PUBLIC supplementary

Agenda -A


An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in PHIVE (COUNCIL CHAMBER)  COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 5 PARRAMATTA SQUARE, PARRAMATTA on Monday, 25 September 2023 at 6:30PM.





Gail Connolly PSM






















Council                                                                                                     25 September 2023







ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                               PAGE NO



14      Notices of Motion

14.3           Proposal for the Installation of Suburb Identification Signage at the Entrance to Wentworth Point.................................................................. 3

15      Questions with Notice

15.1           Status of Rydalmere Park Upgrade....................................................... 4

15.2           Powerhouse Parramatta.......................................................................... 7

15.3           LATE REPORT: Questions Taken on Notice at the 11 September 2023 Council Meeting......................................................................................... 8


After the conclusion of the Council Meeting, and if time permits, Councillors will be provided an opportunity to ask questions of staff.




Council 25 September 2023                                                                                              Item 14.3


ITEM NUMBER         14.3

SUBJECT                  Proposal for the Installation of Suburb Identification Signage at the Entrance to Wentworth Point

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09135023

FROM                          Councillor Noack      



(a)     That Council officers prepare a proposal to construct and install signage “Welcome to Wentworth Point” at the entrance to the suburb.


(b)     That Council officers report back to Council with a proposed design, location and costing at the next Council meeting.








Council officers will consider the proposal and a report will be submitted to Council at a date to be confirmed subject to resourcing and funding.  In the first instance it is recommended that the proposal be discussed in more detail at a future Rosehill Ward briefing to define the scope of the project and possible application to other suburbs in the LGA.


Paul Noack



Bruce Mills

Group Manager Place Services


Bryan Hynes

Executive Director Property & Place


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer





Council 25 September 2023                                                                                              Item 15.1


ITEM NUMBER         15.1

SUBJECT                  Status of Rydalmere Park Upgrade

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09134062

REPORT OF              Councillor Darley        



questions with notice


a.  What is the current status of the stage 2 upgrade of Rydalmere Park, which commenced in November 2021? 


The Rydalmere Park Masterplan was adopted by City of Parramatta Council in July 2019.  


Stage 1 of works included the upgrade of the northern field to synthetic turf, widening it to 105m x 68m in line with Football NSW and FIFA recommendations for professional football, construction of a 17m x 68m synthetic warm up area, lighting design that supports NPL1 level of play, and spectator and boundary fence lines and spectator seating.  

Stage 1 was completed in May 2020.  


Stage 2 construction commenced in November 2021 and included: 

·    Upgrade of the southern two playing fields with new turf, drainage and irrigation 

·    Installation of a 520Kl stormwater reuse tank 

·    Upgraded sports field lighting 

·    Spectator seating 

·    3-lane cricket practice nets 

·    New cricket pitch 

·    Spectator fence lines 

·    Relocation and upgrade of South Street car park 

·    Upgrade of northern carpark off Park Road 

·    Tree planting and tree retention  

·    Picnic tables, bubblers, and accessible paths around the entirety of the field 


Whilst not a component of the adopted Rydalmere Park Masterplan, the internal Project Owner worked with Council's Sustainability team to seek funding and support to install a 520,000L stormwater harvesting system and re-use infrastructure at Rydalmere Park to work towards Council’s environmental sustainability goal of no net increase in potable water consumption by 2038 (based on 2015 levels). In addition, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) rain gardens in the South Street car park will filter run-off it before it makes its way into stormwater system.  

Delivery of Stage 2 has experienced delay due to a combination of COVID-related supply-side issues (domestic labour and materials), and the wettest year since records were recorded (the most rainfall year to date in 1858) which made progressing work on the playing fields unfeasible for a considerable period of time. In addition, the existing site soils, which were originally planned for re-use, were of a poorer quality than originally anticipated. This required a combination of the removal of the poorer quality material, remediation of existing site soils, and importation of new clean topsoil materials.  



Finally, due to these delays, the turf establishment period occurred during winter and into spring 2023, resulting in a lengthier period to allow for the establishment and long-term growth of newly installed turf given the high level of anticipated use.  

Stage 2 will be opened to the community (fences removed) in late October 2023, weather permitting. 


b.  How many saplings were grown from the seeds harvested from the remnant trees on the southern side of Rydalmere Park that were removed? 

When adopting the Rydalmere Park Masterplan and acknowledging the removal of trees to the south of the precinct, on 8 July 2019 Council resolved (inter alia): 

(e) That all reasonable effort be made during detailed design of the masterplan to remove the minimum number of trees of the remnant Cumberland Plan Woodland on the southern side of Rydalmere Park.  

(f) That Council harvest seed from the existing remnant trees on the southern side of Rydalmere Park to protect and preserve the genetic integrity of existing indigenous vegetation.  

(g) Further, that Council propagate and grow saplings from this seed stock for replanting within Rydalmere Park at the Urban Forest/Indigenous Vegetation Offset area and at other relevant tree planting areas as identified in the masterplan. 

