Meeting Name

Policy Review Committee



25 October 2023

Time 5:36PM


Level 12 Boardroom + MS Teams



John Angilley (Chair)

Clr Michelle Garrard

Clr Sameer Pandey

Clr Georgina Valjak

Clr Lorraine Wearne

Clr Phil Bradley (ex-officio)

Clr Ange Humphries (ex-officio)


Melissa McIsaac

Gwen Hughes

Annette Crkovski

Phoebe Chen

Benjamin Chaplin

Paul Lyth

Angela Jones-Blayney

Sheree Gover

Jessica Wheat

Keith Hong

Bronwyn Pullen


Apologies / Leave of Absence

Lord Mayor, Clr Esber

Clr Prociv

Gail Connolly



Melissa McIsaac


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee noted apologies from the Lord Mayor, Councillor Esber, Councillor Prociv, and the Chief Executive Officer, Gail Connolly.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Policy Review Committee meeting, held on 30 August 2023, were CARRIED.


Draft Council Policies for Consultation


New – Land Dedication Policy


The Committee received a presentation from Annette Crkovski, Senior Development Manager, regarding the proposed Land Dedication Policy. The Committee considered the proposed policy and raised questions for staff clarification.


Councillor Pandey joined the meeting at 5:41pm at the start of Item 5.1.


·      The Committee expressed concern that introducing a land dedication policy may be perceived as too restrictive for developers, however agreed to provisionally support seeking to introduce the policy as required to support staff in carrying out their role.

·      The Committee supported the draft Land Dedication Policy to be put to the next available Council Meeting to endorse public exhibition.

·      Council officers agreed to the Committee’s request to circulate data from Council’s land register for recently dedicated to Council, for the time period from this Council term and the previous term if feasible.


Annette Crkovski, Phoebe Chen, and Benjamin Chaplin retired from the meeting at the conclusion of Item 5.1.


306 – Regulatory Enforcement Policy (and proposed rescission of 316 – Building Compliance Enforcement Policy + 323 – Restricted Premises Enforcement Policy)


The Committee reviewed the draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy and provided feedback on the proposed updates. The Committee further considered the proposal to rescind the related Building Compliance Enforcement Policy and Restricted Premises Enforcement Policy. Paul Lyth, Group Manager Regulatory Services, attended the meeting to address any Committee questions.


Sheree Gover, Angela Jones-Blayney, Keith Hong, Jessica Wheat, and Bronwyn Pullen joined the meeting during discussion of Item 5.2.


·      The Committee requested to delete clause 5.8 from the draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy, regarding procedural requirements for Councillors.

·      The Committee requested for Council officers to ensure clarity is provided where Council is not authorised to investigate reports of unlawful activity regarding private certifiers.

·      The Committee requested to be provided additional time following the meeting to further consider the draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy, and agreed to submit any additional feedback to Paul Lyth.

·      The Committee supported for the draft Regulatory Enforcement Policy to be to the Council Meeting in late November to endorse public exhibition.

·      The Committee supported for the Restricted Premises Enforcement Policy to be put to Council to endorse rescinding, noting this is anticipated to occur in early 2024 when the updated Regulatory Enforcement Policy is put for adoption.

·      The Committee provisionally supported for the Building Compliance Enforcement Policy to be put to Council to endorse rescinding, on the condition that the Committee be provided with additional information regarding how relevant operational service standards will be implemented in the absence of this policy.


Paul Lyth retired from the meeting at the conclusion of Item 5.2.


New – Flag Flying Policy


The Committee received an update on the development of a flag flying policy for Council, as directed by a 2021 Council Resolution. The Committee considered the initial draft Flag Flying Policy and provided feedback. Angela Jones-Blayney, Executive Director City Engagement & Experience, Sheree Gover, Group Manager City Experience & Identity, and the Civic Program & Protocol team attended the meeting to address any Committee questions.


·      Angela Jones-Blayney took the following questions on notice:

·      Provide the Committee with information regarding structural concerns that may prevent flying a flag on top of Town Hall.

·      Provide the Committee with information regarding what Councillor consultation was undertaken for the flag poles installed in front of Town Hall.

·      The Committee did not support to proceed at this time with pursuing to adopt the draft Flag Flying Policy. The Committee requested to receive additional briefing information regarding the concept development, and for additional Councillor consultation to be undertaken regarding the policy direction.

·      The Committee were requested to submit any feedback regarding the policy concept to Angela Jones-Blayney, to enable staff to further investigate recommendations and/or concerns.


Sheree Gover, Keith Hong, and Jessica Wheat retired from the meeting at the conclusion of Item 5.3.


New – Ward Initiatives Policy


The Committee received an update from John Angilley and Gwen Hughes regarding development of a Ward Initiatives policy, including the outcomes following initial Committee consultation in August 2023. The Committee provided additional feedback regarding the proposal to introduce this policy, as directed by a Council Resolution from June 2023.


·      The Committee recommended to not pursue introducing a Ward Initiatives policy.

·      Council officers took on notice to further investigate the minimum administrative requirements under the Local Government Act applicable to management of Council’s Ward Initiatives program.


Next Meeting Date: 29 November 2023


Meeting Closed:  7:55pm