These are draft minutes and are subject to confirmation by the Committee at its next meeting. The confirmed minutes will replace this draft version on the website.



Meeting Name

Floodplain Risk Management Committee



28 November 2023

Time 5:37PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street, Parramatta + MS Teams



Committee Members

·      Councillor Patricia Prociv (Chair)

·      Councillor Phil Bradley

·      Michaela Briggs – Western Sydney University

·      Fiona Coe – Department of Planning and Environment

·      David Grasby - Sydney Water

·      Angela Hansford - Community Member

·      Annie Neilsen - Community Member

·      Helen Slater - NSW Emergency Services


·      Councillor Ange Humphries (ex-officio)

·      Jeff Boulous – Communications Manager for PLR (guest)


Council staff

·      Jim Tsom - Supervisor Catchment Management (Convenor)

·      Paul Hackney – Stormwater Management Coordinator

·      Paul Clark - Senior Catchment & Development Engineer

·      Terry Johnson – Local Emergency Management Officer

·      Janelle Scully - Land Use Planning Manager


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·      Lord Mayor Councillor Pierre Esber

·      Romina Dousimon – Parramatta Chamber of Commerce

·      Nadine Goss – Community Member

·      David Kirkland – Parramatta Park & Western Sydney Parkland Trust

·      Andrzej Listowski – Sydney Olympic Park Authority

·      Deepak Makhijanio – Great River City Light Rail

·      Jazmin Van Veen – Department of Planning and Environment



Melissa McIsaac


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee noted apologies from Lord Mayor, Councillor Pierre Esber, Romina Dousimon, Nadine Goss, David Kirkland, Andrzej Listowski, Deepak Makhijanio, and Jazmin Van Veen.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Floodplain Risk Management Committee meeting, held on 1 June 2023, were CARRIED, with an amendment made to note Mariah Drakoulis (Western Sydney University) as an apology.


Councillor Bradley and Annie Neilsen joined the meeting at 5:40pm during Item 4.


Parramatta River Flood Study community consultation outcomes + timetable for finalising Flood Study


The Committee received a presentation from Jim Tsom, Supervisor Catchment Management, regarding the community engagement evaluation report prepared for  consultation on the Draft Parramatta River Flood Study.


The Committee noted the engagement campaign undertaken by Council, and the key issues raised from submissions.


The Committee considered the report and raised questions. Clarification was provided that the engagement evaluation report only covers the community surveys received, and not the submissions separately prepared by organisations, such as Western Sydney University. However, all feedback submissions have been provided to the project consultant for consideration.


The Committee were advised that project consultants will now consider how to manage the concerns raised, with a Councillor Workshop planned for 19 February 2024 to further consider the feedback and Council’s response approach. It is intended to put the Draft Parramatta River Flood Study to Council for adoption in March 2024.


Terry Johnson joined the meeting at 5:42pm and Councillor Humphries joined the meeting at 6:19pm, during discussion of Item 5.


The Committee noted the provided updates.


Implementing flood risk practices at the individual building level


The Committee received a presentation from Paul Clark, Senior Catchment & Development Engineer, with an overview of developments in flood risk management, such as the new NSW Flood Risk Management Manual, the NSW Flood Prone Land Policy, and updated mitigation standards and modelling considerations.


Jeff Boulous retired from the meeting during discussion of Item 6.


The Committee noted the provided updates.


A’Becketts Creek Flood Study / Flood risk study + plan update: Draft flood maps now available


The Committee received a presentation from Jim Tsom with an update on the A’Becketts Creek Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan, which are being prepared by Council’s consultant GRC Hydro, and peer reviewed by Water Technology.


The Committee noted that the study is being prepared in accordance with the NSW Flood Risk Management Manual, and that Council will undertake two rounds of community consultation. The Committee were advised that Council intends to consult on the draft with the Committee and at a Councillor Workshop in March 2024, with the aim to put the finalised study for adoption in 2025.


The Committee noted the provided updates.


Future Flood Studies and Plans


The Committee received a presentation from Paul Hackney, Stormwater Management Coordinator, regarding Council’s anticipated additional flood studies and plans after the completion of the Parramatta River Flood Study, with a view to cover the full LGA. The Committee noted the tentative project plans as follows:

·      A’Becketts Creek catchment: Under development, as discussed during Item 7.

·      Parramatta River Flood Risk Study and Plan: Council will be seeking State Government funding next year to undertake the project.

·      Wentworth Point (Hill Road): To be started next year, with particular focus on evacuation considerations.

·      Devlins Creek: Funding has been obtained to start the flood study and flood risk plan next year.

·      Haslams Creek; Duck River; Darling Mills, Rifle Range, Hunts Creek, Blue Gum: Anticipated to be developed in future years.


Clarification was provided that the Parramatta River Flood Study already takes into account calculations regarding total flows and other impacts from these surrounding areas.


The Committee noted the provided updates.


State Government Update


The Committee received the following updates from member Fiona Coe, on behalf of the Department of Planning and Environment:

·      NSW Flood Risk Management Manual: The new manual was gazette on 30 June 2023, and a workshop for councils will be held on 5 December.

·      Environmental planning instruments: being updated to bring in line with updated Manual.

·      The Department are working to improve public access to completed studies, through enabling consultants to transfer ownership into creative commons.

·      The Department will be undergoing a name change, with further information to be provided to the Committee shortly.


The Committee noted the provided updates.


General Business


The Committee considered and supported a proposal by staff to invite representatives from neighbouring councils to attend the Committee Meetings, for the purposes of driving consistent practices and sharing learnings.


The Committee did not raise any further matters during General Business.


·      The Convenor will contact neighbouring councils to invite their floodplain risk managers or other relevant staff representatives to the next Committee Meeting.


Next Meeting Date: Early March 2024


Meeting Closed:  7:09pm