Pursuant to Council’s resolution, Council’s nursery harvested seeds from the original trees in early 2020. These are now growing at Council’s Nursery (the taller species are now approx. 3m tall) and are targeted to be planted in the future ‘urban forest’ at the northern end of Rydalmere Park (along Victoria Road).  


Previous location of plant at  

Rydalmere Park 


Available @ Council Nursery 

No. of pot 

Size of pot (mm) 

Along South St 

Eucalyptus sideroxylon 


Along South St 

Eucalyptus sideroxylon 



Along South St 

Eucalyptus fibrosa 


Along South St 

Eucalyptus botryoides 


Along South St 

Angophora bakerii 



Old playground/carpark area of South St 

Glochidion Ferdinandi 



Old playground/carpark area of South St 

Angophora floribunda 






As part of the delivery of the detailed design of Stage 2 works, a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) was undertaken by an Independent Planning Consultant taking into account to the fullest extent possible all matters affecting or likely to affect the environment which includes biodiversity, trees, heritage, noise,  air and water quality, traffic, waste, visual and public amenities by the proposed work as required under Part 5 of the EP&A Act.  The REF has determined that the proposed works will not be likely to have a significant impact on: 


- the environment 

- threatened species, populations, ecological communities, or their habitats 

- matters of national environmental significance 


c.  How many of these saplings have been planted within Rydalmere Park? If there are any remaining, where will they be planted? 

The saplings were targeted to be planted in the ‘urban forest’ area at the northern end of Rydalmere Park (along Victoria Road) which is the currently unfunded ‘Stage 3’ of the Rydalmere Park Masterplan. Council officers have sought, and continue to seek, grant and other funding opportunities to deliver ‘Stage 3’ of the masterplan. 

Given that a funding opportunity has not eventuated to date, Council officers will investigate locations to plant as many of the saplings as feasible in the northern ‘urban forest’ area, as well as other areas of Rydalmere Park during the Spring or Autumn planting seasons. 


d.  In total, how many trees were removed as part of the upgrade of Rydalmere Park and how many will be replaced?  


There were 42 trees removed as part Stage 2 construction. 


Removal of existing trees was acknowledged on page 32 of the Masterplan to enable the delivery of two full-size football fields in alignment with Council’s (then) Community Infrastructure Strategy.  


There were 90 new trees delivered as part of the Stage 2 works, along with ground covers, grasses, climbers, ferns and shrubs.  


e.  What is the timeline for replacement of the playground and basketball court that was removed as part of the stage 2 upgrade?  


The existing playground and basketball were removed to allow for the full-size football fields and three lane cricket nets, per Council’s adopted masterplan concept design. Elements of the original playground (including the timber poles and sandstone blocks) were salvaged and re-used at River Park playground in Ermington. 


A new playground and potential multipurpose court will be delivered as part of ‘Stage 3’ of the Rydalmere Park Masterplan, and the community will be consulted when those projects progress to funding on concept designs for the playground.  Council officers have sought, and continue to seek, grant and other funding opportunities to deliver ‘Stage 3’ of the masterplan. 



Council 25 September 2023                                                                                              Item 15.3


ITEM NUMBER         15.2

SUBJECT                  Powerhouse Parramatta

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09134617

REPORT OF              Councillor Darley   





In respect to the Development Consent for Powerhouse Parramatta, have the below conditions of consent been complied with?


(a)     A copy of the final recordings shall be provided to Council:


i.    Willow Grove, 34 Phillip Street;

ii.   Substation No.19, 42 Phillip Street; and

iii.  St George’s Terrace, 44 Phillip Street.


(b)     Consultation with Council about whether it requires the provision of new or replacement street tree planting at the Phillip Street and Wilde Avenue frontages of the site. If required, the species and spacing of trees to be determined in consultation with Council.


(c)     Within 12 months of the completion of the archaeological excavation, a comprehensive Heritage Interpretation Plan (HIP) for the site is to be prepared in consultation with Council and relevant stakeholders.




The consent authority for the Powerhouse Museum project is the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE). As a result, the obligation to ensure conditions are complied with rests with DPE.


In relation to the conditions outlined above, the following information can be provided;


(a)     Infrastructure NSW provided Council with archival recordings of Willow Grove, St George’s Terrace and P & G E S Co. Ltd. Sub-Station No. 16, on 16 March 2021 prior to any works commencing on those buildings, as required by the condition. This document has been placed in Council’s Content Manager (Records) system and has been sent to Council’s Heritage Archive team.


(b)     Council has not yet been formally consulted regarding the provision of new street trees at Phillip St and Wilde Ave. This consultation was required to occur prior to any structural construction commencing on the museum. Council staff have raised this matter with Infrastructure NSW (landowner), Lendlease (builder) and DPE (consent authority).


(c)     The Heritage Interpretation Plan consultation is to occur within 12 months of the completion of the archaeological excavation. It is unknown whether/when the excavation has been completed.  Staff have raised this matter with DPE and Lendlease and requested an update on the progress of excavation.



