Meeting Name

Active Transport Advisory Committee



7 November 2023

Time 6:02pm


Level 11 Boardroom + MS Teams



Charlene Bordley (Chairperson)

Bernadette Carpenter

Lester Pasley

Linda Gock

Mark Fyson

Matt Zahra

Pam Kendrick

Stephen Chong

Paul McDonald

Mark Green


Councillor Phil Bradley (Ex-officio)

Councillor Darley (Ex-officio)

Councillor Patricia Prociv (Ex-officio)


Roxanne Thornton – Chief Governance & Risk Officer

Michael Jollon – Transport Planning Manager

Michael Kolos – Project Officer Transport

Paul Lyth - Group Manager Regulatory Services

Robert Cologna - Group Manager City Strategic Planning

Karandeep Singh Chadha (observer)

Kerry Tipton (observer)


Apologies / Leave of Absence

Ian Weekes (Deputy Chairperson) emailed that due to health reasons he has resigned from the Committee.





HPRM Reference





Item 1

Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.

Item 2



The Committee noted apologies from Ian Weekes

Item 3

Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.

Item 4

Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Active Transport Advisory Committee meeting, held on 19 September 2023, were CARRIED.

Item 5

Trailers and boats parked on cycle routes



The Committee had asked if staff could explain why there are a number of trailers and boats that have been parked in the same place for years. Council applies parking lane edge marking on the road and inside the edge line place bicycle logos indicating where the cyclists should ride. However, cyclists cannot use the bike lanes but have to move to fast moving traffic.


Staff indicated that if the bike lanes are designated and gazetted, the rangers can enforce the legislation. However, if the bike lanes are not gazetted, rangers ‘may’ move the boats and trailers. There are criteria which officers use to have vehicles moved.


·      Website is to be updated and please clarify how to make complaints and how complaints will be treated.

·      Bernadette Carpenter is to provide staff with the address of those boats and trailers so staff can check them.


·      Committee to have a recommendation to Council on staff having greater or different powers in order to enforce the law.

Item 6

Station Street East Harris Park proposed cycleway


Update from Staff

Council is progressing plans to improve facilities for bike riders and pedestrians on Station Street on the western verge, which was impacted by the recent security lighting installation. A plan or concept design is being prepared which will be presented to this Committee and the Traffic Committee.

Item 7

Bike Plan update and recommendation


There are 55-65 changes and staff provided a comprehensive update on the major changes. The presentation will be circulated to the Committee. Staff indicated availability to address further questions offline.


The Committee had a working group meeting, from which questions. Staff provided the following answers (in italics below) to questions in the minutes.[MJ1] 

1.       Follow-up on questions such as Junction Road Winston Hills being a missing link – This is pending Council’s acceptance of the boundary change which is currently on public exhibition for comments.

2.      What has been achieved up to now from original plan? What is still to be progressed from previous plan? Could this be represented on the maps? – The Bike Plan refresh notes 8.5km of improved cycling infrastructure to the value of $53 million since the 2017 Bike Plan. The Bike Plan refresh does not specifically show what has been achieved, though a comparison of existing infrastructure between the plans can be made. The purpose of the Bike Plan refresh is to show proposed locations for investigation of new infrastructure.

3.      Timelines of proposals – advertising vs implementation? The timeline for the proposed infrastructure cannot be provided as there are external stakeholders and approval authorities involved. However, the Committee could set priorities.

4.      How does the plan get people from diverse backgrounds riding bikes? The main way of getting diverse people to ride bikes is implementing separated facilities, for example, facilities which are separated from motor traffic and generously dimensioned. This would encourage people who are less confident, younger people and mobility impaired. Equal access and fostering the sense of community. Council would also has an education and promotion plan.

5.      Bike parking and shelter visibility – Staff open to suggestions of bike parking locations. A recommendation for a hub to cater for delivery drivers. Currently there is an informal hub for food delivery riders on Church Street outside Westfield Parramatta.

6.      Access for vulnerable in communities – If this relates to infrastructure, it means connecting paths to lower economic areas and is already factored into the Bike Plan. However, if it is access to bikes, Council do not provide bikes to the public.

7.      Shared paths ending at crucial points – It may appear that there is no coordination with other Councils however neighbouring Councils are aware of our plans and our Council regularly liaises with neighbouring Councils on projects crossing our boundaries.

8.      Major regional routes on the plan need to be there only if there is a commitment to deliver it – These are in the Bike Plan as they attract higher volume of riders and walkers. The regional routes on the Bike Plan are within the Sydney Principal Bicycle Network envisaged by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and eligible for TfNSW funding.

9.      New infrastructure to include tree canopies to encourage cool conditions in warmer months - Tree canopy and will be added where possible.

