   Part 3.2.6 – Fences – the proposed balustrades on the outdoor play areas fronting the secondary street that act as the boundary fence will have a height that is more than 1.8m


ix.  Part 3.3.3. – Visual and Acoustic Privacy – the levels of the outdoor play area 2 and indoor play area 3, raised by at least 1m off the ground, present unreasonable visual privacy concerns onto the western and northern neighbours; the proposed acoustic privacy measures are not acceptable, in particular the clear acoustic fencing on the western edge of the outdoor play area, encouraging overlooking


x.   Part 3.3.6 – Water Sensitive Urban Design – that the proposal has failed to satisfy Council’s stormwater management system controls with inadequate design


xi.  Part 3.3.7 – Waste Management – that the proposal has failed to satisfy Council’s waste management requirements due to the inadequate manoeuvring and driveway grade for service vehicles


xii. Part 3.4.2 – Access for People with Disabilities – that the proposal has failed to address accessibility within the facility with inadequate documentation


xiii.   Part 3.4.4 – Safety and Security – that the proposed pedestrian access points off Acacia Street do not have connected pedestrian pathway within Council verge


xiv.  Part 3.6.2 – Parking and Vehicular Access – that the proposal has failed to provide adequate car parking within the site


(b)           Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposal will have adverse impacts on to the natural and built environment with the excessive built-form, non-compliant rear and secondary street front setbacks.


(c)           Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposal will have adverse social impacts due to the following:

i.       Inadequate parking spaces on the site that would have traffic implications.


ii.    Visual privacy concerns to the western and northern neighbours due to the elevated outdoor play area 2 and indoor play area 3.


(d)          Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(c) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the site is not considered suitable for the proposed development due to the following:


i.    As the proposed number of children to be given care in the facility drives the requirement to have a lower ground level that protrudes by at least 1m off the ground, consequently raising the levels of outdoor play area 2 and indoor play area 3.


ii. The location of the site and the secondary street being a cul-de-sac does not allow vehicle parking shortfall and that surrounding road networks are not able to accommodate on-street parking.


(e)           Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposal is not in the public interest due to the following:


i.    The non-compliance with the relevant provisions in the SEPP (Transport & Infrastructure) 2021, referencing the Child Care Planning Guideline, Parramatta LEP 2023 and Parramatta DCP 2011, demonstrates that the proposed development is not in the public interest.


ii.   The proposal does not satisfy the objectives of the zone and the Child Care Planning Guideline, referenced in the SEPP (Transport & Infrastructure) 2021.


(b)       THAT submitters are advised of the decision.








SUBJECT         PUBLIC MEETING: 23 King Street, DUNDAS NSW 2117 (LOT 1094 DP 36696)


DESCRIPTION Demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of a 2 storey 44 place centre based childcare centre with 11 spaces of at grade parking.


APPLICANT/S ArtMade Architects


OWNERS          F&M Investment Australia Pty Ltd and Wei Cheng Investment Pty Ltd


(Report of Executive Planner)





(a)  The Parramatta Local Planning Panel, exercising the function of the consent authority, REFUSES development application DA/834/2022 for ‘demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of a 2 storey 44 place centre based childcare centre with 11 spaces of at grade parking’ on land at 23 King Street, Dundas Valley development consent for the following reasons:


1. The site is unsuitable for the proposed use as it will acerbate an existing unsafe situation in terms of traffic and pedestrian safety having regard to in particular the close proximity of the school single lane driveway from King Street which is open from 7 am to 6.30 pm from Monday to Friday and also the close proximity to the pedestrian crossing.  


(b)  That submitters are advised of the decision. 




This development application was deferred from a previous Local

Planning Panel meeting on 18 July 2023 based on concerns arising from

local residents who stated that the access to the school from King Street

is used by both pedestrians and vehicles on a two way basis and that

vehicles had been witnessed reversing out on King Street. The Panel

inspected the site and heard from all parties registered to address the

Panel on this item. Notwithstanding the additional traffic report, (which

acknowledges the existing suboptimal conditions), the Panel was not

satisfied with the potential cumulative traffic and pedestrian safety

impacts the proposal would have on the existing situation.









SUBJECT         OUTSIDE PUBLIC MEETING: 150 - 152 Briens Road, NORTHMEAD NSW 2152 (Lot 11 DP 1160038)


DESCRIPTION Construction and use of multi-unit industrial warehouse and ancillary offices, storage premises, carparking & signage. The application is Nominated Integrated Development under the Water Management Act 2000.


APPLICANT/S Hannas Contracting Services Pty Ltd


OWNERS          Briens River Pty Ltd


(Report of Senior Development Officer)





The Parramatta Local Planning Panel DEFERS determination of this development application to enable the following to occur:


1. The obtaining of legal advice as to whether there is power to grant a drainage easement over the Council land which appears on its face to be Community Land under the Local Government Act 1993 particularly having regard to the court of appeal decision in Aussie Skips Recycling Propriety Ltd v Strathfield Municipal Council (2020) NSWCA 292.


2. The provision of the information sought in proposed deferred commencement Conditions 2 to 6 of Schedule 1.




1. In relation to the proposed drainage easement which is a fundamental requirement of approval, the Panel is not satisfied, on the information available, that there is legal power to grant this easement over the Council land.


2. In relation to the remaining proposed deferred commencement Conditions, the Panel is not satisfied with these matters as subject to deferred commencement Conditions where is no certainty with the outcome at the point of granting consent. The Panel needs to be satisfied following the provisions of these reports etc that the proposal is satisfactory in terms of storm water, drainage, flooding, public domain matters and landscape outcomes. This information should be provided prior to determination of the development application so the impacts can be appropriately considered.







6.      Confidential Matters



SUBJECT         Railway 51 Pty Limited v Parramatta City Council DA 880 -2021 Land and Environment Court Proceedings 2023/87203


(Report of Legal Support Officer)






(a)      Council resolve the Class 1 appeal by way of a section 34 conciliated agreement.


(b)      Council to negotiate and enter into an Agreement, with the Applicant pursuant to section 34 of the Land and Environment Court Act, on the basis of the set of without prejudice amended plans and attached proposed conditions of consent, subject to any minor amendments considered necessary by Council’s solicitors which do not authorise any intensification of the use of the propose development and which may be approved by the court.






The meeting terminated at 6.15pm.