ITEM NUMBER         15.3

SUBJECT                  LATE REPORT: Questions Taken on Notice at the 11 September 2023 Council Meeting

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09139290

REPORT OF              Chief Governance & Risk Officer        




Questions with Notice


Clr Darley asked a question on Matter of Urgency: Congratulations to GWS Giants:

·    Is Council hosting a live site in the Parramatta LGA to broadcast the GWS Giants?

Executive Director City Engagement & Experience Response:

GWS booked a live site at Parramatta Square on Saturday 9 September. Due to an issue with power on the day, it was unable to proceed. A meeting was held with GWS on Monday 18 September where a commitment was provided by GWS to activate Parramatta Square for several days in the lead up to, and during, the preliminary final against Collingwood on Friday 22 September. If GWS progress to the Grand Final on Saturday 30 September, they have indicated that a live site will be booked in Parramatta Square. The roof of PHIVE will remain lit up in orange as GWS progresses through the season.


Clr Garrard asked a question on Matter of Urgency: Let’s Go Greek Festival

·    What is the value of Council sponsorship/grants to support the ‘Let’s Go Greek Parramatta Festival’?

Executive Director City Engagement & Experience Response:

City of Parramatta provided in-kind marketing support to the estimated value of $27,000 for the 2023 Let’s Go Greek Festival, through approval to use 10 street banners during the festival, event staff support for Police notifications and approvals and media support such as listing on at Parramatta website.

In previous years, the Let’s Go Greek Festival has received Community Event Grants and as part of this program, have been permitted to use Council's branding on marketing materials, as well as provided in-kind marketing support.

o 2020/21 – no grant funding/event was cancelled due to COVID. 

o 2019/20 - Community Event Grants $10,000

o 2018/19 Community Event Grants - $5,000

o 2017 Community Event Grants - $7,000









Clr Esber asked a question on Item 8.2: Central River City – Activation of Parramatta River.

·    In relation to spoil being banked up on the river edge related to the construction of the Powerhouse, can staff please confirm what measures are currently in place to avoid the spoil from entering the Parramatta River?

Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:

Council’s Building Compliance Team has undertaken an inspection of the Parramatta Powerhouse site. At the time of the inspection the appropriate sediment control measures were in place, maintained and in good condition. The sediment control measures include a membrane over the soil stockpile, two layers of silt fencing along the river’s edge with an aggregate infill located between the silt fences. Tall grass has also been left as a buffer at the river’s edge. Council officers will regularly review the site and if any issues are identified, will notify the EPA who is the appropriate regulatory authority for these construction works. Please find below a site photo that depicts the sediment control.

A river next to a body of water

Description automatically generated



Clr Green asked a question on Item 8.4: Review of the Parramatta CBD Pedestrian Strategy

·    Could staff provide an update on the status of the CBD footpath audit?

Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:

Condition assessments of footpaths within the LGA have recently been completed including the footpaths within the Parramatta CBD. A report is being prepared for submission to Council before end December 2023. 



Clr Bradley asked a question on Item 12.1: Minutes of Audit Risk and Improvement Meeting held on 25 May 2023

·    Could staff provide details on the significant risks raised in the report?

Executive Director Finance & Information Response:


There were a number of risks identified in the reports provided to the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee which were noted as being significant.  Details from the reports are considered confidential as they may prejudice Council in any future proceedings.  A summary of the significant risks raised in the ARIC Minutes have been placed on the Councillor Portal for the information of Councillors.


Clr Valjak asked a question on Item 14.1: Proactive Management of Abandoned Shopping Trolleys in City of Parramatta

·    Can Council consider a condition of consent addressing abandoned trolleys/introduction of appropriate technology with any new development?

Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:

A verbal response was provided to Council at the 11 September 2023 Council meeting.


Clr Darley asked a question on Item 14.2: Further Investigation of Newington Rollback Kerb Parking Proposal

·    Does Council have an existing relationship with complexes/strata?

Executive Director City Planning & Design Response:

Council has no formal relationship with the private strata complexes or strata committees located within Newington. Newington strata areas have established community based Precinct Committees and Council has worked with the Precinct Committees to distribute consultation information to residents of Newington through the Committee’s communication channels.


Clr Garrard asked a question on Item 14.5: Upgrade of Lake Parramatta Amenities and Facilities.

·    Could staff provide a response to her Notice of Motion (NOM) from June 2023 on the same matter?

Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:

A verbal response was provided at the 11 September 2023 Council meeting in regard to the first part of the NOM relating to the update of the Masterplan, timeframes and costs, and the minor capital works approved for the site. Further, a report will be prepared on the remaining outstanding matters within the NOM (resolution) and submitted to Council before December 2023.


Clr Darley asked a question on Item 14.6: Reducing Impacts of Cats on Native Wildlife

·    Could staff provide an update on Council’s involvement in the ‘Keeping Cats Safe at Home’ project.

Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response:

Council officers are currently preparing a response and will provide an update on Council’s involvement in the next 14-21 days.



Roxanne Thornton

Chief Governance & Risk Officer


Gail Connolly

Chief Executive Officer