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Councillor Grants Committee Meeting

Thursday, 9 November 2023






Level 12, Boardroom

126 Church Street, Parramatta











City of Parramatta Council  –Councillor Grants Committee – Minutes – 9 November 2023





Jon Greig, ED Community Services (Chairperson),Cr Kellie Darley (online), Cr Angie Humphries (online), Cr Sameer Pandey (online), Cr Donna Wang



Group Manager Social & Community Services - David Moutou, Community Capacity Building Manager - Rodrigo Gutierrez, Community Capacity Building Lead - Tanya Owen (online), Program Officer, Artist Studio - Claire Finneran, , Acting Manager, Environmental Sustainability (in City Assets and Operations) - Nishan Adhikari, Research & Collection Services Coordinator - Janelle Blucher (online), Senior Events Officer - Jackson Morphett, Community Capacity Building Lead - Lucy Brotherton,  Community Grants Officer – Stephanie Raileqe,  Senior Community Development Officer - Hatice Vural,  Sustainability Officer - Lisa Kollaras (online), Community Capacity Building Lead - Sharmila Falzon, Group Manager Environment and Sustainability - Anthony Collins, Community Capacity Building Lead - Will Langbein-Pass and Marina Cavar – Council Secretariat and Policy Officer (Minutes)


The Chair, opened the meeting at 5.03pm.



The Chair acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.



The Chair advised the Committee that the meeting is being recorded via Microsoft Teams for minute taking purposes.



That an apology on behalf of the Lord Mayor Councillor Esber, be accepted and a leave of absence be granted.


5.    Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest by Committee members for this meeting. David Moutou, on behalf of all staff, noted that Conflicts of Interest are recorded and managed throughout the assessment process.




6.    Sustainable School Grant



The City of Parramatta provides annual grants and subsidy to educational institutions within the City of Parramatta local government area, to increase uptake of Kitchen Garden Programs, cycling programs, biodiversity-based citizen science projects, improved school ecosystems, and incursions/excursions. This round has received applications from 5 schools;

·       Cumberland HS,

·       Epping After School Care,

·       Epping PS,

·       Parramatta East PS,

·       Toongabbie PS.

 The five recommendations were noted and supported by the Committee.



ACTION ITEM - Nishan Adhikari: Clr Darley asked; Can we get a list of the schools that benefited from the incursions last year? 


ACTION ITEM – David Moutou: Clr Pandey asked a question; How do the schools acknowledge and recognise the City of Parramatta when they receive grants? David Moutou to include with Council Report Guidelines for how Grant recipients should acknowledge and recognise City of Parramatta in the delivery of their funded projects.






Councillor Darley asked that on the grant applications summary page for 2025  Grants Round the following information be provided;

(a)  Has the applicant received a Grant before and if so when?

(b)  Is the applicant based in the City of Parramatta LGA?




Rodrigo Gutierrez provided an overview of the Annual Round of the Community  Grants, sharing the one page summary of the status of funding pools after initial recommendations, noting the staff recommendation for the use of unallocated funds.


·       Cultural Heritage & History Projects Fund

Janelle Blucher presented the category,2 applications received and both are recommended and supported by the Committee.


 1. Indian Crisis and Support Agencies

 2. Parramatta Heritage Partners


·       Community Events Grant

Jackson Morphett presented the category, 13 applications received, the following 8 were recommended and supported by the Committee;


1.         Somali Welfare and Cultural Centre

2.      Deaf Connect

3.         Sri Om Foundation Limited

4.         Parramatta Queer Forum (Auspiced by ACON)

5.         Little India Australia

6.         Chant Raat EID Festival

7.         The Hellenic Orthodox Community of Parramatta and Districts

8.         Mother’s Day Classic


Clr Darley asked a question regarding the assessment criteria; Regarding the application by Christian City Church Carlingford Ltd she believes that they addressed the criteria, specifically the weighting, however is concerned that they didn’t receive funding and would like them to be considered as part of the ‘unallocated funding’. This was flagged as something to be discussed at the completion of the category run throughs.


·       Growing Social Enterprise in Parramatta Fund

Lucy Brotherton presented the category, 11 applications received and the following 5 were recommended and supported by the Committee;


1.    Green Connect Social Enterprise

2.    Taste Cultural Food Tours Inc

3.    Australian School of Entrepreneurship

4.    The Freedom Hub

5.    Convict Fitness – Noting that the initial recommendation makes use of available funds and staff recommend adding additional funds from the unallocated amounts from the other categories.


Note:      Clr Pandey highlighted the need to further support Convict Fitness if there is unallocated funding available. This was flagged as something to be discussed at the completion of the category run throughs.



ACTION ITEM - Lucy Brotherton : Clr Darley asked a question; How much did ‘Pitch for Good’ raise?


·       Creative Projects Fund

10 applications received, the following 3 were recommended for recommended and supported by the Committee;


1.   Operated Coin – Garden Of Sound

2.   Dance Makers Collective

3.    West Words


·       Parramatta Artists’ Studios Creative Fellowship Fund

18 received, the following 2 were recommended and supported by the Committee;


1.   Bonnie Huang – Artist


2.   It was noted that staff recommend that Owen Leong – Solo Exhibition – receive a skills development grant from any unallocated funding. This was flagged as something to be discussed at the completion of the category run throughs.


ACTION ITEM – Rodrigo GutierrezClr Darley wants a comparison of number of applications to the Parramatta Artists’ Studios Creative Fellowship Fund from last year to this year mentioned in the report that will go to Council.


·       Community Capacity Building Grant  

Rodrigo Gutierrez presented the category, supported by members of the Community Capacity Building team, 37 Applications received, the following 22 were recommended and supported by the Committee;


1.     Christian Community Aid

3.     Y NSW – Y Cultivate

4.     Royal Lifesaving Australia

5.     Arts and Cultural Exchange

6.     UCA Parramatta Mission

7.     Warrior Woman Foundation

8.     Fitted for Work

9.     Side by Side Advocacy

10.  Chinese Australian Services Society Limited

11.  Success Work Partners

12.  South Asian  Australian Association 

13.  Allowah Presbyterian Children’s Hospital

14.  Dundas Area Neighbourhood Centre

15.  Boronia Mulitcultural Services

16.  Western Sydney Community Forum

17.  Solve TAD Limited Trading as Freedom Solutions

18.  Community Connections Australia

19.  Western Sydney Orchestra Project

20.  Indian (Sub-Cont) Crisis & Support Agency

21.  West Words

22.  Sydney Queer Muslims Inc

23.  Story Factory



Note:  Councillors Pandey, Wang and Humphries left the meeting at 6.30pm. at this point in time the Chair determined that there was no quorum.  The meeting was closed. The remainder of the meeting was conducted as a briefing for questions and answers related to the individual applications.  No further decisions were made. 


The committee agreed to determine how to utilise the $19,155.34 in unallocated funds by email communication.




ACTION ITEM: Workshops on writing grant applications to be run early next year.





Meeting closed at 6.54pm.