10.   Timing of traffic signal sequences where bike path must cross traffic lights in conjunction with other road users (e.g. pedestrians). – where traffic signals are included in projects, these need approval from TfNSW. Their design development and approval typically take two to three years. Council can advocate to TfNSW to alter signal timing or to introduce timed automatic crossing, but it will be TfNSW’s decision to implement.

11.     Wayfinder signage to encourage riding/tourism - Wayfinding signage is variable and can be improved in many places.

12.    Ongoing concerns about the small percentage of cyclists speeding along shared pathways - Where conflict occurs on paths between higher speed bike riders and pedestrians, Council have involved the police to patrol and conducts path activations to assist with educating path users. There are counters in place which record speed at strategic locations. Council has also trialled pavement stickers on paths. The Committee can assist by sending messages to cycling and walking groups. Staff are also looking to strengthen the language around encouraging people to ride.

13.    Is there a continuous feedback mechanism for people to report unsafe behaviour of cyclists? – Members of the public can log a service request on Council’s website so staff can receive complaints. Council should also be communicating to the community on where they can lodge their complaints.


General comment from staff:


The Bike Plan is based on infrastructure and behaviour but the use of incentives could be considered. However, there are no subsidies for bikes or voucher scheme to provide bikes to the public. A Council resolution and funding would be needed to subsidise bike for the public.

The Committee can recommend for Council to act on something, for example, lobbying the State Government to provide more for footpaths compared to providing more for sports grounds.


The Committee endorses the Bike Plan and recommendations.


·      Staff to advocate for traffic signalling when consulting with the Traffic and Transport team.

·      Staff to provide more community awareness on where members of the public can lodge a complaint.

Item 8

Cycleway Projects proceeding to community consultation are:

1.       Haslam Creek Bridge on Bennelong Parkway Wentworth Point

2.      Factory Street Clyde to Duck River / Wilder Line

3.      Wentworthville to Westmead


Project updates from staff:


1.       Haslams Creek Bridge and connections

This Bridge has been developed and the connection to the East to 90% detail. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required due to likely estuarine impact. A report will be sent to Council in February 2024 for endorsement for public exhibition.

2.      Duck River – Clyde

A part of the project is within the the Cumberland Local Government Area (LGA) and the feasibility plan is currently with Cumberland Council for feedback.

Following this there will be a report to Council at the beginning of 2024 for endorsement for public consultation.

3.      Toongabbie to Westmead

This project, being a regional route on the TfNSW Principal Bicycle Network is eligible for 100% funding by TfNSW.

Council is working with Cumberland Council as part of the plan is in their LGA. This is currently on exhibition in their Westmead Master Plan.


The project is five kilometres long and is broken up into the following sections, McCoy, Stations, Between Stations, Bridge Road, Alexandra Ave/Bailey Street (Cumberland) and Parramatta Park. Staff provided an update on each section.


Staff share draft presentations on these proposed exhibitions and are seeking feedback from committee members.


Item 9

Station Street E Harris Park Shared Path Issue with newly installed poles within path (14 March 2023 Agenda Item 8)


Staff indicated that the concept design is underway and aim to present for the next Committee meeting.


Item 10

Project Development Update NW T-Way Cycleway construction


Tender process has concluded, and contract signed by both parties. Work may commence in November 2023 with the project to be completed in May 2024. Toongabbie East Public School has also provided permission to relocate their fence so there will be wider cycle path.


Item 11

Shared Path education and promotion update


Path education and promotion is underway, with locations along Parramatta Valley Cycle Way and Parramatta Light rail. The path education includes temporary signage and it is noted the team is approachable, friendly and respectful in engaging with cyclist and pedestrians. There will be a report from consultants to staff in December or January.



Committee to further discuss in the next meeting with local cycling groups who ride fast, how to educate those that ride fast but not in a cycling group. Could we promote alternative routes for those that go fast on shared paths?



Item 12

Bike parking hoops for Phive, Parramatta Square


Investigations underway to get more parking preferably under cover.



Committee to further discuss in the next meeting the powers of security guards at Phive in moving people along when they are stopping (not parking) under the overhang of the Phive building as this is Phive land and not public land.


Item 13

Committee issues and task list review



·        Action register to be considered in the next meeting.

·        General business to be moved up in priority on the agenda so that Committee members have opportunity to bring ideas and keep this to 20 minutes.

·        Committee to start thinking of projects or topics to be discussed in general business.

·        Staff to consider making Council facilities available for working group meetings.

·        Linda Gock and Ian Weekes have resigned. Staff are to investigate whether it is necessary to appoint new members.



Next Meeting Date: 2024 TBC


Meeting Closed:  8:03pm




 [MJ1]From a governance perspective, I don’t think we should refer to an offline  meeting and its minutes.  (This would raise the issues of - was this meeting announced?  - will the minutes be posted on Council's website?).  I have changed the reference to a 'working group meeting'.